- ras BROO0K STBET,WIBY rra -$1 6#pprArn>um. A. eula ineasnred in Noupaxial, and Iisrgedatet.rate oia cents, ponin n a isaonad 2 oeuh,pOr iluo,Oaoh suba. nat nsertio". ofMeetings Pluanclel lmrceComilats, an d maltera ef liks à oorijilioii wîînî placed anong Neaaa. er Zc t i6lB pet ine.. Spot-a'atrgectein adeo vAhi dvsterms ytheoa oer o tiemwia5i. Ordeto discontnune adrtlsemeala c iu L wliti ting. dusiness Direotory. il ITl13Y B R AN 0U1 TIIOMAS DOW, m IFsi4 IIITCIIIE & BILLINOS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CIAANCERY &c k VV I3.:t ID Y. -C. H. RITCHIE, Tirnua. W. H. BILLINGS, .Whtby. r-',îI:w*NELL & RUTLEDGE, V AIt Itl STI?tR;,ATTrORNBTS, SOLI. it)jor%, EotarieB Public, and Convey. O)tloe, ftrt mot uouth 01cithe.Rayai J AMIS RUTLiiDOEB, B.- A. ('oiinty t' ou-n Attory. 48 ('s[I'b.b.IVAN & PRFbDU'E. ) slstII(,ATl'(iINEY-, (ttIAC I>irê'îà S, Nui.'.ilIl -S, &- cA, * OFI5CH1i5 72 Y S. ttr-el, Tiv fi Aoiii aulk. an rir Kitig al Yiiig.' t(-t d , Triîti 0. A. OSULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. 0,-ttor rA 8l V-il jiI lEITIt GORDON, >AbR¶ Rît - TTORItNF.-ÀT-1LAW, )'ullc1t iiiiCbiiiiîr y, (iirarr PNIi-, At 0 flc-ittt dai St., firti îot %iiSjt oil rmNtroig i litei. Il îî'y te Loin -ioate tonds-at ow V)A iI>V t1 sTi ,5.A ATliN-T .%T 1IAW ,SOLICITOIZINT (tAt,-. îî -M i tMItcl, ri-k Street, IiOSIN«,& U , B IjTF( T-LAW', AT 'f T0(tIL N - OtFFICE -- Iii Vict.îrîîîUlitiîiîbt'io, Nu. I, Vit-ri. Sire-t. J.OIli-iiiitii'iiiM. Ax, IIERItiivA. E. IfraT. G. iOUNG SMITII, L L. Bl,, BARjIISTE il, .,n.. .-Mouqy to-Lace Itisier l Marrigo Licellae~. -c>e,(ý-,ce tir Dominion Bank, IVitby. Jan. 22, 1878.(18 JINO. GA. KELLEt', 1 4ilRISTLR-AT-LAW, OIr R auLer,. Ar ttdle-DeverillBlbock, Broce- Sreet, wbtby, 01t. A TTOEIIY AND SOLICITOII. COiN- .Lvoeyancor. Nîtary Picue &c.-Pià t 010 ie Drawer liIl, whitby, Ont. F arms heuglil aaed aold Marriage hSti. mnaî, WiiAe au] Trusta ,Madele rclaltios. Luiss egeLiate] oun&1 ailbndsfle troporty. 42-!y CIIARLES 4C. NKELLER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN cne, Brack, C. r L. T. BIARICLAY, ATTOIINIIT.ÂT-LAW. SOLICITOR le Cliaicery snd Insolvenry. Conuvsy enter, &c., &c. JOIIN hALL DOW,. 71AIRISTEIl-AT-LAW. SOLIClTOR B t luane-y, Conlveyancon. &c.' Offiee-Direrillm loick, BrocS Street, MONEY TO LîIND-Private Fod? n suonsup le $8510, uta owte sof lu- tercet. <'y.82 JOIIN A. Mc<ILLIVRAY, (5ntreaaor la I. M. Hatesl.) ARRIOTER A ATTOUNEY.AT-LAW, B3 NoISryB Publia. &. Solicitor for thes Dominion BanS. * Ol"e.-Nextl Ab el Manilan Hunes, Uxb.-ldge, Ont. .20 ARISTEII AT LAW, SOLICIOR IN B Cliancery, Coureyaner, Ar.,&At. OA. nueO Steet, Oshawea. J. E. tAILA5TI, 31D., fRADUATE ni Oceene ciel VVichrie US Univereillea, bMember ni tIhe Colelo ot Phys#iciens aud surgeons, Otaelo. Ga',ti,-lroclt-St., Wbilby, Onît. (tlree dloor" seth et loyad nietel). ly 4(3 i. J. (AUNN, .11. D., SURCI IN TO TH1E COUNTT OAOI, WVm. MeUltIIEN, .iî. ..,- -1 UY'O ItOSP'ITAL LONDON, ENG., they.ail. o. il.laOshawa, Ontario. aijt. BOiGART, il'lyaitc. Ouigeon, Aeceucher, Ao.,A. Whitby, Sept. lbt, 1874. -40 l . H.BATES. ?fewopaiier dN~evertinfuga Agont, 41 Parfk %"' (fîms iiitg)l Ne o rkenila usmnl tcd 0ooftiact -jon Rdvertl'lMI meut. tu the citIorilcLE fit Our bierais. 