Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jan 1882, p. 1

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T~heOIlE i T SOLIITS INW CHANrCE RY de 0.a. RT.HE, . H. BI >'-. Toronto. Waiy .E.FARHWEL#L. l. B., Couuly Crovu Attorney. la 0981ILLIVAN &A PERDUE, B AISTERS ATTORNETS, SOLIC- ITORS, i;OTABIES, ho., &c. OFFICES:t- 72 rouge Street, next tbe Dominion Bank, sud Corner King and ronge Shtat, Toronto. 0. A. O'SULLIVAI. W. E. PERDU£. October 2rd, 188. ly7-U JAMES KRITS! GORDON, ')AliRSTEIt & ATTOBNEY-AT.LAW, IL oUcieor lu CliuoMr, Couvsysueei, Nelsry Pulia, &o. Office«-Dundas St., finit Soon n-et cf Armstronga Hote. Mioeey te Loaxi-Privmte fonda-at lon- Ieterest. DAVID ORMISTON, 1B.&., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cbsnery, Cenveyancor, &o. Oprict--nthe Office aontb of tbe Pest Office, tu MoMiU&aea Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-l0 RtoBiNS4iON & MENT, (LArE DuGooâa'& Roni.naos.) OFFICE.-In Victoria Obambezu, No. 9, Victoria Street. J.G. Roaeaees, M. à. fIsuaIr A. E. Rani. G. YOUNG SMITH, 1, L. ., BARRISTER, &o., &ho-Mouey le Lomu BIssue: of bMariage Licos«. O,,ocs-Over Dominion Bank, Wbllby. Jan. 22, 1878. <154 J140. 6. KELLEY, BABRISTER-AT- LAW SOLICITOR Blu Chaecery ameISieveuoy Couvey- sucer ho. Offe-Dverill'a B14oý Broo- stlree, Whltby, OnI. je HAMER GItEENWOODi TTRE ND SOLICITOR, CON- Office Dran-on No. 11, Wbitby, Ont. Fermu bon g hti saold ; Mamiage S.ttle- ments, Wls sud Trusta made Speciallea. Loasa egotiat-ed ou &LIikindao ofProperiy. thbalis ast thelb land. COC., - i.pîe- Tom. às, #m et e" bPsar« INEY s- afluaeuinS lf 0 Uni te pa tI e 'mi a pica u, tu eoe ttree -19 C. tus 01criiag s aut1 a llow d, ted& onu- hmre muO &à CG., MR* .ve. aDATES, Newapaper Ron (Trimea Builiîng), New-York, la authorised tu coutracL for dratime- menu la the CHRONICLE lut out W. ADAMSt R ooms OVER lR. iH. JAMESONSB Grocéry Store, Dundaset, WhIlby. office bonxs from 0 arn. te, 12 m., sud front 1.80 te 6, p. m. Reudence-Cor. ef Byron naîd Gilbert streeta. C, N. VAJISI, L. D. I. jC TUEETH însertsd on aUil he zu"-L lateat priaacIlea of th. art, ua cheap es thea boupet, msu a segodtshea bést. Téeeh14nthh ledi"GoId sud giver. TaeIh extra*"&S vithoutM by profdchg local smatheu-onl * mý;uuCon. ana nen- block, over Aklnsou'is Drug Store RingU Street, Oshava. 5 JOHN ROBINImOmps temvithtm ou - W1 TBT. A. a. MABKLB,. Ppriwut&. ~ ODAT "X. ling moe-eobaedyedtetive acr. Hoa.Wiuy récovated and furnisa" Mbm et, sud put lu Shsi-obma order lor ,t. ee go o suteAu omnibus tb and froeai g I nns -cu .sa mtple room . , S HAKESPEABE HOTEL, Cor. Ring &York-mt.., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY,- PROPBRTOR. Tum., $1.60 wsu DATr. (y-47) POST OFFICE BALOON, TomoxTo. &W THE BEST ACCOMMODATION w for Guetta. (>-7 T iE gQUENts OTEL, »est Liquers and Cigare. A well mnp- pl~ table. Airy bed-rooms. Comiortable 8Ta,=n a~large yard roem. Charges 0~ NTARIO HOTEL, '3 Bsoor-Srzzvr, WHITBY. JOHN LE8LIE,- Proproef or. (Laecde oS im mce