3.9 STO. Jise adrer' BER 1 HANT8 ail indi ef 84ays on Mcine- lxVtaLdo Si;îple. ae ry»as Duraln- TIt h'u * imutici buie te t'e ol's i rom ort man.hbuoe la onse$in e a-l Intsar 4 tuor3 Bath8 liix Labeuitfl Mis C oetion , latb eac ai lu tabevesud 1for glanT h -tlIN IVE TÂEZL *hllby, n tt»y RoItai JýAM TTEDGE&B.. A. liJ. s: 7. ToArEW treet, uL. th Yoog Sret, Orovu tlone.. AOILLIVAN . W PERDUE BARBISTERS &ATTORNET-TS.SLTO. Dominitorn auk muS Con Rin ud Notor Pubr, 188. Ofic y-45& t. DAVID KEIIS ORDON à , ABTRMT-Ah TWTOLICT.T.IW B Selltte: Cbueancer, &o.vync Opetamy ube o.OfficeDunofSth.ot Offsli Sco ea ok,roBrokHetree jutroa. - -LT DVDuoRIUI4STumon,.). A TBE'!.ATLAW, SOICTOIR l B1".yCbanTotor, Ocov ynoyanc, &o. OrnasZ-ulb. OViceouia of b. PoaNo Oficriau Stre.a'sB ckBrkSte, Wbltby. TU L . l.,l Larncu ucoas hDomiiouBnosb.) AlUISTRIAT.LAW SOAITTOR B Lya, Siettord sOvcuryaos o. aufPC.dfl VictffoïDrila 4Broei.o. 'l98 , hitaB nt. J.G RaMr REcoa~HNssa A B Ka G.voUa".No ETfflftL L &. H., A.BBIBe rawehoN. , hoay O. Bom li:ci Mr&ad od arouisa.eBtt Oos-o ateD on à BnoofWhibbry. CHARLES . KELLE, A T N B B TLW OLICITO. I0N (on, epaasC. br P-leW.-Pm L. T. BAIRCLAF, A TTORI;BT-AT -LAW, SOLICITOU lui Chanosry and Inaolreoy, Oonrey. Racer, &t., ho.1 B ARISTBU-AT-LAW, SQLICITOB lu Jan moery, Ooureyzacer, hc. Oace-Devruil sBlock. Brook Street, Whitby. ?,ONET TO LEND-privabe maas - lu sums up W 5800, ta aloy rate cf lu- $OU#f A. MoCILLIVRAY, (Succeor tg H IL. Nove».) B ABRISTBR h ATTOBNBY.AT.L.&W, DNotaryPublic ho Solitor for lb. Dominion Bank. âilo.-Noit Soc: te Muson Rlousé, Uxhnidge, ont. .8 LYMIAN UNGLIBU, L L. -3., ATtRBISTBR AT L4AW, SOLICITOR IN ont Bùfeet, Oshava&. J. B. GALBRAITR, 3M.0.9 GIA.DUATB cf Ouee's sud Victoria Unlveritiis IMember of the Collage cf pbyaio4ansudnS urgecus, Ontario. Oarc-BreckSB%., Wbllby, Ont, (héé dcisouth cf Iloyal Ilote»). Iy.48 B. J. GUNN, M. D., SiUGBO TOTRBCOUNTGAOL, Wm. JIeDRIEN, 3.., M.R.Ces., nUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, EUG., \Y the eye R. O. Il. L, Oshawa, Ontario. ÇA R D . OR. BOGAR'i1', e'hyatclau, Surgeon, Accoucher,. ho., ho. Wbittby, sept. 801h, 187t. do IL. . U DAESNewepapeu ~aXpUeIuconracifer ,dvestse- bset rates. W. ADAM Sq ;,.M tTIlSmmaT2 1) OILSOVE R~H. AM37N= ROôumaR-TOEnTO, ONT.i .EMTTLSION? Mo-, -1 vaximp a llbexa oar (Lot et M1 ý"Zmfwldyadattentive ote. flI EAMEBICÂN HOTEL, WH1T B Y, 0ON TARBJO. noua. uewly renovalsd anS furntishad tbrougboul, and put lu Iirst-Clasa order for thé reception cf gueula. An omnibus W sud from aH trins. FIrl-clasa sample rooma. S HAKESPEAIRE HOTrEL, Cor. King & York-sa., Toronto, Oun. J. A. O'GRADY, FROPRIRTOR. Tuass, 51.60 iPa DL:. ly-47) JPOST OFFICE SALOON, ToBNTOs. JI. MoONNELL, - .PBOPRIBTOR. Ur' THE E 3ST ACCOMMODATION W~ for Ouests. C>-1 T IER QUEEN's HOTEL, Bancs: SMMMZT, Wlurra. 