'Dolis OVER B. Ht JAmXIsQN! R irIgtereoDundaSÃ-at., WiAlby 1 M t1(3 , pruBeaidenoe-Cq9r. af »Yroa 21 ilbiIerti trûel. C, N. VARS, L.-b). S. 4 ~ ETH imirted o U 8Wl latetIprinciplea cithl xrt,, hs o q e i.cheapeat, man as <oeA ai-t lest. Teethi ItUed withiGld and Ohlte Tethextracloritibiontlpain, by.predude tcl eneetheoaa Dental Beamo:lii C W aa une block, erer Atknae's Dnug Staset lAgSr.5Osiava. 85 JOHiN RontNsoLq' JAMIR DUISSING AND 9SH&VMýG JOUN WOLFEBINDUje, Corner loy-M8 54 and 66 Jarvls-street, Tomante. JOEN MOlLIE, .. -P1OPB1BTOB. (eUoorEBOii v o icaisKELLYl The besl $1.00 a Day Heu.. lu ah. clhy, anly lwo blucisfetin, lbe N or nDepoland close ta th. Markt. Tih. ion,, hueauoo 1wl Vtte dout, and ovor y-thing Firet-obass. (by-4? R OSSIN HOUSE-TORONTO, ONT. Tii. Palaco mItel ct Canada l.eflthed, Retumnjehod, and Unrivalled. New 1'assen- gem Blevator, rutning night and d ay. The only ftrsLt-las Ioil n Canada witl.gradu- Members ot Clubs and cîhore, Sesiina mooins, wibout board, Si tea02apcdy MAb . IRI H, Feb. 27th, 878. Propricher. B RITISiII AMERICAN E TL R AY'-86, (LATE U011BONSai Hvi.> WVHIrT B Y. ONT AR-1O. EpuBe newly renovalaed an4 luraished througiiout, and put n fitl-laas ordor for the reception ot guasîs. An omnibus toansd tram ail trains. Pi-at-cia-as eample roama. S HAKESPEARE HOTE L, Cor. King à Yorkate., Taronto, Ont. J. A. OGRADY, - PROPRIETOR. TEa"u, #150 PEu Dà T. (ly-47) P OST -OFFICE SALOON, TaisaNT0. I. MerCOYNELL, -- RO1'RIETOR. e.e THE vfloT rACCOMMODATION F- fir G11vtf18(1) -47) T UTS PAPER uiay h. forîed ounIle at vemislng Bureau 10 Spr-uc@ St.), thero ad- vetiing centracts may b. muade fcr ilta Nate Teesr..-18 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100,O00FOU INVESTMENT. ON REAL EBTATE SECURIF!. At oesat living ratas et lutereat. Mouey secured vithin 10 <aya ai ap- Appîy t plctin JORN FARQUUÂB.80N. 1Whitbl, Febp~siy 181h, 1880. I lEQUEEN'S lIOTEL, Boucs STREET-, WutTot. PJJML!P McCA NE. - - J2reprist or. DB-t Lquor. sud Cigara. A weli su p» linI table. Amry bedr,rîîns. Coralorlab e stulini sud large yardl route. Charges eouderate. .33 0 NTARIO IIOTbiL, JOHN LESLIE,- Proprietoe. (Latr of the Simcoo liante, Tomnte.) Qoi] Liquors anid Cigara. Commodious Staligg 13rst.rlaa Livriy Stable sud Bilticril Parlour attacha-I. Iy.U BROUGHAM HOTEL, Curstîr unit-k and Maie Streols, ln the Village aofABroughamu. Firiul-clas arrommodations. Best Liquorra sud Cigare. Geai] .tabling and attentive hostler. TIIOMAS l'OUCEER, PROPLUETOR. LICENSEI) AUCTIONEER ferrlthe LCoanties et York sud No anSutehi Ontario. Anction sales of relese arina stock, etc., atlended t moderato chargea. Address T 'POUCHER, tiO.sy ozn 47, Iiogham, Ont. CENTRAL HOUtSE, OSHAWVA, ONT., W. B. McOAW, - Preprietor. Final-clam aecommodation. Virt Winea Liquors sud Cigers. Gond stahing &a attentive& heatlora. lylI7 WHITBY HOLIBE DUNDAS.'tT, WIIIT. Tii. utîdrmgned would intimate la tie public that tue, aboe promises have beeu .iewly huAIt and fille] ep Ibreughoul, for ths accommodation 01t pesa. Beut Wines, Lîquomesud Cigare. TH£ CREAM OF CANAD>A -WALZ LAGER. Aise pure Ebine Wine. Lager, Whoie- sale ced Robail. Boardera laken by the veek on mnoder- ae tomas. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Ju5y, 911h 1880. 82- B3 LAC I IURME UOTIL, COis Facari & Guaonots Br., TORONTO.- ALFRED OXFORD, - PBOPBIB2'OR. (Leeof Wolllugtou Iotel, iMak&niu.) TEIIMO, $LOO) PER DAY. GoocA albi tng for over 390J harsea. Firulcleas aocm modafion lo fermersansd lie travelllng publie in genemel. b- THE HODGSON HOITSE, (Late Timchhy O'Leary's) DItFFINI CREEKr-PICKING. Tho0 above premnises hav. beau taisen by th. nuderatgued, sud are nov béiug nevîy flîted o tom eb.receplicu of<usai., and the travelling public. Ilest Wines, lquons, cigans, &.M aa aibbours. GOod stabliug, shed ream, sud su atten- live ostler. WM. HGDSON. THOS. SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGIN P AIN'FE R) -Ca note be lennd il lite Shop,- TWO DOORS WEST OF ARMSTRONG'8 HOTEL, DUI4DA8 STREET. WItii icalm Pnluted Wvarda,, grant thouglits, VOL. XXV. C OMIIEBOlAL HOTEL audETABLES, CHI1N A H AL L, 71 KING-ST. EAST TORONTO. Fanoy Breakfoastand Tes Sets. Faucy Diîner- and Dessert Sels.. Fanoy Bed-manie Seta. Faucy Jugeanad Teapata. 8îiver Piated Knive., Farte and Speans.1 OlIver Plated Cruets and Butter Coa-bm.. Sibrer Piated Cake Bà ckets. Radger-s' Entres sud Farta. Tee Triys anîdSerrera. Flever Shedes for Lily'g, Ac., &o. Glaasaare, aIl descriptions. White Stoe.were, every kied. Hoebl and Bam Geoas. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WH IT BY. Geo. Cormack, L UM13ER MEBCHANT & BUILDER. -A largo aupply of Builder ' Fumnisb- in,îauJ id&l kînd, of Twi,t.d Mldinga, huer,. S&h and Blinda. lxX BER whoaie and retai. cmr by by the car "od. Planing, Mouldings cf every deacrxp- tian. Fleaning, Shectiug, Shtlving, Re- ,aaving, Shapiug, Tsarrieg, Scroll-work, etc , etc. Wbitby, Oct. loli, 1878. -43 ýK WHITBY, OU TARIO, !,uporters. Dealerand Manufatures.oet ai Klna cf LEA THER AND FINDIVGS,- Cah peAu1er« BAsé, Bart aud Lether. Later alretchod tBELTINO MADE TUO ORDBREON BR8OBTYOTICE. May, lIM2. SANGS ANO 1QANCO PI A uthorized Capital $20000,000 Office, No. 72 Churnh-Et., Teote, DIRECTORS. HON. FRANK SMITH. Scualor, Prealdent, EUGENE OKEEFE, Esq.,- Vie Pros d.nt. PATRIOK HUGHES, Eaq. W. T. K1ELY, eq.,, JOHN'FOY, Esq. JAMES VAS,(* - -. sagr or money baned on Mertgage st lovet ratue cfintoet, ana o nent u eto cf r= at. Neccmmbdlale. mortgeg an à bormj~n4 Muicipal DebemMur. es pesohaed, advances made eon "Me, Foi fustlia pasticular, a" 1yto - r A. A. A.Poe (lIekv iL u~ey, Langlay fsià > A RC -I TZ CI'.T L5 Ail Orders promptly ataudod te. .el Wiitby. April 14, 18MO. -10 LUMBER!_LUMBER 1 C. OEOE LUMBEIL MLEBCEANTP Ras on hand a large splly oclaIii la cf Base Lumabor Boardsa,il nÃœo«oea" Building Lumiso. PouLng, BavnTlsub*ÃŽ, sud Scatliuga large <mu¶ on ha-ad. LrraonL ongBAll tutf Oued Don, gambes sud"Blindé always ou Wbllby, May 7lb, 187. ym PARMERS! Warinilui, prctsasbial min, and evosy seuistbuint le vtons e- 'm syte andm prepane Iim o r wo*k.i Drug- Store, INSURANCE. FIN UISINUNCE . Lombard St. and Ciiaring Cross, Lendog. ESTÂDLt8Ez.D Di1782. GILLESPIEi MOF'YATT & (10., &gentsl 1cr Canada. B. W. TYBE, Manager, IMontreal. AOGENCT EST&DBLTSHED IN CANA- Fura. Moderate rates of p2mm. Agnt, Whtby. Wbllby, April Phh, 187. 