Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1882, p. 3

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~'bo1ens, ( thingi Our Goocis undoubtedly *bhe' very, lowest in prices.1 Cali and e Our-0G04 coent of!Te?êper cent offl1 2'~' TEJW4AR,'W W~o1Goo1~ i Cluds, Mufflers, Searfs, Shawls, Hojiery and Gloves, -atwh - AN -IMMENSE REDUOTION IN ALL WINTER GOODS!, Cheap TEAS, SUG-AItS, and GENERAL GxROCERIES, CROCK-ERY 'and, GLMiS WILRIL Whitby, December 27tli, 1881. Reilway Notes. Thirty-two Pullmian palace cars ware soi a altin, s a remt of the suit btwon en>. Baltlmore andi Ohio railway asidbm@lPullmuan Company. Tbsy brougbt *18,00. The slghth and lait engn. for the Credit Valley raiiway xii b. dmpateh. ed (rom lthe locomotive wcrkî a& King. fitou to-day. A number of stock @ogivsi are non te b. put in baud, andi xiiiin ahl probability meot nifli a ready aie. Thi eontract for building the station housse. for tb. New York, Chicago, andi St. Louis rallway beixeen Cleve. landi asidBuffalo bas beau axardîdte J. J. Hogan of Eu-le, asud requires that tbsy be finihbed by th. lit of Auguit Coppi g bas bei» commenced bb.. trisa Wik andi Mailila on the Toron. to ansi Ottawa. The loop Hleno! tbe Toronto anti Ottawa le being surveyed bstween Carlton and Boarborougb. Thei SIags of Illinois han mors miles of railroad (8,500 in round nuralien) Iban any othor sBIde in tbé Union. Februsry 101h ta the date7 flixesifor for the firet annual bail aud mapper of Toronto Division No. 17, Order uf Raiiway Conductons. The forceti nitbdrawal cf lthe South Shiore roil bas divertei an averageocf ssventy.fivs cari daily fromn Buffalo to salamanaca. S. El. Allan, of British Coloubia, r Soperutsadenî of the West division of thei Canadian Pacifiaerailway. is on lbis way tW New York. Ths surveying parties.are uer eus on te Ontario Seul Ste.. Maris rail- riuad. The lins ia loeated for le5 miles between Spenish rivet and tb. Sanît. Right cf xay bas bien pnrchasad for the Toronto ansi Ottawa rosnd between * Madoo andi Cross lake. Al grading etc., hasbenu completed bbutreen Madoca and Britigewater. CANADIÂN PACII.-Mr. Sieilds, oe cf the contraotors of section Bof te Canadian Paciflcrailway, says Iliat fitteen bandret mien are et préent employeti on the rorie. anti tha& the force xili e gri a tm eated dunu tbe wnter, ansi by the lit of Juiy asît te tiack xii lie conupleîed from Win. xàipeg We Prince Artburso Landiag. Labourer. commandi good àpy, thei loxeet inuaboing #1,75. Re added * that th. Syndicate bu doue evîrytbing iu their power tW pash (orwardthîe wotk. The ueaesuary priparaîloût bati bean madie for a systematia asavane. SI ment of work, anJ Dow survepi are being matie avd ties getten ont, and track laying xii commence eraly -neit * summer. A METROBIST CoLOMxAtîoN Scsnuî. -A Norhwestern colonization achemne bas been -etarteti by lte Primitive Methodîit botiy st EHÂiln, thb.im. tenation bing go settle on landeinl that region nembers of the denominstion Wbo wxlii sortly some ont (roin Eag. aud. Au application xlib. matie for a charter and for seviral lornibipi. Ta COînusi SPOT ON Ev.