Whitby Chronicle, 20 Apr 1882, p. 1

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i~S I ~ * - j .ltî lie- lîpseif that 1w ~ha&~not- evea k ~"- 1>0 iliheS the diuing.~oow, ~r Ibal itemS ci ~ a moment, 10 jhiodY. 8ue1.t14o~a. Dirs~ torV. O1~TAI~O UÂ%t, ~ *EÂ~QE, - 'EibKA8 DOW, Mexeela. & DILLIRG$ Et & .ATTORIIEYB 4W~ BOLICIT0~S c~A~LvEiY ho I WuHtiSIWflS~ îWMt1. -'. ?du, .00 Sopeu I MARVE LB Vo SU ipe, e 60above Neobameto abe Wovz"Atedo eW ENTS .ADIANS s ta Qe Uniedleaue an Qltteene 1It t bc*ot ta aw»tm WllbutlimIte &àm of e huilaiState. os reseipi et il = c Invention w< _LUMBERI 9 1 T3 RIOMe elvey on TORONTO iVapor Bath8. UdCougeellan, Skia Diseaeiailnl- ioUaeai, Fonaa nS for FIV.&O athe ' art thelyaj pic 1ba ihithe remb C I su*ai tua ocuapîrntion wlt.b mtithe palet Io mmse ap., c'tiwerld frouri tthe oui> onie Cy tgeoruaaendaiontre illaman 7to 8-w 0amra, 8S k" ry unil il p. Ldes. 0 VaP.r Bath., ba5ehob BN-BIT. WEIT. t"etita ma i euS Suisu i,5 UOD .. 'CET PERRI' * LlIW8 IAILWAY. MED TIlLE TABLE-, RO "Eaue Isoana. go u. ,k OFFCES biToh tget, nnt lb. Do lsifaSh, aSCaneir -int n oneStreeli, Toronto- S.O'SULLI VAN. W. E. PERDUE. Oclabot lOrd, 1880My4 jtig , 9KIE&TUGOUI>ON, in TTTOUBT.AT.LAW, N'otirypubiéO,&0. Mo.-Duniai Sb., &Ora *0o 0 eitcfArmirows e atai. Mauay to Loan-Private funS-M ba nierait. D AVID REISTON,1 9. A- A TTORtNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITORI IN El. hanery, Conveyaneft:o' c Ornlas-lu the office iSouth of the Poil ,Office, li MoJSill&'i Block, Brock Street, Whitby. ly-IO 0pPiE..~,'lCll*ChambonsNe au YOUNSG 1EITE, L L. a., Oftîc-9nerD0luO13aul.WbhlY. Street, Whltby, O0." J. IgAmBEI1 RERWOOD, Ferrai bau h"adnui; mmifl ago8.e- met, LLanS Trqato :ma iýe olti-e Leangotilateonu ak indi A I'roplq. 421y ton, Bek C . LL, i. T. UAZLAY, Burrograte Cur;Clek firoCeh$Courty Courn a c. OffiCu r Esoo. Whitby. AllE(8TR-A'P.LLW. BOLIVlTOX B a luchsae"., OOnvSyeEOe*. - oEâ-J4e'uti'ihckBsc Srel Whlhbyb MONEIT TO LBND-private Fene- in urnaup t. o m, st a lcw rate cf lu- teresl. (ly-81 *Iî) Sdtbr ta Mauuinie, ;-biU,%,. 1 d-luDiCTH o Oumsand Victoria o1 l'byiielnasud Surgeoli, Ontla. oa'suc-Broch-8l-, Whllby. OntI., (Ith dacra icuili et oyal Ro19"4. 1746 a. J. GURIKNaIl- D-9 s UBIGBON TO Tilt COUST? GkAOL, B3yron stree, Wkitby. !UT'8LHOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., G Ithéeoye B.E. O. L . Otbawo Ontario. -Â1 Dît.BOGART, a. je 0.548l 1 ~ tàe, W. a tuf S il f rSXON! QWTrAXIO WBITBY. :-HN ESLI,, - WRMp~To. O aiqL.Suo ou. oot. rLglae ivery stable sud BmBard D'rlur ttoh t.1y4 th 1h nt.,ssluml 11.1.1,pot Wbilby, vbahig miir7 fiends ta oeilandi »e Fu. eme"s ana Othon