TT?UDTrip IT IATIW WB SHOW. TO-DAY, AN BXZBDXLY FINE ASSBTMBÉIT o.r hI1S~Li' !Uk3j~. F ine Freneh Worsted 'Coatings,; Nôbby'Patterns of Scotc Splendid Patterns Tweed Suitings. OuR STOCK -8I& ýzy LABGEà enabling custoniers to, bava a 900-d ohoice, and vriety of Colours and Patterns. Our cerh lare 6peineu this departzient enables ns to procure thoernost deei-able goode te be obtaned in the xnarkoeeet. ebtye best goode that monoy and expenieno can procure, and you mayro]y on getting satisfaction froni our Tweeds. OYEICOATINGSýAfrjzme8nje range of-ohoice goods suitable for Overooats, and make and Fit is perfect, and satisfaction guaranteed. OVEROATS-Â large variety of iReady-made Overcoats and Ulsters on hand at prices to suit every ono. If you require a good Suit of Olothes, an Overoat or Ulster, or Gents' Furnishings, cali on the GRtEAT CLOTEING 11OUSE, oe MI'-A-TW ErV No. 1, DEVERELL'S B3LOCK. - THE PEOPLES' FAVORLITE OLOTHING flOUSE." I1 Ylont pig Again. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COUNTY 1~SI I HRH My mathor wau afflhtoda long liie «ith. OPAIIIO Neuraigla end adu% , iavy inactive B LE IÂM NToARI ion of tLie «hale "stem-,i auene V AL A A hN. roa181 aus prostraton, and vas aimit helpless. LU B E F Riw.iy-a N .olS Na us sor modiiae tesddber îny o2TheeMethy&o heb o i FOR SALE! fiopBiterswit suh god ef tht aé A By-law to close up i/iat mione and fbeaYugagin, sllhongb avec 70 yearc ad. WNt-tbl«nk tien 1. no allier Thore will be affered foc sala, by PUBLIC part of thte Lak-e Shore Modicine nIt ta use in lbe famlly*" A ladly AUCTION, at lu Proyldence, R. t.--Jaurnel. - Moon's Hotel, Highland Creek, Road on thte 81h Con- To Lic Wcak, tic Worn and the Waary. At TWO, P. iM,, on csin From 0l. Bosion Recorder. "The Peruvian Syruplà one ai lb. few TUESDAY, TUIE 22nd 0F NOVEJI. The Couac-Il ai the Corporation cf Lie advortleed Minelnc e is .worty cf1lDER, A.D. 1881,- Township cf Thoral eactu, Thal iran, noie lda peceonal trial of il for meny BI Levi Fairbankts, Bhq., Auctioneer. mai rlb. final sssiag a bs theLake yeaue Le oya vus thst t POU » lb au tt ,peotnfthe Raad Coness iiLae qualities lalmd by Itsf propnletor@. As.a Tht vauable Parn beng trmposcd cf the Shore oad uLe8 ocsl e b tonie in cases af in, beith or weekea- aajilberly portion ai lie West bal of Lot -Mid lowuaiip, ani sltuatcd beiveen lie oS constitution Il liasà no.uponaor. Unfliko nuaiber Ten In tlb B roken Front, or-Con. sotiera unît cf Lie alavwao for road be- Weast T0o110ssud Bittera, It inenteulreair cession D, ia the twen t. he su ad M bconcassions sud lie fmot A10011o1, sud thoisorenognen rtiern limit ailth. road ltwee lb. 7h affects are Dot follovofi i7 LsendglzuTOWNSHIP 0F SCARBOROUJH, sud 8th concossions be..and the satm. l ractian. Tic certifleste ci nDr. Hae,, blCoseti np, sud nô loner oonuldered q1.1 Aesay ci cf masseinttad f D. .Contaunmg by admoamurement 70 ACRES., a Public Hluhway ci the Il Twa q in ,.s, - cbloie albra"ed cemisi ai New York, Nmruethat thee La n ts Iecomposition un mminw lor Ye téepoison,or obijection- âbis substance w=or. W. cemil utn- besitsUeagly recommend it to ail lb. wcak, tbe worn, and Lbe w"ai. W. mû. theso' re.mrks vluntsrflY. Ia of aur own promjp- Ulnghavingrlahly ezperiencedîibenefis. SoM by ail druggit. Gct Out Doors.