Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jan 1882, p. 1

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o~ f 'COL DBa, T B X' " THRQIIA&D OW, LY a0 Co. m.1 baud he(X pear Ro and JOUNR oUiNUON'S LAIR DBESSING AND SHAUVDG lSlon, Brook St., Whltby. JouiN WOLFENDHN, A GENT FOR TUB, OELISIIÀ*TED pflURZ-BURD OOTWOLD SRE'-O AMD BEREtsEIREPIGB. BobaoBauik Pem, u, lasnt .0, OulAfo. Osesficeft door outu of the 8Royal ÂAMRS RUTLEDGE, B. AL Couutly Oro*u Attorney. 48 OISUYLLIVAN & PERDUE, B ARRISTERS ATTORNITS, SOLTO- ITORS, kOTARIS, &0., &o. OFFICES :- 72 Youe Street, nazi the Dominion Bank. sud Corner Ring sud Youge Street&, Toronto. 0. A. O'8ULLI VAN. W. E. PERDUE. Ocicher ISrd. l88. ly-45 JAMES KEITH GORDOX, B ARRISTRUI h ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor lu Ohsnery, onuonser, Notary Public, ho.Office-Dundas St., first door West of Armsirong'u Rotail. Mr4aey ta Losu-Private fonds-ast low DAVID ORDI8STON,9D.A., A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN XX Chacary, Conveysucor, &o. Ornas-lu the OlEce uouth of the Fout Office, iu MoMiflanu liock, Brook Stret, Wblthy. ly.lO ROBINSON & KENT, (Là"u Docoa h Rorsixon.) B àaRRIMTBS-AT-LAW, A TT OR N. e s, Solicitors, Couvayancer., ho. OFFTC.-In Victoria Chambeau, No. 9. Victoria Street. J.O. RoaraoN, M. a, HZxursa A. E. KENT. G. YOUNG 8SEETH, L L. Bl., BARRISTER, &o., hc.-Monay la Loan ,Bsaner ci Marrlage Licensas. Oprios-Over Dominion Beak, Whiby. Jan. 22, 1878.(1. JhtO. G. KELLET, ARRISTER-AT- LAW SOLICITOR B lu Cbanoery ud Iuuoivency Conve . sits; or,&. OfioDee lls îok.Bro. Street, Whltby, Ont. J. HAMERGREENWOOD, ATTonNET AND soLICIToLI, CON- .1voyaucor. Notary Public, &ha-Puai O0ftice Priver No. 11, Wldtby, Ont. Yors@u beuglel a ca uldMarriage Satle- mania, Wilu sud Trustaeruade Speoisltles. Loans negotiatod ou ail kinds o!f1roprty. 49.iy CIIÂRLEN C. KELLER, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN 1'l. oacry, Convoyancor, ho., Cauning. on, llrock, C. W. L. T. D3ARIAY, ATTORlN FY - AT - LAW, SOLICITOIR lai Chscoery sud Iusolvency, Convey. JOUN HALL 001V, BAIIRISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR l u Chancery, Coavoyancer, ho. Oficeo-Davertl'o Block, Brock Street, Whltby. MONlET TO LEND-Prtvsa Punda - luin - np te 0#M0, ai a Ion rate cf lu- JOHN A. NeGILLIVRAY, (Suocessor te H. M. HoyaU.) D ARRISTER h ATTOIINEt-AT.LÀW, "Naisr Public, &o. Solilcnor for the Dominion Bank. Offie-Neat dor to Mention Route, Urbridge, Oui. -26 LYMAN ENGLISII, L L. 13, B RISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BChuc.ery,Couveysnoor,ko.,ko. Sira. 00a Street, Oshawa. J. E. GALBRAITH, N.D., RADUATE of Ouenusund Victoria G Unlveaiieu, Member of ibe Coliae cf Phymiclanu sud surgeons, Ontaio. Oirron-Brock-Sl 'ffbiiby, Ont., (ihreo doors souili olfIoyaft'Icel). ly.46 B. J. GUNN, MI. D., URGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, S Byron Street, Wbltby. Wu. MoBRIEN, X.0.,M.C,, CUY'S HOSPITA.L LONDON<, ENO., tJhe eye Bt. O.ia. L, Oshaab, Ontario. Ç A BD. - DU. BOGART, D ENTAL BOOMS romoved froin At- Ekinson'u Drug store io zoome over Shéïs & Shirley'@ store, Ring-St., Ouswa. Entrano. on RingSre. ARCHITEC IUREI DRAWING AND SPECIPICATION BUILDINGS Promptly preyared