Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1882, p. 1

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WEÏTBY BRANCE, TIROMAS DOW, D4~1SERBàIATTORNEYS 'AT LAW, SLCTR I so9M. os.i dotclel. *t door soutf thcfé c oyal y. JAMB E rUTEG .A Conuty Crovn Attorney. 48 OPRULLIVAN & PERDUE, B ISTICR0 ATTORNEYS, SOLIO- MESfflRIE8, lo., &c. OFFICES -.- 72 Venge Street, next lb. Dominion Bank. aud Corner King sud Tenge Streets, Toronto. 0. A. O'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October 28rd, 1880. ly.48 JAMES KEITH GORDON, B AaSrtl6tE & ÂTrTORFEY-AT-LAW, Solcitoin la hanceri-, Conveysuc. Notari- Public, &o. O£oie-DanSa. St., (rat door vait et Armstreug'e Hotel. Money te Losu-Pnivato fonds-mstlo1e DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORKEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IF .i Chaucn>'. Conrepsucer, &o. Orrc»-In lin. Office Southione b.Pent office. Lu MeMillans Blocb, Brecb Street, Whitby. iy-1O ROBINSON & ENT. (Lai-s DCeas & Ruosn.) BARRIBTERS.AT-LAW, ATTORF. o -ye, Solicitors, Couroyancors, &o. OFFIC.-l-n Vitoria Chamhe.rs, No. 9, Victoria Street. J.G. Rosasses, M. A. Haussai- A. E. Rai-. G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., DARRISTEB, i&o., &.-Money te Loan B lesuer oet Mariage Lîcouses. Orrica-Ovur Dominion Bank, Whltby. Inn. 22, 1878. (tf-6 JNO. G. KELLEY, ')ARRISTER-AT -LAW BOLICITOR B~ in Chmcr- aud Insefrouci-, Couver. ancor, &o. OSle-DeveriUf's Bloçk, Brook. Street, WhlLhy, Ont. J.[AMER GREETIWOOD, A TTRNZYANDSOLICITOR, CON- AT eORncerY trPublie, &.-Post Officeaw- Mer Ne. 11, Wbttby, OuI. Parrus hought msl d; Marniage SLqfie. meulatWLIs4udTruste adei.Speclallîsa Lomns qegôtuatu.l onaIl knitsotfiireperty. 42-hp CUARLES C. KELLEiR, \ýTTOIfflYAT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN (Isc hac,ou voyancer, &a., Canning. L. T. BARCLAY. ATTOIiNEY-AT -L'AW, SOLICITOR lu Cbnncery snd Inuoeei, Conrey' aucer, &o. &c. JOHN DALL BOlet, B ARItIISTBRI-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR lu Chauconi', Conroyaneer, &o. OIRcee-Des-onili'a Block, Brock Street, Wbitby- MONET TO LENI)-Privite Pande s nnouumoup Le $6110, t s oy rate et Iu- Lrest. (y& JOIIN A. Mc<ILLIVIIAV, - (Succeseuorte Il. M. Howel.) IB)ARRISTBR & ATTOtINEY.AT.LAW, )Notaxy Publie, &c. Beliciier for Lb. Dominion 13 suk. Oice-Nezt door Le Manson Houae, Urbrîdge, Ont. -26 LYIIAN bIKr4GLIiSO, L L. 139, I)AIIRISTE1L AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN i1) Cinconi-.Conroyancor. &c., h. SIi.- coee tret, Oshava. JE. GALBRAITH,, B.D., GRA.DIATP. ot Oueen's sud Victoria CXUiversltios, hembor et theObCliae et Physîcianusud Surgeons, Ontario. Orria-hlrock'ht., Witby, Ont., (tire. Saurs south i o apl Heteh). b-46 R- J. GUNN, si. D., OOLDS, Pcb. VOLk, 878. rpre .put iluWl.laaocdet let LesQt.5Au nudSas tesud S AKESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. Ring & York.stm., Toronto, Ont. J.A. OGRADY, - PROPRIETOR. Tamisa, $1.50 Pas Dat. 1 (ly-47) P OST OFFICE" SALOON, ToaeNrre. à(. M(cONNELL, ..PROPRISTOR. IgW TE EHT ACOOMMODAe'ON «Mi for Gueula. i>-7 O NTABIO IlOrEL, BaecK.STRST, WHITBY. JOHN LESLIE, - Pvoprtietor. (Lote of the Simcoe House, Toronto.) Good Liquora sud Cigars. Commodiens Stabllug. Firet-lans Livery Stable sud BiMlard Parleur attscbed. ly-60 T RB UNDERSIONBD having leea tine Interuatonal Hotel, Port Wbitby, vishes hie many frlends te cmii sud ses hlm. Parier.sud ethers doing basinees at the Harbor vil flnd good accommoda- tien. 1W PLEASURE-SEEEERS inu tmnier wiii b. providdfi vih boats st reseenahie rates. GROP.GE BROWN, Wh.tby, Match lt, 