1'HILIP McOÂWNN. . -Prreor. Boat Liquors and Cigare. A veil u- plled table. Airy bed-rooma. CoreforabLe etabling sud large yard roore. Chargea moderato. -33 O NT ARIO IITEL, Banc-SsUIST, WHITI3Y. JOHN LESLIE, - Proprietor. (Lato of lb. Simcoe Houa., Toronto.> Good Liquors sud Cigu. Conunodiocs' tabling. Plrsl.clasa Liery Stable and BiadI Fanlon: ttac heS.ly - BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook sud Main SrUgis,, b lhe Village of Bronigbam. Firut.lissaoomuodationi. Beut Lquors sud Cigars. 113od stablini sud attentive THOMAS POUCER, PROPRIETOR. L IC ENSED ATCTIONEER for lb. ConnUies of York and North sud South Ontanbo. Auction sales of real .51.1., f rm stock, etu., attendeS aS moderats Chi"e. Address T. POUOHEB, 5O.iy 1box 47, Broughamn. Ont. CENTRAI.o HOUSE, OSHIAWA, ONT., W. B. McAW, - Proprbstor. Flrsl.class conmodatlcu. Bout Wlnes Liquors sud Olgas. Goo s tabling sud attentives boallins. iy.17 IWHITIBY hUI DUNDAS-BT, WHITBT. The uanalned vom ulb nate o Wtlb pubUecIt lb.théabor. promises bar. bean uevly bufll sud filleS up lIrougbcuti, for th. accmmcdahiu 0f gueis. ButI Wines, Liquor suanSCigai. T145 CREAU OlâANAOA~'--WALZ LAcER. Also pure Bii4Wino.- Luger, Wbole- sleand nBol. Roarders taken by lb. week on modem- ste termen. J0OSEPH A. BAEDELL. July, 251h 18em.8- B LACX HORS£ UJOTICL, Cou. PaoNi h Gzozac grs., TORONTO. ÂLFRED OXFORD, - PROPBIEZ'OB (LaIeo e i on uHolel, Markbam.) TBMS, 51.00 PER DAT. Goo stulbl' ing for crer 800 homs. Pirs-cîai accom- modation for farmars sanSl tra velling publie lu goneraL. (1Y-4 THE HODGSON 1H0USE, (Lat. Tlreolby O'Leuas) OIIFFiIIS CRiEU-ICKER114G.1 The aboe premxises bave beon lian by the underiigued, sud are nov being neviy fttt.S up for th. rocupticu et flgusasu thé trvlling publia. Beut Wines. liquera, olgana, &o. Mess t GoS sabliug, shed zoom, sud an allen. tive ciller. THOS. SLE~IH, HOUS]E & SIGNIHot --Cen nov b. f found stiSop- TWO DOOUS WEST OF LRMSTEONG' HOTEL, DUNDAB STEET. SINTÀL 1BOOMS rem»ewdAm ARC HIT E C TRUE DRAWUIO MID BPEC1PICATION Proapfly p-a 4bý*-t -PREPARED BY-' W. 'R.e HOWSE, Corner Drug ý. Store, WHITBY9 ONTARIO.* a(l.101 0CHlNAK H AL Le Bleu or 15 5101Big UG IUTaeED) 71 KINO-8T. EAST TORONTO. Fausyllraualfaend Te. Seots. Fanay luiner and Dessert Sets. Paner Bod.room GSela Fancy Juge and Teapata. Silver Platea KNlves, Porks and Spoons. Sire: Plated Cruels and Butter Coolers. Silver PlaIeS Cake Baskets. Bod MrI Xnlres and Forka. Tea ï ua sadSerrera. Ployer adsfrLysh.h. Giassar, s1là 4eCripllons. White Stone j&", evry kind. Hotol asdBai'Goa. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WH ITBY. Geo. Cormack, Tr UMBER MEECHANT & BUILDEU. LÀi -A luarg uzPlr o1 Buildera' Puruli- inga, and &U1 Un a of TwisteS Molding, Doors, Saab and Blinda. LUEDER wbolosale and rotail, or by by lb. car loS. Plsning, Mouldifga of eVery descrp- sawlng, Sbaplng, TusBing. Bcroi-work. etc . "ae. Whtby, Oel.1494h. 8.8 INSURANCE;q RoMM PM E nSutRaxon 00. Lombard St. and Obsrlng Cross, London. UICLISEED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOY'PATT & (30., Agents for Canada. B.W. TT"E, mantae, Kontreal. A GENCT EST&BLTSHD IN CANA- DA in1804. Unlimited Uabillly of ail the Stockholder., snd lage Beure Funda. Moderate rates of prem uru. Agent, '#hitby. Whitby, AprIl 9PIM17. le B MEAMBRICA A 8suranoe Company. INCORPORATED 1833. AG8UETS8, $1101.87094., F. A. B*LLI M.nog.r. Insuamou s ofeS ai tbeloveui enrrent rates on BnUiding, Merbandlu, and, otbar property, spainalmu or damage by Oir.. Apl, Wbfliby. Wbltby, April PI, 187&. 16 MON EY TOILOAN ON EASY TEaNU.e Appirto- 110-tf TaIS PAPBB may b. fonud on îile mt Go. P. Iloveli h C'. Nevap&MaAd. rutiing Bureau (10 S-pruce st.), *hors AS. vertisag contracta may ho maSo for It s MONEY. TO LOAN!1 SIG.0OfGO FOt r iNvEITEET. ON MAÂL ESTÂTE SECUBUIY. Mt loveel living rates o1 iteresl. Money seoued vitkhn 10 days of av. - JOUX FAUQUIIARI . Wbltby, FebruaryIMt, 188. 9 W Offieover Oub#ano Bank, wbllby. vesi or so, vhos b. viiib. eraS og. cludlng The lppa aism"",aMan d urym heaogaLacra l.latte acnol wgdbslvob eenîo be lb. atcutl estSducey"l tntroancod Sayfternesfrc fm oivltia"reO=eob eranins. Thosehnt lé allu elMW *r t bome olasseaiIl pluissem 9e39ar naies ll Wl!. QALVELE Doc. 14,1851. bty "8ILPHOLINE Offie, N.7 Chu"hi.gi., Torm DIREOTOBR.Y JAME8 00.ly Joan cinoZagaln, anc muas m~ fora tiLt cialof lhtb Oh wIsorrowe8IninyWfAtF~ ie publc l ia id l m-d m p .hI.~. 111 weuùId sphirtjou 1 crtainl d<ony Ihat I as Olik on the occisiongth1 - aWlnit 1 4gblhave 1 oa a dfropIlen Ilove&ber for her tendediéiwý' And iofr .-wl No, sir,!IO=caly b"an=on zop"xh ad.ay the etis s'k ty-tat, I boob belveen mybad ber bead- How swet ber reliHps pont 1 Iklaaed kb.Vovinglymsud ai- Ha Ua, L' a ekmy oth 1 dldnIBamy Pull dlefuly 1 wri br hma,, My tusr. l oyer. s a! ao rrow I cnuot om c Win, mriyb has ar au an. Mlotla &Po stand. - 1 I gave lb. malS a fond.à adie- Sweet pupil of love'& sobooli1 1 tld otS be I wuld oer b. true And always b.ao o-po-ol 'Pou =y lord, on considiratlon perhapa I ame a fool. So 1% l bm the bleaaed thiug up, ZncaÂMlLLrITC. le Win$u at lait, Who bouds bis trust In loving worde and actions luit. The vint.: biaI ,la aterm and cId. Yel suminer ba s Ibancalgold. Sorrow and eloom thé soul may meet, Tet love wrnps comflrt fri oe ata. Barth bringa the-hitternesaOf pain; Tet Worth the crovýu of pou* fflwlian. The wind may rosa amoug th. trees 'ret great abîps sai l thesorm7 seai. Fun Otwe feaihe5uea5r1 Yet oy u Ihteson bl, On e vloee gb. 8,p AlmI etHm DÛ 8L. The time bua rivéd vbesaI1arn OU. abw o b rcthel. partilnlosftlbk ifair sacibeS lu lh.