-The Mouer cf lte ocoduist ton artli h bas bitherto beau usigne te WYakutak, lu Sibenla, ta now transferreti te Vsr. koyonsk, on thte river Yens. It has an average ninlîr temperature of 48.0 de. gneeblon zero centigrade. Thera. h acorreipouding colti pole lu America nortbrest of the Perry Islande. Thus Il appears that the unfortunate Jean- nette eurvivoru struckie lto a reglon of terrible colti on reacbiog th. landi at tant. Doubties., howevîr, tbey nere antia ferdwtoegeomore or lea lun a Si. berisun inter cen hardly cont for mah ante oomferl trtilsoomfott. Dzinaavz» HoNot.-Tbe Quearabbu signifleti ber intention of aouferring the Viecoria Cros pon Surgeon Edmooti Baron Hartlsy, who dispisycti conupie- nous gslleuîu-y in ettsotiîog lb. reun- dsd under fire in Banutoland, South Afries One cf bis ate is xiii Worth recording : Duriog thée attack on Moîr. oli Monutein he proasedtinlto the opsnuntoalounotie ab.avy ire anti cauried in lir au-ms (rom an eîposot Position eareoutist corporal. Wbile removiug him Wte aj âôecof adety lt corporal ras again uouaded,ahuh the surgeon remanid uuhaîan.d. The surgeon tben ratun-st under a hevere lirete lreaise ather pniart f bi-tsm single tioket nu s old. 4Allagis report. an ompeid tii. atins autilezie. The Oocurvativ.e ni Sonhh lmoa , ili muet on the 1th indstatto oiss.- ste aoaaudtdate orwthe ,Fàubq in the' W.-0. LittIe, Th:e. »cut ofthlb. ballots la lthe The News. Prof. Macoun iî xnlting su extensive rork on the Nortb.Wast Tenitenies. Sir Henry Buinîr, jusl appoiutedl Govarnot cf Natal, is cousin 10 Lord Lytton. Major L. H. Hendersoa, o! the 1Mt Battalion, bus tendereti bis resignalion. Lord anti Lady Duflarin flli up Ibeir lisure at Constantinople nitIt privale Ibealricals andi poîticai tableaux. Thelu- pretty youug iaugler, Lady Helen Blaciexooti, anti' ber brol-ber Ternne, lateiy appearet inl a living copy ot the nilî-kuno npiolure et ".Spnlng, Ilîrpreîeaîing a citarming pair lu a sniog. Wten tie cutain ras lifteti a titden singer softly sang "Gounod'@ "Printemaps." The youog Blacknoodm bave ail titeir mooîbir'u graesanti beanny. A maa in ike an egg. Yon cant tell nither or 0no&it'a good utillies *"broke."' WVil atitat whiah no man wnIes 10 bave, anti no man imbes ici logea? A balti ieati. l'ho colti snap lins kibiedtwotîocerele sixinonkeye, anti sore enakes lu a Phîladelphia mensigeri.. A mnerber o!fte Ohie Legisiatnre indeavouredto Wbave bis rite appoint. ad s depnly cieu* 1te litibodiy. GREAT SULPRURa ti<inON FIER.- The great snîphur raines eit Saholuteti, lu Hungary, are ou fir nd t in l founti impossible se extînguish the flamnas. SpaiN &i)>PoaîOoÂ3,L.-Tite King aud Qui-en cf Spain, thie Prime Muniea ter, andtihIe Minister of F.)reign At- faire, lefi Madridl yesterday te vinit te Ring cf Portugal. BOYLoviCOMISSINxauoStaON EDUCA. TlOat COIIXNG O ToAUERCAs.-Titn B3rit. uta Govenrnment i. about mc deepascli tu Aunerion tre Royal Comuriaioners on technicat educaiors, 10 etudy lte subjeos on titis sida of te Atlantic. Joicas ON OsecTiLu.-Tite drafts andi coque@ neceiveti by Guitean ancd Mm. Booville on .Saturday (roui suppoaed symnpatluazers snd admirer,, tumu ont to b. bogue, lte nerk of îoine practicai joker. RUBSaA14 Jaîns FOR THE NORTa. Wauîr.