18 BUITsisUAIMERICA A ssurance Company. INCORPORATED z833. ÀAS SBT S, $1,101,87604. F. A. BALL, Man"fgr. Insurance, effected et the lcwest ecurel rates on Buildings, Merchandia., sud etuer property, ageaîtlotas or damage by Or.. C. NOUMI, Agent, Whitby. Wiitby, April 9h, 187. 1 ARCHITECTURE J DRAWINO AND SPECIPICATION B U IL' )DI N G S Poply in construction. Eoam CHURCH kND SOHOOL ARCHITECTURE A Carreapaudence Reapchfully Selicited. H.I.BREArciecl &o., Oshava, Ont MONEY TO LO'AN ON EAST TEKS. W.H. BILLINGO, Soliolter.1 10-tf whltby. C. N. VARS, L. D. S.ý J> BlTAL BOOMS removed trom At.. kîncn's Drug store te rooms ove shoa & Shirley'. her, Kng.Si., Oshawa. Entrante on Ring Street. "SIJLPHOLINE LOTION."y An externae moans ct cure.s skia eisesasa. l'homtse l polr > .a nu et Mt v iiiyA ta '$ulpbln slow ys, sd m ae le a t wa evon R if t aememapasl s dlnary tpisas.reas, aeurt.ebo menuaa,;Cnibsimodo*Ii-SebIiwlà oen fu ie-£ s aashv is th. suffoe or onvoars, bhor rdeop i soed fuleft.tmai n ieiaedeaomi ,baitb. nturl cndidoothie skia.'Sl ebalane-o" o jenSaso& b i vstOfnits littai 5. itSisS 5.PEPU Al on.n, e~ Pepper's un W id Imu To*l ttegbu iia'lb.-esoveWUsmaAmueular sytea, improvsa diguetk)n, saiImatea the suirite,,rowitate * "y S . eltliaalbi =th re tto citolba maaslii Peppo 'sQuini.ad IroipT%* ind untlrlng lndustiy, w. advecate Puar., soge, I.4oWîèdgp, 'Brother.hood. WHJTBY, PIROVINQE 0F OINTAIRIO, TIJSAY, DECEMBER 159 1881.ý Ir C> zL COUGHS AND COLUS, BALSAMIC 1E LtLSION Io Victia. I sing the. hyren of the oonquerecl, who 1.11 in the. battlse flite- The. hymu cf the. wouaded, the. béaten, wio <ied overwhelmed ln the. strlle - Net the. jnhilant .ogog -et tii.vtera, for whom the reaenndiug aolaim Of nations wua Iifted in chorus, wbose brows wore the. chaplet e1 lame - But the hymn ofthie low and lhe humble, the w.ary, the. brolcsn In heart, Whio strove and who fai1ed, acting bravely aa ient sud <loperaI. part Whome youth bore n~ fowron tm branches, whose hopes bnrned in aghes away, Fromn whose bond slipped the. prise they had grouaieta, who atood eItihe dying of dey, With tii. work cf thoir lte &U around them, nnpltied, unheeded. alone? With death swoo[piug down oer theïrr lU ure, and ail but their lalth overthrowfn. While thlii. ocf the. world &bouts ita chorus, ils paaLn for thos who have wo- While the. trumpet le aoundlng trinrophant aud hlgh ta lhe brosse sud the son Gay bannera are waving, bande clappings and humryng lest Throngmiter the laurel crowned victera,1 1 Iataudon thieldcidfsta In the. shadow, 'mengil lies. *hoia re1111 en, and wonnidodi sud dying,-sud thors Chant a Béquieiulow,.Ploae mY h4âd on the* pain.knctw dbroxls, broallie a gthggplasaand whuaper, Thyolb h, vttozi vin, 'Wbowm tthegocd flght sud ha. T'= tedmon th"t tempteUAu vitinu; who bava halA te thsAs failli ina.dnoad by the 7primo hal lb.he rd holdo se hgh ; Who have daredfor a hi gh cause te a affr, reeat, gt-it u.ed b., te <ie." Spaak, Hlstory I1vWho are lit'. victiera Unrdil thy long aunais and say- Axe tix.y home viiexath». worMl od lthe vicora, vho von th. aucoos et aday? Tii.martyrs,or Nero?Ti.Satn o 1.11 ah Thermepylu'a tryl, Or the Persians and Xerisa1 His jndgea, or Socrate& ? Pilae or Obriai? CHRISTMAS PRS8ENT8. Thaeait of giviug sud reo.iving Pras- ente o la alau