Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1881, p. 2

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a I Oure f¶or ug menita ifaD Lsngmnlr, Inspecter. noterbWok'o en&.t Ntieofulti ionleParhianeuit. Parm for pas- Servant wmnted& apew-smlLh- maGluhan. Speofal-,T. 8. Robertson à Bros. Letr. .e.DocttrWlld. County Court atdOseral Sussions. New ?ano gooda'-Mrs. Alun. Xm ad-Mrs. Alun * Burdoa 2lood Bitters. Notice-T. Paxton, Sheriff. Frenchi Ooffe-B. H. Jamosgon. * AUCTION SILES. Salo of farta stock ioeplimeut.ê, &o., Chu property ef Mr. James Stoti, on lot 82, in the lot con of Pickering, onu Mon- day,Nov 28th LSS-L Fairbanks, Ane- tJoor. Sale of farta stock, impliments &a., tha propory of Mr. Moses Harris. on lot 16, ln ho 3th eou Piokering, on Thnrsday, Nov 24th, 1881-Thomas Pencher, Anctioneer. ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. Whitby, Thursday, NOV. 17, 1881. Whitby snd the new Railway Amalga- motion. 'h question ef boyw hitby is '1o bc affscted by the railway amnalgamations of the Mldland Company, uow goiug on, ie oas that lu put te us evory day. W$ Webave însasrud se far,-îe vo an- .wer uow-that w. think the changeJ will be for he beeit eft h, tewu, as Il oetainly muet bu for tho whols sec. - tien cf country north, ànd for tihs Pro- vines at large. Tbs short elbow te b. Alruady he ppreeeh uothe Muuiclp., Il lectiene je heralded bltChu smille and howu cf aspirants for mOunicipal honore, Tihe electore know well the meaniug of Chie obsaquiou stpeet.pe- Miousse. and hat it-s ail put ou for the occasion. The reord of gentlemenn eC Chu conaîtbeard ilu Chat hywhiab hu y wl be judged. A.nd remeuiberiug the indignant ery hat wsat up (rotuiho ratepayers at Chu mlueonduet and nu- gleat etChe council tiuring Ch. peît year. va shauld bu inclieed te aay hat Mt eoe the. getlemen aC he Counail beard hava been coudiened lu advanc,. Stili h. popular mmnd ie notealy very fickla, sud soft-aawder, and liburil promises, and appeale cf oeekinit or au therhave a vondorful effeot lu n i h com ainlngrite- payer into Ch. compilant voter' jest when Chu eleeticu cornes round. Vijlî Chat bho Che case iu Chu town 0f WhlChy h coming ysar ? £he bcd statu.of h. sitrects, the rick. ety sidewalks, Chu iivish expendituru muide, without anythiog te show for it ; the genural iocapaeity ahown by mem. bore of h. corporation, and the luoly show" hey havaecuide of hemeelves and tha own by their outrageons cap. acity for ompty talking, are not reooci. mendations upon whîch coma cf he present gentlemen lu cfilice cao rely for re-eletio-to say nothicg about their other shorteomings. The ratepayers coed ne ativice from ne how Cc act at Chu fortbconotng elections. Thoy hava h. record betore theun. On. thing, however, above ail others should by kept view, and hat is the representation cf the Town in tho Couety Conneil.-- Wbitby pays, in round numbcers, about one Ciousan.l dollars a yeer to the county. That je wliat the connection csts ns direc . AndI if the conce tien ià WOrt' iýtiig-ifI[ ilieta o ci0 any usu whnateVer tc us-Che CoînCty Town musC ssnd ite busC men as repre- suntatîves te h. larger body. Wliiîtby once swayed the councils cf the contY. Now iCi voice.iljesteCin hat, body ;its roprusentetives are without inl-dencu heru, and Chu Couuty Town-the cen- ire of oduailion and intelligence-is laughed ater itesoslection, and pitied for the degonerite dayo upon which it hbe fallen. A ProvIecial Bureau of Statiatics. co&rodnos-iciouf Wick, jeunioug tee- Nlpisaiegand lVhitby lhues, vwill servae te sannonneuhat at lb. forth- Ca uhorten h. nibeagefs-cm ths nai-Clicamung sossion c bill viii ho iutrodcioed Ca WhlCby, acd giv-aLmare direct and la tl. Ontario Aaembly estibliutiig a charter communication bulveen he Bureu et Statisties Ce bu atlachz-d te moi-Ch endh fi-octthie gaing a-ouou4 tle Depîrtmeet cf Agriculture. The by way et Lindsay. Direct communs- 1 cacton vitI Midan and a&l tle conntry cmin work o e L.nov Bureaut eitî bu cortb, inoludod lu Cho Ontario Sanît ta galber êerly information cunoerning Ste. Mari lnoin ]a a., .a i----------i.- ... Whiby route trom he liii. wiii b. Ile siientesi Ce UGravunbui-uî or lie Sanlt Ste. Marlo-even if tLe latter lu huilt frota Ki-kfebd. The figni-es vauld b- To Monilia-------------......82 miles, AcOro@§.to, CiaNipiaebg .... 5 Ta Woods'lbe.............. la Te Atbenluy-------------.....27 To Gravoubînret----------....28 Total*.-..-...............105 milae& ThiI. ould he again8tet Coritharu, 115 miles ; Port Hoe, 114 miles ; lji aNiptulg, viae Woedvilbe Cc Gi-ai-an- Lui-st, 120 miles. A direct ludependent linse vaula 01cea ugive Wbuîby a étili ahOiiur sud botter route ; bat even du it Je.Whltby bs e C hu adrautage of oogphîalpostio, a. CLs lguras givesu ahuw. The ecmblaatiaontiluf, etabrmcissg ai- th ela etrro i o* nd gir. big ont. Il lu febry spolicu cf by al LivIng-lb. reu"ateinformatlcu la un- Cc 140 terni a J*gM4UnL A serWet«Qea aya gyr.botetr C oi-aC tle publie tita vitorSbite raMOe ludi. M0sh4 beveu lattaà dcseusallroadi ab l'a or , ep5Wfty, and Bullvun, Obud ttOMerflbite aiume.ladoteor the lls>ue nteilg euh tplae. Rueo. ci-e l'te'ho rswitek, n eutChuMklcithe <ntclvtbtainlg te immâense efforts pal, fui-pliby