-tOof uthlie coboizaîjon com- panies rhich wxxi appiy 10 Panicuuent at iti next session for incorporation bas for ite otjeat lte setllement ef poese. onteti Jews lunlte North-West Terri- tory.. LAutounT STEEL SÂxuato Sa.-The large"t steel eailiag sbip afloal, lhe Garfieldi, a veel cf 2.220 tons, hbu jumi been lanched t B elfast. SIte bolongi Wo the White Star Lino, anti xiii be eugageti su tbe Autralieu anti Cetifornis traits.. Tim Pât on Puxsxnax-rGAmiFLDs PayuxNxs.-The surgeons rho at- lonentitPresideut 'Garield l is lulat î1lueis are saiti te have egreeti amoug titarsoives as tWlb.eremuneration thep shouiti reipeeliveiy reoeive. According te tbis arrangement Dr. Bliesirants 850,000, Dri. Agnex anti Hemilton 825,000 euhb, Dr. Reyburn$8,000, anti Dr. Boyuton andi Mn&. Etison 81,000 It la aitogaîhen probable, horever, ltaIt the Cougresonal oommittre rbiah is eniiting tIteir cdaims xiilroeom. mendt lai IIey be paiti (rom six le eighl thonsansi dollars eacci, anti bave doue xiii il. SIR JONuMACDONALD complets. bis 651h pear te-day (Wdeday) IltIt. Tira MARQUIS ra nLoua ansi Priacîss Louise apeut Cirismas nxtb lbe Qucen. Tuez SNixCrncaà a sidti bhave de. aided to abandon the Teleniteat Paus tinougi lte Rockies. Tara CatoxatPraNsa of Garmany lu te b. preciaimeti Ragent on-tIse 22ad of Match, tIse 851h annlversary of th. Emperr's birlhday. Saoî HUXBman.-Mlouday mcstuing Mn. Thon. Boustiati, a mon cf A14. Bouteesi, cf Toonto, nahiiet lotohi. rooraput a pisîci te hbie forebeasi, anti shot himiehf sitas. No cause bas been assignati for the meiancboly sot. ELLED Bni HumWxna-Jqremiah Troitey, «iToronto, ras kiiled 'by bis wif, Aune Twobey, by a blor t'rom snra. blunt instrument. The roman bau beau arnisteti. Louise Miciai, the clebratsd',as Commuait, hbn bieaunentencedto if.i teen tiayî' imprimouent for taking -pat in lte Blanqui procession in Paris on Suntiay. Mr. Psru.ls friencls are endeavon. Mr. McDeugail, Manager cf lte Great North.Waiîern Teiegnaph Company, hbu recoived inatrnctleus (rom Mr..BH. P. Dwigbt, Genenal Manaera, te retince the tarif (froma Winnipeg, te Bran don ant i ntermediate stations W ltwenty- fve cents. The reéduction maken a uusform tarif cof tranly-live centn le aIl tlhgrapi peinte lu tbe Province o! Manitoba, rbici corresponds nitste rates lu Ontario anti Qucea. Tbus "depitnre" iu telagrapbing, madie by Mr. DnigIti se ibontiy afler coming into control of ont local linon, xiiilibe appreixteti ly everyone baviug occasion Wo use thbe res, anti igIt hiem. it ay be observedti bal se nel are lte Greait Norlh-Western tioing nui t tiepeople cf the Nortit.Wesi, Ibal it miglit ie, earneutly riahadti lIaIhep coulti gel tIse rItle lalegreIsic syetemof lte counntry under thear cootu-ol. Goveru. ment telegnapiing. witlo nse t any rate, bas net hein a succeas. The. rate he.' Ineen Winnipeg anti Bettieford anmd Edimonton is two dallars, rbich is oeil Wo probibitory ;end we don't snppoie lte Govemnuient are making &Dy moey ont o!flte business. If lteGoverumeot propose teholti on tW Ihelines lu the Territonies, il la devontlytohi eopeti titat l inte near future sm rnepivate coznpany nil coverlte samo ground, andi give, nIaI bai nover pet bei-n