.1 ours %ilal wm ddssso4 in lîsomeutlu sywhe It b m sd ou$ ronidy ebt fi Uï 4. ,bin 4elta», sud Which tealydoe ume â =ýa =h C of hs saie& revaingEatise i ttrs visoaa aCh for Ilt lt a baif orgotteu lfoia . true and Meis b la ud, a o ue bal % t.o rl!ýtabgîb.ai of doout rteanimsndmdo edtibit raisa bme, BISC UT-lor aomnplte ive eeu.os 0 ~ow oul tas. eeu aw b.de sys nUrtaay dimcaùllleo, . < YI~~~ law iw wbetoalwe quansd osiuAil t nbejmd.11 -ut. beu a riâ, olt st1117e1O06Ifflat t hI uië i"tâc 1 uî *twn ubt oprtai. boite, by W. R. Howec, c a oand a hechWa a Iît.sEslY ndBr a su IéOOloes r. !bA4iOUi~I *4, . nyer:-A Cuse for Croup. fulslv ltetpmpte.wlo sO-l i fortatlon givea by bIter or other. - U qrè of hie vithonl liainel- Âpptuant si alrtvlhbsa raire le mail Uee te &yatoe. via.; le aure ansd oi atéls, etc, befeil e*fla4 etlb.on$ tu thée olhèt blis lvi udemlttl. 01 ueralP*OIaJOIeu d IebseIo tab7 ata - ugaie L.ArO L NP Xi11 Bc" oldSoCa,<hllblailaaLamenea., ana il flash ai h.ciathe moiby sddreaaiag__ fil, a eo@einly owpries tumi Whý«*th toMtA1 oia Caa ouadsj Ail deaicrsumpply lit, prie M lc ILAGNETIO iomonxa coq., BTOP4GP & POBWABDDiG..S5B My ibis trou a luthe golden slow ai th. cents. Windsor os*- Vç.sdu butter. oikaielMdicine, lu aafsti gSald tu Wbitby by W. R.,üoWïe â*i ý i ffio4e/ Nb."156 Front-St West, -IT WILL PÂY to oeil ana inspeot, the goods aa dt1iQ lu aftîoodifor the.Drain sud Nerieasud b7lts Dtagglet,*VerY'Yh1 1751 Unpoitnon station). pOS .J IS N Bô»yeaas ago thore ived r Ineà acar. lg ellect ou titese organ e utr ________-- - ies ScetlImfi l lacure nervoua exbaustion a" il U mbe ttI Wdwaa uaril la Johnatd B.% ' eePA TE N T S 1 i D 2,1L:UNDAS STREEiT. vu prnientd.vterep.Ohn B.tie There ta no doubt that aur etber12,'81 va truleu nmer'Qe ateclmate la couducive to Lung affection@, sud E T________________________________ lar Ot li"alt bad gel siabetifor Ibis reasan 1)r. Oerai a PImonuM7 weContiuue t t aa8aliollorfirmenuts, ~. mW,* ewad ie ia'hure tva CongitDrapsabaould b. e hne e 'rd akQp e l h,-Colsd li the an ndte nted States, nba,Bn =! THcEi a .f0é1 Bd. (alcad OCu se aîing hesou. For cou¶, aoaIn an a oîî eriuntc. d îhen Q Ya i ohThrost aoctilona 1he7 haveana0oqCi 0u% raaceTHErmay, etc 'Wc hveNoadtbiwiy -bts bsoblel aitm60 cents.W.ha. ver. lsr ozyz1g;ib Patente obtaed f / Il vi LlI bléiaae tuaiu As bey ft rue bîtsaaIrocnt gb4bhW usf eyar oe nojAth lb. ne, 4 ken. Do e A rest nany ei arc troubled with Awsiuc*x. This are andApe&,li, DsuonU B. i. ? YO bere 0 wihl naiâl asdb s triatvi pe,$.0a saioe eD 0 M 1 N 1 0 NhItrai, u A' lew ele tiProgrms of e ,tupr uea " elanahl I.yoursolf. vwsute reply. "I ken luggîah crule, on ai the bbaci.Aaiè,ce, l oyllralg u ltaI, tasu," saad Jobuny, "but whanr dcaea oi Dr.GaConnisSioiaoh, sud coustl- bas su enarmana circuaton. ddaa_______hudredi doe Jbuy . iv 2 ptien Bitters "liren prode rc IrasaI MITIf h&00., Patent BllotenrPublishers :000: hacis culatiou of lhe bloodai lStmulaiesudai o4Li1f moreSI. 