î 1agaStollewlng; Bor am n ci à aS in. a.s eern. Ai h abaseyeay"lb. ofd. 1e My secret bas "ban ?e14 qaem e r My Srusi-,;the i"ol4<-ieof tlhe -Bai" upcia m t holda",fer à long sud Wfuywile. U athaautl isant tbronre, I labo Up my -pe.ut ïdo by se, Seing, bay dci My burdon fura Lt vma féeon Ia'ybns-lb. a4 on- dary attontu lbe. affalr-S he bwbele of th airuùlttm epneole4 vllb Il ahoalit net b.broqb toté lighiunatil a arev hala tfor wic n. isi 01 Ye.s4 ailxd pen by -us, deug frm elb mnruounvh"ehthéîafair toi> pîsea, 0expiresle-day, as, lu obedieem o lth. e v 1rsglteud on tisaI moringI nov profteto lb.etak botor. me. Net4ea sigle SetaIiL' on- secton wlb b. aairla eittdbat, W oviSen t hprp e b .obtb aie picpal a thlb.seondey actera me. supputefl..1de net kucwV'ebella. t Iam *er lkly cmoet agalu lMy. espe al ijotor in the *ffair. 8unert ce.aO~1ABa' Ioà DOWÃŽK na, BmUf B ý»aDeu V u aî.i ipxalu~a glumllnaursi J.0Wwea¶ uawemo. ~swunit fuotn lbthe f,-a buîî t I"ti-Rei&"beoted, "tva; *rqen inerale, from lbe wallo of tbe oaletbes iiii wo surgeons (wy blood' lécriss. AIlbeh grandeur sud beanty >rjno1d si ',te- voidse>io'b.., remsly in- oLÇ&îgle And -Audalusumoreds iS oaione 4 bhocorperof the Oale de' swyd ever Ibe fierof mv wit 'taw 1h pot and - lime youenud rre;brihlaut niorin,4minglol hé EnglifI? oà alUlero viii pressI3tyour.- 'v11h sîiltznorebrillîant dresses, Ivirled selVes.8Iý o onee sursgeon, anS îuofflantly lu eddying orld.,; jewels -Inyselif vil- preoode * yeu n,.> -order te and Pretty. conu-esnbas are nover eshow-yeulhe-road, sud lb. spot which t aee o mss elsv~r l Erope- I mky chô'ose-forlb. reudezvous. la 0 bheiloIn of- the, groat Mexicao con.Ieeurpufs? uetsý-ishd la star, in lenres, lu- ,- OnoeilioéX1boved, aud sbammsred âowrs frm.myriade of cinteataIout i tb mnýth' nks sud My aatsfa. caca.. -Loeklng So*u from tbe. gillery, lIe .,Tià , Itn - -claug of the cahedral bail-ronreèembIed a scf ,v orsiusa.' ohe U b.our-four. o'cook. lieoo.oagu olora,- rohluç suad' a _> - ÃrR.a surlnglovud~onepcnionav4à rt'0,,t led -n l~aiIe Xes- there te brpeak imb wav _-V-up,- --oà - 5%ê y *ould l-ho vas thoîbroul. Lun ber , SIn aib0s 'nfiutln-g any of ber subjocta, mat b. -&0 othe hli irou q es Ou heu brov gllttarod a crovu adsà it Id t, Mûp > Ia composeil eulirsly cf diamouds. Her moment I baS bea uiitncfea à ,#,, aliommober vas embroiderod 50 lhickly lest lu a maze aI lb. au deî thecflb wib the s ame proclous abuns that il évents, almeat incapable cf', lbought, 'resembled a outirais of diamonde, and totally incapable of mtion. Kt#*, boy- iteraly