Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1882, p. 1

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OU4TA'itiO BANK, WI[IT'IIY B ' A.NOR, THKSDO'W, MusL~~IUOHI kBILLINOS B3APRASTBRS &A .TTORNEYS C, H, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &c : t; )l Y. ROse=- Roue.-TORONTO, ONT» Thé. Pise. Hotel of COSoaaRftted, Ilefurniahed, aTntrlvaled. New Pseae. ge lvtrra d The.RA culy trgtolle ate'preem, via #240, ansd #ar dsy7 KAI ai 0lrsofclb.sud alirullt rooma, vithout board,SI toP rd Fait. 27th, 878.o. Proielor. ' THE ROYAL H. W HI T B Y .G.MARLB,- pn -(Laie c et he Z . Rx4ni Ammis.4 RTR ilotel', fflth 09 tbe, 1907 1WTLEDGE, .3. J-I . 11 UAREWELL, L. L. B.,.- ceunI>' Crowu ALLoume>. 48 O'tIlLLIVAN & 11ERIDUiLC BARIRSTlITs, ATTORINEYS, SOLIC- A. 1TOItS, NOTARIIS, &-c ,&c. OFFICE 72 Y-aa-eStree't, ,i.'t the Icoma.,i,ra lauk, atil C orucr Xllîansd l'otagoStireutf;, 'Tonuto. D. A. OSULLIVAN. W. E.. PERDUE. (Itulen iJcd, 180,. -4 JAMES HEEiTiI(GORtDON, A MUISTEII A'ATTORINEY-AT-LAW, Solcitorin l Clicer>'. Conveysncer, Notant h'ublie, &o. Olllce--Dudau St., firfft dotirc eataof Arniîtnong'e Iotel. Moneyt>'t Loai-Prie'atii ftaid-at lo'w .,TO1iNEiiAT LAW, SOLICI'îîI IN - .C iaiii'rîy, Ltîîive i' îcr, A&C. 111 tcr hi. t fi tql' b-o utu I ci,- 'ost MeNiii i c îli'sIll111k, b i k St r'm,l whibly. lv lui RLOBINSON & ki:NTl, '(LATr IltitteA' lic'i0ON I B ARRISTEltS-ATLAW, ATT) FN- eys,, ttale.tire, Coi.v.yni'er. Ol.FICE.-lu Victoria Chsobe, No. 9, Victoria Street. G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B3 .-IRISTERI, &o., Ste-Mouey toLote limier at Marriage Licexcies. Opat-Over DomcdnuBank, Whttby. latu. 22, 1878. (tt-5 JNO. G. ICELLEI', B AIIIISTEU-lAT - LAW, SOLICITOR la.11CianCen>' snd IRLeIlVecicy Convve.- ancer, &-,. (>111 e-Devenuil', 131ak,BlroeL. Stre.et, Witby, Oat. A TTOIiNIY AND) SOLICIT'OR, CON- O)ffice l)nswi'r No. 11, Witliy, t)nt. Fumîiîa ou glit and ild ;ll lià niage Settîti. iierit- 'aViie tiaT"ruists mile pilù Lumis.. ii'otaaied un0a1 al 11; f 1' e'perty. CllIAIt-i' SC. IKELLER, 'lTOItNEY-AT-LAW, SOL.ICITOR IN ion, liroii, t'. N%. P1'lri)tNEY -AT 1t. UtA'. 'etCITOII X li i liirei"î a'lid tlvî'îacv, -'naavey. sucer, &o., &ce. JOliN HALL DOWV, BARRISTItII-fT-LAW, SOLIC1TOII BlunCiaucen>'. Ctuveyacicer. S&c. Offie-Deveilî's lhork, Brook 'Street, Wlaitby. MONEY TO LEND-l'nIvstc Fatade in sume up te 5#80, et e luit' rate 0f au- tii-est. y'2 JOhIN A. ~ciLV T <Succetisor to IlI ,Hîawell.î BARIRSTl'l1 A-ATTOTINr.YAT-LAW, Neint' lablir. A". Solicitor for tie Doinulion aiikal. (Office -'Next door ho NitatîiIan uea, Uxbnaage, Ont. -26 i ' ).011TE I ATIAW,.SOICITQR IN l: iî ',ryC.iîyucr&.&.Sizn- ( 1AU.'ù..A'h'1 A I kli cran îîî<Victoria Cy Utaiimitiîea S'iîiter of t1e Coiege A P'iysicia]18 in cd Orga ne,(tiario. O-ii: ý.-liri)li t-t-, Wiîittîy, Oat., <Ilree Iitui-e sot,-îilai, zl islut'lt- ly-46 At. J. (d'NN, il. tD., iit',T-17. l ii 1 COUNrY G'AdL, Blyroni St c iîtl)Y. '.. ti ,yoIl. I0. iL L..î)v, Ontario. (A A t il, I't-ît-î-îîîî î to ' , -îîîc'r , ' ,Se ~r.J. -Il. IIATER, Navîpaper M IIdvertisan g Agoni, 41 Park Rot(ime##h.acsnuilIding), New Yark, la autisorizedtu ,,contretet for sdrvnae- ment@ in the CI-IIONICLE t aut best rates. W. ADAMS, R 0M OVEUI R. H. JAMESON'5 Onces> Store, Dontise-al., Wbltby. i 'tire ie rot &.m. te 12 mn.,'aud frein 1.830 ho 6, p. mu. htcidence-Cor. ei Byron sud Gibert etreeha. C, N.- VA RN. L.DO.S. rIETII inserteti au al lie ýf hTsltcst principleai o! tii art, vos ciieas te e ceapeet, sud asegoadtihLe 'ett. oeetIl. Oed vîth, Gohd antiSilver. Treuthi extrached i wthouh pain, b>' protniuclg incial anteetheca. - IJental Roorne--in Cov. sai neir block, over Akinson'a Drug Store, Kincg Street, (Jeliavu. 