WUt, nv tao onomy l'osrcion. OHUROH AND BCHDOOI ARCHITCTURE A Correspondance Reepecîflly 8ollcted. LL&AMIC -PREPARED ENTLSION BY- W4.R. HOWSE, Corner <ly-161 WH ITBY, C HIN A H AL L, stex 0F TUEE BIe JUe <EZOIaTEEEI) 71 KING-8T. EAST TORONTO. Fauoy Breakfast sud Tes Sois. Pauoy Dinner sud Deusert Sets. Faucy Bed-room Rots. "a"0 Ju ansd Taspots. SUOarP1ltd Unives, Forke sud Spoons. SOnaer Plated Cruels and Butter Coolers. SIlver Plated Cake Baskets. P.odm' uines sud Forks. Tes yu ysud Sorrors. Flower Shados for Lflyu, h&o., &o. Giasavare, aildescriptions. Wblle Stone vare, every klnd. Rotai aud Bar Gonds. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Drug Store,l ONTARIO. INSURANCE.- p «oENIX PIREINSURANCE C0. Lombard St. sud Obarlng Cross, London. E5TABLrEEEr IN 1782. GILLÀESPIE, MOFFÂTT & C00., Agents for Canada. R.W. MIE, Manager,manlreal. A GENCTESTABLISREDINCANA- Funds. Moderato rates e! premiun. C. NOITRSE. Agont, Whitby. Whltby, Aprili 91, 1878. 16 Dominion Wood Work8, B R'8H AMBICA TÃŽ »^ALHOTL 1VJ1ITBT. A. G. MARELE,-. Proproat or, (Late of 4h. Royal, Hsrrlsion.> roou-iaoied yardi attentive osîlees. nià, on. dollar par day. U4-5 $ý1II HA.MBIOAIHÃ"TEL, RATS,»" »«. WHITB Y, ONTARIO.- pustO nOwlY renovsted and furnished Sbrcpughout, and put tu 5reb-olage order for thé reception ai fak u nomnibus to sud fronm aiHtrains. iri-isam aiple rooma. S HAKESPEARE HOq!EL, k>Cor. Ring à York.ats., Toronto, Ont. .t. A. OGRÂDY, -pROPRIRTOR. Tàiaxa, 81.50 l'EN DAY. l.) POST OFFICE SALOON, Tonoirro. M. cOO NEL,... FOPRIETOR. Or THE BEST ACCOMMODATION .~ for ouest&. *C>-7 TIEEQUEEN'5 HMOTEL, Baocx STUERT, WITDY. PEILIF McCANN. . . Proprietor. Bout Liquorsaud Cigare. A weil mip plied table. Airy bad-roome. Cosuforta bic tabllnir and large yard room. Charges, moderato. .33 O NTARIO IIOTEL, BBOoc-SmsrB, WHIT1BY, JOHN LESLIE, - Proprietor. (Lata of the Slmcoe Hlouse, Toronto.) J iiotand Cigare. Commodjous ;=1 12141s Livery Stable and BOllard Parlour attiched. , y460 BROUGHAM HOTEL, Corner Brook 'snd Main Stresis, in the Village of Broughsam. Firut-ciasa accommodations. Boit Liquors and Cigare. Good uiabling and attentive bustier. THOMAS POUCHRER PROPRIETOR. I NSDAUCTIONEER for tho Outario. Auction sailes et rosi asiate, farm stock, etc., atanded ai moderale chargea. Address T. POUCHER, 60-ly ioz 47, Broughamx, Ont. CENTRAL HOUSE, OS~HAWA, ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Proprietor. Firsi-olasa accommuodation. Liest Winaus, Liquors sud Cigata. Oood stà.bling anud attentives houliers. ly.17 WHIT BY HO0u S E DUNDAS-ST, WHITBY. Ihe undersigued wouid intimai. ta the publiç tha: the above premiaca bave beau uewly bit sud fdtted np througbout, for thé accommodation of guetta. Best Wlnea, Liquorusud Cigars. TH£ CREAM OF CANAA-WALZ tLAGOR. Alu pure Rbîne Win*. Lagor, Whole. sale sud Rtait Boardars taken by the yack on moder- ato termne. JOSEPIL A. B.4.NDELL. July, 28th 18W. 82- B LACIa HURSR HOTIiL, Cou. FrouT & GzononsTsr., TORIONTO. ALFRED OXFORD, - PROPRIRTOIR. (Lai. of Wellington Rotai, Markham.