Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1882, p. 3

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And will show the Lar showu- Dry' >ods. c.O F. STEWAIRT. -Qlothing. hon fby conaumplon. The vasi au mpéà ÇWl d nwbon the vote keepor or hîrtendor ho admitte t t the brellierboti vascatruiei by a Ilrg majonlty. Hors i. a toit for 1h. tom- porano ativoateu te male the o nt of. John Wyatt vam @hot vlIlo reisting tvo offloore lu Louisville. Ho ro-mark- edtolathe surgeon wbe vau attouding hlm . "Doctor, 1 wiit ivo lu drinuk the milk $ha& comem frozu th o 1w hast olp. lia. graiu off tho gravea oft tabacfoi- love." But lio vam mitaken, for ho dieti vIlain a tow hours. The uempaper organ of th.e arty 10 viaicia the racally Mayor of Adrien hb. lougeti confessesm ltit ilkuov ho vas unfi vbeu ho va. noininatd. "bot ap- prohension an 10 the resul ou 1h. parly of a refusai on ils piarte support lbe lias ticetol hat bore the oudorecomont of a rogular nomination tîecided t tol giv. the ticket h. uppot.' * braun andi uer. fcod-wilrostore ltne. turo toyoung. oaddle.aged anti olti. Lit lu ton short tu watsaway. ileauithe' Z vertismuent i aotier columua, andi if yaà are alIUcteîl malte nu tis'lay in procurîug tito Choapoal andi brut dIxalaîe ev,'r muid. Kccp your Eyea Opeu. Anti when yon perceive any fowle or uni. mals in jour haro yard, or in your @able suffering froua ditoaie or il i hetth. mii their food wth UÂÀuvrLt.L ONDoITONr PoW. MESas, andthei.resuit wyul altefy fou. Theso groat upecilica are oiti overysa' are. R.- member liis 1 Ocracrai Debîity. misi.couveuloul terni inclndes uern illt.alefauetianti upposait iunurable forma of dssse, accompuiidby genonat lassitudo sud exhanstiln, vithout anyascorta"nble eiterualor internal cause. T hoelcruviÂs SstL.ramonde ils renovating influence ftu the lumout recettes of th. ojatoaza. anti basur. iicved lu Ou: community maaay case. of OUp- posoti incurablo dissusa. Sotti by doalers generaîiy. T1HE 1EV. DR, RIPLEY, cf Bufalo Chratan dvi-aesys : We wisia frein throat anti tua.g tiouease ei aneao whichirev have peraonatly trietI tu our natis- faction, andi gréatiy tethelb encit of our health. Havi ng auitered for nome. tam. past from lWonchla.is. and more or les trouble villa lbelongsi, WCu ommoucod t&uauagLUr. Whelo'. Conmpound iExili: of phtophates anti Calisaa tu February test, andt steadily Improvodt irough th. arios.the crut o""of 1h.tbejoan for sucrdseaue. -. A Cross Baby. Nothlng in go conduacive tu a roauaro- mninîag a blctiebor a to ,tug fur one ntitt at the houa. of a mrie'd fiozit nd Waing kept avsfor ite or six houri Iuy th'rytngof a crocs baby. Ail cross anti ca'rytag a b es neeti oiy flop Bitters tu maltsthozu vol anti miing. Y oung oman, rotnimber thi.-Trareiier. Focs anti Doctora. The feeu of docors . 