Honte, Toronto.) Good Liquoras *d Olgara. ommodious etablng. Firsi-olausLivez7 Stable and Billiard Parleur atlaohed. ly4O BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook 'and Main Slreuts, in tbe Village of Brougham. Firit-elats accommodations. But Ligneora and Cigars. GooSa blng sud attentive boulier. THOMAS POUCE, PROI>IETOI. -ALBo- L IC ENBED AUCTIONZER for tliî Conntiee of York and North sud South Ontario. Anction sames ot real estate, £armn stock, ete., attended at modern"e charges. Addrts, T. POUCHRE, 60 ly B«47, Brougham, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE,1 OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprictor. Firat-clasu accommodation. Beut Wins Liguersansd Cigams Good stabliug anu attentives bostiers. Iy-17 WHITBY HOUS]j 'Ph. ndorelgxa w onid intimaI. laitlb p u li t a " 0ab ve p r om ises av e b en enlyblil sd file up tlrougbout, for 6à,: socomdCllnf gueule. Bout Wmnes, Lignera sud Cigare. TH-E CRMAIMOPC ANAA WALZ LAGER. Aise pure Ehin, Wine. Lagar, Wh"lo sale sud Retail. Bosniers taken by lb.en-cc> oe moder- Mte tennas. JOSEPEI A. BANDIILL. July, 281h 1880.8- B LACIL HURSE BOTEL, Cea. Faon-n & Osoies Sv., TORONTO. ALFRED OXFORD, - PBOPBIETOU. <LaI.etfWellington Hotel, Markias.) TERMS, 11.00 PER DAY. GooSa tabi- lng for over 800 herses. Firat-olaus coom- modation for farinersansudthe travelling public lu general.<1. THE HODGSON HOUSE, (Lats Tirnothy O'Imleay) DU01FFINS CR15Eu-PIKR5V~Icl. 1IgMs, 119 The abe. premises bave besu laken by the unudiralgud, sud are nov being ne-ly fttedl up for the receplion ef guests,sud tbe traveêlling public. Bet Wlue,liquore, olgArS, &0. MeulS AI il heure. Good tabang, shed room, sud su atten- tive ostler. WM. IRGDGSO2N. THOS. SLEIGH, HOTJSE & SIGN P AI N TE R,- --Cen Dow nt ondaaibis Ibop,-> TWO DOGES WBST 0F ABMSTEOUGS HOTEL, DU»4AS STEBET. Rw An Ordere prouiplly attendeS le-Mi. Wbitby, Apr i1,8. .16 C. N. VAeS, L.ý D. S, DENTAL MOUMS removed from At- DklsuDing slore to zooms over Shea& h Sbrey's alore, -Ring-St., Oohtsa. Elau eounRing Streme1. ARCHITEC IURE I-.. I>RAWUiG aAND SPrCIP-icATION. Prompllyprrfled ltgloBooapia OHtJRCkIAND) 808W0L ARCHITITURE Correspondence RÈuiotffl 8.llçt.I. vo t~ 6OLDB, -t- * ---- BkLSÂMIC EMi Ji~SION ! Wu Re. H'OWSE, lCorner -t i [N A-H AL L, il 'KING-8T-; EABT TORONTO. laaqEed.ôo BaSe s. SilerPalS Kni.sFeka sud Spoonu. SiverPited Cruels sud Butter Goolera. SIIVUtIPIst6d Cake Basket.. Rokeiu'Knires sud Porku. Il" sud serveru. Rote! sud =BarGoodu. d GLOVEHARRISON, Importer. Drug Sti ore. JON I. -IN-SURA NOIE* p PR u Fm INSURANCZ C0. Lombard St. and Oburlng Crous, London. EUTÂBLimEEI W1782. GILLESPIE, MOPPA1' 0. Agent. for canada. la. W. .TIIB, Manager, Montrul. A GECT ET&BLSRED INCA1ÈÂ- A0DAin18. lmie liallty cf &U he toklfldrsan taetBeumrve Pundas. Mederate rates of prenUfm. C. NOURB, Agent, Whltby. Wbltby, April 9tb, 188M 16 tDominion Wood Works, IB BI'PSR AMEBICA WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, ings, mlsud aofT ltd Moldunge, Doori, Ssb sud