Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1882, p. 3

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Lt, 'J. Pr pared to reoeîve orderi toion of toc10k; coonfdent that fori Eiuiýoueeh of . it .e *A:i we lasesés <01 i, gen l s oUieter et hl .8 - Ihat 1h. 'do»v utta ,4M.-ud or , e)Ë " e néd ri laie otoadw orbe th$ ofutrl. ii STU OOeMWUll rose sMd rtporéthé', .bue -bâemeed -tae a. b. Wovio no report os mamended., ,eIvd«14tal n it ertbo rovwson. >Qf lv sud ~ B o'"o,. t Prhouet ,Qne ,la 1- cinq endanbaUyia e6lmd. 1).Iwot cu# e o4 ile- on motion oi Warll, ecneist m ai, e b.Clark oeth* .T IrDvIion. Tithan, riu4b attubê Court OU M apoaty cf Wllingto, in (ollowtng parties 04 ' 1tb. uibàpo.e lb om aid et$ Huci' Heur b r taed la-lo bmas M.Robinson of Gmvenbursl, wi Peter Bénnes $0,Jo. . easIi c -e4eaat lvlso mil D. rayW> ~twd atêJohn Cmon court dcthlbllet iâci M chi. #50, Plix 11 moovern b$8, Pot.MoTag. Ris Houen b l».mlQisor hal gari $50 William Cbol*n $50, John bas beu pleueetite aPpuot th. follow- Gairaiil 40,Chates4Talor $40, A. lng gentlemen commisaeneuudrlb i sa G MeDonalti$4, arA --sLiomnéeAMtof 1878 in tsud for tlb. -Agi MÉDonlàid M ôe $Bhl~4 o , wm. dermenlloed IUmmaaedutie:- t Batll $8 JuleHIgtIa88, Htagb P. Essai (South Rldlug) - Philémon oin MoDonald $8: ylea MMilau $8, Z .Phillips, Goe. AIMa, DuivltiCanflt. nH MolNabb $8 RlaI. àMoNibb 18, John Norfolk a Son1frRidin)PakUr Jutine $8, h. J. Je=na#S, Wldow Mo. don, John seémer, 'Wutoi Turnbull. inuon $8, Etivard Steel* $Sç, Patrck Norfolk (South Riding- Benjainu MMe #s 5e Patuick Morrisou VS, Mat. Klma.en, Thomas LAedman, John (av iMâloney Il, J. A. Bains$ $4, Michael Decon. Dn MeNulty $6, Aiez. 3Reid$4, Frsnk Peterborough (West l3lding)-Jsmea111 j ohuton $4, G. L. MoDonald $4, Denis Rlott, John MoClellsud, Thoma. Do- s1 1blasa 4, Hlltot Henderuen $4, John Ian. *-kmi Acton $4, Pstrick MoGovere $4. G. B. D. MoA.liter, Psq, tb b. a Lioesa.Th MoDonii $4, Bonald MoDonalti $4, Conmlisionsr ilansd for th. amose evt I)avld Gthrile$4, D. IL MoDonalti $8.ditriot ci lb. North Bliding ef Essex. ta a.luh MoDonalti $, Gsrow Gandan lb. room sudatesd of Wm. WIgle, Baq. Ro . ipkine $U, Oivea llsaisy ta, T U uziAMD Tas C4raoue.- lW total 6100. Grant fi-cm County $00,Tho Qasen bas pvon eft«.aos te tbe wi grant from GOVOfemoml 84W. Inby'b rvn lme uuaen ()n motion of Mebeuy, uoîe ya complIment ah* tit notartche,tes , lu T&hsny, That coeques be grantei .d .reel.floltoac b oa W. t3laven $120, C.B'. Grant $4, 3W. reOo'"ioh*ya c'&t lb. OJe OftatbMCeile»eh uel k~aebao gl8~Tue.Lareo.Biaumout Olcîto insor. ý vobasrt for $220.astients., wlth l.elelam son cf Don-« on appiillioti 0fAl»la MoDona ,Cwîosa tlbelr boa, wers lu lino., &H appiying fors antlebail àa bri vlabd,1 qaela inthalr j-ackae.ad lb. ovin lbheoOmskaon Lot 7# poo- Pb vWb"faQuse a" ntittiWtbmsa"admiration t gil deetoytby ire laut Mra" saI thein brlghb, (resuloche sudilloyal te, tOn et 4 T soîddZWmd ï*eluuam The oratiou s aie y se TuaIt he. 60 01 etAlUaiMoDon- ue of the mono of Sir Evelyu Wood. th, &Id begraatd e digvfisea eu- jouéltaThe report bai e4 a Boomathl- b excoeeti 10.