85 JOHN ROBINSONL'S Ri-j DRESSING AND) SHAVINO t.Saloon, Brook lSt., Wlithy. JOLIfN IVOLI'ENDEN," AGENT FOR' TIIF CELEIIRATED SeitiGrOanite. AI Manile Wonke of JouaLien Wolicntisu,Dauua St., Wiiby. pULYli.*RnRD COTSWOL1> MuE t-ii Bs ans, clareoent P.O., Ouale, Mdpue - ired erkabiro11lga. - Bboc RATS8, ("Ta xosoimou«..) WHITBY, ONTABIO. lieuse navi>' renovited andd furuisitet tirougieut, and put lu fint-olasentier for tie receptîn of gueste. An emnibua te anti fren i&U trains. Firat-clase samnple roorns. s IIAKESPEAIRE HOTEL, Cor. King & Yorae., Toronto, Ont. J.t.O'0GRALY,- . PbOPRIRTOR. Tts,$1.50 PRcit DA. y-47) P OST OFFICE S&LOON, Tontorr. M. MrcCo2YNELL, -'.PROPRIETOB. $je TUE BDEST ACCOMMODATION ~ for Gueaîr.. - (1i) Tf!IE QUEEN'N ILOTEL, Bitaotci STRFI'T, Wacirei-. PIILIP àMCCAN..-. Proietruor. ittist 1iîaors and Cigarec A well suai' j'tiv',ital-t, Arv C l- oai. 'iaifrtable' s.ailiîataud I c.c yard raDin -Chargeai (0 NT.AIIIO lO'TEL, JOHN LiESLIE, - Proprietor. (Litte cf le Sincoe Lyouse, Toronho.) Gond Liquorasund Cigare. Commedieus Stablhog. Flrah.claas Livr,>'blan sd BWIad Panlour itsahit. 1y460 BROUGHAM HOTEL, ContierBStock sud Main Sti'.et, l inte Village et Brougham. Fina-cIiac commodatione. Sest Liquora and Cigars. Gooti stabiing and attentive tsaqller. THOMAS POUClIER, PPRrET)1-. -Lo,- L IENRDA UCTION EER for thce t)etaai' Atction sali',of mal catre, farta stol i'i, sie., ate'aed a il ierate charges. A(Ilirese, Tr PouciEL, bui 1>' Box 47, JBroughamn, Ont. CENTRlAL flOUSE, 0511 A"'.A, UONT., W. S. MCGAW, - Propructon. aicic-tit tidaditîio. Beel Wie Liqii R- uad cigae-. oîîId stsbliiaa a attentive's bostî-re. ly'l7 \N1'HIT13Y HIOUSE DUI S' ST, %lW'h1 iY. TI1i iiieraiii.d .suld iîtrazte Wta. hî puli=litii.theaboie proniaeea have bedut nevl OLand fitteti np Lirongieut, for lice accommodation ef gueto. l3est Wine., Laquors and Cagare. THE CREALI OFCAcNAuA" -WALZ LAQER. A.seoopure Rhune !Wcce. Loger, Whole- sale anti Retail.. Boarden. taken by the veek on mnoder- ste terme- JOSEPUI A. BANDELL. JatI>, 211hi 18W1. 82- B LCIHuRNE UOTEL, Cotu. FBoNT& tGatiauit ,ST., TORLONTO. ALPIRED OXFORD, - FJIOPRIBTOR. (LaIe of Wellingtona Holal, Markiam.1 TERIMS, elOO FEËR DAT. Good stabl- ing for uven 8&0)liorsec. First-claaseaccent znodatieu for farmeresud the travelling Pubîl'angarnal. (ly.4 flOUSE &SIGN PAI1N FE Ry -eau uoe n Ls bud a ]la r£b;. ,- TWO DOORS WEIST OP1 AILMSTRONG'8 HOTEL, DUNDÂS STMRT. t3r Ailondera prorapl>'attetide t t. ,f whibl, pri 14, 1leu.-16 C. N. VARS,'L. D..S D ENTAL BOOMS removeti from - kinason'a Drng store ta o otu. over' Shea S Sbrley'a store, Klug-Bt., Oahsws. Entrauce ou ing Street. ARCHITECU RJF1 bRAWING AND SPECIFICATION BUILDING.- Prompti>' prepared i wth, vlow tao acay ini Oocctruion. CHUROII AND 'SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A 8PEQU.LTy. Cortespoictience Reapectfüuy Salleitati. ]E. B. I3AUB, Arcitect, &0., Office, No. 72 Ciureb-El., Torenta. DIRECT 011S. HON, FRANK SMITH-. Senatr, Preuident. EUGENE 0'KEEFE, Eaq., Vice Presideul. PATRICK HUGHES, Esq., W. T. KIELY,Esq.,: JOHN FOY, ,aq. - JAMES MABON, - - sag. or Mao>' lomieti an Motpe 1ut lv rateso et treet s«aos onviaientfus "rtah nreer prstN Nwr, 150-1>' SEIMTJLSION -PREPAIRED BY- Wu- Re HOWSEI, (3orner Q<l'o) WHITBY9 ONTARIO. CHI NA HA LL, SION 07 TUE DI> 310 G(sueceramn») 71 K/NU-ST. EAST TORONTO. Fana>' BnkueîtidTes Sets. Fane>' Dlier anti Dessert Sots. Pane>' Bed-room Sets. F-0e Jgsanti Tespota. Silvet P3lateti Kclvei, Fonks anti speena. Silver Plateti CrueLs anti Butter Cauler. Silver Plîteti Cake Baskets. Rotigers' EcivesansudForks. Tes -Trsju sudSerrera. Fl dsfor Lily'., &o., S&e. Glueuare, ahU tescriptions. White SLono e , overin>kud. Hotei andi Bar Geets. GLOIERHARIRISONI, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WH ITBY. Geo. Cormack, igs, aud ail klu<fa of Twisted Moldînga, D>oon., Saab snd Bilnds. LUMBER violesale aud retail, or b>' hy the car lond. Planlng, Mouldinga of ever>' deacnp- tion, Floorlng, Sbeetiug, Bhtlvicg, Re- sawiug, ShapIng, Turuing. Scrnfl-work, etc, -0etc. Whitby, Oct. 161h, 1M7. .