ICZ ie horsby ilvu1sfje MatiInu cof litag êb1 it tarlo Ladis Collaa ih* MAY, 'BEPTEMIBER aS Two clook. P. em., pni1pose i elotlns Direre. ta "o thr buizns smyazs the Rhareboldrs a slet sU7 JOR NRion, Sosm7 rAg.271h, 1881. ln0 *bqve eseeog wUilba a0djorlt. day, OtobrlShiP , aS game ime à zuI pIe.., rjAfg. lt. 1881. o u, ova meeting le iurther adoura fÀ day, Novr. lôth, - 8î aIsuuilun mo place. JOHN BICE, Secrtary. ýr Oct. 81, 1881.. 8 DC. VARS, L. D. S, KTAL ROOMS remave,! reu Il ktnue'o Drug store te zoomus over LShrly a store, King SI., Ohava.. CLOo Ing StresS. TO IIIVEST O14 jage Real Estate Securitl. Apply Le CHIAS. NOURSE, IsuranOI Aget, Whltby. ,nGlb,1880.2 MNE WHITBY CHRONIOLE la sUBmiciamlsv sart MI H.GHIGINSet it hie rlulluglilst&babalis, BRaOOK STRBET, WHITJ3Y. ADERBTISEMENTS. - AUl Averti.- moutu maiaured lu Naupozll, sud harged aI lite rate af 8 oeutsg pur lise, amn osrtinansd 29 oeul,per lls e.ac subie. qoenl insertiou. 8 tatments of Banka, Rallay bmais Ineurance Compaules, and matSera af 1k descripion viten plaood amen; NeyaMal. terntll onets arlise. gpecileatr&ols m&als vit sîvertiat uythe year, or othervlaa. .'0Ordoe 10 dlsontiue advelisuuts in ust be lu vrlllug. ,Business Direa tory., ONTARLIO BANK, WHIITBY BRANOHI, THOMAS DOW, FAREWELL k RUTLEDGE, 5) AUIISTERS, ATTORNEYTS, SOLI- lcltorg, Ntales Publie, sud conver. office fraI loor sout e0! the Royal JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. Couoty Crowu Âttorney. 48 MIESSRISIUTCHIE & DILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS ^T -LAWf, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RTdc UV 21 t I.-»' H. RITCHIE, Toronto. 110? AJOIR MILLS. a, Mill la nom, in Comuploeruna w, ils Micbanery&al nov, lte!al audm=outapmrovel kind. Thé là doue pmnmaptly, luaIthe ST POSSIBLE MANNER, Aud givra entiro Satisfaction. "IES & DEALERIS tpplaeed vith FLOUIS cf lb. Bos qeuSrstLovoat rates. OUR AND ALL RINDS 0F MILL, PEED, FOR SALE. ghest Price pald for Whemt AT ALL TIMES. hliât! aifer ta ptronage'hsreiefors me- 'ad lh. Proprieter ho>%a, by trict at. lon la buinelssu, sud s detemminalon lu utafstccji lywth al partie, te meit T, P. WIIITII, tflyle. lOl loune, '80. .27 Proprielor. H7'ITflY, PORT PERUT I&LINDSAY RAILWAY. CONDENSED TIME TABLE., Takingeffet on Oct. 22ua, 1881. vewhlthy etC .1 0.0 CM . Port IFerry 10.185 7M5 rLindsay ulttn ' .10 VOLOtay oi0 .10 .40op,.4.20 pnm lauillua 16.44 81.0 .25 PortPeNny 7.25 100 .11 VWhthy .15 '4.0» 81* enlinis at thor stations Rs-o oket Timu. l, ta ha Wsdeouappliesllon (tesuny i 1h. ps as gnts. CONNECTIONS. Tutv Jumolu-WJtli Grand TrunkRail.