Whitby Chronicle, 17 Nov 1881, p. 1

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(NE WHI TB Y (JHRQNIOLE r MURS DAY MOýRI¶ IN , .H.HlQGI NSI At hlsLrntIuS s tabl"ImhÏot. BBUOCE ETREETi WUITBY. .Te~»8 $ ~,par Anlum. JLment& meaauredlu ,Noup"t ald , largd t he rateof 8 o.ats,pelzp* noortien, &n&d2 ae#tlap, i 1800,e uo cetInsertion. spcia ReportsOI oftiffl 'Flaimelal màtmens o BaksRallvsy bompasiea, Iusuranc oeaanisn4asi CIes 11 Spealcentrats MadeWith lwèstlsooe ýy rthe yeait,,orlihrwê.. 00Otdqrç leoJp* dvertlaoma B-usinessD 4 toy. O*TAIRIO DÎNX, WHITBY BRÂNCH, -. -rTH1OXÂS DOW, MESSES ~ BILLINGS :qARRI8TERS &ATTORNEYS ATa,.14AW, 5lâCITORS IN CHANCgRY &a OH. RITOHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Whitby. 1rÂREWBELL &£IL E E lalaITBBS ATTOB9IIYSSOLI. L.fttOrON0w15 Pblia, .1d bauvey: .offlae, tiret oor soull af the Boral Rlotel, WbJtby. PÂMES IEUTLEDGB3, BA. J. B. PARE WBLL. L, L. B., o'sVLiVN &PERDUE, B) ARBISTÈRS AÂ?TORNETS, SOLIO- DT1%S, hUTABTS, &-., &c. OFFICES --72 Yonige 1trO11, nuit thé Dominion Bank, snd Corner King sud Yonge Streots, Toronto. 0. A. O'BULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. October 23rd, 1880. y4 JAMES KECITU GORDON, BARRISTBR & ÂTTORNBT.AT.LÂ-W, B olitor In Chsncery, CanvOYanor Notsry Publie, tha. Offia-tlu91-, gt r att of airntreng's Hotel. Monéy to Loan-Pit5e feund-stel10w tntereit. Wlîh cabm Pnlild en ods, gei bulis nc iillg dhstry, wa advacaePec VOL. xxrlçv. flOMMERClAL HO~RL sud STABLES, ..a.' ~ i ~uu.psaue~.. 64. "4sd 6 'e-stitht, Toronto. JONMORe,. .- - PJIOPB1BTOB. (swoMUss o o ou x xuur.) la th. Mrkt. The Souas bas beau uevly it4&?.Lt, sud urory-ihing Ftrut-elaus. 0y4?> ROSBIF OUSE.-TOROKTO, ONT. The Palac E. Bet &nf isads Nefiîted. gen Elevator, runnnuuiht sud %-s. The ouly irgs-claHôtlellu Caslhgrade- adpnieus, rs --82182 1'add 18 par dsy. Mombera of clubs sud oÎhers,.- dilrlng rooma, vithaut board $1 o 9pe 'y. Feb. â7th, 878. Propriotor. R1OYAL HOTEL, WBITBY. The obore hotel hbum DtborOughlY renovoted sud rofurnishedy aud ih nov un- 'dur the manoen eut eoK. MACRIE, (f oly o 904 e ortHope. msampleauf , omsfoO= R BE AEYIA'% 8 L ("as ou scousz.> WHITBY, ONTARIOý- Bouse-navty eiorted sud fUrzýtmed throughoet. sil put in flrst-clas order far ibrcI1taAo AU 55 mnibus M SCor. Ring & Yrk-ete., Toronto, Ont. à' . O'G£A~DY, - PBOPRIBTOR. 1>sies, $1.511 rie DAT. ly-47) P OST OFFICE SALOON, Toscuuo. av 'TEE BEST ACCOUMOD£TID 19*~ fer GUes". l-7 O TARIO MOTEL, .0Baoc-&Srauar, WRITBY. 'SAXRGENO I JAMES T. ,EWELL. Proprilfor. novhIe laei le.Thé^ in the EBALE]R$ Rt th e Dest etc sate. Adfor Wha.t oes. se ystrict ai- deleIrinalion t6 prtIes., 10 matit -27 Proprietor. tRI dc LINDSAY WBE TABLE. t. tend,18. 3. ai 14»0Poet Tne- IteonA Truk hAll- ter Eptom, ulic and Wick, an=d suutgtas. iMe li".t,.a TTORNEY XNIl SOLICITOR, CON-' A reyaceor. Notiru' Publie, &dm-Paît- office Driver No. 11, Witby, Ont. Farma 1,euglit s-Isold, M arriege SaIlle- meu,wils snd Trustsemode 8pe»alMes. Lean% nagotlated On. ail kinds of Proprty. CISARLÉS C. KELLER, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN oChsacey, auveysunr.,Ouing- L. T. BARCLAY, ATTOIINEY.