1SE& i BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook sud Main Streetu, iu tbe Villagolif Brougham. Fisit-cis accommodations. Bot Liquors sud Cigare. Good stabliug sud attentive hosao. THOMAS POUCRERL, PROPRIBTOR. LICEMRD AUCTI(>NZER for the LCounties ef York sud North sud Southn Ontario. Auclion saluee ofrWostse, tarin stock, ste., attended at moderato chargea. Address, T. POUIJEER, 6Oly Box 47, Brouginai, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OIH1AWA, ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprietor. Virat Im....m 1d.U. .WurL N-tW. iÀquors sud Cigare. Good tabllng :ul attentives bosier.. ly.17 WHITBY HO0U 8SE DUNDAS-ST, WIIITBY. The auderaigned vould intaunate te the public tbst the abe. premises have been newly huit ai iltted op throngbeut, for the accommedation et gUeata. iiest wlxn.., Liquer* sud Clgýtrs. 'THE oCEAM ,OF CANADA' -WALZ LAGMS Ase pure Riine Wlue. Loger, Whole- aie aud Raaiu. Boarders taken by the wcck on uioder- sie terna- JOSEPHI A. BANDELL. Jely. 201h 18M. 2 B LAC0 K 1-1010E IIOTIEL, COR. FILONT &GxEOSOST., TORONTO. ALFRED OXFORD, - PROPRIETOR. (Laie et Welington Rotai, Markham.) TERIfS, $1.00 PEU DAY. Geed stabi- ing for over 800bohes. First-ciass acom- modation for fariner.sud 1he travelling public lu gouersi. a(l THE HODGSON HOUSE, (Labo Tmethp O'Leary's) The aboe promisse haro beon takou by the undsralgnod, sud are nov belng novly f Ited op for the reception et gants, suâ the trraveling public.. noat Wlnes. lquoru, cigats, &o. MeslsaI aIl bouts. Good stabling, hed room, sud an atten- tire ostber. WU. HL'DGSON. THOS. SLEIGH,) UIRGEONt TO TRE C01UNTY GAOL, --- ( ~~ SByron Street, VWtlby. I nU Si±'& JIGN CiUY'S9JIOSPITAL LONDON, EFG.. 'y thae oye R. 0. H. t., Oshawa, Ontario. C' AID.- OR* HOGAIUT, t'hymiolan, Surgeon, iAccoucher. ha., &o. Wbltby, Sept. Oth, 1874. 40 M I. J. If. DATECS, Newspuspon 4ds-oniieig Ag est, 41 Park Ree r ~imesiltu iu), New yojkls aothoSsisouttu> eontractiforer iea.. mencal la thce CHIIONICLE nt or boat rates. - P AINT E R, -Osu nov b. found et Iea hop,- TWO DOORB WEST OP ARMST1IOFG'S HOTEL, DUND&S STREBT. Or Al OrderspromPU tlyatudefi te. -. Whltby, Apfil 14, 1880 .16 C. N. VARS, L. D. S, D ENTAL BOOMS temored troin At- blneoa'al Drug store te zooms over Shea, & fhirle '.a érir, Fanget., Osb*'va. Entraince u ;É4 Street. W. -ADAMS, IARCHITEC'IUREII offic heure (rm 9 &lm. te i e1 ,su fa i 1.80te'0 1' Iu.Reidnce-Cor. of lByron sud GiberI trete. C, Ne VARS, L.e1D a. E ETH linsrtoilon ailU hi tst sbprýin on f the art, vs chu. as the obuesi, emegood stàis bst,. 'Fetb (lied vlbb GelS sud Silee., To.th extracled withonUalin, by pr6aeaclng Local anesetlnoela- Don Booms;-lu Co*. an s nov block ,re-r Atbl»non'Dmug -OBire, Kng Btreet, Ouhuva. S JOHN RouiNsonba DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION B3UILDINGS Promptly prpred wlIbrlew to Eccuemi- CHURCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A Cerrespoudeuce Rospeetftely BÃ"hclled. Obavaý, ont. a6~ i~w$ad ws.oiel2uv t k Sa#ft c. EMTJLSION -PREPARED BY- Wu, . HOWSE, C orner (hi--b) CH 1-N A -H A L L, Doit or TEE IG 3ive (EIGreTEEJ) 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. Pmncy Breakfast sud Tes Sala. Fsucy Dinner sud Dessert Sels.. Fancy Bed.room Soto. Yancyjngeansd Toapols. au rerPlated luire., Forbu sudSpo. Bii-ez Pial.d CrueLs sud Butter LCooler ih-or Piated Cake Baskets. Rodgeta'Kniveu sud Parka. Tes Traysansd Sors-rs. Ployer Shades for Lily'e, &., &o. Giansaaro, sU descriptions.. White SIoe. are, evoty i-. Rotei sud Bar Goods. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WR ITBY. Geo. Cormack, I UMBER MERCILI3T & BUILDER. iL, -A large rïpip of BailiSer.' Faumeh- iugs,sana aU i ka of etTwisted Moldings, Docra, Sash sud Blinda. LUX13BILwhoesale sud ratail, or by bhe ocar loead. Pia9lu, Mendifga of cvcrydeccrp.- tio, Ploorig, Sbeeiiug, Shelving, Re- sawlng, "ipng, Turning. Soroll-worb, etc -, etc. Whitby, Oeà.ýth, 1876. 8 T pB &I APRmy be found on e1a AI Geo. .Reel & Cos Nievipaper Ad- Vertiaiug Bureau (10 Sprue St.), vhere ad. verttaîug centracts may b. madls for lIt s MONEY TO LOAN ! $iOO,UOOl FOR I.NVESTEEI4T. ON REAL ESTATE SECURP2Y. At leveet living rata« et intoeet. Money eecnrtd Ïlthiu 10 days or aS- pîjoation. Appy le L> FÂRQUHARSOF. 'Whitby, Febrnsry lôth, 1880. Q. l, ING BROTHERS, WHITDY, ONTARIO, Importura, Dealers sud Manufacturer et e&U Kinda et LEA THER AND FINDINBB, Cash pald fer Rides, BarS sud Leather. Leathor strutoe&l t3" BELTING MADlE TUOAODER O3 SHEORT NOTICE. Mai-, 1879. m SAVINCS AND LOiN COMPAIII Drug St.ore, INSURANCE. p m I M INSURANCE 00. Lomnbard St. sud Ohsriug Cross.,London. 55-AR1I~8l>zo1782. GILLESPIE, MOFP¶9T & 0., Agente for Canada. B. W. TYRE, Manager, Motreai. A GENCI BST&BLISED IN CANA- @il he tocholdrnandlarge Reuerve pua. Moderato rates of prendum. C. OURBE, Agent, Wbitby. Whitby, Apnil 9th, 1070 16 B BME8HiAMEICA Ass8uranlceCompany, INCORPORATED 1833. A8SET S, 81,10,876 94. F. A. BÂLL, Maller.4o Insuancas efeeted saithbm lovout cumul ratée on Buildings, Merebsudise, sud other property, aganuit loua or damage b y ire. Agent, Whitb7. Whitbp, Aprl tb, 187. le MON EY TO LO AN Off EASY TElLES. 1Appuiyb W. ]E. BILINGB, Bouacior.1 Ur Office ci-or OnLarlo Bank, 10-tf Whiitby. D)ANCING CLASSES!I voek ~ ~ ~ tb r vI omnel b oecf ai or e, ben b i .preperoil t* gir intrcInsluail tl Letel >su. lu cludlng The Elpde, flubat, Alia maMd Jesy U b e* Im Lancers l.latter the nice"t et da"ce pt ltr"Odue The Juvenue lolan vii1b. hld o o Saut tram u Iv to *M11 Ie eoo a tbsA&nltcimes viii bubeml l the Tbceuvishing t tt#end alther cf lb.. el«me, vl iese. bavetheir isesw i lb Dec. 14, 1881. Wblby. "8SULPHOLÃŽNE LOTiON.I" Auerterusi mess0e urlug skia ieu. te " f ad e s aeu if it s»mu Doma ueO=& &Myar7pimpim oudeus, blotebsu ut endiurb a &*r ske ioi re. 55 bvePiau ihesuCursforves.,bveve duoplael y Ttp da-e ..peliue" vithe mouli vbfleb oaue Ibee u9otuuihy Irtable, Pein- bealibi-. abtai ocodti"on b.uin."li pbLon"ties le sl bSp mclObme. .5 .0&. Va"e h-J.PEPr, kC. Loudon.EcP. sa Peepeebi Quinine agId on Te*l Stmentheus lb. sers-ee ud'»4 ela si-item, Impre. digulea, au slmatées-lb. mott. emuf te euilSb. For debillalsd boute is bot liabites1" PcppeR' Quinlle and lmonTelle '<Esi tcile by dayby catalllit The gMnlusf bit ',i . boretheir*sub l withag4h And Ocui urmurO'h O 1 vbeu shafl I beholfi my word.. Ccmmaiid thé pralsecetmon." Tino bouseflybuulng linlsaoar cbooed a mocklug "WhouT" Reouct bis vrltlng muilis hait And turn.d te other matbrs And nov ho sports aflullus ata Iu place cf rage and latters. iusto4aci stsrriug on &serast Bes ingers e'er bis dinner. Wbere sas befcre ho vauted fnbs Ho vimboshvs bIwbtinnr. Ana prays thsan. suoh feoi-4 a. ho May find thalt ame's a blar And hope. Lb. vorld's coU wvaîr cure May qunucb Ieir poolt ro," A Ralvay p~loe The conductor came 1etticket@, And pâssed a ?lemn y, Wbereat a veuf ung countryman O1ened irp iode hi. oye, Âudlapproed ie isfellow paheengor, Bouud te know tbe reason vhy, "lWell, air," theBéeOgSIOreplied If you'd rsaliy 1e te kuiov, 1 trai-el, air, ont my good iou" The coantrymenskad "Sho i" An trn tadà moment isad hGet mobiu't gel furtot go 1" HENRIETTA