7 SliwonN.T "Eu g aud, air 1I Engband rule the Toueste aytezn. 5Sd lu, lrgo boi tsahi d boak about Paet ent Ùl-60. i41 mar wa Britanuniarubea tcnt.SI b .filbe If i,,atthe Best RBAPER- mail Pl pbouipoi raly ke-an glia10E IgTOiCREDITORS'onsIf you want the Best MOWER- ted te au Amian. "Th nothiflg, Same shrowd Yankee bus iuvon'tXcl 0keyNOIET RD OR If you want the Best SELF.DUMFIN eJIORSE BAKE îuE( *s li tepà y ; "evaery Yankee Ibas i tatI ll ad up &uy watcb;t 4 b',fleal -ust nion b Is vu.", attachaient te a chotrn, sui Itla &%Mlà '- MS19ANT ta citapter 107 aif te Revis- If you 'want "the Best GRAIN CHIOPPER,-la rrkjie acttazn. Sodooatbat aa d ]4- StLuea f,ai nte.etitled ilAunvaINSTAI &. od' a*g etepreltica ettsndoklaBttUIa - igTrate»sud Zgecutosl, Ilyou waut the I3estGANG PLOW- pau "1 wslu' cae idbe ie aiuau ~ ra te i Ifyou~antthe eetSTRAW C TT - girl alite,! l.m perai a aval as le sait est diaccvery ai thee i l unlo a l te fiitailtesl Why ualf?" vas th. reapons. x. "B-. hoe utireaytem. Sampla bottles. 10 couts,;AXES ULODII, If you wanti the Beet FANNINnoieILuL4 cauosell" sad ho, "I'd tler bc uit la large ie, $1,00 oi ail medicine deaolere. lie 01 tt,'I!olhaof Whitby, ln il, County f ou'ùt the Best PLOWS forail kinde of -la- e eiare aal su Bugieh nan the aih r w r ~ Sare T liroat. ai Ontaria, la4 tlr eli o <ied ou the 2it49 a s U¶rd a Yelow 011 su tube i. day a OctobIe at . rcbre qei fyou 'vn h e tP Y V R Z N A R O - Inetut W, .,Y dl~~~~~~~~,a zigtcdirection&.Yl- t Ow dt ,did< a ml, ,..,., aaabelaugtila s oauutry au which j.-lb. beat ree.y for ltheumnatisni Noursi. iciaor ai Orillis flaldeb, Atron Rosa, Gsud HH the. unneyer mets" 'AnIi l aid a gis Braises, Burna, Frost Biles sud ail B. Taylor, tlb. xtodons- o- -GO TO THE--a Yankee, bebang ta s Country of whieh lïuenes, ,inflammation sud pain. No ea on or bar e li t &dy ca i nusri, FO lb eu b na maIll ousehol houl be witont it. D., 1882, Ibefr s,¶dreneea. ad a fuit sud Par-, eol fast thai aurveora eau t keep up Wherc Ignoac eBls'i ot afled, snd the nature ofai sy scurilea holà W ajs&A~ v.aAA NBÀ4 wIth IL" ~bc WiEe. by tem : ana tetali notice tsloitaimmd- Neurui, o Wer yu anaiay gt oo vlu fr ou mne, * ,, matA a ldy lberaervnî, Dr. hus. ifti tît i :uncrsi ut l~iu o ateyater silAdate lte sid oxeotot's i lb. ça.. "MaI" îttî~tî,~~ Y--~-f ttt~~p.