Aud wîll show, the Lar0est and M shown in Whitby âcýSt5ep in and see thée finest lot Of ' Goods and Clothing yet .shOWfle Dry Gýoodfs, Wesbîngtca Lettet.- T*x B2urlylcATxerr o7 ruaCrr-Ta L4»1 AED rta SwÂIPS-TEK Lanurw ixlwTNu MATRa LAIES Ootinr. 00 pma.. enand Coupaesses go, butatm of.wea .11..Potomea. avampa rgb" on fomv.r. Sine. wAebngton 9 bas bme a beauitlfu miy wlh pav..d t mîreeta more moud mand muocber Ihan lb. *ldow&lkrnof mithelle *lu* ih anar.lot blc Piltame massivesand fatmNei ID thé 'l'ualis; witbdosens 0f pmrks hi b n requit. ottly a littie more grewth te brc mat ber Elysian graves; wth statues I andl Ionntaiem ibaidiscauresebistary, or vas, 11babble o' green fiels@" and murmur wbi thé loves cf nymphet-Erge, que quam bei itîî mOUi, it in a great puty thaï Ibos. Po. ibe too swamps. Ibait mingle a curse. Se wih very btesing, and "sapice Ibis fair sta banquet vilb Ibm dusi of deaht,' danuci -a bie uipped up. Congrese coutl do il W, wuîh lisl tile appropriation. But Con. Irei gresela gRues% Whe abudes lbore butijivedru ypware, cubéîising chielly on a diel of Irei whisemy aud quinine. votiug Cblnmsm cmj anti mwigraîiun bile, anti - mormon gre bille, auntis, ..stets sud coueas bille, hai inbmlcng a&l themlime the reek cf theso "C ewamnps, tnuhîl Ibeir blood bisckens and the tîceir seuecrack. Cut -tbim ouItail we seudi ilte yetrmember of congreme, and ai macybe b. vili send yen a package ef oit, lle malaria flas woîil have betn ne long ince improveaif if chworm ict for ci hie lobby.Wbers la alwmys Ilium mon Ri% cir oilto etrangle any gocil memeiure e that il cannot convert ho ils gain. 'Vie lie, trouble witb thm plan nov recotnmenil-ffa cil fer the remnoval of thes@ ewamnpm, va plmctng Ibm work toiler Ibm control ci te the tlcrtary of War, is IbaI Ibers is Pl no plunider in il. Thers is ntia penny lu 111cor Ibe obby, and i iutm oui a tic boat cf greedy speculatortansd land- se' grabbers, Wbo bave long bail a sabeon W, te tuuthb"s wamups auto sohid landl pr and solit i in lots aI au immense profi. ce Thc lobby espmciatty opposed te Ibm ir pedan uly bonesi obiteratien cf W, ibesemam, le a Company cf Maryland lY land-grabbmrs, Ibm tar roule ptundermrs aud a belermcioemous crowd cf lobby a bighbwaymen, beld togmîber by the hope al of lunder. There s a ment.r belote Congreeis tu now whichl. if ichah bocomne n mw. bi wîli do moe practical gocil than any e1 moasuire thaI basebeene befere Ibie body cn fe or seayears. 1I ca» thebilldtotehb censtitute a court ci privaIe daims. It w bias; ben thie case for ymrs, Ibat logis ltion cf a broad and nationaml ebaracher là bas acîualty been crowded ont cf Con- @à gress by a boat cf private cîime-soei meit, somte jobis, but all of tbem cf a character toe pelty te b. concuideted by the National Logielture. ht is Propos- rd to roler ciiiibéese privat' matters te p a court epecimlly creaheil for tbmir ail. jutîcatioci. lue thi. way Cengreeis wîl t lie relieved of w-rk Ibal liae Ieretefore nccnpied uncarly crne thirî cf i'selime 'un committee andin cuthb two lîcuttes-- Moreover. tbm lobby will recelve a pcv- artel low. Nearly nueite bulbeof tht'à privai@e demtis thal corne before Con grecs ore cf a charachor thai viti sbrink froue the lighî of judicial