Whitby Chronicle, 6 Apr 1882, p. 1

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1, .1: LDB, WIITET ËBIÂNCE. IIMT >M VAN"" uow, WH______0 iI"A LAiWï SOLICITORS XSMl CHAà@CilT £1 IGn EfiT-SO -PREPARED BY- W1 R. HOWSE, crnaer D-,r-g Store 411 J.ayObn loây À LYMAN *UGLSIIM, LL.- 8- o.Stret, Ohava. 3. 9 . GALBRAITH# M.D., G IADUATB ut 0ueen'a sud Victoria G Uitvenstli àmiter oft lb.Coligo ot Physlclanann :d Srgo, Outar'io. 0,irua-Brok-Bl., Wblby, Ont., (lImi Saurs mout utfBayai ROUtI). 1- Il .GUNN, a. P., sURGEON TO JTEEB COUMT GAOL, ~Byron Street, Withiy. WM. MCËiRlEN. 11.9. Ka., Urs S 0PriTL fND NEG., Gci th eye R. O.H0.a., 'Osha, Ontario. C Dit. EOGA"itT. ?hyteaa Brgon, Acouc»her,ho.,, ho Whbby, sept.8am, 1674. do Ma J.Il. DATES, NewsPli slhibetad-l.i iaStraOl fer #deitise- msetels the CHRUONICLUetai ue buet ratas. W. ADAMS2 I OU ovniB. 1H. JAUBBON'-s R efl.tp-tr, Dundaa.t., Whltby. onfce boum n" i &..nto a At "sudtrain 1.80 luS, P. t. -Baldeue-co. ud Byron sud Gilbliattstas tau,, BPBTou 0 A B aDegoouavî, WUITBY. IH LEBLIE, - Proprealor. 9La0e of th ii.Snooo Rouge, Toronto.4 GoodLiquon msudCigazu. 0oimodjou Pi"" ulgUvery sta" eaud Billar CA 21flM) TEE U momm GEDbs',tug loaaod thé Iutozàteoul RoWe, Part Wbtby, i labse hie mu~e dg toau ilsud UAe h"e. FmemaiL oShordolug business Mth l«%«as rViiit"adgood acommoda- tiens .-.. I~ 8IEE:SEK. hi sommnier (ly.10) WHITBY, ONTARIO. ,HINA HALL, Mou or T» eE Jus51(Mm0uEZ) 171 KING-8T. EAST TORON TO. Pm"ey ilunr sd Desset Bots ]PM"y Bed-teomBSel. PanCyjugi ondTespet. silerPloWeL laies, Feansd Spoona. M -te lLuelsasud ButterCeuler. Silvor Plami Cake BudMkse. buda@WRa~ud Renma o. FleWr lamfr etf Ma, a., ho. lasuvr.,ail o= = .lin Whitele e vwm e, a~klnd, - Hetel sud Bar G0o0s GLOER ABSN 1 N S V R A N C tE. p RRm IX E BINSUEÀ2IOE 00. Lombard K1 sud Cbsrlng Crans, London GILLEBPIE, MOPÂTT Co0., Agento for canada. RW. TmE, Manager, Montresl. A BqTEST&BLTSHED IN CANA- PoNds. Mlodrate rates of prmlim. C. N0UR8E. agent, WhItby. Wbithy, Aprfl 9th. 1878.le I - lx JIwmtm 80 Butsagowl' afool WIeu ssoldIez ausby With bksOzdbis .1aie, AudIhelthJrsttedarums »»aM tb2=roi sud titi cau, Me y:ima "comas For I inaiMe ai! Tbat in bafIle hava 81.8!1 Ia=inlike UuioleDan, For hoa -tîrotà and did h- "~Whal'g hhevwodtea smati When i*Uife la s vddy ?" Wb=en l. ailr hoite B ail Anud ssuda ont 00oý. hfep, Lesvlug 811= rtor trif An tI lidrenit.'hiudi, And ho lued'y.md Wharalit &Mre=idos leop! "Pst"' s 61d Unol Dsm, '<tsy st home vIihyour Biddy; Witah'e Ibe waltd as in Whou hobeisneàl evd#yPT Lotdthultola itosnIo To emuebImta a naine ]le May liste ain bis ame: and Dt an gong; LIdeus mlite Ua&* Dman, Lou lilisd love, "dY; Wbat'a the vord tea Man When bist4pIsla awidty ? HENRIETTA TEMPLE. A LOVE STORY B1 Tas Br'. HON. BENJ&MIN DISRAELI, (EÂBL OP BRÂOONSFIELD.