4 an item that ver>- many peraons are itaeresteil injust ut Froenut. We belitve thea shadute for visita e 3,wich voutti tex a nain corafineil to hi. b.d for a jean, ant ina need Ao!deity visita, over 11,000 a ja for modîcal et- tendance alune 1 Anti 000 r.sangle bottie of Hn Bitters talon lu lime rouît cave the 81u an&Il the yosIr'as cku-Pogt. "Tweuty-four year' sxpenlouco," "syuan éminent physicin, convincecume lthé the oui>' way to cure nervou exhaustion, antI eanoa of tho e n.t organs, i. to repaîr the veste b>' gi-mg brain asud nere bouda, anti of Ilthie rometiieu coanpountled. Maclas Magnette Medicine ta the best. Sec adi-en- tiaumomt iu anotber column. Keep tac Peut Dry. Thts is the -acesnon of aicppy weather ao productive cf raids, anti toug troubles ;ne- giecteti colt or damp feelt i a great source of tarse îificulties.. Cure jour cougla with »agyards 5Pectoral BabsiainPlein- sut tu tue.'asd aivaya reiuable. Hagyartl'u Yetiow Oit. Witl bè founaî invaluabte for aIl purpou.u ni a fanait> hinaiment. Iinimdiste relier viii foliow it. use in &Il Cotes of pain in the sternacia, hewels or aide; rheumatim, colin. cols.actaîlu, anti limites. For internai anti external use. tlasitno equal iu the voriti for vhiti i recomned. For sie by Illealer, aIi 25cper botte. Poepe ave nu more right te becme tijpepîn anti rernamn gbouan> ant i mser- .ble, tha ble ave lu tale poison &at commit suincite. If the stomîcia heccinea veak and bais te peritîrm aita bucions, Burdock Illoof Bitîters viii si cedit>' remet>' the trouble. The Causes if Cottis. ares getting overbeatet in hot mrnas or crowted asecmblies, aittiug au a dxaught, or nootang tS00 nitiij ater exeecite, muffiaug up wavand eutcasxgag lu liglter vrap- pangt, colt anti tanp feet. No nla'ten vhatisl te cince Ilgyanti'a Pantorai Bai- &m imbth. cure foc iii tiraot anti long tis- essec, it -t iteconsomption. No article aven attaîl uot snb uountied puplarity in mgoa&oet a tim.»a Burdock fiocdtilbters.- andti hultee dssaingthoeit- etice of coonlionsu nuaberu of vw'alyadi:- tileti bittersandutblooti purifier.. Ilta in l- dent Ihat 1h11 medicine begins ils vork aI onse, and toe. ne desinablo ofecI nat. taineti. CougUs, coldo, athoua, bronuhitia, palu inuttho Irot antichesl, relevoti man ti oret ha b Drps. Te mstu ltostlmony bu « teeive aute Iheir eficlour>'. Ini hotllo, 80 cents. W, 19. Hava agent for Whlîby. Mr. Samuol MaCav, lb.evolt kuovu Cen- docteou lb.t Whllby anti Lindsuay Bail- vay, s*y$s Dr. Canun' Stomach anti Con- stipallon Dittersouenimeof tjoppaa1 aivayu kbsp tUezu lu lb bouse, anticonaidor lhinlvaluable as a famlly meticino. W. Il. Hovse, agentor Wbltby. Drngglts througbout lb. countr testi!, te the gpeal monitso! Dr. OCane0'toLm"c anti Constipation Bitters. No medicine lhcy sitse oprompîtly lu cnrtng Dy.- pepala, indigestilon, blllrunes Liver Cozu- Ëlt c. Havoo ried t P ?W. B. £ove* fi agent Wily. RuaI anti Comtort le the Sufferlng. "BAOvs'is Boveo Awàciu" buene #qu'atfer r.Ileviîag pain, bolb lnterat.anti extemnAl.I - cure.Wpain lth. e", UsaI or bovelson. m Troal, Baiasiom Tqothacbe, Lumbago ati aiany kint o PaMU or aae. "lt l met uurY ' uiolsu the Bioci mainuls, matIe aoiitg over tg vooutafl"< "Brovna u utlStPana- o« il baing akiaeigeod as lb.