-AT-LAW SOLICITOR iu Chonceru' sud Inaolreney, Conrey- DAV ID ORNIBTON 9 13.à&., A TTORN&T-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR IF ,Chauoamy, Couvepsucr, de. Omnc-In th. Omes pou* iof th. poul Ofice, in momlu's BlokBook eahStreet, Whîitby. ly-1O - JOHN 13ALL DOW, -ftii8TER-AT-LÂW. SOLICITOR liii lu Chancery, Convuysucer, &c. Oflàce-Doverliea Block, Brook Street, Whltbu'. - MONET TO LEND-Prlvsto Fundi - inum em p te lm, ai ab loy rate Of l- terait. (lySi2 HOD3INSON & KENT, (LArE Does & Noa3neson.) ARISER-A-LWATTORN- oFFIC.-Iu Victoria Chambeus. No. g, Victoria Street. J.G. Rosxnsaon, . aà. HRIRE r A. .KaNr. Y. OUNG SEITa, L L. B., B ABBISTB, &a., 8.-Mony o aLOa Isoe of Marriage Liconesa. Omoz-Oven Domînou-Bs5k h bY. Ibn. 22,1878, t- Siee.ý, Wàib, Oui. .1 .GALDRAITEl, E.»., 10 ..-~B ! een'a oMd victoria GRuLertiMuu $guoa srof the Collage af Phiaela n Dhigot, Ontario. orrzo-Brock-St. Wilby, Ont., (ibis docru souhi Roaf ala . y-Mf joHn qA. fKomxIltYAv, i>~wrn~T-I'AW, Domno ual idoor t o00etroal, uliava. - Ujt- J- (WNN, fNID-9 IMZR T T» CUSYGAOL, T'HoSPfiAt LONDON, G. G the ep .OB. .t., sav, O nlalo idl'ya&U Ageele of rToronto a&" bY Mioforsil tations cefur eZ hanga.- J. BoBs. Suentuendent. COURTS FOR IBS gr. 1, Apr. r4 Sept . 2, FNva2 , Apr. 8, May 18. oc Ot. 7, Ney. 17, Apr. 14 Hep 20. çor. 18,D, 9 iair 3, May * Feade. e>. rRRY C AR DJR. IIOGART, i'byslalan, Serge6u, AccMalie, *ô., "e W tySept. 801, 187f. - 40 W . AgA.MS M &dett i'i 9 1.8080, pml 2O4011)i - 1 c sdGIeiwnee - AM I INSV Epl S Ir' (Liste of the ipissing BoWe, Toronto.) Good Liquors sud Cigars. Oonxnodious Stabling. First-elasa- Livery Stable asudiiard Parleur otaeed. b-la T ISE QUEEN'S IHOTEL, 1IBsocx i=rx, Wn.rrex - irHLLIP MCCA.5 --Piop-ietar. Boat Liquorisud Cigare. A wv usu phoed table. Airy bed-roonia. Comfoniab stabbing sud largo yard'roorn. Chargs moderato.-A CENTRAL HOUSE, OqHAWA, ONT., W. B. MçGAW, - Proprleson. - Firut-elmasscommodation. Bps1 Winas Liguons sud Cigor. Good sta4blbg asu attentives bailler. Pi ly.17 WHITBY HOUSE DUNDAS-ST, WIiTBY. The undare±guad voeid intinate la the public thai the abore premises bave beau. neviy haut sud fitted op tmbroot, ior the accommodation o! guegs. Bost Wluou, Liquors sud Olrs". THE7M CREAU 0F CANADA - WALZ LAGER AIea pue rhiu. Wna.Lager, 17h01.- sale and Natal!. Boarders taken by tht e ee on moder- atc terme. JOSEPH A. BANDELL. Jaly, 28th 18M. 82- Cou. Fuosoms Qeue Be., TONONTO. ÀLFERD OXFOBD, - PUAOPBET01L pLatof Wflgo oaLaks. TzRRKS, #aoPEDAY. Gcod .1.11- ig for ont 800 borsesFinut-ý cisscoin- mmatio for farinr sud theto tnlg pallie Au genersi. - ly-4 MON EY TO LO AN ON EASY TEllES. Apply te- W. I. BILLING8, gr Office aven Ontarlo Bank, 10-tf Wlty. 1H08.--SLEIGH, HOUSE & SIGN PAIN TÉR, -Con nov be fou"d At bis SIip- TWO DOORS 17H52 0P AMUTONG'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET. Le AUl Ordirsprcnp4mup itoudd<. 'W.,lby Apnil14,18lm..3 LUMBER 1_LUMBER I' C. JOHN SON, LUMBER MERÇHlANT, âson hand s large supply. of &a!! bleds of Baun Lumber Board&4 sud ailUee au Building LuinLo Feugtag, 0Soya Timber sud Seauing, a arge qntàtyon Baud. Longe onders tom Long Bill Ste f lua from 3MAlsetaI hort notice, Doore, Sabn sund Blinda lays ou baàd.