Ha. .osuxsS avis DVIIXÃœOT"-AUI -w ata Ineriauon a Iairstt i arti a I rts ooff oe RUta, bpus, a 4uamu ,nti Wut,p#dnllise ulame teetn o*Vne.o lolniliaua îa On es tperliou«tio avà êmt nausital nitlug. Business Direotory.,, 014TARIO BANK, WHITBY BBANCH, THOMAS DOW, MANAGEZ.» MESSRS RITOHIE & BILLINGS RARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS' AT LAW, SOLICITORa IN >- \CHANCERY tc 4 :rI1 t1-th> 7-1 0. H. RITCHIE, W. H. ILLINGS, FARtW£LL & RUTLEDGE, BailSer soith ai the Royal Halai, *'hiibY. JAMES RUTLRDGE, B. A. J.B. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Couny Crovu Atiorney. de 095iYLLIVAN & PERDUE, BAIIIISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIC- ITORS, <TARIES, &c.,hc OFFICES :- 72 Tongo Stroet, nazi lima Dominion Biank, anti Cernor King anti Yonge Streola, Toronto. D. A. O'8ULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Oclobar 28rd, 1880. ly-45 jAMES RESBTU ÇORDON, Nelar Public, &o. Office-Dundas St., fii oor vesi of Armarog'a BHali. Moue; .Lan teletud iloy Interoal. DAVID ORNISTON, B.A., A TTORlNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cimuurery, Couveyaneo a c. Orc-Jn lima Office sont> of the Pont Office, l in oMillano Ilbock, 1rock Street, Whitby. lylO0 ROBJINSON'& KENT, (L.êI u Doax &Rosnisai.) OFFICE.-In Victoria Chambon,. No. 9, Victoria Street. G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., hUA EB o., &e.-Moipey tu> Loua Orrnca-Ovcr Dominion Bank, Whltby. leu. 22,1878. 111.5 5110. G. KELLEY, B ARIRIiRAT- LAW. SOLICITOR B'u nCbanoer>' Annslrolveacy Canna>- ancer ho. OMele-Devenilla 3Block, ok Street, Whllby, Ont. J. RAMER GREENWOOD, A TTORNET AND SOLICITOR, CON- £.vayancar. Notant Public,&oa-Pout CIce. Druven No. 11, Whltby, Ont. Forma boaug htim solsa; Manriaga Settle- ments, Wil a amsudTrusts made Speciallica. Loa n gollaletion aiU kiwbdaiofProperiy. d2ly CHARLES C. KELLER, L. T. BARCLAY, L TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOB In. a Ohnoary sud Iaieoovy acr, 4c., &c. JOHN ixBALL DOW, in luguery, Oonveyuoer,ho Otfo.-Devenill'i Eiaok.Brook Steol, MONET TO LID-p4ivaic puna in m p t 400%ioa loy rate oflu ton".sul8t JOHN A. UeoKLLIVRAY, (Saoo aR . M. Howell.) Rha TTOnWTayT-LA.W, LYMAN- EWlogZIOi. . ýL- B., ARRISTER AT liAW, SOLICITOR INI caisiereat, Ombaa. J. E. GALBRAITH,5s. GRADUÂTI of Qun>s sU& Victoria Univr~iiem Mmbaror he colle"e dfPhoo aus su>.' mtnIa ut. J. GUNN, M.»D., sfllOT= ONTY GÂOL, Win. MoBilIEN, 8.>. N.,C5- fNIV'5 HÃ"PioiTAL LONDON, BNG., Gu lb. cya B -. O.H.tbiaa ÇABD. DR. BOGARi', physicien, Sargeon, Acaaucbs, ho., &a.c, Wbitiby, seapt. 