égreil patita otee, antio! double lteéstrenglt of oan y ega.: lixIr gr LiUtumez*in lbe world aboul& b. e in" 1 ally foâlr remetyin uths e rts!fer oamsin luthe Sioîaauh, anti]Pain# ati*cd4bug of an Modei," antdlefer"uleby 5an drUgglausta Toomum=4.un.11* umumseti lala *70 -NINTH ANNUAL U)I PM ONTARIO LOAN ANDt> VINGS OOMVPANY, T'm NITE AXIIIVAIMEETING oet Iis i:. wTh efllovin théOffck- et to Cmpan onTneeday, February 141h, Tefloigsok homéera réout : Mosi.. P. W. -CY~an,, lames SoIlé, Tbemaa Corn"s, Z (lbacea, W. T. Dinglo, Lymnan esn»anm. -Baitiin, John Carter'. Thomas Patterson, 1%.H. Kéifà ,and Thomas Moruis. The Vice.Proutdont eooupied tb. Chair, anti T. H. MoMillan acît s Societiry le lb. meeting. The minutes efthéb proviens annuat meeting vene roati anti confimeti. The Charman tben rosdthelb Annuel Report of the affaire et tb. Company for tb. past jear a. tollovu: RPRT Th. Direcoeru have piseure in preaonling tibl, tUir N1tb Annal Be p ot anti Finelnoial Staloment efthIe affairaetfIbe Compaur fer ths fiscal y.sr n o ing Dec. 81@t, 1881,.viaicia, nebvithatanding thes groat plotUora of meney tUat loeot lu upon tbem, andtei a inusuil 1ev rats of aterout oblainablo, togoîher vith the eharp ompeîition wiic provaileti amoug Loin Companies anti private leaders for decirabie invomîmenta, are ahi. le present a aaliufaclory tatemont et lb. oporalionsof et i.Company. The net oarningse!flb.eCompany,. atter ddocling salaries, rent, taxes, directe:.' anti audîtera' tees, ant I al other oxpenses cf th. yeaî, voes 29,084 68, eut etfviaici twe bal.! yoarly dilvidends st the rate ofegt glpe:cent. pe: annuni ver. paiti, anti the balance, $6,500 carrical le crédit et Bout Account, vhicb occoont nov amouonl l e i. um cf $41,500. or nsarty fifluon per cent. ef lb. pait np capital etflia. Comupany. Yeur Directera feut nu ciadifficu1fy iun eoping tbe fonde at tUi: control profltabiy empioed , bot wiîb their umina ct în accepteti nons but firat ckmu socurities, andt bey feel that the siaareiadidert may fairly ho congitnileti upen lias nntoubteti nature of the cecuritiett boidbt he lbCompany, as tho Dineclore an. net avare of a ingle bt on doobtfol acuet l ia.hepossession efthIeCoempany. Durng the jean jour Lireclere diaposetio! Dehonînres payable in Canada to lbe amnofe! 122,G.60t.earing infere.l at four ant i ve per cent.. the procoots et wiicb, logether with thc pressaI large tiepoit, willii e heb inooming Dirac- lors te greatty extend liae openations o!flthe Company. New loin. b the citent o!f'2641)2.anti repayanenta. $147.078.26 vers matis during lac year, antidepocîls aldtiebentures ver. increausti (rom 1868.. 195,82 te 8507,159.89' A muarketi anti caliafsetory inones, in neaniy every departineut e! tho businitsci. eatîiitei luin.he olioviug financiat statemtst,vbich i. accompaniod îby lias AndulorsRltptort sut certificote Iberoon. Tour lYrelors tesiro le exprsu Iheir entire apprevai efthéiamanne: in iclahih@Sýeretary.Tresssn suad ether offiere cfflia. Company have discbargeti lias duties davelviug upen thean. Ail etfviaic i lu nopectfnlty suilmilleti. W. F. COWAN, Oshava, Febrnary I 4th. 1882. Vice. Prosident. STATEMENT OF lltCEII'TS AND DISBURSEMENTS. ]&n'y. lot, lttt, To Balance froua 1101) Catahnu Bank, Qshawa, . -- " Whtby, ltctsmauville, -' ' ' Office, Oshawta, Dec 811, ltepaynaOnciLoins, Intereul reoveti, Capital Stock, r Deposata receiveil. - Deabeuture*Accout, Cacetuiual,- -- Profit aantd Loos DIS ilUtatund n. Te. Lie. 3nit 181, y oaa-s 011 mt>tgegea and StutdI IaLLcrrsI eil UMa. .reul,8i.s Soicltus' eand Vetuatomra S chanrgeable tii Meelgegors, LtefCornaieiureoîivet, LuaetNu 