- for ail pointaomat and 'Seat, T'1,Psmsî£-With stage for Epsomux,a "a.a-For Salntile!d sud WIck. 14&.A,.4or Underlanld anoloigtout, eem'oo.-For Oskwood, LîtIa Bltalus, Va- ta sd Port Hoover. iiav-Wilb Vittora l a Iy for Mine, ibucton. ch. prou Grant To rtory sMl th. iaeenelluaktlOriita v"ith te r ae lWsy for BarrCoingwood, GcAsSnlse obialtg, «i!theo ProsGrouit Lsuds cof 'ouçI Tiokta are a dIsae y ail Agents of W. P.P. &L.Ry i0r Toie and by -ag il. P. & dL.thcoh. e carges.- J. J. 105 tby, t et. 22, 1881. Spnnedtl IOUNqTY 0IF ONTARIO- NOS 0F THE DIVISION COURTS FORISOl ithy=JaU. , FOIle!. 1, Me". 1, Apr. 1,]WI, Joua1611i ly 2, tepî!ý. Oct, 1, Novl. 1, j Hep I& 8, July 4, Sept. 2. ý UftCreek I Jon. 4. Mar. 9 Noev. . IVerry-Jaîi. b81.Mor. 4, 1 r. 8, Msp 1la, nee 17, Jnly 22, Sept , ,Qd. 7, Nov. , ï f'.28, erlge-Fel. #],Mar. , Apr. 14, Ma>' 90. ne 2e, Salt. 8, Oct. 11, Nov, 18, Dec. W,' aiugto-leh. 8Mar .Ar 15 MAy -,JYn11 , Sart. 7 Ott. 121100., 'eton-Mac 10 ino.ÃÃtrn 'Pooî18Da. 9 t-Mac 1, JTO2et9 c. 14, Po>o. 20. blhdbye ore! lte GWuprallolu. JItO. a.FABIIWBU', IyClark ef the ples. llanLi'ne. rERPOOL# LONDONDERRY ~ior 8.rvlo via Quoboo, ! tTE&T uEirw 1 , lT SBATRDA't PROM Qi.lEE8P WZsurvaI cf lthetsn Wvng b aIst &8, a. Ms, Plday Ma". Inta '18i1, wt'o W. H. BILLINGS, Whitby. 'I'LLIVAN & PERDUE, 3ARIIISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLTC- 13 ITOliS, NOT&RIES, &'G., &C. oFFICES -72 Yeusge Strueel naît lu, încminlon Bock.. snd Corner King Sud ijouge streeli, Toronte OA. OSULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. ortober iîrd, 188W. JAMES KElTU GORDON, 1 RUISTER & ATTOBNEY-AT.LAW, SL olIeitr lu Citanoary, Co-nvsy r, NotsrY Public,-le.-Ofio,9-Dunds# St.. fira donc vestut niArmtroegs Hoiel. Moiry tu Loan-PriviLe fonds--ait 1ev inter'et. J. IAMER GREENWOOD, oTTORNEY AND 8OLIÇLTOR, CON« A veyancer. Notany Public, &0,-Posi Olice lrswer Ne. 11, Wletby, Ont. 1-ena& boliglit ai sdI ; Marriage Settle. niene, asuso Trusta mile Speclalîlea. Lean' nrgotiatod On &uI kinddsoe! ProportY. JOHN'A. McGILLIVRAY, (Succeoseor te H. M. Eo1-e11.) BARRISTER & ATTOUNEY.AT.LAW, DNotIL Publie, &c. Bolicitov for the lîniinwon llauDk. OfRoc-Noît dbar te Meaneion Hous, Uxbinige, Out. .20 CEIARLES C, KELLER, ATTORN11Y.&T.LAW, SOLICMIT N fCAcary,onvoyatoer.&4o9Ctnl5g . 