8M1, 187t. 401 mVI. dvetilaicg Aebut" 41 Park Rov (TimscaBuilding 0 Né* Yerk, seîhortzod I, contraotifr atiVénimmac meula, luithe CH',NILE atoucr basarates.. s f g; wîtVcalm Prfi~ed, w. leVOL. xxvs sud untltfag Industry, vo atvacae Peae, Pognos, Knwletigc,. noIbelch>d WHITBY OXC FOTARIO,0, THIISDAYDECEMBER>1 81 afaWzuIRR1 aL .OiEL ani. .A Âvl I. : (7d% d 6 Jyb-tcet, Tornto. ;'OHiiMoitiE, . - . PBOPRJETOII. (laoson vo JOUX xz=ny,) The bout $1.010 a Day Bouie lunlthe ctty, oui; tva bleds tfrou> the Northeru Depot, andocloma te lthe Market. The Bous bas been newl~ ?î#tet oui, and every.lkiug Pirsi-eiase. (74 COUGHS ANUDO0-S R OSSIN HOUSE-TORONTO, ONT. The Palsce Halel of Canada Rofieti, Returnuîheti, sud Unrivalled. Nov Pasien- gar Blevator, ruumin t nsd dey.The auL; frgt-lass Hasli tCnada vit igratin- aleinco -vm-$2, $2560, sud 08 per day. Momon o Clbssa oth.n, d...lu BALSAMIJC raomi, viliout board, 81 te 1 a MARK rIRII&, Feb. 27th, 878. l'ropritor. R OTAL HOTEL, WHITBY. The above holel hbabeau Ihoroughly renovatati sud refurnished, and i nov un- W R dtie lma msngamenl cf 0-EU. MACKR, m R (formani; cf St. Lavrence Hall, Port Hope. Ever; attention p aid le guesta. o pcially goDod Seuiplo Booms for 0Cri B IIHAMBRICAN HOTEL, R A Y'-a, ("73 LsnsoSu s.) WHIT.BY, ONTARIO. Hous nwly renovati and fuzuieed Ilirouglont, andi put lu firaI-cisas ordar for the recaption of gueuta. An omnibus tlansd fram aU traina. l>irt-clau amuple rooma. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, k)Car. King & York-aiu. ,Taronto, Ont. J. A.0OGRADY, - PROFRIETOR. Tisas, #1.60 eauDay. (1y427) POST OFFICE SA.LOON, Tocavo. M. cOONBL, - .PBOPIETOB. Ur TE BERT ACCOMMODATION for Gueula. (>7 0 NTABIO IOTEL, kP BSoca-Snanur, WITBY. JAMES T. JTWLL, Propni.t r. (LaIe of thie Nipiautng Rotai, Toronto.) 1 GOud Liquona anti 04=r. <ommodiona eiabling. Firut-clasa Llvery Stable anti hilierd Panlour atiacheti. ly-16 TIHE QIJEEN'S HOTEL, . Baocz G=EnaT, Wmsrx. PHILIF McCCNN.- - Proprietor. Dent Liquori ant i Ogani.AÀ l u p- pliai table. Ary beti-roomua. omiortable stlsibg anti lg yard roam. Charges moderate. -88 CENTRAL HOUSE, O5HAWA, ONT., W. B. McAW, - Praprieoa. Plnsi-cleas accommodation. Basf Wluea Liquora anti Cigars.Gooti alabling sud attentives bastIons. by417 WHITBY ROUSEF DUNDÂS-ST, WHITBY, Thle undonsîgned vouid iinisie b ibte pullmai bmab' epromises bave beau nei;hUtanib iieiup lhrougliout, for th.e aco. dain garta, lDeat Wlnos, Liquors and Cigana. THE OREAM OF CANADA- - WALZ L.AOSR. AIma pure Rhino Winae. luger, Wimole- sale anti ietail. Boarders taken by the weclc ou motion- utc terme. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. July, 281km 18W. - B LACK H1UMR 0 IJL, CasL. FEoma & Gsos e r., TORONTD. ALE13DEOOD olý, - BOPBIB2'OR. (Lais cf Wellinmgton Hlaie, biankbsi.) TBRM, ll.OOPER DAY. (lod tiiabl- iug for over 8W> bars.,. FixaI-claceaoacomu- modatioaa for furmen, andtihie traivelling publinlugenenal' (1 MONEY TO LO AN 014 EASYTERMe>K@ Ap c W. H. BILLINGS, solicilar. 