Blinda. LUMI3RBn-bolecale sud ratai!, or by by theau loadL Piaulng, Meuldinga ef .vey desunap- ieo n loing, 11;eeiug, ShéeIvIng, Re- sawng, Sbaping, Tumng. Seroil-nork, Wbulby, Oct. 161h, 18lem4 rruiisPAPB ny be touSd on Ne at .Geo. P. Bon-eU & Coa Nevapaper Ad- verting Bureau (10 Spmuoe St.), nbers d. vsrtiuig contrasta may b. m»Adefor la ru Nzv You& -U1 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100,000 FOR INVE8T8ENT. ONi REA.L ESTÂTE SBECU1UY. At lonast living raIes1f uereeL. Money ueoured withiu 10 days of &P- Apply te JOHN FAIQIUABSON. Wbltby, Febmuay I6tlc, 188. 9- A 88urance Company. INCORPORATED z833. ASS E TS8, 81,101,M76St P. A. BÂLL, Insuraces efeoledat hlb b-ai ent rate& on Buildings, Merchandise, and clber property, agalistlots or damage I>y faS. Agent, Wbftby. Wbitby, April M1. 1815.le MONEY, TO LO AN - ON EAIY TERES.é APPIY te- 110-If W. K.BILLINGS, gr £Ofeovr Ourio Baul, Wiilr.1 DANCING CLASS wol oo=en ancingeClases O lbnoures.fIs cluadîng 'Th. Ripps.Baett, Aisatsu sd su l5aata aerb.lte o bave seau litamh the nicet dOl Sauce uitrduced 1%e Zuvenile CnnlUm h. b olS ou SaIn:- fimmvo t*11lev.ao'0ooa eveuinga. Those wisbing te attend eibaér cf tiaca. classes,n-vol pieuse leave thir Umms-lit lm. CALVEBLEi Dec. 1d, 1881. lhI #'SIJLPHOLINE LOTION."1 =Auau mamua .«- w,,4ee .iO.. Aa.. li ne Tlibeue ierdsaaniw Azusaovla-b~o t sub d lue, Reyon ~os lachIlItoaoui rien-. TWheread, r lgbra i-gialangles,; Werecroýppedbylson-sin the."sr AnS ysars cf aac u6t*ibteen, Il bauge -taltb lstliuggllding, AnSdn-eu Se 1 leitlX-me. It atood ou asblesk counlrxy corner. Bel boybood'u youni hegri made Il -smo Il grlon-eS letha e aine oSaummar, 'Tn-as cheerflln wlteatsud etorm, Thé teacber-O n-ali Iremember, Perbsapsby lt.en-cr Id be'oforgolln, Hi. mernory ne o tb conn simo.. He met us withmileson the Ibreahoid, And in tha ruaetepla of art, R. loft, n-ltb the chilli w anorkman Rhlstencb on lb. minaimanSthemhaut. OhXy wve.the apcvot5 lb. ucoxt2le, sunInter vinds frolicea wnIth anon-, W. là,gbed att h.'ac 1 f reari king, W. dubeS at bis beautNI el Iipne 'wrr u th*oS U>wrÉd isioes 7"m bilethe leind eh5 An oarof = m ist en . OU .achool bo"m.a bleaabag, tee. THE WHITE LADY Or HILL- BURY. A NEW-YEAB STOIIY. B ]meS. O. DESPAED, She loveS vaândening about aIone lu Hillbury Park, sud the manIfesteS a apecial affection fortbegmd cid beucli vooS N-bioh niaS. il tmous. Certain persoa, n-bo er-oieouetob meet hem, tonna eut ber lattes, sud Thoedors n-us intervien-ed, firsi b y iss Wintbrop lb. geaup.monger ef the usighborhood, sud soceudly by Mr. Protherlie, the ncn- ourt. TPh. lady askod ber corne perpleiug questions ; the gentleman (ho n-acto- ing fromx couscieutione motives) Sien- ber cut, and h.ing abeeked ta find hon -We quete bis dOscrption-"unothîng more uer lusa than à beantiful pagan," b, tooli upon bimulof toenelighteu hem. On ber returu trom that met-norable stroll, 'Pliodors electrified lier bachers by aaping. "No human belng le isola, teS. la Iohal rus t"1- Ladyp Montagne UMM&s-t" -Thon 1I-havse .casbul ss"r- "«par th. prelum Dmebott 6 Immt, 1 thinli," caid LdM anauYsllg "Par lbh"set mmnt, sehee body hi&* put t'," th"(xt anuremnbarun ota 461 oDIk»ow. I bave dreame came. timéet., Isée a faceliksepomr."