- The. close cenfiu'ett iof afctorywoù, Rivesthe tfVe ?ÀMfaces, poor eppe. lnivIver, kidny a d Lvtruls and aIl L'. pi iim a n theLb worid canaikpt siunise they «t ont <ti doous or use opBitte0Le uni u botrcmedy, spcll1 for Inch auh~ lng abondace eal uubne nrs cbeeke in them. They sot but a trille- CliîrûtiaanRecorder. NIEW DVERTISMENTS. TOWN- HALL, WmETBY. ON£ NiGUT OL ]KONDAY, 7th NOVEKEBER. lin Ãiotmcing he talenisd Young Sapporiefi 1.'adpna Cipul i omolianal 4 Act Drema, LAZARE; Or, A Life's Mistakel1 PRICEB - 25 sud 85 CTS. PRSBBVED SHÂ&TS, OVLlr W OTS. Fax sale at Whltfeld'a Diug.tore. SECOND MONTHLY SALE AI AT ROORLIN, WM lbe eid on THURtSDAY, the Frt-day of December, 1661. tengitly,«tb 4 iac0locuing BUY. uni ircai à adift&ace. Parties eatarnug auy. liissg fortbu ail v have lie ailvantage ai isvlng A fblescnipf eta c ubir propert placeS ln tie pestera vhlah vi»li e issUerj about tva oiLa kbelon, the aide. BEntriea ta enanre edvertlseiuont by posters, ulusl lie madie fuily ivo veeku beloe sale, sud Inay lie made vili Mr. MoQney, Globe liolel, Whltby, oan thîhi e ulscniben. Bnaolln, Nov. 2ndi, 1881. 4 -A UCTION SALEbhy J. W. Patterson, .IAuctionor, ilffsD'4 H niai Mankian Village, on THURBDAY, it i ievember,ý 1881, (iivialon Court day,) at J2 o'clock, ta tva paxcels. 1. Bouth hall afL LtaSICF. b0 sild 100 aIres, about 80 cl ap , g Plclbenug b,., h d Ldtieu *&W.î Sôt aofLoi 82 con. 8 Pickering, 150aunes, about lm trre i sdacrosthe nort soui liova Diaa.$crok. Bail on bath. chey lqsss, sud uaelesssdl parltsvell rooded. ý Tieee landsa"areô miles fxom 1 X*kisua' village vIL nsllvmy salmsdbalüale, mc ren Rlv.r with 'floh sud ,vWmills,- etc. anddaUL&iL«dli go@ronsWhle-i valu' izi landtbgeuon oneof thae beut tnav*e iroadi lu tlbtovasip,eand the seboauinonactis corerofLieus. Tise p= $mbu to puy ai th re o!.01 salIeone- 'thi cf tie puxobase masiy, sud vliln a monuh1hbreftrviitutueet«0 enough mo ,re tla0 à saksivo.fithe aii h. ini give a monigage on QÃlnsdf for Li* balacet a1it1, vit i letensot oul. Tii, sale ofenaskali ps C Jlsubh - a reserved bld, Par ortr partaeulà s s tspy ta Le Âne. Vendos' Solcitars, Toronto (ud Stouffvlle> DaWtui iINovembor, 1881. 2in-46l MIDLAND RAILWAY OF CA0'>NADA. O 18 HS EBBBY GIVEN THAT SPECIAL- GENERA.L MEETI1NGý O! lb. Bond sMd Sierholticescf Lb. Md, land iallvay o! sed viile llh I i acocf 01he campais',-la Lie TOWN O7 PORT HOPE,' Monda>', l2th-day of Dbcemnber Nov noxt snsulsg, M tlia1liaur o! ONB O'CLOCK ,PMX, furtpr apôe i$,eeusdL enls, sudM(IM»eoptd) upprgliug À a,1 Our'ce tain aqreeMentbýete wuupsiisMldi ;ayo 0 da, he T n uld i4wn ailv,'Company, Lie, Grand JtssiýOo B&wa Cmp su ad 411* Toronsto !d omanjo. ast opn y , * -re& met. o"Weho MIthe sd aiowmMi upon Lie terw nusd cou*om la e' 1 o Ii i G sEbf, ! 10CIdS SÂXJ ]Iigh. Grade Blo tbUe , cro tM* : Estato of ILLED NCL Tii M AMmlu situate wilbin founleen miles a1 the Cl i fToroanto, and about one mile fo i I Hui Post Offie an lbe Kingalon Rasidlu zisad Township. Thone, le ercotefi upon th. aaid fanas, a gccd D'ellng Hanap,toa Daevili tane iaundatoIen a atone Stable, Siotis, icol. bouses, &o. Tuer. are &acea ra cre.aiofocohard, sud div. acres cf Poli 1?iat sawn. TERMS A"D CONDçITIONS OF SALEI. The Fan will be oiti subjecita a mnort- gage-nov subsisling lbereou, thepcxiculars oi