AbusteIhèsem es t W wbhà tvoidr whon ce Whal brMnus"spwsu - i' PatrottlZiS< su' Imm, mSYOLUNT M"S The paironising s Moab esasperatlng man joumnalist bas lot deal. bansd a dollar te the stil liaI the paper be eent for a yeaL-. ,, Es , cph Ma. W5 as 1* 4 g lovar pQ&esa. ota et W.H 611va. 1 ro a - -ad,-but 1 -_ b.-s- V -era IngîllaW# am &Il aréil uon hlm for. t] bal& tolsDisSl uo im fr h.h for-itep9110rsnd w read I;emiriiy uWb edlier vis lihe Il ho t magIns hiolias squî t- ta ablatbave gon llmet, s.hle.pap comteste regrd in101,1 t- d aiipropito rof Il. isîbabedes ol ge -e bis t- thiade olgl aueiU a-d zoligho bu beu onrlbs a sappoe tou tse ltai vili proporiy ripe $%M tothélslet aun " Mau or b as .oosaela.I villa a snbaetsiplde» sefu l4oiradta c t-t e elmose l in'tse paper, suil vhe eerl t ass ovths souier leaalcaîlsised lseuurbà , Mmsil me 4 Leà lh oem t beso l* ,Ispeheon J P&P.ç lhat i vii ee for " eitt5SD Captlvated by i arksd a lady of a mau $Yee, i y"n Oho Th¶e lady mers Ãau sd se9 e le Most stil and btvol$ seo~ b. bots torosoi the border s n eeItidand ber~ w tg ai1ta's te- difistie, s. ueaib. eborvAfr muet porcoive. Canada b NIs, flM aliInde adeoeetad yeOtit bas set Dp a lo* I B~"fui wb grapicaiiy it Co ewlsnitl qer of attr loohb- ISuSplantîs, action i hem vomea, power of intetrfeonco Muet hinder theioral ? DO,ý îOur yepthrn lus consolidation andi dovolOpmet hOf a "h'. a we Canadia n atlonality. In lis cosattu- d est lien sa~~ tilonai systous canada has oopisaed u dr B r mont, ubo6i4 gKM Z'Z Muw 0W ~Ii~ qewssst irbh$rtbave tsuada'the eE!14 mysietn ueeeute~fsl sare totaUIe ab8 in1 45otlser.l. 10Q sdoe. Nortb Ameticafl eolotsù4e 'M>eotvr, à Aat duo», ow AConfedoaitinblas becu ,rtablislsêd Saiep jitatlnta10.01» ctent , thé fodeial* Marrf là 4M rn OS s ystaofthtIe United Sta&tes.-, IL lisii. the. cîbos ~.tuisa lg*tephbaseof the ïw-b i5utw oponed U ubsoriber. p 14me thé tsepesple of tbie coun- bug whiel try nnsmeu oelalintreet. The. olber eus WRO SUPs'oUT;re Candieýanihave tnet attemptsd teo npy wlien ait a. the eonstitutiofltl maolincry, whicis for tried taL nearly a century, anmd upon ail q16-1 zho«h~tf beoriber in the tions except tisoce grewing oui of sINYu. q twith whotiih erv. bas harmeunized the indepeudençoý,, He dca. not of tbe States in tîseir tIosueFtic concern@ All pora Itor and requesi witb a national, anti in ito oiwtt ýeitre ost remd ta lis atidres s apromo, union. Tlis Ext-enti,,o au. ]3ronchlt liais sort of a. tsority lu the se'erai Provinces cf the* .DdLuci 1 e aiIway tickii, Oomnini0, eofer as it ile ytedIil, thé, Howse 3b te lerk bstin:ctonairic* uics à à sYýea r hand etamp, and i Leut..Govertsors, le eubQîdic&,tat ise fe o lo who adits e Exectitive. Thsot thse Donjiniofl Qpv- )n bc dispenses ernnssrxsent bas nott~y.:, 1 ) k.l COUxn iXo' Pi ~sb~jower tu depese lb.'