> viiiOM DiW,, PrlsvuboaaIascb!Dominion Wood Works, E "tot anh. BadI ot h i Whilby, bMauoitla% 18e9. mnl g mmm e1 .1 BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook sud Ma" Striats, lu the Viflago of Brougham. Ftrat.claaa aoanmodstlonut Bei quors sud Clgsr 0"oL"2la109g sd atenuve TROUAS PQUCHER, EOPRIETOII. LAg Ontario. Atomsalet oS na! e lfarm 1 glceWtumaff i maote obarg. Adiru T FOlHE, R-Iy < f3<4retgbam, ont. CENTRAL HO7USEl OSH3AWA, OT.#. W. a. McGAW. - Proprietor. Fireoia coaumodallan. BealWueo Liminrs and Cigun. QoL tahbngëa attntv hullu. ly.17 WKITBY BOUS]& DUNDÂS8.TWIUTBTf. The udepmged vuld itit se thle ul liatst the abova prsmtaes hav e ben nsuly ui su ItéLup throaghoul fo lia acomdto tgu"ea.Beal Wine, Lifuorgsuda.cigare. Tits cRI5M u OFCANADA"- -WAU Z I.AI Ao pure 1FI1eoWl". Lagon, Wb"h. aieMaid Balai!. lioanderg takon by the yack on moder- Mete mima. 1 JOSEPII A. BANDEOLL luly, 201h 1880. - - B LAC& MORSE tMOT31L, C.PiuhGrases Sn., TORONTO. .4L7.NED OXFORD, - PROPRZETOR. TEUS l»uuPER DAT. Geo&-atabi modailonjSnfumers*sud lte tsrllls Tu EO»GBON IbUSE, (Lat* Timethy OLepm DIID'FlNS C*BEEK-PlCKERING. Tho abotpre-ilm habea tlo iii undemslgud, sud are nov bing0tOu-m OtteaLap tfer lhe r.epllan 01 pieute, su the lraellng pulie. B" iWhMnim qer, alguI4e, uLls 4 GeoL etahingio eon dsuata «Ter oelr. e WU. 13GDGBON. THO8. SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGN PAIN T E*R, -0n nov hi found ai hie Shop- TWO DOORS WEST OF AnMSTBONG'8 ROTEL, DUNDAS STREET. l'e AU Ordor proinpUly shod ou. W Whltby, AprilId A8. ..16 C. N. VARS, L. D.- S. DUTAL3OOUS romoved humo&n Sa h Uhlkleyw o,d KluMg.t., Oshava. Hutranea ou lot. $66 a va uyoùr ou-nlau-. iPOuBOS $66t. No Evey.n3 as uuh md-SMOn YOuL Watti a bîdusies m oaaumk puaI P7 aU ïbe lim* jyen vdrte for ÃŽUnrto IsL H. sxzzrihCo,, Périlma ST. C&THý&UINE NURSýR!E&- EBTêBIII8KD Mun",1 tocai nosthual.Dent Bomse-luou-.à &Wu g met, Ouhaova. Sw'oDw txj 1AIN1,FOB SIG0 LB SETISG AND II&SMS PO* J Bobo uka,,0immmal?0-Iêlb WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, Lr UMBER MERCANT h BUILDEP.. U -Alarge mplo ulaa uuii lags, and aIl kin s of Tu-isteL holdings, Doo urs eabnd Blida. LUEDER vholesale sud netail, or by bhylhe ou luad. Planlug, Mauldinge eofeveny deacrtp. tien. Plemting, Sbcetlug. Shalving RO.. uawng, Sbaping, Turung. Scmoi.vok, etc , etc. Whitby, Oct. 101h, 157. 4 -- I' OPPICUS -72 og reenz b Doinlo aunka. sud CornerLKigsMd Toup Stroola, Toronto. 0. A. O'8ULLIVAN. W. E. PERUE. Oetohergsar&, lm.ly4 JAUIRB RMIr GORDON4, orst door veof ai*rmelre.g'aHolo. money to Lou--Pr*vate fuade-estl l 0DA VID 09101TON, B.