wbicb aiay bc e atinod on application ta Lie undezeignofi. Tho vendon villuot lie baund ta produce any tille Bauds'except tIss.insbisPossesson, oc abetracie oa ile cxcept a Regitmrr abeiraol or copies tiereoi. Fitteen par cent. ai the perchas. rooney te b. Pali downson the day ai sale, Tee per cent. oaneaioaîh thcreafîer, and th. balance la one year thenea4tor, wiîh lut4nesl iL Seven per cent. par a&=u m . caseh vi» lia ae- cepted inla80 das froai day ai sale. P'srchà seer vibha atitledt a aconvayance mnd possession on payaient af Twenty-Ilve p!er cent. anti oeaullan cf a marlgage for tmh baianuce. Funther parîlaulans may bc obtinsi4 by aplicaion ta lb. nndencxea ,or ta ene. FAkREWELL & RUTLEDGE, Whithy, Assaigne, aiflb.helate aefecale ai W. B. Cloniau. Wbithy, Oct. 271b, 1881.1 1<-8 SITUÂ'tN WANTED by a yauug =Ën WhosviaIrrtes a faix lsa a dsdle willing tccrnà keisiËmslf geuiy nul l u su adice. Apply ta- de- S. G.. Cunosîces O5ce. W AIT FOR TUE LMAUGEST AND BEBT IJNCLE TOM'8 CABIN £0. 'lU i1E WORLLI TOWN HALL, WHITBY. ONE NIGHT ONLY 1 Fr/day Evening, Nov. 4th, 1881. Saperi Spect>cular Produsction iy ANTHONY & JILLIS' FAMOUS IDEAL UNCLE TOM'S GADjIN Co. a1 the New venui6n ai thse GroatuWork cf Lie Ceatuny, Acîrasa, llass KI-1JE LUGrÃŽE, ln ier originl Ud neuawnî& r endilion.of Topay vltli Songe, Daues, sud Buo Ê;ala8, supportetiaya ANIICN CAST, Powenful Double Campan, thLe bugi la the Wcrld 1 XAGNIFICENT SCEIC EPPRTS t The BouitfnGaLes Ajax, EvA lu e&veu, Faarna sFlotinlé msous, The Ohîa River 1 naSt0rs.ý Celebniteai lok Dotkey 'rino'.Ttl)l9 Bloodiaunt Ohae, lntno<iuing aur nio. cd Pack, etias==Qthstinafisubex ppft" een o f the Fineet baudà ColZrt igr uii oarTi Memphis University- Btudent& - The préeeut mejasto revvlai Viâcie Tom'$ Cabiu invlLhoitprecedeut 'tielargeut balà fla vddta iedocp igitf;. Seaux. tiokets ±?lyasd wel& the.jam staInlght. - lie Etra ch n e frisrved Seats.. Afisulsaon, 2,855 sud 50 Conta; ne bigioer; ux«ta. "ýSeure"llcIeîg at 'v triuId Drug Store. F. p. SA77FIIq ,'eral40 P UILUANT to an ardez- cfLihe Iigi - Court aiJaLice lChsoeury DivLeIeuý madéegu lie mitter cf tb, estale of Willin Gadib, decaaed, and inut cauee cd Stuirge aganasWolfendenl, th.erp201 aMof Gfadiby, laie cf lhe Tovn'of 'Wibby %n"t e Conaly oaiOntrilo, viso dled ou or about the ionthl aios- ' the 'lii day Of N9 essla2kt 7 feuusas, .ohn WO1Z55500I5andi thé cailanb auruastes, fi descrption, Lie fu putiulars Lie nature ofthe socur ifLa peenlo4Jsclue fmointheu 1 lie mud oor.Every eredlitox ho securti l- Lo-produceLie <eme Lie Ocuuly af Onterlo, on thloi November, 1881,-mi Ton aololckin accu, eiLi Lime appointaSit ation on Le his, Deledtbij $oh du of Otobus G. y. gSm , W 4. Pitifss c ie,2n-46 -APPIY ta- D. C. MACDOA 45-Un - Town Za, GEORGE T. BRUCE,- NOTICE J8 HEREB IV EN liai Lie above By- la Mb. takon itLc oneidaxtîon ( viLi a vlew ta Lie ftlaipaeantagLmof,> %LI unwe1aICouncl of LieCorporab. al of Thora ilta meeting cf lie muid cognfl e *b. hod in Lb, Town Hall, Buavrertan, on - [5ATURDAY, TUE 17lb DAY 0F 1DECEXIIER, A.D., 1881, li@ said meeting Le oommenee, ai on. o0c0oc04 pa. GEORGE SMITH, T i o r l i, O c t. P P u , ~ T o w n s h ip C l e r k . T HOOUGU SERVANT WATED. MES. 11l0GINS, Oct. 12, '881. The Grante. ONTARJO 0BANK Il ToUozixa lilliOc==eaisu55. no"' e le bhy given liat a pesial gen- ora meeting af the mhareholde-s of the.