'ui, Brook, C. W. L, T. I3ARCLAYq ATTORN«Y -AT -LAW, SOLICITOR inu CUcerysud IluemYo Couvoy. sucer, lo., le. LYMAN ENrGISII, L L , AtITRAT LAW,.SOLICITOR IN coq Street, ba. DAVID ORMINTON, B.A., ATTORNET-AT-LAWl SOLICITORIN T ChanecCouvepancer, &e. Orr-lthe 1h11O00cesouth e!flt" Pest Ofice, lun Mllalua Block. Brook Street, Whitby. !y.lt) JOHN HALL DO W, B IIB.I8TER-AT-LAW. SOLICîTOR luinOitancsry, Conveyauees c, e omOe-Devarbls aBlool, BrecitStreet, WhLby. MONET TO LiEND-Prliaite PunIs - iu sem& up te $800, asta1ev OWraie ofIn tercet. (]LA INEUON dà o ain.) BAR1 LZRiAT-LW.ATTO RN-- OFFIC.-Iu Vltpria Citambobe, No. 9, Victoria Streel. J G Rsuse, . ..HzuaainA. E. Rmi. 'Ri8 'I-T-LAW SOLICITOR B l in eerp tMd 9 Ium4vsuopCouvay. sucoer, lo. Ofà -oellsBlock,Bmoc. Street, Whitby, OaS. ui. TOUNfU SMJT I, L-L.18, -A gRIIi8t I , ,b.-IMouey toLots B lune !Mu ag Iess Orvo-OvanDominion Bok, Whltby. Tan. 22,1878. . ( . E.GALDRAITUp,8M-0-, CRADUATR o! du-uu'à A"-i Victoria ciJ Dulversit ihetb.n cf the Onloga of l'byitpscni tel burgaeouc Cunte.io- Onnc-Brack-él.,Wllby, Ont., (throo doora oeuh of IXW lHeel. 17Z S UlGRONTO RZ CUIM GAOL, fiUYS ~t8PITL LODOE,' EEG., t.Wih ye R O H o b*vsOntanei CABD. piclin, Sr geon, conhr Whliby, SePt, 801h, 1M84, Mt J, 0- 19ATi Mo aletlorted Ils soitmaiS fer id ment l'à I bo CHOICJc biut tua. W. AIDAMS snd GlbrI struiI ha., ho, 40 WIth cales Printibd (Vit Jcnowledg., B,; >roth.rhood. VOL. X.. WIIITBY9, POi ~0 N'TAtRIO, TEUISDAYe NOVIEMBER 10, 1881.NO47 c OMMBBCIAL HOTEL and STABLES, 64 sud 568 Jrvhl-ître, Torouto. ,VOHN MeRLE, . - - PBOPBIBTOB. Thé beit $1.08à amy Boanse lu the clty, only Ive bleoka from the Northeru Depot, sud close le lite M&rket. The Bouse bas bien uewly vllted out, sud oery.ltlug Flrst-otans. (lyr-4 IR8811 OUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. Thé Palace Holel of Canada Ufoitted, Rofornashol, sud Unrivallel. New P'assaun ger Elovator, runulugulht sud day.The oui v >rsi.cla t lluiesala with gradu. mea prices, vùs -82$.0o # rday. berofClubs aud other, Neiring roome, wlthont board, $1toO92eril Feb. 2711, 878. Proprielor.- R OYAL MOTEL, ITY The abovp bote! liai been îborougblY renovated aud refurnieleed, sud le nov tun- der te maaenoi e t GEV. MACRIE', (forxnerly of St. Lawrence Hall, lPart 11ope. E ' 11Ye g. damuple R::ms for Com- B RITSU AMERIgAN HOTEL, R AY'S <LoTI sa05lieusE.) WHITZ3Y, ONTARIO. Hous new1y ronovalel sud furulabel thro tou, and put ta firat-clasa order for the rece1p«llion et guee. Au omnibus 1e sud fromu &Ultraius.FIroa-ldas simple rois. s H-AKESPEABE HO.TEL, (for. Kiug à York- ta., Toronto, OntS. J. A. O'GRBADY, - PROPRIBTOR. Tzans, 11.M0 ras Dir. ly-47) P OST OFFICE* SALOON, ToRowro. Mf. MONEL.