tZ 41v tbathel..ts"er Bm. lat 1,1ogb« ila M& ffsbi sd me lo& ' liznes, Wlamid Whus i lki!.'ouldu'1 ums i ýei 41 a m ste 'ou-oi"t a Th p-C rouîwl me ' 1 w. 1ihm dh orrlýýd thinse Mi raht ownts AFcol., hi& lot, so mntnttwitb visAi ho'%got, Âlvays'm aiag what hel$ not, »aumsy lake il mu a nis, Dreams. * SiZ ATE A» CAUSE TROU À 5013W- I M S11 TANDPOINT. Popsa-~lull etsy Drem ie-eniglit euituahc. ed by tise judegent sud uncontrolloti byth;Lvii. It la net truie Ibai vs do1 net reseuin s l e ' s, tisai tise exeose et tb. jadgMieuý,J, uwhally _supeuaded, aindthai tise viii te entiirey paveriaeu or oume t Le'cIltimias- soalo in-ss l aepaza'bLut they dose. vhil4 .: hésobcnintepairseof thse minS-lit sueL cbpay tise parta of pleIns-i carriers andI record fiudes- g;nëmok lb., treauures of momory, anud mhogîs togatetilu tise direct confusion aId thingé- and uiii. Imagination is Dot active, Lot it romaine ju ebougis awake goe upply lise caunectiug links wwail iiemuMig confinuisy ta ihose piat isehopbaniemagonia visicis vo chance te roeniber on recovering pot- footM lfoonaoinoes.sud visicis boîug reniireti vo oeil i"dreams." 'No- ant remembir. maretsaanneu@dnisus, cules. ho bas rousdti rai siloop more ibaü nceso. Tis ezpejîënoe h.. led to tise Interne atii dreamta enly coeur- is lise momenst or iu tise émof o! vking. fThere an&te restusa viicis take place lu thi proceusec aIrlnig te ccneaians- nus-for exemple, tiss insiaulaneous seaiosuant peosAclos vhioh ans îog- geiteti Lby tiesemoud of feeling tisai tou4es tise drisusr ; but ln roeuit of s long sud clôs.e tudy cf drosuas sud tise laies of dresauing. fen medical pur- pas., as onictian vitis ths trestusent %,0 lleotese. I amnpunnuaded tisai drosmil coeur in tise course ciai semp nd Ars wiseliy forgotton. ThoaIt tiîe sicnet anud 'conneotetke take plain udeep sleop is probable, lia. camie deip sloop is genermî sloop, sud misen tisis tate premi lb.hesub<.dinate aculties ire leeping, sud thse pitures end rtords visioli composidresmm are nottiuilurboi. Toundermîti ddrearai vo mt lunîleritmntisloop. sadntI iîl because tisa tva pisnomena have not bilthtcbec studied tegethor tisa: se 1111h uis gèeoally knovu about eitismr. A sinlter wîtis a rtLer flord cous- plexiosi votnt mb tise s@hopcf s barber. nus o! his pmaisoers, te b. sisavod. Tise barber was atdioctesi teiseavy bout. 01 drinklug, mter vlîlcis hie bandi vas, iu consequeuce, austsady ait hi. vork. cnt saffsoloutly deep te caver tise lover pIrt cf hli face vieSl bloasi. Tiso tuin- * t- luir issd te Ilsbarbes- anti asid lu a totue ef sa es veity: a*You mie, Thom&*, visaiecamesof takingito mueub drink." sa"Ay," replissi thousas, w ni heumot oocppoSuEs-e it maltes a( M et mraîs. ianic Irips I r. paemuser w. bai au IruisIllabapgon board Wlio sueraS 1k. Ive mou. In th. e «&osiin ta hies ve.tva ladies, Wheoins plaineS ta lh. alevand tisat $bey ooaild't rest, asid lbe steward enavely aml e b.Blsep if ssamtbing oi441 utb. do» t.u the prinilai. "*r " saS b. Biahap.Ansi nez# day Ihee hung ýa PuÃ thulb geaiS selee, 'a'ioh umId: 4-Notie- Thie Biop viii suera Uilto 4,1 A oergnas leti$ ebat oue *n-. lsg