16, - - 17, -12,8U5 04 -d.974 81 - 2107688 2,61t4 55 1,260 00 1.110)71 11,478 97 Oflice Furoature, fiee & burgiar prtoof ai!e, De1x>sata eturneal liabenceontaraxio nkOshawa, 85,875 8W Less choques nul pne- preseatted, - 1399-2 Ontario Bank,Whitby, t '" "ilovananvalle, OfIEce, Oshawa, - 85.866 99 147,073 2U 12,064 88 7M.,226 81 1m2mu0 00 777 33 1,073B,108 77 $226.488 27 4 7W (si)3 1,364 5 627 00 736,862 74 8,860 80 17,174 fat 1,235 82 STATEMENT OFi PROFIT ASD L1.. Dve. Blet, 1881, By Interet received, $812.441 41 accrueti in 1881, -20,693 w8 Profil andi Los - $777 33 Contingent Accnunt, 6455 64 1,322 97 Dec. 31et, 1861, To Intereal paît,- Lesta Lauk Interent receivoti, Expeuse Accouno, salaries, be., Sobcitors' anti Vluisteesbo, Leuse Commissijon receavet, 11,078,108 77 s"',458 201 122,51 7 67 8,812 84 2,614 V) 1,260 > 6. .9 " )ivitentit Nos. 16 sot 17, 10 pen cent. on! Office Fumniture. Balance t0 lIed Acceunt,- ASSETS AND LIAIIILITIES. Dec. îlot, 1881, By> Mortgages & Securities, prerent value, . - Office Furniture, - - - Lesu 10 ae ent. fl, - - - Fine ant buergtn1i proof mai,.-- Cash au Otaio Bank, Oshawu, Leu rAhequez net presentat, Ontario Bank. Whiîhy, Bovnanxvilte. Office, Oahawa, - - - Dec. îlot, 1881, To Capital Stock, - Dupositens Cotingoüt Acrount, Dehentun,, Arraunut, (Cans.tiuan). a1ila Rest Act,nun t ilCyr-etit an'yu. lot, 1881, . . . 1 . place tot cretiat this jean, 819,20-I 83 22,58488 54 14 g6,800 00 154,458201 0772,191 24 1541 44 5418 1"87 80 527 00 857889 1,8399 2 34,035 97 8,880 80 17,174 61 1,2382 884,M214 8285,694 78 177 61 122,6w< 00 86,008 00 6,500 00 41,80 00 If84.5f2 24 T. E. McMILLAN, Se'y-Treas.---- W. hereiay certif>'liait Lia. aboie Statemanlu cotaiu a correct representatien ef the affaircetf he Company aseciacyn by tbe bocks on Decomber O1.1, 1881. W. have oxamineti vocia a nt cecuities ant infuthta.samo correct. G. a. GRIERSON, uiot Oshawa, Fobruary l4tb, 1882. JNO. B. BIARISh adtoe The Chairman, in moving tUe adoption et lhe Report, nid thal th. propros matie y hjbe Company dnulug th. putî yean vas'voij grslifyang te th. manage- ment, anti hoIrustedthelb.rosultu o! Ibeir labo: au oxhibilti 10 lb.e figur esbalait- Lsd le tho meeting vout meet vith tb. appreval ef att intoreetineti l l efare. TUe future eanning povensocf tUe Company bave beaun oxtendoti hy man - oresasein Iheir tsposiî andi debenture account. aWgMoÉ #ig 140,964.,andi s cerunqmiing increa.nlu nvealmouls eto1f .5000M'b.total auselsoflia. Company aI the closetfito formes:financialjeu vies.4675J0.48, vUtl Ii jear lboy bave grovu le #884,682.24, ibus .rhlbing a a nose od-11OS.OB. TU# etotal neoipts et tbo Conmpany, for tb. jea: il vwil b. moon4, eezodet o million dollars, andi, vbon tb. labor involveti in handtisg Ibis amuuiof imon": is coneitoredtheb.expenoss14,750.00, vhich are vithin Iv@.elghb o oret, cout. on tb, amounniluveed, proves tba$ lb. bauiesso e .ompay hqbien conductodt iia esonable eonemy. TUs CUslmq .pr""&us e& dtso hoeai tbo viewu of auy oethte sharoholder present, whe=ýit' as olimarked by snaes Scott, tht ho bo at pl lsr h ltol té b eotut neaa, anti vas not a tle surprisei tUatI b. otnoyia: meeedd'tpacuW se largela sMm as *122,60.0010n debonînres