- "Iliamtin ? Buttihon itiadram ci he iepreaunot aliet h.puai." "Da yen lbink I ababI @,r reniea- ber 2"11 'Pheoderu s eS, nitfully. "Of course poun-Si, désir. Iu 1h. meantimo ab net trauble your boaS." 1,1 amaoureyaur fau islinumy putI," the girl persisteS:; "DiSe-pou neyer osee me before Lh l -1sj'Icama topyos? "No oeue couldue o ur face aud. for. <c it, Sarling.," uiS Lady Mcutspss. This convorsation look ~place in lies @»ring, wn»Tboodona bla dbeau about ilve moutlhstaI, Mlbury. ,Il mode Lady Montagne uueséye iwd ah, n-a vorj glaS, on lta olon-ug-dy in he uflmnoon, to <". Drý, Gi'ifft 'carduags nitb Tbeaidor lu thé. garden pari or, ah. n-unI out intalthebhllte =cetsi hm, 441 obould ila. jou te eesur patieut," --Why el .ie -ke. "Dc net the, improyenaehl conlîietnu '2_ "il is vepn-U,meaiblpr - ïnei é " 'Ya, Ïofai",bugae. 'But ah.è baaplexos epvslo S h.ilia. sla&ve liatIOcta Uie slonger.- I nst lier kePtlutl." - boavtliasbeentalkiug tahi:." -- "'flfrnhun±el. .-a-oabut ont. "Wn sUo eiJsu-auc White .U- Deru noir mUonalier, -oragneor tan-1 g oeeSbr wfWa graue saIte.. eabridai vieil.'"1! scarcsly ntcS l. -The dootor di& htnet a usai-i Motanesd ber, motlie:in 4liir orSi- in Whlcb there n-s a oa rsge gleani naryaiting.com R. oittutunildut S striuphwere 'fixed nThdet anet, êo.'acting lu umgàit h sn e Ye," hli ad, mionby «aftfor sIen-màï. fasion s e oliSdoue by Théodora. meaute' pause-.- "I thinli Ibét would do. Il n-sa enrion bow Ibis àman luapired,:It ldiS b.ei firat aappeasotae t 0ofdouoe. II, à en lekuw n-ore -littis public, but thaïe muaI b. ethr 5w Henry Is. 0, u1sait' ;ho je net 11- pîcturos. -W'111 yen try sud get une the -o ubody eht la e ajbut hin ilu Lhi g for me,- MiseBilaenr rthet s peoutlliar aate -of mind just "Cc&anly," oh. anan-ered, lif main. non" il ma doeelot ind." - Lady Moutague'a oyeà bîl.S U .T'Ph.oco enui anay sstibli.d. -On tearu. Ellen Io oked augry. "Ne atale that d»;y be, ýru tarting for bis christ. et mind eau, bu an oxcuse for bis cou- mas jonrney. duel," thbs84ai1, "îigpoor mamma. Tho 80th of December came round 1W ail Ibis aunXiety ,'- due , course. Thle Soctor béa' mot, pal ",Pardnme; =Y Seat miss Bllan,," retkurned . tehie bouse,, ana&ne ha replie4 hie doctor tempert.ly;-,"plour huard et lii. Thoem e -a -lette indgetin osen ubonr; but,,jtit -Ldy ontgnen-loh ni4a , u-,Ilemisapplied. Lady Montagne Sdaunoitîh pleas're;bel ,h- old ai yen are <ced enoigb b osl nma yeur one cf îlii-contents. . fà-' 'a,"S trionS. Will.U ust'aImuenfely 2" man, . dýo&do, ba -b»ggsL2bew "Ye1ScIr, *11.Youlavemy- kép ber- o*nocunsoL. bay."tt- - -Everj oee ut 1libu~ ý'Vibveg aîea$ rageaS for ir Ri eury, Ms ie in costume mkin tien.. 1'bê-islisd. es, ho-; ad been gaLbered toguther,aupei~ but, di jon eau actuslly Se nythlog-" play&andS celebrated n-orkâ cf fiction "Yen n-lIt mot ao mnoh *astel..me liaS bien consauted fer alikini? situa. vlisre my poor boyla.?" -tlions. Witb saine Sifficutty Ellen baS "I Ù1annait. nH.idivnderlnà trem ncesded lu mskiug Theodoru under- place Lu place;  friend ot mine îlu'biesand nhalvas required cf ber.; but oopna.