00Offce aven OnsaoBuk, 10-If Wbulby. 1H08. SLEIGH, 1-LOUSE & SJG-XN PAINT E R, -Cou nov he bud atIdbis op,- TWO DOORS WEST OF ARMgTRONG'8 HO0TEL, DUNDS STREET. 83 Ail Orders pramptby allended te. ~ Whmtlby, April 14, ISS. -16 LUMBER V LUMBER 1 LUMBER - MI«3HNT, W H b T B Y, Ha On bad a large aupply aofaSl kintit of Bara, LamuberBoartis, anti ail uae ry Building Lum6ar. ?cninêg5mTiaiber, sud SOsnlllng, alae um n bau" from MI -eta short notice. -Dam$sSsa anti Blisnda à slvyaen Wb 7yMytb,8. i C.N. VARS, ýL. _D. S. Corner f ly.ilj EMTJLSION EPAI1ED H OWSE, Drug Store, WH ITBY, ONTARIO. 10H1N A H A L L, INSURAN CE. 81019 OF TE£E1310 rua (RGISTEED) 71 KINO-ST. ES TORONTO. Psucy Breakfast andi'res Sets. Fancy Dinner anti Dessert Sets. Paucy Beti-room Seia. Poncy Juga anti Teapols. hifver Plateti Kulvea, Parka anti Spoons. Bilver PlaieS Oruesa anti Butter Coolom Slver Plateti CaeBaskets.. Rodgena' Kuvesa anti Prk.. TsasTrays antiServrn. Plower nhaticafor Lill'a o.c, &o. Glasvmro, mSU tiecdiiona. WMtsleGl ae r, avery linS. Haotel ant Bar Gootiu. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Work8,- WHITBY.' Geo. Cormack, Lr UMBER MERCHANT&h UMLDR. JU-A lrg"sp=pi; of Builtera' Furulsb- ingi, anti &U kine of Twisb.d Holdings, l)ocns, Su Aanti Blini.. LUISIER wboleasle sud rn, or b; by lime car icati. Plaulu;, Mouidn"s af cvumy escnp-. lion, Floonlug. Sbeetiug. Bhelvlng, Re- taaing, Shaplng, Turnlng. Scroli-work, etc., etc. Wbilby, oct. 161>, 18m. -08 IM S PAPER Mybe fnaun5ou staa .L Go. . B eUh* Caa Neipafpen Ad- verllalng Bureau ý(1(1 Sprace 514, whien aS- vorllsxng contracaU;&ha emaSo for itlmn NswToa' 1 MONEY TO LOAN!1 $100.0S0 JOR INYBTMENlT. ON 'BEÂL EBTA.TE SEURI!Y. AIt lovealliving rates afiniereat Nancy sacuoSvin 10 dsja of p Jpvt on xPARQUHARBO., Whitby, Fabrury 16t>, 188. P JçlfG BEOTHERO, JEA THE)? A»kDFINDINOS,9 Luthearai&té"@& INBELMXO IMDS TU 09»33 0* SHORT NOTICE. SORINS AIDluACMPI ONTARIO, PAU1ERS' MutuaI-In8uranooGo>' I&D OMFCB. BROOK-Sa., WITBYr. THI8 COUPFANT lon um au Bud iuLu, onn>CU hercha., scbool Haute, sid Ibeir CoulMants, asrate.uasLoy as iof a su WU1-WaMIIia.1ompas; lCuta. JUST LOSSES PX«JMPTY P&ID. J. B. BICEELL, JOHN WILLI8, Premidaut. Vlc..praaitint. C. NOURRi, scssrsa. Whlti, Apri lem 87..16 lrH1EN=FIER fISURABCE CO. Lombard SI. sud Chanlug Cmo, Landau. aiTABLI8RED in 1782. GILLESPIE, MOF'PÂTT & CO., Agola for canada. R.W. TYRR>, Manager, Maubreai ESALIBERD INÇA2iÀ. 2i>mda. Modorsia rates cf premiYu. Agent, Wbulby. Wbuiby, AMD ft PI 8788 A 88uraneCompany. INCORPORATICD 1033- iluaaeas effeoted théue lwalomramit raiti oniBuingS, mmnbà ndle, atiotma propet;, agliamaon tamnsgêl iek. - O3ýAU t . N19M R l. ARCHITEC IURLE] pRAWIN 