nausnlly. sud wusobliged, to go liopa. with a uabisi -oan*, wviio laS bou in t e raus etudbis ex eyin ( = tr, vise lisaisapologis-iti. 1 ley.rtasmluslar'i bai te vier #incs I put that bat an.", , Mjtalor Qatset 0 e b.TwoutY. '»"abBeglsÀmt o! Pniom, haupaient- uS su instrumuent, visioll ha olla a - 1ttelogue 1 0fer silile pus-poses. Tise Sigiails consal et lbe luttera cf lb. etmog»doten. A poverfel-teleaepi tfmiiuatrumauL orsignal,' tug a disate ouet Io -sud a hail miles $ha wvisai. appasatt.u eitinet veigis SOi Ibi fue pouitis. o t s'roaight frop cm, but vises tie bos-ne 10oue ét f ha rowe-114 foot il becomes a out-lrou ahon.. oiAs. yenfeelîing verylli 1- aukuslise *pb»lioauaolot em . e ns ourtangua, *b iipsatiet ; "ce longea eau toit boy Bèlgham Yoeang aeqeirid tie tilla cf - 'ente-il fs-arn ismvng beau eslwd'lnlg. gy, dear,5< seoOften by bis uuI#*roais "t a49gist te -kmov," u6ddAUti mgi . -or, l<vbelber Iluee'. a cDlulb. moo oi' stt, for I'vm often heingo';qea":(.) eq< a n 6810004 pdlidrglt;" *basve no e uIstai ml." Siso saiMi 1< Sliat look a i f h.o sati là la proboble -tisai tt» nevve -a&* 80 tl uamiable Of' dspostiisubat wJuU.if43u e ent la baay bis vsi, ho " aaw is "blh mufimut & eue te C114... X.P1 oiglit lePai M s-yrapsli*. Thoreasuemauy titdyalu ll,.You. je. .. am. Nova Boolia. Nov Brunswiok... Quebeo ........... onuoi...... ......1 MIanitobLs......* Thse follovtng are tise peplialliio! thse vasions ôcnsut ý ïd ' ofcfOntaie, whiob w vo soomp hh lthi ie figuresèé ý.Uivon bv thease ouscf 17: 1 Daundas ........... Preootl ........... Ottawabi) S. Grenville ... N Leeds& Grenville Caîleotsi........ Brockille ..... 8. Leedsi........ S. Lanark....... S. Iienfrev .... N. Bonfrouv.... Fronstenac ...... Kingeton (City).. Lemoai..........- Aildingen ....... Prince Edwand ... But HeIigUp... West Hiastings .. Nartis Bastings.. E. Nontbumuberland W. 1do E. Peterborough... WV. de Eat Durham ... West Durhsam ... Souths Victoria ... N4orth Victoria-... bMuakoha ...... Sents Ontaio... Nartis Ontarioa... Toronto............ Eas& York ..... Wst York....... North York .... Sentis Simoee... Nartis Simoneo... Peel ............. Cardwneil.......... Welland ........ Niagzara........... Monck.. .......... Licoîn............ Halidjud ss.... Soutis Wentwonîhs... -North.Wentwonth ... Hamilton ..... Haltou ....... .... Sauth Wellingtou ... Caxntio Wellington-. Norths Weilingtu.. Senti Grey .... E ait' Grey....... NoritaGrey .... Senth: Norfolk ... Norths Norfolk ... SenutisBrant...... Nartis Brant .... S. Waterloo...... N. -Waterloo...... Weêt Elgin .... Est E Ikin. ý..... 8. Oxford........ N. Oxford ..... E. Middlesex .... W. Mididlesex.... N. Misdlesex... Londen............ S. Perths........ N. Ponth ........ S. Huron.....:... Centre Huro ... N . Huron ..... S. Bmuco ........ N. Bruc ........ Bothswell ........ Lambton ..... Kent............. Essaie.. .......... Algoma .......... 