at lh. rate.eooiioned iu lbe.Besporl, vz: four andi fi. per cent. Il evidencedthe beigb eredil vhich th. OonapSuy bit a ganoi o vasgratiû iot vth b ep@"rtuasa wvUe., andt Iboug he b Directo ere oeentilledto tle o banks ant i oo of het lbharwbotti.r Mr. Thnmia Patteosn alo epreod eset is4lro stiikacin iwlthle.eziaibt AudioriMesis, riaren nti anri, 1r Ihfi fories thle.putyear, 554 beroby ed t thelb.reuient, Vift.Pres4fîstid *ito lm .aisfatoe mnue 10vUehtlb. bve pad~l rôdéel* dnaln lb pt jar ani hattU orascf 9 ~upaii.a*fbt I 1004 orste A large stock of Carpeis. i 1Whitby, February 22nd, 1882. The. Cinainalti Baquire, roporter vho vas intervievlng Dciser Wilde in tht ilyoaSM te the malbot. : "I amo Vtgtlleuyenu omelhlng tUaI I fear vii hock yen. Several yearsrago on@ of lh. most rmising young arti" va. employetI hy a numbea' of oar Mer- chants le make a saris of pictureu for tb. Vienna expolitlon. 11e aooulet thé commission, hie Piconso.altrieo groat attention andi recoivoti a modal. Wbat do yen tbink vas their Ibome ? Hog killing." Bul Wilde faile oti e b abocked. Ho titi net knov vby bog kitliig mlgbt not ho arliolically treaet. "IAiIthIrongbHelound." ho aii, "yen vill useopiclnreu mostly cf bnawis in drînking rooma. Yeî evory once in swhiio jon viii ee iu eue of lhom a glea o f llght mr.aming through a vlndev sud linling lb.eglases ou tho table vilb ai tIhe glorlos in the prÃŽ.m. Anoîher viii diuplay a bit of coloring as waroe andiaaas &eot ae thé kase of love. The mona vho painti these pic. tousoapootizedthélb.&objecte unuil lb. or- dinarmnesa oft Ihir charactor la forgot- ten. Thiis showus " t1he7 vwo sea- eut andi sineore, and "ht their hoart vaa lu Iboir vork. I have ltle 611h iu a yonng man vho chooses vbat are catleti berele s.ubjocts for bis esrly ef- fort. Itlook. s though be vas de- pouding on bitsubjeol. andi net on bis ovu poeor., for smeu. Tii. lovllest aubject, lroated vwitb loving earneatneuu and incerity, vii, if tb. artist lu com- petent, give the. beut resuite, jusl as the piainesi vends arc the meut effective in the montb et an scier. Ntbile Brown beame furiouuly joui. ou vbonovor a&Dy oti.:voman made adrances le George Smith of St. Louis, anti vhilo in sncb a trame of mind eho etabbed Liazie Fieldi. L.arnipg Ibat hor suspicion val ontlroly unfounded, Netlio prof.eud contrition, becamo a nrseoPifhé ovoudetivoman, anti did ýevorytbing te mako ho: cemfort. ablle util ohéd. tIt ias believeti, of courue, that ahe vas scînateti by a desiro te mitigate ber puniolimoni ; but, vben ocntoncedt i<ve yearu imprisen- ment, oh. declareti thai lb. loren vas toc short, as &ho ougbt 10 b. immurod for lite.Bbo basnov boonontof prison about ea nd is 1h. vif. of Bmilb, bul oh.o keeos 1h grave of Lizze Fieldi conolantlya cotatvid oyers. Baronouâ Utriko von Lvettaofl, vhse friendmbip vitbGoethelu mentioni by ail th. biographer., la atlOI living lu pensai rellzont n thelb cashof TriblUts, noir LobositsAtaItle.ripe ago of 84. The Baronose, in ber youlh A colobrateti beanty, znaintainod s con- stant corroapndenco vîhGoethe for manYyeyarm, and en mot bien At Carlsbadi ant i rnati. 