-.PIP1T UV TIM BEST ACCOMMODÂTION.a fur Ouesta. (l)-47) O NTAItIO 1IOTEL, BaOCK-SruaarT, WHITBY. JAMES T. JEWELL, Pro pri tor. (Lite of the Nlpissing Hoebl, Toronto) Good Liquors and Cigare. Commodione Stabllog. Firet-elais Livery Stable aud Bliliard Parlour attachaI.Iyl T uE QUEENtS HOTEL, -BUOCZ STISEr, WRITDT. PHILIF McOÂNN.-. Proprocf or. BeaI Liquorsansd Cigare. A vel sp pllad table. Airy bed-roozus. Comiortale stabling and largo yaer mm. Chargea mederate. .88 CENTRAL HOUSE,1 OSUAWAII ONT., W. B. McGAW, - Preprietor. Flr8t.cbas acemmodallon. Bout Wlueal ljgurs ud Cgam Good îta&blinýg su3 WHITBY IHO0USE DUNDÂS.ST, WIIITBY. The nudersignel veul intinmai.te the Public that the above promises havo boen new1y buil andl Site UP tlroughOut, for the accommodation 01 guesta. Brai Wenea, Liquors sud Cigars. rH£ GRIAM I0F CANADA" -WALZ I.AOIR. Also pure 1hine Wiuc. Lager, Whole- tale and Rotai!. Boarders takece by the wcek on meoder- ale'lerma. JOSEPII A. BANDELL. Jaly, 281h 1880. 82- B LAck JIuRSE IIOTIfL, COn. FaOne & GRnOB TI, TOBO±4T0. ALFJUJED OXFORDi, - PROFit IBTOJI. (Late ci Weaiugtolau Heln, Maikhamu.) TI8,1.0PBU DAY. lIo stabi- inglor 0,cr 800 hses. FÃŽrsI-ltasaoaom modalou for fanransd lte travelllnga publibl lugoueaL (7 MONEY TO LO AN~ OiN IUTBTRIS-. Apl - W. H. BILLINOS> solicitoi.j t4r-OSloaver Ounlo Bank, 1041 hiby THOS. $LEIGHJ HOTJSE & SIGN PAINTE R, -Can now ha fonel st khaShoPi-. TWO DOOB8 WEST OP ABIL8TBONG'8 HOTEL, X)UNDÂ8 UTIIEET. mW Aul Oydor.Promply attended 1. -W Whiby, Aprfil14, 1880. 1 "G(ERRIE's CATTLE SPc. The' Best in the Market! Large Boxes, 75C.- Small Boxes, 25c. FOR SALE BY - Wu R. HOWSE, Corner Druçj Store,, (p-1S)- WHITBYP ONTARIO.. CH IN A HALL, IN SU RANCE., IIGI( 0F TUE D10 JUS (REGIBTERID) 71 KING-8T. EAST TORON TO. ONTARIO FARMERS' 1%ucy Breakfaat snd Tea Sets. Mutual InSurance Oo'. Panoy 1iuner aud Dessert Sets. Pancy Bed-room Sets. HEAD OFFICE, DROCK-Sr., WHITBY. 8ilvePlte Rly arknsd Spoons, ffavcr PIsted Cruets aud Butter Clers. Bilver Plated Cake Baskets. Rodger' Kulves aud Forka. Tas Tr&ye tnd Sarvrs. Flover Shades for Lil<y's, &o., &o.. Glaisare, a&U descriptious.. White Stoe.rare, ovorykind. Rlotel and Bar lIols. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer. Dominion Wood Works, WH ITBY. Geo. Co-rmack, MEB LBRCHANT & IIUILDER. JU -A arge oiply f ilera' Furulsh- iugs, ano ll kiY n OTwstdMoldinga, Doors, Bath and Bilida LUMBER wholc"an1esd rotail, or by 'by te car load. 1 Planlug, Mouings of every ecp tien, Ploorlng. Sheetiug, Shelvlng. Re- aawlng. Shaplng, Turniug. Scrol-work, etc, etc. Whitliy, Oct. 18th, 1878. .43 SAVINCS AIU LOAN COMPANY Authorized Capital $2,000#000 NiON. FRANK SMITH. Sonator,' Prealdoent. EUSENE O'KEEFE, Etq.. 