-Ihuard frona Ibis tildthis1it I ifficulty n-as tho only oeeabc In-ob tr b.. Sape&go. Sir Hlenryex. liadtte senelner, se for as Jier gnast perieuced a sheek notlobng âge. Pray, w n-aered. So soan es Theodora SiIlolaofrigblened, Lady Mon- discovereci thal ah. n-as SuaireSte taguel IThe dangertouhic -mieS le, I dis leida- partlonlar n-sp, unStbron- firiùy believe, over nov, Inlb. meau. hersafito a sparticular paitioii, ah. lime ho coula ual do batter4llsu-Iraval. proveil ao graceful, clever anal suple,' I believe lbay are foge i sInard non-, Ibat Elaonn-as coevmnced ab. baSl iu inlo the Dsasrt, where communication somo period in bar former lit. practicod will in hlw-il liehoifficuit. I udviso the mimelie art. Sho n-as Lu posas Iliat for the present Si: Re ry obould Othonia before the sacrifice in Swin- bce lefI te himseif. R. lu ýsensible bure."Erechtheeu." Elaen amrneod man. Whenho fiels fil fot -kvilizod thal Theodora'a ahonlal belb. lasI ro- sociely, lho vilI roture borné. Yom presoutation, sud no eue n-s tolee lier kunw ho n-sa nover a letter-vriter."* until the momegt n-heu, aocording te Tbou5h mueb rolieved, Lady Mon- tbe Setors programmé, abe n-stb lague n-a ouly bait consoleS. buret le aIt ber b.auly anS grec.e pen "Ta think cf bis confiding in Dr, thoir 11111e vomît'. Griffith, aud not le me, bus onnoth- This lasI day but eue otfIlie olS peur e: 1"'ab shoaid inter, nitb flowing tbans, tounSDr. Graff.b lu London. Re n-sa Bul wben use madle bor familier with seated lu s private sitling room et eue the sting oet ila noued, ah, 5mev large cfthie largo botele vitb asingle eom- oatonit romm tac ft that a triand of psio-a yoneg sud handorne mn, 1h. docor vas with hiüe. dark.eyed, flue-feslured, bis face braez. eadn-itb oxpoeure tb vinS sud voathèr. 'Ph. Ivo vere S..p in tlll. The doc- The year that began se atraegely for ton appeared te ho. expoatnlating. Re Ellen Montagne saSd-ber moiber baS looked bhot and serions. nearly inn ia course.' Tbey voie ai- .- "Yen nil not play me talse at lb. ready li he early duas, f Deceniber. lu8t moment, 'ho saiS; ïaay Ibis id a Il liedbesu a 'qnatyear, umked viti hm et mine*." anuity ; for, thougl b heSoctor coutin. "P>eople bav. no budsis t~o nad Io Imprusupon tIb.m the (sol thal n-hme," 1he yanng mareplieSt fret- lio bellvéoi bal i as n- el - ihlb.efnlIy. "Pardon me, dodo:. Yon bave n-sndrilng son aud brother, f bumhlm-l awxs <cd friand te m9.ý 1- oUglit le1 selff iey baS ouly necelved-bon or mn-e bc mare patient. Bunt ho ideà cf ie- fpingnotes, coucbed lu straug.ty inco. tniuzgoe-otlu ow-ok bierontterme. Iu noueetf b.ae notes lifit, ute face--le oriblaY - diS liegive boaaSSieus. " I sbaU boa: - etalask pou te .sIle dùon, If suytlidlen-ong'.n-i -yen," lie naue ecai rejinor.