m&unemec;>. Las Leu CIedesrti cfrolllng steuitoCamcv, CI. Ci-ra ia,4t meoffsueh. The Ciahe - ram Ciluao anal Chuévettanal ecrCL h"a lredy grove inte enartacapro. Perlieni-Che questioan helug Slmply -ne Of taPamllyonltepari cf the ccci- panytlamuetlta demanal, WitL tLe 0009pitjes linetfsteamerslte béphèd ou lb. a ite, Chut Ciad. yul bu greatly enitauee éand vitthelb. bulding cf the On tal at Uln. atIs connections lise futus'alnme ot biche promises Cc b.e cm*$uitlu nonceivable l isn i gaunt]opreporllona.Ai l exing rOnd Co h auitfrI boertCunly have ail Chey cîn do, Anti où;v*1ite LirIons ilbClhe peints, letileal a aacmmeate ht brade. ,Thu purcince cf Wiby IHaber sbelal nov W the. naît more cf tIe abw"y Company. t oceuplea Ch. actelcd Lest naturel positien on Ch. lakis plUoaj f boing madeimeut Sal ChaI eWOUt le dei-d, santse a.v hav ievalOîa. h. atvanlage et being- Chuenumus oint onauLake Ontaio th&t o" e -eue y =revy fromta he Dnori tett.But Ils.elle président et te %dinl . Cou, kncvs ve in l vwitldigeeltheontChrbaaslaof thé cota. - paucy oa ba est usv d n h.oueals nOa8088049011uin loekliatu Chant. The Glbe' Speci c orreapendeet on [riait Affaire. * The fret lelteir frein Chu speelal oc>s reapon"t setmcnîout ity -hé Globe ho to IreiatiappeausIbath. lunueeoftbCht joui-%liciei'1uay. Be vasnalaialhy, meeý k sp-emel h ie apparenàt pu valene cf sqnallldm1seeyc1*" pcrerty &OUSthLe p@à4uauuq; *ana)à§! 'goga. dieu~, up uatuel(ly enîougl oobtrau Ibuir ecnd1Cbanu1 htt lte egncul. êurai01"sg in l w'ohl-'cuntry, - -"Thte vretelednesia fthe peeants u ba'YýQàe - 10 liaes ben fdl.à qOît b enom. * Ic. e lihhe ,uje t D etnegalo and li theouuo o, goa udQai way.. The 0144 V0 Uîe acai hli-y ' d tibaluim. presulicasul rural t io, blaiaroly lud a eh ~ , ac& bnutc-sea in a lielf&'batîM4. Thé lettei- lu milldov>cla4 aa u trviewv yul a prmect eeowai of the Lenhjevd'a Oommiq$e-.anpsranlaaîiou te pi-del lte Iladiec4iat«mwe.-bbeh tee place eé,n u untlî row 1uLondons- detsry le Dublisn',aSud wblc es@ oueue 0111ehsta',lchoecraps. tearai-canudi 9 c ce"P" Cluacruageo f ni-w Ian tbiougît mb n îtivation, etc «" 1 The vaut t fsoeolbing like te ie a bean long fuit. Eariy certain liforwao chiou is vat is neudeal Ce maea Cl tics eftbCic kinal at alI usofal or incîco giva thein auy velue whitee-er. Ali viii igro. viClIah. Globe in ils etat. ment iluet tle information te ha precut. ual cnening tle acroagze ender oaci eiep. the wemth of Clue1'rovince in live stock, Che ebaracter and esttai dis. oues prevm4lmng atueug thecu, te ex- gent of Oui- anOnual loies fi-em ineeet depralations, tbe grovth anal Jecadence et oaeb branel cf Iuuhbaudry. thea nom. bar anal chai-acter o! Clu icuplemeut8 tequireal te cullivaeuoui- faras, euh i bout et tacts new ontirely uuknownvill bu ot imufpouse valus nol cnly et home but for ciroulation l i ecumigi-atias Bielals. Practical menu, sneb as vo vant utero, prefen tacte anJ figures ratber Ibm i-Lterie. Tien Chers is h. virgia Boeld cf foreshi-y .attlticu Co e b bcken Ncbedy kuova ci-en co muci as oui annai production et bumber, noeb lesi h quaity ChiC romains tC, bue ut. As Ca oui- reseercas la mines anal minerîls, everyhody ie profeunhly ignorant, mer Chu Province bas neyer talien he luasi trouble tCe bacon tl.extentoe t is vemtl. The value fcr ouite abrena u cothes Cbig -e lin ucothieg vlatevur la keev.u. Purbeps it mcy bha founh ad- vatdeea la asicthu ca-operetien ef sncsutaetuteiu td ail ohor proecr, aud'thisu te make tLe" reports et CLu Bureau a pet-bd exemplification et ans inalusties. At prosenu ne mauufacturer kuova th. productiioncf any facttot-y Iiiut bis ovu. As individuel returus voulal neC ho pnbliehied thera coulal bu ne sounal r.aon agianat h. furniubang cf Cle tacts. "TuE Pliopaif ewF .ccÂAft Vouur TO OLD IiELÂN."-Thlisis etha subjeet of a lecture anonoued te h. delivered by Revd. Dr. Wild aItithe Town hall, '%Vhigby, cn Mcnday oecing, Nov. 21. Dr. Wald hau gainud a high raputation As a public leeturer, and, ne douhi, hers will ha a good deal cf curioaity te hear what ha bas te gay on the Cubjeet choecufor htu lecture ie Whitby. àMr. O'Dey, ,who ha ppons Cehote ntoreIbov ltrtled by the announcoment cf a vluit being paid ta "cOld" Irseland hy h, prophet Jeremiseand Bacya h. d»$ nect Wonder uew at Chu long lamaente. tiens over bi isdltractud country. He cortaiuly te impatient te lern whet Dr. Wild hae te eay about il. McCai's Buaar glave lttting Patterns. Mest eatisfactory patterne, cheapeat and apit hé market. AUl namrsa and stas "lwainlustock. Ttwsted Catale. gags and MOUthly lias tra.. J. 8. Robert- son & Brou., sole agets, WhîChy. Ladies use beCall's Bazaar glove fttteg Pattai-na. Sars te please. J. 8. Riobertson kBroc., IWitby. Black & Ca's. celebrated speetuclea, from 250 te 8M, aold by 1. S. Roberteen & Brois., WhltbY.- HU2Xaa IRETRuawx-BcmO of he henutirshave retnrnud from the north, aed report fair aeccess--Meuare. Rey, Shrapnel and Wbite killing a deer Ëw &~ac Coes. a ctacles nover injure the T a . al by JS. RoberCsoeu by - Dros., Perfect gema of art viii h fond lu the 2,uortmeeî tfXiii Carde, now ou n ÎbJ. S. Itobert4en & Broa, Tis 1asoa'ao stok of Xmas. Cýrhs C hpst.BeaUnm adlosecthora. J. S. Robert- sOn 4o Brou, WhiCby. TEEi OTTAWA BeAur&CIC.