Whitby Chronicle, 15 Dec 1881, p. 4

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PECIAL BÂItGAIINS -FOR CA.U-Wool" Grey- Plannel--worth 40 cents for ' LARNBEI--Spe edid lot at loweat, prices.' eQuaUty F"otQxaùid M X MAS',F1AN OY G yard.a 'S! Wer"e offeing very Useful and stuitable articles for XMa rans LADIES' FINE MINK hMS AND CAPS. GIRLS' 9P4Y PER&ÂàN SETTS. LADIES' PERSIÂN MUPYS AND> CAPS. GOIRLS' PFANCY BETTS. LADIES' SEÂL MPFS AND CAPS. G~IRLS' RÂBITT SETT8. KMD GLOVES AND KMD IfTTS, OLOTH GLOVES, LILE'ýiMXD" GLOVES, &o. Large stock of Wool Shawls, Squares, Clouds, Mitte, Jerseys, Hosiery, &o. DRESS GOODS AN»DOC8HERES- splendid sitock, NULUNIERY-Stylish Rats and Bonnets, &o. A. ful stock. of Dýry Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Fur sRobes and Mliery Our inereased sales have compelled us to repent our orders in rnainy fines of goos' he r o opee and 'will be sold very cheap.* TAILORING to Qrder. OUR GOODS ARE NEW, FRESH AND STYLISH !-OUE PRICES ARE THE LOWEST i- IjS elsokdwt h hîetadceps es of ,S OÂLL AND SEE- i - sr11 lmg. BIGk Irsr rrELW m As ImasFriEenr1Ercris SIMON FRASER fias struck it, by selling 5 lbs. Japan Tea for $1.00. Hif; 3 ibs. choice A large stock of Green, Black, or Japan Tea for $1.00 Tickles the Palate of Al! ail grades of Tea, at prices to suit the customer. Try oui new Basket Fired Japan Tea, very o hoice. -'.M£i? U Um %q% New Valentia Raisins, ail off stalk, very choice ; New Sultanas, Loose Muscatel Raisins, Choice new London Layer Raisins, in boxes and quarter boxes; Fine flehesi Raisins, Fine Viga Raisins. New Currants, very fine. Choice Turkey Fige, in 11h. boxes. 8.8. Almonds, Fiiberts, Walnuts., Brazil nuts. Lemons, Oranges, Freeli Malaga Grapes. Flavoring Extracts, Lenmon, Orange and Citron Peel, dessicated Cocoanut in blk and pkg. COOOA AND CHOCOLATES. COFFEES.-Finest Old Governxnent Java and Plantation Coffees, fresh gronnd as required. 7 A choice assortment, at prices that defy competition. NEW WHITE GRANITE WAREý NEW CHINA TEA SETS AND FANCY CHINA GOODS9 ONE CASE RICH BOHEMIANî VASES& DIRECT FROM HAMBURG3. New Glassware, ail new patterns, direct from the Potteries and Glassworks. We are bound not to be undersold ini any of these goodà. Corne and-888 u&. Always on hand-Choice Family Flour, Graham, Flour;. Cracked Wheat, Oàtmeal, Coruineal, &c. SIMON FIRASER, DEURLLISBROOK, BROOK-ST,,w[TY A choice stock of Oxenera1. Groceries, Fruits, Flour, Meals, Oysters, &C. for the Xmas trade. je. Ba C>.WlxE LL Whitby, December 5th, 1881. c cb a DOMINION Grat ImasBazar As bas been my custom for years past, 1 have made many large purchases of Fancy Goods for the HOLIDAY TRADE! which will be offered at such ridiculously low prices that not a relie of the lot must remain by the first of January. Ths laut gran~d opp ortunity to buy your Christmnas and New Year's Gift8 should b. taken advantage of as early in the week a8 possible. Great Bargains in Laces. Great Bargains in' Lace Fichus. Great, Bargains in Spanioh Lace Fichus. Great Bargains in« Embroidered Silk. Scrs Great Bargains in i Lace" Squares. Great Bargais ujerseyCla GREAT BABGAINS IN WOOL 8QUARE8. GREAT BARGAINS IN PURijUS «BATBARAMS N FNCY OOLGOODS. Grea Baraini811k andkerchiefii. Great Bargaflin ILadis' Pur Caps, Gret Brsm inla Ldie' Boas. GRAT BARGAMIN lMEN'S FUR CP.I~ GREÂT- BARGAINS INMEN'S SCÂRPS. I e I-I la lu Great, Bargaîna lu Men's Gloves.' Great Bargains in Men'a Mitta. Great Bargaine i Ladies' Muefs. Great Bargains ini ail Departmlents, ROl"BERT H. BYE ODDFELLOWS'HAL Dec. 14, 1881. Su~~~~i rpsinaaspevo NEV& &DVER'r1SEMEN'1'. Diaries, 1882. Photograpli Albums. Serap Albums. Autograpli. Albums. -A FINE'ASSORIMENT.- A.àNNJLSThe Childiens' Friend, The Infants' Maga-, zino, Faithful Words. B ooks for the Help and edification of Christians. BIBLES, and the revised New Testamèýént,i moroco. and other bindinga. 80CHO0L ROCKS and GENERAL 8TATIONERY, A GOO STOCK. Ink Stands, Paint B~oxes, Drawing Siates, Poekét Booksk Purse~, Penknives, etc., etc1 ±5±tUUK S~EET, -. WIIITBY, ONT. Ton conLaug Talk, Slnïg saI hat cax, mad 1= eure Cpuy lunes i 'no kowledn of Muaioreun-eÏ6 l merle, ofuiieaebracfx, -. Intao aune tà the nshmèntlii-aconvoïdn istu al, ma by ms o! whlok ay oue, Upon Ii nsrument anS play lunes1 àflues uthouanv apS W .~. M ~ B MUSICAL TELE! .9 ASES- NEW FAN'CY -1IOBSi1 3eST lScEm-ED AT! Mels. ALLIN' BEAUÙTIFUL XMAS CARDS, S3PLENDID ALB UMS, LATEST STYLES 0F BEACKET5, HANDSOME BOUND VOLUMES 0F THE POETS. The LARGEST sa d IitRT- stock of BaU, Wol or qvr oeiidln Whtby, TABLE DBAPBMS, ETC, ETC. C1NDA'i'FANY OQDS,ÀL Brook BOEt, toie»s-lhe EDISON ]k lu:cne noir Tg IXST-ANTA.NEzOn u plata dutlit.-1 Dow ixne Srsf for on. yet phase mon BRANCH NOTICE TO CREDITORS. E STÂBLISHED 1874. Jnu 4 - -A STOCK 0F' 1* goodé, but rt iith ai speciAl e r us tol Th the WAREROOMBé BROCK STREET, ON WHITBYI ou a ivn3ANCZ CâRocâ&zâty &àâ) JUý . ]-n 9

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