<dt.pmoced 20 d arrtut ices eto ite a v Sud and ever ir ic1eboundto give you the bpst of satisfaction. 111 lblnk yOutl ucer estt iheriver (in -1l ua utfn r. - tttl l tcuc alengst tec.ot ltett' O U ft, n ,OM' Ire. "Î"ndade, ma'eà ,' înnocoenti.v si-- 1, - t-.--- .rh-î t lt r t. ýY* ings and epraina, Berna undYorreptfly teplied Mall!y. Il'aDenoireroafie uesîr o .r--t t Cc h~ U a~ trttltt heîntc. Scalda, Conad Bodily OAlug an thblug o wickec-Id be hum tiittttt------.- tt ToynYssJh, lu' pp aith. lilîic faheer." m14 d'i~~- ,fmitufu-ntt1 leora. Tu.Er<dIoaahFotlBROWN &PATTERSON MNF'G Co. Au aprntce by ha hd n <t~'~~-' ,&- - -J t- Vt à t J D1)tte i l-r, 1 - ttdJl Foot .nnd EU.ts, and ait othor 'Whitby, June let 1881. le&adelets eploie7,once lay came in on,-,P il Cd' ches. ____________________________________ iÇ &aobaititlemtn duriug the- adminie t1ha;y a! -s .- r t-ïl e-ub~o'trt'î equs T. i i C oJrstO. l~1lu i hbis master cxclaimo'd-: tte t - .TOWVN &1-P IR ~lOTSir-, iji ad rt«p Lttait WosofwIll it ecl 'muS "~a Io au aev witoti t-t-u-,. -- t t --t t ItTllr -utî 1137 ci uUt'. îuuid evelTone sinifer. - -Tii. boy repliai vlîimpering -'4You ti ti lgttttt1-0tt1;ut -.ttntt.t-t F)t SA~LE. -!i In-t.tt b3-hit --t.sit poi0ttre p .4 1mev beat, mir, 1 bleve ruy indenturo e ttcitn.. t-Il. t ' în a. e vlll b. out lu hhraeemontheî." have K1.'tVS r.rC w MEPM. -t.tott et~ts -A Man viiome face saiod te ciTeta ]-ttvt --t.'ý IN-tt - uu-I.trMt tflGN, iCC: L )1U<3lD IG DLZ ef a ki m viio h î b isi. ife, s ti t a th e try 111 1 '.t t r - - 1 t1, ltt l ,red ] A I ý I E arraîgned, Ihâât bis disfigurement wae dtaiesoeri lt vas owlng la th. riae in iron-*îlt4.tile, Aloi YoiiAgain Townl and Park Lots W I?:cK-'~~ VElI'I-Y, ho ibl-d, *1'lau50 advance in natl ile." r mtthtr %tîosIiattiîredsîs t ..wNvttlîThe Grea Arerican cRemêed7 for "Dota,"esA Young leirgym:n au ouratgu an itllaac îtv iiS 0R A E OGHo%, OLD% ST, .A87' wo, "Net Dool' South to James Johfl8tofl'8"Goldsmith'e Hall," Iiach n te pr.oftrt, hlti. ani w, -aluomt eea. B)?OSCHITIS, LOS$ OF qrIvîial tho- lilsontreaton, cytetu lmostai hp uter lot -ai- 'u t' rul,,s?""T, phyiscnttor ,îîe'dicin sà id ier "'y ONE, LOT ou Br"ck Street, acre. V.WnHOBES R1 a-s opened business in the above promises and is now - 5'ai 11- t t- gotti. 