-Iccge pro- oeeisga are being taken ly Chu ha. vttohlcglady vIa aearly ontrappeal île Otaelawyêr at imai-i-a5..SIc deande CL. ccni-ing OüttOtihnup- t iai coemeey vhlal vis se eneerecuon. loely brokon up. 5hO daims Chat ah, Lau bouc elandoeoa, auJ las. retaiuedl cornselo 'eo 1er rigbtoh. TiZUsuaL DEATIL ON TIR m o. 'On Bturday eight. amomcc 116.msI deutlt occuealon tle Gi-ced.Truck-m.b ,vay Itck, %bcut a mile and,&hilfits.- tcv it lgcapàpt. An ukacyn ý l si p fi Cl Ci -W, A Lafit gooh hyesw-ct Harkie;,- pity My tond lamialtI- I uevAr viiila baiuey-uer eaunI hoe cntint- Pl fut bath laie'anctemrty, anal wilI Dot Cake amit 01 vina, or Mougehaley, tiii bu-k &gin yar ouni. I've sincegel Word oet lis Xcleoyi et.f arrivaI, mn boy halie 8mat bo Cli 'rincese. An l'eget a speubal ebargt [rom both C scoal ac me own full ai lun ackauet ciChie grand consr-n iv. cone-inskun an dicuar, nuit v.ak- chicbh 1will. Tc Di ertbi-Cuinofild TIM O'DAY. Toi-nte Letter. 7i thei Edtor of teflc1Vr tby Chrniiicle A gozal Iii aI of tk leoccasîened b3 tbe articicia and lüttrein Chu Papenr r.Uonen Cii r cpressura aor cramnicinï !syFteu, Rimd Ca h. previlent in al l h ýe public ecitools. Tuie subjs'ci seons ike l y te br well vontilatiC'd beo it isledrop Spod. Oneause ucebchaih don lotI sides. The amnounit cofn-aik requiroal tî bl bc pi-eparodutlamecoertainly hu ilu 0creed, bal boyasaud girls seocu bc LI Lava changcd gretiy. Recreatien and ,t exercise used ta e e ken vierther bus. rsens anci exarciaes wai. pi-cpu-eh cs neC, nov judging fi-cm some mîtiebet 4written Che tndent sacrifices everything rte Cno icason maud eeminîtions. P TI. Jletures tCelha givee during Cle s vintar aC Cl.etcienceaSebool promise te 1le vel ettendeel, he peeplu ippoar te 1 appi-aciate th. lousftCs bestoed epon t them inlu Cis free erincetien iu Popelar -Science. Dr. Wilson gave thl. Brut or r inaugural lecture lest (Monday) even- ing. Oui- iret snov eîtne hast nigîlt, - eocmpa.nieh by conîelbe vind, ýfand Cie sti-eh for h. suov-sovel, sui t» Laudhino et -lhulanod. donbtlaas cellsed net e fev complainte tlsrenghcuî r h. oîîy hie monung. Oi-ocre ot vue- r oit bote are rallii-ramis luclcmning ? tle ide-voit uopon viie Cha lots fi-ot aven viii the supposoîl strict auJ striciby-onfarcoal by- bmw vhicb hon. rotes, but exouneo'îmusC healaloved, 1 supposa, an Chuocecasion oet hoi-ut enov. WhuC e barrai oiomepeople Lave cf gottîng theur nosue i-ad? At leaut yen eau imagine, vien a lady pparautîy, valksu p Tonge Street vitI a ciganot- te in lbermeuh, doubîbest for Che pur. pose et keeping Chu ohuaozion tîtiut ram Les- nase. The Provincial Exhibition seecis lîkeiy Ca go te Kingston. Toi-ente dosé, net vint it aldbas uont in erairogratuW tiat ah. canbuoi recovtelsC selt-Iovited gueut. Thoeo exupectoid te sue the moteorie choyer ce Sueday nighIstvure diuappcluted, lbe Cloud$ completuly chut, eut avez7lhing; titis saîtai tac lad, vhiti lucoaaideroh tîmi a purical et cvii- thirly yarumut elips.u ltors c likeoeppcrtunity come gain. ' But lIen wvo-eau Content cureelves ViCI the lavia glu 'etUl. p tasomer lu tLe nattai-et pbu ineea u ieeavens. Thepepl et hiecouaCs- r fat kncval butIeluino, lo tter, efth. coiraespaehentofetChe Globe are bpernf ut priaps peiCe and hatora CL th. errespauAenat getul fis lu- formation Canveyah Ceh Canada; euh vlan otitur mîttere taleaet us euh IishLtroubles have beausndjuateti by tle Land Courts eud bueut ing cf h, piut, vo May La-rete pilt-lb4 oftreaillng.bong commenta, upouaffaire uc longer nais-cting oui- attention. On Menhey uezt Mn. 'W. W. Lauter gis. luis fisst ceui- Ra 3evilI deuil- lesu havea elargs audience, many vie board bienbelon. Le,is cjeurc inbuthu Continent, manal viteviiii llu*hi'. ex. pecteal Improvoment.'E HàuP:ra'e MAcÂzIît fox Dapuobr- ucue- effaru itz remders-au ueustily -bob ceds'aried eotxlainennt. Tii, lrontiseau e s*fhoane u-page il. lustration by 'AsmaaetfHeri-ckî poeoc 'Upen Sappho." The-openiuR articia qf tleenulber is a iéry iLest6lg des- criplian by ZADZL-JAp . 8ÀSl illntral~u 'tt~'of thu Berna.- dettesa s tî. u ie ihedfor liter- suy ati - ,fitmute, tbat the toao; 4.e iLfnattal inter.~ Myr. l>Llcy'e çoteepoa4lëucet MJBIeRazaEniDrsOU8 Tlhé deparohure mv ina uble itri lii. Marike. hiemdmesice- ticy ludeBd I Mite» Bay hatI 1eft nty iejected,," &ailfor.Loin. Y.: vwiii have oon lu h.e stErl. Zizwe au aokount çf tee laoht, icti vbew widh-his xcluncy b4 lavin Que bock. Thel vaa. al I ad ime te, R thon,aned h, tullovin le O' A Mr.tnr i-ORi&E tOARIS. Goud bye, daria Markte I-Blini- mny eart le broke te-day I- You ara geland & md uvte croses thoevld Bay 1- And il yeu dou'C coeobeck &gain- for aver Aeuhae day- WhaC lun Che vury diekeus, viii hocome cf -Tim O0Day 1? Shra the Cue a.Govurnor for ChhyeUr rYôuve heen,- And aiClier althe hotus ChiC lu Canada yeuve sen- (And, fai, yen kuov et same of ClicI ys touaed up My cauboees It ment b. grand aatirety tu be goanhomeotetheCiiQuean 1 lIer Majlety, se tender, witb aIl lier stute sud cii-eu, Never forgets ber childhre, or peple anywhere, Aud, f or bot e ail yon'va îznagcd ber Canadien achairs, Sla'Ill mn for te embraie vot, at thie beed of the. great siairs !