.- a01snt,64o5- w.dded parnssthe nor ofaio eU-iICP, iiui Ny-5« -pâi ë, P HliPêi e tiosu or otlbor rosison@, a~ 11**utad~c On osdbettbr cisc it, Watt clsown lu-1879, ssb u -Lieu tthse el r yent rpaper. 1 tenant OnverDor Itiptplii-r of' Qsehec t trior oe srs now Ihan 1I us e doed iy tlh' CGxvrnor-(1,neral te vrac Vil -bat&.tote boisPCnucil-lthat tu nv. l tise Ad- lerk if1 Il expected te do mnisitrations of Sir Jln \Izcdonal(l. Tho cie upprtinI the t bi Tfeatturp nofthe' Cnaelinu t'nnostiiu- *Theu boeys WB .witb it tie e wtrs1tetrtt'rou Iest. op1.t subloribig truc fcd.ralÀ -eiew, anteivCâoilte mâ4s ý,a~ b t i a nan-ew. prove a Res-on-' tîc.li-c-îî tly tiso tie edci nov -oh«rcon Atentin oftithis conitry has beet ncalt- Fstory. tetc draw a dlvi. ed te anothr'r percnlierily iri uiln thii- l ime, b l lgectes sttutions cf tIs Posî. ukn-wn ne a aince by enbserib- tIhe prerogrnilvé a piiç-ic.Thisie le. tellethe edîtor power ta dleellow, or ,ý,.-u frein bo. a ibis e ae q sun whn connug law,iny Art u4 aiy u"Tu% int ranst« ýrefulio teboe the . Letisiatnrç, i-tttri n 1 tt1 ir - t tncho Bs no ýoeribl@ se urn îinion (loverou'i s- t t -,sggi .d Lloud lit- wU -likely nover s verenl ii i t,- u s C i-nîtitt atnd ,uot11Pthée Ceuseil. TlitI~t, r îîî l i j:ttt- .tttllt Sj à @ doese t psy. prote.]-t. t- T.-nc r CtL-r i pt- .1 tizing spbsoiber log ou atdvitr- ' *t Le i.-grlt t tfe- m4i ho poeitiveiy resiuiy .00505 tt-3 tîlir'lMi-sv lese nandered money actinXtkirûugL te olliesiiZOcî ne teo the reaiiy tish oeo.tters.Tlic à rtîtex-. i perlenceot ibis ortzsi5cf tiqiedis- ln defmj pie prospers, lhe alleoaxtiSe itho ekwc of aclail al iel refui i.1< as the.foonder by te LettRilAtureo or(tntarhu lias oe.c The only uod6r ated consitîcrele leUtnf.lis s-ted $Il ut nuben, s nificance %vili be bcttttr nuiltrsitoed if or-cI Sis falle refleot us imuagine Our Fc-lûr.l Consteitution sUsvlswe Wvben ompouerisuR tise resitîenh or Congress; Neil e ue of, bis pet te nulfify ste Logitr ecnactmeute- sd-il 6,ej rert tahoiTisaisucita a power ltg uuntecesary *ta tiseut" a serpent iln bisdeprive of effeot nsures liniDlicit j.1 wllbdrawing bis with lise Constitution 9sud Lasrof ltae a long q.