& L Wbithp, May 7114877. WTITBY, PQ1% Oc NARJT OOUHSAXD GOQLDS,ý .- 1-a l BALSA!EJC EMUiSIÙ-N -PREPARED BY--- W. R. HOWSE, Corner Drug St ore, WHITBYP -ONTARIO. olu-18l 044)N A H A L L INSU RA NtE. aMeN or TEE X IGJUO (EZOISTEEE 71 KING-ST. EFAST TORONTO. ONTARIO FARMERS' Pone Brekfas --Mutual In8uranoe Co'. Panel r Defs ad Tes Sets. s»yDne nd Dessert Sets. Fancy Bed«room Sets. HRBAD OPTCg, BROOK-Se., WHIT. p6tuoyJuge and Tespots. SCMÂYiursPr ul. au erPlated Kalves, Forks and Spoons. M S OPAYTUIIsFa ufd Suler Plats<l Crusosud Butter Colrs. ±tugup, Country ChiurchozseBbool Slvar Piated Cake Baskets. Houses, and their Contents sI raï"s as tov Bedpgo' uive ansd Forka. u those of sny vf-oause Company Tes Traya and Servers. iu canada. Flaver Shaasfor Lil 's&o.,&a. JJTLSESRO TYID GIlasir'e d ouan.ISTLOSSFOM D Wbu it va*, evory Mua. .BCRL Hatel sud Bbr Goodi. J .BCEL OMWLs <OVRHARRISON, President. cePednt Importer. C. NOURSE, Sciat Dominion Wood Works,1 WHITBY. Geo. Cormack, Lr UMBEN MERCHANT dk DUILDER. JU -A 1largespp of BaUdlos' Furuish- higi, sud .ail kgtnds ofTwuated Moldngs, Doorsa seh sud Biludi. LUMDER vhoegale -and rmaCr.cmbu' by the c0r lord. Plâning, Mouldingu of every dcscnp-. tion, Plocrig. Sbeetiug, Sbelilng. Re- aavlng, Shaplug, Turning. Scroil-wvrk, etc , etc. Wbllby, Oct. 161h, IBUd 4 a H SPAPE '&m a falluau o lt Ge.P ovi o'o Nevspaperlad. ~erlsng urau 10spruee st.), vhoeead- lerllstg ecoacemay h cado for il in MONEY TO LOAN!l $10,000 FOR INVESTRENT. ON BELL ESTÂTE SEOUBIffY. At lavnsi lving rate« of Intemet. MonepMecuredithin 10 dsya of aP. Apply 80 JOHN PARQUHÂBON. Whitty, February 101h, 1880. 9- KIGB11OTERB, WHITBY, ONTARIO# Importera, Deaesb*"ud Monuistpor f a# LEATHER AND FINDIN8, i Cash psaid for Bides, Bark sudi Leathur. Leatherstretche& t __rBBLTIIIG MlTETUO ODRE ON anclT NOTICEC. May. um ça 1SO N IS A n1 tA I tO K AIT (LLMITDJ Authorized Oapitit $2,90,000 Offce, No. 72 Olierch-BL., Toronto. D I B E 0 T 8. lION. Al Whltby, Apnil 9th, 3378 -16 p 19NU PIE INSURÂI4CE CO. Lombard St. sud Charlng Cross, Londaon. E5TABLISE1ED [; 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & 00., Agents for Canada. I.W. T"ME, Manager, Montres! A GirNCT ESTABLIHD n; CANtA-1 D'A ln 1804. Unlimited a ullty of ail the Stockholders,adsud lrge Berve Funda. Moderato rates of premîum. Atont, Whltby. Whithy, April MI, 1878. 16 A 8811/'BflOOCompanY. HICORPOR.ATED t833. ASSETS, S,3O1>714. F. Â. BAL14 lusuranoes aefeateda st thelovoot aunent rs". on Bufidp ldgs, M seba dls , u ali property. agaust lom or damceyameb'ie 0. FOURBE, Agent, WhUtby. WiMtby. Apri U 24167&. la ARCHITEC 'TURE! DRAWIUG AND SPECIPICATION BUILDINGS Promptly prtpred villi, vlev80 oomu' î onstructlon. CHURCH AND BOIOOL ARCHITECTRE A Cerrepoudence Resp.ctfully Sollclted. Hl. B. BARBE Arebleot, &e., Oshavaý, 0i 118ULPHOLINE LOTION.'t >Mr luMo. - her otdjourud to. A place. <uiO, Bcesp LD. sPl utoed frena t- tm-IOshawa. Znowladge, Brothcrlicod. N07VEMBER 17',-1881. -NO. 48.1 tbe flrak J could neyer ¶foa-get, and vhich he ever I-BautÏbe ledoue up." said tb. sacond. 