donc, lelegrephia communication aI a teasonalile rate. Mauîtobss Fr-c Pr-c.a., A bey nameti HuaI, son cf Alderman Hant, xliii ueliveri'ug papers ln St. Thtomas on Satuu-tay aflernoo, ne. atackad by Ire large vicions doesandi fearfiliy butinu, anti noti dne doubt bave bien kullied i% ttil not bean for ornie brava roman ritenouIWbis as. Fimianoe, anti sueetiat lu in iviug the lirutes off. At th. openiug o! the Halifax HigIs Sebool, tIse ieed muter, iu the Damne o! the Royal Humaent Society, preionl- cd e bronze modal tW Frederick Ciip- man, son ef W. A Cbiprnan, of lte Cuitomni, for hie couragesuanti nasnily iu ssviug life tu-cm dnonning on tbm 25, June. 1881,.ad en tirce pneviourf-c casioni. The Mormons expeet 1,500 couverts (rom Loudon usîl month, compuising a numbor cf familles andi about 800 un- marild rorn. Titera xill ho an unnual deraand for beautitol noren moii summer, as neer- iy every cirent nil moite ouaeltae (sat- un cf ils airait procession. Walter Elliolt a labourer of titi same place, ou lie tsea day eut bis tbroat witb au axe. Eigte.n pasengers are bslievdte have peishe it i lte lent Nenfounti. landi seaaiug steamer Lion. Over ire hundrei anti ifty lives bave hein lest by au earthquake lu lhe Chiniso district of-Can-Chou. Il is untienitoodtiIat lte Britisb Gov- erument nil refuie le nileaie Messn. Pearnell anti Dillion ai puosut. A BOOK 13Y ian PMnacMMIoNCsAX.M.- It la saidt ltIber Royal Higinias lie Prncass Louis. is compiliug a wrk reiating W bler Canadien exporiences. ma at bthle nerk xiii hasilusîrateti by à Royal bsati. Tise Prine as ,- trîlees birthday book han already ha. comus suci a succès» liaI a book (roui any member of ont Royd afmily roulti be sure tW be nelcome. Wister lbîse intereiling detaili of Canadien litséxiii make Ibeir appecreoce ilura complete fou-utor witethley xiilb. publateti lu a aosiualistdoubîful. rMisa West, tIse dauglter cf lthe Brit- ish Minuster at Washington, speaien Engiisb nitb a tiecideti Froucaccent ; the ras aduetdai a Frenoch couvent in Paris, The young lady i. netitiug nomaniy, aud is simple iu menuet. Il lu sai 1e hais been tiecitiedto ligit te uer Wellanti Canai by lie elctnie igItI. Sir Join H'oiker, M.P., for Preston (Bug.) nIl suaceedth lbbat. Sir Robent Luah as Lord Jumtice cf Appeal. MEETINGoS On ERX sASSOCîÂîxoNs. -Meetings of theRoform Associatien of East Peterboro', Eut Huron, anti Nortb Welliingtonu rie bltion 'Tues. day. Ahi rere iargely attautist. .WbLuefiel bort aiblthi jutimaute of tb. red rien peu - laber for God ? Even if pourbhait nfioni aî i.l"m- toy»roed and ti iîyeel t. pour lampor. aly»j7 oislaculti Dotmuimu-, but rallier îr tes liai yen haveplatind peurisonse' alavel -tee 11hthoa effaclt sy lte a"s-fanti tautoil 'of lbe.wrnd. God ielupur Master, andtiHe - ls e truly a ilepraveil nature, liaI bas mol, aet easit, ome r>deomiug feac. tun>,.