invilstigatien, and. a court w111 saily bc. aile le limar tbe trulli claimani and decide bis claitu on princi ples of law sed equiiy The recuit will be thbat a large crcwd cf lob. byite yl mImaI away Item Waebingicn and tIher. yl haemucb tes moral andl political malaria about tbe corridors cf hie fHouse andl soet. Great Excitemeni. .Thc 'hoe yMi» Knocked te Pieces by the --king Ce F, STEWART, 1tbig Paris Louer. (Prom ou ontRgiriarCorrempondeni.) PAMI4s Feb. 26, lm8.t Mdli.. Mari van Zandt made bar re. t peanne ast thé opus aComique )sai ghI on béé relliru froM KoUi Calote, the 000. m"Ofl ignon, tE.Ec IWblib à fret made ber t ai 4074Paridelst mage. Thome xo owed ber quiet carner yb. rmladsd ibat the lady' iiayad lb.§me p art for, if d remamber rgbtly, more Iban eigbty z hlm4, th. longes% rmn whlcb M. Arn.t lie Thomas'@ opera bas ever bail.1 began go b. irnagmned ibat Mdile.a »Zandt could play neihing mime,0 eon ber perfoi mance cf Dinorab lhrmw ( w mecom n Mignon cornpieteiy into c ie shade. But 'iliguon"'à a favorite 1 >rs bore, snd lat xnight there was' eolutly not a Vacant seai inîbe boumei ,vensl ibemanagerlal boit heinglt.1 Fbon thb mrerican prima donna leapti om tbm cari in- wbich the heroine is -gged upon the stage. she reeved om the crowdmd audience ouoh a me- ýtîon ae im ,eldom accordmd te the resiest favoritee cf tbm Opera Comique zbituea. The popular romances, Comnaià tu le paye.,' the "StPrimune," ie 'Swaliow'* duel-masch opportuuity am magerly meizmd by tbm enîhusiastîe Imitent cf the gilted singer for sept... rg tbmir delight, wbile Ibm criticsi onoisemr wus stili more plied te oie that Mdlim. van Zandt's voe hbam late grealy gained in power, thns i g hope that the ilut quality nemded )r a great singer will accu bm within r gzrâtp. To ind any parallel te Ibm ecoination over ber wielded by Mdlle. au Zandi one inuet go back te the tartling eariy suceuses et Adehuas latti. M. Gambetta bas receivmd ympatbe- i addreme, numereusly siged, froca vmerai towns ainaled in tbm Soutb- ester» dopartments. The wriimrs ci- wmss thbm romt matifaction at bis rbe *nt attitude, and predict Ibat tb. coun- y will distinguimb beiween Republicaus hio went le advanom u.lowiy but stes.di ya&ong tbm patin cf reformn, sud those hon, &fter baviniz made many promirnee. re acting in sncb a mauner an le tender LIl progrmm impossible. For ncariy twc monthe Dot a drop cf uni, not a flake of @now, not a bajîstone à e fallen, tii being the driemt einter f tbm century. It i.' aime worthy ci ote that witiiin the paut Iwo yearm vO bave ame ad tbm boitest and coldesî imaîher known here mince 180<). tbm funerai cf M. lloumland, busband of Mudle. Nisison, teok plae it thm cburcb cf St. Elvi, ie tbm Rue de lenully. The ceremony, wbich was very simýple, vus atimnded cely by tbe widow and a fow intimate friende. The remains were interred ln tbm Pic muas ceà 6terY. Tur. LANSa ON 101ONuî.