1aVoided. Zeubcd neyer renevaci bis Isa ho iuded," said the third. "Por- riait ince ho first gave 4but, amomg its hospa, bY maklug a speech, lho Wftlts .5 Tevenend rmmne, té bis o'anchangeaandt place 2" moçt tumultuons heurt. "&Poople doq't mike speech es for They aîood iu ailonce before the boly notbiâg," aaid tha ihird. - Pie with ita vnultiug arohesansd crmrni "II shouldn't vonder if ho is cIter a bling walia, mellowod bu' the mid a ter- ýplsco lu the RousuholaI," seid the ueo- 'cf the decliuiug sun. Not tvo pears ond. liadflied ince haro ho iraI staggenod "iDopenci upon it, bh k ok soma- aller the breaking glimpees of self- bngmori active ild the mart. lcuàvledge, sud truggied tl aoelordor "i'eerhaSpu ble vou78-like to ho bead £romutuIof the chaos of his mimd. Not of the Adiniraltu' 2" saici the«seconci. two yeas,sud yet what a change hua "Or tho Troasuru'," said'lhe t.hirdL- corne aver hie existence 1 Hov dia-rn- "Thât hinuiposible t" scid the liraI. 'tricailly opposite now were al hie "Ha ie toYoung." thoughts,sud vioe, sud feolings, te "ILt la as aid as Pitt," said the thi'd. those whioii thon controlied bis -fatal, "II hqp.e v iii rasemblo hlm li no- soul 1 Boy capable, as hbe Rrmlu' ha- thln bthie age thon,"salA the irut.iltbved, was ho nov disobarging bis duty "I bob upo'n 1 FuPt as the lfirai man -té bis Creator sud hie f.llov-meu i 1and Iluat aee lireod,"aid <ha tijdd; - et the boon Lhat ougbt te have been "What t" mid the lirot. - I"Tii.man the reward ofaI liIbis el-contes- the, whovaorked no the national dabt sw aeet seul that ought toelharo ratifiad; Jnanly eight huudred millions 1" 1h, unew oontraot of existence v as -"What of Ibati" esdî.he third. 'IL veoting. look upon the national duht as -the "AhVt"1ho excimaed Blond, and luaa source of ail Our ptoipenity." roice of auguisb-"lab i if I ue'ar had "The source of cil Onr t axes-. yon lait the valîsa ofDaore.- boy differeni,ý meen." - miglithv>bu eaueenMy lot 1" "1Whst le tb. har cOf taies 2"1, A. <ne.but n unutty rY Pifl' "The harm la, Ihat youi i ah-e êl-ofteopnonhm haro mo trade ; sud vheu pou bave for once Au bis lite, bcha bd for A mou-- no trado pou viii bave -no duties sud -eut fongotten. viien pou have ne duties, yen viii have -i foui it is rnainess,-I feel it je no dividends, pou viii hava no law ; vonse tita'n madmesa 8; but mmsl I pield sud thon vhama le pour source of prou- vi-ibout a itruggla, înà -see mp arkl peitu' ?" said lie final, fate caver me tvithoôut au effort ? Oh t But bere the coach atoppud sudd the peu, bhene, oves .herie, vae II haro duko gpl ont for-an hour. wopt ovéC pour contémpt,-ýýeven bore;- Bu' miduighlh <btla rached a lowe cîthougli I ubjeut uiysulf la r8revek! not more thon thirtu' miles fom Dacra. rejeotion, let, bet me tellpou, belon. -vo The duke-vas quit. exaueled, andi de- part, boy I adore pou 1" terminod bo stop. -lu-bauf an hour ho she vas Biont ; c strange courage enjou'ed Ibat deep deoarniese asihber came aven hies pirtt; and,. ivicl vilh vbicb no iuxurp enu campote. Issa boldues, and repid robce, a