- "Il-&à yen-bil n-rots, "asmyftrionS oarrlewon a brluk se your mollie:, té-do jour aS ld ud correspondaneon-lh caur doctor. P'or hôoer; aRte: Ibatgo .avAY again 'se1 $ho test,I1do not seenitocaue for let.-seau usyouile" , te:. juat non-. Wbat hicplana voe, The jonug me» aiglied lmpaliently.- or wnhoieprepoasi te retu= te HOl- -I von-ad I n-culS neyer go, Juteé-the' bnry, he diS .ut semucl in lt. wn-lanigain.Iaiolftorcit. But for 1h. intereai inapireil by their I amn sfool-a brte-a man n-li eoa: atrange guost, sud conatant occupation nmot recognizo perfectionwn-ho iemeets- about - ber, thal n-aniS havo benu a t." Thon, breukiWg- oéff auddeunly, dmeary ninter for Lady Montagne sud "IDoctor," ho crieS eont,"do pans bink 1 ber dqizghter.- Il n-athe <bird year of 'shall ove: b. able le -forgive rysf? lie ano-oosd ac ilSmnt jet "I6 Uiiek yen are marbid, my Sos: b te roe i% lugure 1iey.He s1f,>ai7cbi"---- son ab i.iic su !oodorsa'apeculiar -Thons camea vojy bopleli expression (cirotastauces n-bore the oxcuse$sahe mbIo face 'et Uic Young m an. "ePe- mad, te bereit for peraitg in ber ire- lispa yon viiimot beliovoil"libe sMiS tiroment. "bus t i le n. Whou shé oliS me o B ut on o'" et %houe Dcember day. professionth thouaght of,- my mother Dr. Griffith osllilSasd roproachecl be: madoeme besitale. aber bas- the' olS -fo Ib-IulalÃ"aain n-hidi h elived. "I faébýiodiSeuyulnn.8,Il bavesee oerj'trbrother, LorS, Mount- -sobre sud sotresses o! neesaity 'n-1Ick- o aiaS; "ho aya tbat YtU Pugit s'a." lpshowyottslfalIitl5. -mineleis; I tesis u "aidlbte Sp.- 5oul 0 peare of 5&go." t- "sudIbiel sIy -nbat lise p ~I tll~senS NIis ehr-annt's in-jén frem home. sil tlie. mentis. ,Yen the~- ssln"saïS Lady Montagne'. a're unjnsti lajour mother, 851fr Renry., "gàirty lau ,lasvâ returned by tsla @f h.baS linonnthé lay'as yen Zplailsabout ber r 8h. cannaI re.- cýiquerable,ý,hwver, as jotLsâuap main tas ahi&i" diS al <lgv. Ton the chance, anS n9n- "Oh I docetc,-hy,.40 youi-forere -à1ie t4oc lite.'- te admitt la hang sMcoeu?' Iau "Yonéùt ta Luthink of-tbe 1099ig,' vunet goonsn-rSen g afer ulosdte1co."Ynbv eotejé 10 - ... - -4mat Ã"er-lu owe e r:,wa -NO* 6 i" Sa bour i'aceue a;uceo4,d-sOmco pOubeliti stgewhieb h, boee ýbariI.Sout., Meeot-of heùaxwere- greet._ e&n-_ithý immense applanse. Sir He»y' .àld?ýnoî -appland., 'Phose n-Who, oonld i'oémesda aiglit cf biaface ,saiS b. 4» ggown li.tempsrod. :Whoulie diS ýý*tîfrovu lie yawned. Ater about ixz, -acesbaS fjollqwed ne, snetlier 1h.:oursIn -waa. rw o894, anlobos n-ho -lied.takipart Wu - uentered tbe draviug room-, n-bore ,people ver. crabing upon one another j ea ballerrien- of the stage. 