0 AND BPECIFIÇATIOXi BUILDINGS Pramplby prmCnetivit>,lew ta Ellcuomny CHURCII AND WfHO& ARCHITCTRE A Cr»nespaudeuce Respechfnuy SobIIed. IL mbavo% " "BU1LPUOLINEUTIO' - Amont the0 TimuassilIslande, Thle misty air lUnhobr usenes 1i4o.mnltnggolti the eh> o'ereadl. Surel; ortburt l low.d Far tbis fa the enobsuitd reabu>, Thle fairy-pslsc reareti by sbeep; Throuoh emafl chambers 8aoUrbéImý hI nacti butlift11 my b.vy eyea To South or Nanti>,laButior Wesit To ios, esset luibiddl isa Hon a el beadbntidrapeS vil> fera, Pln,-crowned &ati oney.oombed l i Thon,, juI aboya the nlve's uru. A low, soit nemI of grasses wes«. Nov narrawU lncUaInolos cr praw, Fanstio raclte streakat blue and noie; Time channel edswia vft.-and nov Broad uali>.à à a lbe river fRavi. Thrilled by lb. waters long embrace, The abonder ailver roodsau a tinreil, And eva; viii> slow, vôabpluous ga LUt. danoera tesà valtu aubsr<. Thore wherO 1the cryuiloor source chinent Sa Ibick tb. velvel lewves uniolS, S aobbthelýit~4emu roclinea, Hon, la XrmaUt'ailant-look 1 iTwtufr-. snti u aiiAxia ies, 1Bblnthi . buImtha broo,14 The wb.lp 9) B»uraz yt Boa Eut Sulte ant inbueaclown anti acer, Ax~ie bS dbook And ukys.' Ko nlbboneaigreala digthen., 4loI ouramizoOlp=eadl.abavan 0f " nyub uiedi aiti*bs on i vu abail dlua cler .Othe Promusmoneacitar veilbuat baliblng up, The tountain oai eeai ol Tobtlm te tbitaty unmaoup. H[allanti tsrev4, onuo trearum Tbhatlb.uninaguatipaver To wak théreg surnmsth drum A Folis>Mutake. CHAPER L La n, isah s tai>. ualié'ho piam n a be villfghl, anS playeS aven -bor avante sangs, aingln- alicto#es of' Ihazuw,va Byne" lat the LIjùCfai cobmdHl, sud 'thon at4omBvnoel Hêt-omnei, ai étier sfde afftIla satiatht uaded th. Mwmv*g-room 'Windov. -Thee, in dae Ob.eaxilYGeoù.- Leslie liaioee,-tli ha board the piano ciosed villi jual lhe suapimlan cf a biang, sadd aa Lucy'@ siiglvhlo'roed guna cdross the.Xoom and appnoaa. heopen wlndov,, Ithon hql awy noillasy. v*'th ain lhlug ýbolvsaà saob AnS a' ulgh. 'Plera vas even a suspicions sud hurniiatlng maistÃŽreliheèpoar fali's 0708 saoha hunnied serais b.Soda lu 1h.direcatIon ion aUita1flipe ab. maybho- py Uea!eu -iiblees ber 17 ho:. aS, ab cauglit a ilisupa fi"'lihe Neel" asthé train ebnekià pasi. anl av ii l$up(mýto 1hebitterîâul ne. Oleneftolir iluiytaîieid jnap~od e Mia t u rng Ilial aller. in~u, nallia ben acepeS.Thora Do__n nr me eaonia i stayimg aI tâlo-o 46' U WLOU tes. GaroÃ"nl4 uhal op1à ôh anotmar au'aeyea>'solie Selemn .410gel eoznlM eièî ouiithfv1 y cf Mark Beauelene; anS lie oould "ualt aveu auna vup courage lati ongiiille Lu'cy, or">"ygqoad.bye ;,bt ie bierà anies$I.eyW, lhawblel i agood. dei .112iarmà sl phraan sd brang> lail peepal aver' onbraieafrol il firna 1, dthon crieS ooë l, Ihen viped'ber eyes,'inS vnoté, au explsin* atory kuS afeuttanata repliy ; but,, sîs t George vas gano ou theoconfidînlial> Mission. HMa latter saiS limaI hoawus Lucy, vhli> aif us are yan goluggo ta oeveaaar give up, Mark Beoloe or mue? Il bora th, BontImamp muet ho one oa is. ar, asd thesooner saiS ha m!ghl b.