> TERMS, IL00 PEU DAY. Gccd tebi. iug for over 800 horaos. Firat-clas, accom- modation for farmner» sud the travelling publie iu goueral. y- THE HODGSON HOUSE, (Laie Timoiby OILAry 'g> T IS PÂPER =&y ha fouud ounOle ai Gac. P. Roweil & C'. Nevapapor Ad. vertislng Bureau (10 Spruce St.), vbere ad- ventiug contracta msy b. aie for il ni Nav To m a.. -13 MONEY TO LOAN! *ioo,ooo FOR INVESTNIENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECUBrrY. At lovoat living ragea o! InteragI. money soocured vithin 10 day. cf &P. Apply to lfin JOHN FA.UQUHRSON. Whltby, February161h, 18W). 9- KIGBROTHERS, WHITDY, Oh NTARIO, Impoea, Delansd Manufictusnof anl LEATHER. AND FINDING8, Casi pald for Ride., Bana sund Luaubea Leauhur slnetciied gàr BELTING MADE TUOaODER ONg SHORT NOTICE. SAVINGS -AÏD LOAN COMPANY ULMITEDJ Authorized Capital $2,000,000 Office, No. 72 Church-St., Toronto. DIRECT ORS. lION. FRANK SMITH. Senator, Preelieut. EUGENEO'KEEFE, 2541., Vice Preahdeet, PATRICK HUOHIE8,0sq., W. T. KIELY, 3s' -JDHN Foy, zoq. JAMES AON rates'olintrssdncov No cemmismiolc For innlbar partiqulara, apply A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED z833. A SS6ETS8, 01,101,876 94. F. A. BÂLL, Iumuranceu efaected ai tho lovasi currni rates on Buildings, lMarchandise, sud other proparly, againut lous or damage by fire. C. NOUBSE, Agent, Wbitby. Wbhby, Apri 9th. 187& 16 MONEY TO LO'AN O14 EASY TEIRS. Apply t- W.R. BILLINGS, Seliciler. OffiMce over Ontario Bank, 10-ti Whithy. DlANCING CLASSESg! fl.CALVERâLE'S DucingCIas .LY.5. l vii cmmence lu tha oursc vaok or ta, wheu ha viii b. prepared te &ine instructions l in&l the Lateui Danees, lu- clndlug The Ripple, Rickett Alastiu and Jersey, sud iheuSnstog Lancer, the latter acknovledildby ail vMe bave smenu h te b. the nicasi set dance yat lutrodnoad. The Juveuhla Clasa viii b eid on Satur- day altarnoonu frein wtvaii ine"o'cock, suda the Aduit Cimes willb.beied in thé eveniu. Thosa vishiug la attend aither of! home cluss, vil pie lesve ihair usines vii Wu. CALVERLEy DeeciS, 1881. WLlby. "SBULPIIOLINE LOTION" Au axteiernneanm cf effrlng skin diaese. Thane e la ucarooy euton but viii ULId ta ~Snpboins la fo asan sd commene se fmae sa aveu f Il u»=»_s pas aura. Or- dlnary pimpies, - voes,uMoleueu, seul roegheaa. ývsn" la b f m ; vuiuutcM endinns kie dlscrdor ýnuh bve piacuad tue rufféei-e for vears, iicwver 4.51>17 raomd the7maln= "alpbofu.ý viii.neo.afoiy Il t - tdestnoyu the i.nusieula v~eaue"Ibtheuuugtiy, irritable, paie. adaiva7ajircda.- à aimer, hsslthy, naturalenintel sIL. OuI- pboenousLptiontesos by Most Cbi"nsa 2«. 0& Vade by 1. PEPPE h&Ceo, Ppper'îquinie antiItou Tt*l Ut tbâbnuli nerons sud mumaniar ey5m, provesdigtiUoM, enIMalse li a mwn mritm the biI. ilon dasbmtla hm *9nra beefffté ofbot alimaies Ibis toutla tma iauabl&.. Peppor's Qauinneami Iton Toule Eeuseeasd duvle thle nervonam"211Msa enlabsmlbm blood, prorule spe5l.dsai hiunr sd dépression, ttf&de. adgtv ,i laa lua Seoifle rmmeê for snsgs tmsdeucleot. &0. Tho wtiole fraine tursl" ivsrldby p- qe onathe meute Ciien Cudaise veryvbero, Tii.nammno J.PpeBeoSd LsortormwuLonduu bon lb.l beTure stae Toni so rtan Iu effeci u asuppe'sQuinine sudlion. ilte se reoosnmuenedlta resdeutgIn lthe ds bonifi aivayu bu ket ruady fo u e l vry case0o!lever or ftrrlé u o- Tara2xacum and -Podophyllin. g#,@u Ltlo KInp OR4 qca Whucrovurre urls o un y beaus Tbe'oly somere'agaus ohe.arth, Wlxoso *WayOs'Oarex~igult*iendure: 'NoUteciIduot inlie ýbàfth No firusi uult in mil tlaa Bc uirougthey c.ui*mI rs No plgco made too ricli; tÇo grad, For, thein la rosi tLunpbsty No tyrant 50 badbert4kown Can their dlplornscy re êai: They eapuuurp bis very Jirne: Ho abdlcates wbeu b lued No bavalinlu lb. worid e pai S0 meauiy huit, sc squaiLre, Tbey viiinot go rithin 0 tuera And mset their relgn cifsl n'Ur tee No begs too forioruadpo The ' u olbis ar iniSr Tehappiest kigus 44et le. Oh, blessd littie kiniuagnus Thé ouiy sroverlgainU artb I On2 pompi f icesor &btrtL Nor' M&vwbeu. àne1aali layt lov la du"s eaciih Utt oriy hsad. Aud niher soverigna crowuléeago, Ahlareforgotten vben ithay're dea. But liasse bold changolesu otjiepu Trininuhaut pas,i, il arUii 5cae: Wewruip, lunsito the Isat, Th:118bnaedt"11111. kingu sud. queum.'l ROSIE 1MAYS *MATCH-MAKINQ. CHAPKTR Il. lb. sggnzeveamaiclen "Ibate hlm I "zcdlgme2 silbva I One te. 00 a yÏ ?I tioughlthit; lu Ibe gepunrosity oet 1h51kini ltlh oul of OÙ4inlo, sud I shah f..el mymoîf d to sthe'Parm ntfhave' reason le 1W tbsÏ4 I--have luourr.d your, dtsloasre.! ,'Pnay don't tbink thot," onr-,a oul,i inupuiively. 'I arnvery giad 10soi.e yený looking bitter, sud more cheonfu-. : te lknov th,t4 l,ý * pua selong denj@eD e 1viib. yorUa\,&~. "#Toans1 Miss May.' Y,]?or Ibis I speechi fiululed vilb a 111110 aob. "Arne. Ye no ne VI "" "fé 1 té," tlie murarnd,' drwiugýout 'ofhie oiamp the baud eiedtabou. 6-I mi st11e croossud -tirai, ýthal la aIl.; Pray, dou't staya&ny loInger; MNEW Elton in vsiting, sad I'd rallierb. i eft-i b, s4 mi Bi Iu ail the giery of trout sud ioe, Ring Noel crovuad inhîmelf tbat yar, Sud or Mn. Laecéiies sbiver.i s 11111e as4lieo ralea bis bliné- on thbm mruiug etof Chnitmss-isy, sud looti -ýont at thei dazzliog vinlry. sSuna. Bt thon ho i bad besu au invali aven dnes lit anir. sa ai, ton a ueglected ou bai dmad ti.isolt OP taîl àat lest, sud insoa d reluniug te et Ise ninone bouto sud oeh Manger', haliel bad beeauneny glai 10 mIsaI ntbtheFarm di s primenen 10 théircspoil ch.fssioued be selle. lu the parler, nunred vui mater- W ual cane by thie Widev May, sud ai. = teruateiy teassi sud amusai by Rosie. tk Thot veek ofet oemilbleuesliai beau, aftr aIl, s cheenful eue, "ta apet ra say ou vinga. Tho rooter lireught fi hlm bocks sud penliils, lte dioer Co oocunirdIdbisrounds se as te havaeut heur tou«pine fer a chéerti chat. lira.il May came in sud ont oonmnaiy le ses hiý thai ho vas comfûrtabl9eoen-brlug hbu ll sma otmpling dile; mhi lte usteru, à5 diseoutentetilbock I"mbad mimnd bis v viiu, vwu salieunmuEthon nov. wv Porbspe somothing oet bie Waaoviug le i the ftsut that BRei, go Bll1 mr. familier villi lion auVe putd1#:oblta pt a very plasat habit 41coingmnisli- dut tin on tholieartbrng ta hatem b"4 L vule lin. May look ber atiernac v uap. Then, moelsoi prmre. soi tines lu cannait, elle -q"'odlioed lie youog minu&bout bis vsniom*, or d toli oflierevu sornoviniliUet. iiinom- tbu oued frein illusagu bair gruerona roi- tr ativ.. Tho ihanfuà upiit thastone ol la Rosie'@ narration h asbouetohi. -hb foot ounlierhbasset, tor il led bru te looh fie, back upon bis psast.te sekuovléiotei l nistakes, sud rasoir. thsl no moeofe a~ tem ahoula mar bis future. - ti fThon Rosie pluchai up ocunige snd veuiuroi te sPeak et Laura Biton.' nu, Fîniing tht aho@vas ialouud to magert-9g. ly &ho sbeiei to laumob bas-lit.youg Q> . à praius, sît'outgli Il vas s tr>lng lut tbeue ; for Lia, vii lien cold bIna lu oye. sud slighuly conlemptueumn- ri uer, liai nover bonea sfavorite aI th. jul fiuin. But tlbau, as Rosis visoly tbu 10 hereeli, Mn. Lascoles might f ni pen.