&.A ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cbancery, Oonveysnoer, &-. Orvîca-luthe OMOOcesoluh of thePotl Office, tg moallman~ lok, Brook Street, Whitby. 17-10 ROBINBON & KENT, (Làva Daooàm à Roansou.) B MMITZ]a.AT- A ITO RN: OFFIC.-In Viatoria Ohebas, 4No. 9. Victoria Shoot. 3.0. Rese, . , "Rugie . . t. G. tOuNotSUITE L L. ., Ouvîcs-Over Dominon ou k, WhîlbY. irtO. u. KELLETy, B A RIE-&T LAW SOLICIO lu Oauery smd Ingoleucy Cou"e- &oi., o.Ofio-Devrill'î EockBrook. St'aWh ithy, ont. J. RAMER GAEENWOOD, A TTMMY ND OLIOIOR.CON- XX vymm.xm--PoWN&lha-Pool mouta, Wl». sud Truta madea suocites. Loasa ogottibted on anl kinds of l'ropersy. CH ARLES C. LELLER, 0sET.Â?.âwsc~oo lu ton, Erook,'0. L. T. BARCLAY, ATTORNRY AT LÂýW iOLICITOR AlinCbanoory &agSinadvénoy, Cou.s. augor, ha., &o. JOHN HAL&L DOW# B ÂBISTEP,.AT-L*W. SOUITOS B u Chanoir!, Cooveyaaar, ho. Offio-Doverlf'a Block. Brook Sùtrel Wbithy. M(O"ET TO LXND-Prltato Fundu - in uumsup te 800, sI a 1ev rateof a. * loeet.(17-m JOHN A. MCGILL1VRAtI, <sooeom leH. M. oie".) DABEISTRE h& ATToUNET.AT.L&W, DNotsry Public, ho. Solloltor for thé Domiuion B" k.Oio.-HeuI door lac Ma"nitou ouai, zbrtde, Ont. 4W ffGBROTRUS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importer.,Dasirs àd" uacloum of au i Kinda oi A ssurance Company, INCORPORATED mtg". A88E TS8, 0l10,878 Di. Mor. Insurmues effecw tehe l.leoit ourre xstaa on Bufldings, Meraadia., and other properly, againal Ian or da&=e hyr.. Wuby, Apu !9t ma7.1 MONEY TO LO AN W. H. DILLDG8 10-ti WMblb. DANCING 'CLASgSES! veok~ ~~b ooonhvlhoprepitogvo Instuctonsiu u l.ti.t Doues l- mkuwledpedby oeu hm h nh u -mile cissevl houalmou atur' z dt«n»meefrouz l u-. 1.1 Oe oeo thitClam 'slfl hbiL uteh Tm itoe iig la attend eluber af aboie ""04sesvileseléaoe.thoir n=MeeVUl WIL CALVEILET Du.14, 18Uh.wity '18LILPHOLINE LOTION."i BOO0K IL CHAPTER III. 11< vaîCa nssItDIttAt<SiTURiS TO Ait- Il vas saltlad "lua aear muet clapa.tram lime dealu ut Lord Grandi. son befora the oun couple could ha uua eive vhleW, di t u p. casion PerdinantISauj Very mota grief. Iluthe. msailhe, a Oandisons ver. soon lu diret lueir prge. nanti, vboWboohen nearlylu-oonlts i Bath, and vua s 1111e >varid mof oourtship, coutited lu qail lmitaIoIy biera his (dinde, to tbeiaotvlel lng London, lu arrange u elu bis cummiesben; fWrIl vosagreed i.a ho aboula quit the, atwày. - On bis arrivai lu LouLou, bgrlng apoken Ita bs agnt, sud fing -lova quite eint, b. set off blmmodlatalyfoué Amine,aninerIat ha migitî v" lte pliaurci being hereaie!vd? vithout tlia sciety cf his inla rua ibrougithewoodi on tu iappr«eui lagfrI i epemerasd. *aPeola 1, emre ae a lsoambuap.Pou I muisi bot habnmàcet It Perdi»na bua! forgotLan for s i-momentthIiis bu. rtïlaabli fied ; abuhe on*y,'hi boaL vritt.u lu hlm -serinai lmes glac his