8h. la con. saquenlly th.evuwer of an extensive Goethe literatur., andi a voll-knovn spocianll u areantly bin .omeiniwon adtu l &lit antiprépare for entns.lpub. lieatien the OCorrospodence vilb Goibe in tbe Barou von Levateofe u session. SNo"#ce of flirlhg, Marneago$, anti Deatha charged 50 ocesoacle. WHITBY 2MÂIRETS. NEW ADVERTJ ETS. BLACK-EYE PEA6 FOR SA=E. A OUT 500 BUSE LS ean and gooti, for SEEBD. Appley J. L. JONE Loti2, Stiicon. PicLerng, 8n- 11B mlssam P. O. bE T eus now beforo the public. else. Capital n nooedoti. W. vi» agtarI you el1t2" da upvardsatieeahome W the mdul u. sMan, vomen, boa and girls wantoti eveVwh orebwork for u. Nov fi th. lime, on cn ork in upare Urne only or àiv yur vhole lime 10 lbe businous. eon an Uv.saIhome u o a the b.work. No other busineus vil pay 7cn nearly asu vol. No one cau fai t b make enoimo2&a:by ongaglng at Onue. CoutlyOti em (.Monay made fut emily andi honorably. Addrn Tus Ce, uguala, Mine..-11 CREDIT 'SALE -CF- Farm Stock, Implements, &c. The subecribor bas receveti instructions froms MR. ABSALON LAWRENCE, To oeil hi Pnblic Auction, on lot No. 28 in ih6th con. ol Wbilby, on THUIXSDAY, lOrs MARCE, 1882, Thé follovlng valuable pzpryconsistng of 1lHorse 9yearaoid, ir oietv'year»old in fosi, 1Msa t *u.to KEnînaJW i co in iarrow cow, àYo i 2.yr oltifefrmluIl,i8teme s roplu, i Yearling Steer., 1 thorough-brod Bekshire Brio vin plg,aFallMguip 10 o44 Bev Lamb&.i 1 .os ario DrillOubava mû., 1 Wapson. pair Bb ors Baa, nlky iGag Plongf ort Pe"rmake; 1iduinjPlohuEnikllon; 1 No. 4 Plog net;mol o ar- rows, 1 et Haýàrrova,1 Panning Mill, Honiy latform Scalès, nov- 1 Cuter 1 Turnlp Di, 1 Tnrnlp Dri, àeable; 1Soufller. 1i»tdonble Hiamu, i gay Rack, 1 Woodi 2acgColi, Neck-yok.u, Wblf. noteto, Snaitba, Rako., Forks, Bom, Grain Clamse, &c. a qns-ntity of Ray aqnAntit~ of Honuholi FurilireCitier Barrotsua other artWees 100 nn* o1mention. sale ai One 6'i=:~, 0p.tn., Wibp. TXLI&S 0F SALE-Ail sumo of w1 ane unecs;ove: that amont oyen monha'crdulonapproveti notes. lNr th. Hay, cash. Elght per cent. per annum ai. lov.d off for cash. L. FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer. Feb. 28,1882. 1 trMIJDEBRGEIDhavinglesaed ihlbsm my friends 10 coeilanti eo hlm. Farmers anti other. doing business ai the Harbor vi» <ainti oodiacmoa- lion. __PLEÂSURE-SEREES lb snmum vOl W providoti vilh boabe ai reauonablo rates. GEORGE BIIOWN, Whltby, Match 1zt, 1882. i Cusxsoar r7ics, 1Mardi Loti, 182 FallWhoat ...........el00 Ob 108 Sprîng Wheat........... 129 41 2ô Barloy................. 070 40 80 Four, parev........... 800 48 2o Bye ..................078075 0803 Poe.................... 075 40 76 Peas. bLack.eyed ......... 085ES 088 Bi"n1>Pe ............... 080 40 95 Oats1................. 040 A 4 RAY.................... 800)0 1000- lover seeti............. 4 75 ( 4 90 Appl, parbas ......... 040 40 7e Potatoe, i.............. 0 Ê dg 070 Egg................. 015 40 17 Butter..... ..1........ 018e 0 24 Chocs..............i.. 0124 000 Woodt............. ..... 475 6 00 Shptn ....... ~100 1 26 camas .........l... 01 O012 Hitis,per lb............. 006 @ 0 07 Pork, percvt-----------...750 4800 Turnips ............... 015 04 020 Ceery. par dos .......... 080 @ 040 Chicken, per pair -O.... 80 @ 0 50 Turboj, par l .......... 