ilor fal and i viler-- lamee"-Mfr. Kennedy. ng- Onlario Ladies' mc an4lil b îe. Marie N ýritck 0 G(*l4 d 811sv: Wmlch.i -4a.. chatlon. Nov Rugistiand RImactpilsd goodi -M". joirnslez", Notice o! Mellng--Eun. E. Blake in Wes Durhiam. Farm for mae-JamesMdi. Specia-T. S. Robertso & Bros. spécial Notices.. cIaiN icsIL .Jamêson. Prtime mess pork-R. Il. Jameson,. Java coffce-.R. H. Jameson. Lest-M. & 8. MoIntyre. AUCTION SALES. à monticly sale wiii be held ai Brook. 1i0, et herses, cattie, sbeep, pige, impi. monte, &o., &o., on Tuesday, Nov lot, 1881-L. Foirbanks, Auctioneor. Sale of firat-olaste felm, et lRay'@ liotel, Wbitby, on Wodnesdey, Novr. 2nd, et 2 o'clock, p.m. L. Fairbanks, Sale cf ferai stock, imnplemnts, &o, the property of Peter Perry ou lot 21, in thes 2ud con of Pickering, on Monday, Ct 24th 1881-L. Fairbanks Kuotion- eer. Sale cf Lirrougbibrod and higirbre< catile, Ootswold sheep, hoees, imupie monts, &o., thre property of Mr T. J. Holiday, on lot No 20 in thre Sti con- cf Whlîby, on Wednesday, -Oct 19tcr 1881, aI 12 O'oi.ok,-L. Fairbakks, Anc- 0n Tliorsday, Oct. 18t&b, at tire Cen- trai hotei, Oshiawa, a valuable ferain Darlington. L. Fairbanks,. auctioneer. .,On Montlay, Oct. 1711., farm stock, Imploinents, &., on lot No. 22, lutire Oth, pon,. Whlby, the proparty cf 1Mr. John Graham--o. Dawes, Actioneer. ONLY à &z 50PER ANNUm. WItbe., Thorsday, OC. 1,3, 1881. Anc Unseemly Squabbie. Trhe Whitby Town Council are jusi. nov liavicg an unseon-Ay squabble ove: payincnt cf tire expenses cf Sir Hector Langoviuà e ntertaiemeet on his. viil to-tire love. Tire membars cf tire Town CouncU teck it upon tiromuolvos la give Bir: Hecto: a luncir, and a din- nor, witli plenty cf vine and aIl tihe et. cteras. Tire vice bill, amoncing bo #83.50 is nov 111e subject of dispute, au a rréférence o tereprocoedings in cIrer columus yl sirdm,. Suoeof thre mem-. baýrscf lthe conucilm envlieamount cf vine charged for vas net drank, and Ibal , thé.charge ln toc higb, mnd on tires.grenade ct 1b paymsut. But wIiU. uispating the lii, al admit Ihat tie lunmd dicos: were admirably, gel up, mnd eflected th. highs1sou bredi on i:Mr.ckie, attireRoyal, Who vas cabe'r uothIeoccauin. Mr.. Mmci., t in atae lutris issu, pVes particu. lae, and kcm tir... taking tihe nai. ber p'eseladt, u he qounity cf iîquor sopupadle, hichargea de flot appear iun- repouable, ,Tihe shob" or Tcp wu irhers ii i& ehémalteri. sme- thtcg cf which eue.ha. cause le feul ashatüed4, Tiey migiri surly have mauagea ii seme vay te mtie this bi11h.for snterlaîning a dîstinguitsef guest ithtinilivifing public attention te lbiri differences en lire subjoct of a glauor two of v iné more or lesm They actedl upen Iheir own responsi. bilit., wthoul takicg tire ratepayers loto thoir confidence, ie giring t"i entertalument, and vere tire7 pose.seil cf gauysentiment. cf delicacy and fiee feeg they vouid put Iheir hande lnotoîirwn pochesansdefipay 1he liquor bill rallier Iran aubject lb. Town of Whitby btirte iudignity -tliey are cIowplaecig opon il bofore the public. cir 'ector vwas cc ltce guesi 'of lthe lovu ; a. ve have jusi saîi the loves- people vère 'net -eouculted ;-he vas tlicfe nmIo! tire ToveCocuacit. 