1L1801 22,221 9,004 18,294 20,598 22,851' 25,082 27,412 18529 12,929 24,689 12,614 12,206 20,082 19,042 20,965 14,998 14,091 10,814 28,470 21,044 17,818 17,400 20,479 22,299 16,984 28,956 18,8(11 18,710 17,5 20,813 18,799 21,204 20,378 28,484 86,41 4 28.812 18,8M4 24,502 26,891 49,288 16.878 16,770 26, 152 8,445 17,145 22,908 18,619 14,968 16,998 V-5.961 21.919 25,400 22,26,5 25,870 ')1,127 29.628 28,884 16.874 17,219 21,975 11,894 21.754 Q0<.896 14.214 Ug8,147 24,782 25.861 80.600 21,496 21,289 19,746 20.778 86.2017 28.893 28,474 27,108 89,803 24,971 27,102 42,616 8urlou 49,965 20,820 1871. 20,624 1 ,114 1118"8 18,77 17,647' 18,M4 21MO4 18,197 18,580 21,789 10,476 20,716 19,190 14,9851 14,8b8 18,25Ã" 12,407 21,812 20,826 17,892 14,865 16,607 211,760 17,88 18,706 11,767 19,064 18,816 19,244 10,956 6,919 19 928 25,967 56,092 19.860 16,260 24,262 28.670 38,719. 16119 16.50<1 21,572 3,693 16,179 20,672 19,042 14,638 16,245 27,716 22,6M6 23,431 21,118 18,740 18,622 29.,193 18,58<0 15,87() 15.890] 20,766 20,99f 19,256 12,796 20,870 28,1178 24,559 25,0,55 20,195 «21,519 1.',826 21,158 25.877 21,512 22,791 .)1.832 17,18 8 20.701 81,994 7,018 cooked autidi . tia noutisaocconu,. ibèy, vorûe creiâme of tielsowu* hli The deig4tedi&à ther gave dmoh.,--girl a *bmck for, 25,000. bau been deviesd. An alloges apeulgter in countr-y protino. oslle on a <armer punchaèea *,,#0 or <#15 verts ofaugea, butiror potultry, uiym blevante a se- oesipt lsahov the frmi tisatho paiS lb.h mohbj,briîkm lise peint of bisé pmncil' bifors-thi signature lasesà ohed, thon taleés frein bhis pochaI a fountain peu, sud thse farmon uses it, signing his nanie. Ths indion thon gomi tetown, sellatise produco, emies thse body cf tbm receipt andi vrites insteati cf promis- sory note of $50 or a $100 ansi bas dis- cauritod tithlie bank. "Tise oamel's kick," vrites a naturel- ist, "lis a study." Il may b. atideti that lb. mule's kick Le a losson. The Now Bedlford Mercuqg .pesks of W'dell Pisillipi",u.eetbing hie uien mijwend," A out.lass,probabl'v. Dmnenhmuver states tIsaI ont 813 of thse crov of tise Jeannette anly ibirteen are kuovu toisbe living. Thesi Socti .Act1appeal case viii heoru- gusi befolretise Impetial Prlvy Cennoil aboutt tise mWasle of marci. A Vexed Clergyman. Evon the pationceof Job vauid become ex- iasutei vote hi s preaciser sud endeavoring ta interoît hie audience visilo tbey vers kespinguu an inceossant ceuginîg, making Il impossible for bsiruto be beard. Yot,bhow -ey any Il Ibis eau ho svaided lsy simply usingeDr. Ktgs Nov Diqeovery for Con. sumption, louarlîs sud Coldg. Trial bottIes given avay at W. R. IHavie Druig Sioe. Tise Lakoviov (Oregon) Heraald itsys tisatishe renanauts cf tise Modoo Indu. ans that veto traneferred frein tise lava badi te tIse Indian Tornitory are nov amoog tise quietet, msat peace. ahle, and industrious un the ountry. tisore are only 100 lefa., but they culti vais 4600sorea cf landi, bavé. establisîsesi reheols, and ire thrivînu fgeneralîy. Soan-fsced Clsarle'v. oue cf thse bernes cf tise Modea war, is non'a s rcecable ai Kopt ber vord : "If I thongliiI vas gclug te Liecorne gray, knov I ashailS dis." exciaimed Mise Springe. Wbau se tarneS gsiy aise diS tije, A mmii. is noves- vateS. Wilb eveny nov day, Goti souda us ne' blesings. If yeu vaut leuanake thb. vanS brigit- or and Ltter, Legi by bîing "i ianti -loving la tiss. ititheIbm aiicte çf jour ove fanily, anti roinlhat, es a dontne, vask eut uea ja paprmîttid ta go. Tise'Lest do" y 10ativamuce the min. nage cf a rounog lady- . ifsenaise Sas le lier countensuco milaluass, lu Ler speech vaoni, lualier bbialious Mcii- esîj.anti Les tifs vis-ues. Il tg a comfortIe.p 's or$ etfcestifortf us t0 kuon', Ibal, neo alltes hoy vrtetcbed anti miserable ve arn, lioe are tiou.nmnifer vors-eucs. ý Tise paver oof nranaiand sam-. pliausat, nde- ercuusstansi o f - dffeahjoret pinor of auj sors-ev, fs-m t~. ifieultyorpain or sos-env. *- Bu traie toe yes-slf ; se ici anSes ml cinCaimatanee, thai if thons voesno uJe ou ceuslta voatuis yen, yaa yod a86ru tOe bu iity et a sly. peeriug, dis. Loneat or- Sthoneralile ation. Oonnsei-"Wby are yau "0 vms>' pro. cli iD your éatemente Are you ébaIS oftb ttilgau untnutis P" Wiîaiai Yeung lady, "Anti wisa Consse&fler Baler "'(PauseO) l $ Jai>" Ppli;"NO mise; Bi' brother-I ue hîru a à Seutiay.'5? AYounxg man i'tiso "Ansysa ite Oonrsaà ponSents" columu Iu a _Nov York piper uks : *aUow, cu I 6=S. ,W. voultiosuggat tiatlie l'y .lttn tiowu on i tamis. lu ht 1 uula lerexuo e tise Lus-ltfrais -ls. ý&amsasge than l afs-ea lise ta'ciSe. . Fer lbe man vbese lothing la stolon, visle ho là ,nlaClimaig,Thr#hlm t Ps-lntlugý-fr th1e bleS vas 1i"11> à e aiiltihèd '&à - mUtiu th'ebmpsInterg ,eold.-alu. tiseéltera. - A New' Orleans papûr, îpeaking ai s ver>' Dico porion rosiuicg un that City, aud oue everybody wnte teibu on Ceod terms witb, icmarkoi luit a"hé% uant suy eniensy iutise verl, net eue-ho bas killed thexualli-auixteeu er seven. tien is tise tottà l.' He muet te very usuelsgnatifiod et bIis popnlarity. Womnana Truc Friccd. A friend ine uecd ilas friand inded. Tiss nnoue au deny, esiteciaii> n'ho» saistuance in teisdetesl wbeon ee [s sorely afaliIieed vitis deoeaso, mone partien<atly tisase com. plsalsenSvakeesses *0 comtman te Ont fealepopulation. Bvery vosau ab oulti knov ibai Rlectie Bittera are vaînania Ire. iuad, sud vitl iouvely restore bot te bealti, evon vison ail tesuedios fait. A single trial always prove ont assettion. Tismy are pleasint te tise teste sud onl> cent fifty contesa bottle. Solut by W. R1. ClCUecSTANCES ALTER CÀat. -- Cir cumutausces do uset asauredly mter mmes. A macnvshlad a boras to soli vasRashed by a gentlemsan Wvi md- oS bis stable visai ho mikeil for ii. "lTist henie," vas te reply s'.ia5 ysry re!nkmrksale anivaIl. A chilld cai drive bina ; is'a as laine as a kitten, ansi vas neyer knovss te ehy. I vill sell bitu fan $60 The stranger teck ont Iroin hie udt' pocketaI muysteinias loking book and put daim tieseaus tise mec bailsamon- tlîesed. "Do0 yon wantte boy ltheboce, my friand ?" lb. stabie-keoer said. "Oh, no," wau lis.reply. 