ý 13P even bIis Union Our tr e lfe sProved by "Myr idepwuidniorgan dolaring the=fnlouuai Iaw of tisésacque "tsestheb people. Union and tise îre4tîss asul- acte cf, caers." ual h basunos Congreis msade nus-es-iltishoenapremo lier ba fi *xaeing patron iaw cf tIse land, and verting lintthe ted- As ton. 3r VIII attempl in oral autbcrity -agsinst encroaimlmenie,1 s ,psy ouftitha. blthei.States suant ithéise ane ime Th1 allent binlm by protecting theelattf r fronif0eaai naurp. Tise ofr. th. e piar ation. Canadla bas fsslemto taps-vite a SurIe semeë promînetat milas- simple iuacbiney te lessen 'Cos, et Ã1d o eerrd0 friction and toE sstain the accurd lu. lyétirt, Asc, Ingrtitu e. tween the Govesumetoth ie ceunis-y lecetMSa te etiltorlal roorn Ai largei sa thome oe t is omponent 26 cont @srb1UM tide nd- parts. This. future may prove te bp of oharacter dis- a fatal 'blunder uben party spirit saah dol, or nome snob bave boca fully develo)psed snd inevitn.a- p sud vents It put hie confliots arise boturen thé prineiple contes en thme ditar reada of local self-goverumtsnt and ie tendl- Montsl lubis solumua are cey tows&rds centrateici<n. jy r pairocning e ub. Niagara roareti, Niaqtxa poureti, sc îà 0d-r Oys,"t&)& ocs- puse, lot Rfoatîi n ua board, dacesi Mi thld iber fate tonstu leI sibserber?1 Ber lack toe laiepre off, - elrlrilned th S»e'd sasd ;er tait ..l turned towndaxa buvr >" e e ui ,Tise vnter sky ; ber -TF cid rmt sl&c-ked, <ItrpOý séts>bu ai ~ 5he Is left11ls-torr-ent isied. fïwblp à ilu.abill for lthe Th ise ~rxnce 5Wwork)i Mh stands oppoeiîe TUlt cat trecirsud catma-st. gs SpEcuLÂTtoxN tsMÂo-Tiso Toron-- Lis ~ t OwWie. t Vrld's discleenure of thee medue op t l.essii osig "' lators la quite intersctittg. Asuoug resîlt ýae eacher. othe je sriuisr-iy b<sle t atft-o ts ae ientt ~ lois!, boys the laud, simd thenu the big ritWW, bb f5 ve go hie.asd fivigle. Penplvýbaûs-: mm ~ ts br.R.e mssg 'or- givèî ýîeiU ny assuranceini liseý en Ws d at, '- WubitiT aï Xutsssumr lse OaiillcbsttosAit- -tg '%emkisat - i W«U tue S iVU&5 1 rdig. " use t"an *4 1 ragr but I tbought <roui eu osthat ia weary, fir- nson.in-law of e sh Broo&Uu Ri aqk4ý .j people bave Do î4;~ i ùxat in Brookli --k4t kbie ir night, and wbeW J-' iaA"'W he door for hlm v i tie nearly drove aleSIýom» ormet tbrouglî ber lungs. And w yellod "Murdier V' the idiot sooth her by deoolaring lie BO f Ctb o tst te niliy--one ttust will uo&itively curs ptien, Coupbis, Coids, AÂsthrna, is, or nay afltoton of Ibo Throat Ic-are rospaeesi dtoe B4autW*B. &rq,*$ gô Rt a tl1e of bwD~er~'fôChi tion, 'sf,~rheh tR~bw yu ta re- ii-A newly 1pair ~ tfi wedding tour? :in RIVcgs a rooni, were eiteorted levaor. tcrviewig Ut f r Lise itsroom ia lu li e~at6r, )u sitepped out and aaked Lb. fe 11 onk Ilm for a groenborn. Ierk repli -ed 'in tie negative. giyee 8a rooni with a bed in netor ýLoî op war te the tisird Farmer5 and Mechanice. te-es ts o smi(li 1eut cie -and It-si * a--o t msh ilest-,lye eotst taIs ot1eluitthe ecasa tr ous yens- mltlilu ,to keccii i ý- from Su ycisesti 'it -et-t-et-t- t uIt-ie rç.gtlsi jti,,vdst ee )lcoue iisa e las- t-j p t- Innt- o! îia tls-i 1 -;t-rwt'y t-aci tlc s 1itîidr i us. st~ sti .