-Interb$t in bhe LaMAoe poison . Ig case is Mitiain ed. The <leneco hope te show tbat leceascd died freinthe effects cf pres sure on thm arterits frtu ectirvaîture of tbe r-pine. Tht' pri<eeer appeatworn aud jadrà . and tht genorai impression is ihat the case îm bopeless. Corna ! Corna Tender corne, paînful cerne, SAf cerne, btmeding cotes, bard corne, cornm of mIi kinds and cf aIl shzms, are aiikm remevel lu a 1mw ilsys by Ibm use cf Puvsà xN'e PMIWtc.aCens EXrTUc'rcm. Nover faite le mure, never canute pain, neyer imaves dieep spots Ibal are mot. annoyiug Ibme ibm original discomifot. Oive Poliesmu Plainiesa Cern Extrmo. tracter s trial. Bevame of substihutes. Sold Iv, druggisae verywhere. A Toie Wihout Alcobol. Dyopoïtllorsud thome muffering frorn chroni imm houid read tb. follow-- ùpS mBar. John Gregory, pastor of D1ASB 811:-Having ai varions r n&yadd in yw an thé amliiealled Peruvlan Byrtip or Protee e lution of Protoktide of iron, L moi cbeerfully romrnend 11, es- 4eOi.l y 10 Ihome wbo are suffering item dyUpepi and nervous dimorders. As a reliabiead powsrful aiterative, itl e, I tdunk, unmurparm.d; and as a tooula, freé Irmm &Il the cbjectionable features of alcoholio remnedies, ih a à ames$ efficient auxiliaryto th. temperauce Ceu. 0Q3e of lb. greatesi hindrances te .temp- erano. reformast resent le, asn II bick, tbm moeil ue of alcahelic stimulants. WVbtever may b. argued se 1 their neftesty lu certain carns, we have in the Pernelan Syrup, a .afe and efficient substltitt for these dangerons rernedies. This temîamony. ie given unmolicited, with tbm hope it â mo W eho are flot yet aoqaainWe witb the valuable prop. ortis of th. medicine may b. induced te Rive it à trial. BoId by a&H drnggstm. Shiewdncsand mbllity. Hep Bitterase freeiy ailvortiseil in &Ili Ibmpapers, escutar and religions, ara having a large sale, andl are enp- pianting att cîber medicines. There le ne deying Ibm virlues cf IbmefHop plant, mail tbe proprielers cf thoeBit- tera bave ebeun great sbrmwduess andl abilily in compcunding a ittîers.wbose vrnces are se palpale t evi-ry cnees observaion .-REaminer and Chronîc The Great live Stock Spccifccs. HÂARVXc.c.ImCoNerrîcai PevDiaS cure, vithout laul every dismasa of berme, oheep, poultry, bogs, km. sund catt.. improvmg tbem in weight and proli. ficuees ansd givee lhem Ibm bigbcsl mnrket value. Trt be»as tl pecilic. Tbey are oud by aIl drieggiata sud grocere. Epileptic Pia-. 8-r. PAuL, MiN. Jany. 4&h, 1878. J &ins I. Fai.cwm, .Eau. Dwia Sim :-I bava deterrsd wtiting te you et. Ibis Ibal I migbi b. able Le give an accounnicf tbm effeet of yonr Medicine. I can now safoty aaY thal il in undoubiedly tle. beat Imvcr tmiel, arn ther. ean be ne doubt Ibat my ltte girl ie in a fù aitwy cf rcevery, aud yen muet bmw lun mid, Ibal Ibis vas a vry bal Care, sud 1 do beneslly bo- haeve ibat bad I pet given il lc ber, sbe veudbave been 1aes ra ibis, nov sbe ats beatty aud la gainiug iu fiesb, Ibm is are cnly partial sud the actian ai tbsbarl hs les. e triblem; I arn, i, ycuts very reitpeoifully, D. WALIKI a ma. Nec-vous Prostration vital veeltuss, de- bitcty trem e or tor ùluiitions in raictelly and promptly curmii by tia. greal nerve sud braie oo tenovu asme ck& Magnelic Medicine. vbicb mmii by mil te. spensible drcigletrn Ses aiivertiseeeet lu another clumu. Reat and Camfcnita Ibth Suffefing. eç 01 a c el c i te briug eh wauldl Guileau a ravina ml 4dis. ooile p. England, emente vieil ut of mms»- Ibo bliet ile l t. Meuito"m tislates 4eexce iu Ood book cent, sud thb. mes. oer cf tbe *y. Tho lesldrabte Iy passeti g cf the ice-Honry I dtecisme arge oclan keeping a A ber r.