mistu' One muet haro pasied restlese nigbts sight, sud total uncomsciousnesa of ail for yoans, to ho able te apprecicie tho other existence, ho esumod thb.vord value af sonna sleep. vhiohbabd broken ont ahe if bu' ins5pira. tion. CHÂPTER XVII1..I aran fot voribu Of You. Who is ? CRIPTR LXVII.vas voriblees. I id not knov it. Ho rose earlu', anAuienaged te meuch Haro not i tnuggled tO ha pureP bave Dacre et lhe breakfast hour of thie cm- nol I sighed on 'Yulghtly pillow'for p. Re discharged is chaise et the u'our blessing 2 oh t could pou raca par e, aud ontered the bouse un- mu' beert,-and sometirnes, I timk, soon. Ha look bis vay cloug c corr- pou cen red 1h, for indead, il alel don linod vilh plants, vhioh led te hie feulse, il la vithout grille, I dameta amal sud favorite roomu whoro the hope. Ihat pou veuld pity zMa. Sinca monning Meetings of may sud himsulf voe final met, pour image1las uat quit- tok place when thep vene alone. LAtua my conscience for a se8cond. when hae lighly u'stopped along, ha beard as p ou ogbt me leset wothy-vben, voie tiactha could mot eiske, as it pan tbougbl me O eT o md-ýab bY veto in animated converse. Agihated ajit i s sacrad, I vas<be -Mout MiW- 1bu' souns vhich even creseod iu hlm arable vrutcb that eVer hrcatbed, suad omotion. for c moment lio pansed. Ho flew ta dissipation aniy for Alsterstion 1- stani,-biis oye epankîca witb etrenge* "'Not, mot'Ion a momeul bve 1 ceas- dligt,-a fluhcames ovor bis peut- ae a hlkpcdu t<b.besi, thQ iîost-boi ing lectureshall ai modealu', -alf of tufai, temu-nbuigsd ne triumph. Ho lieteus ta bis ovu speech iug ceature Ihat evergracadýour ocruli frobi the lipi of thé- voman ho loves. Bren whan I firal doared la vblsper Mu' $he la neadiog to'het father vitb melo- insolent afcinbioeme, avon thon Abous enorgu the passage lu *hicb ho pour presencec ontrolefi My' spiritosa dascrlbou the high qualities ai his Cath- no thwomBmon ld. - 1, boutla yaul ollo usigithore. The' luhouations af the <heu ilu pideaud power. -Thoestation- voice indiocte <he duep aympalbp cf the it jtI coula thon.offer you vas ual tt roeda. - ie ceaes g. e hasetha îenly uuwortby of pour PerfectiOz- admrn±ing excbaxztions of bis haut. H R nov a beggar, or, Wor8e, an inacîr- alieas t tetegt,-he advainces,--he ent nbblàa,d dame I, dem. 18a5kye stande ba foro <hem. Sh milo atera i-0a b uatlb.fortunes that are- broken,, Most A fsbrleo o igb.tful surprise, cnd aOd<lie eitence -4hot ie obscur~e 2'; veloornes him viii-bath bar banda. 8h. ttumnofi,;-.haei tmfaItover '.bis- L How mucithere vas ho - sey t-boy s hônider;1 a-h. -,burietdhem hoad lu insi mucitaarte -boy rnuab- laesuavet rett 1 Eou HM. Dicte paurod forth queilons lik. oboy. But Moy-sle oulA uan - epeali, but leautýd fot*arf-inlubar chair, 4HPE XX vitb an ecger eat, suda àbIok cf con. - Li. Docte eturbed borne vili au ax- gratutioX, <bai pevardeilbhna for all amn pptlsd alint as keeu- ua' 1 uroxenîxon, uivamé-m1-g -a- m tme It vas the lime of ettumuà When lucres Sre urung brown- Gzeen 80YellOW&ani le&and hck: And emner. twâhlfngdown. Il was the lime of sutumu When fruits are gaýàinA Soma for the