blazeS villa tightl. Her duos. ever, I began W etaunmer. otahnly. Win loopoS n p vlth bunchea of dis. I trieS to ealesue my position. -,There mond"aemeraldo, and rubi s, baped was I, a complets alfanger lit the tpvn, into kuolsansd floyers andS baves, unacquaintoil wltb a eluglo sedul elqiepî whilst -ou ber laitIabouider percbedlb.hl hm le vhom I1vas about te sol',as ml quisit litte bird of paradfise- second, and vho Ibrs days ago waas ýtl.meult vondorful spacianen cf Javel. himseif a etrà ngar ta me.- I vas about ors unuing Ibat eau possibly lbe cou- ta vilusa duel lu vhiob I-baS a bld.ý cerS.T produce tbe many-hued eous puesetmaul--I begsu le boiter plumage -for vbieb the broutla of those lu pregieutimenla than-that ono of lh. bird. are se remarkable, overy kuowu Ivo combalants vould fai!. Wbiat if Il oqlomed atone bail beeauss ; sud Ibose ebould b. my friend P The Ibhought bail been se tai'tefolly, no esqnisitely vac tee horrible ; for vasual 1, sud Ii put togeiber, tbat, ab tbe distance, tbey atone, the sole canse ofibis fatal quar-1 looked 1k. jewelled feathers. The bail, relP Warued by the quarter alrlklng, d reaohiug lu lengtb slznoat t01h. que&s hovever, I rose basbily, lhrow cff myi glitteriug girdie, vas, ke 1he.coav unuitorin, douuing a antIcf plain olothos oompeeofc dismondi. Eveuy fesîber iust.sd, asaaloviug a glass cf cog. vas a tb-ýead cf tiny brilliant., sud usc, made my-vay te thé Callieîrolo. coula ual have boeouWorth lois Iban I fouud the coude drosseS lunas cm. fve hundred pounda. plete suit ci black, composedly sipplng Banoblng off frein oue of tho galler-, a cup cf coffées, hilst a second cnp ies, a corridor, filled witb atatummy, stodi on the table before hlmn. ted intolb. grand supper roin. Heu. "Bottor drink il," ho, saiS te me,, tva lonç buffeshsd. been previded, quietly, poiuliug te Ibis oup wlth a, taden,çvtthelbmnt massive plates, lu imite, "yen* vil i Sd iil vikeep ont gelS n sud mUer, wbilst voudrons gab. the chill." lts offtlb.cmre proious Minel saoen As I diS se ho cootiuued: thé honore vith jevrelled tassas sud :"Arrangements maSe ?" caraffea et the rîchost Bobem7iu an&u, Ye," I replied, sud telolm etoflth Vouetian glass. The ratent flowaes plans. aud tb.he st cestly fruits. bang frein "AnS lb. aurgeois 1?" hoaukea, nas epergnocor elust.red ilu filagres baskets 1tbough 'bc voue -luquiring after moine.. umongsl vianda an4 dehoacies oet ery body'siieitb. coneelvable aise asuS altsape. Asn spbn «"Wl bc Shero,I a navered. as lb. qussu and;haorsuite, a banc.su "Gcod,'JIÃh. rej*oosdý; "aud eWi bc. privalely sersed, lb. Soors. et the îsoZo for. ve st.rttake »Je.slatter ; ilisaSi-, voe. Ilrovn opeuisua.ti biuffetvote dresseS eoey brother >luEnýgland. Iý omve itbbuuph= y md tbiraly