'I dod't vaut te Luy auj iscrpeo;I1am sinply tise tar-clloctor, suîà I aus round &p. prmising propirty."l "Oh., sY«, I Smo. WelI. in thait I migist au elicoanfemi&bt iI bave ex. aggrated matra. Tlîmt herse, if I vere going ta o Bl it b, luail I bave deacribed hlm tise anti vel vans ute *r1Isk. Blut as a haro. toise taied re:old,eopslned,îa bed kiaker, vicions, anti net ventS a penny more tissu tventy-fiv o dams" Buclen'a Amnies salve. The BIet Salve lu tise voniti fan uti, Bruises Bore&, Ulcets, Sait Ebeus, Paves- Bores, ýeter, Ciappeild ad,-hllia Canna, and m&U skin Uruptiëng, sud positive-, e us-es Piles. It, in goas-atfd te give pas' fect satifatimo o oey refnndod. Pric. 25 coints per box. The Deai-Raie of Our eonlsy lan gettang ta le feanfuiy alara-: ing, th*eavoregeof ite belg isusnesiove-" yean, vîthsot auy reisonablo cause, demIS restngg" Moay f rom tieseti nsgnil. oint 0 ~l.AIt i eiswof ai b.enr espoelaiy, acld in auch a comuson Mat< t""at in lke hurny et ves-y day hie vae apI la overlook tise danger. attmstilng iL Sud ofteu mid toc, late, Ibal a lever or Lng ttualeha aredyso ii.Thaaumau4 laie 15mz lveulu 45.wyer>'.*ut vile-,viil ta-euseales hein *VCldm& Foelidau au on ofthlie Tbrai&sêLuses. e , atmerenue w'pbauproveut tî ta be4lisé greatesut oelatye . hin luMediue isves- pnug fin luthitSuuIsy viii 1 yons.f itpvonder-ile.1eot, Oves- P00o bottleu sald laat jeas- withoust a single ,ah1- = I loyî mirdùed by lt h tdow of lb! a dsngrous oharster. Tho advioo et phy ioans ta refrain frosu active labos pro. daces n hPreslte. WhirP The ayi-. de 1uleho ull p prOpe rly. PO oaxi ye wll do Ibis Tor tbiug. Liki th* olocis-locnrrs-i it t lii =o roal Inhotio ne, Ltralsi : t hé "in ta'~, brngstise c olosthe icheik agai!, sud hope 10tise despndeel.I-d sIs wark promptly sud vi.Sula by s ug - gis. Mbothis 1slMaibsn11lMothers 11I1 Are yen distuxbed aI nlght and broken ef your test by s sica child iuffering and cry ing with tbe excruciatiug pain of cuttiu toith? Ilio,goaonoeandgetabottioo Mas. WINSLOW's SooTUerseSYRUP. It viii reliove thse poor littîesuifoeror imimediately -depend upan it; thece il no mistilce about IL. mare il net a metisor on oinsh wbo bas evor used it, vha viii net tell yen st once lisatit vili reguiste the o sansd vo test to ý the moîber, an t rlief' aud w'oaIth le the ohlld, epenstllng 11k...magie. It inperoctiyis.fe tW use in alcases, sud pieaaut to thetante, andilatise prescription cf eoeetftise oldest sud boit f'e i hys* ciaus aud nurses lu the Uuited States.i Bold iveryvbere. 25 contsa abattis. <mnGreat obacce leamiko rooney,- h111Tiss.Who alwsys aëadatg M'JLOJlofthtie gaed chances for maktug mono v that are offoreui, generalliy becoine wealthy, while thons vise do net improeosncb chances romain lu paverty. We vant msny mon, women, boys sud girls tus work for us% riglt int.holr owd lacalities. Any eue eau dIo tise vork propenly frithe firet tarI. The businets viii psy more than ten times ordluary wages. Expeusive cut furnisised free. No ouneviso engages faie Wo make monoy rtbpidily. Yen c eau oe your whiole time te thse work, ar only veur s pare moments. Full information and al tat ile eeded sent troc. Addre.'s STesesoN & Co., Portland, Minle. 