TEMPLE. A LOVE STORY 13Y TUE R'T. HON. BENJAMIN DISRAELL. ofthelr ne'autlful child, vbtch uhe régui. lirly enforceil upo hlm, maintainoiloit tIse vIolo bis coersgé. AU thoîr boes audjop, *Ore-,Indeoled cterod luilb. éducation- of th*. lâitI. Feinà%ad At t' "Méof age hoe -as eune ofî1es. eplu, sud stthe',sanirme qdocile, boys, Who oom tecmbine vitb' liné à cds aséoiosgrace oet ehidhood thse1 ihengbtfuineé8 sud 'eit-Aloipline oet matumrr ge, Il vas lb. consit anud ts-utbful boast of hie parentg, Ibstinlu spit.etfail his7liveliuese, ho bad noveri M lb.evinole course of bise111'. disoboyed theen.In theo village voe ho vas ido-1 liaed, tbey ced b ien "Linolittbe prince", ho vawu ngeutte and se gonerous ; n kind, sud pot se dignifil luinbis de.i meaner. Hlia éduncation vas vry re. matksbie ; for thoagin ho nover quittod homo, sud livsd indeed ln u nobxtreme seclusion, e icly gifted vote thosei oy peruons vitin vineenho passed hise lifo, tinat iL vould have beau difficuit te have fited unpon a youth, 'howvrr fa.1 vored, by fortune, wvineonjoyed groatori sdvantagos fer 'thoe niîation of bis mmnd sudrnbuners. Frein b.the t mine, Olast.enbui'y had ivoea himel! te iLs culture ; sud theo kind echolar,g vine hadl net hrunk frein tinopainfult sud' patient baek of impreguating ai young mind vith tLinouseds ef kuow.i lodge, and bedeved ils buidding promise1 wltin aIl tino feriiliring Influence of bies learning 'sud bis tasto. As Ferdinand1 advancd iunpomae, ho bad participaîed1 in thinoacoomplishmouts et hie mother; freinbhemlbe dsnivod net enly a tasto for tino fine arIs, bolunu unekilful prao. tics. Sin@, Lue, badl caltivated tino ricin roice vitin vbiob nature bad endoved bien; sud il vas bis motiner vino taugint1 hlm net ouly teu ing, hut te dance. Inu more msnly accomplishenents Ferdi- nand conld not have found a more ekil. fnl instmucter than bis father. s con (BRL OP BE.CONSPIRLD.) sommate sportsman, mnd bis aucostere, vas remar fluiseh iesmnship, ase "Qnotb Sainche, 'Read it out, by aIl moans;'ofheam nrari tor I mightily de4iht lunhosniug o et e. :ytbs jn ndrsr mores.""umntes votre disîlnuieb inooro pioty sud onsffoct BOOK L bigher dalles of existence - CHAPTER IV. getton ; sud Ferdinand PRO05185 OS' ÂI'VAIS AT Ianno. oarly sud orer Laugint t dutiful, ibaritable, sud Lite le adaventurens. Eveuts are par- bave a deep enue ef Lb. petnslly occorring, even in Lino calen' iereaftor le b. deliiered M nu ef deombsio existence, wvhnTinovery feibles et hie psr chanio lu an instant tino vbtne train imbibed tendet teatino n sud tor et onrt Iongit nlesd foelings, bis mqgnanimity. Hie il sud oflen materially influence ont for- aga vam early impesoed Lante sud ont obarmeter. IL i. atrange, inasmrci n as little nov vt sud somotienes me profitable ua s5 but their houer, te au8 alugular, ta e«Uali etat1mbou Ibo or. cambunt upon hirutat et smie aquatance wbicb tranefig- chiot tieauerofetwhicin ares eut bing ; viti sosie m nes. mnet depnive tinouâ, unsollif phlloeophy terointioufie ont m inde ; This muci et tin oeduet villi soins vomonn se char-nmets- amui Amine. Wthge monpboeee ut camre. TIse.retrospec- are, vith iivoly sud ig ire eodilablonu are taiLfal cf sotalents, sud s mest afetic knoviedge. .o idtm ,ho wva Thée vieiL et GlaeLeubuty as eue eof Mnie, Who neortoeasu tholoiiedents, vblob, fremen tnuez. senasepoil biru. But:f P.cl.dresait that tbcy occasion, aveU bter, vIsaivau thâtl? Poal mbt uante. H. bail net beau long a thein suziet,' sud@aithbir gacat ab Amiunéebefenre Bteliffe ail bbeinapparent oppontanit Ise ldycouadnet refrain frein eatuaal- ration, the