charge ,yen ith, ils dollriery lain-te- gueua. ate luth*-. ereniug, whsueroul ctf anylbng hpeigbm the depru_ tnyi gave. froo Nov, swaliov.your offue, sud lo4twus licousn» îrlnlb ang.1 at eal" u- spoke b. rs, he and, trions. I bad.etrelleditb l.teround hlm- a Spapisb oloak; sud, opan. as1 pper roinonos <uring th.eexýIiitig, ugacupbôaud-dcoî, hanS e Wnsauoc-. bai~~ ~ as! a otlMrcS "ton Pad boîter Ipuiit oue," ho - e ôdock-I repaire5 -Iithar one)again calS; "for nuiss-I am miotakan vs c lu quaest sapmtlng cap. .1Asi culner- shall bave a long snd colS drive." - ed the door wy cys cquinglaI lb.fIgure. [ did ncs test lu admiratio utth. n ef the coude; vbom luhi :e îcrush oet1he seffis hueus etf-U man vho. at snob 'a* evein ' Sne *conered, aand- moment veul'thiuk.qf 1h. Oomifort of oing 1 aIe.eg ,,__ aHi ivihzdý darag,'- 6c ntter, nt- ývorlh-a cen-ad Indien agent.." " &Wba tktioa-ealieS enliglatn- "Thooe.vhc haroeiatheb.mat vira tie vomi lavsa dpuodaced the Mot~ "Ho vmauy motions basthe, oath " <'ThaVas-.aecordlng- b wboye -yosm ia o w ,r d ri n k s a S v,- -h ic h . V y j o u g o ,- "The lnsi paaslg belveen Ni* "A nisp ina 'era iug te snov te jSy-vbr mih stod vheu Joiti avhlalift ldrlb y. 1Wba la maarlui's compas. " r ughodig our galonu$ Fopr , lIs LadIesm ôD e ollar, cf Hlanos-cmbuiainmm. - è d l 'it h rt b oin t -Ive- inheè -ad e are considaS vToy, lYllb. f h.issee taorfm' of - jeireliy mo re lu -,ôgue It a uothér.jut nov. Il- la thl hicb id -eËremsntâ£tivf -i foyer,- a bnot sud abe. .l1,fluissi base Borne tIhe 'moatSxe -slreetv inst um os arr theb.f à Qhblu of ' " ly o -tan extrme, lhêbonne, mnfi nd supplomeuiaiy vrap betng ot.'thb, maleial vbieb forni lthlarger potiolà cf the soatamo. -vr o velrel anal. are moes nnoth"u ibey- haro been fo«maun> wlleua.- Baby, sappblr., brovpana the greon are lb. colora- iu vogue. :Thy a, ilher Irirmed Wil b tin or lur ge e gat passeanentani. Slftri. l ngs nlun plaitngs,,pasinlier suà d paue4s aoeflen nieS.- -Next seoion blsact k uniWve"ay b. ,*oun-aai an a d oulads.aud Itwâm m,i,.s vîifi he bmfashloabis- dabiha." nu,, replied I WHITBY, ONTARIO, p»e ~~~ Importer.. Doaezu sud UMsnub»wolucf ail isaés LEA TUER AND FINDIN68i, CashupalS ton rudu#, But siSLeatbo. bs ariemam a nd,- i88rBRLTING MADE TUO OSIDER SHOT NTIC.m MAYtIGS Aun LOAuM OMF prminent cnssi.ooas Ue8uuu a10;na . o0 macha e iltsbondomeÃem.Dtintaddad materialy te ils eobaracter. - His hair vas him sud dashed wilh gmey' lbougly be bamdiylooked torty, Yi$&" of age, I baSt au epporî,unily ne a hler peulpd, sud t au s u tl u-mn i , tse.ag lbï1. (o ion*ntenoo put 'te their test,1 'sud cf seeing -lhiem uýobly sien - etite Arng other quatlifcations, sana, t4, Coude poasesise 'can y.h vWasw- derfui pîitel #hot,. -1 baS realan te lae mark tIspaîttlcutarly,tfor eiti moua- lu»g du board ho bait bebu lu lbe, habit cof practslgal tbetties wbicb voeéflng itbt -lb. oetastgols for-bispebol. Hoi no-ver mIsseSa luigle abot. I hadro.' marked lte binf o oeocasion, vith a toile, thal «I shouid b. rery sony-Wo tad opposite hm aI lb. ocuretieusi 1v.lv ptoe.", "1Yen ueed 1bar. ne tsrar oun.2M score," ho replieS :.