1 MACK"IS E&GNIT>IC BISEDICINE In a Sure, Prompt 4ud Bffectuai Bemody for Ner'osamnesa in ALL its stages, Wee.k MomM/., Loti of B-afin Powser, Semuat Pr- giration, Nigi 8 ifs, Spermafsrrhaae, Seminai, IWealrness- andi Generail Loos of Poweri. It repais krvoug IFeue, Rejnve. nates thse 1ai dIssteUect, Strengthe" thea Eiafeeislai Bras,: and Uegltoe3e., uýrs-n Tau' and Vigos-ft te Exhacuied G citrai. ie Orgceu. Tise experience cf tisousandi proves ht an Iuvainabie Bomedy. The leldicine s. pi-mant te tise Isae, sud eacb box ceutains suffitent fort tao wemk'i mail. eationand ta the eheapast andstddi. tWFol partîculatu li eus-pampisiot, viicis vode. -sire to mail îfs- o asny addrosa. MIack'm Neugnehso iMedicine lu seid by Druggîsts at 50 cti pet box, et 12 boxe& for $5, or viiibe rmaileis fre.etpostage on te. oelpt of th. maney, by addressig MACV5 MÂGNETIO MEDICINE 00., Windsor, Ont Canada. SasinuWblthby by W. R. HDWÃE and al Drugglsta, overyv;bere. Iy.5i QTARTLINO ' DISQOYERYZ LOB? MANNOOO RUSORIDe 5005. metc, havitMlid l in mlu n@MY ho t Medhss8o ite h9iIf cursvhad. drosiJ. E.LEZTx , uC% atssas 1.1.. IL.Y. TOWN & PAIRK LOTS FOR SALE. ELIG ILY SITUATED-EASY TEHMS. Apply ta W. H. HIGOINS, fsilceOc Th iuaî-'.az i- e m1sesra r~ mai ~ t u mu iisec~ 5.na5 Peleor- Ut eur.C L.. '.sjtiuile ~ns ~P' .~ in'isU isem areaum4. u~.4~co tsi i tmIsill C.iti14i0tU r, ra5ssen -, ,astaas zsa% xl attilovis ¶u....-y ss- , e Ta Blasauga, Ca~ru.isursaod Accuamomi istiela iLacvsses'a-Yuis.ov Onu tsgesrsa. ~eo assois-dus. ahtboela-JiAaor TAIES tllTlESiil.i Fa. oeosrr, oev~ c.agxzs,5 gopz T1UO*2'~ 4~T5~4 P~Di, sta 555(555 WYYWi5SLiV 555 il you want, If7 yôir want Best PLOW ytjou'wint -the- Beat ?ULVERIZING HARROW- GO TO THE- OLD RELIABLE 'WIITBYFON5Y Where you can always get good value for your money', and every article bouiid to give you the best of satisfaction. Yours respectfu]y, BROWN & PATTERSON MN F'G Co. Whitby, June lst 1881, NEWTIN J- SHlOF. -oaa tAr' Next Door South to, dames Has opened business in the running in full blast, where e Sheet, or Galvanized Iron is like mnner, on SHORT NOT ELECTRO-PLATED GOOD AU kina of Japaned Tin, aind Shunt REPA.IRING done cheaply anteesi satisfaotory or no pay. American and Canadian CO Wicke, Buirnors, &c. VWtby, Faby. 24th,'1879 PA RLOI? BOOT and SHOE STORE! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MATTHEW COLLINS Inforins customers that at the above establishment wiIl bo founti THE LÂRGEST, BEST, and FINEST assortruent o! steak ef Boots anai Shaca betveen Toronto andi Montneal. Don't be satisfied with looking at t ho display in the show windew, but go in and examine andi see for yaursclf the store fillesi witb evcnytking tissu esu be calleS for in tisa Boat and Shoo lino, fer Ladies, )Esses, Ge& anai Children's wear. Orpr $900 worth af Orershoea. AT LOW PRICES! Rubberu of Sîiperi.or qt&WUty.1 No blow!1 but what is straight, in saying that in the cases yct uuspecked tise nndersigned hast nov on hanS as lange a stock ai ust establishments ini his lisse o! business. See the new Berlin Feit Boots.