- bal bo.» vbloh ail Ibat cr. le b. lomplain. i muet b. ibm ast Baillai, k Fartu, wllb itu- $.b. Main- relative the flood - à i shows auOferings oer the. Aumrian obbi.bop ugiy de- decrot. pust ton ta of lb. dent oc, fiARi1va,, WortLb &W aofd qua or ev'ina pain. o îhinternai uD Dihe frnat. hinmapaienlu b. idraibakd arnl bowlsflresThpain inbthe ati smc 'c oach, Lxnsoe, hrsud aud u kle a aior ache. "Lbago mcml andety quleken paieo aiche. sud H.à m lb. a qtpoe te Bosdera. Bnau Hourtnitper iana ma," baung" ackucwledgmd grPaa ain" Reevrsu acouble &>tie sirgt famn Miber Elaxit cf Louetern l l ofri &nhenu hein ave rs Liimeadyinthe es ese va ntmi <avi e arils 1h. beel us'em l l. ed fotreap Lhut temac i he sud Pinsfr and ch f il h Stoda, u mfa i. by aildrmgglnof II 25 cents s baille. Congbs. colda, umr, bronchxilla, pains in tbm Itauot aichuti raleimv.dud cuem eý the use cf Dr. darsous PulzUonM Iloalà Draps. The mont rmlialn imrnlmony bas =ee roedved se te their .faitncy. lu colit, 6Wcets. W, B. House agent for Wbitby. ductor on the Wbitby aud Lindsnay Rail- Oargay so r. m Da tomach sud Cou- @t; i h itters cured me cf dymspsi. I ,ayk thein lu tbhumasud coumider tbe n lvluable sa famlly Medicine. W. B. Bousmenmt for Wbiby. 101th.e el merils et Dr. Carmons Stomsck sud CousilpluBitter.. no Mediciue 2e sal mi.meprommpy lu curlug Dyrn. peea igestionbilieuneLvroe plal&.Have yn tmlIiW. B. Bouse la agsnti ~by. rý» NoiceO.rf Bsrih., Mo.v"aia, and Deailu c>srgeii 50 Contefa o. WHITBT ABJCB C»OUMcrenrilre, Match 151h, 18eu Fan lWhou ......... j I R......... ........ 0 W8 Q0 80 Par........... ... 8 Qla0Se .Mfa ............ 009 ...erea............ 40dg 4 -5: 060 0 00 Â e* u ........ 0«o#a00000 .....e............... 01 a018 Wodý».............. 478 à O5800 ...epel........... 0 012 2e,«4pmrowt, .......... 750 O800t> Oelryperes...... 80 0040 Cbokaapepsi' 080j00% .00 QC700 1 O"Ul-loe. 0 val,carTOM 6. otii..000 aS -00 aeo0% ...V....... 0 l la, ~-Iit8coohanCanaianTwees~ Sxtydifferent patterns ofScth An Immense Stock OéfGents,' Furnishi-ngs. -Thiis season, we have made special efforts to plac e bN4ore ourcustomers, a very compiete -and choice stock of Gents'. Ë 1Prni*sbing Goods. In Gents'Ulnder-wear, Shirts, Drawers, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs, Braces, -ilmbrellaS, ,White and Regatta Shirts, -Collars, Cuifs, &c. An immense stock of American, CEnadian and English Hats, including the celebrated Woodrow's Hats, in silk- & fur. 4j- A, full stock of General Dry Goods this week. Millinery in a few days. je. SWhitby, MarCh 7th, 1882. CREDIf SALE Farm Stock, Implements, &c. The. udenigccei bas receive.d itusmtru froue To »aU by Public A.cctloen, oniLot No. 5 je Ibm Sth concession cf Pickering. ad>olnlng Ibm Village cf Belsarcion Tuesday, Mard/i 28t, 1882, The follevlng veiicable properiy, via: lfllaek Serse, aed . 