'Vice President. PATRICK HUGHES, 'coq.. W. T. KIELY, q. JOHN FOY, Esq. JAMESSbASON-, - Mnao' bte Msne ion oumortgag. atllowo mfo auti, sd on conveilaMt Ista at i d'ayuti.Nooelno0Motg mà d Goverunientteaunlîe eeeg os purchas 0 QItosiad n1ug For further partlculars, apply lu n0ly Whl4.y A- A., i»ÙT, lAi RClh L TO Ln1a kPus T BIS COMPANY Insureg Fan 1uSld- Luige, Country Churclies, Seheol Mousanseltheir Contents, il rateos as 10w as titos ai np vell.etabushed Company lu Canads. J'UST LOSSES PROMPTY PAID. J. B. BICKELL, JOHN WILL1B, Presidaut. Vlce.Presidaut. C. NOUTiSIE, Ssra.av. Whttby, Apnfil PI, 1878.-le p HIENIXFIRE NSUBANCE CO. An Atbre'a a&n ibs Hiecea. 1 s, sliccbIsgly"WOru And tht rauai badlalves<gd bhivern. Mes brelaiteubal suerel à ret, , is lise m in o l m eImmae Ho bal soaree i vitoit orovo lu hie tat, Aul ual ýobhol-a-smwa vn'bubps r.. led thus ashéa isterm "og A obeenlas antd amiort eo He-acuglit for relief u a mng, Or oopausl Ii ullmse!i: l'y. noyer à a o entbut grief The caselil'va Do cmtat où, Azd lu bilei, I haye noyer a biof I "l'va walted, sud' w&IWedinyai, Expeotizg 0an Opouinfg tlu ed Where aun bousSyop lwex mibî gain "'Tls not that l'es u'iatn ulow, Or lack au lulelUgen face, That others boh ave to lu od, whilel1have to Plea fr & tee "Oh!1 how tau a niodesi y60»# man Bre hope foilthe çsmlst progreason, i ef"fibn J'y e*st6lumae watollgsrud Oney deep --" h round, To oufb bIe otb eo st, On the citrb>-Otoathe. ape, of à s iinuta Than criad, 4"Horts smap"st lut lit And in les thIm a jihDy vau iu Il. NexI mornlng tvepa 1laci* tes To h u éi-i-ltt 1à mâfblbe eklermnso ilow thommn ba l et«mine hfi.end. iiThe min vas a layrifliter " Quoth 1he foreescu, wLo mat on 1he corse; "Alawr? "altot" sed meotbor, ilH. undoub"ysdl i of kes."1 A third suïd ho 1m lte dgooffld, An storxnaYmreil VersInuthe lava; And u to th cause eht Unidamât 'l'wu, uo donlit, for tbe vaut et& cana." The j=7, decldod at luati I"That the lauyer vwu eil ebecus Seoould tot kup Ms 1,sd obrr. muser THE YOUNG ,1Ulil. A Mora&.To, SDough gay-) Lombard St. sud Cliarlug Cross, Loulou. nrsii<noALSLOBON- ZSTÂBLIBBED IN 1782. GILLESPIE. MOFFÂTT & CO., Agents for Canada. B.W. TYREB, Manager,Motrai! A EICI EST&BLISHED IN CANA- «DA lun18M. Unllmitod lUabllty of ail t.he stockhboldra e larIe Rosorve Fnds. Moderato rate& et premnuni. Whilby. April Pi, 187. 