-nu in hu is oldlova vbicbver . uf visblleier lama partial oyea, sud ah. huggoi lionsobf a gréaI deai *beut tho h6, surpris.eh.liebai in star. ton biem, Ishil Elton Waibeau apprisai of lin. Lsoel- tb io'm arrivai;, ube bai limon -invitai te kuipp ber Cliiam ai lb.eP aru sud Bc boa graciuoly eonsemted. Soin. Ilimh cmii., île Wiov Ly, pitylag lhe W ilons fteb.slraîlened alrcemmtmuésbel te 'whieb lbeir lm t e r' eW tsagu.Y e. tauedIbr, hmdinluthbo nemIdoMl. calo and, kiuy --e nl ld oisoffta, thé iaugbtona te lihe up blie roie.& At thé Paru, sud as" e m ois lu OOMn I* pletlng ben uduatios; but lb.a ffer S00 vs'î hiugbtiiy rufi, suovmOtk àl'b 0110 rntail aqauaosa ul-I tû ehili beaulifl vmnnhobiom i lov7,e .14 bisbyoe.D Wn. lia>'ba fi eamas tur te a, Be bai lb. -preseou. of tva sab abl dlflngtabi pst"«ola hluoware.,'WC ,tisttc4eolodbrai. tc, uasirana.'ÃŽ àla b vnidi belo aenàc 7'vnappe » ked sao't" for nmu-te 1rne Ussuu>Ge doyaen orw. l i Rois, wlio le ecëui net nislel- gaum mntinea bu0 tqvsim l. vidov lbhhhfmt, I savW laume sabfalusIt~ atgit.' Praom t4ldie i oiýb. 1vu les& i er.,. <lu 1h. - toloving day Miss- Bilan reqt borne, kisaiug Mrs. - May a e rsdp bon adieu villi ganuine varru8i and declariing Ith basi nover, neyer peuot Inch a plettssu Chrisltuas before. «Il could tancy that @ho leooks young- or "n moro love"abla bsu v tshe cAgo!' lbe vldov tld oui.lThiail. 'aur dola g My 11111e, mitot,kear rhan ho géisa vite, sud a oredit toi "Tsikufor lb. prediation 1", he giei, gally ; fer be b.d enterait lb. Mclu unpercoived lunlimele brhW lthe leIfte p art of tho vldov's speech. à"lu- leeâ, my kini olh friand," ho vaut on, ulbh «restern aruesnoe, IIam, roolv- b= dmy boat tioaésrvo yonr geed irou f me. To.mrerev linm mrrnleume toLondon; but er. I go I aU psy a niait 10 Ihm CeunIr, sud slde vbai repaire muaI b. ruade ser. I cen takte up my aboie Ilion. Wll Miss May viii villi me, sud help ne villi ber adie P Margeny longs ea es . lI knov." Rosie*lied noexezem 10offér foto ttuaiug, ahiugli ah. tinlune meai r lluteuing to old Msrgory's queruleua iruplainte. 8h. lied werked me liard' yul itupon éverycue-le carry ent [ns. May'e vinles otoIhe oifent et mnr mauy guesand 10 appean alvaym ilhearled sud content, in epite efN sens. of wasninoeu d daproasion tor lhiai mli.could not accuni, tIusI e. ras lu au nuusually mober fnma eto Novn a laiBouio May lochai me teaire or beou no mibte as vbou uhe lnned ber wraps te, valk bauidle Mr. ascelles toaani lb. Ceunt, sud ho- he'iher lu aympstby viii honrnmood or Ome oîbmn cause-vas .qnallysgent "Misseliay,"',ho salietd1a84,as lb.y Wov noar tho lonoiy ivuflling, IIbave «an "king Mymoali if I1aam lenuy sud ruly tho sae bolng vhom-YODniâtl b' idco tao tglman ued diàsatis- md mmn, urgei. y 1 bnov net vbt up" olu, 0takeone ortenok at a suge vieré I hbdai niei