--Camred. ell hba of coure. gon» absad, s WbeJ Ou motion et Tabasny,scoadeti by et the huriliof MisesBlauely, 1heDi Maàhony, Thal aIWO ee h.grifflailta Dema'. iel..th.ésent tbe largeet sud Ck lb. olloini ru , o f ett 9 0 La meet elabrt.crosts vl t l. oni - d ttop, via; l théRani., Meuns M lion(romlb. é ttIa,, ' O OConnel goui Tabasy for40OIb- lntrmh*c v a Carnieti -b. plaedon the oMan; batte. lail- Qu Muotoi et O'Çýail1 teoduby J l syb gbut a Roman Cathollo, r ,wsaIe4t',tea graut et 410 b. natie ta rn. luIsny Mory Ilaucu, an indigont, ama a Hcw an Atiat Treated INie Visitor.j eh n ii b:her for tbe unme. b To the Editor ofth ie SaUqit(ào...) Mappilotioa of Thom"s MoNsbb,BRogasl.r. 1 vould. have accepteti pour requoo.utlïm t bu te S toil si i u invitation ta vieil pou In pour licess, reerre taI 0 Lice ue W?5* nev quartera ilb pleauro boéos bi, on motion ofMabo».i séWoneUd b balnot my oit onomy, 1r. Eheama- Ward.Il, thal Ihis oeaoilldo iow à7'l94m, poancsd onme *se auddsaly. H. jouru anud stand atjourned tiue»alt' aia l~ssîFniday, aid, wtbeul @top- da, th9bttAlifl t.ýo met t bbe lng toasu4---»b"1 tuarumed a î Town Hall at 10 'olook, a.m. pgàwéd iii. by olbehand ith-a igpta nafow bouts my linanad à nuEARK&ELE CoLT-Tu..late Ba, iffit vero $e hally evolecsud ai n-l ,ofWallon ws. brflououbis fltea WuItha i fit muslbongh ou. of Mr. P stoady patron cf lb. tarf. Al OisHuf s a gau drata v.rme. la Mime lhs ba! aitoleutersd forer b.Mn. Ubýeamell -»habeen e'ooutn C ClastentlltCap lot GOOdWOOd, Wblob vWaior eof' mine for- several pearu; a bal nt beanu ameti, balt bMd rasfer alvays svolie aid pute ou a gret some lime ame l'b. olby otberotoue sn aérandvitmoase.imesîf at hoe, out of Dubohet lorMein. Sbcrtly devourng my substance anti leaing before 'lb. mtet,é>b.09ani reselà me poo aid in0 Md poe&t, 1La )I leller (roaI Lod ObesIerfiela 11< intit b. osus 'mati d Ivomonti" hlm " a fimati of hie bman i~0I tholi mdap 'My imd t" lb. $bat Pumleauuboid wn ths e i u sent lIme bu came I voaltichange bIs ubeho oct e a colt b-Y 1hè1tDam 5 iet, msel basalvapugobbled dovni Among Iseubules,'be. presiuii4 lIt i evtblg estt- #tr. in.1 *»vas vuehé ltaoan', il dsblp tbà*iûl9t9, qmevbal eta Ïs oge hs&te (sud bhlm the% Puinmouees a aid meAn_- t l. but inadlp oonladd to itgve hlm a for a colt by Cohentone, csaiSmedti tht..quare ineale a day of Ot Jacoba hlm thon stiud tu, opait, mach tae sOl-mornlng, Doon andèti'ga. Thli aud everpbody elees .uriale.,be olt, (Mm bolte uited vllb, and islepak- which ba hartily hboeu queteinte Inb.l sg np laiet.nand at viileste by le- botting, von lb.no vth ese. w r tsb dy~sp e osuot a t op =, anyoesr sehebas pressing "Tas Gusria FUXMt.-Tbe prep- basise uovIire. Bgl s Igober- erty cf lb. labo King GeuWje of Rénovfèor, lon. we, antiI lasv. ».doaat hein.