Intuition. PeopleMay maSo a <seat falure 0ci 11,'even vahia panse fart of moeey. And yeltbshre are fcv sue ring sensations than cf bnyieg a preent aad-fefsoiviiii ene, oapeoielly vhen iAlla oheuit lat roy- ai spirit vhlohbuhasne cher ides Lien tisaI ai sponiug oesy' ent vo cou spare, and rooived bu telt spirit cf con- epicucus enjoyasut ubici marks a frnand mliorafl nature. Evorybedy viit safov dallars. ta pare givea a present ah Christmas. As a aeuhod ai expr.aaing the good.vili vhioi li e sason repraseute, il la more iu consnance vils lb. refiemeul cf ens agp than lis beisterous effusion ai esmliirorpoce tButl ,i ase so ard te knv visai Ihlngs are aultable o Re , sud"j Ibiu etloolly lb.eau vwhore the rocipleut ia to e a.. a ttias'brohes. os lover. Gentlemanudo nol carsfor the prtIy tnMos aud 4ecorationa titideligbt ladies ; madufor"ee oeehaillu, ibsy are sony apt te gc anA buy saythig "iilaà i co»veiexrm >sl as mon saitI la diooverod. EntofliÇacia solesoëf aimas, ea, as. gaurigi4 "y uelsotée thora; Ibey do ual knov viere te o -t thesuorvwhat Iodeovuli tlso. W. samy-eatsma«nmles -xt ilmms rosi foto bm niset anluklmumd il",ie hape. of &doî'e bead. To ne. ttait vas te ptofleb tleth l m ake à Msonslrsaly of IL. Evon 'if aDoiso= ecld prsuadaebimeltfit à &;-Wvile b aieauh an o ec, Il hala -se 11111. ke as te ib ractically ac poil ttroubls, hiA wev d ld!haeeaas tie ligfio .cOasim eit. ceMMen- sons. inkeamdo Anotiiorlaye ber broior a carved' imiter ishos qulves hlaad e foWaxi:matches, 0f coursea boicf.ordiuary lucUoera voud have beau far more abuvsnisoi. Bookaý are tie suai uazSxpullana 01 f bll. ,day <lite;, bul thin la ys lb.e danger, lu etosDg saad. voka,wcu thaI the rolpisut ay have it*frnmdy iu hlm favorite blutlbj n " ba ie ovu i Ue~' IaboulA bc borne ina-mWd, menonsr, tbat aou pruior bocks sai.- ctanitsly bmi'n b cbr orobooo "yelf tetli, daluy, f-no l-l vlps ea-lu. &aidy cM Dot give a gentleman e.siîuP uâe ailI Pmoie valu- o.,bebo:gtvntBRae je s a asdvuliA.; e ha.uber apd, wvile.a.mo i teà oo muet gire oe.lio gt= aI serêseo l>es ova 1f., qd breadme.o the ual. iesi suid téelesot, 'gl <so.- ,fl hem 'eome finoiakrbc-uile mon alviiol nt i,ýVA1r eufa iý A An rder'ti gve lissai As là cweit ër the ,iLé or Mu jekt-bu,*, 6A i* i*itgrbew 49699, eâd.té -osept auy heaad 14 ,obà t aew *,iià t4 - sc mst -Ol Tii. Modem Christian. lai NO. auI A mian bengil au esdate>. l ad' » the otiiesday. Re vas of =lsmaflhtei Dre, vo iae ld, and vesy tibn d5 wlry.laaking. Whounho is et dbuate il ose lie place, ithe tenants tusasd cut te ai luspit el onsw landiord, mid, - aier é hii departure, ,began te dise hm. a -",Well, Pal, yul do yen. think cf iii.. il nov landlard ?" "Oh,, begonra, netb muuch t Wbyi aI littho iasaon vauld be ashard te -ahout as a jack.suipo 1le' à veillkuavu alderman recenlly teck ý a ci tehier.sAona~ ihi> le- nea", a coitery, mad. offorsd tbe driver Io eiigbtepence,- whicli -vas jual hlé legal -fe, sud ne mare. abby, loed îil tie coins, slevlK depasited hem An is'- Peokel,audBal ,pai0 nglteoh e ss,b "D'1y*.eo as.t t t 0e Wh!te'crswilh th c sot l'iV'2""Yes," said lhe alderà mn, ni ratier pnzzled;, "yul c f hlm ?"