1Mare, in foaI; 1 Spring Colt, by Ciauninan; 4 Miicb Cava, to caive lu April, by tboreugh-brmiiBullt; 4 Milcb Cava, tl eive in Id, by tbierogh. bred Buln; 29 liiera, lu cmli te Iboroegb- braS Bull - 2 Steera, 2 yeara cli; 2 flero, i year clii; 4 Fat Catte, about 1,10Ohbs. mch;8 Gccd Breedlng ms ; 1lFst We.. tber 1iLumber Waffgon; 1 Sulky Hors. Rke, 1 lle*olvtng Morse R.kM ; 1lGoad Piow; 1lSet ofilarrOv; 1Sm of Double Harmes 1 Set Single Hatuma,1 Cutinl» Box ; 1iWhétbrrav; 1iGond Cbaun; 1 Lrgging Ch" n-;100) Buabets cf Nmwuaied os" ;A qatliy fet S.. Pesa sdseve- rat otber aricestoc numerous te mention - sait le comommaie fOsee, P..M, Sharp- TEIiMS.-Alimanmet an d nudmr $1, cash; omerthâtalamouni, 7 manthm' cedit wiilb. gtven bl pu" aunlnbing apprcved Joint Notes. trmccargea Item dayof1 "l. If net pad lmn due. For thm Fst Caile msud emGrain, ceuh,.Six per cent. pet amuem dstidoicfffor ceuh. THOMAS POUCHER, Pickering, Har. 14. '81. Aucllonee. VALUABLE FARMI FORS.ALE. The subaerberwUli el, by Public Aunet[=, ai SECKERB HOTEL, Liverpool Marka% On MONDA Y, MARCS 201ki8ft, Lot lic. as, lai Con. PIGXfBFG 100 acres, 7) ct vhlch ame cleared. Ll la &enmsd Il lain=der oullivultn. There laa Prame House, etc .md.&-ef a Prame Stable and a Log ern on thé premirnes. Fhere hIa <ccd youn Orobaud, ud ibm-plce ta ueovat.ed. This tam las 9miles trom PSt Union Station, G. T. IL, sud ouly Si mllemtom Liverpool g-alInmarket, cm a cod rced Teremadekuoc n uday cfsae Sale aet 2c'look. pxc., sharp.Aciue. TEOS. POUCEHE, uumr Go9.LiFgePropiletcr. plclaugMrrebm, 1889, 9104 Nerth 8,fih and Mercantile INSLIRANOE Coq mE Drotmesbaveaus-'-ld MrO xiO1 SE & iatWh by, thelb aboa m M &ZOosny. b. LOiN UMDUGALL & TEOS. nDAVIDsO, umonrl3<atuh ih, net.- 184f A U TI0, N AL E i. ICHRD- QUIREs, NEW ÂDV E~EMENT8. INTHE HIGBi COURT 0F JUSTICE, Re GADSBY., Sturge e. Wolfereden. A large stock of Carpets. na NEW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. LCOURSE 0F PREPÂBATION, AND WIL811RTLY BE eUB- LISED : A HISTORY -0F TEE- CHANCERY SALE 1 COUNTY 0F ONTARLO, Town end Perm Property. Pm-uant to an oder =&de lu Ibis canae tbere wiii b. seul vitb lb. approbation ci ileorp enmry DartaUel, Esquire, Muter cf Ibis Court ai Whitby, in thm mmiii Town cf Wbitby, at Ivo e'clock in tbe afternoon cf SATURD&Y, the 26Ib day cf MAliCIE, 1882, tbe following lands and premisea, in tbree parceln: P&nCEL 1.-Filmen acres, mure or less, being part cfibmheart.hmlt cf Lot Seventeon in thm Second concession cf tbe Township cf Bast Wbltby, ua decribed in a demdl froue George Smlibh l William Gmiisby duiy reginied, mare and e=cpt eue acre wbicb has bemu mclii tberefrom for school purposeu. Thia tand ia firmi cimes, with an erchard cf &bout 40 tu«e. Thère la a good t rame barn and stable 56x40 fi. Iltai distant about i miles froue Oshawa. Pà .xcui 2.-Ou. ace, mor or leu, bmiug consposed cf kart cf thm euti-ha c oi Twmuiy.tbree ini tbm second coucessnion cf tbm Tcwnship cf Wbitby, descrlbed in a deed from RobeiBraeb ta William Gadsby duly reglmlered. This Imeacent, but la will feucmd, and la an adrni7rble building .11.. PARCEL S.-One-quaIel cf mn am, more et lest, sud five sixtmenid (6-16) cf mn acre, bing pari cf the mtxb4bnf fLot zeamber Twem ,t t-o fa lu bmfAetconcession cf thm To=umip cf Wbilby, sa dacrib.d in a deed f rom Robert Mnggatidgm la William Gadmby duly rmglimtrmd sem morW ia usbmt 2914. On Ibia prop.nty ta mrecimd 6a dvml.lug f or- meily known »me .Gadaby RHel, whlcb lain vaat The veniiora viii cuir pucesncb tille deeda s »tbmy bave lu Iheir pessesmi on, nor fornimy ebatract exeqvt a reglelrar's al. amrat or copy Iboermf. TEEMS.