1I .tri nonîls 4he tibegan ta use O OnETI S ut t o- - 111-1--S, ýjtitto-ra, wîtî ..ut-i ,ood ect <bat b. i E BLOCK{(Six Lto) beifl Md <TBO.LinFgTINS in fuiblast, where everythingpertalning to Tin, O t t~ ~ <idIna5ttitt tîaju, ,tltogl ovr IyromSUet.P li' Se oî Galvanized Iron la, wjânÉaoturd in a o an ( ý-tn lud Ue ngiiiKIth-ng lovr BrnStreet.C tii. h irentfaloi hiraout whoro e it o utn tArnica Salve. la illdheyni W-and nlbl o £ ~ G A 'S ~ EEC-OPaTE O f tJIeRIO QabLI rtYs.S 800ýh, r Audtarmma, vc el b xie~lru-,Sr. lorSI îem vrbildi gro oStaepreets. <> â es aJI1nI c JaonS od Tin .dS etIroC aecntniykp nsok ht L4liope ssctai iad in trhe Northl SWu sudu th.u irorlforî ahi. table papa aiys yen kéop 2 sures, Tettor, Cbsp.ud tiands, Chilblaina, Appt.yHtLL Age iag0181d Th uîi gliehutan, juet aver, Gurus, ant si aniplionansd positive- qin2î GO.T.HAL, b . :SY U i*i.qre ' y curesPilou. I<ta guaranteed ta gir.per- - , à eS YRUsP ie=ou7 REPMIRING done chesply and neatly.AU work guar- teit 10bé,-vÎ& tbe beadlug, of a wedi foot satisi action or mouey refaded. Price Fius 4 «,».&i ~ajaaifatoy rnepy aie alvoriiemueult -I-GainiA elgit -25 cents par box. £0010a£W> i<«da'. pa'd-r AU!ay piulli iton»«laye," sitremec dol usDas * aegu -R WCIL, urnrc.&c "fl xslrnl age ul.Oay.t < DAmrianandCatava CAL OIL. Lamp Chimneys,- No atelier .ov ,llgion O a yau at egivestaltetooper&tivos plid faces. poor appe- LOS? *AI4ODRUSTORED. lsly 5<,'d - eh ter l peey ite. îangud, aierablofelings, pontabod. Autria a yuIfi oatesO '9au.p< S R U J.W .B18. I 700 id 150 Ilt nad Il the lityslieganud utedilueslIn tho bolâtoi td14in lV"he tomcsGff _________________________»M__________ aboya at worid cannaI help thera unies» tbey get out M~.oi o-di hm _________________________________ _pt of.q-'----- idouon ruse fao Bittera, te purcet sud U. t. CriaSLSi' à ,i@try uû idld ei a meuber s certain be endepeah iraih..ss a.rtf GUM. eo1 "r ' M. lng abondance ofaisshc atî.e ntisend rasy ý:, thiOOlOgi al sanlury Who vas s0 en* chea bi bein. Tbey coacIbut s trille - ,uà s11v. as b any suspicion oaiplagianitchrstzaus Record-- . T f'IM -eiwak <M n iM thâtli oeelqosioti 1ulfta h la Sens ofy We<, 118tIWîte" M8Wt1 ine miuwiiiwîo Iroddi$ ad à County -Liquor 8tore, Wholesale and Rotai! teeiM qoainwtotgvginoeuti pesu Wocaunet localeeu $15 0& 1 cooannaeJgrâcce at bÎeakfathlons - ni paicîr i'ao, -' oi I ha" just received Mr sooadcouapmel nam '<~rc 5" IG SR T S-A A '*10, it hDý tee hstwe avcambs lalor; if itey vaut, thcy sDoontaie;lifthe justly coiraedkuoacn tath UuC <tI Zou- iLUlvobebbctal.bae mental efforts becolme a bondeo. nd uean su t& ,.ïtbeMM&JWf SM -o ascied tram th.ealoi wbiih the, jeyo are dlmmed by lte sh~Aai 01tIis C r0 a.