~t t si, ke cs v;r f)t -en--e- r!.e sl i - r la s-te.jpl i cite. lt-cmu-sti. tr cfttIti l i t'rr u'ire 'e(e lit dapsnetlbeeuc i:u L'ter rubignl lists oche gginît tise sul, sud lisey- cyed csch allier tuwe. Tien one 0 et tsenid:i asitheslbas get a rt-%ç sealpkin e, andI yoursste iint.'"I111lon'l Irîplîd thebot etis. 'labo frizzee- Iiè ssýt ime urs iut, sud tlatdjnsi 5ulnsArs leSalve. 3 e Saslveo, t-Sait Iheusforusr etiatoeCppod ti- lsa. CRhilbiassse , etdý siia ptitRad, anti posiive- 1, qd i. itsirrupssetiostad psive s- ielisf. %18or mne eudtgP-ee atiipewtionoz oerfudd rc a enseetWerlea A i ypss vIea ot loal enrtul e ssuW.oIf tise>. l cs-kilSe t dlr ito> ea , us>. twrot tl- iloes-t beylsssbus-dois nti evon aleffotsbônb îî Ie udew u si daO sole ulsieb l ete isais- I0telz tracis bic iinsomes 50 stiulntuke nyse i ts 11ÂI5Uit-l5s tueSila tisy-o- outs-pres-lst. Why ? T)iià > kdebiliuated andi ueeis tealue but op s-tv. i'euuii ovi I wili de i tis vis-y g. îýke thse eteetrie entrant vitis the- s-cal tunelctiue, i l inp tise on- cP i, s-ngs theocolos- te tise clueek rgan, hOpa ta the -pue I. t cdose ils pnîttpti>. and %elt. Solhi y a a rng- Thse Dets-Ralc cf tlie avs-nsge uofiii tseing lessetttiove ve wt"tStrl -emmttoeus- 1e gint. At tis D-01 o t litayemr,- et etus~seey Ily 1 . uq to ârisais i t iangers îtbed~$t îI en ntu tela e, tistaI f ever or Luug bl# buiel îI-~y slimwu.Tisottussis a I tivtà s lu i=swyYry ývlates-,e uhile Do3ceee Germa,.Sg-esq bees, teken, a ue-ouidl bave resuliel, and s large 1b1ll na docte- taon kvoidedi. For i&idiues of te TroMan sd Longe, Bosc7s.ei b" disc i* royessîtmf to bdtise et ile vonderfsi iréelt.Oves 95000 tleasmoIti lait year viSSent a single fadl kuev. c- cinsuyexcse orsuftorcg wIish i-sa-euuts- p o sio.d go o rm dAt day eontlting i lu 5o=-Stotnâtb, .No? It ialteté do.(e 0 t y "sut# yens- cur ulit titi., tgeli dlr ts-yl Toi We continue touat uas o licitrs for Paens ~v~4~j~ --te.0haedla, hsoug1 s- tcod luth * --trhe Aursstxt. Titis las-ge andi slendid llUst- Progrous 0t Science, la ver>.yir Atndn ha. a6n esrmol circulation. sro- MUN - ttSolicîtri, Pniisr o qe rloeu 87 PrkBopiN.Y. HsdŽb a~tonteso i 1 Ala n no everyt! Yottrs [và oJ BROWN & PATTERS ON MNF'G Go. W lss l es o lt 1 8 8 1 . NEW TIN SHIOF. 