- T HIS ItAPER mi>' ha icund on ie at Gea. P. lîowehl StCo e's teapper Ad- vertisini-Bareau (10 Spnuce St.), vee md- vertisîng contracta =&ya>' ;a. tefor itlu Naw 1'our..1 8.ACi'JIV TCo 1('AM I INSURANCE. p HoNm FMIERUSUlIANOR 00. Lombard St. snd Obarlcg'Croîs, Loulou. ESTABt.3DI5N bc.1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & C0., Agente fan Canada. B. W. TYRE, Manager, Mentrasi A GENCT ESTÂBLISHRD IN ANA- Fonds. Moderatorate of pnrnfn. C. NOIRsEg, Agent, Wiiby. WiitY, Apfil 9ti, 1878. 16 B MIIAVERICA Assurance Comtpainy. INCORPORATED 1833. A SSE TS8, 81,101,876 94. F. A. BALL, malfflger. InsursceseeNse.. at lie levest cunrent rates On Bnudings, Merchandise, sud otber PrOPerty, agaÎuet lIes or Adam ag b>'fine. C3. NOUBSE, Agent, VWby. Wbltby, Apnil 91k, 1lm8.le MON EY TO LO AN ON' EASY TEREFS. App>le-. 110-11 W. BILLINGS, 0200 om Ontaro z clI er. Whitbv. DlANCING CLASSES!1 MR. cviV Uia..ea &Us ors, ?ni.vlb.peirt an giv7 Inantalcu luaetie LaamtDacs, lu. mcknowhoedib>' m&Uvitebave amsuILta h Ltce nices t a daco pt inlodum.. The JuvonalCms vl b.e lciou Satur. d afternoons frmintva 111>fi'r oalck thd LeAduit Cime. il lia heJdLtiuli aeninga. Thes wlsang té attend eite of ai Liai classes,vll pieaue ove tLiit umes vuli Wm.CAV LE Dec. 14, 18LWlaiy l.vioer-l IV J .1-MI'e *100,000 POU INVESTAIENT. 1"8ULPHOLINE LOTION."# ON REAL2ESTÂTE SECUBITY. Aàt lovest living rtles0o interamt Money socarot itbiu 10 day. of op- piamtiou. Apl o JOHN PARQUHÂBSON. Wiitby, Febnuar>' ti, 18M. 9. K IXG BROTHES, WHITBY. ONTARIO, Importer., Deeras ud manuuacliu af aU Kinte of LEATHER AND FINDINOS,. Osa iad ton Hidea, BarS ni L dIestin. -'-e- ---Leather stretcieti.pesQ ùeadIn ù Tp'i: Wf1O ,flG-t.T ROUS F. 1-_ ý- - - - .ep . -iie d- n Tol (Lats Ticuothy ' Learays) DIUE-FINS CRELK-P1CKERING. Thc above premises.have beau takten b>' the uaîi3igaueZt, snd are aow beiiig uewly fhlîcit up foar che necephieci of irueste. ant thei travinuhrg jptulie. Iheet %Vines, Iiîuunscigars, & Mcalesaet atil honni. ond stabliiag, ehed nootu, an(% au atten- tiv-e tier. JL L ii "JJFJFII LJLJ 0 b u eI 9I BLTING MADE TUO ODEE N 03OhTqOTCE May. 1872. os SAVINGS AND LOAN OMPANT ILIMITED., dia»viugi>', Kmy. -AÂre you going 2" 11I voulohz lac ogo. -oau yau drivýe me -over ?". 11I iupeue 1 a t Il viii calà iuci outLof mlwv. But'h14wvlllyonuçe liack ? Iblhohtrca cil lt. -Oh, ri uk ma ety ngmhoe Bh ls ha& * 9 * "INov, Boam4s, umuvia I arngo.t lug fa Lie piecjoiti 2".. Andti i fnlesdhy littie face bits rogusil>' up lut. Beisle'm. l"I never geulaguùas uytbing. Yeu ,mniis tai ell maya Rie, villia fsii4 umi, mas suicileos otthe truti dawus oitJw b erd ks$lu., Ï un9uita pp et nsitè ltte l aro fri te lea sort 1' of it'analalitn Raue4o"fs esty ritelwter' ba aelaWu Whae.eul5itocgtprltef 11take- my stivice, sud bave iL ont," Beautifcl ayes ar oe entaishow, b.es ys, -coal;i>' Tien iL wou'L Like crystul psues w hahrt.firasgiov, pain yon sny mare." - Beuntiful thougt.lbatbursbeav. Thomê à àit worlil a!,eympatby'asti Besatifadl ips araehose viose v,»dti. more lu bie tonee, but' Baeals madie Laap fnom the heurt 1k. sang. af birte, np har mina that b. lsa flirt, anti treuts Yet vii tosntraneea prudene. ginls, bina acoordictgly. 