8*nythiug geug te happeun o. ed .arHairyf, ugaywhem . e -'Ph. 10121g lady loolued at him. -'Bml.y y on, kuon- V"ah. aaid. 7,'ZO 1h.coulary," b.i replieS, ria1in ýpmltignorance." -' ~u l iab ru 1îh, said excitadly. %Tectinlemoig ~Lbt b. amusingtLu se n-bt il vas 8!)s 'Wole ibis' littho ?rovmnïoial u *i~I.as by bia s, dOLnov,* hi.s rm n-itb s nervousnt prea ure ib~rperplexeS sud annioye4 -- lovly 1h. ongàan rote, aiSà a great sIlence, foilovwed-p eetlyla -zhu andl expressions, of gh-Marvol. lous 1" d"Beautifn1t "îaneI "ut n-bal dos,,il sean 2 Whoi .kinon-t 21 -Sir .arry boasprnng k bis et unconscione of tb. crowd, nbioncon oe mtigbten.S grsmp upon b,5a-m, and the auuiont eyeupen lile face, voiceleas he atood ila oeeaalyied., Was filov,. at finI aigbt thal -bail seizl, eS sud avayed hn? 2 There atood Theodora, claa in her Grecian roba cf pure w-hile, bier lovely Ihroat b are, lie eyea Upiffle, "with ligltin luailber face, asacf a bride, amiliog," anuSber aveot lips 11tremblng wilb 'priSe lui plisanre." Il n-s snob an image as a mn might die for, sud die blausing, heaven for the solemu gift cflife.' There verse ther figures. .An sarW. w"feb tr.rnung-upo il ; a priesI;â, man dresseS as Chorus, n-ltb anowy hourd, sud£6oning roba. Eut tbeytIo -liidoctorasud bis MenS san- only ber. Wheu the ourlaiu f6U, Si r ry tounSbimmelf lunlb.elbrary, with the dootor lookiug at Imu nzionsly. * The young mnu iped bis bron-, on whicb dropa of coldS anest were stand-, ing. "Thon I aammd," he. i a low, volce "Wbat, Sur Henryr 2" "As nrey a I ss puno sanreyt sa* bier, orhseýrill."- »Whop ,dIS you ase V t '~aa- abe a- a. as luthat fmous acan e.- I1 muaI b.i ordreaWi. -Tg.'horn, conld fot b. tvo sncb getî-W Doe.locler, yen are smiIJng. You 1de '-sMec ouu.Oh, 'GoS1-1 R. droinpte doie a sudtovareal, >Iund.hîoli there: cae ands o!more., 'ment, 'Ple doctor -bela, up bWisbade :wardu~gl>t. 'Phen b. laid bis bhaud 'up_- ion thieyoinug man'tshaoulder. "8fir:llery," lie muId, "b.smn. Rshaird *à&shaaken off împâtiently.- The -deoo:continueS le amilow Let- was a realty. - What wvoulal ende ?"; "èThosevouf b. no more hesitatiota? Yen n-Il ackuon-leoige lier belore th. n-criS ?", Ree. b. bone-ebS as urasdsu 'esger eyeff, selinthe mid et of 8 atce' bagard itli pain, n-esfixaS- on, llth dtor. nWho, ;. rfonuid hie youug n-itli the n oet osible .>îýorTe thê-eomxng afieg<»initb t c d epeuiog the cou In*ry i ,i early-aspossible, a bd- La-faofl1t;i transpaocf monen sd nateriai heavier Work i kBb'yr which il in the pulpe.et hetcou toe tack imnlanal»ty fromi eim wbett n lhnaping of 188. ýTo- pliah Ibis th. omnpany n-lJi have' feru lbthe at, nuparalled in ýri isitory, oS.Ia yiug t. hets"ou 5w of track on o»e continuoe n in Vili Menthe ; bul if lbê le"mon very unfavorable tbey believe tbq rangements are -sncb s *91ll anocees. Second-The Penibina, Moi Bz- nb Brsu hvich vas -artiàly ê lsst- year, vili be comploted aud -for operation in lime tà mors lbi iniu eaaonle orops. t" ITlird-the ework .of thé E Sectioncf tlb.. main lân. le now presecnted ast two points, sud q ros saseau b. séconolcau .ployed. lresaeo1 où-the opening of spring, .es will b. added tb. - Il eing .lbi* tien of tb. Conpàný Lu k4e$b41 pudeeousacl Thsdtien ofUt MarieBranb,_"d -ah iopen A Milliand pirobably 'othe, ports lakus, for traffi With CýhicagO àb imporla u sinesce mes is willi ,Thunder Bay,ýpending. 