-ihe. deseiinietol itont iii ou"s*e; ant pUglng flowmuibloSm emid tiolaartl vstes. Whin yen' are seure thiat yen are rigisi, lit ne obstacles pravent pou (nomthua Eli. Moto yon -wviibave leo cntmnd egalitlte ghesWter wnU b. pour menit._ Guiity of Wrong. Home people havé a fanhion of confusing exclent remnedries with the largo 'msf "Patent medicine," snd in this thsy are guility of a %vrong. There are noms asiver. tised remed jes fuiiy worth ail that la asked for them, and ono at least we know of-Hop Bitters. The writer'has bel occasion to nue the Bitters inn met nurli a climateas we bave meut of the yea.r in Bay City, and han ai'wayn found thent to lue first clans snd rm lisible, doing all that le clained for them.- Tribun.. No mort Hard Times. If you welli stop ending an muahi on fine ciothes, rch fond and etyle, buny goad rheaithy food, cheaper anmd better dlothing, r et more resu indmbstentisil things of Hie every wsiy, and especially stop the foolinli hébit of exnpioying expensive. quack doc. tors or using en mmuci of the vile humbng unedicirue that docs yon oniy harm, and-put yortrust lu that simple, pore remedy, HOP B ittelat cures siiwas, t a trifling cont ~ou wil8ee gond tines, and have good Chilis and Fever. Any person who in conversant wth the nüirtà iflDi. L' Il. ilcununas SuoÀu.CotÀrno VF;TUositÂE PILLs, sciU tellyou that no remi. edy of iqual êxcel.ne bs yet been discoy. ered for tibis distresing coniplaint. Test monstter for votiiself. They are sold every- where. A Hint. Asi euxonr mgglet, Grocer or Shopieseper, for a luottle of i'sxs.-Kn Lin. Iflieopauses it down wxîhout cercmOMNv ua[% mwhile ex tracf.lng the quarter dnllar front yonr wallet, if this la the genuîne made by PaxnDavis A pointed criticieni need not ncceaarly lie written ,rith a fine pointed penb one oi Esterlitonies mediaffi or broi pointed penn wiii anaBwer as weli. Aik ynU r atationer for thent. Frouaitheasstewa4, flrm and regular lient of the Hcsrtr.lacsng sterrnpted and feebis action of e.h et ou-p9an, deenongtratesi ID a varieey nf cases, Fellowas Compound Slyrnp nofil ypoplioephites in known to enert a powexfuk ouic efiect on the muscles of the Heurt, WHITBY M R Es puall Wheat................. 0 , Sprug WLest.............21 !3 4 1 28 Baly ................... ()70 Cie 083 Pbou, per cri ........... 800 @ 2 ilye ................... 080w lCt0 sr Pas............ 074 t@è0 78 Peau, hlack-eyed .........0(-5 0 O87 Blues Peau................ 0 80 « 1 0 0318................... 0 -0.« il42 Ray.................... 800 g;1000 Apples, per-lins...........o0do to060 Potato e ..................o50 t0 60 'Eggs .................. 020 « 022 Butter.................0 16 «t -0 20 C h ese ............... 0 12à à«0oùo Wood .......... .... ..... 4<) «5650 Sheespkins ............ 1OU0 «tji25 (Jnlfsklns................i0 11 o12 Rides, par ih............. 006 «t007 Pork, peroewt ... *........700 «t760 Turnips ............... 0165«t020 Celery, per dom........... 0 0 « 040 Chlcens. pet psatt. O... 80 «t0 60 Turkyper t>.....009 «t012 Gess per b .... 007 «t 10 Rotaii-lOc. Mntto.bthcarca sc6.real.... 00«t00 BacnFaera ..... «t0 2 I .018 «t.... ... 0is Qi Paranips. per hunhel .... 0 «to 00 Cabbag, per head...008 «006 Rhubarb,pebuuch . 0...00«t000 Shalots, Il ..O.. «t0O05 0 Iladishes, 4 ...010 «t000 Wooi, nnwashed ........ 00 « 0W 44waled............ 