-: lb. B he 4iiii gbBouleaubaa kes wicr a ai ae lîbi Ies. il:fo1 ri cmiase4smaiu' ~reeiyed for Chuistmas and the New !ear, a large, ed n te osge etf x.ai à dagr"' brctr Te ieaiy- B IGMACHINse .WNSadLQUOR6s, direct importation, 'Ih. 8WIGgRZ V.:r TMONYel c0., stock of IE8adL i ludg*e baroggs Jry badooccîaso iciscotbanirîlfrom sacivelaiarProe- c pr'.' -Port, and SeryWines, Bade, T *slterfrqu.tI lamae ue f lteducea ne happy eult. Wiy? Th #6-TRY ÂRZ KAEV Ls 1 sbv.esue1~ oprsn hryBade, T à hrugnl oMinoftam l d fiitatedAli #o A hb. i an p HTGin., Rum.,Soot6h ana: Irish Whiýkeys, Baésa' 1'Â aw oAyeare 1o-in5&à amuillA tan. any roaron vby outsuhl putoni oaumiidu - - - -- e arc ttc o eit l Ieicn& o.vi,179 < w lôoaitStout i tl a pinta,. urasd'7 el e Sà ae wand'inluoee ezl"led vh"olav lday rou 1'0 tg mith-Gtt Sain Scinodi.ThE Floral Guidoe 1,tt~liotau t'a enhl - ccebr.,tcd_.ttat 11.50> petdozon qaW t ick Aatio of t ltz1, l ltt t u at V â5 ttr- item. - - n,17 p t -The W-fo hasarl tIeon on lte abusne iatstt t>! tbt tulri' V L.ot t-omî ýt. sur 1î ,aul.,gtheCro, 7 oc t. -A,-'ve me-;,bov ?lug haeoeue&&iei rb taigu:!ttrrt peist it agEat. i Plaeie 1 -0Eeq rv1Ding.--t itai the Stumatuo, Y' hitîw 11km Ceoctutf l~m~Ceta injae ee9ilcoal7 s 1aiane ew happenings have came ronge udat- ie-ttn'-ti tbuu tth clthInuOrtltantgttt about Caning op 01f10t,1 Ur uc>,1vSits i' h-erltft'utlSv'Y Mtcjgzn -82 Afw tea f(ia lutatyo ad wu ) I AUlaid ier nl ,1banecme &o., Na ? huis îîsi tive'5-yiîu.r oaa fIùlt if )Seo aCoiçirt-s i lats hon ùery nutuber aud - - -nooitd Iyoticia. (Io ta youm L-ti'g. st-anl maoy fine eztgrvinote. Palot flî-k5 tentas1*rlan rius Tle lot do Aima, OGad Icud 1i 01,4tvlsIe.ayentgoul- clabttis a! Orecu's Augîck'st 1We-fr on .<,Pive Co0114M fon e5. Beia-aW - - -o" Msst,'. ocblIabý Windsor, sc e b.wodn à jael laual i 76eulasvttnr cure ila ecrlion, but If- ru re #'eut fun 10 out; 8 trial copies for 25 Gad UrP-5l#a rmottGrand Duôbess, Ai«MaI vnesa b.u ru -doubit thia, gel s Siamîda Tottie for"Ocns - teta. FW ya ob pu - eiîtLadies. -~.~---c ~ TUrn la e sec»ber .very - ga nv Ttseliuod.traonWaustos1a '- - aiad 1e mliyo Q -t" lug 7yait biesetapae bcie b on-.- un EAboeès of Cb4isl t ~ n : le.le Ha Pe t ~bul~e- evenit pi ra . lte blà i to rm yuurt e os lun- ILLURTE'D. le%% or. aTeýt it -ng 1>1belle>,. &êatrsiLnilluu jour -eisailoro tiensdetug -N tsoiounns cuiyuo 1yo,,r ssmowuML ljie s Onc slxy4ro$ .: <oSW't i the w. Muceber. tIn Lavlag peso an" forrsevlrsipain la -e- ril hliatt tu. t--4;VQ Y~t1tuopyflpiounrg 1 e VuuG0nusn uoainnict lsd1 - uh e~u UatlN ag4 Een tItopatLeu6i0b!i ynhea oi- -clcaon oa*î t 4 "-b rm e - - e h o ~ I N I ad itor ld of . e 4 u â n> , u-m - >, - nt.an - n vaatedna- - - ., ____ _____ - - MUS1GAL' teLegtTak Sn ad hy TEJL.lEýP IOINEî To~usb7esu eJan itioul he~ of 'lucs omtrsclg ail -pput < a 0 tli a1boes lab=pmenlusafintlOh y , ,-Mhu 3 ho ïstoe iï apd piijlnes-ae t ras 111 m, ila sb i.ou deithtn Ie 8pealdbý$ Tct -, 1<05aI itl wl d do=stul ana vota o alundertalct no Play taua.