5h. resolves ho malke BesuUWiel baud re those tiaI do ' hlm ldeepiy lu love with 'ber, andi Work tli e aurneit sud brave sd nat. e begins te pilay iu deati aurneat, putting Moment by moment Lte long day througi. ber boit anergies to vonk. hknwboteeVaybrmg BeanUthfofnt anre tais iaigo wheu aie éhoosea, anti flableLime aie On kicidly minlees twansd fre.- Dbwn lovliensi vsy. If 0.4 v i t 00. cerLainly choase.. The eetting sun in shining on hor, Beatifl s aouldere are lica. liaI beur imautiful isir sud ounlier ounneat, ton. Ceseloneburdeus oai b yorn' eS, tien face, sud Robin littie gueaseLat Wltb patient gracea anti ail> prayer. unkinti thoughts of him are upponmost Beantiul livîs are tics. litI le.- lu lier mind. Bilent rivera fhappineas, She i.sgo amaiable Liat a entiden vild Wltose tonalies but 1ev ma>' guis.. hoe littie b>' litile gains groanti. Besutif ni twi llgilt î et ocf 'iiAdetermination cornea ta hlm ta put Beauthfal goal iviti ee W. i, h ,, ils fortuno to Lie toit, sud ut pantlng Beantitul neat, vitit work wut 1.1 --ce. ho saya, in loy touea, "Us&y 1 corne Besuu rvsver rci , thia eveniug ? l'vae s0oteing ho say neiop- Sie gpunie hlmpermission, anti vies 0vvorn.auibaqab4selSlaep o rrlvesja. looklng.,iovely lu hbmw è soit,Wito e isaat i t, thougi sa a Dlsappointment. vorîti o! pain le tugging at ber beart. strings. No maLter vWco enfler., site sprnn or a sutitio, came ta lire oee ay. îli have a complete tinumpi. rretie, e.evinten batibsencola sud cul1 Si.ev. La t sho boieves hofie il bu hat rnong fanal, lie Summerair t iti ai caspteti, andti tongi se.loves him Tii. World, mùking bleak Miaith seem ai- vitli ber viole pasalouate seul, eh. vili moat May'. The.daffodils verebloocclng golden ge; pis>' Lie game b lihe bitter enti. Tii. binai troubudding PurpbeoOn tIe hM PresenLly, vian aiehe ssung for mhe rose, titat dlambaei up te vindow- ici, Robin dravi île chair lu front cf Put foL rtianmion shoot. 'AII yeeterday Ahors, s u uit' aes ber prett as. Tii. vind. aboutLbe casernent asinli>'blev, Ah b.lniLratvlfne g But nov lte breoze tiaI playeti about Lie ont of ber face, sud her conscience door. ,emites ar ertnadînil>'. Sa caugit the. tet leuves that thought "Robin -Mn. Msyfield-îet me go 1" B ro a btttlea pfrr iega.> h. maya, nervously. Brtseow n tres p rm b gasyfoo "No. Boasie ; not anti you give me true 1tout acann. an anaver ta a quleetion I have beeu Andi LI huh that vintst nelgunet once ionglug tea sifr nmsny tisye. I have more. been ryicg La vait pationtly; itut the ime hue came vicu I cau no longer coucou fnor yon that I love yen, moto LOVE'S MISU-NDERSTANDING. thun ail thé test aI Lie voniti, andti Lat --r- I vaut yeu for my owu ittie wifo. Beîe le just eigbteen, aud a lovel>' There le ne anever. pictturo sheoas, standinug iunte aidWitb on. band Robin taises the. kitci.n,vwitbsaflood of morning ian. flnhed, sud faco teis, anti banding ibino Iailing on ber -bravu bain antd forvard, be gravel>'ansotetnderiy kieet sweet young face. Sto bau oue pini thle fair brov. drns witi euowy celiar, anti dalut>' "WcaL ar. Loso Leurs for, ta>'Ba. nufilat iite apron. Hon farta le grace aie 2" iLsel, anti in ber face I can ponceive ne "He viii flirt vitl au>' one via viii flav, etier lu face or coiar. Thoie.l sow hlm, sud Liongiho rnmay sam in a touait of pink iu.tb. rounded c abek,erneet viti eue, he viii appean -pre- viens Lie dimple. pis>' ut hide-snd. eieely asemuai so viti lice neit ho hap- ss&t, anti ber e>'.. are large, deep, dan .pons te ie vith. Ho hu mati. love te snd lustrons. But, ubove SU, aie is ever>' girl lu tie neighbbood," are brigit. mari>' anti imiing, whicit ta>'some ai the nemanklutat bave reacheti have helpet e vin Ion ber Lb. repaIs. Besaie'a @aaun;anti iteeluinrgainat lion eh.eenotsiuly bas, via : Liat o! an. hie iascinsting eyes, aie vnithes frorn arrani coquette. hie grsep, andi esys, lu le>' loues, "Tis Since ber babyhooti aëbu ise lad-ut. las bieauso amnng, I tieclare I regret mirea y deiosu; but tetahemra & hosbvlng teendiit P" vilful, bevltebing, s ain sd clt b>' "AmueiuR ?2" turne, vii.te me ube le b. re ual Si. elLe calmtai'tifliug viti lier fan, -o truti, patience sud lave, sud loking ae cool s yen pieuse, Tiremouthe ago, hevever, Robin licugi ber heurt le basting at higi Lido.i Mayfleld carne -té iin ou ur neighbor. Robin la ver>' grave.