Pyem, »Mie for île vat, And smre for the miller's bin. Then poor men fell 4paylng, For tht théir work wuvser; And rioh mon feus lging. Tht they oould Id-l no more. For the su-mer-titê ils am"rry ime, If aman havelelsiteto play;- But the summert4imé l a weary lime, To him vho musti ork sil day. Than thanko Wo God te giver, Who loves both gtest and W ua To overy anse oaopiUaglugt, But to no man < Î1s14L. The rich who oareth for himuelf Findsafmter plessure. pain; But the toifer. whoiu go4eaath for. Rosandudn g"<lalgml n. THE YOUNG DU KE. (A Moral Tak, <bougie gay.) BT 1BENJAXR âD!5EaE, KAlI. 0?orBEACONS The raturn of morniqg had in nmsn deuroe dluipated lt.égîor. that hod settléa on <ho young 4uke during the night. sonnund udiIght made hlm feel loua forlorn,. and foras monktbis sou! lagin responded. ta bis hie purpos. 'Bono le w t o ek neoeesry r.- pose. In vain. Hie hevalod frame and suzioumizad wvesllie restlée.Ho turned, ho tmoed iu bie b.d, but ho oould not bacish from lbi earthe whirl. ing sound of his late oouveyanoe, thie enore of Mrl. Maomaxragh sud <lhe voioe ci Tom Ravlins. Ht koptdwelling on every pet . ' ddoepaf his journey, snd repealifign 11smifna evel!7petty ay. Ing.Hi determlostion 1* sinniber mode hlmeven leusaea p y. Conecions that repose Wuasbsolouely neeessary to the performance.cf hie task, an&-dread. inq thatthie boon Vwuflow nsttain. able, ho beasme euch moment, more favarlsh and more narraus s acrowd of. hali.formad :deu and images flittemi over hie heated brain. Fallnra, misery, May Dacre, Tom Bawlins, boilod beef, Mns. Burnet. the aristocracy, mountains sud the marine, snd <tie lover of S:. Alban'a csthodrsl, hurried &long in in- fimite confusion. But there is nothing 1k. experience. Ino a eeof distrac- tion, ha remnembered the hopelese but refreeb;ng sloop he b"d gaiued alter bis fatia cventurt>ai Brfk4ton. Ha jump- ad ont of bod, sud -throw himeai on the foor. sud in a foes minutes. from the saone cause, hie .zalt.d soutes ouhsded mbt alumber. H. avoko : the sua vua slng. through bis rougl ibsutte. Il vu ocu. Hejumpedu npgni<lb.belle ud asked fora bath. ?i â barmaiddid not seezu etxaaUr ta comproenad lWu ru=. ing butu»d the wcïld speali o th*, voiler. Hp wu t<héeam -i gntleman who everhbadlaoked- foa bath ast<the Dragon villiTva Tale. The vaiter lnformed him <bat ho rMiget oabsth, ho béiele, ai lbo Hummume. The dulie dresaed, sud »o<bhe 3wnuma he thenlochk bas wy'L i a ev t<h&yard. ha vas folloved'hy -au bosilr, ,Who, iu a voio masicaUy hoarue, tbu, Sodrleard 14B "R&ave ycuuee=nmias, tir 7' xny~o eaa 1 ,mc i N, Ihors mot Sn your omas," anud the <Itale pro- "Sir, sir," sald the hoagUer, ; "I don'i thlnk yen have <ci auy lu9qase ?V' iohltî1bogycrpron,' 71sad h. duke ; 111seteii,Iam n Au yurdei but I rusant 0goe. "'No doubt c'nlu;but vheu geom- mou doni have t loggge. (boy ses MOeWb=,& 6osehl levs ibis pucsoa. iorzomvfor Yarkabite." .U4af put<asix gosé1okin <the morning 1piedsél.1 1sidt bouger.. - 1 la - -'To' l'KEE FE, Esaq., -Vigo IIUBIE8, Esq., W. T. JOHN -FOY, Eq x on" leaned on moli C.N. VARS, L. D. Sî TBITAL BOO Ü8 r,od fror At- ShirUley,' stose, M-Kgt., Oiava: F A RMERS 1 BEC, bu' localm osthes"a ana nov block, om KIng 0taulel WM. Lords, rewarded-nd ao gdh. ual ho dliub.lievred.v;en hgtjempressed bis convition of,1he safelyof emanci- pain b t ilas as au n l-ielipro. paluora Brtih- noble, *th#t it vas evidant Ibol hie gnaca fai 0t al eanîy upon <hie =est- important mes*er.