-Ladliesg' Fine Kid Boots e"' Trunka and Valises in great 'variety, at lowest prcc MATTHEW COLLINS, Tise Mamxnoth Patios- Boot anti Shoe store, 1Whitby, Oct. 26, '80. PIANOS TUNED. ,180. T. CUMPRICHT, 1tner, for lMesuramlsn &.BRld.Tomta, vii he in vbttbj &bout the midaileofetMay. Parties vlaling UiSses Piana.properiy tnd vilI lam "ma, he aders viti s ist ,LYO -~RçPBBT, Phutsgnmpbmn, Wil , i i ela e romt ateliosi. ' ,lai1 TO INVBSt ON mnîgte Real Estate 5ecu[Rhy Apply ho, Insus-asic. Ageul, Wblby. Town mud Park Lots FOR, SALE£. ONE LOT on Bs-omk Street, -J more ONUE BLOCK<IxLaIe) boletefuBro a ONE 3BLOCK (pie Loti) w'e0 f«Bysen TWO LOTS eus. Eg Streetm. Allite Northl Wss-, and imautble for building, gordea n p pu p se. Apply o-. el&15. T. EALLI 0 ., , DEYEREIL'S BLOCEÇ. Thae GreaS American Remedy for COVÃ>HS, COLDS AST fMA, Pm tAsAaU Ri o .(Dem- 9Pas pbw$. RED MMA sur idt.SYRU E tzjm t G -GUM &nm olonth4/s pubLic at large. 69 a, it s-essseiog eei" ie,25 -a" .K~RI 4~9.N i 00,, 5osPupeuoeATSdKatýcê C SD DL EI PLEASE CALL 'AND EXAMINE ware, at exceedingly low prices. IT WILL PÂY to cail and inspect the goods and the ;ple.W.-J., GIBSONI, Octiober 1208. DUNDAS STREET. - E3ma ME C « à EDJ ON MSICAL E ]DI8 0 NTELEPHONE. 'Yen eau Langb, Taflk, SIng mnd tPI pgh tl-at 0o, ssaio Olde that aaread figures cen piayà t a at it Th&,se Ã"ne i. ouluorClaroneo Nknwldge of hîtuinotai ucieta peisrm t oe ouibi e trume y*he.4h* a so9ftie z ues embraclng al tbe popular Airs, printeid [n simple figures Mâ the instrument, at s convonient distance Imm,. the mnut.h.piece, no-a bat i rend, andb mis twhich any one, vithaut'tho iseat -muMic 1,,wld upan Ibis intrum nsd play tunes at sight. Persans a 11111e fim iwle vth hunldro tlunes without any eard whatever. "The Musical Telephone iu reconô one of the ontailnvel Inventions'of the age."P-N. Y. Herald. "The Musicl Telephane lin mare wonderlnl Ihan the Spesinig Telephone, as it dosa aU tbt iIILiii do besides instrnot- ing porions visa do nlot understand notes ta play tunes'"-N. Y. Sun. Price 62.50. Prico bymil postage paid and registered P8.00. No instrument sent by mail withont being ru- gistered. Send money by P. 0. order or Tegistered lutter. SPECIÂL NOTICE.-The Musical'Telephone eau enly be pnrehased ocithe manufac- Iters, tise EDISON'T MUSIC CO., or thrangh liseir several branches Ibroughont tise U. S. In One Hour Von can Iloy on the Piano, Orgae or Melodeon,,with ED)INON'S8 INSTANTANEOUS LIiUSIC. To sny child who caù read numbers from 1 ta, 100 il hs au plin as dsylight. No teacher required. Ail tise popular tunes. Millions cf aur piecea novw inunue. Nover faiU ta give satisfaction and ausBement. Complote instructions, with savon pieces of music sent by mail for ONE DOLLAR. Seud stausp fer catalogue cf tunes. To those wbo live in the country away from lteachers they are a never.failig source cf comforl. Agents wauted. For $1.00 ve yul mai yen EDISON's RsVszw for eue year and seven pieces cf Edisou's Iustantaneous Musio wltis the instructions, or f,,r 68.00 we viii send yen Enisou.,'s Rzvxrw for one year and one of ilsou's Musical Telephones registered by mail. When orduriug, please mention tise papes yen saw Ibis advertisemeut iu. I&DISCON- MUJIC OMPANY, 215 & 217 WALNUT Se., PHILÂDELPHIA, PA, B3RANCH OFFICEci-280 West Baltimore St., Baltimocre, Md, 808 N. <11h st., St. Lents Ma., 26 Sixtis Avenue, Pittsberfi, Pa., 857 %-% ashington streot, Boston, Mass. 62. 