1h pleio c lb al-ail ren, n-blw estimale - lo-pcnp iy c8nititNlOlO. Ï "Pourth-The .construction 1 Balsl lite. Marle.Brsnoh, tlus ri in ogà t about sixty nmiles frc prop 0 .poit cfijunction ou lbf Hune; n-Uebueeinsteud of -e4 by the 'change, il ,being-,thi purpose of thb.- ompanýy teIbu lin,é wïlheut delay,.sute CoconneCi ail and every railvaytb&aae trmefi with il-ai the internatIall "Feifth-The Company up :na e b.Thunder Bay 'Bîtnch a asait ila-baaded over by the C meut for aul 1he. Nortb.-Weat bathpatteugers and. freiglit,t Cali influenceï, ain4no.arn=geme ýbeau entereal mb ý*ilh any rai the Uuitsd' States or Canada bai :inaBYway, interfier. wiLh1-t i 1th. uesastyof -having ia maû eru términna ust.Montreal, Wt occasion aopporunily- offrs ,range wtbexisi or propose0 vyafoil.trýa ebat, teClbi lasne conneoticin aihsud tac etluoùof -beiugintereslhd - Ù4 auy r prpjct.at.crsoutlli of0Moul K ING BROTERS, -LaoEg WHITBY, ONTARIO, Pewsýý lù lmTe Importera, Deamrs XanMuufseursraaofil &U Kinda !i 01 laslu LEA THER ?AND FINDINB8, Cash puiSfor Rides, BàandLaur Luather urelbe& Ppws, fQune aï,Ir1a01m Or BELTM1G MADE TO OsDER ON onussu Mad Selffl the usrvou eue SHORT NOTICE lnuoaO4ep 17olta,eâa SOUINS AID LAN CG ÀmPAy Authorized Capital $2,000,000, Oeqie, No, 72 Chmrh.St, Toronto. Di la ElCÃ"T O B5. PATICKI8lHE, 2M., &L T.KIELYVA JOH lùey Osai CaeibA A IJ AIE DBBssgmG A» SHING ________i Saloon, Brook St., Wiulby. TO ÀAIÏ> .GEnT FlOR, TEE CELEBUATE»B -.A ASootllab Graule,-AItliarltiWorks D .1 Isuaha WOlfedenbUu8=44t., Whitby. A-W Y P a-SP.ZD)COTSWOLD 8ET* P AD NBBNHB ies. K aiyE dontbl CHARLES C. -KELLER, A TTOBNBT.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN4 £ cbsncery, Cenveyanoer, &o., Caning. ton, Brook, 0. W. L. T. BARCLAY, A TTORNE -IAT -LAW, SOLICITOR in Chancery as Inaolvenoy, Couvey. sucer, h. o JOHN GALL 1>0W, B ARRISTBR-AT-LAW. SOLIOlTOR in Chacer, Conveyanoer, &o. Offie-DeveriWam Blok, Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvate PuedS.- in anme op te 180, sta s 1evrate of in-. tereut. - ly.62 JOHN A. MoGILLIVRAT, (Snooeasor te B. M. Hon-el.) r>ARRISTER & ATTORNBY-AT.LAW, DNtar PubUei co. Sliciter fer the Doinon .ak. Offi.-Neit dloor t, Mansion Honse, Urbridge, Ont. .26 LYMAN ENGLI@S, L L. B.,, BARISTERB AT LAW, SOLICITÇIN B Jhanoery, Conveyancer, ho., ho. Slm- coe Street, Ohawa. J. E. (.ALBRAITIi, 1>, GRAMUtATE of Oneenu and Victoria CiUniverstiles, bember of the Cllege cf Physiciana and Surgeons, Ontario. Oprx'nr-Brock-8t., Wbitby, Ont., (three dooraseuth of Royal flot.)). Iy-46 R. J. GUNN, M. D., URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, sByron Street, Wbitby. Wm. ICBhLlEN, .,MRCS. ~-1UTS HOSPITAL LONDON, ERG., tée e a. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. c ARBD. OR. BOGART, Physiclan, surgeon, Aceouoher, &o., &o. Whltby, Sept. 80th, 1874. 40 i. i -, i -, t ,&Lw. MIE TABflE -. 9.10 1. 40 P.» 4 3 '04 t.08, 5 By- rý - 1 -PREPARED

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