81111 thre iccapllabie caradte: of tire twn il in uostioc..ndîi,deeply te h. rè. gretted ire"ttir. <ccdnauee cf Whiîby abco ouleft aI 1h.eIbandé ocf omceof ita pressaI pallry repruetmives. Hon. dw.18Di~e .aunoucced tu rob baSeS by Jet:. -John teo veilfor [a ly bis ol th les Wf re ei sa in Wire proprietor of 1h. Mail le fil sà viseS lu permaibting tirs coumbe,ptiim journal le b. used icjcuicualy toirgl asnob a decidediy Can 1adian mouSlà zn Institutione as tirs Oclarbo Denk. Monj sdocribore andi friands cf tire Milt an tckhoidere lu tics fBank. and -tley Cet scraeiy ire expocqed to look vibir celu noms upon a vautou aîtempt tc dopreei aMe the vaine cf lii property. 'Th Ontario Bank iras beauetirePeoples Bank. And the people e! Ontanue bave sud wil continué le bave evory. ccci. douce In tire Bank, and despibe a<i eau b. sMalndsdoSeby Mocnra: sharpers euS tiokuters le Seau-y ils sol qency, le orS.: to efsmtr e iol: o cesîs. Tire Mail sirauid cal IonS it«e le lire machinations anSdecredilabiî pracliccu cf tire Moctreai brokers, Thora la no stock in lire Dominion tc. day more valuabie than tiraI of lire Ou. tario Bank. Thc Rate cal Mille. As i viirbcsec by tire praceedings oc lire Tovn Councou, tire by-hav t o mese tie'Taonirasnireen amendeS anS the rata reduced te 22J mille on lira dollar. 'Pie miglilasmevelirav.eireen* donc in tire du-t instance, and ils neglect vas a noglect o! duly on tire part of tir cormlbttee onfinac ansdasemeel. still1 tire rata la a gond demi iigirar tirai lb cugil ta ha. T'Pliessed valu, te sot sufficientiy irighin many cases, and macy escape viase taxes on inueme, tcoom knowu sourcesa, airaul treble tir arneunt now paiS by tisai. 'Pie consolidation o!flire Townu doit, andi a nor issue cf Sebenînres ferrlthe purpos;e, virile aioney la now s0 piecli. fiansd 1h. raesof internetlsa llav d vouid mci reduce tire ennumi rate of -taxation ta lire proenst taxpayore. But -tiraI, w. fear, la a malter bayonc tire -cmpscity cf tie presult Town' Couccli The Telegrapi Ageucy su Whiuby. Mr-. E. Stephcenson, of lie Dominiez aLina, iras been appointeSl agent ai %Whitby fTe iaGreat North-Western 'Pelograpir Cc. cf Canada, nov eperat. a icg the Uines c! tir Monîreai, Dornin. ion, and Manitoba 'Poiegrapir Compan. l. Msr. -yide, of tire Moul-esCliâne, vas18aueame ppliomet for lire conseti. SaleS ageocy boe, but retireS in fevea cf Mfr. Stephenson. AnS, s vii b. seen by lie foliavlng correspondance, tire aaniy positionutliken by hlm ira been vell approveti snd epproiatea by is upenions in offic. LETTER O ci e. YULE. Wiiby, Oct. 4h. 1881. H. P. Dwiglcf, Rap.. Great N'orthc. Westerns Tolegrapà .,c<3..Tor-oto: Dean Sir, Foure o e r uSnlerecaîr- oS. At tirs lime cf tic. consolidation, ou account et Mr-. Slepireneon'a poi- tian, I bliougirt cf giving hlm Lhs field, and I vould nol bave appliati but for care fer lirose dependicg on me. I am confiSant lirougr, liraI Ieas manage, and 1 agnes hetà rtiiy vîir yeon l in - ing up bt1Mr. Stepirenson. I sent tir lestimonials more tiret jeu acoolS ktew I baS net been carelesisas to tire Compauja interesîs Iran lc geL lire appointaient. Mr'. Stephenson in attentive teaiis business, and seehate pies.. tire pub- lie la evary vay ho esc, anS, I tini, viil mahe yen a goud agent. Ici'ans wmy, il la vaili regret thrt I parItvii s olS a friand as lic e ls-a grapir, anS I -vil alvaym remamber