8 S. Queen-ct., Lancaster, Ps., Cor. 9tIs & Walmut, Casuden, N. J. HARDWARE! and examine and be convinced, at WIIITBY-Ne. 4 Break-st. 111 & 113 Yonge-st-TOIIONTÃ". -:0:- MONEY! MONEY!! WE ARE PREPARED TO LOAN av-- On govd mortgages, at LOW RATES 0F INTEREST. Cail and 500 us, and pay off your old mortgages, that are drawing high interest, and SAVE- YOUR MONEY!j whilo the rate of interest is low. HATCH & BRO., Augut 8s-S, 1881. 1833- WHITBY.1 Established 1I833. FURNITURE, FURNITURE, Cheaper titan ever, at his new store Tho undersigneti ii returning thanks to the public for the libralpatonae extende.'te hiim, begB te atate that hâving remoed te hise commodi eusn prensises, ho la now in a butter position than aven- to snpply ail tieir wante. tua stock of Fuurnaiture embracos very handsomae sots, sud erythidng that eau be caHleS for in bis lino, sud an cixinination ',will convince that tise prices are loy enough ta suit thc tises. U N D EBTA KIN G. Funerain fully 'siupplied.i WM - Ti LL. PH O OR-P H y. Xaw~L %at liR~t -1 -g Il 'lu Werkingmen, profeisional men, and eVei man, requiregas aI Ibisseasofa Imhe somethiug ta give tWno ta bis iystem m propane him for vos-. Well deo tiis hy cieansung &iupuritics tram tise biood. USE VITALINE Iu ain affections 0ethtie XidneYs. Seid isy aH Dnuggists. Prico, 81-06 Pen hettie. THlE GRAY MEDICINE CO., 4in-47 TORONTO. PATENT, s CANADIANS can securejsateuts iu thse United States on tise same tes-mu as Citizens. Il ins uita patent first ie tise States, tioseucuring a 17 yeari paient-; athetn'ise lime vill bc limuted tva yat4. Total cost of Unitedi States Patent 630, oui> 6$20 on making application, tise balanace ouly vison patent ina lloWed. -Total- coul cf Canadien 6 jeanspatent, $5U; for $15 yeans, *74. On neceipt et modal or drawing, vils description et invention, v. vOll seud adviee,references andcinoularfnea. Aduireso, C. A. SNOW & 0O, Opposite U. S.1 Solicitens ai Patenta, Patent Office, ï Wasiigton, D. C. Pieae mention visero you mev Ibis stiver-- tioment. -61 LUMBER I LUMBER 1L C-J OHNS ON$, LUMBEIR ME RCHANT, W HI T B Y - Hais'ou hansi a largo suppi>' et ail kinaof Barn- Lembçr, Boards, sud aIl necemuaxy Building Lumber. Foncing, Savu Tim'bet, ansd Soanlling, à largo quanlily on hansi. Lange eors IanLong EBil Sln:d, 5Usd trous MisaIetses-t notice. Deans, Sashes sud Blinaalways on hand. Whiîby, Ms>' 7th.1877. IY-20 The "Vihite" Sawing Machiner I have lust niceived my s-econir canaignment ai the justIy celobratuti SEWING MACHES. THET ARE -MARVELS 1 Yen>' Cheap, perfodly mient, Easy te Run, Ver' s impie,> Eesily Regulated, Venyflutable Beantifui Cases, Spiondid Âlachneents CALL AND -SÊE THEM 1 They vii repe>'yyou fan à visit, visetses- yen bu>' on nol. A confipelent lady In il. tendance la shov Maffbineu. L_.FIBNS Final don North Jovwal ReBtèl, Brook Street, Whitby. P.S.-I guenateo tise Aiovo mschines tle s-un vitis eue-hallth1e labour, and le do au large- smrangedet ork sau>' MTchne made. Warranledhy compazy for 5years.-1 THE TORONTO.. Turkish c& Va orBaths; 'Pses- ahae a se, in- 4,, . m WE 1'iE AJING A NEW raphs, in, sipia STYLE fo atsu t -i. vn feb- r ea tim..