000 « 000 A C--& R D TO0l&Uwh»oré suflnring ( rom l*,arrois Tand nlsretions of -youth, ierlvou 1 n send a recîpe that riE curayou, FRtE 0F CMARGE. This great reme&y vua diacovered by a missionsry in South Aunerica. Bnd s seU.addresad enve1oe te the Ilav. Jouir T. luux, BtatioesJ. »ible zou".,Nons' orik OUFt. NEW ADVERTIBEMENTS. uounty Agiicultu.ral Bocioty. of South Ontario. ANNUAL MEETING. The AnnmaiMe icfthea aboie socsty_ 3ne lie held on Weduesdui, Jaaunary 151h, 1882, at One-o'alock. p.m.,' et the TOWN R.&LL, wHIBY. The Annual R.port xlii thon be imbmlt ted, ani 'the'.el 2eot oz""oofor the -on- sung year wiii tueke pie., BayTs. Whltby, Ja30a012 ,18. - FA"M TO RENTI, allaeh nes u"dtib.ru. .à Mss.b -; NEW ADVERITIBEKENTS. NOTICE TO CONTIiACTORS 1 S ALED TENDERS etdresset Wthe S undersgei and endoriati"Tz»nxzs ros Pau.uxwrBUxoDNuxo,".wM ib. te- ceivedalthisDaparbuantunutil 12 cf lbha dlock, noon, on THRMDAY, th. 101h day of FEBRUARY nazI, fer the ereclion and' comSieton of New Parilament Buildings ornaiandi certain wr n uconnea. lion thsrewith, acordlng We (1) The Plans antiSpécifications repar- cd b7 Misars. Gardon àRllixell, of Toron. to, or (2) The Plansansd Speactians prepar- cd by Messrs. Darling & Curr, of lte sanie Pnanltet forme of Tender eau b. oblaineti nI Ibis Depart nnt, sd pnostender*n enttiai Whav thliTenders considerel ,msi h aeare made on sud lu coni- plilsce nlth ltes, printed brnse, lgned nih t actuel si;naur of every penon tenderlng tlnclndtng sacit member cf n ftrm) folloned by his posl.office atidreas, sud with ail hlanies un the forma properly filid "PlBach Tender muât le accompanied i xth an noce ptedt batik choquapayabli, W the order ote Commisicoan01fPublic Worke for Ontario, for the mm of#,0000, whlch rwU lie forfeited ifltae p.ty tendering de- cHunso irls tW entir;unIe a Coutrat liasetiupen suob Tenar,-heu cehleet upon todo sa. Whsroe .parly.tendu netia acceptei, tihe chaque. xiii be retund. Wbere Ire Tenders '(ie', one,'basai upon esb setlof said Planesud Bpeeaeous) are madieunudar lb. came acier by the semns persan or irm eulyeonincb accept. esi binie chaque uen acempay«Ã" dIr Tenders. 1 ýnaymi w For lte due fulinent of the Contract, an±ifactory macunty xliib. requir.d on- réal estate, or by t e posit cf money, publia or municipal securitis or banie istocuirs, tW tha emount of lais per Cent. ou the buns cum, tW become payable under -lt. Contraet, 0ci hllue pet cent., lb. amount of the toitchequeSeaaOmpany- in te Teder=. becoaitirea epart. U eah Tedermuet be atlabid the actuel signatures of et leasil Ir e Rupo cible m soisovant pensoni. résidente of Ontario, wlting We become suretias fer lb. carnyin0gocf $heu i onditions, andthelb due fu.Im nt 'aud ee cmo f il. Ceesrâat fs it parti 11 Printeti Copiée cf the reepective Speil.- cetions eu b. dbtsineti on application ab tbe Depsilmeut. This Department nil l tb. boud W aceept lthe boxait or any Tender. B7 order, WM. EDWABDSl Depertmaul cof Public Works for itY AIIan Lino. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY-, tÃŽL4860W. Wit.r Arrngement. SUORTE8T SEA PASSAGE S ECONOKTg, and CONFORT 1 Bo* very siteinateeuthem pont. CLaTMi AX imfte Boost=n sAlJaHi Mt erlisad, Ian.10t'h estonnuan.101h EWouPorlanJana.. 