parente sud1 ly comrnunlomting teaem"hotben bthé si lrfakintl udiscoverli gratification tIsey aboulal fnl couhl tonretthclp ehid on char Gltoabury b.is duoed Saeuomt bis lot blauts tbe finsuese et ameng Iheen. Hie bensiolent snd piacld tady-tbose vith wbeen tcmepr, bis meny mcoexspiibùslong sud oarly, are spit' sud Uic ontine affuetien v 0oh oI soc snialasdoi ontaccidents dotliy ententuiusd for eryinod'y binatI îe bevildstiug asoc'rstic bore tb. nins sud for aery"gth at sciqauee of oducationi relatei te the fentumes ot Amuine, mil arc net sufficiently adin pOmwfltua ilUUrI sa a - MeuirS mbtbc, x. "' il,, uuoG~ai irlu.e, elioriebeilsud ta bes, minod. Under hie lime Iempersimont' ahoul- auspices, bbc gardesne of ath# Cen- sud oveu stified by educat stanco, soon flourleh ed;ms toegiRlde as it veo, a contestbobe, ber pencil sud bis voloce socompanietd nsu . ber lut.Sur RaIdlie, tee, Ibemouginl>'Tinorovoreo mennts eaoyed bis »oeity;* Glaatoubuny vas uand Armine lônroilta bh vit ilm hen icouiy ln in ulits betvu.n be coul fly fireinailthe e UNb proeuat end tb. past. Tha>' alikeil trioulsaud ommin acil ovor cli limes togebbier, ti. srtoual wua d idoebato pies" reollectione ot haifthIbir bter»»ss audor fer hontn tluelb frein lb. tasaderniese ef bis sympabbollo eie cf thé eseile, gazirI reminioune S.it RaLeluffo, tea, vs tures et hie ancestons. Il onaeus oft1h. valus et snob 'a coin- leseesila straugo ausueLs. pmteoi for bis gittei vite. Anti (lias- ng thél portrait cf bis gre ionIsai-, mincovet, sucs; hieéuauy*vuiai tand soiutmou, ".oop .-uMautbail b.e zecibont *5557minutes beLot tii1 ofallly e! u eivo n Ioa utIsa vay. HEtPFedinandl in e"'galery vas t avn ia euug peophe, sudao- Rejold is btee ie àgi peoimfy o u e, aisnelDo t * neaud. and wviîcinbbc somelms te -being "*.end, muilbic' ulualy noecbled*,' friands,ilubieabsenuce, neoerfuîtt bnaI "y 'ther. resublse b Ise vas uglc.ted. beoame e spureile Insu fomua sud, feire? ver. se v"u'os, andbis resum ici 10wi4atibond ltho ten nameros, lishep voe rshbo vas e'oft" # ao Minuy'as empbopeil sud amuweo - _ innocent heurt and -tb. p lu tino plaisance oe! Amus, ai lithebis yeuugdescedant?7 bemminalos of à long burton -mou»et o! s. whlè bis hWblibtY pampbe bescbes, bemroatseeelNo gaterno iBehlcl gé b luelby rounltdlrsnenilci bearWo4 aüdilryireli -b'Bi Sir à aforlotof uset I ino.- uover bis brov like o-6 po utrances of1bulCadsei. Os-ev bbc »er ahy, cr-lbe -Rbsinw' ý 1 vote e shbauet renlmat olsai tLb.sunsein>' carbh4 si Mýta hbb ou asoeail by avidhaa wiù frein m te -laent et os uire'inei.Il va' seilist,*eb»a abut eiy' the long yidata leail lu in 'hodylu; rapu, t &W ledaiab ulo-ic bro&M et c liite-enthé o bld and buni>AIoh. Otfriandls -bad buen, enaulnlug -lb. A,(InOEOrose obbr,sadLady Ameine., vine vas 1wd sae ý 'aBotie vui sy thse ortnllo, tom liciet ,nt oppote building, Aanlu, pu ionerdinailH. eldo huFerdinand. gousoldo.a vine-- 11k- ail arksble for bis id tino certain- mof, tee, vinome b.ed fer their Lt virîno, tino ýe vote net fer- aArminevas le ho sinoore, juet ; and te groat accont te bis Creator. rente vhioh ho maintonanceoef iluetrius lino- nipon hlm, sud as loft Le tinee it deuhly lu- p renerve thiit fortune oould ed. ealion of Ferdi- oit gifîs ef umt. lily eultirated fouate sud dis- adorod hy theo bam tâ oc much fer bis charme. 'lisps, witb ail Ir came, sud mIl ine for obsen. the taLer are ing the charse. mge. Cueteen psycoinoogical vo have lived te blond ounres tai qualitios lu n. Tino con- sud of nature nminmted. Non ,hI éb v. - 11 la b. disgnisod &tien. for it in, 3tveen a chiid vinhen Ferdi- e0 &lono ; hen fooduasu cf his liudo anili tine uregrounds, em- b all and gal. ig ou Lb. 