dclng businss oi t-,Harbor wîll Sud igoc iaommoda- 1W PLÂSUREEEKBR la ummor wWl b. provided wllh boat&s&t resional (IBOBOB BROWNI, Whitby, March lit, 1M. i BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook and Main Streéte, in th. 1Vlage Of iBrougham. Vinrca accomcrodat.lopu. Boit Liquori aù iflgs. Goo sitabling aund attentive tOK5PQUCBR. PROBTOB. r BUISBD AWCT141>DUUfer the -~ Omulle O& SYokand StrUza.st u O~tud. AuurtloM salieo eeWterra AUzk, ddmu T PQUÇIMIR, 50-17 lier47, Eroqbaun, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OSJA.WA, ONT., W. B. MCOAW, - Proprietar. Virt-cîI&" accommxodation. Brai Wlnoi. E4qnori and Cigari. Gooi miablingand attentivea hosthers.ly.17 WHITBY HOUSEF DUXDAl5.ST, WRITE?. 'Plie armuirelguei nU timate te thé public tilthlbaboys premimes hane beau uCOIThUIlI çd Ïiltd up lhraugbowt, fox tbac Gtd iu me" Bo"I Wlurns Tfr"S CRF511 op CANADA ~WAL.Z LiOrS. Alto pure lIhine Wluo. Lager, Wholp- aide suri Be"ei. 1Eoarderi traken -by the weeh au modter- ato terrai. B LACK t iofRUE DOTUL, iboa. eFiakS? ios Irei, TORONTO. (L of aiWêflngten Kotol, Marha.) TERNE, p.MI boréDATir-dmoaSalbi Tilronar;80 9800e. pI.laa ccra e4~ia tag terreç sd lmo reU Tii hana prouleol h an, beau talon'b7 15 udtul, nS are -Bo e aelot eiii1 ioup fo r lt.he Meollc9916 ,aIlM - lseort, Mi a itten- OacOU, wreIng, an THOS. >SLE113H, H-OTJSE & SIGN -Can now ta ond isthie Shop- TWO DOORS WEST OP $.RKTBO1NG8 BOTEL, DUNDAB STRBET. 1w- Ail Oriers pramplly attended la. -M Whllby, April 14,1980..1 'C. . \T RSL. D.5. 3NA7 30M iuov- roa I rme-r Dr-,uçfS~ <li~ ~WI~fl8Y. QTARO dH 1NA A "A-. 1way.lis 'P>iet e. tlowq ' des anS Prka., o GlàiueWr, au deecriplloep. Wblte Itou. w., eugy kai. autel andS]Box GqOode GLOVER HAEMSOS, Dom inion Wood Work8, WHITBY. Geo. Cormnack, Lr UMBRB MEECBNT & BUILDER. L' -A largflpyfDfS~'Prih luge, and aIl hindi utTwietsdMoldingi, Dooce, Suansd Blinda. LUEDER wholosae Sud r"tau, Orby by the car lb.d.1 Plardng, Mouldina of evry descrip- ion, PIooring,"USbeetlng.Shali-l,e "Minug, Sbaplng, Turulug. Ucrll-work, Whtb Ou.lotbhl. 17. ?~UMi um - laîiyo &U tbardSt. hoesd Clarl1 eBL*o. -=s Agnam tea of . W. IMlE, aibi lb. n S toohd, en lago la IBEII AMEECA 0 Ass8urance Cornpany. INCORPORATED z833. P. À ALL prbputyl audui .M MONsacsEYTai..t . veliup*1 itecn,a veekor.,lrbe m Rbe OPtepenSl i(tà 'ih e-f vilaelr3 be.iéhËngla a is te o. fr 96M baû b~bit . 'B1i17e mutR# boret àui * ùA ,* ë 'No pp, hi - 1'o, 't Ms ' 1!mple tai og a hndkeprophii, ifit.; 7 f5*htr.-4x ruituWmt NoIaa wiee wroudûf ïiwegsa g Iig1e a.