- TheCoa when yon go Ce Windsor, whet the Princeus yen have kised- The dear and du-lin Princaus. hat tiare saemch e've mlssad t- Sheil i-y villi joy tCc oc o ye, loch soother ber Ce vliCsht,) And slîoaild any dare gainsay bar, id dowa lcm widb me flit I Arr,, Harkis 1ItCll lier Majiuy- but se.knows hat hefaie-- 11mw Canadiane. loyal beated, heir own gond Qooan adore t Teit the Piacel oyw, Cbtink et bar, andl lova ber more andmrea Tbare ainti mants we sPeaka cnt- litre Niagaraslag rear- Wben Yen gat a chanco it Oued. s'tan., jusl pet le i word Abot gzal dovu onld I-aland vitht lwli.9 mont alird ; Point te Cinadian leyalty-isk hlm te thluk and p ase- Tait hlm- hat, for alVa are,, Home rnlis teh great cause; Thît we'd bha ves. han Iralanal, nuder the saine iaws 1 ~lè e iNT U RET SIhlT$ IEITI -DFLT- &AI TINqG Ota n To ifus STllt.TIRM meINO oIMOes, WHIAî xv W=L POSSIBLY Do, AND pi3oBABLY mOi-rWESTurINT rrAND TEE ur&ve-'.- ADEMY. 1 nc- Tiianneal (adJoured) -meeting cf Puitah.e barehbolders of Ontario Ladièe collage was helli et the Couoge oen 1200 Tueuday, 15Cb tenst.. at twao, aoleck pm. bar- la.There wua not whaCmight b. oôallod a lica largo attendince. Ameugat hosiepraes. ent were, Mesurfe, G. Y. Smi th, A. RBrn, Joahua Richardson, J. B. Powell, B. Hateh, H. B. Taylor, John Bicu, S. H. Janes, -Buvd, J. J. Haro, Gove-uer and Principal, Bavd. Mr. Mefloweni Ru.vd. Dr. Dewart, BRevd. Mi. 0eeh, Messre. Reynolds, Bek, Willox , Hig. gins,ae.. On m*Cbon h. chair vas taken hy Mr. 0. IX. Pmith, and Mr. Bic. vas ap. pointed eeortir. AliNVAL REPORT. The chairinan road' h. annuel re- port au tollowse To f he Sharelzolders of t/he Ontario Ladies' CoUge: GENTLEMEN,- Your Diroctors in submitting heir1 sevelh annuel Report, heg. leave to stata Chat Chu yaar jnst eodedbhi eauee on@ cf encouragement, uctwithotanding Chat he coat cf living anid of initain. ing our large and efficient Faculty pro. vente certezlîibiting ad' favorable finan. en ciel report as vu would wiah. The average atteedauce cf boarders bau beau eeventy-three (78), cf day pepils, tvouty (20), showiog a light adeance on lait year's attende ce and eecouraýging us te expeet contin 4 and inceasiug prosperity.p The total income bas beau 14,-772.-v 81 : total expeuditure for houeheld ex. t pese~ salariess.and ton per cent. ou value for wear cf furoîtue, etc., 012,- s 938.85, iaaviug a halancecf $1,984.48. l This amount ha. beanulasd te Puy a h. inti-rest on ontstending mortgigu e on Chu premai and othur liahilities. a Tour Direetors have coUdected e con.- siderable amount cf steak during Che year, and hope ore long te hca bie te secore ail hat le goed. 1 Several important improvomeats have a hee n made. in the internaI. arrangementsaI of the Collage, incleding ne oa h.îticg apparatos, vhich wiii no doubt edd taek C'le cocufor'i and veil heing cf pupfils,T and matoriaily promoes ii ivanc-a ment cf Chu Institution. r Having accommodation for a larger l numbnho f boardera, yonr Directers have a reducod the charges par year in ad- r vince, witb a view of ineruasiug Chu r attondance and especielly et encoerig ti es ing parents Ce sund their daughters for L e, a umbur cf Jears Cc the Collage ;tad-1 40 nos Chas. objecte araeajîeompished.at th Ln once, the ra(rcs will haveatCc hain- Ï a. creaead. s -t lei with profound sorrow hat w. dc record the loath of or estuumud Presi-si dent, Mr. Jamne loldon. iicingq on, a of the oriýiDinl proînoters tif Chu Col- f l,-ge. and alevays on. cf iLs wsrmeet fiondg, ie andden and unaxpected ri re:' ceaI willl cuse dep and laetîng regret. lerteunto anueled yen %vill find the financial letetemnt. i y Vice- Preliidan . ei The icenciai etatoînent, ainonget p ýg allier Jtevilla hoe4-dthe foilowîng tW se iîiurr-: dj - R-cçip)tiefrom uitoln, S14,567 ;sent e, of ho îni4, -512) ; drawieg inatarial, ed là 533l 81 ; iiînic, 1I1q5.93. e. 70 Puy în -t-Salarice, $4,777 ;honsae w i- ci-panseF, $5,4M ; rent cf piknos, $6'26; ut, ,a priuling and udvurtiuing, $455 ; posae ici d and tationvry, #108.5be. The ameute tbi i- are set downu&.t *70,480--iucinding the lei ýr roeate, t 852,089; furaituro, 87,- lit % 4310. The principal itemset ilîbilitu it gare Chu mortgage for 023,000; hbis Mc payable, K4811. capital stock plaid up. wi S 839.090. tCl 0 On motion of Mi-. Jines, seeooded dby Mr. Reynolds, tha repart vie adop. 2ted aed ordered te bu prtntued for distri- rbution aneongat Che stoekholders. r Busolntions weru paed oonllrming *by-iav aothorizing the di-ecteru te *maeuthu bcau-for $81.000 ta the Faro.