'Pic- le *ert siper. tieon in baholO. omdfatbor. H. abauated for Wportrait of Sir Te' paiuted 'bp stindfmthem lJeft e> ebld slemdy SBut ws t ý D l to ry inilb passions au luth iii tho4 piscid. mien e1 AwfUl secrets ]OUI Arenino! Nritove,Cosuppne, *ove- isýto soinooneo es, ana sup .pose, after paying ovorything, vo have thirty thOussnd poan2de loft. BeyWllveilv vould Iive abresd on. thinitereait of ""it *thonadpeudo P" hee ould net be tkirty .thousaud ýOunds loft nov.", "4Well, ivo suC' twenty, or -even: twenty. I conld manage on tventy. And thon vo ooald bnp ýa commission Lqr 'lest Ferdinandi." -"But te baave ont cbild*P" "Conld not ho go int the Spaniali 'service?2 Perbape pou eOau gel s com- mission in the Spanieh Guards for ne- thidg., They mnat remember yen thore. ,And sncb s name s An e! I have ne douint- Ial Ltie kirg vonldho qwte prend Le have anothor Armino in heguard. And thon wvo could byve aI Msdrid ;-and that Would ho se- deliglit. luI',.*.beosuse yen mpeak Spanio s Be h6!ýfnllvÃœsud conuli loasu il vertI Iris-tintei su.d mai-. noua vosl Those ar Andl howý of tbose' V lord, vIse eau produce sud uzeenta ereeylhing '1jiey cen' iesire..'Ti@aa wcàdrtu s'fgbt I1 Whbhoum lamanu 'goan mu&e e p rmide ana ercu lbe desert, hen ho bhail ot' boboid 'Yor'k Minutet ravoid oheb.Rosdi! Onrlt leFerdinand, smid suib tis norolty, hear*tily eujcyod hinsef, sud did ample justice te mine boatu opodl chier. Tloy vote soon wbirling agalu long thns rosd, bat et ennat, 'Ferdi-. nand nt the instance of Glastonbury, availod hbimsedf cfhie luide placs, andl, wesid by tinoait sud lbe oxcitemont of tins day, bhoacon tellb-soundly ssloop. B Seerrsi hurs badl olapsed., whon, avaksuing freen a confnsed- dresin, ini tohieh Armirue"aud allhi h sàa*ai Ro ha. *Iways beonvery frank., I re- niembor whéen we vere go'n 0many audlvwu obliged 10 îalk to hima ubout your portion-I rernember it as if'îb were çnly-yesterday - I remomber Làh saig ith the mnoit flatriog m1I in worMa, '1 wieh the £5,000, Sir Rat. clifie wore £5O,OOO, for your sake; par-i ticularly as it will nover b. in myýý power tb incri-ase lt.'" "But,-My dear Ratoliffe, snrely ho May do something for his favorite, Fer-i dlnand 9" . "1My dear Ooetace-thore yen arol again. Why favorite,? I hatsothe " very word. Your fatfièr is a good-; natnred man, a- very good'n.atnrodý, man-yonr lathcr le eno of the boau natnred mon I over wae acquainte4d with. He bas not a uingle Caro inlu 1 wàrid, and ho thinka nobody elae bas and what le more, my doar, nobody coula evor rersuadebien that snybodey¶â oies has. He bau no ides of Onr aituaý'l ion ; ho nover could foren su ide&aoË onr -situation. If I chose to aitempt ttý make imi undorataànd il, ho wcitidlist1 ten Wlth tho greaestetpohitone -asu< order another' boUle of Madoisin« ordor that hc might illustrote ipo copt by practiee. eo je a good oatutedj selfish mon. Ho tikea us te vieil hlm, bocaude you are gay and agreeable, aud heosuse 1 nover asked a faoer of hlm in the wholo course cf onr acquaintauco ; ho likes Fordinand to vieit him, be- cause ho le a habdoome, fine spirited boy, aud bis frieuda conigratulate hlmu on having snob a grandeon. And go Ferdinadusud ehie favorite ; snd ueit year I sbould net ho surprised were ho to gir. hie s poy ; snd perbape, if ho die, ho will leave hlm fifty gainons te bey a geld vatch." ",Well, I dare say yen are right, Bat- oliffe ; but sf111, nelhiug thal yenoanu gay will orer persuade me tha1 Ferdi- Dnd lu net papa's deoided favorito." ",Wel.4we shaH