5M. à= , Dodont .98tb. 1 ,EMU. I'aEuvIaN, f(om porualip.b. Dib, 2lif«aFObb. tb. - Psagntking *à imaer aïPorlhma Uams Ors- w0À i Wbitby to LimpOcbnvis Pfqllad-Fint 1 Cabini spi, 181, ndsuit*8 soEIJ4IIing O.I lion ef statirécan; br irate for reln ticketi. Intementsdiflla *4, vlsa-clm rail Stemge aMeelowt am islaersgpLsgpsame torardeltoL dedry ef$, ,nontwa BrItol ôedlf, atiLeuzo.i anrt GOLDBMI afreuse NEW ADVERJISEM.EN'rS. CALL ON- w IlL aIrA. I a]o v 1 Fo R -0Fab WHIotsBan- OmmFoot Wear of ail kinds sold Cheap for Cash, by WILLIAM BURNS,' Brook Street, Whitbv. ON THE, WAR PTHAGAIN!ý Aconsignment of Bidi China Goods, arriving too late for the hoiday trade, will be sold at a GREAT ]REDUCTION. Ten cents on the Dollar Returned to every ca8h purcha8er of China, Crockery, and aglas8ware during tlzis month., We are atili aellng blbs Japan Tee. for -$1 00; 3lbs Choice G3reen, Black, or Japan Tes for $1 00; bargains ini choie Fasnily Groce- ries. Raisins, (Jurrants, Oranges, Lemons. Try t.he Chinese Washer for eoonomy ini the Laundry. The. Louise Baking Powder takes theled Sae guarP1ed isumt o*;,~ On hana Fresh Oyaters, Fùian Hadides' Bloaters, Maciierel, Herrings, Oomafisl~tount, &o., &o. * In stock' Choic Family Flour, Graham Flour, (Jracked Wheat, Oatmea, (lorn Meal, A&e. ÂN EELY ALL BOLIOITED. WhitbyT, 31nnRy 4th, 1882. Dianis 82 SIMON FRASER, Deverdl'. flloek, Brceis-sI., Whitby., Phoio rphAlbums R. SNOW, Bread cg Biscuit Baker, OHBITMAS AN~D NEW YAB CAXES ON RAND AND TO ORLDER. OHROICE ONFETIONEY F RIS OWN MAK A FULL ASSOTMNT F XAS CANDIES. FRESR OYSTERSI CONTAITLY ON RAM. A PULL AND WELL BELECOTED STOCK F GROCERIES. ALL INDS F NUS, FIGS, DATE, ORANGS, LEMONS, &o. B. SNOW, Dec. '81. 1f Dundan.t., Whitby NOTICE 1 c AM INTO TEE ENCLOSUBE 0OF the subsoriber, Lot No. 16. 4th con. of Pikeinn or about the lot of Novembo, eUR eCAVI. The wmer- cam hav thm bi provlng propmry ana paeins PickerinDsc. 93, '81. Sin.8 811TINS OF THE DIVISION COURT&FRl88 'Whitby-.,Tan. 8, Fb. 1, Mr. 1, Apr. 1,ly i, Junte 1, iid7 8, Sept. 1, Oct., 2,Nov. 1 Dec. 1. Brougbare-May 2, Juy 4. Sept. 2. Dudus Cnoek 1 ian. 4, ma. 9, Nbv.'2. - PPoM. n-lao. 27, Mu. 4, Apr. 8, Ma, 10 Uxbn4e-eb.8, nr.14,Ap.19, My 5,* une 27. Sept. , Oct. 24, Nev. 21, Dc. 29. Csnniugln-Feb. 9 Mai. -16, Apr. 18, May- 26,.Tune 28, Sept.?, Oct. 95, Dec. 5. sept 8, -Dec. 6 Atihtei- 7).a ,7i JunêBO0, S.t 9, Dec.?7. Wblitby, Deci. 18, '84 Clenk of the Pesce., ONT4ARLO131IK s9 CASES' NEW FAMCY, ùolui JUST RECEIVD -ÂT MRS. ALUIN' BEAUTIFUL XMAS;CARDS, SPLENDID ALB UMS, LÂTEST STYLES 0F BAOK RÂNDSOME BROUND. VOLUI 0F_ THE PORTS., Thte LARGEST sud INEST &te Berlin Wool Work ave opened in Wl oonalatiug cf OTTOMANS, BLIPPERS, *BEAUKETS, TABLE DEAPRI ETC., ETC IN FANCY. GOGOb WOREBOXES, WBITDG DEBKS, PANCYFR1AMEs; GLOVýE BoxgE, ETC., 3T< CORDIAL INVITATION TO 1 MRS. ALUIN, jWhitbyuNoqv. 16lbul18L Scrap Albuims.,- Autograpli Albums. -A FINE A880QRTMENT- ANNUÂLS--The Chii E3ooks for e e p BIBLESad Le -revu '4 'I 8CHOOL 8001 Ink Stands, C OMIIO'WARE ean fone. lory. laut lbac.. )fxthe tW do br 1mI iris I nul il ho ity he fn, ts ICI ot onpt cf hatl lirs e. la lb A. a thea.l in th se me&4 inpirla asd d u. liit thea =me 1 1 Shoes.1 B SI 'AND MENS' OVERC

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