~1r a atnp uti ? ý " 1kE~Iti'1'A' ~MPLE l'e - :101 ,- .l~s ET TEE i lb W!I. HON. BENJAMIN DI8RAELI, BOOK IL bo<ter thead Vassd i.W 9iri naien ta WLhiit e l.ygav r'à M Temple,. prpod aln s ionumnt ta lunhoo, oene adoor exaiilvoPJPc,-, site to theoueëby wbl.h ho ha.! enter e.!, and .ouduoted FirdicandI mb a diuing.ra14om, f U'lOthienitAble dito. rtion woodetul besi ltaut$. the.ohamber; the oeillug *v a àits iu grytintai reoo1f esaa lesie Oharacler, snd lb..ividtable, wbioh &W, là areU,.SuDpor db iriLli ~hic ne a oi.Etua nes . T ., g pére i i met, *go bhL Iteue lyt1 net suqeeqaOry -In b 1 V"t- ec , k li ibitiIhs e uatiii rban!.li'a6o1 e proset perfeàl,, foid sncbh UUU, t ta.Tzu1çime on hmou ara t 1 ofy 1 talaii rg hy he polLiol dspualo, frmia 0iut Fodiar li-'iin n nmot oui>'0 oseod -a noiceaf oe sud cpis, bpt thia delight- o i ialerIladbesa cultivAtod 1~ls ar. Failnsu, iimseif e 0, sud pibelonately -Seote.! ta jolpa>, liaensi wilh uner.aggor- uouivl1,exciaimed hou, as Lb. a zi ming r', loMssTm kinig roun&ýwlth awil&lbowiish- [le. 4-1. th6-19,14 wrs jil *:Ooml6ldm. n h Pas ooe. , iuRweva*8 S rg lobfrda. tieca e. ii e "Ht p boau me.l " aia Müe au- -&but >g a baie w " butwe ethm diog patteskndUý c therf t.u- masI , eplace.!a mmil Frenoh tabled ouwth 7irwër*'igia téiîaiîVbzii li niaisaiweZisisymptow ère lufit ooe"he fower-that Heariette, ha&.. giTe hir lulb. ornna&whîc 91. hha d W, nrn lb. whol dayHki', ' it;be hed iL cr'taoutoew1 prdeeSite eomewhat fadora1hi wip wLboutlous -delioaoy; ilion tend- "4 mgilwilh 1h. nutmost cr, op Ace P àin lu& vabe of çwator, which holding iM, hie boud, ha threw blI terto au easy-chair, ulîlu hiweoye. fited u h.thé An. haur aei u Fri if Armnins rimains.! Sxsi lunlb. itam PO- silion..c» o. ; be eoLh t *betuifu sd pndeàoulusus,.sii a .ye; tcould-ýarw m me tonthaerp~ op 91o1-rleh.tbey spparedtoýgata now, uo.rnemory of 1h. pat,ýno-féàict ; futue. 'lis. éhoospmeeu4mDxk '0P4ljbaSlJe.61"0&nc. 'The.tee of dnjytbe;lalLa 1doeitfsin.4 th~ ~wiedJ, conlderliontbaî b -ro! rost. fi L e cre ______________________ xu dumnuenje Mes e nta u nzu.ori ma verlgoan aoutamay ta maie for i' IOb", a m e ae vat, Tans. .18 téaR 001, Id, IMI.bore.- MONtY TO'LOAN f ~ - - ue *loo,«ou x mx 4#J E TK~f '81ILP#ILINÉ LOTION At lovuelilugraîee1IROOlnes-t.- £ Oro Mou.>' secornd wilbixi10 days cf ap- Vhitby, Pebruy . 8 KING BROTERS,, Kina g LEA THER AND FINDINS8 Sr 3BLTING PADi -TU OWZR Ot SEON1T ROTIOZ. A. A-. PO#Tt A RCHITECT.,. Doîlgus for Ohurcbe, vila sud G ottage a imlti.Dr*wlurga prepureS 1cr cm eixulelluIik"garttei 4.11) P. O. Box 20 Wmln TL w.1S-8 1T Bbd Êlri =iJtPnL5lel.et -VoL caBincuST. OATimAuNES NURSERIE& A auiGilertslre e. iDSyD Ro~.isw1~WsIEl ebot tao rl

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