'T- - :8 ~ EI N- ES ~E~oa~-sr., 11TBY, tirieX t Odor -860 th f James Johneton's I"Go fd*mlth'e Hall, ~Hasopeùd lû5mimé8ifihe sbove proesxdisnw r~W1iD lufl jilâO1, whiêee e e~tbin ert igto Tin% $he;or Gavà âa idruis7x&ufatue l A wTnau ÂÙ kiseda <f Japà üed Tise, sd. Shot-Iran vare oonstantly kept in etock. REPAmRING-done cheaply and nestly. Ail work guar- *nteed stiafacter>. or ne psy. Wioke, Bumuiera, &o. rW. BA RN-P8. ÈIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRYIPILRBOad8HESRE l PALLR OO ndGOW8TRE. Winter Arrangement. 81IOKTEST SEA PA88AGE U- EiCOliOMY snd COJITOUT 1 Baila g ves-yalteruate veek Uons Potw landl atifs-cm Bostm onlag at liSas cTrCÂSBI-&Nfs-m Pors&"ln', Ian. lOtis, Halifatant. 141i. --t POLYNBSIAII, feonsBostonlaâ. lm1, Billas, Jais. Iliki BARDIBIAN, frei o* ad,1- Ot ]Emlttsn Zen. ltit. PAXISIAN, fs-c Bostoa, Fes. lad, Hall- fox, Et.b. toh. PBP.UVUN, Irm Poshl.d,- F.b. lIs, Haia, I'b. 111h. Posssengss t4ing tise stesnîe*rslruts viibve Whltbl, &80,a un on Wdue- des, atHlab2,"5 m uTluua 5Âv55 tSoL i lv4 PrgmdPite ticýkets. Istermtdia, $ 4S,mwtb th ermuN aste LerpotI Pa.rtewlsiln to'ïmin1"fewbelr hld cmn obtatI tickets nt lau ratas por tickets "Il ts-hbà lttatârmatlon appi>. te-'- --- 70 Jen. 9LbjOSl. Wittby. Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, )mnorm ostosèr thatat beaboe etabsbneu 'ill be tonn TMM LÂ1IGEBT, ST, sue PMEST aortent ot stock 'et B"ol ana S"to uwè eonosdMnýl ~,idewbu g l sd.eznsnamce ?r yonrse tti tre filUed wui it~'ert1tiux titan caB a dfog #n the Bcd sandShoe fino, for Ladfies, Wmises, Geu nta- fd reui'u wea g O>ves $ M ' WOWK f ' < "xh ' J A Z LOW PRICES ! Rsd'b.rs Of l Superior 9edüiy. No blow 1 but 'whà t ià s straight, mu ssying that in the' -onot-o ee unpc e i an ersigxei. h as now on ian das l arg a stock as metohbimne n hic lise o! business- -RA ths ne* Berlin Feit Boots.Laaiets' Fine-Kid Bootis iff Trunks sud Valiýeo in great varisty, at lowest pricos. ; .1 '1 Wititby, Oct, as, 'se, MATTDEW CoLL'BBLOO PIANOS,TU~D Afunl asortment iniCIA iA ware, at exoeedingly 10-w' prie 11T , LL PÂY x- ' lÃ"à n in épe t Odétber 12, '81. - yocnmLaugts, Talk, ing muid PlaY Tunes hhrongh it- tisa ce&ma f4due play taises ah once. Tise Tone Iseq*1 'Nvledgso fAte, -iiiicole yf,'é-e tlb nsruetaha onoion tbdst c'f dïn.!itd5liIiO reed b>.men t hai ny.,uhsout Lhes- mscl u jep14eIstrument *aPyt-it i> unes ai sigist. persoiblsa illefi Isodrce f ussivtleutan oadweetv "ieMuical Ti ant ismoicV i!vEns ', go- ',. 'Évî . s nme ci te lasagePaend raÀlsoom8O.N usrmn etb.mi tiotbis Mteeet.Rn mbp. O. ne onrgieee ets i SPRCIA-L NOTIOB.