-Tmn pet cent. vill be required. te b. pald te Ibm Vendorsm Soicitor by Ibm purcbaner *111.. lime cfamie, and Ibm bal. anc. cf the purebaéMe ouey vîtbin on. menbtiibereefer. Tbfflw iiib. ai.mved bld on m»b psrWsi p4 b7 th. Muter. lu sE cuber rurni t» betoerres d cadi- iona cf zale vili Sm the stauding omdilion cf the. Court cf Cbaneery. FuuIber conditionsem eaub.lid frcm G. YOUng BmitLb. OMeamFa ell & Rutiedge, W. I. Bhhinga Soitcltorm, Wbltby, or f rom John Ho"bl, haq., Q C.,Tconto. D&W dthia 711. Maceb, 188M.- 0206 I. DA2RTNELL, G. YOUNG iITIE, Muer. Vaudoua' Bocitî 81u-18 MIRSe ALLIN'S WH IITBY 8009 AN music MOEt FIBT SEMRT 0? NE~W IPRMNG lOBDS AIIIUVD THIS WEEL. Soum.ting Few-uUilmd 'e tbe MarEsi ma Pane Work Brnmkat. A NewU»Litu Paner Frmme. A mbael.tStocf ai&Ub A vmryllrnrsat8"kotAutographlad phe-. __Br"h a pFleu«ahlpCad.. A opette ovet Sittmayal. so seboci Bock$, les, bek, Sobool Bss, ani aul Sehool tueemle#s, ai icvmrnt omi. ble pdima AF.ew Unela GnjMUMeus Vali sil ,*TIME STEETIO PFS OUba. M. L, Brucklilree (Euilor cf tbé WsRravCBNaCcîZ,) IN ONE LARGE HÂBDSOME 8V0. VOLUME 0F 600) PAGES. T HZB HIToRY, cmmncing ith Ibm proclamation of Lord Dorchester 1788, sud Ibm Adct f 1792-Blet George ffi., es- tablimbing ParliwentaryGevruent-vill embrace Cbapierm on thae anly Stîlement cf Ibm Ccnly ; ibmemrly pioneera; Ibm U.- E.OYst Loansd settlara under Gvernor 8imCesproclamation ; tbm sîrugglo for O separatice trom York and Peel-Ibe Pro- visionai, Conucl; Estabtibmmut cf tibmO Connly mand Cenly Towu-Ereclion nofltce Couuiy bnlddlug-Fight for tbm Cunuty ofIRces-Rei,llridgee mcidiHanhrs-The Georgian Bay Cacai-Struggles over Romd Appropriatios ad Equmlizing Ibm Amees-ai ment Relia- Wardeum mcniiMembers eoftA Couuly Cenucil tram year io year sud :heir work-Popelstion and siatielicm-Edncatieu hLri - Agriculture - Stock-breedinlg - Poenty Vainalrs-Survey and setlîmmeel cf Town- bMpa-Summa!? of tbé Hlmlory cf mach Municpalty- be Counchls lectmd frein year ta year-Of Tovus andl Vilage- a Cherches sund Cltergy - Scbcol Sections .LC) andl Sehtbolbuims- chocls sudColeges- The Volunteers, 8411e Baîtlion sud Officere -Noeaspers-Porti sud Coloier-Stisi- labie fExporta isud Importe-Annuel Ttc- cc ta sd = xpeuiture- Stream sa nsd M ill s su ihlb.Priucfpa2 antlacîtures-Membet ot Psrhlamnent, when elecleil, Term for whlch seaIs hold-Gon" naiAnals cf ibm Couuiy -Sketches cf tbm Pioneer, cand blographical sketches cf Ibe Principal Men cf thm Ceunny - Visitaeof teIbm ine et Walees ad et Prince Artbur cf thém'Marquis cf Lorne We t sud rlnsamLtilm,&c,&a, &.,-ihe whote Green, a oomplmiei9mccnd up te 1882, sud invainabie bock cf rsfetenc, The Work vii be pc-imd for subecribers only. rIrAGENT8 WANTED ii mvry r lccm.ity.The I SEED WHEAT. 