-46Oh, nothue' ; cnly I hope. as the nli ie ,ycu'ne bncugit ibore as il'lbô b]y a bak 'os iti a long &l Ii leuin, Juýge Thatcher, wvi aancSeoei l4.' QUln r onlie mncpl beeliaf-Bos- 1 tnf8ý.e&Waa a eo f elrta un.- bod'tietempes. Onu*c4 biesprlsoner,, ~u44~etggil# -i"io - te maeaefle, uA l. vtAsaPr" -aîî "liz=visfa te wà y,,whiob ImpIled s, di"enof im*»îùg;W "Deoyou-,knov ' cfaydifereùue,zprisôeonbaîe.uhho 5 I &IBaalO, aud 'likevie aaed à lb. Judge. "Yeu, your Houas,'! re- I plib the criminel. "Udge Quoncy, 8e yens predoesos. vas patient, .kind. aud- gentleminly. Yens are a Judge alse, w butual likovise." Il la a remarkable cianieleriallo cf fi Iii. villers luParis restaurante liai, "' no malter yul yen aak for, aveu if il -o be apîace offried accu, liuh, il lu. varlably reply< an" d ehe su itto YOD, or, onueurmng, à sser Iltb i sorrais Ihtl nfortstily :tiare As ne aoisleft; Mesythe voll4aown aulorý lrioihs jake on one,-sud peremptorily j ardredaof avaite a'spiuz-a,&a Mar-,~ eugok 0a4 er e a s:aen mote, monsieur," se-rpliod the g4rMo. - ",Whalt 1No MOre ýsphinx 2Pe!os, md0 Moly, feigung astoulmsal. k,ýTii.le valtier loverea bis'valo., and musesur.b o i lu a.oonfideutlal whlaper. "W. have t, seme more, aeusislw ; but lh. Isulhisla I siiould net oar@.-los orve, heým te yod, as, tiey are nat quit@ freai, 1" "«I acled Werner lamgudly. à cfr. t ceuitane. lu 1h. pIà y amnd mo a goa&_deil, mud L't4My ovu- expease j wus ilconveiengdndnhieransiqed iýt by Ulrio looking on uhegrcuîud* I- -amy. viiere but lu myf,' a ahe à d have yp ed Canseiuglt.elessfait lrikllug h' dewn'bIs Oieek, dferl 'tui n- accraqyoa lie score cf bit aonsiity, il t thtaiandi sea. lt eqea. *e my vueM? ,Wrsi- xoa- or- !No as th fact cf lii."alllug a seivant, evbiOpored te bina tg, tAate te. t- ihoh fcure vas oadu-o"e lady- it-,hieoppeaite."- ii. aeviuiý id as lie vas directsdei-d bm<nla Man, w lu au agocf gupena, vaitcisd Bleu, vith iadly diagulud usgernu,- ko ly tÃ",judge inca be-hr ,expression, .0v the aslntj aimde ,offler ývas r. oiîved. ha4& tongelten ou. tbing- aaly, al-Aiaslacrypou. ils mboniubsm ai a dinuer par HuRi lvvia trouon oï it te baibaflld by sgk tie note eaey, hi, ïlady lurneod b oatmau, "Tes! ". Tiey-vos. marldý "bliaql ou ie. Bi,-r.u Aanud a âokno.lrm îkgov - heeyppl iorial,"wbdllob, si te sm ",ëenÈ6bi elfof lb ùrsuahl s& a, vtet rifs, "viwy willyou not gavé 1 imà ok. og? . t;e ui a alieton sx m 'Yoa olieA--lie bsad"blet cu is'lb.11me, I bave, dovotad tbe mïon- . have upontA 0li»1 sméeo. flI ahould basve of.nva0 bal lme sd mcney wouldWïvo l;eïn k Pifobis. 'ns» recently teeSi s à uild e ts ailuir-lo be baptiuedo lieo aïkod hlmn, "'An you- proa dfr la alis e abe oueevyed, lien lb. Rift ohould, uat anly b. beautiful, butl-elsa as veInuble as tie douer oca afferd. Nover nudervalue your evu gifl;;iifCh] à l la pear, yeu shenld net have effsred- son il si aIL. Avoid aIse sncb preteesaas, mi '1I cenld -got ne baller," "lIt vas al a' B-"etc., ; sud nover ask, "Bey diA diif yon 1k. il ?" or, "Do«s il fil ?" R -If yen gi-v. a bock, de net vnite any vit na-eoraneliA95itoincaniptioesin i , nom unIes. pu arr certain, final, liaIthe ean bock wil b. uebl rneotve; second, tict &bat lie Rift vil h. rendor.d mare val- ho nable by sncb autographie dleplay cf li affeolion. -thia Truly wvo ught net