arrivi; alvajeauurnug bitabat uutbing bat important' buiness coulti Vr.at b rn ms ntly payng bita Il vas vlth feelingset nu ommen mtilon, Il vue viTifenlimpgeaveu' -o agitaioln, that Perdins utiboheILli woe i s m o uient bo" ito ie-lth. rata of AlieOsaili, Thouee>r able bau-eau, tt M rôéi ad lordii b""s, vomi not btéluPamsu-ay freu tbolreid sud fsmoliun? hu rideaiid lii eb f bi~~s 'an plaenoiy on limýe mâifieom-nt4meo~, Sacetah",a soureuof aU macla uit Trimoit(011TEm wtfltqrm-ett výonuermuz- Hou 11los,~ile along, longsbh- .nderful. Titereseemeti sénie1 to ,ïks u8,euuny xnorng,. lsslonbury afrmed, initiourqelvâga t homl Prdllta4'aispua IanLathaevitele ~~~ ~~Tbe.àfa» ofhàinl-h agin ,a iewýb usbtou.pe d,prn thaemutoed et triisagia, hideprjyaîii4 j le bis sud, for.-samoimet, alte,'att r b plimo-hie ou-n edu BoyVs! nwFfusilersBiLandi bberolhi- i:tnotoflo h ie mthr adsrellarean;sudilheuhae- er ytolliaa,onoe lu hîma rnembered the viait of hie ýdeanmothan muai unuapplasea, but vi to tbisveYM roouÏ onaheeove of là fLm. ieaed- vire al the lime deartura. Ha b.d reîurnad; l ein yhl, eil vers, olà bs re ha b.d raturnud, sud in ha « 08s14 thee ansd s thouesxid.loîb aeomplihal bher bopea, sud tlu revue». ircumatanees, flittiti ansi han for aIL bar acaunde. Nayer tfait sud wveaciin lu m thlb auj oua mors contant -thàn Ferdinand uinitol& maditstion. Wl! Armine-mor coutent sud ma grale t6 credàit that dealiur ý fui lor teabtouterÃ"r o 0e deiu n re. over, the nroa a an b tflar;lte lai!tries riig and finiuglitit eior ehadova aven lb, bnigh suddevyturf, sud lb.elait misl, oleniu avy~fom tlb. itant vooa, sud blding viit lae spotlosethy. Evarytiing vaneeut as cli, »vu, inaad, the 0"arol thel..birde or lh. :linkla, of auma realleas bel-wvotbor. I& vas a ricli aulunasmrui. lAnt., vilau althe, a= elntauto Ia0fbie i la lita, sud the. buful conoloumaniofu the bappluiese ofthon b. love& hob coulti nul but teet "st * gréa:schange bil cone ovin i sapirit mncLb -a y 6. Vue von&tolurambla l i l haunt af boyituod. Ris innoooeoawva Atone Lite wu no. longer lhat.doop nubrokon Irauce of duhy -sud uf luviL huom Wh"oliho baid beAu 'rosed ta au muaicars;;sud if nos rumorse, ah toast 100 much- compunouion. Ho huit nu socrola thon. Euisence va su thon a subterfuge, but'àacolin sud csndid agate ot airene enjaymnent. Feelings thon voro ual compromlsod for inter- osto; sud thon Il vas lhe excellent that vas stûdcied. uutlthe expedisut. "Vol snob 1 suppose la fle," mmmurait Far. dlnaad; "vao muralize when it la toc, lae.; norila thers anytbing moreaîsLly thoan te. regret. Ons avant makai an. allier; witl voanlicipole aildom Co- cura; wtule lat axpéc ee muery happons ; sud lima can only prove vbiohithelb.muaI for oui advanlage. Antiarly I arn lte luit persan via iold loograva. Our suoient hous rissu fron itis -mini ; the buinga I love muet la ltae vorld aa n ul nly bappy, *but andabled tl e mifuz t thappinooo, ,and I-1 myueif, witb .vuygM f tfor- buCe suddouly itravuAi My fool-vitat more eauX dosire? Aen 1 net ails' id.d? Wby do 1 eveusmk titi question? 