- vhioh vue oondueoad lap lb.PRIl*" totnds viitlng éomeaoour $&hm beic; Govenument lu 180, siioJCtO ovet ilhbudome Ju4V vs bins lte ce fanA £2.000,000- îbc er b.idng blat Itt1 . iml.a eg aboutn& 00 ileret. hp Bir l'b Ia .L avouw. Pruau4mn dOvum% a gwlemaoulsta 0D»Tbeeerelflbree lal lb.heorîts." eanpoy tItsi itual "forMesuff t ate on 10domdi vert ait combat &a»mut-tallnguofbt isnsestblbadmidf W#ng oreatgne pruceIa., The Canada for peut. of th. Euterbroéà progresst Party ilu-thé. Prosa 4-Bel~Cmii7smet lsedt lhument laes n a oteuest si, p inmen etlls z so , * Mît, andi ordeding the luberesitaé hsBp tbbi ns. cf Belova Syrpapie addtth e .capital lit he vholi stau Hypophos he b. airebscom. té- b. rotannet te the DuirsetfCambé.Ilit , .4â claug1atha ÏstOMse W ou bis reognsî t.auneatici et1nmode capabl cf tllg thelb.fuctithe flanover. T.poen oauunt cf th. food changea ta bloote, .beart b.- "Guelph tond"s" aentlroly ankuovu, octues .lrsmgthensti ta pqmp lb. blooi, as th. Governuiontleismot foroudta10boaltby' diW"&ids a)eeuaeetItp give sy mocunt..muwce andi t a» Sbote ati', the The population cf tlWY. sooralun#patient becomea vigûooe, ai,"thu 1 10 thi e sis ults aov'belsg>,eCOUe.. mÙs gl ettoiegIatt.&> a, t eribénefienit <fréater, lo as usUv. p to strng u.lâlet t oi~jdo«e nos a 1sp UseO UUMa it s itieus leyrtsbot. iOV 540* quasdosu araWeo.,te present, luvian lyrap A WofCor tatts. b. la usniLtlboa .ue une-a b., ida.teutato I onntirful u le,4l'-b. sôlebral6tsero Bîtten ava uneq, serlin naarlnplet parti«e vs edeavretil Imtats tbsm, anti paiS e lauce at am udstng Pub. 0te $iarohme lhsfr frautalan ars. aik pour traggmt for lb. geuuine Elao. oe illtrt.Ihat aru arntset t efur, nt tae ne'other. Boit bp W. R. lve:It 0 cl&K Wbenavsr gpou., turkeys, tace or vWie, Ihoee hat gel autumm.s Com- TION Povtumilet vltb brt est ce mmesure*bly lu vsigbt, haall ,%prollfiene@s those bbaî do not. &àrk tbie, andi make "rpo'ur cnibr Ibeefn erme=adspeohie.aroeforud A Ounel Aia t amaet ed n tl(ae le cousumeti itb fo*r ra WUltbaaovlr., bogl aby ilqUge va e ë f he'iduëes,4 orpîdtotte'fiver; Bmrdck Biotd ittemu iIi am lou th. apaler llas a autumlsinu, antiremove ailfoyer id rtetotnormal cWaie et ail. nros #1-0%0tial ils. 10 osait. Vancy Drinia. Bfricci Blooti Blttsrle mo lm ac binb, but a pfr.mneum el oai,ai enastive, laxative amai iaeà" W bose scI iet ptmfrif. rouler. antibailti ap ýe lpcverlahet bIot aui efebîsti ýoty. Prie. 101.141tria I oi. Dr. Fovle's Itxtmat Wild Stnawberp g~te 09cholsra iR, ctia mi For d titeq, di rhea,eamil saru met omplainte us lb. peateat ef aIl lxvacr or Wu&n Braavaana. l le deaaut, tapit, rullabla anideReàive Mn0, pr ors -'ef danger frea the". Imem$aIf otm Ms Hep Bittera; baalds. b.ug the nest famlly motiiueever mades. Trust "Thi. Beautpoet laviagaàbeltaof PsrnYWavia'Pin-Ruer lu lb. bous. t, lbaupqan prepsret ferl.voa" Clnop or Cholir. The PaIn-Kllanà o ovarolgu remodp. ~.iTIT.4W Lng and" 3reuit p atterne, of 'Scotohr coplte u&,c hoicë st)ck of " Geuts' Ties, Scarfs, ýBraeslJmbreijas I An ~6okdfAni ianÇaadian iM E»glih , ,ieudn h eebae odow's Hatsin silk &fr qiA fU-~8toCk o0G Gr~Dtjood8tiwec.Alre8oc fCe8 llalointg onthe ,8I4Qrèt e8t oe.. g~Mi1Iinmr m afw a~. j~A fuitoek fGroerl~es. 4>C WZl1lby, MoLt,1882 21 Re4t anti Comfo~I lho 1h hra ntlhsn laoi smd uret 1 he u»s of DrOa&rem% sPulumuu Gffh Dmep.. Thé méât raliMe tilmony buebmetvad u to thulr eRolmuoy. la boWelos,60 ouais. W, B, Howue agent for Duttor om thWMubt te mt tU wýy, un pr azoialtmo u attatla ~ltsunime of W.rla.I I?«Howsauleor 14.rOUggeatroagbal h. O ofu1atss bh. rssm unt*& Gi Dz. Oaruoast tna$udn CouIma *4 U.NMUj"»,ela rlorr W RntOUI -. 8um A oAM f TWO E17NDÈ1ED AOEES of heTM 1Wlatby. Apply l- .B.POWELL. 18-tf Wiip mt SEE4-WH E AT.' SERD > WHB T 113B WELL KNOWN. TO caal dt sitlanin. e umloblv' as Âuu *ààaeg pttia. BY protraW, t o.-Olm oftenervu centres orgailo W5IAl mutrItIon etmlb. ga m"gl md rotea "dt May b.itraunemllttoiderb Top off vllb a Dia t f. ETG sud* exosaf bout, as478 tasa Ab&i for fr-is. mýou»,a etppsa. P?"tel1.00. tria 9"..10 esîta. Noc Wonder $iêlsf lieuy a man's 4oe bas b.e tarud loto loabiag on aMountetusgl erapulîson lb.et.., ati=(be-m@ effdsmalebrem t hefiatiem, Thi. ie; troble baibavelits vWjtd.lfaboit oulp ladsoies< .oomgh teo mBuro.i mlootBitter. res*.0,im MmaIe r>Vby ma*' 10s oeu». ard~0oat e î È l5. IdXa. DEWIF LoIeL$OiPl- l .HOUSE TO RÉNT'u" comme Im-M Wblty, marob U,'5. 1.1 IJLDMTv'-HALL5 TO H AN"Di. ýWathsm Watohes, Key and Ladieo' (3old Watohes, the >iest " okI haYée v&,? how n, quait gareted udpri- ou Oie lewost pub. Waiu, ail md Qher Clockein groality Pickle FranieB, Criiete, Buller Coolor., BorryDisheu, Cake Baske. Oala Bd Rcmvr, A0. TO SmIP! " ORTL; JAMES JOHnnion, Era~Whl*Y. 7uo SloM wMRmALIr- aS 109 u uica 16o IMT UNSUPAIiOB las., atil l'h.dt wla îf ~~lAgtlon of the6sub. àèe f11e4W~yl oodncvsln comlJJjoppIosft iudlbtab@" of lb. e,. oven Mill Sm, J. T. PATTON, 8.o-Y. TRR1oI(IIBXVUlwiSOm TINS -ADrO E NEW AýDVERfISEMINTS.* S8PRING TWEEDS- à.CLOTHS.Il -.00. The Largest and most' carefully selected stock in Coonty, and ait prices to defy amy oompet.ition. thél AND GENTS' FURNISHINOS, - A cT'W~ wI~xo~I* I Garments mado to order order on the shortegt notioe, and in the. Iatest style of fashion. READY-MADE CLOTHIING-7 Oonstautly on hand.-Something! nobby nobb in.,oys' suite. N ORT H-WE 58 TIMaroh 29, 1882- GRAN DTIÙ:iUNKr'Y., EVZRY WZDJES»AT, ~-Lowest fEmigreit fatue Fre c E~ A.DUVT WITICOIT- ?RAMSHKpàMENtr* "u5bu?:MlukepWtbIAgt . fwow Thti aboiaMImmOl, m SPRING JOHN FERGUBON,, DUNDÂS-T., WHITBY. COUNTY 0F OtiTÂR1IV0 fi w OI tLaRGE HANDOMR-'S niOiZ LMEGB RÀ0I60PAGES Lxfi .Or» M-ORS. ARR IV AL SIS dl%,= BOOTS AN D SI-I -SIJITABLFI FOREVERýYBODY.î An immense stoclk from which to make i For pue - a selectiou. Latest styles, for Ladie' , Gentlem0nlý 'audMisesat remarkably 1ow Remsrniber4/ONrtlj Sti OEipUiOi.5 Re ant 0 the ~ri t [ ra r orm. dî.

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