- bod, sud, 1I mst oeuf..., ho huela-. "Don'L, Bessie!-1I1knav fiat yoaL et me mucii unealse s; for I lesrt lat are giron ta innocent coqueta>', but I ic ier re t hei Bue admimrese- cannoi blier. Liat yen are beurtleas, specte andi loves-yeiloves hlm maore anti1I have leernodtielalove yen s e e tisu an>' otiar. men even love a voman. I amui esin. ,.sea sapenlat young umn, bath ln est, sn ut aakuov it; thirefone I on. odetiition anti appestance, antiholiel treat yen te gir. me a cundit uusver. wealfiy sud indtiubtshicb perhaps lieaBesele changeti ber tactice.. May axpisin ta you vhy ha la censitien. Si. cannaI lieut for hlma te doapime edthe L "nsn cali" aoflte place. bli en, oh aie ys, I I ave alvays been Il mu>' le- tut hisba. avetiont Bes- very fond of you. I bave net Inie t ta dIe vitihbies 100aut nmu ao en eyea bld, iL. I regard yoàas satier brotier. in buauseneopart mayz s a a tellon dictatedth.Le berîles anawér Alal the ment akilletiflint, anti, voran-like, gave yoa ; bat nov LiaI I eee yon real. aie désire tq .try ber posera lunlebisi- 1>'mean it-why--.vy-I amn vory sor- rection. Anywa>', smi l mon. gracions ry, sud-at- ta, bizam titan aof'thIéie alen yaang Poor Bemie1 She cloei net believe men, vii.lest arthat ho blias beLbis viat ae.àla aying, nitier do.. Robin; benr to blue-eeed, fair-liaineti Klty but site firmly-reluesairnailU te ame, Grsen, ta>'boultstieligil, ani thenefore anti iu, ftntiiughon immovable, tdeter- I ami Lonnubi>' jaions for myseif,. b.. minesla bide iltime. cause ho lu io cni itmadomer anti a "Mypretcaus litlîe derling; le mur- butter maehi ievun>' va>'tianï, »atimurs sa iussf.' "Site coold't for ber un" ayforBesde. RBut y muat vatlitlifi acopl &youaeg ma itient'tesing ant ,i ait snd do lie beit 1 eau fer dear i nr "iffle final; bal Iý believe aie Beoule, laves nme, and £ab s 15eil orti aU lb. "I recelvet a nate fiee.XiII>' juil trouble 1[eau poisibly eiholtier for ber nov, mieommye, adoruing lie butter vili o.k.;: nol'Il justpreoten4àt a-accept lie celory louves, refusa4, sd 1wu Z eII » îf1osc't ~ "'Dit yen ? Wat tith ie bave te ber round iu anotier *wy.<' as> i, na-h. bidi e r gotndii,sud goe '#e "Nolmis. Here inl; test il." bomne radibnîl' py,'ilysta Anti mli.praduofs frata ber ikron sanu"se hèleontP t o it, eP . pooket a erumapled ot caa sd tessaoî tta pslriugly. Me. II"I déclare I-w6h I;isdnLtreatet "DUR Bssia-Do coaeover for a bie bainreol>oit.l<tte e-muaitaimeng Il"tl vill this - teruon, antid t' l irt88 ei u, c. aest'.isomnetes bave ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ uj. s ak bu lepane Mfe ciif ho was, I bave cettalnly tlin diai! W hat an idiot J aboult a bu been, te bave truâLed a, Word hesaiti r' murmura Boeetaherielf. Other eyos than bers are vatobing thern, anti noting wite deapair lhelin mutuel wbisprringa sud intercian gedà, glauces. Robin aoarccly noticee Beeie, or, if1 ha doea, itlei in an indiffereul msuue0r.j Kitty, ticougi, eeeme proadi>' aocare. - There is s vital -atruggle ta keep back' Lb. teerease eremembera îlesacindriy Soit glance.sud tender words towsrdý Pis>' alLer play is propaeed sund car- rieti ont. Preeutlit Iloccure ta Beecie, Lta aie wculd like a real, se reluaiug ail