Womucit baI a&l thc geod lu muevau blunti." s"Ton do net regret Ibis impulse v," saiRBosie o Rfy. "It wva »ed eue, dapund upon it." III sah el norpent yielig le il," u, vhen yeu have boanrdl.the ry et Jt lie, ff -esbitatell me Ibat I am utife' md tu ekiuig as geciPure voman ob. ruine. Coma in, sud lot- ne aima my confession vh.re you firet i)ù rue." - etook berhbana and lodher t101h. mt, vboe lagy peadte se miïn,.pilai on1-the vood,sud thoan rotted avap 'oi~mue ettui. Mr. Laeellsev-wauid -ha"o -llasi u.la n .h-ÀIzsu.filta . issa. a, robe p Rad yoii net ireeein nmesÃŽ louging te be vorlbyof yen by.lettlng 'Me pencoiva tlîalte do. riglit ai l ailez. ards willithb.* mie cf- your ovu seul?. Ani4id you net take me hoe. vil you, sud complet. your conqusat. by, permiting mp u oui 0bebold.butf saothe peso. sud goed.vill ofets Eugiàb Chis uP Miss Elton, .lu- edIWlueno!ver,dîd ésh o ok at me Pih lhepin genîleposa I bave seen in, ltae yes f Bae'-hénevan dhu- geolnées&91 bave saon tinluthe daily liie of my darliçig?"1 #SwQsyatbeyoZ areoi" Mns. May ex. alaiie4, hdu elong atads, tbo ,truýnt@ie oturned ta the Far, nu, udjein., ed llerinIhbaoesparlour. «What bas odeted you se rlpug 2" !Bibihnmaob.malig," vam' lr.;Leei~ s'npy "sund ohé la cai#ýhi lu ber ou tols. 'WilLyoàu en. 1M me vith your ovu tmamur. dean cmdi, a gin. you good resori !&W - &y vJea a tuev eau, mtois Raoioberas, asd i: "Wî i y ioarl.0 Gultcau's Christmnas Addras. TEE ASSASSIN DECLABES - EESUFEEi, Ni BONOS AS A PATRIOT. Thte tolioving la the istian Guitesu vroto lu jail an Mouday. Dec.. 26th: CEEISTMAS GEEETtNîk, 1881. To-day la Christmnas, sud I gresi the Amkieapeopeevlths mary Christ-. mua. Lut Christmas I vwu iu Nev 'York. I vas boarding in a final-claus bouse, sudva final y desed. I ai. toudod churcli, sud had, s quiet, plessani Tvo yesrs ago I vas in Boston, but vas net en veil tied or coehed. I vas ou Ilieoiogy. There in no mouey lu theology. I loft a $5,000 lav business in Chicago lu 1877 ton lhoology. 1 veut mbt tology te serve tbe Lord sud proaoli lb. gospel. I badl about as mnch, troubla ho gel in my vonk ou - lbology as Paul did. Me hungered, sud Ihiratdand sud asnaked, asudbâtd ne certain dvelling place, bulbeo preacli- éd the gospel au ha nnderatood-it, ai- thougb ho bai a bard lime. Sinco ho loft oanlb bis vork sud nne bave noma dovu ltee sgau. Christ sud Panl did tbéir vonk sud loft lb. remnît vitb lb. Ahuighly Falher, and I do the aime. Christmnas, 1878, I1aswu nSt. Logis. I vas lunveyMreoud circum- stances. I lied beeu on lbéoogy a Yser. I bai 0pent lb. Jeantravellng momstltvilu lb.2E ami rying te prmaob lie goupa by lecturiog, sud melling my lac. tares , naWshington, Nov YonkBoston, Cbipaigo, suil ethen ciles. I feu lb.h Lord put Ibis vont on mue, sud 1- dii oste 1 I culi. I had ne friands,.sud hi!]money. Christmas, 1877, I mufieit- in, pbulidelphi&. I ' wie veil f tedu olotlrnd wuvastnylug ta lecture. (3hriéttmo, 1876, I1vas in Ohicago, and vue vorkiug vitb Mn.- Moody sud vnitipg my. lecture on "Chnist's Second Ooming, A.D. 70.