1 amsure lbuoi- Dot.19t nes llkea laev u my lubesdspolieaevir- iiegThe.gitejannoble, sud" beratleslIiupoal lvber. Iove l ove ber at auj mtaas uel as Ilove, or s'er ai& lovs, vognn. is enu grs enfothen, ou- wy part; thers indeed, :1 b. thàa s insudois amullii. lé gile'.up ithoult a sîrugele alhie chance of romance.sud rupture. 111 knov mithou- it le, but thorn are moments I almost wisb thal I b.d nu fsther andn"omolher;* sy t nutasin- ~gle friand r relatin lheb, vuld, sud &bit Armine va soeuk mb ttie vary centre oftlb. alh, If letout sisau: lb. vorld, metblkI might finL a, place 1bat enlie me-now v esr"ti seezns ordaiiniti ton mSeas il vee ha- fore baud. Iiy spirit bas bail nu play. woldengviipers me 1h51, vith andye*, if féite sas lentime na desper eiyaapsy lbss1 ha yet axpaneaesd, 1louadI bt holL taeuviiaI 8*0 et oi euni Ua«1111 blle Iaà Wbite Ferdinandu-sa Abusm oraila saar.dm th a nt bs uarane- tcf tbé ga&W me adh cofanmnt vitldatvwa wimèaiuin u Issur.. Se vas abu . No une vas ltéeaorI nier. Around humi rose lithe silènl'j hbou-rs, snd searaoly the voi4e. otsa14r or tae hum of an inseet dis turbed tbht :doap, tracquilil . But s cloud seetait% lu rail on lb. fairsud pensive rWo gordinand Aîmine. Ho Ile irs idself an thé turf,.leanughbmistead aunen 'mnm, sud u-lth lt.lter pluhiog lte, ,wild flou-rs, u-hlch baishastily, ab. muiet s ralfuly, fu vy "Coucoal Il as I1vil," ho âelsimod, 111 arn a victimi dieguisi theni s I msy -ail the cotudirtions are vbrIdly. There la, ltéea tbaIeh, omeîiting better l ium vunald thoanpover, aud wealtit, aud rsnk ; sud auraly titan mnust ba felicily uzaro rapturons evan titan secuning lte itappioftàaparent.1 Ah I dniatuslu in wiciI have so oft sud 4o fondly iuduiged, are yol, iumead, aller alh, but faniastical sud airy vis- ions 2 Io lova, iudaad, a delusion. or arn 1 markid ont fhum men aluns 10 ha exomptadfrorn ils delicoqs opbdageP Il muaI ho a dolusion. Al laugi t a it, nidl jest about il, sîl agre. la stigmaliz- ing il as lue vamlty af raniliei. And doos My 'elx e ontnsdict tis harsitbuttima tm. as1 u-itt have 1 soin or tinovu ta give the lie lu titis iII - reportP No au.