1a BRITIBR AMBICA A 88u1'8 1108 Company INCORPORATED s183. P. A. BALL, lusune feotad st the lowust ourrnt rMateu Buiding., Maehadiet, sud db. 0. xOvm8,, ARCHITECTURE! DRAWIHO AND 8PZChF1CATIOW: BUILDINqG- Pýromptly P"ardwl.va eEoot OHUROH AND) 8CHOOL ARCHITCUREA', Coerespondeuce Retpectfufly soetel H.B.BABE, rlstet,&0 , la lte Lords I admIre lt labo, ýTito roonsa vî vitiot h bas buadeplol the air ci-a debaler e h<.esmon ef gosina. Tbere isaag2ffhin bem-of a dovnmigitt Mlulat reanivffrmonS tlm,vwbiot ie qoalnt,uuli »J tells, Y Iaýl"ly prclv. iteIls .1er-q muin lu beaï,acvilisau; sena to,>îs*, "a- folole if yen drap & bIait I&bat ho o0t- cosalosailp vears'.î Sulons aser-, vaut on a al ohldiy'i oc mt ee<bq word Uver, Lord Grey spoab o vithh ein, ansi la botter oLeseautbsu i lebei; <laçuib @ver iSong enltuapreme.e e4Ri adi epoeoharestslke vJpiai of aul ltb. supresue begatb in e don, ~ ~ i md<.n th lam sr 41$lor of Biibcp Bnrut7e a mnz;hbiate ïbgovaaidellomte huse...ovehe ourious neaîa. asiTe.câdor M51lliilOIOth. reposé "d-b ÃœiW os ig- qlu, up -ardess(14 malf *idboui'put pý .vlgS, LiSb sud Oblu&lie cter a1ev glile.1mhe >à etn . ae >k t 5 ae alo.. uloCae1.Daes, loiving a nota for b bbit S aoulng:for bis suden daairbyurRt '&bilues ataI aute. vilsdprislng 'a reortu a à day or tva., The fr" oru hal fully Jaroke:Ho took Ia hurZla vqIbeut he on 7, omgrs-, sud, erosothe'- b.Park, gaiuedïtii.road.Lalela, beowvverwà a tmlL psblio'houue, ýbeaiig for a aiu g, aiso armi la, ansisiil uaà tal lu th. blgh roatq-ppzullbis evu ptrb.--m vit ocanUlent i bhie peneonvst. uti kuowu ltheblýo,, Qtêauj cf;lb. oarjy ilon vwhc:,ýere Juugrlng abeut Sthe mail, then bmekf"sig. "A yr c, d ' lu La do. 'f ?Ihe aoor vs w esé,"su lltïie of Si.jainse ob hlie seuS iW Sie Ei o#unanioe Sie Unt, eseappae- ont y the lucat iupor WUl, va bourde, fae-at;"ui, na.be4d ontlsnaîwith lu horé eda alcU. .. td .d Thon se sb.' al eiuly -reuse bhmovgfenot uoolurul »lumb.' ors, sDnow, silo. Shir volôoree utal saud harrued 1011.5, oitdaIs frieas "ýlWaIeUlnv vo abre of, gald theo gentlemsan. "Very seat," eaanti 15 bueIsEss'aes." Continuel ho te, lais cempanioli. 4"Whsl l the.Ãœaigu 2"' :The Hantle ll Am " Oh 1 Hfauteile- thal fi- Sitl la-loi me set4h S-t8. Isses flsumily. Ah!1 a pElty 0ol &batS'Young mas b, asmde - himeoif, by-pa eunLe-eob, air t*" "Il have ressen te bplieve go," sil .1 &oppse lahi Iote park-oi 2 Iffem 0 toLondon, sir" !Ab1h! hem1IHaulvflla Park, I sup- pose Ihis. Pins grouund Waslad. What lhé use ef parka la, I esu'S say." "The placeéseon s eli kept nuPb" esld lte vadow. "Se mush thée vers-I vlsh il vons In ruina."1 "*Wollfer sny parI," contsullu th. wldow, il. a loy voici, "'I bit a park ltse meut beablfol lbiug Wo have.