secon gao, what this faver le worth," retortedl Sir Ratcliffe, rather bitterly. I'Rogularly erery vieil for tbe 1ai throe years, your father bas asked me what I intended toe de with Ferdinand. I said te him lami year, more than I thought I conld ever say te auyone-I teld hlm that Ferdinand vas now fifteen, and that 1 wished te gel him a commission ; but that I had ne influence te geL hlm a oonmîeeon, sud ne money te psy for il, if il vore offored me. I tbmnk that vas pretty plain ; sud I have beau eurprised ever ince, thal I erer could have plaoed mysolf ln suob s dograding position as te gay mn mach." "Degradinig, my dear Ilatoliffo," said hie wife. III foltit is sesno ; and mach I euhl feel il. At Ibis moment Glaetoubnry, Who was standing aI Lthe other end of the roem, exsmining a large folie, and Who hsad oridently beeu very unessy dnring the whole conversation, attemptod te quit the roem. "My Doar Glastonbary," said Sir Ratoliffe, with a forced emne. '*you are alarmed at eut domoatio brouls. Pray do net beave the room. 'Yen know vo have ne secrets (rom yen." ,*Ne, indoed, ýdo net go Mr. Olaston- bnry," added lady Armine ; "and if lu. deed there bo a domest 'ie bril"-and bore îe rose aud hieeed hor bueband-, "4tat:soy rate wiluesa our reconoilia', tien."1 aitr atoliffe emileà, snd reLuned- '"My owu Constance," ho said, "tyen are the doareat vifs in tb. werl~i ; and if erer I foot unhappy, believo me il le only because I de net sce yen' in the position te whiob yen are 'entitled." .6I know ne fortuno te be cempsrod te your love, Ratciife ; and as for Our cbifl, nothing viii ever persuade me that &.11 iii net go right, aud that lhe yull net remloro the fortunes of the famen ily..' "Amen P,'$RadGsnny bsn the bok witb a reverberating sound. "Ner indoed eau I' beleroe that erovi- donce vil ever desert s g'reat and pions lUne1', * CRAPTER VI. ÇOOUTAJINO ANOTHEZ DOX98TIO 80388 botb tee mach ,in torested in the. vol. ore îcbloly V. raiL Authorized Capital $2,OOO,00OO'ç OfcNo. 172 Cburch.Bt., Toronto. DIRECT OR . lION. FRANK 8tdITH. BntoPrel4e-at-' Taazaom and PATRICK IIJGIESe Esq., W. T. K£ Yeoolý il B» ~eX»4eMw JOHN, foy,14q. JAMES MASON, - - Manage]' 01rteoftslra, Wsud cil' à wtbi ee=k I l esr fuber palcular= app,' on h. It4& fe 'ÀA. POST o ic . a- m A. As VOITr, A RCHI TÉCI h ~urI unAh DRESSIWGc AND BRI H aonBok tWbltby., A* nuéeà 30111 OZU"DE -WHITBYP ONTARIO. IST. "I tinkybù mesèÉyqnick at êvufy.-11 liing, des Constance. I am-, sre yenml are mroIalstroasure of a vite- I bave na" cause every lientat bleus yen' sudt if eh11 il veto net for My evu seae, I aheuld litn sap tbal I vished pou hAd made s bsp. aU1 pion marniage." bug i* do net say thst, Bateliffei ; any- m31ud Lhing but tIhat, Batoliffo. If yen love tri me, I am theo happloat voman thut fu over lived. Be sure aivape of that." e tc' IIvonder if tiney do remember me at Madrid 1" gru "'Tu ho sure tbey do. Hov could mIn they forget peu-bey could Ihey forget my Rottcliflfe? I date uap, pou go le on' tlis day h7 tino name of Ibe handeome Pcl Englishiman." 1I "Peil 1 I remember vinen I lefI Eug- 9go iand befor-I insd ne vite thon, ne chutd, but I romember vine I vas- voc aud vinen Iýtheugint I vas tino lat of our race, sud tinsî I vae iu &li proha- a5' bility geiug te spiil tino littie lod that dc0 vaa spared ofeus ne ua foreign eoil-O i Constance-, I de net Lhink I erer ieould bu4 fergel Line agony oet mat moment. Rat we iL been for England, I vonlit haro met lis my fat. vitheut c paog. No? Cou-. a stance, I sin au Englishman-I ami _ - prend et helug au Englishman. Mlii fouinera helped te mako this country del vinat IL is ; ne eue can deny that, sud 1e12 ne ceneideratien in tin ored ehai f ni erer.induco me le quît thie isîland." foi "Bot suppose ve do ûet quit Ehg- Lbe land.