- Ho described il ih-power <btheo6uliar injustice of the situation cfthb, Engliib catholica. Heprofesed a tefel kenlu' on Ibis subjoot, bcnahie native un- iy bcd mas hi-m ell acoquaiuted vith the temper of Ibis claie; ha* Psia in glwing terme, th. loyaltp, th. vuitb, <li influence ' 'te noble -irtues, of bis Cathelo ne*¶pbaru su ad lhé coscd a àspe 0fcam f su àur's <Iiiain uwbiob Ie baho b a aWC-voru ujeciýwe ousceplblecf novol itreatment sud no.; eiýé intereul, amiid IouA,.iùd general ciie.e,-Télr4 pbiround bhl viile h6 -1 soke, and msny Pensoncilu coufigala<ébim upou hic deatlgniih- edinueeasa. Thé debatetloch t course- kt t1weeo'loc heb.pocatblics fouii ibeniseve ins salorlty. butarminoni. ty lu whib, tul. eaioent imlght vel be dlsacvered tbe bersld n tueusi. Tho sddreac of the Duka of St. James vas tIis.drok peech of (ho nighîi. - .hre Au" a d ut hie! t vas-Crowed. The £rîi man vho vel- oomed hlm vas Ânelep. H. congratu- sied <l te duka vitb a warmih for vhiob tho .orld dl la '& ont give hlm crodii. 111 assure pou, uMy dec' St. James, l 'i' m oie of <the 1ev people vhomn tuisýdbwuplas ounet éurpriad. I have long tbîevedça tâyeou vote formed for 8imlbn blor thon m»or fnlity. IÂd; belveen auri'elves, 1 amrn eo a IL. 'Dont 4 surprised if pou beom that 1a0]ere. D'Opendunponï Il that I oui a lb.point af doing eouiehxing droadfui."t "Bnup villime, Bt. James," sud Lord BSqib ; III viilo.k O'Oonnell 1W meet pou." Lord Fitz.pompey and Lord Darril vrprfuse lu* oumaulctioms ; but ho broli wop Yfrorn tbam', ta vlcomo 00h mon vho nov Advanca.IHo ws oue, of whboonha neyer thought vithout ia ahudder,> but vhom, for'ail that, ha gréatly iiked. 1M y doar Dukes of St. James," said Arýum a Dacre, I"boy ashamed i am that thie le the firet lima I hae ap orson- iafly thaukemi pou for aIl pouir goocineas1" '#My dae Dacre, 1 have te thank pou for proring the firet time te the vonld, thai I vwu nei vithout discrimination." INo, no," said Dacra, -gaplp and easils : "cli tbocongratulations sud ail the compliments to-nightolbsilhafor y ou. Believa mue, my dean friand, I I hana pour triumph." They shool; bauds witb oarnestneis. "May vii recd-your speechi vitb ex altatiou," said Arundel. "I think vo muet thiauliben for melcing pou. au oraton." The Duko faintlu' smfled, sud abooli his head. <'LAd boy are sl! our Yorkshire fiands r contued Arundel. "I arn dleupolnw dagaxu lu getting dovu te <bain- but I hope, lu the, courue aIs mDoli, -e psy hem a riait.", I s&hall soeathein lu a day on Ivo," the lb Duke. III psy Mir. Dicte <une "Âepo hn deefi going 2"sk.d Arundel, lu s lild voie. "Ny, 'uap, ove r is a strang word," "ht booomes thon n y feelings. Ho0'. ever, we viii not ti-of ibis. can I boeniy letter for yeni ". -e bI ave juet wntten," repiied Arun- dol.iu in-agloomy 'ro*we, aud- vil A'a ttbang u ouaance. '"sudftiierefore viii not trouble pan. Andi yet1 "And pet the latter is an, importaDi ane to me. The p>l o4 eb.enra, never dosa ise -ih..ereot traubing youm <#race <o lmucb, 1I vould alnioat Ïsk pou to b. ite beomen." 