invitation, to join tie merry crowd, she taies s pitcher sud lentieparting for' tie spriug, vihenaie ie louati by Lizzie Wynue, a particular frieud, wha bas] hall divinodthe trne tate of. tige. "IWhere are-yen going, Boa. 2" "For some water." "Piess. Iseten rny'bracelet, snd I wili go witi you,." esys Lizzie, who Oses Robin agprosching, sud liopes by titis pretence te deis>' Besais until h carnes up. 11a haetena forward, asud insista, On rangeti; 'but Baee eli "d negativeiy, sud lie quiet1liqe '.. "lPionica are so trearneP, a aimed Beaeie, wien tliey are out of *' ug.- "Do yen thiik soP Why, I have enjoye thLe day so muci V" deolares Lizzie, brushing a tiuy spider lrom ber aleeve. Tiey go dowvute s iollow, ric inl verdure sud siadow, wiere, surrounti- etd by dan aftones, tie wster epsrkles ln sweetnee suad pnrity. There tbey epenti more thon au bour, after whici Lizzie praposea s remble. Tbey walk alovi>'. Thte day ia pies.. sut, aud, llowing s lootpati, tiey resci a narrow bond lu Lie river. Look- iug acrose, tiey beioid Robin sesteti an tho liueb cf s fallen tree, placidly Sur- veying a apecir of bine wiici lieosesa tirougi tii. ringe o! amoke tiat cari upwsrd frotu île cigar. "'Corne over bers." "'Yen are vilti 1" sas'Lizzie, via caunot ieip lsugliug ut bis complaceuL manner. "I1 assuro you I arn plesauti> situa- Led." "Doiebtîce.s." "'Wall, vi>' won't yen jain me 2 "II1ow sah vo wegeL over 2" "*Osu you wali a plani ?' *"Cehtainly. Try n.sud ase. Wiere le yeur planit 2" 11,il wager Moy hest againet one o! Mia, Beesie's curie that oue or boti of yen voult laulu ." "'It'a a pli>'yYen thini ne ao uneteai>. Perapeyen hledbtter noure or "T at ljuat vht I abail do." Anti suiLing th.acion te eword, lie le acon at theul aide. "Serionel', I leareti You boti would geL a wettiug if yen at- Lempteti croasiug." ho saye, viti a corniq smille. "Hov are Yen aujoyiog the pienic 2" Besie le looking lovely Lteujay auy. hilng, in a piuk mualin anti broad-irirn. meti gipsy bat. Se boti Robin andi LIa zie thinir. But briglit eyee sud rosy citeeke do net alvaye go vith a happy heurt, a. we ail kuov. Wlren Lie day ie doue, anti Bosey is sale et home, ah.e.capes taelier own noota, where Liere are no auditaresud apectators. Hore aie cries until lier eyee are ewollin honnibly anti her face la-sepink s ler dres. wutii tr7 né-i jase once -muré," Iinke Robin, s lew menthoubanc.111 am goiug ave>', anti I canuot leave hor' withont kuoving if aie reaUy care. for-. me, ici I brn foiceti-to believe. If ehe refuies nie agali, 1 ehail probably neyer returu." "So yonaxae goiag awsy 2I aa.Be,- aie, tiat oveniug. "II muet-I bave no caie. i vouit aaneiy not go if I iati," soya Robin, pointetiiy. "«Besele, vIl you hear. mae t"' AndtihLi. lcnd.omne hesti W havwet loy.- "Yen muet,, for iL rese with yen vietier I aalai. ever returci 1 hare beard liai you vOe s acaquette. bal I do not bâtiese IL. I Ifiowi yourn eyee epoke trali vies Lbey anevéned.- love tg mine. Lot your lips- spakt, 10o0m deareat, andtill me tiat mfy liplng, hratlug, wsltlng, lis!. nofabes in vain, andti Lal I jutigedoti yorigitlyý when I bcelieved a pure 'asti womanly huart boulbeneati ail your apparecai NO. il. ~gtaio le.in s oudygrave., Whe aitleaee aehdown freux -te .aevering bonghs, whiob lift their bar. arme bolpleaaly toward the aky, se if ùnýbloriug a return of the gay robes whioh eprjng presaented sund antnmn beautified with every variety of purpld, eoil.L sud golti. ' Reapedin, the paths they lie, dead or i.urilf.;Tihe rppliug ai the brook is :biihed.