-ualhing. Soins voinnIbave mol mare beanli- fui,, assu redly,. than Kate, sud msny, m asn las tair nsd some hava arossed Mxy pat vitit a ilti sud brilliault grace.aimbs for a moment dazzlod my aigitl, sud, penitapi, for a marnent lared me from my wsy. But titan tocliug stars have but glittered tran- usclnlly lainytbeaven, sud ouly made m.byhbair evapescest hrilliey, more -thins . lotte loonéI Lutme bliste i 1tah5 Ibforms fba$ inspire tlfer acaîptur ;an&pinterbàt àu modela'inature; litI ita ,uzhusioof beuty -and. grap, utYislnatng-i tignce u litogotl hôursof th.lry 'Ing luaine -lu but the promuse utaballer vorld- sud not t. hemin" of tiis one. "But u-hat-terrr lthat inuti I vit duspair 1i vit amdnesl Tees1 t aIIis imotuent of ifreat sirultiny, hou- pro- tonudly - I fiel -It IIHf* vilibnt lare is varse than death H-ou- vain sud vaid, hou-fat sud fru#tbeseappear anl thora splendidaccident et aulaeefon u-ibi maetruggle, wltbunl. tiis - ential and pariadiug haamI >W4&4 a vord vitoul a sun, 1- Tes éa. v ithousthIis transcendant sympsîty., ichas, sud rsnk, sud even pver aud fume,useita ;tu me aetitesl but jae el tina aorunot of -btaL I «'aud. vtokuovwluetbr tlitextra- yeturMéuacets caratilla e a ntrulh- fsg s mblap, Isay va w oa bahUthlb ee t of bis u-ld sand nqsî. 1eMsaoarea le Dotblddecn lu"hl»me madIak oa- lotiP Porbea, vhila the" vorld, tha mily suparfiolal Voniti, mar. ~vled anti moralisîd ounbleu-antanlifa, ~agAïast bis h«anlleualfahuas., per. ohancabl hiln841ssiblgfon som aft beoin îvbereen ta pour bis- ovarbellng.paslon-venas I a 01 naturel wliy lut tAbUtabesûtfltal My bount requiés ual,, imgisstiox canot.nt a, teester oniS taigo4ýr! NO. ,16!1 .1ida ntueulnouely, lu ftel ravemn onyiotiou ,Ihat vith ai-riforever. aur 4inymuà Avin»; Iat imer jen urelo a ber joy, nu aurrow but viien ze "a; litIin bersigli, aevlove, lu mÙile of fândnaea,. heroëalter is a Il lu feal Our fisnuty ambition fade; lik. slsbievellad gourd-bafore ialone; ,ta feel Lame.à s $nggta ritysa ile; aud to boprapared et~ ,for tbuszgreat objaCl to forfait sundý sVay-ail former hopes, tie, lras, neyïa ; toviolts in hon fvor- i 4uy cf soiaiy-titis a lover, and à love 1 Magnifieul. sublime, di- inutiment 1 Au immortel Ilame, 0 a the dire&at of« tht man who >i sud i. adored. Hg je au athereal ,Thq accidents af esrth toush ,Dot. Revalutions of empires,. Pea of oraad, mutations of opinion, î_biS but lte olouda _and me 'tacrs stormy sky. Thte schamas andi gila of rnsnkipd are, in ttis think-> >ni the snvatîes -of nji.a d' lest of obaeater. -Tite deedesuad- -ra, nepraî th.ougits outrmouare la hlm aqually lu. the olege different. -Haedots flotmingle liteîr unuymstl patte ut qallous bustle, or halL hituseif Frtaci a eespaueb1wiê lute elry impolstures he- lustsucea ý fore vi-ttIey hou-dovum. H. lu si. ail of vit mariner, wto, lunlte ses cof lita, keepaouetly f4gU bis gare fzxedly ou a single star ; sud, betora lbi if tint do nultsitina, he laIs gaoltae md- cf thé Arr de'and glaies u-hen hie bark'deicanda Staýphen, inte lime bollomiese