-Suppose vo bnp asimnal estate, oit andI lire aI home." e "A small ostalo at homo i A amali l now astate i Bongint ef a Mr. Hopkins, dei a groasi allov cilandier, or some stock. li lobiner about te make a nov fligint frei' n a s ledge te s park. 0 ne1 tinas wonid Of be tee, dogrsdiog." , pec "4But Ir. ppos'n vo kopt one of or ovu:!e maner@1' - inu "Andt ho rmiuded every ,instait cf ma overy dmp eithIose vo bave bl su ad 'lii .heof thfeio ondorful imptoremonla cf MO eut ucceesors. I should go na']II" -d, "But suppose vo lire lu London 2" "Wbere 2', - Bie II amsurmae I do net kuov, bol I should tbink vo might gel a nies bit!. bouse eomevhere." "lua aaburb b a fitting ledgulont-for Lady.Ammine. No!a1 au y rate, vo yull have ne vituessos te ont tal."., "But conit net wvo Lry somo Pis. "And ho patrouized by tino great tamily v-In vinoin I bad tb. gooci for, l tue ,to ho counoted. No, my dean- *J CousLanco, I hlk enn rfathver>vei but r ocoid net stand hiseeeempepuar,' mi bLancheis cf vonison; dndl great baskets et apples sud, creame bsche s eut vith 9 tino iouteeoper's duty."' .1 1ri "Bot wbat shal v. do, 'lest P.st-ý eý "My lavé, there- àe ne ,'resistlug- fate, wr W.r muet live or dai sAimine, aveui if '-E "lpethapesomething'will tuga up. I ý dréaeseneLiochiernigint thastdean 'Fer:- W dinent nnsrried su heirees. .-Suppose ' s b. voé,? WhaI do yoù.thin'k ?,Y I ce "#1Why, eveu thon, that he wôuld'not ic b.s as b ase bis fathot. Good-uigbt, 'co love r, ' ' ~ u CEAPTER VIL t eh ýLNeONco.ND MIraOQUB8QUrXOS.. Wi » 1 'rect wvse sU1vamy cua-usagusr, -'a=-,s nud elaret at the magnificence -et-bbc upa blazing vitb lignt.', sud tlb. ml- aude of men sud vebicies mciering lu 1directions. The guard, ennndedIde cgle vilh Ireble euergy, sud tb. ceac' cdeuly tnmned Ibrengh an archeden ince m tinoe court-yard of au old. chionodiln. Hi. fell4w-psssenger îrtod, and mubbinot tiir oese. . "Se 1 iv -h ave arrrved, 1 suppe' rumblod eue of these gentlemen, tak- ig off bie nigbt-cap. - 4"Vos. gentlemen, IUlm: happy te us.y ar jeure'ny 15 finiebed," sid am more lite rooe; "and s vory plemaut one' bave foonditi. Porter, bave bn oodness te call me a coach;" "And eue for me," added àbthe. gruif "ice. "Mr. Glnmtonury," vhispesd 'thse wo-straok Ferdinand.,'lis tinis. Lon- on lThis in London ; bal vobhave pet !o or tnmoe more miles te- go betore s. reacn c r quarter. I hink vo ad botter aligt na u look 'atter car .ggage. Gentlemen, good oroning 1" 1- vas ten oock. Mr. Giaeboubuty aled a coachin wvicb, hariug safel>' opesitoi hidi-pertenuntesusi ho aud cd Ferdinand enbereil . buteut Young- îenil vas so entirely cvercomo-by hie slingmsudnalb.egenunaet the place, aI ho* vss qalte unabil e Lem'Iaksu beervalien.. Rachiminute t.he atreetS oee o Legrov -motoe pacicua sud aôre brilliaut, sud the multitude Mibre8 unse' sud'-motoe zcitéd. Beantitul uildiniga, tee, rmesboe hlm ;palaces nd churohes, sud. streetg, sud squames impeeing a'cinitecînre ; le bis-liiez- riencea 0oy1 sud unsepitcatod friit,.theit toute appearoil a nover ouia- g triumplh:. To 1h, hackney-ciomh- Inn, bovevor, vwho insd ne-o si sun, su1ýad:"vine asquit.' satiste& vitn 2e o !ota*i experionce, it euiy sppeBXr Ilhat;he hadan ozce.dinghy geill ne, sud that he vas jogngu-rou sblopgatite el 10 ochariugots. (Te b. Oontiùeec.1 The Old Lady's Saying. Miu. Partiniton eas t-hé'keftý 1

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