1"lil! Ub. thé«mas c on," saad lb. doe, i"for I <bal ha off iu su hour." "I i i< t"4 but of the box thon," iite .a.erý a.adi. ho, on. bis retoru SecuiIt~1. 1, WbIlbu'. -'s boy II' oried i -cerisig bnhie- uhsir aud omàamgngMlm;" «il lsu t of <ho povor of man o imutt o me-uY avent whioh-oould- afford mes uch l ie. sure 1 Indeeli, iDeda, il ýio 16 memoit surprislng 1 for I bed been iudùced 80o sus1 p ect, G e r g, ut a l som e exp lan a . lion lis ssed hbetveen y.ou sud May, vbicb, whila h at ccountd -for voni mutual esteem, gàve- littho hoÉe of a, strongersentiment."1 " 'I helieva, air," soja Ibm yoûng duka with a muile, IIvas obstinai.,"1 "Wel, bis changes all ar 1plane. I have intended, for Ibis fortnigbt psl, tosea i o nsîlu on y:ur affaire. But realiy. ibis interview is confiden. (To be ContinueeL)- tiow lie Managed ý,the School et Cran- berry Gulch. "Mister, mo doubi pou have .&1 the [ecrnin that's îequired linc a chool but it van ta more thon loarnin' to teaoh tshool et Cranheri Guih.You'l soon fiud that on fyu tnp. We're bnci hre ho tnied iti on. One. laya tbere in lhe gravapard;. another - aot bis eye ; the lest une opped auchool and Ieft before noon-time for the benefil of bis bealt-h. He basn'tbee*haokùoe. Nov yonà'ne, a elender buil a,a!' pour learini' çvii1 only mnake il worsa for ùIl ont poung foîke tre mouglie. aud dou'< stand"'nonommene.4" This vas vbat one o f the truetesof <the district ssid ' t my- frieud Harry Floetoo, vhîn ho made appication for the vacnt position of joncher. "Let Ïme'try. I know ITamn sender, but I-arn lougli aud I. have sa strong viii', Soija rary. "ýJuil na ycu 1&.- Thero's the sehb boo hase, ndlIIfliave notice giron if yo Woniil do a,"adthle truste. 4à&.McYdait 9,ua. TheaiýbUce vas given, pmd<bore wau a gooâ- àeà1 ofaxoëitomoni lfuAbteguc sud alongî*heYba at.Mohn flftp youngpopéfbol *èlad an .exouiteto roy nohi seuâe eo«h ei tah<le f. 16w wheê&bo'Petho coula iéiho(l ia i dîsic%_ tand - -nn'a coptolutucals, gsnbo11't.è on the volb es èýander. o Eightoa'ziok- on Monday'uiordiing 1am, 1ud ' ry loioavýentdibwn te ha ool.honaie wivi a- keyp lu' one baud-sud s-valise iünhe otier. - -ý '~Ied aslo.e-if hlie Aide ve*' ton muob for lmf," suid s oiross.aedbroad The soboolhouse vas, 'unlocked, sud thie -novteacher vent 80 the. doal. Borna of <lie youug -follis eut <o use virailie vas going th 8co, <bougbscobo W85 001 oalied. Harry opeued his reflua and Cook out a large bell. Then, aller buckling-it around-hie vau*Bt, . 1111 t -reaColI's- nary revolvers thoëra, ascii six bei, aud a b#ekrf S~ûhsb h Dngth Mn. Docte: - -i told.,ýi, U oo et -wbother hoaept lu lb. miailiWbera o veut ;-vhcït Be dici;w-vboim-hoeev ;-What they said ;-WbctL (bau'thougit ;alMust ho onav3ened. Then ûosa iexclamations of vpmdeîr, dligit aA t'mm b « Ti AnI <nmM vewthn<,bat Lslove.. J.,ï

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