0029( 0 12 Goes% 'per lb-----------...0 M7@(C10 Deef. by he carse .800 @ 6 00 Re"aioc. Mutton, b y the cizorca... 6OS@ 0106 Betail-Oc. Veal, carcaso.GO, relai.... O00 @ O000 Bacn, Farme'm.........O0 12 04 14 nama, -." .... 018is 015 Pamipu, per bnuheL ...040 40 60 Cabsge, par had-....000 (4000 Bhnarb,par bnnch...000 (4000 Shileis, .....000 @000 Badbbis .. . .... - 00040 00' WoeImunwauh......... 000 O0OCOL .a..t........... 000 ( 000 IlO AlUe houfolnte voalaie, oarîy tecay,, loua et a 1 i lýs rïirb tUai FRItE 0F CE BG. TUas vus diacovenotiby a mioras Ammoc a. S.nti asadioe. te "UeBay. bonus T. Imuxz, 54hZ Kaase 7.e Yrk O«fY. NEW ADVEMTISIR Chartyand Amusement Coatings,' s B. Teeds, Boots and Shoes.1 Sege, Shi rtings, ý,,;e Winter I-oods ai. LoI Prices 00.d- ST.n CATHIARINES NWMSUE E8'1ABLI8ED 3NR aat "BERGTO, " Ivo new Grapos, 1n. heIlinlaivisoMy patmona tu plsn te:a.Yo watt not W tiuappontoti- *'#Moore's Eariy" inathe boit very earty black grapo yeî grovn in Canada. Il bas alooti thirty does. Wlow zero unhurt. MBzgbt- on' lu a dolons retape ielgj aleor "Mooreo. arly." Thae pbot lrge in bnnch anti Wrry, anti vuryproinl . I witl mail both 10 any atidrosu, pont paiti.2 8hù rocoipt of #2.00, or either for 11.00. Agentla vantod. D. W. BEADLE, 12.n-41 St. Oatharineu. Fresh O9ysters Daiy E,E&BEDUPIAISTL . FRESIIH R~RE IN COURSE 0F PEEPARATION, AND WILL SHORTLY BE PUB- A HISTORY -0F TEE- COU NTY 0F ONTARIQI hBy W. H.' HIOGINS, (Editor of the Wxa CIaONIcLa,) IN ONE LARGE HAND8OME 8V0. VOLUME OF 860 PAGES. THEM ISiZOrY, commenclng vilh th. a. p Cuamlo of Lord Dorchoater 1788, antI l o.A fe179%-81&t George Eh., Zu tsblilhlng Parntnary Governmt-vi embrace Chaptors on the Early Sttltemoul of 1h. (ounty; 1h. oarly pioneeru 1 he U. E. Loyallta and aselier. entier dfeor Samco o proolsination ; th. strugor soparation from York anti Pol-lb. Pro- vîiaontl Conne»l; Establishment of 1h. Connty anti Connly TownL-Erecllon of tb. Coty ldnuPgt . for 1h. County oz RcosEas, Bidesandi Harbors-The Geogin DayCns-S rgles ovor Rosa Appropratons anti Eqns=Izig th. Asosau ment Uos - Wardenu andi. Mezubers of County Coundil frezu year te year anti their vork-Populationantiutatistlc-Etiucstion -Agiutr - 8tock-broeding - County Vainalor-Sgurvey anti uttlemeut of Towu- Muncpality-Tho Conneils etecet frozu year to year-f Tovns ant iViulseo- Chu;ches anti Ce:? - Bhool Sections anud Schoo-houes- chools anti Coflego- The Vounteoru, 841h Baltallon anti Officeru -Novapprs-Porta anti Colectors-Stal- tlsoEx nu anti Impore-Annal Be- celisa&nti breStramandtiMle sant h. PrincPI fpt Mnnfacur.u-Mombers of Parliament, when elact.d,Term forarbich mOisa alt-Gonorul ÀAnnaluof ltae County -Sketcese of the Plonoërt, anti blographical uketches of thé Principal Mon et the Counny -Visitue of1h. Prince of Wales andi of P'rince Arhur; of the Marqnis of Lorne anti PAUtcésuLouis&,h&0,&e.,&e,-theo ot a complet. record up te1882, ant i nvanble book of rofero. The Work wiii We printeti for subucrlberu oniy. W-AGENTe WANTED ineovery tocality. FARM TO RENT OR SELL. Silcakctiin lh. Village of Grenont, CO"nt61ofOuntro, distant frozu Witby (Counntyy Town) 10 ml.., frozu Plckering station 6 miles. Thore are tvo large flour. ing mOIs hore, vtrlch makeo Groonwvootia dpniId grain centm .Far m acoults of Dvelln. The onlbnilngs are as gooti a on~ iu the township. irparticularu, app to- lin Gromoot P.O., Ont. SEED WHEAT. 