- lu ers' Loin & Saviuge Ce., aed aise, by - 1law ruduciug the quorum of Chu Board rl a et directore 10 ffvu. fi t uAls resolution hat Chu directors b. -co instruettod te piace the ban et a lese Wh rate ùf inluresi thau sevun pur cent. cet t Considai-eble conversation Cook place Cei 1as tt h.eîedvisiability cf reucieg te )capital stock and issuieg preferentiai Che 1uhe.res. iuusinj debantureu. etc., vith M Chu vies' of piacing Chu institution in a botter fluanciai positicu. lei ELECTIoN OF niascOroS. Pru <Prom oui- logniar er-espoadont> Washiugtonu, D.C., Nov. 8, 1881. Th. Prasialot, vWhiebuhoun absent iu Nev Yerk for e veek, yull rara Ce- 8nortov. The Wbltue-Ruse,nev emply5 svupl, anal ganluhd, vib net bu ready fo toi i iguuitealoccupant Lofai-o tle Middleuoathb.manth. Attention je jul nOv Clirneal ro th Ce pîlitical, af- tairaebu IaI uik aud vriLa bore, te Che mille Chai grindte.day lu varions eates, moud 1 feur ycercolemus viii bhoneafoll cf Ch uiteilspiticil dnifle enh sift- lne, te admit Chie lottor et yeur Wash- ington eori-espandeut. The Preuldent bas, perhmpe, beau visa ie pcstpoelug the nomination cf a uew Cabinet ntil aftetbIee etate ulso- liens. Aprudent politician vii, denît- 1esu, ho mable te ake ftaremte rith-îe indications cf Ce-day Chat may musiet hlm in the adoption of a poliey anal the saeleetion cf itu exocutoru. Ie lepe then amomntI Ch, National Logilci-uevii haveassoembboh for a loeg,-prebibiy seven mouChe session. Il is balieveh Chat a ravislion of Chu tariff yull i bu nrtaken, anal a rohuction et Chu intereal revenua vilI hca acocuplieh- ad. Something ougîttCe libuae te it- prove Chu condition cf tIa Navy, but Chie cie bu hast acamplisied by ru- vivieg tle once mighty but nov ai- linet commercial marine eftch. United States, Cbne farnishing a large bcdy cf tee seaked mcd ossoneal ciler. Cc drmv upon bu timeocf ver, rîther tibm cdu- îetlug th. effeculuite sens andali-nd- sens of cIh commodores anal retiroal admirais a% Che Naval Academy in French, vmitzing, astronomy, and le- ternaticnal lav. No radical begieluuilce, il may Le set,- ly said, wibI preveil le relation te Chu army. Appropriations viii Le passeal maiutaieing it et &bout Che usanietai-eu, -ank, aed file, upen whieh il las beau kept up hariug Chu lest five yeera, ['Lare is mach Clk. in ba th e Arcuy aed tLe Nevy Depaîtcuonts, cf a moi-e rigzic enfoîcacisat cf real service upen a lai-g. nuben et officiai shirks, oengin. cIly tram West Peint, vbo manage te remîlu il Washingteon,ForCi-use Mon- roe, Nev York, Puiledaiphia, or got off to Europe, on full pay, Chusïsoeniig th. debigLts et society eud Crae a mthe i-pense cf Chu Cîxpayer, anal enfitting buemuelva. (if tliy evur ba4 mny fitusess) for the ster huies Cbey vere adueileal Ct public expeese, Cc parforte. Il is lonîttul, hovever, if Secrpta-ies Hut anh Linecoln, or Chair suecessai-s, vilI ha hile Cc enforce Chie cuch nu.dod r.- frm. Army eud Naval afficers ai-o se unti-eicbah by relationship auJ mar- riage cennectienw n yLlential seni- tort; andi zembers Chat uotlîing short cf le heroisin Clet plueke eut the cffeed- uig rigli ya wilt ci-adicaeoCieisgrcv- utg ovil. Thera lu, howvvr, a strcng -tý-linsz lu Congzrest agaicut Che aristo- -ratîc tendenciel; andl growtliu et West Point anal the Naval Acaciemy. The 'Jbittaker anal Flipper episehue have ircteal public attention Ce thecu in a ray Chait it las no& hafor. boen direct- J, ted hatuc clleil attenionato Gen- i-ai Schenckt1 proplecy Chat the negre 'lieo oceabrake upthL.nion oetCh. "aCes wonbd yot brick np Che tva Nat- tunaI meademies. It mey net ho busC umt thu tva institutions whosa sols igitimate abject ie adueciion for net- 'ual defeuceobsîul bu, disccntinueh, lui te laeeeesry Chat tliu- bjeel shah hoe tare cleariy see nduhpuraneal ly Chas. 'ha cmintain thoracud, lespacialiy, by taos. vie direetly centrol, lecu. WhLty Tovwnship Conaicil. t Brookiu Noy. 7, 1881. 9 Canucil mat pureunt te adjaun- neut-aillCie membere presunî-uever i Chu cehair. MiceCtes et hast meeting1 tah eud mppnovod. On motion et Mr-. H. Biceil, second- i by Mr, Smith, -resolvo& Chat tLe uncil rasuoe ntecommiittea eftChu lobae on hy-lav to sait ana l oose up ertin ailovanceu for rends lu the venship et Whitby t Coneil naiumed into cocicuitte etof e wbole on Beaa by-luv. Mir. J. IL. a aittiaveaon lu the chii.a Commulttee ri-eacod uepertoh lie by. je vw vitb aevsrml amonilmente. Report aceivsd and adoptual.f M- H. Bickoll moveal, ueconhed by h Ir. Smuithu Chatby-lev te eloso upmoud f elb certaiu allovauces for readu in Cie = of ~ etWhilby Lé nov rad c Cird umepcaed. the reova sin Ctae rmu n tedeLuseal et Ils corporation lie fllxeh Cherete. Carrid-tla Mbilli-end < Chird CIme euh pasaeh,"tnChu, ueci of un cor~poration*vas *effxeal lthai-etc O Parla Latter, Thevedhiùo cfMdli.Gi-e-y, th oelydaughterofthePeidentofP'raue and Mr. Wilson, -an unttled Scatei man, vie duiyolebratsd ait the Elye yeeterday, wiCh ropubioan aimpliciti An eeriy braktat cf twenty.hve cey ore, foloved, Che civil mari-lgei Chu Hal cf Sovefeigne, vitupa Ch. Ma ci- cf Chu Arrouiseument,, atti-edf th. uaut dres. suit and.weerig hie cl ficimi tricelor eash, efflcicted. Hlors M DE. Laen BeY end Gambetta, thé Min iseurs, Under Seeretarieis, StaCe Offi! ocu dguuate bhdnet roceivi ivttosfor thé breakfast, avaiti Ch. i-rivet et Chu bridai parby, and p- sentadt thoir congratulations to tLe Prez ideut and Chu hippy cougio. M. Koe eblin Schvartz. tue Mayor, hufloru go ing Chrough Che eeremeny,, iddreea thu-compauy lu the folloving terme;, suTe.diy moie thea er I regret ths, My vaut of ebility ai an orater pro vente my expreesiug lu eloqeut tei-me Che deep umetien I fuel et Chie Mmeu se a citizen, a Fruachman, and au AI setime. I nover tbonght, when I lvec le aur duar and regrettod Moîhiouse Chat oueday , uheeid have Chu grut hhoiretfeuîiting onr eminsut Under erotary cf State, M. Wiison, 'te Cl' daughtsr cf Che first Magistrata cf tCl Bupublie, M. Grovy, Chu valiant eelhiei cf