-W.Y.Mm>, l'oiPbai n co palg adand rgltrea #.00 iismmetsent b>' mail vithau su e lýssteA mo,"ncyby Pro. order or eglbtcrcd 1011cr. ý CIA!~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ý héIE-h usclTipoe s u> epunchase<a 01te maitu- thc EDISON MUSIC <Co., a oroui 1msvrlbace hogotlt . oineo ur you cau plu, on te piano, Organ on Melodeou t, 11EIIISON' LNTANEOUS:MUSIC. Ta a, uj dis vao eau roeanumbera tram 1tca 100111es a u da ig t m b a e o er requir o . -A l ltae p ouler tt es. :M li tiO <se Nue-Lat a iv saisacIonsu-auu.oet. Comploie Z .o aim ao s nt> alfr I O L R S nqata lp f er t15tb su5I t anel 81.00 vevilimail yon7l>rsau's Ravra for eaa, "Voi leces a dao isa "0ncouigg Mutilatll e-hintmcêtlausj, oIfur 88»CO v. il .eand 70LoBu EusO1 Rtv" verand ueaiE&sn'MuliofTleituceglsteredb>' matil., Whenorderni rour- j~¶~lfiIoinae'bcul in thelb.banda o h anr oulsd-oerymati: l inte lamai. 215 &217 WALNM T ., pHILADELPMA&,-PA 41 A=a Bt.,Nov Tank. 3HOMPCBS-M 0West Baltimore Eit., Baltimore, Md, 80M N. 811 at., St. Louis, PastOffies Box 45M5. 5My laf., 25 sixtit Avenue, Pitturfi, Pa., 857 %% ashingtcon strecl, Boston, Mass.. -----------------_ 8 S. Qutecu-el., Lancser, Ps., Cor. 01t ti Walnui, Camdoa, N. J. FAIRMERSI Iwarkiugmdt, profesalaii men; -Aud oeér>' Hl A R D W 1,A R E!1 péaehm o Irge Stocks and Low Prices" being our motto. Calin th'is yoe & uies from; and examine and ho convinced, at lhc bloasi. USE ViTALINE- -1 .A z 0 Il 8z& :B lE?> 0C S -'I ala saffconsa ailhe KiduioMs Slhd iy anl Druggiste. Priée, 1-00 peu ITBY-No.-4 Brok-st. 111 & 118 Yong-e-st-TORONTO. btale. -:00:--THE GRAY ItIEDI.CINE CO., WB ARE PBEPARED TO LOAN- CO L - ~ E5'* C>C> C * Ze>-* Ailt "de ofrCoal Nov ou Iand il %STI amnowpreparea t10 furuluit parties Lgood xnortgages, at LOW RATES OF INTEREST taatii itt Ic best cail audsee us, and pay off your old inortgages, that SO E ED-CA- are drawing high interest, and -9- & -.i r .a -e%. Iran be aodebrùaledSORÂNON whie-; thMaeo neetl ow.Ely HATCH & BRO.e 'ust Srd, 1881. Established 1833. ~33s Esaoo:he 'UNITURTi -FU]RNIUI uJ Cheapevtaneve r: at hi8,new s'tore D. C. DOWNEY PATENTS the undersigned in returning th&ukS to:the public Io ,ora paurnae extçnaded' to him, beg& tb utitto that listing zemc is onm daZ 'no p'n * <ho lano ' abotter position 4hi - te - ipply ;ail, thin wantsî _ Ris stock, of Furniture .ombraces -very ha-mdaom8 Éd.Jiinthug --thateà u bo oaIled. for " inahi lnsd an eziixiti Davi4ao ttho pricunre loy ounough te nsuit lte timci. 'UNZeTANG -j WE ARE MAX NEW )ýf Photôgraphs, inBL1, ie lia i ) Dtcý AVE 1833 B33-