300 Bushoe Arnacta Wheat. tim Ant I re* Erom tares. 104931 Clront P.O. IfIlGmut Chance te maIe mcey-' .L554Aj4 lliiTbus. ho alvay. bae ativabg UIFlU iothe b.gooti chanceofor makln Monotbat aeofeo0 ,gosal Wo vani MMIny mËon, boy Man- AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK.i toorkfoin u ;t in tUer o o» cm duT o rk propery ircmrtbo t hobulnlv Latest Styles and Fashions ir., o n h egg5 al te Mao. 'bjey rapldly. Tn oiol jour vhoîle te Ut veInor nk à oA r t~enoia en res.==4A"Itrou ueand Best Workmansl4p nIe. Funlt ùInirmSTie ati aI Coe., Porlani, Mine.. VALITADLE IMPIGYEDU FARM PROPÃŽERTY PUBLIC Â"UO'rIoN,. Thurda.y, Bth* March, 8Z PLAME.IS HÃ"TEL. 1JBIBEJGZO Theo toUevmngr p-tIy: Oompc.ot&. e1 Banaiisam"cf sLcf 8ai. 4iltbeeBh. the.a..A...5il..'nsht,,t s fS'P.* i CHEAP BOOTS AND- SHOESFOR .EVE, coma on vilia "Ur cs, eneo it The fi 1ud.'a hogun, 'ùoe 0 -1 havo boots fýror lbother, yen a C gel', TU. ýtiagtr anudson; Biher h.aTy And.v4nold d5d* Theqýgoodsp>r lsyh e 1"I noverbuyl Tht oi'tbut iecrna Bu t doWt ituii Ana are splendid I@ veri. Tül yen poole Repaixs promlýËtly Mue s ýusual. lO-2anThi Houae for Sale o Bsim Stalloîtof a- lb. errer, a', nervenu inhood,&o Ail :0o00: Oj-Foot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS,' Brook Street, Whitby. FINE FLAVOEED TIMM, ",- ON THE WAR PA TH, AGA IN!l AW IOF=iýoVMJ MX> - .0(00 - A consignment'of Ricji China Goods, arrivi.ng too late for the holiday trade, will be sold at a GREAT REDUCTION. FISH, FRUIT, CANDIS AND NUTB, O. S. MALE,& 8ONMS. every cash purchaser of China, Crockery, and Glas8ware during this month. We are stiil seling 51bs Japan Tea for $1 00O; Blbs Choice Green, Black, or Japan Tea fer $1 00; bargatus ini ehoice Family Groce- ries. Raisins, Ourrants, Oranges, Lcenu, Try the Ohinese Washer for economy i the Laundry. The Louise Baking Pcwder laites the lead. Sales quadrnpled laut menth. On haud Fresh Oysters, Finnan HadLMes, Bloaters, Maciterel, Hlerringe, CoUfih, Treut, &o., &o. -Tu- tSk ChoiceFamilFleur, àmFat Craeked WVhest, Oafrneal, cal, &oi- Z I> AN EÂBLY CÂLL SOLICITED. -SIMON.- FRASER, Devereil'. Blockt, Brook-st.,Whby -OP VALUABLEX-- FAH:M PR:OPýE«TY TIRt,=ber us- roosvea iInstra MEtOS r.LAbom'Lavmonce,i soUl by Publie Auto the Globe Hg,, Wednesday, Matrch Bih, 1880 Thefoflevlng valnble Farnm Property, B. IngîNMhO111quarter4lot O No. i9'1 %:. Bhcoiî. thTnsidWW cmntining $0 autsmmor crest; u',âw acr offantiongPautfILAl e 41 eth con. oflb.Township. of Wbtb ouwhioh tu urecti a gooa dtwohIingbc ,feStep in and seée iletltof - Goods and ýOlothing yet éhow Ed~ings, Fâe and scoured Grey Cottons. N4~W A>V t1~MN.r -CALL ON- W IlulL Jm alu NS.f 3 --0F WHITBY,- For Reliable Ten cents on the Dollar Returned toi ACIONSA Un- *ve: non- wey 4 le- larg4- long be i aiés am. that ry ot- s ase. o bat - biu- *er I Icou- bring b a Min ,» for pria. iu St, Jier & Wheu loti it tara-, RIouaI uSant, oyfs~ tien.;t SWhitby, Jauuary 4th, 1882. BOOTS AND SHO-ES1I 1 - : - f- ý IP cb xrý," FALT. ANI) WINTER WEAR.

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