- To-day,Chrislnu, 1881, 1 suifer lu bouda as a painiol, but I am n honorable, company. Wslg. ton vas a patniet. Grant vas s painto. Washington, ed the armies etClte* Bm volution Ibroagi ei gbt Joiscfbuood>y waï là vltoryandgiory liwst-ie muWUW1'5UWi7 éMIS glorv, sud ta-daythe.nAtion isa prospar. one- ani happy. Thay naisad Uic ol van erye "Bih>' round tlb. kg,bôes," aud theumalids oet heeiesat enu et Iherepublio weut forth 10 batlle 10 vic. toyor dealli. Wseh@ingtleu sud Grant b>' thair vaIor sud sucoum u an von thoadmirtion I n suf ubonde s asspatiiot boms. I sdenrye le unilo ',Pot- .As moon ais I fired telbU 'the b l dnpilounOked off, sud. I fait immen- l relii«'d-..-Iwoenld net do-il .agelu, lbr a millieon dollars. Only a mrh~ svdMe froin being abat >or bang thani ndthora.TIl as lbe Most inane, I aolhrdy aict possiblo, sud no eue but, 4Miau conld bave don. 1k But- e prenre on me vas s0eonormous aloudhave doue il if I h&d-died. nazI- moment., Hgertofone politicai gievaucesabave on -adjustod- by van or lbe ballot-. id effereon Davis sud a dezen er. o cfbisoo-Iaitois been uhol daad in lkuâùsry, 1861, no 'doubit our lita ne- silon nevon vUld have beau. lieu ~t-enppnessed oneuaransd Provi- éea. sud I sved the nation. As time, vincestha public viii appraciato bi -Mare sud More. Té-da3y, Christmas, 1881, I ar n- 'I,,-indhave been-minco Jaly Lad. - I aV#ýe Mnony ceufinomoul p&ientFy ndq"*etly, kuoving Ihat my nindica. vewulde.omie. Tbnico I have been e ai, asud caRne neae -being ebot doad, -w cbildren .lu, theé- Soney 4e tAbutken -cr. of me. My- trial sesmeto ho pregreseing eolt Judge CoMmI oumaider jum.tha man for b IIIc. 055. H is able, Canscienlicua, l audoeareful. 1.lave s briËbejury' sudf I wigmblhem b Fass ou .inj ,çe. I jndgi they are good mou. £hoý-.listeu with l. egroaleat intereattthe, l. iei- moày and addrais, and I presume. the « viii give Ibli cose thoîr montsolei attention, sud dis pose of it acoording le the facosasd the law, aud I believo the high-toued prescf the nation vRiie acquiesce iu their verdict. The prose- oution bava iniroduced certain witueus- es who are guilly of rni perjury, snd il bas ezoitildMy -wratb, sud 1 have denounced ihemin uplain language. I hate tho moan, dacoptive way cf the f prosecution. My opinion cf the District8 Attorney is weli kuovu. The defeuca t bas been unforinuata in havirîg -lnuuR-a aient conusel ; but, uotwiihstau*iugà ihis, I oxpoot justice viii ha doue me, sud my motive sud inspiration vindi- ealed. Pecple arae ayiug -."WeH., if thé Lord did it, lot il go." I oeet tiisapirit will grow. I amu biglily plesod witb (ion. Arthur. He la doing splendidly in bis new position. Had lien. Garfield doue se vel hao-pro6.0 able would hava beau miv. to-day. Ha vas a good in, but s veak peuht- e clan. I am aspoýsIaly pleauad witb if lieu. àrthur'. onciliatory spirit sudY visdom eoward the opposition. It i. à' exaolly what I wisbed him W do, vis, : nite the factions of- the Bepuabîoan party, to tha end that lhe nation mai be brappy*7sud proupor one. >j7 1f. bas been rathar a- uad cue.'~ My mother died vheu Ivwu 7i."My faIller wau a good in nssd anable one, but s faioo ureligioàn. tlnder hlm i-, finance 1 gel luto lhe Ousida COmmuùw 01 ity aI 19, and remainad six yearo. Thre Y"eafater Ibis- I vas- uniorlunay marrid, sud 110 continuod furIyoarm.. Soep..stter I waedivorceà.'I went on. b tbeôlogy three yeoan. My life luntheé Oneida 0Comnity -vw u e cfineant uu'Nring ; my married lifothe arne'- my lbeoiogical life oee-cf auziety ;: but fO I vas bappiar at- Ibal Iban anythingB else, bocaumo I wvasesrving the Lord. ' l My ilife hsu beau isolated. Duig y t ix pears in tb. Ouaiua- Communitl 4 got- Oumnged,:-nom My relativesý, I al able td fong .v-ivony isîan r for. runu - n àino uto halcommunity.