- "dueliing lea à tbung I baeteug aine set My face againîl, aud as I shonîd net hike le be shot like s crow myssîf, se I woniti nol hsveibn. cîber Msu's morder on,4aY-seul. Lt la a - - owu<lly Melbod of! equasipg :t re n g th , t o moý Y u eb i ug e ls b i u g in -u strict violation ef the Supreme ls, "AnS yet, 'I rejalued, "thonerelu t'uts vbîoh a mau cannaI put up:villa -inulto eithsu le himeef ar le mem'b- ers of hi. family vbe -are unable te arsuge ta tm omaias" "Peubapa goo," l1e replie5. guavoly; "bul I Pr& Jpdni'ither 1 uer' mvine May ove:aâelêlo aunmnit whicb May demanilseau expiation th. mur. dem cf s fellewcrestumo. But 1ot us change the siibject." By the ngliah amba.sador, vb vhorn I vas persoually soquainteed, I vwas preseuted te the Spanibh soveroigu, sud thé eiolng day recoired anl invi talion for bbe royal bail Ã",n tb. FnlSay niglat. Tu th. bolel lu wbieh I baSl1Il caleS myceif (thé Ponde Se Cadis), oveulookiug tho Plaza de la Utfagdaleraa,» a number of Spaniala cavsliy officeus ver. billete. Tbcy voue, wiîb ee e spîlen, au azable, civil, fieudly dis. poseS set, The "exception" vas tilsir colonel-a short, broad.cbested, svar. eby inu, Who abruteS about lu s Most pompons, ccousequential '.minuem, as moat litis imnu iii do, giring bis 11111e 1ordors, tvi;liug bis litho tmustache, sut slAMping dlai 111e foot co4stanly, ud -trýylng le look as flouse as lit, eenldý, te, tbe immense avecf -lle capit*nest lb. tenientsa, asdlb.e odsîhios, vbo camnefer luiruolooi, but -le l.the ix press u ia anSmonlmelcf =y 14 En BgitulsiSs-softmitry ,elguiflo-" sue.. AI tbe lable-S'hote, aveu vrbich ocarcely avylbing ',vas, W b. s»an'but -bis littl e oaS.b. k.pI bis eficeri aI s cousiderablo distance, îneeu addrosèI'n# . ne o et lmi, but scovhlkig ail the limas oitber e tbern or ab me, -vbom. .1 toit bo batlrS ntgboyaly, -,fer, some cause, jpubuev .Asl, st o pposite nie that hotus^bfoe l-. ftalbahl7 le -iboagl. v hon -I oblleugad' ,hlm ,,-andi bis offlcosito thetbail of tlb. "Spmni8b Queen and, Arapy," a -tcutî b vhiola ho vas lu ourtsaybonS 10 reply, *vbsîeý 1terrible drain-và eo >o li boseu l bu ongaiedS lu. But!l mSutitoiIiu, eamuy, rur ovin reatire- -my posi. ~o-sne ai WU. HGDGSONf. 4aUtIWPizBd calpitai- to 4he se t he pà ioIt e gue fo bi& lips. onice etflb. O I .l1 butL c0ipitatl cificerà -eýj 1 TT -- - - -S.J Tý'anthér stretche& 1 &mawvr iuvw&Lvu.