democreay, vIe, elece 1880, ha. cou qnered evary stage iu lIo a tl of libeo. ty. Allev me, thureforo, ladies sue gentlemen, Ca congratulit. yen on ChL happy union, aceemplished undar ue iîiuutrious and brillîmet auspices, and i vhi%:h thu Young couple have My mos einee good vishes for future happi nees and prouperity." The acte de mariage vas thon i-es ever, and Ch. rugieter signod by tCC brida and bridogroocu, Chu temoino, Te M. Ferry, 11utgoin, Alhert Gruvy. Guiý oral Grevy. and a number et iudopeiý dent witnesson. The nuptial kuot hmv. ing thon beau Ciad hy thé 1mw, It celj remeined ta aeek the benediction eftChi ami-ch, vhich vie- administered ai. coi-ding.te Ch, Protestant snd Roai Catholie rites. The fermer ceremony va. quiakby gona Chrough lu a neugi. boriog selon, vhence Che party wunt in procession te the pi-ivats chipai of the Palace. The Preuident led thu viy vîth Mdllu. Gi-uvy, the bridegreccu giv ing hie ci-m te Madame Grevy. Der- iug Ch, religions soi-vice, at whieh iM. Gambette vas presant, it wie remirk- ud Chat the ex-Prueidout cf thé Cham- ber ha. euiy Cvice, eppecred puhlieiy in a saered edifice cf Parie, Ch. i-et ces sion beieg the fanerai et M. Thiers.- At Chu cloue cf Chu ceremeuy, the cor- toge vas again tai-uid,- Chia lime M. WVilson Leading hie bride, and Chu cocu pîuy rupaired te Che Salon de Diane, vhure a large numbar et high civie and mailitary officiaiu ver. aseembled te pi- sent Chair congratulations Cc Ch. Presi- dents family and Cle ewîy mariu couple. Aftai- ncheon M. and Mme. Wileon loft for Chenonuceaux. As ne du- scription dt a d'edding weeld beceom plote vithont soeaillusion te Ch.etel- lattes displaysd, I may add ChattChe bride voe a handeome dreesset white satin. witli a tablier cf Velours frappe, and a vuil and train cf rich peint J'. Angleterre lace. Mime. Grevy voe.a Claie dreasof Velours frappa cf Ch. bus keowe as 11dead leeves' aud maize, witli e bonnet cf simili- material end celer, wbiba Mme. Pelouze, th. bride- groom's siseur, wax magnificeutly aCu- ah lu saphire Clu, velvet and white lace, . On tLe occasien oetChe vadding prasentod Chu sucu cf tour Chouad dol- lars a Ch. peer et Paris. Horrible Outrage upen a Young Girl. The flftuaa-yos-ei sistar et Mns. Elogan, et South Butta, Wayne cunty, was tha vietim oftc horrible out-age ou tha avuniog cf Weduesday luit. Beieg ou i vwt t C oibe ther-in-lav, Mri. Ho- gaee, ah. ettrmeted Che attentien et Jos. Smith, aged twonty-five, a farte labor- et citet the neighhorheod. Eirly ou Wodneedmy evouing, etter Mi-.and Mrm flogan Lad iefC home Cc attend a ved- bingSit ve toteHoganahou.., noing Chat -bo won id hehuyoiýmg kirl alene. Thoegil Ia.w, bita. a&&ho badl bou employed epen ber broCher- un-lavs pace, ced ehe vas net ti-ight. auJd at firet e$ hie eppearmouce. Scan a fter Smuith coutiontediiibarlu Chu kitch- en ; ho aelked ber te go lute Cie parler and play. for bita ou thaeci-gin. SI, excsei Lui-self, esying abcemuet bring in tho cloChes vhieh lad beau vashed ana Lang eut -le dry. As aie utartod Rev. Father Stafford at Home. - NOTES O07 E RoIP To :Uuars.- R ev. Father. Btafaord, of Linduy ayle tai inigit hoexpected a heei-tyreopion h. b is arrvaI amongt Lis parlahoners eeo ettor hie Ei-opoan trip. The Pout ti- Y, forme us ihal:-On Bnndey moi-niag lait, allai mass, 11ev. FiCher Stafford ln lnaesaiet addi-ose Ca hie congregaltian 6.gave a hbof mecount et bis recant '11 hemtI seorchiug joernay Ccthé a -id j vend. ,Il May bu premisea ChastthCe - v genleman ha. heun gruatly invig- orated by hie tCip. Il lu neadleste Ctt hiC-hebhi e ceiveal e cuct ori-l edal velaame bote troue hie pepl. ..d FatLon8Ctfferd commenced by stat- u- e Ciwa e uyhiug hld bue doue lu )e houpari i nghie absence. On Lia reteru le bha noticed Chat Faîhor -Fleming leokoa fâttigued andthe Le& ra- at qeesteal Limt take a short holiday, .e aleuh hd mcôrdingly gona Cc Rings-, -tee for a few days. He venlld raturu 1,on Friday anal it va. his (Father Stat- nt ord 's intnion te ask Chu bishep Cc ap- hI point FiCher Fleming te mailet percua- le anntly le Ch. verk oetCh, paiel. Ho at (Fathur Stafforal hall learnoal fi-m tie )-local pi-osChat thora Lad buen gratur ho aotivîty in CIe liquor business andal te good del et intemparance. ZeHo ola ha b very son-y indued te bear Chat mey eftChe Young me et is parieh Lhad -beau buhavlug othervise Clan veil anJ id Chat heir conduet hall bau govurned lis hy anything other hie principle. -h Tbey uhonld do whît vas rigît le this in important matter. Ho vas vury ga st Ce seo suob a large cengregîtien Ibis imoreiug, and vas gnatuful t e lure Chat Goal hill blassuci thocu viti a good ha- taveut. It vas nBeded le Chu ev as s ie vail as te Ch, country. Ha conlal ual sey Chu saeafoi- Fr$ncu, vhere i.lbed o_ spent Chu greeter puS'ote i summer. l-Thora Chuy blda gcod erop cf vbeat and grapes but apart tram tieso Chu vIcia cI ofFrance lad unffurad gremtby yl fi-cm Chu intense heat et the enucuer, le He a l]ad utoi-h Chat Chie parC cf Chu t. nproevince hiad beau ospecially bleseed y hie yemr in Chair lui-vet ; ana lhe lY opoal Cîuy vonlalstifi cntinue toame tics the eeonemy they bad baun madeu e WC p rac îlo. d u rin g h . ard ti us ]H 'y Lad luit Newv«York on Ch, Sth of June,P