- The wlntry rain weepr, snd tM4wild bisetlift np their voices andi cryaloud. Not aflower of'green. leaf iii.lther garden or foreet, except here and theresa luntp of evergreens orua tew hardy cryaantbemume, and Lbey >ile hrly visible, mso fastiC e rain sauad se great fe tbe commotion uhWIDd i. rèîeing. e oeeeserme to be quit. srestlle. saite weatber. 811. psc.e up sud down te comfortable parlor with a look of wearineee ini ber beautiful oye., ana ad droop in the cornera of ber siweeLmoutb. Th~e, door.bell rings, but eh. lieede iL Uot, eo-engroeed je ehe lunlier own L .4antly there ie a eLep behin'1 her, *fa Oe i l 'seped 'oteRobin'. Iesyt. l~ô~#e t~wlt~for me,,Beagle.?!" L Y', and ô 4à ave waited ai Me urgeeher Wo Ybiihroresons for r.fuaingb'e eisnLyad 'ýhetiib&:hid ti'plaiued al lihe folde lier in hie armeansd kiseee 4s;, brow sud cheeka fondly. "Only te tbink what a mietako ha. separated De al thie time.!1 Ieau neyer forgive fate. If I badl only knowu-but benceforth there will be no more partig outil desth. Ani] do you trusot me uow, darling 2" "IThoronglily snd entirely,» "Tbe world go.. up and the. worldgo.. dowou, And thi.e naneu follows the rain; And yesterday'e trouble snd eorrow sud Caro (Jeu neyer corne over again, aweet wife- No nover orne over again." WHBE TEE MORmoN, AaRE Eurr. En.-Tii. proportion. in wiiich foreign contries bave eontributed 10 Mormon- i.m are ehown ini the foUlowlng figure., whioh dre-compiled from the oensue of 1870 sud 1880: 1870 1880 Bora iu England.......17,078 19,654 Born in Sootland ....2,891 8,201 Bora iu Walese.......... 1,783 2,890 Born lu Ireland .......... 502 1,821 Born ini Denmark......4,957 7,791 Bora lu Sweden........1,790 8,750 Born lu Norway ......... 514 1,214 Born iu Switzerland ...509 1,M4 Bora in Germany ....858 - 885 Englani, il wilI be seee, malte, the chie! contribution te mormonetu, sud next la Englan camnes those BSci. navisu countries la whose people Lhe .&ugio.Sazôn stock i. cloue akin. The frequency of Irish or German Mormone ia'very remsrkabie, and th. Latin races of Europe nover- have been hoapitable to Mormon Mie.ionairiee. Thé nier.ý of proseiyte. matie amoug Americene dnziug Lhe at twenty yeara le very saui. Tii.y are few sadafer betweeu.- The recrniting ground i e-Great Britain sud Bcandinavia. a' BRà.~oâ.nSoozanrur.- ."peakiug Il about lhe sociabilit>' aI railtoatitravel..,h lors," saUtii.maci vith the arabiee.li anti a vatal pookel, over bis oye, ««Inea neyer got eu vl acquainteilLih ti.e paseenger n a train s I diathlie ater TI day on tie. Milvaukee anti Sb. Paeuh- i 1 17î%ýWe were. ogoij t -.te.taterT of s ae u ihit nd. , n a- ater rain fromLte other direction -in Lleacopeti -ne. We votre ail tlrovu Pa inta escchier'. eociety sud, irongLe 'Gd luta initetiute socil-l- centactl, aa ,te a 1,îI vent aver na ut ii fheie sp a!f*h corpulent lady fromIllanilabàa atia tO' girl Item Chicago jampetiave cime Î. P meueanti st tevu en the plug bat efs a preseber frasu La Crase vitit e.muai ia timid, girlisi enthsnemni lstil si-oveoui O hia a cssî en dovuveér Ii.s h6nldoe.- be 1--'iliverybodygielemed 'fa la>' aside fth'e- ffual cool-ramarre of strangen., ana iw. matie onneelvea entirel>' at hôme. latrie, er.,' ecI Mf s cou b.e @à kirtu c A.** (laIe wltli Lsnleanis h. A R CHI-TRECT. OMNIBU TO AND 'PROU RAILWAY r ]?Anas., Drug Store,1 1 Lha year yetem anu ptii. front N'E les, $1.00,per INN CO., TORONTO. TS t-ad SlaLo"a IL in bet l asoeiuaîng al vili ho lmt4st Unlîrd litai os eppicati.ea1 Auentîce, va id cinculat Itee. owd & Co... o t Patent*,- MBER lI HM~T, et, ail indie o 1ahi necesgul> Swn Timitar, ii7 ona ul SMachine, rtet IMES. - r>' Durable, ti Attucimens THEM 1I nt lady ilu il- 'Street, Wiitby. vse Machiiesa te r and le do as r iscînce mate, bi'aar. .