galf. Tregreat Tes t il vas. bhi'Émigbly passion that pope la thi nov rged l int. *beant cf Ferdinudasudin hie Arm .eas, pale, lrembliug, panting. oka i ha viîidrew a fou-paoes framtîb. ovin. vontby hi vhelmning spectacéle, sud lean.d -of ltae Vas against a trie mn a chass f imottui. utflthe tati ,Wbal itsd ho @con ? Whsl revishing sud il vai vislon had nisan upon bis sigit ? Whalttii euI ulid ho (tel ? Whal vlld, wvitldelie- hietory ot ious, vitlmiddeuiug impulsea6ovèprf had corn vaded Mbi trae?2 A slorm-'semed burY-rich raging in bis seul-a migilyviuddtie &sudjeu-el pligin ils, course lte elkén elauda ud;Jame Umdvepare of long jeans. Ua vas, l- geous dan deed,s e ui pasequed, vsving hiesegi' ianj sa,. laled arm taiteaven, sud sîamping- hie 'Oui atmi railais foot upon lthe unongénial arth.- Armine ai Bilent b. vas, indeed, far io vas othe speecliles; ltougi lthe big drap that =hc hi quivered an hie. brou-,asud-the slight Pl5nuling' faim tiret plyed upon bis hip, provi dPaIgI.'T the difficult triumph of passian avor ex. untaimon pression. But, as ltae vintioles athi iulestnii itearen, passion ovénlnally tranquiliresidsahy the. the gal. Thete umuil oftheitatiti of Hudiot gradually subsidea ; ltae flttiug me- jueeketla maoriés, thte senddîng thpugita, thal -for at 5 a maomant b.d cuurid about in suôb vilti urdir, vaniaieti sud malled au-y, sud a feeling of.brightaeraenilys umcid. - hov.ning st irà raabotIbplou. su Hè avanted, aare&nt agamuÀ LAI layvs.11lai hgd thdeeL i", à p iln ; berfrn v ovdita. Aeoor p fouen, udIvs asm ot PmmIng ts O nUly - B1b-r4 1 11900 'tram ina duiu rvond. »etore rppr site coula wnsu-r ~tagen cia.e ofr' Md asgd a nu ofiddleng*e, but i sn i a pf.Mr Unee anlablo pnposssiitg.briga, vw H. s v tlosun luftdiir ih ;-du * olo-m, big-htri- li I'lcannaI. fund lb. gardéner' any- ld vo vitore," sticl tii. slrangr "I01thiink' va marrned. ,hiât hitnrmfu. r ralired "Ait, me 1 whalýa -pily," erol a . d li,, in. a the lady,.'u.iol "iLaI me bu jour guide."' said Ford!. ana vonU Tité lady irktlitsrtad; lthe -goutta hus a man, eu t I al dampo sed, wvélooed amoùth Fe ind vilt gréa, 0egance.sud1 .t.ô. tmrod tle iàtusIbl-aa apanimeutan&,- cus euougâb for a saloon ; wlh, bwý -evir, vas nul fitteti up "in the Gothie stýyl, but of vÉich thé pailed ceing18 ,the gild@d panaIs4&, su ilad flcor,wereM moe nt4iî iad&. t a sFrenoch pa!