- yeu Social.lbhe tter." broyer. To pon The speaker-& alfl ih,brovu tigsiay aflier dise haireS brovu ikinned yug fellav ai vas neally gene, 1 thme-aud-lveaty, villi au bouesi fae thiug. and a pair ao nueilblimo ey,-placoti ouA> bÃmiehf very Selibenately in Luoy Arm-. "My dean Lealit etroug'a vuy, as sime vas strolllug anS a pseuse I1H nden lboebroda in th imeadyS; aIgardon dSyPge ut? willh bbr'al pallefioves ber oet, aud bud bidibaud g aod.I uaoooigJl fe-I pooket volume ai morne pool lu hon oomfontabWaloiuj banda Il vs a aarohlg lul alle- mm Sglasses a noon, sud Lucy baS qalatly ilippé ..I-1 heg yaan Say rminhlebali-dosen ladies Who cmu5îquit. roufl y venu iting round ber Aoni Hester'sm om youn vo t s - t be' d s u m g a i l, b . I t e m t ue w m s ~ l e af ;1>0 unsim ë paoldy g Mmm sauier, n etsllYoug «- o e mo gentleman othlrty, vWt, averu fn ae ry-un valse, rallier veut msiglilsud a lange l'.a I:o M It ooamvu thé» Joaobut As egeraÃýl. a- tlu thea ladins; sud lueyvWs s 1111e tiredstupiaof rev a erre oftho gbau Alsd -vanled tla b. miaone. face g la aêt o Sho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h leoeS a lmbbve.sbslg prulf eyplaat lloulcgimS Abmie saner- te Ois eSudn ros, utS o«in Slne itvW Ão d si val ~ yo proanS fn i>erte ineup' I a measil4oo ah slin-ndu ali fan Gergerihtn i LuoalbI'butplsnedblg .liit, teva l .au , e*loatell *«unÉ ofb tidU'17e0 go u udor he Bn .Igclladevit sainer to à - ao'r t . ,,tc. . veot~d cobdu. vut u nedotvery. we of you, il vould ho rullior preeatar. mono, sMd rce 0 ai me lae;,"uand aimeglaneed - up At c Sov-4iat' hlm, fraiandoe h oer af bar but.,'Be ev "Wim>, Gearge, vimgt.hie- mallerr saf mim ashed, lSYLng ber band bl>' lUpon "aile vOU, lliai 44-,ý à %f1w ta&. &É l»A ft p "No,. ,The.olon rei orCinam , sud' alan poal-inant. Il. absent ion yesrs, or Luoy, iu the final ioveny Ibat George It seemed thée "me ie, this is a s'Irprs Iov asre ;ou, . Wbau s'uad Qeoge Losilo, "apedhy,,a partly, iggeniiouinin gaiS- pardon, I -dqptI-1ý ruf thougb I seoeux ta 01:060 Ileorge mt'm- nsê 'tchnged- thaui'I- assihie iaiyou'tu ' NO. 50.ý if onlly asked, mu a very mooli vaico -, bc. A Bold StrokS, or, the Cashicea e. eauae I thonglit of runng downlhire pugbtcr.' ýq fora a ev <aya.WIIyn0wMr? ,a ::o hn au"vi>arolsrg No; I refus,."> I Mywfe and Lucy -are staylng, at lbe"Refleot a momnent, Myrile, 1, ho. S ~oyal ;--give lhem My -love, and tllBeach 7YOD i Yotihoadmy 1f. ahdhap. 