Vanal lad sp.eC a short ime le Landau r nder amineut medicel reatcuent Ha E. hmd Chue gene Cc Perle vhere thlu Leat - as excussit-e, Clore being ne recerd ai Suything liko iC in the puit Listai-y cfa nFrance. Ho lad spent the mentb ofn AnUgeat Sd parC'et Beptembor et Vichy, ' -a waterîn2g plac made fautons by Na- pabuan vIe bcd speol millions on ut, for vhlci Chu rèluru Ca tho Freno pe- pIe hîd beeu vei-y large. Bulvuen 40,- 000 ced 50,000 people vent her, foi- d Choir bailli during the oummsr. Atter li ledm been tioaetîreeuites bis doc- toCr told hlm Clat it ha vere mn Lene8t7 dmaie e oula rattire te his duies, but ti ho deCarmind ta remain tIre. veeke t 'longer uudei' moderato retmuut. Hiaet~ - isbop bah tld hici testay avay Te -a yaar or tvo or three if necessary tCasi effeet cemplote ruotot-atian Cc heati ; a S nd o to h it bottert- CesCet hie ru- fa uee treugth hy a litClo futiguiug w traval, auJ etthîe sa i 'me pîy m visit 'i toe ia oîy fther at Rome. He lad Il adooce un and blad obteined soma speciel hi favore; for hie people. H. descriheal bis 01 interview with lis hlinas, and the l fevore auJ privilagas tCthatld beaunEu granted. He bahl spant six Jays in th Romo visiting the ohurehes, and viaof - muebicumpruesual by Chu grandeur anal magnittosnce cf St. Peîer'e.Ten a otiug in thé verlal C cocmpare vilit t iL. Speeking oet Citensh, Fathar dh Sîafford salal LeLad a very Llgh opin- dh ion cf Chein a a hospiîable, generons, th intollecînai anal brillilant peoplu. They 0 mppeareh Ce hlm Ce Lave toeoaldovunM and to have bLssa more sensiblo CLan &e they vure vl hoiy recivea . Iheir ex-.lu penieuce fi-cm Che'.-Prusabanu. Thoir p, vealîl vas vittoul perallel ; thsybo Lad se muaI naeney Chat thev dit net kuov eb wl-at Ca de vlCh ii, eud Chey vare con- bu seqeqntly laokiug out fer -investmenle aI le Chie country as veil me eluevhere. , He lad conelantly visiteal tie ma-keaefol and seanCie ai-ueanalbh.eu Chein velt cîiealandl piosporous. Theo * vfiolaetfe&,frmer,'$s othieg voulal net coul moetu lewgbt ai- Con dollar. anald soeo t marta anix dallars. Tuera i vae in Chies avery impiortant eC ouinl yo eceuemy.- Thindûncitry cf- ai elaiq.s of vas vary gi-uit and al inet eqauâelin th4wovrld ;, anhChoir eco My ve a* .mbtIbir induulry . They ivèsal r velia sd ouao #Uai &vtl- vouid- suppiy oui- pe0ple# ibenanse 4hey -he os. nLe-mttempt Lad beau made by C1e govri-maul Cc secelerizo CL. scools as ,£ormes tboy could, but the movemant bcd aoC beau eaieactary fi-cm emoai-a pen c i la Itmly thora bcd net hemchprogi-es: butin Englcud ,thora Lad beeu very gi-st p-og-oeu. "any-mon thought iudeod Chers Lad been Cea much progreus, and that Cher. vouid ao& u inta. bhoeennugitpeople left te de Che uuukillod, vork ; Chat *Ihore vae toc muah educition going on. Father Stafford eeucluded by toma-k. ing lIat h. veeld net detain Iheta any longer, but voeld- again roter te ia holiday trip on a sub-Stinday uput. The Me-Oe Case. Jndgmnent lu Chueuehîbatsd Mercer case vas givra in the Suprume Court on Monday coafirmiug Cte appeal. The folloviag ie c summmry oetCh. jedgment et the court : Chief Justice Sir WILLIAM BITCRIE, in a bang and exhaustive judgmeet, Iiuld Chat provincial Geverumeete hîd Chu pover cf esehuat, vhieh vas net Cakentram thucu by Ch, Br-itish North American Act. He huld tist theaîp- poil sheuld-be dietaiued. Judge STRONG eoncni-red iu Chie j udgmaut. Judgu FOUNscL ot livurud a jndg- ment in French5 le vhich ho maietain- ed Chat Ch. action of Ch. OnCe-io Gev- erumant vie ultra rires, euh Chat Cha appoal shcuid hbcittaieed. Judgu HENaT hld Chat tha rigît et eseheat vie transfarrod froci the prov- inces Ce Cie Dominuion by Ch. BriCis North America Act. He. eoneiderod Chu met oetChu Ontar-io Goverumeut ultra vicres, and maintained ChiC Che jndgmant oetCh, court belov ehopid he suutaind.:: Judgu TAsfflmiil1 said Chat as ho had alrecdy 'étxpread au opinion ce the subjeet h. vonlddnet read bis jndg- m'ent, but vould baud hie notes te Chu Bogistrar. '2huyv-wee te u ffeet Chat Che ppeal should ha coefii-med. -Judge OitYN:i remd a long and vory, elahoraejudgment, lu vhleh ha Ci-meh Ch. hietory et the 1ev cf see ancd pointod out CIai tLe Englieh 1ev on' thc enijeet vias teChe efect Chat vhen praperty reverted Ce Chhe Creva bys- obeat it ehouid ho retered te tLe part- ie vho vould have iuherited lîbut for a mure accident. He mainigiued tut Ontario bad aoC Che paver cfsaest, moud Chat il vas only veeted in tLe De- inin Govai-ament. The appeal -shoubd, hLe eiit bu .conirmed viCh tees. Tii. appoîl vaa tonaiorddteho coeuhrmed viCh coste. An apkpeal te the Privy Couriil vill nov ho l i-loi-e. FExALE PaT5iOAN.-The Chicago r-ibune statuesCher. ireeat the present timu nuarly tour hundrea female phys- icas in activa pi-actiein theL.wenty. six States, te majarity cf Chein heiug eosideels et Nov York, Massachusetts aed Pensylvania,- Thasa figures show 1 a murveliene grovîl. Persane uetvery fi- advanced lu yeare eau 1romember vhen Cher. vara ne vomnnclaiming Ce practica madicievho ver, vorthy cf public confidenca. Thu cha uga Chat haie ml-eed y taken place ie pt-obably only Ch. heginniug cf a nov urs. Ini i few yemrs Chue nuer etfvaueu vhoi c-e crediblu doclors viii be, p gi-euti that their-sax vill ceasu 10 Luo a incter of comment. "IT's Ms."