- Porelguors, yeu n u,, r >11.-" ý " ýAb 1Ila'hew aaî yc argeiug tge bgY.'ý ebWrvod 1he' gonibesngn, luia ourtS, Vuff ia voo, "W a.au l nonton.- esgosart bols.Don'i teS le me1 ofb4auty-0merWord. Witatuinlite'à taI b. vould soi givo Lhai for &Il th. rlbliêomen Ihal 'ever existaI 1 Ho-la eiepiug hie tarinsaS Gray'e Inn. Titis article on a nDOv code i. by ià - Shows as plain as ligitti Ial by aicklg .la tf:Sprinciples ltelsws of 1h. oeuutry migbt b anniol ln oveny man's valcat pochoi' Tho cooach aopped, sud a aolboqup eneued. ":Any rôeetoSule by V" "Oulalde or n P'2 ',Out', tl e sure." "Boom inslde ouly." "lWelll1 iu thon." The dor opened, mana inularty quoinl.lookiugpereouage proestel hies. asîf. 'Se vas veny iliff sud, pries lu his :ppeciranca ; dreusol lu s bine coat, roun hi noc, ad a-erynewbat, le whlothbie beail eoed 11111e habituaI. ý edt "éSommy te diaîurb yen, laies andul' gasileuxen ; ual exatlîy the propon : place for me. Don'l bo alaree. l'es always meapectfà l wrvieme amsesMy;1 '-"1W.!!, nov, in vil h pu,»mil.thé. "oreepotîn!, =y friend, and dontl talitse te suolI soldilerwvbnas servel Ise bing sel cenulry." Off Ihey veut. ,"MefjeoIy's service VI'asa tleW»a. Rar of the dnk& "II bmve net Ihat houer."e "Hum 1 Lawvyer. pona;. ?" "NoS a La&wyer." "Hues I A gentleman, I suppose ',' ,Tbe duke. vas allonS,; 'sud, se, lh. 'sîraageroaldrseaud iinsolelte anSi. aristormi, vit- eomod vast!y ýannoyel by ltoe intrusion of se 1ev a persouaroe. "'Going lu London,sldr ?2» "I tel! Yen-vit, My 7friOe*aI ouce. 'efaid., l'taalwaya reieolulta da. sitonlsIb scmny le ýde' 1lat, ý We sais yenow u e smalwys ready t10 moe data te Iodle." "Sl er,elaliped te verysoute utanan, bais ounloosity silisbis hauteur. *"Wby I Juab no* I thonglil] "Weil, my friaudi,yen-sm a cojeror, <bsn." "'Noi ain'l1I Viamarine, "A Véry usoleet poeof, thon." I"What do yen. main?"'. ý !II massle say, IbsI if téesaiee, voe p rny dotl nbau Èa bibloeseorps woouldneorfitavo beboonC ermel, iid Some af te meS troolou tinoanres aval-r leried weqd ouls-i quegîlv slpavot xslA. Suds man the- aMon Pal Ti tbm ho g Tom iug hïse i muoh et jour lai ob a dd.d, vilaa. itE "Ah 1 pou douj't -mcv m is maam.Ae enmamiol, air '?, t "Ij have Irn o itaSopinueaso, alI lb.eighi duke. -Tie "WoIlt1 ttorq in aiog likelîl 1but Lent dan't tase lthefruil IbiSftlleA a s she. tare But titis, 'I supposa, la eelby.' lthe The marine ookb lis departumo, hâav. lese -lug eai,! long- cueugi t lerais, lu lb, Tom Young dukesausind ourlons feelings., Au h e vas pîugedlaurevomie, sud