-A MTO bis Baiths. nt Rieumnahiec, 'tu, Congestion, Dinems',ml lu- Fc'ea'nsud fon ecially 9 Ipilhia, Cedth litaIbt tha arethie boal' clu tlîo-neaeiýt cunpnactiori vii4 lhs world from et manc, This nues iu thie CA, bRIO i.m . t - ,m. Ladies, 10 a, ne .ici;t,$ W ENT.- ýae anti femst MOND, D" 't LINDSL UndALE Au axmloea mes»eut erfing Skaludiumes se U by nu=i; litui Mmrs ia dlaor4m«a, thaï bava plage. liesu#euzfr asabasrdaaply mofle. w4" lcauaa Ibama unoili, rrtable, pain. London, Eg.ay Pcpeir'8 Quinine and Ion Tù*l Semrgtl athe narro» aum eumar synbeM, lumptovaidigmeson, seutheb =14risSre ut lte besIS. PMr dablIltt. bslbfrom I*ees"$ ofbul eIMals uieb boule 1la vsiuble. l"- BoumessuMd a=aop-ltae, erons ergwe, enclemàbabebod apel fevas oSaudr org»14 -le ayimm l m !o ep r sdy dril. 1 vuuImé-wo4. SaaaU* and P odophllin THOS. SLEIGH, Wl. HLODOSON. - Authorized Capital $2,000,O0 seleeti hm. raughly by Ila esh , Wçié- -liBy love-1 wbàt - de'yau mes*t 7 Titegirlila ry .1.1er. 3ust yu'àg la opeakIiËhtl1y-" "*W-h--w l" -interruptedti hra-i' speaker. "Beg padon, 3ack;'Butyou-- muest teach yaur . s.1er nott o lirt witb. atraugero, il you waul ber epokien of with. respecté" *anti he vacad theg spot whicli hati become raller warc for -him an th. instant. From aur atanding pla*e. icl'sadoor. way on Waehington, atreet, w. earclied amang thé rnoving crowa. for.lts gir witi "Ipale.bluebatkriean ae bat." W. caught a gliVtueof a lovely, vivacione face, vlti brlgil, sparkling oye., and white plume draoping over tie rng. af dark baur on berforebei4, anti saw ber lgrotlier, hie face coatrect. ing witli - a frowu, join ber iaatily. Brident>' e.would uaL be sllpwed to wait until alie arriveti hotu. for the -lecture aie needeti. The. practice of flirting witLh strangera on Lie atreet, ici the haise cars, la restaurant,etc., 1"juet foi fun," vithoul the ahadow cf sau introductio'n, aut est under caver o! some flimrsy pretext wieis est once untieretood. h7 Lb. op. posite party, ha. grown ver prevalent. Don't do iL, girls!1 You may bave s mucii pride cf character sud self- respect se Lie Most puiliaus, well. bred lady who stand. uporn striot eth. quet.e; but yoù won'L geL credit for iL. "ïButïV',esuclr fan Lo lesd Llemou- a vile, snd then maka foot. se.. tie-malter from 70t In nine cses ont of Len yo self ridicalous in their eyesau or their soif conceit, whioh wae o wl fed before. We know innocent, pure-tminbi- ',, girls do snobh thinga thougbtiea.ty. lrorn love cf miociel-one leading on anotier. But if lte7 conuti hear lhe sI>' innendoe.sud cosert insinuations witli whicb Lhiu acte are coupleti aller. wsrde, their ailumbering, womanly lu- etinet voulti ho aroneeti sud Lbey would blali with mortified, ehame at Lhe motives impate taLo Lera. "iPrndery 1" soma girl exclaims. > Very weil, if s woman's opinîion la worth nothiug, ask Liat cf ieome--cf,. your gentlemen acquaintances. -Weý mean neitier "aIld fo 'es" seao wonid cmii them, nor tboe e aceteti, muetacheti exquisites,lwii tire. ounces sud a hall of. braine, or titereabouta, sud narrow saule iltateti witit self. eeteern, antil eaci coneidore iinoif tha peer of Lie nobiot. A.k -a self. reepecting, bigi-nicdeti ma% ,asu len 1o 7b4e opinion.- TMa islthe age of agitatiou o! ",Wo. man's Righte." We tion'l kuow much about the aubjecte except tis, titat wornn bea sacred, rigit Le lthe, re- spect of man. W. tiink Lie rnajority- Of lie tmon have aý natITrai insitinct in tiat direction. Lot won sese thât Lie ciarni b. flot dissolved- by any sect- of iier'e.-Letlber ecorci ta decinti s stop benoath ber level. Lot- fbe arry heraelf loftily. ;A Wldà Horse-Race TEE TUMr WÉEtS ROicK? MOUiTAIn;CHMn BRAT Taz rÂKEOUS E3OEDER RUFFIAN. The wiideet hor.e.zao ever knowzc, - sayb lhe ,Denver Newis. taok plaue on

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