-TsB Musical Telepbcinoeao"nOI>.b. Pur-caiea cf tise menisa- luxeèr ai h D B ON M U SIC - GO., or lisough i oî-ev ral branches tisou g sot tih ,ss . B - n ite èum en cW Pls yon the Piano Organes- Meroà eon, 'i »S W a&plait atda 11115. N9,t*heirmoeqoled., Ail lis.populartunem. Millions et ODIpleos -nov luuse. Iteve o Sl tg ýestitaa*loii aud ,snusniu. Compléte inetruà iloïns, with: seon pleaee o! miisalenut mli fOr ONEDOLLAn. Bond tanp fer cataogue'o! lunes. To thoso 'isho live li'lb. countr>. ay tram icher, the iseamule evertailng aeUraeo! COinfot. Agents atil -For 81.00 va wIiali:en Enrsoie'e Razvw er on. year andi moyen places c f Edion! -1n'atabtnou oi5Mnsl vIlS tise instruatiens, or fur 8.00 wo vili ebcd ou BSisoie's Ravsrw fom pne yeam andieue cf Edieou's Mueical Teiephonos, rgistersa b>. mail. -Wiso rdering, pleamo mention lise paper you eau titis adverteoment in. EDISON MuZI(l - OOMANYT, 215 & 217 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHI-A,. &,' BBANCII OFFICEfl-280 West Baltimoare Si., Baltixrura. MdI, 808 N. 6t tisi.. St. Louis Mae., 25 Buxth Avenu#P"ittsburfi, Pa., M7 Wrahington stroot, Boston, Mass.. 52- B Qneeon.t., Lancaster, Pa., Cor. 9Ãœ;t & Wslut, Camdeui, N. J. HARDARE! "Large Stocks and Low Prices" being our motto. and examine and be convmnced, tt CaU- WHfTBY-Noc. 4 Break-st. 111 & 118 Yfongo-st--TORONTO. MONEY! MONEYI WE lAPB]&PRED TO LOAN On good mortgsgèse at LOW RATES 0F-.lNTÉMFSTi Onul and ses us,- and psy off yýour'old -moirtgsgssthat7 aredraiwing high intsrest,sudý -:Wlffle hsrate of interest i lw Âugua4 Brd, 1881. î833. Estab1i~ FuNITUTRE, FI ~hed 1833.l 3RNITURE, 1FA R MJE R> L Workfngtneii bofeonsl mess nd eceilgo geo ltte ta hie uyStemend ppaehlm for vos-k, vinl 46 >bisbystle&ng an iinpnrltiea frm USE VITALINE Tmlafetosof tise Kidusey. Sold -ylu>.alDrtsgists. PrIe, #LOO per- THeEGUeTJMEDICINE Co., 4i.47 TORONTO. PATENTS CANADIA.NS, cen ecuire pateni i tise 'United- iStates CoLu tise samo terme as CiUiisIt. 1h le bot o patent OIin tise 1Sistoe4.Ãt seeaurnug.a 17 years patoet ;othserwm iee lima wll bksoiimitea tue yemns.ý Total coeaIof niedStaltu Patent $60, Coui>.$0omkfs PItiouie Ilia ~ --he blneoi.vsnPatent Ila - icwed Totlais Ct ft oi;iaxaiesye- 5 ipatent, 1#%; tas Ilyes-s $7..On fecelpis cf model or- Patnt fofe, ,asingrnlon, DO, tisoment. -5 LUMER!LUMIWBER I 1 IlHN SO0N-, LUMBIl MT BHAY-. 577. I haro ju 'I-v 35 - g Cheaper han ever, at his n-mew' lae nudersgned ini retirrn=ng tha'nks toe As put uèrol -patronageenanea te him, bU aitt ia ai la,'oomrueious uow, prenufis e s ow in sabetter -peaiti - - 2 10 5i;Tlytaulthfrws"Mts. RED PI~Ã"1 an abit te1% % lman acs c mo t o a Tusg4sOOt Octo~bea3 Dohm . A.iit u. % r-t -t 1 ', viii recels. psîmmpî etienhbsa. ~aJ RSNOW, - B~ead Bieoult8a LL pOjC - C "CIN3ý-O. Fm~W»i~W~8 Whitby, Feby. 24th, 1-M j,ý; & :B lpij 0 - -1 s 2 1-1 A r-V a 1=1 BRO, 1 s.hed 1 1 i 1 k 1 L