-'ý buIs opçnod i iiiany. idirection@ upoli. long Suites ora t-habee, iéob iudeod marited the description of lls. ?heyivers Bothing more;-, -* m-=y the Ifooring vasufnot aven laid dovu ; the valis of aul rouigfi<sud uuplasteao " 'ahi»silbé lady, ewhat>B* Pty il le not fiuisbd 1"- "14 à inde-ed deanolte, obsarvod Fte dinand; "but bore perhape la sonething more ta your teste." -SBoauyiag. ha opeant raler do or. andaharad thim» int the picture gallery. It waua esnparb obamber, uoarly tu-o Iluatred feet tn length, and cootsiueýd ouly portraits of the family. or pîcluires of hei acierme l tWvasaIspai greenl, color. lighted frota the ttip>; sud the floor, of osa andi eboay, wae par, tiiMdvared vit!, a sinale Pîriin car- 4Àýët of the moat fanoifnl' psarn end brillaial la spresoul (bom the sultan--- to theb areak Srh. Po..inan, .- T'b. ,a.lir ,eutîng tus nattlsor Bating5' :of Aucalun, tite melng -As~ pde, the varions:- invasionsof k saine utfltae muest Miking- [n iàthe vara coflté Ravi, in ah a' valisut Armyno,, isinu Irea. At ýleugti th.7 Stuet eà firet coatempcrary portri nsfanly, puoe ut Cardinal inu ayva legalioft-the ha lmauothe-sov.isb Hnry, 'a ele pap -a uia, ul llhz uly-parlraits vas uhroken; w<!Toy, iutaetlagltraèee in &Ety r",ned pollection. lthe u'alioal costume. 1Rolhelu memoratad lis. Lorde Tevkes la Mvelv*tý sud' golden chalue, e. The statesan. utEhasbeti sendIteir baatulsd gor- mes; foiloet!;-sud lieu came:- ,&%lanteavsliarby Vaudyke. table -plotun. ootalaed Lord udcibigbar n easteti Inu a, l ent-, round a drain, ou sn lordebip -vas appsrently lthe operatluns of the-omn. Mon :follovéad slong serinet o mble ba*onetsmnd thoir mnr igae-suddsugblmsdoutà. poncil oft Kuelier ofLely or. t squires- inii vigu d seenll uid pou-doned dâainluheopa (To bd OofuecL) na Hen aLler 138 TYsts. - log îW-ilue Neveoatllosa'ts £250.000 lise Mi"n làMn »JOA81, .UOL. aM by X. St Qod at" LIA THER AND FINDINO8, j 1~~a -OtOi t Cash poiLfor RidaiBao m! Lusmu*m~ U.ai inTI Leathorsrlhd OrBELTIG MADE TO OBADER O(Mrla, lehlrLwomoa pail.ine SHORT NOTIEpeafe--y o A. POST, oronta.) A RGHITE CT. Désigus for Obarchas, Villas lsud Cottage ampecwalI. Dnovinge ,prepam J or r.- modellng ezishingsittuolsns. 0mrwx, for the Pm=% laI bis rosithusa on Kingston Bloa. Pickerng. 4-tf) -P. . Box 20S Wmlt. LIYERY iSTABLES.O I wSEBStMT bais- tbae i Ise aLi, eldla usiheunw 5T Mr .c.*A mMOsES.Newfoua*9On RIGI, ao as ta ha rmay la o ii TraxaMouSl m and odophl T - SAhII~ AUR tOit I Autho~fzed Cap Otea, BoAS Ciii DIRE-I & fflry ~ELS t Piti, pis, ~auli I~M t î~italbsJ iCo.. .61 ýBER 1 HRANT, saf ill i o thïd.t «0tf, file psnilion 17.in 8ot càtLdes, 10nt Cougaeit, cd 111.h12t l js hnerP-. v IS f"n »en.Tasé- saè bu théfClhé q. ,îî, 1A TRI PPER Uap he aon Mne lMa OLeat. P. REev fl CoeNvspapor Ad- reutlsng»umeu (10 Spruoe St.) vieread. vertlmuq cursol tb. hZiuàefor iltam u- Toi. -U8 MON EY TO LOAN! $1001M *FOR INT«ESTR T. ON MEALBTAT SEOUMrY. lu-astliving rate.Ofainlulareet. moeysecued Vtbin10 day of aP.-- Apply t'O islla J OHN FABQUHAB8ON. Whithy, Fabmuarp- 1àb, 188. 9- 1 j 1ýi ýj ,ý. 1

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