-The hoetiful Mise Perte, ai- graud-niee mod paptod ohiid, siC- ing oe day vriting in Mi. Dslàny'e drawing-roem' huare c knoek at Che oor : ehe, cf courue, ounquired 1"Whoe buere?" TC'etsse,"ropliuh aman's voies, comevhmt uugrummitieelly ; butlg-am.- ici eppearete Lave beeanuahdisdin- ad ineur grst-graudmother's deays. u"Me Imy, etay vheru e h l," ensvorodIMie. 'cite, au vhiah Che kaocking vai r.- êeated. "Me impertinent, and may go Rbout bis business." râitercted Che lady;' but the uuknavn iteroon, perAvettng n àthi-d knook, she rose la esuertein vba rai CLé intruder, an-d, laLut dioemay, roendi ilas ne other.tlian King George, himaelftChaI cite bh beffl unvittngly Ià uldrssslng vith eolitle -ceremauiy Ai, à le caulal utterva., "WLmthall Isay 2" p 'Nothiug mI ail," ropi'bsle"'M"ieàty, lyen orgeveryerigbt tb biecautlou o ru admitd. Thie royal diefregard h >grammir sa o ehave ftsibûSu- a )reuodeut for ChaI et the Court aud of riue, 1872.1, Lux DraTx.-EriyonSatda U. S. Pmoeore .-IC lu Olpoatod th&Ï Che United Stîtee -expundlture next yemr fci- pensions amIe, vM e 810o3. 000,000n SBINSuoarcc, xM eAlsPIIFm.-The subucnipti6na et Nev York Cc Ch, Miehi. îgan fite.roliottend nov ament îo 19, 000, amd PaCti ce Cc givoe aconerit for its )senoht. T. KLT A SomR.-A report coaes tram Bruceten, Pa., ChsI ive amoa, eup. posaod Cc-Le Fenians, are engagea in making oxplesi-res lu a cave nemi- Chat CANAnrÂte MuRLERE.- mcan alled - Purneil, a stranger a'te u eighbcur. Leod, hausauno mysteriously murderal noir Dailvai-CI d. Fi-cm papoe tound an binhLeaoaite be John Horueil, fi-cm Brock0»o, *t., or ils A DEVIL F155.-A "de-il BGah" tanl melero ut Portugal Cove, N. F., and vie cîptured by hyLe fishermun. This te the i-st Spécimen cf Cheo uipus evur ueeurod in an nmuliied cou.,- dition. The on, i-atareh te meesurue 81 faut £rom thCia il te -aideu o e of ite Centacles. Tax SENEcAL,-ZtaUIR LIato.-On Saturdey morelng Che jury in Ch, libaI suit et Senocel v. Lierisr came mbt Court and, utîted Chut CLey ceuld net agrue, andl thoy vuru ceusequuntly di. ch-arged. Tan ftood for acquittai andt Cwe for cenvictien.Mur. Laurier is. cuivad an ovation trecu Che croval ont- aide Chu Court Hone ettr ii.e cou.- Sion oftthe case. In île Saneeml-Ghg. non suit a fine et 675 aundecesteviric. ped on CIe deteudmut, vho had Lfet foueh guilty on pnrely teehuicil pMande? STÂTE IC ? Âoeo.-Tite business etf Cthe IrielLaed Court stuli ine-eaee, anal thora are nov 45,000 applications buera it for Che reductien cf i-eut. .Thora ie et pi-osent ne general stiie agminst Che payment etfi-ont, but it le emaid Chat lu many cases tenants refus Ca pay unTeese reduotieus are mide. The quiet ha. husu sn goneral that Che Gavoramènt hqs relaxud soeofe tho preemetiens before deemed nobssmry, :but Che Biru ce appm-eutly yét umaulder. lug auýd, roady te bisa k eut. aseions ag-ai-an but-ages inreoaited lainChie maraing*s despatehes, and themystor joua "CcapCala MonligLI" eoeeionay vclke ib-cal. Largo ambsof amen have cqs- mýenicoal ging bmok la Cheu anties fer the visiter. The, scicols lu Niaga-a teva have beeu temporei-ily ciesel ce acacunt cf dipCheria. An- electien utudu Chu Canada Tom- porance Aoct iii bo hela in Ch. Ceunty of Lamblan ou Nov. 57Ch. Théebcy et au enkuava min vas tounal ce Saturdiy Lmnging tla a ci-uat Hameftecal, noir Stratford;ý A me eting efthe Nova Sectia steak. bolders in CL. Onutario bauk viiibu bla on Nov. 17. About eeventy porsona have-bou aru-osted lu- Ireacd since Mi-. Pa-aoll'e imprisoamont. Sur Gameat Woleloy viiieuceed Sit Chi-lau. Hl. Ellice se Adjutaut-Guerl et lthe Ârmy in Api-il boit. The sala-y lu £d2,700 a yoîr. Itycuvwautto svearut. a big mman and oCali hlm aalr itb icpuueity ue a taiephone. A enti ,üf Mr-. S. Bell, eoËmbaoe, 1.11 üoea peuh et beshg vater an Tues. daylest, and, disa tram, tLe Injurie. ou Thelc*t qecrl1er. ofa milýlion of Can.' - saa PecifiBa Rilvy land . grant bonds lai een Ceen by CIe, .,Cana4â Lite In- Ai Ordor-ia.Councl hLe beau paosod - by tL. Geverçaientlu re gard te - the toetig cfthé e~~ f thé, Canada. Teulerabe-et bfor th Privy Ceea.- Thé 'Yorktovn Prend do dlegatbon - sive ,mpteal a banquet Ca bs $Iven at - lpireamlý by- French canadiens eaùly tout memntit. - ev.y Msocf visiter gpoils. Eldoîa Hoàwkin Zeo.hd an able luge -cengigetutin on Stmday lest. bhon JaeRoie wvae 11sd f.2 for bisbtd Asunts anMr. ieefr. pl AEIIIE D i-FOU X 5U-TEAimo3.-Theti sema JAeinoîl Honer vwu &nwtod br c ebief 'Bryar. ou ýau aol Saeof Mes M- a 0nineoyears apo, Rbn o wi-r. y,eat 4e lbM llud 4aebleescape ûrom te 1ck-up b> Olise - 40n-vlaAppoiutmazte, ;Aa EvUllbutheOLmlutqutta0.4suo 1 ha& been ,. fJoin r à6Db> of»W84f4et bie,4-a» ne wi!i"ý JOU 4: ,ouB. 1TOCK 18 Pallai-li. 'Our cci OMECOATID OVERCOrATS- If yow irequire-- e.1, DEVEREL Bx2dxx-umG oJÀi IHovard -WeR uabali charge cf i*omptig 'Goulal. Ho sent tla meagnato a number ol Le by turne Chroatena ploreal hMm Ce vin La cf tionsanals whloh h iloat -lu stock speu Godal0?eoy Cu a hi-ugh "P raonais" pipera Geeld-coul tien in vitiel ho don WaIla alaima le h. r ýearstiry cf l-te nei n isà ia hweiîuv.huà 1 xubÙéJ

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