0them lhey. f008 not lurri? back, a V i a ii yanr hana," and the voice Oi ail rigbt." Adalber& Tompklns 're bed, as ho v * * * pake thase varda vllh an earnoatnea thatforadeanydoubt as tb thei r eiig "sLnoy, dearest, ea u f iv e?,tha't. ora o f b is heurt. Il ma i ra ismltake Irornfiret laMeag wsa favo.eagtrl, t' atflil' thog j w yùMakjust budding ia aveet' wonmanhood, i ean e mrl ; »han ad prn op-oeSad b lbet ed ber'dearly. ,They' amie tbat ee gts o a rPsd ad vandened lagothen this aninaer, gud.enaccpte Ivasfr~tio Aut itiernoon from the -malInes là lhe Iieslér nover once entered my boad. astréee car ; and lie baS aaked hoir ta ho' Lucy'a eply vas-a 1>111e nuintelligl. hie-ie hvsin nvr aii I~l, tn.lafir alie ley anaeS a>question-the eannest appéïl of, ae m aldrooaould nèof log rua.ale v hoane wholo natuire.la ;wrâppecr up in sWôheré6ùnfilbfllon r fiv oerwha Passion ho could neither' contrai non evan ýbn' ho hliovedtu ber bal ta hlm osaI saide-that Myrlehi phnh foëç ; S 0 1e8k, rsove vonda wlîl vihicli our ,alony opena h prvna ere eu a marry b>3 vatohïed hii lm 'ydui ber out of hand, se Ihal Iliere shouid lacoeyoîga he no more mianderstandinga. Born-qanamoe enylenyloyaa d.ieé Mark Boanclere ohaffa them ibath and noi cS wito aina . ceSloeam a libtle about George's umisiake ; butli 3 ah ieoca .ysres an - 'ccraa alasbaidly assoart thât theo great saloons. 1I eaun nver marny. à ans"' mistao va Marka aler ~She.baS aai.to lier motbm.r ane day, * Ohià amûen Imylg lkWacunn!iaevae roeBle. h o. beibaSl;kepi ber vord. AOhinaen, Wvouenx urIons vp a AS.ulheniturnleS aau n a adazed yvfe 1f bla ovn alion; -sonda a latter tc, oort a iïi a alr gKynie iaS rejeoi an ,ageat u lon oRng. A reporter lititdvaedvîlyaaneta aèîslly imuposaiblela to ianslate il iato nt sbscr u'oyca 1gls.The ,foilawlng,' bovever, a h Ie foron dit ato dudînd lnanalstfl,: ."I vaut a w adlybhld1.'nbbn outr oaI age, andi muai uaolbavebulif'er ukIg f boy , - abaulti nevoug father'e houa.. Bh. inuitiso have- 80ef nl.ungIrgrlvi~a mlevprei da boqit, andi ber eyîsbsIfreokle is i»na. cs litbat au itci lon eglh. Hnoir 'lok fsrè 'oY 'pgutS P b mimai lieoemfintenmà nceo au , uling ubslai tot4seluusbe as aparkllng s lb. pean-la . éî aoe go otf<çà ylon. Ha.' breali> urua ho 11k. e * " à ilb. seaoaaithe; mag nifloont b&; lebll i81 gé"'brh arânegravesai l-ýava, andtibhon-attirevr iiku b.,h'ang l"Mu mïuaI be Ic>im siiten wversaof Y%. 