Ai lthe widev vau alront, Conversation wvas ual rasnmed unli it te ccsto ppeil site. for ditner. "6We stop lîsma hall an, heur, goutte- eao mou," said lthe quard. "Mme. Buriet," vîlit hie ceutinued te thé vida,, "1o1 me &o baud pou ouI." - Thay e eomd lthe parbor acf'itheinn. "y The duke, vito vas ignorauiaf01,teeti - "" quettaeof lthe mead, dia'noS prosae -0,h Che disohage of -bis dulies, 58 ltheme peungoal gust,. vwi 1thlbeureMpî- iau a -nens, der1b i eîviaebn. a "%Now, uý:ià ssdau oulaile, "1il~ Stuaky oi. a "a slos et < bsit lner lte pleaure of he1ping pou.maam~ .Afler dinuir -<t. l ui-t tek- sdvSu. Sage afi'Avaculsidple guad. Yug oul :igyb a aloer, l wol-dor A vlsk ùLot ailC lpPOP mot.S, Il ssons arslit aié t hlgo ; nIM or day, las u va**î Ani vau rond ; uOw joiuug l'Coeatinvil te in paenger, sbiwevt, ~e~dn c opoolul; t vktbaule a1111' Ie -&wt omt hadaa wîb l. $a lm" ~ tiug a>ýpser.hY;c-:-he vasofaao hi* eî u u uian-;su, Malit vhifef ie lgmmvol& erka veej :Pneei, indheitoulthelesmu-ýte Arai mas eftSieng..@ferlb eonil uû& lt b is mo am'Whn dehed. Ha0 ropsuttelbis ra>et 1the impulaos te' , ýeku md without~,&, momenl's, 0%sm< réblnï tus dMne loume e ý' athbe whoîejeumny. AShls' gaS out, took .s-el&-cfocRa.vi«« m BanlRs» Ae bou4 k'Sý6more. viu rwv0à pin. stod hiepm.ltby. walched lh. widov proloslodg Il Jig le the dipeclon. aud,. vi", de.- t, '~ b eti loinW u'bande, bý raIe ûïi &T'ndon4 -,iOppel sui nb&rd5lreetý rmeah Èolbqrn, ou. la*au arobvay; Ste cosoiteanthrsv a'hip sud relue froiaTels nov aui- bande. The duke-bade farovlilut a Ruviuan d wua shows lu boa, (Ta bu Oooitis.& à vS» ny -'auELû.w-A old ruein" taloeu$Is -*flowing axliting y-of bis'azpmoâeviecouuectsd svelI-kuovu mouagmei.during îgageeslîe im ilhlaadKem-uok 10 ýs lssu. . Prte ià nioa aue va s absou freinbitpi, Psu ad 1 ted acroOa lthe;ampithestre luvard elà friand lii. Oeophaut lu g ive hies rppl.e5for. vaivene-Iebaofns su n t h.îe-l'elehusI tior a ls mnut, ta "dY wmt-w about iluà "x Ilali 1 muetl % mesth lb bueckict1m < 11e11., -BuS Il ma tô t oein vo, viwi s <ba oses a* tisepl .t1 I farmelm r LUMBER ILUMBER.1T J¶O1ww DaSsn ureau (10I JOHilliaONcnvui LUMBER JMEBHANTI wai Tay'. MONEY 7 a oubnd IahSsuppîy 01 AU isl ut 0*0,000Fo i Bar Luinlio r e s, anlahi U"Uo*assy . Bu1ld=ngL=U.tier.dooig, 8Sm nTimber, ,ON RLoo &ad Scolln,-&Ifle un¶ ton lam£ seea iO Las g a c rI olLong 5Bi1lui, Us frsiesia =g iitelle. 1.1lovosl lIviej Doors, Schsse1 &nd lvapa ou& .WwtbyXai .18 ', 1-00pliel Wbl(>',(alIlh187. l'IOApplylto JOB ts »Wvblok, over King stim, Oobi* MIHN i "i-