800 Bushols Arusota Wheat.1 lu-ilu ALEX. WADDELL, Ciaremoul P.O. war ilmE SVNSANO LOAN cD0mIIAN1y. Authcrlzed Capital $2,OOOsOOO Office. Na. 72 ChnurEh.B., Tarate. DIBE C TOR 8. BON. FRAIIK SMIH.Senator, Prealdeni. EUGENEO'KEEF, Esq., Vice Preaident. PATRICK HUGHIES, Emq., W. T. KIELY, Emq., JOHN FOY, Eeq. JAMES MAmi~ - - aae ir mcuelom.daon Mcrlggeai b-vomi ramcftutrmi, udou cauvutmut lma e puo vamusmi. ou a». -, For turiber panilulars. spply 10 -.1 JOHN, -SCLLY, L88da IIigrauln - Agent, Emuitola fer RAILWA ND .8TEAME L,. hwAI Wca Tailor-ing on the shortest notice. . A full stock of Grocerios. . POWELL NYEW AD)VE'à *f.18EÈMIENTS. Fre8hOys1er8~ 63EYVZD UP IF AilS - -CALL 0ON -FRS 8t -0F WHITBY,- PMILY GROCE0 For Reliable Boots and RIgB0As . AU SIJGA AMT LOWBT BP à ES manH, FRUIT, CANDIS AD KM.S 0.8S. MALE & SON>S, ODDFELLOW8' HALL. DWELLING HOUSE for-.SALE! T HE TWO STORiY BEICK COTTAGE .wlth Maumd rooZ, on Byren street the property cf M»a. )M . SHaro The boume la vel1 finisbmd and w ttted u -Wilb modem ovminem nin<gte ace, b th, trc -pum p, &. Ar py tn L. T. BAROLAT Wbilby, Sth February, 1j«. THÂT DEsIAiLX- BRICK-COTTA OS COLBt)]RXE STURI!' AtprselcMiplati by W. eaca For patc= a *lel eM. W.. Wbltby 7mb. lot, 18M9 AS A 3351F AMI> HERPE IN a .evuaytemand IIict~b cf nenve nou er.-pý Shoes.1 (EPFoot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by Broo][Senet, Wbutby. THE WA R PATH AGAIN!1 --0~~00-- consignment of ]Ricli China Goods, riving too late for the holiday trade, 'will be sold at a GREAT REDUCTION. etcents on the Dollar Returned to every cash purchaser of China, Crockery, and Ulaïsware dutring this nzonth. are simili selling 5Ibs Jupan Tea for $1 00O; Bibs Choie aBlack, or Japan Tea for $1 00; bargains 'in coicesIamily- Groce.- ries. Raisins, Currants, Oranges, Lemnons. ry the Chinese Washer for economy in the Laundry. Louise Baking Powder takes the lead. Saies quadrupiea last month. Ondfih, T reOytrou, c , F &c.dis laerMceel erÉ lufih strtoke c . iyFej thmFer rcco haOiel Corn MeaI, c- SAN EÂABLY CALL SOLICITED. -Dovoreil's Blok, Brook-si., Wh Whlitby, January 4t1h, i882. BOOTS ANOSHO FOR, FALL. AND WINTIER WEAR. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCi Latest Styles and- Fashiïona' and Beëst, Work-manÈhi CHEA P 80T8 il Sak»leai ThA ýc Do. m eiatm- ua beau iy,lom, bd t.1< waltîay. pardon. 0 elodug i t 1h* rmogul. of tbm West. -e.- - -- Moctreal .Pickings. To the Edif r f the Whitby Chrvuicle. Wbite wailing for a car ve ceu.nta DEAÂS ixa :- tbe Smith Medicine Ce-s@ office, 663c As yen are alwayis moion. Craig streel, sud finI il a plie. Weil b te keep your teadeta pested ie *Il Ibe votth s visil. Wbilm Ibere a Mr. John b .tartling ovents cf the day, I tbonglet h Reynolds, living ai 102 Canai Street von-Id juat tdrap a litlu item ie yonr came ie witb a muster tape verre basket cf scraps. The Ceiubes Seel some 45 fted in leegthib v hha ha Fair was bell lbe past vmek; andi ilim oemlel - lb. ulay belote, after lakiug tc give yhn a short bitory cf a skirmhsb Dr. Staitbes Great Grman Femedy- e belveen tbm twe fanniug mîli axibilers and b. epoke of il in terme of the bigb. Ibat I pan thee fues. There vere Ivo est prahmc, bmving ttied nurnberleu i mile on exhibitioen, the "Honey" sud oîher remedies aud dotere vithoul the "RKing cf Ibm Wes"; ibmhe rmer sucesa. Wm are aIeblocovn etven ebovie b Mri. Dingle, ail le, latter by large scmaeb warm, rmoved tromi a Mr. J. 17, Smith, boath residente of 0b. litlte child of Patick BrniIb'm living eti sa. -The judges, as you 1mev, worm 96 Cbmuumvillm sîrmet, wlîb ane dose cf1 ime cf higb standing ftem Pickering, thce remedy. Tbey bave tholtsande cf Scugeg andl Bovmmuvillm, wbcm il testimoniale, sud belote On-t car ca=e vccil lb. impassible le charge witb long wm vote (nulconvinced of the parlhalitiy. Tbe jadges mixed ibeir ovre wonemtll mmritm cf Dr. Srniibh Great grains, baving coutel the revomn-ioe s Qrman Worm Bcmeay.