le loek a gW&t.9ga herso-in the. mcnth, but ve bave ne Re right ha <lv. Iblingeswmay bocanse ve oce bave ne use ferthom oureelves, WMou fis) a tbieg le net good enongi fer its pros. sui eut ?osaessa, ten te eue il viii b. cf noe uhi service te a friand. l may, ieed, b. has <lyse te thé.por ; but caaily la net cf i fnlendship. it is a rail hardahip te ofà bavetesamy ,'Tbauk yen." frvhbat ve osli do net vent1 and for vhs.h vo knevbas val ceaI -th. giver neilies money nos osec. GQ riflceoi aay kind. hal Da net ive a- persan vhi la cielly do'i yous sqal rchspiset n e îse les abl,te-alv. yen. Su vWÃŽ1 - ii h. os. OÉ aorlifled Iban ploased. Belvosoqui S lii t le Otten au elegasice te diaregad oi and sud depeud upan ratity, -besana. gelA .-ýi eau nai alvays perchas. i..SUU, lie- Ti Iveen very iai peeople, prosonlu aionld Pahl j al4c be veny rieb, aiores hem ies i aie aet &bov# thilsfiendabîp sud gen- Pc, erosity. ha] Neyes refuse a present, excoptqundon ase very pesouar clraumatances , Boy- ever humbleen veluelsustle gifl, se- Aue cept tie g<o&A-yl liaI dicbted it. Min Ackuowisdgo lb. r.aelpl cf a present Itria - itbont tii. leasI day, but do ual icl- chu lois it by an immédats ratura ; il vald ' i impartte ift11au appannee cf lu- <ge vealm.ni os erchenge. - a No porsaon git te give a preaentca vbisen apt te s.ti-n a livoly memony of go ber owu annifiosu... Wlter uthe v<e receiver iola, lie douer muai not se- gocý mombss il as an obligation. Il taises abij sas liberai nature tc recels. as -te <v- fer1 net te sow hésitation, net te b. ebui- deec lis, and tiink imaodlseoly ci living don te Rive ans in neturu, ual te b. e nai- 1115 tively aeuoyod il lie ebligation, but te citAl accepl il vith frnk ploaenî te loek is upon il as se muoh gain-net ile00o1d-, Ibm but in good yull-sud te b. <9ladof lhe a ti' pYivilege il accorde ta expresseuonta in footings An a imilan vay. e But tbey wic vould knov lie mil liai moesure af dslighl lu glvlng, madses Soi1 the. perfection cf gracs lu seceiving 5Bab pnementa, anauetv < tle 11.hild. B roc. Inu hein receptice lioes iiibci.a, no doubla, ne effsotateus.an d ne ans- ait picleus eensidert.tono. N&v au cilA- i nuot expeel présensti hrlamau, mndan thalr désire la ma-luiy festoya. Il lac ahi' vAse deoiresuanAonght thb. gratMfld,- sma for loy. atfre alphabet oet Hfo..ùd MO lirougli uhoe tey jeamu yul po i mn4uopeiyaauOthor ihnno 'ne io pfaedvilhbso, sait rpnc avayln aeftoyars,,but lýbsp meke Mùà ilt1ho. ao e â&ioA ferbriliîlingow-ba 11v. eh lrnas magnallo anA iechin. :* beal ce.  tey:thal bu nen"g Mcv. mblei% about Il accu oazios.-ci; pýO I abO't', sud pull in te ,Iùiooole Ik dotalcu, Tien bny Icys vhloh ex. -cite vondor, -sud specuielleix, ferbU tirouglivendor offieds.u ain un1ô the kncvlodge. biaisaup youn mindtA lieu 1 !Oyo are bon g l leb. oii 4 yde.lt l 0%e. c %ldlh u i byan un- 005 dylug pgeraoaa te kucu the cussOf f'i hhiga~ isae l.don la userelessly bcgâ,sdibs lami loin t*- pieces. -ua Do'tsolA if Ibis la doua- &a i Il aaly a-.