()n- tarin Bank W i e helfion Wmdnesday lb. booOftie B lu inte ciy of Toronto, I9et*'clock, neon, fj« Lie purpocf re coivinýg 4a Le a=aiefaitle Bsuk, aud.leklng halo ceusideration an ap- o aliament for autbonity to ce. auetçcapitalstock cfthe bink. V. HOLLAND Goenelà l anager, To procure A. FA/lAIS, MRS. MARY 8. FULLER, To » b s iQi up ff v$)epropSums AT RA Y'S HOTEL, IN TEE TOWN OP WEITBY, ton ITURAs mSlmB8 M ToilA, FN 't' ____ ELL ~ C We showthe largeet a doh oet tcko Wo td Goins Sotha d Canadian Twe e C&müels-Uair GCloth, Clakig, Ul stejr Clôths, in thé County. ,-T,, hofineet Ètock, of Gnra Dry ýGoods and Mlieyeýver sh n iWhitbya mdrateies.Our Miinerisueio to any previLonssesn.Tilrigto der, teBetStl. arge stock,; Sirs Drawers, Ties,'ý Collars, Ssocks, Gioves, 'Rats an',d- Capg, &.C IN, DRESS GOODS, we, have a choice-ý'stoek of ]3lack aid ècolored. Cashmeres, Frencli Palice clothsael-woôlpli and Twill Winceys, blacek and,-co'lo red -SilkVeet and, Velveteens; Laces;:ý Ribbûns, Jt!Uimns Fringes, Cloak Ornam,'ents;' Skirts and 'krigLa dies Jdecohng, HosierGoe,&. haee ýreeeied karge additions in this department, 'w6hîcli <is ComZplete in W and43'ýPloor OÙ Cloth, lVTt8, d&c. Larg e s tock ofTable Linenand-foJig and, Crockery, just A Jiberal discount to ýhandý,very cheap!> to csh byers J. B. POWELL Whitby, October 25th, 1881. /18M. WI loin THOUSÂND, PAIRS 0F. I¶ENCH -,osE IN PLAIN AND!- FANCY ÇCOLORS!1 1881- -FALL PROCLAMA4T/ON-- C0. 0F ONTARfO 8 -F > . TO W= l is seiling 6 Iba. uuaolored -Jspan'- 81b. caddlies fuie new Seson Groen Teufp $1; ce. uew S Tes, Blb for $1; B1b. caddies Supeior.TipsnTe fr 1.Alp at prices that defy competition. Cne Gee.Bst hi sud Sauces,OCocosnuttinu bulli, Flavrin Exirsts, P4re - Cream of Tartar. Tihe"léouise" aIdg Pwc iszoU , âJ and excelence, the sale of it increasiug daily. Use tii he - for econory n, luhecLaundry. - of conimon and fsncy SOÂPS; 12 cakýirci olet Scap f1e"- assortment cf BROOME, BRUSMES, PÀILs, TU-BB, W.&8J &e.;2 ]3ooin for 25cl. S. P. lias tke'lamg9t âtoox, CROCKERY AND 'IýGLASS 14 iu the. county; spculilbargiains luChina' Tes Sets, :new styý Granit. wsre; new styles in Glasovare-. BeautifnI Painted ai L& MPSv cheap Glass Lamps frein 800 c'adi. THE BEST ]FAumIY PLOUR, . COINNEL AJOATR q MI]DU A oil srcp.tfuiy oliitdfore svpply ail at Bock Bottom Prises, a t ti tý-ýý1 Sept. 211 '81. ail they requieof- this choice, lot 'Of E as it wIlNOTLS OG FOliBALE4MY UTBL»c AUCTION. N EW. AD V IK Ir 1 La O}IHAN 'il" 04 for rse« Y-O on thse 1814î 0 Oaabaem suoee.d lia .Adxnlnlo Ç4 et CR.ZIPETS A SJECL4ILTY!---We Tpe8try, Bru88el8, Union,.fem. uur siiwtoI 01roceries is complete. A. large ýst-ck of Glass are newf,- and comprise the latest novelties ýat the-iowest O>NE Ourgod & 00. THE- FIN EST From 5 to ALE)( for th gty4sus, -W 'cis vould bsec cisdenat ndesv seI vi»,Leywv «mtag4ns, usa 0ibeard. Yet,1h ivolled b,' airs vse's Dru8 Sté b ad ont e il mmansd Cons ae. boconig t of lie Canadi F& ,lame b lemr,'for Wl -- The whole lot to be offered at le's thanWholesale -prices I-. Ladies should make an-early start.l, fo BRYOE'S Great Givini-U.usnssS -THO$. tôt 9 DA" ?riliUR D ý Whitby, October 25th, 1881. 9 1 ,FACtORYI-ý ËUILDINt7, fi IE3 XY w* ýj& 9î inch* 1