-Afontrmal cf bath nmcbines sud tecked jute the Star. inieripa, retirel Irotu the "iile, aed Midight DecIors are most unweicamne the cîman grain vas laken teuithomin . tom-aven the otrbzol uu boxe#, mc Ibat il vas impossibleot l the11 vîmi D oler himtusi aras Item vbicle machine icame. And il Ib cm u alemeld bppoe 10 Iave vas ibe unanimous decion, ie a m a omctîoan d. up ose yen ry smiii, ibat ibm Ircpby baii hem» lo nfnioau epabiiee ar onrhy on y lce Rin eti~ &o Davis' P".e.liier Mu th. bouse,ad revy on icr erKn oful» mrWest," et D.SuU tb nbtbi n u byto eouosts andn 't seconds - Dr. iula lyinbsbd i n in urne. The grain as be-aullfully jyliraf cleaned, &m l liai Ibm "HUoi i y" mUiSUail belgberi. touainluheb.varld are bhov. ithosof lbt Clog$ ai"dhl,5à I oul ali: yen ta insrtrl Iis, ini lb. font, omieqniveant te 8,182 iFaet inlteet ai ihm farmnlng oo-muniy, brook' cmlcnPans. among vitoc your paper in largsly ci. culaed. Thay viii find it greatly laTH MENIG 0 E E thslr internetst purobas he"Kingaof PDOSTRaTION aud GEFERAL Ibm Wet." Il inmde of thb @gtuas. DEBILITX lu eoverworked, mou and teis4, sud eu am eaumon ib theitnce vornen iss"mp1ya falur. 0, fuel te et J. W. Smih, oensd a-quarter mitai ru tLh ea bltuery cf th. bodluy*l north of Osbavm, vhmre farmr&eau bealîh iba digestive apparains La do- finI aogeil uppty t cooosefrorn. Mr.igiied te prasumtemni food tear»- $mibtotsr< Ia oviib oipair, and lorma te work tibmViual ergaus heappy le show thé machinte eta ay one, Ai a uulform axpeauof ieue g.Whou and viii ho pleaaêd i11h. farmer. viii eoiisurptiicil eac.daa upply e reemiv look t i Ilbefore golng te purcoase any -15 draw'ieou, andtheIbmbody vasiâ and et. IL lamde by j. Watt & Son. vemkfe. Rare Io indiutale b.Dr. Sîratcnil.WHEBLZRmS Elizir of Phosphates IromainOuormilzs udCaUsa tu realulaibalance c f Jui~ZB. logeand <ai AI a Lots for Word.. Egebpapms,hlu relatihniAumrlotb 1 .att hiirnot unirequently rin&ave. Tbepoe wblcb 1 bereby atiempi the regien4fdry fAte bibi eth"ofpuret» Zr5 oîee imaglinaion. Thus a , miter l b Ie. Plh y5Imsus pfyb" b chats. Baturday, ReiWuscriolslng Co. Pet- ter andmI uMet~y bave, tro's 111etoy o-'te ýlà xpâW ofeloredMy bomatlio Obe incutrable, Antietatu- sud P'redeni4îkbti," an. apeoiciflsAM4 uhe ,bv naces 1h51 Lees .purposeinhiei 8iMl flle ta ecure - or tieon alevi*tie Ilu passageocf Ibm PotormcWu 10Toreamb t.uSlty ot lb. pan, wbièb haîtr.îjuelt. île. poplation mofmutern aryland, Ilr eonued 4me $0 - my rvomi forltre.* thon holà dovu byov.rwbomiuimil. Mnlbist a tire.. 006k4W*k -mgo ttary fores. ,"âalhob.ebasu-abe.-a vu ais ecr a*U".k of cf am reacb Ibat part of thmae c&W"lti it- - b bee. 111a f wtiter tra, *»h.e ulIudoubed- bourg theent.. kliemjofut i eesme ly bava reeiruie is ry bi M000 e eln e %oe masile..ti exell da et4im lad,.rtotl ihae lout reptalnu4for meiandsu&1 tiIII44 1 t sucureen tomber of te vior. tic senti. batoraila cm nome. -OF WHITBY,- 1 . 5047 Ibry,