- aîways la-lasoret. The y.mng.st oMa ,olild bslie ahenlled idea liai ail1ai. cant "Fgvllbef 4vsduenâye-d N6 n lt lou be6 suaisa wares W. do uol, cf course, use the vend bistian in ils proer and legfltmâte bse, but a. il la applied ta. all whoanr kmbers cf a tjhnrch. And wvi he lderu Christian?2 -ie is somewhat ifrout tram the. primitive obniatian. a geuorally managea te gel canneoted ith-as &noient and respectable a de- minallodn as possible, and then tae. a ctive part iu navlug for thi.erec- on cf a fahienabloboirch. Thia don. site in bit seat every Sunday morD-, ïwlthetb. utost oomplaceucy, an& iauko Ged h. la net heretie, but a id, liberal, traeharted christian. [doeeta say tbis tieugh, but pute ',u pions and <lovent a look sea shionable chriatian can very weli as- nme. Wiien h. ia appreaohed on.the ijeot of paying off the, churcli debl, he u- .1111ù graver and mare sublime out ,featurea, aud oels te Md inate ici ousscretiau by whiob ho gave bina. If totlb servie cf Ged. -Thal &ct as aaeteling afler tiià style. "O My od, I.ý offor lhe boat sacrifios uhal I te, myseif. I viiiwork fer Thes aud rets te Tise ailmy energis, or ab os as feras I couveniently eau. a-ý service. Tioe anau hv là e là mie, ezaepungalways Mm uhey liiIrequins f r My ovnusnes. hbu canal net bave liai, uer the, tenuÈ rt uf Il, Xt know in olden lime tausgave Tii.. ithos efaU the7 )esse<l, but I-eannaI do Ibat. Per- bis I mDay afford a qua rter ansrnnuh a doar noan d thon. Only tae si O Lord,,aed 1ot my unioéy &loue." ~las aux modern obriatian colle te ind tI i"re. sacrific'e" of bimeof, h. [a1 te inverit, same plan ta py cff tie ,=ci deit and aie hm fendly treasus. idal. And bey amusiug are hlms sg. stiens 1 H. propoe&aa tI he ladies sui gel np same enlertafument lu thé mia line, th. pneeeeds cf which eau ý ta the. Lord, and' he wil buy a rnty-fiye cent.ticket and se help the. id mnovem*nt along. Or ho chanit- îe anggests Ihat tb. debt chill b. left r ie- nez& geussatlen te pa. Or ho clares that il la net fairliai tthe bur. acof tIbo debt aboula faîl on Ive an ros msmbers. .And se ans medel iesu d modern chniatian tlieahé badly naed, er persuade$ himuseif et h. As daiug Oba service by huylng t'enly-flve cent ticket for au entsr-' imont. What a ad contuin at the at tarneat ohild of Gad, wviie.heari Wbeen toucbed wIlli the love al'HA î, and woislea lely burning to do meuhiug far ithe cause cf bis Master. tbons abrbstian As happy, or Ihinks ho aud la mOAnenougi taait lu a ,rai noeladfor, bus vhioh bh ix- ylsav.moçy, atife h i , ~lau1atv'euevbonneit., This la thW 4eru chnl tan hbnk »Goda, nover, ,lr arel fudL b lover or liii. dise.cfsecey staaa ikdhlg amUdg tI.-iiwlela Afuaihbon. iiot btî liait"Onsof, te0,dou ite, wbouenlns l tée aluke- PÈ lb qeml oifaiioaeble, llllensod agi Th. lisadisyen.e iViiig 4ioibe ily e'ngageA leinvs a(ei n, 0seat feolng toenais à ltle 5-yar oy. b.ahl b.sn lobkig eut aî t.uljgailon orlt.exnovîng>eeab - AGOENT FOIR THE ZIsetlsi Granite.i Ofssit-BRE WldeuDS AND, MSRSHI mag ta 1 -the huasA ~At Co., ,' sov York. Secuit [ut, Whutl 'I 'y lu -PBEPAJIED BY- W. R. HOWSE, tel If h lIt i s.', q I nul set terci o WHITBY3 ,,,ONTARIO. I eher mci arma N B z~I tieund OS -,r A lb TBY, PAXTON, BleiC. O, TABLE. ,i88IP., - he - - LTuek ilei- sonIngin. BritaJe, Va- y' tes Minden, RRY LUBP aect iii.sa At a iciii the à .esmaa eky, wn- ad liko- preparalieus 7e . nation acelerç"ue m t 1 .thhopupis on- ylng thoîr teaobeiw Apply to- 9. 1