* If il hailnot keen for, 1s1 miéboulahave bad afer a, Uappien liea .but lot 14go I Porgetiug fho "P .g Bbhiud, i proa ovr. -I ,bave h deubt as tourMy spiritual demi. 1 in.I bavea lvays beau a lover of 80 le. tord, sud vhetber Iive eue year .or hirty, I àmn lis. Aïs>amalter eof &0* IPresua abal lire lo e ro.ý an. 6tW. -tue gins amot sudl 12 romt 'Alilmfor viffi peryJiaok >do suda teck Jeu Bioym, for a vritidlirooting usPar hafars ts Jmarks aBr$ etki feor.W t eos netrecord. -foe eof i Jobuý Anger itavfing"griea -i c suda trust" lu Amne Kent, thet bdti paries-. arrgac..i a unsi Iveen Ibein. Aune geaitt, livd ,getý bouse boitceatl,ýp.nuptiale sund itsys'there-a moutb or inci Ibea ~ ~ ~ w claeettknvtber- =uBmenta.aaime dyven. juensi qaihumband inîW j s snil ne gnievauce advanoed oft"asent Aune bas carriedsiaa W ml.k chargea gainst vemen soi limew, bol sucb substautiat demagea.a s~ ~ ~ ~~~~hu4 'yof.oi uy le 0.a e Il-ïu aWlaîlerday im-provomant 'iuvenéted -4y ingenicu lvor. Ton Dzvm . RAB o Hiron Oi> Mml. -,+-I met a inu eueday on luis vay te cituncit. RH d juil ;pasimil-the miite- atuit of litelbim meol .n. Hie 'ach vswutbseehs-v rold,;biavoioe vas husky,, bis bain vas v hite, bis eya vas dii, sud luis face - fon s frroai. Wial, hWe- ot ati ah put out mAth bis4 lot. BRe burnred the hunes of afamiluar ,byma as biselegs sud cana cinriui linx iioug. «'Agei fnien3." sald Il. "wby siinuld an eld minubit menryT, "IAil are net " eaid ho. "WeI. Wby thon shonli yen bho merry 2 "IBecause I t 0serve lied, vho la a geod -master." l'Ana noue ethens happy aI your'lime ot life." ,."No, not -oneiruy tniéndly question. er,"ý said lie; sud se haosaid 'moe, bu rorru mlnaighteua4 ino t Iesotaureofet is you.nger ldaye, sud somolhiug ef inupir- ilion set l a boutifol glow i croas, hie" rounteanance. - LiIenui,,, W ai ho, 'e b. ath fremin on.vh novs,'thou it, Il ound: Ihe vonid, sud no mns lefoui te-gain ay-yords: The-",-, lenl As e tapy limont,, How,.Momy-,WAioitu OUoevnrMx.-: M1osbyva semldom defeslmi mano ver-1 ,ul'ltud e. nykn6vledge ut'Osîe. ' >oveanda lmasrs lutho ar. I 'do0 mui iw suob -won liaé' hase embuti' Mb ma nea nanas. a Mmnqm A. A., POIST, (este vlth Lsugey, lAsgiy k & A R C-HlTR C T. DesIMuafor cllhuss. villasaA fltsla O-MNIBUSý RAILWAY.,-TiR Wl!ITBY. Gea. Cormack, iuga, sud aIl kinZu o! Twistai Moidingu, Docrs, Ssii aud Blinda. LURD3eR vwhoiesal amsd rtai, or by by tucads. Plaulug, Mouidinge cf every descnip. ien, Ploenlng, Sheetlug, Slheiving, Re- sawing, Sbapiug, Tuiug. Scroll-worh, etc., etc. Witby, Oct. 161h, 1878. 48 ANT, Il kindm of tnTimubr, y nu bandI. tut, Illci IlvaTu cn t th - o.,. of roita= Mar of meg b;" pemy ls PA-itir IDONDERRY igement. id COMFORI 9 veek ismin,Pori,- lig Mi Hulifax- irtli, Dec. 2nd, S e sicu. , D o . l b , etlanti, Dec. @Otbi m ftmý4uâa_ lnvnm--- r-rl Ll J.

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