1- -rn 1çlyu bsepaf ~nan LiChing, vhicli are on the bah ffceulredne *~oaa~ u tho groaleal river, inlb. vanîd-bli e , ui pîucüuaîy tfurnihod pahil. Ph. -a even flowlnig ,Yank.lse-Klank >' Tli ropnietor of -the lbotuspj , abU verceaa anChies. ,omn< detered h gidney, la£88 ? h't tvaoýhinese vmen eo>'aS'gnlm n 4loef only coul £52. Thenefono, lb.he alhen Baia Do you Wis aui'io7 h Chinoe.import lthe wwou luincoul es.h.Who lidann lhl t .the-, Thle importer noeve'r ees bla vamen lie- dp fore lbey arrive, snd tben be genierally >I>on?. hoen ep.d e>yrn selecta&ilthe oi looking one. Tlie aImer son 1 aeek." la shovu raund tla anumber ai veil-to- fwa uayt,'sï hâ îe do Chines., auad aller hey bavWet vuluYoU?" miMOU..gello tidhrabos..ibqaitédt "YouMSY anre-cashern4nhe--Bsnkt ie calleS publiaanotilon. The Wrile r I holleoJ" saiS lb.heYaung mn«u. baplento:be-rnesonl at one aofb.t.he" sales. AÂYounggirl, age.dabouti9,was -Tonbave b.oii gtelinR. 'th.~e, pun i .Offerea,.anS ailo e; ain piriteS bitingu ouêes do.p She wuspuroiasd by & veà tby Ch ins. You-are a casbler~; '#0-eu-qi,.. tu.abrekeoper vhose place af business Givo e ê 12GOor 1 ez6Pp"ýYou ; la in one of lbtheaSlodxGîoaiNoew Sro u iei. Ilvsg,ýbeao BouIriaIe, fr L2O~~Tie mlan Iittér,- you - can eimocae4 7onr, ý WD, ,coay aspec ue,éeetliilas Oe.-._, o~nt aiay luOO1 5i oih ~ ~ Pr auninsathelb..oahlardiA.D hb pur4maed ler vas depiorable o ~ a5leil ~ ekéritofrvh'A tl a m hh a ýu~wrt kce4 à f1 .atamp ai Queoietiaaalroeg S 6illroagu re-qùiu&resala44i egmiem istapa l vas buillu auinZ, sey. It hua--bien banneS Up, buLthlie imad-yao i UI ihar roi! mansraileorm tmrumi Thuiùk o! ilý-a i>oiow ,,log, Ibroagli whiob one cau nldeu' iprebo 0 i..l sud coma aillo n ~ntoiboîw eï Therel are anl'a' la.lgre,- measnning fau5 a110fo nor cuniiereucti, md rImlang rUp -t> 'Ibo allea-rom 00ta 45 tact. PrFom ýthe rigthaltidenate lb. annusigrovth ai Iliese broos science lias' .alixîste nm*n ai tb.m la lie 4,000 years *Id,-vhUle 1h.7 stand aven lime;talion hotu.. ai mach altier gravili, covar o <ar vil eartb anti large çroving bren, as -it la eue of the peouhanilo a i s titubar ia ual la dec»y. hi ^appeara la leu spee-ý les of redvood. The Zùucbilfat atravelling mnaanm vlic> abaod in Bochestervas sMx leet sud a bail tabi, and. of course vas as seven. Ho vore scancely a'nà y daimt., os, spok. vhul l.Ite lealurer saiS vwas Zuin isuguago, ana ws ternio lu a vanl dauce. Butibe -manager filoS ta puy bum lb. oetipuae. 1 ave, venpou hiecompiedblna Jutc in gooti cgbib u aSb vaes Francis WausrndolbScn The ivelve urgeatI aovpua asro- graarea , l in la4aSWa.sr the ýDam. aiNogtlià mdbor"ndý,Dukiit DavonshireDuk9 ai Civelaud, 8fr W.. W. Wynn Ajxkeoaf BoSo, ofla EÃan of Authorlzed capital $2,1 HON, FRANK SMITHeitr EIJGENEO'X£EFE, PB4., Vice] PARCKIUQHE8, Rsq., W .K - JOHN FOY, Eq JAMES MABON, - - .ç. th1e bauds. lb. ]ana.,0 AL, Go,, Newv Tort, nt, Whllby. Bouct, tes, 1 t touentI h itLINDSBAT TABLE. ruSd, 1851. U-n PLIS PrlaI Time- ta su; et lb. A Trunk Rail. ipimu, le iol, unj" #atMne, Wl gents of t. anti b; eri atâtions or chares- ITS FOR 1881 .&r. 1 Xi Jpi.21 May; 20 Dec. 29- Dac. 20. 4utionq. i ube [ýj"