vihpleaure tire hicS vey enviricir I have ireeu trealed hy jourseif and tirs oticer officiais cf lhe. Monîreal 'Pele- <repli Ca., I romain, Dean Sir, -Your obedient servant. GEO. B. YULE. Sa. evIueun o Mun. YOLE. Toroulo, Ont., Oct Sthir18a1. GB.Yale, Mba. Tel Co., Whtfy Poar Mr. Yul., Yours cf tho 4th i. la neenveS, aeuSIlces noe in ubrol ing yen for tire very prompt sud satin. factory manner lunvirici yen bave met t'ls qusin as te Lire Wlitby agency. Tire=cue yen have adopteS ie on.e vinaiSos yeninficile craSht, and 1 amn sure vill do souci 10 increase tiei raspeel meS gonA vii fait for jeuniry me rncy cf jour tuvnspeple. 1 need net tell jon aise liraI I fael mnod relieved parsunalhy in relation ta tire vicie matter, vitir kindest re- garde. leurs truiy, H. D WIGHT, Geul. Maegr., aM.L nvuEuvnu ML PEURe.- Tontc,. Ont. Oct. 5ti, 1881. J. Ham P"Errj a, Whliy : beanSir :-1 have tb lafera jeu liat I have tirs monning ecived a let- te: trea Mm. Yl. la vicIehoire rli jquies aui daim ie hecoeeoidaled offlce la Whitby la favor of bMn. Ste- 1 cenaide: liaI; Mr. Yale&scondacl lu tis malter i. vcrliry cf ailý praîse euSa I cnt doc-bette: tran taencloset jan bsreuihlie -ler viicirI bave received frea irmYole in regard.le 1h. altter.LI fe a are liaI hie actioncini bemccchs teneoitis 'hlm Mtatheirela eoreased respectmot oly o! iisOve parllsnlr rfeoembol aIse cf tirafriands o! Mr. Steph.ensou cf vircai ie Ipeake Bo varmly. I bave vrltteu1Mr. Stephensocns suernlng <img'hue notice o! iia pqtpinuttirte consohîdeted aile, a Whilby, anA ve vilI maeteicchange vii hc a de a.t conus seauas pos&. ble. Youn lnruly, EL P. D WIGHT. rYccal uccded bis fatirer au aetla -Wiily cf tire Montreai Ceai- myM d tr.age ecey iras beenîle tire fety mIMosa4 ice lie estabilishmîent ct-au, off6iclaWbllby., Uodom Ibele cautrol the publie ver, veilianS chUg. luglymo seve, uShie intere-ts o!lir CompsuyaedeS te vilir carefucînees,4 CfI: tephenscm Il noeAoly ealS Ihat, tfte atfmony -brna by lire enliré ommeity-incluling lirati c If:. Yule hîmecf-to If:. Stepirffonon'0 flîne fer lire-cffice, uesh traw& el imnce-of 1h.e ppolatmenî. beecaei as bsom a5 11fr miand gccd deicf tait abeul huis malter ot tegnyvqpublà ieire opopna. once to ireow tire .luanat Mueril 'Bau Buanm.-ern'Puma e4 ing, asar Brookt, tie b&Mrof Mvtl _1 lysa oli e smae ovkcnébut: 0dollars a gallon, au lice Porater like 4 gger, au ,thaBoums, Al.,ait50 minIs a d. btle-jiat 25 mdaIs for-one ait '6 izsd glass.-tiraI v altçgelier toc commoce for lire-Rofined Palies mV lire STovn Scocndris-I beg pardîa-Tcvwn ~ owi llor; I siud 04mc.Du.i vuaa coundirrilly job, an Ica5hl ~.saylc se. 'Phare é-icusdiireau fl sxly-Iireu, fifty ;-an Ivinly,-uc six J seviely-five,-mn Ave for lirratin tire BauS-makie mtogeIher close upon leTwo hundirre dollars, for thme pre. I1JMat Iimk av il1Inlutiresee lardil imes, an ' Higir Taxes, au .tirv e'vid voithr Scumin au 1 Tu epad 'vo 1Hundir. Dollars uf tic Retepayers liard airusA monsy, vidirout lave or Licen5se, jist le fil tirai: irelliesean have a Blow eut at tire expinas mv tics peopes1 Wiy tire ofare samn ie irehovint in for Acunomyli e8 Tirsy sre tire samoeviro vudn't resave ce tire Goveruor -Ginoral au tire Princesa r. at Wiitby hekasse av sixîy dollars ex- le piese i Tirmy are liresamme Min (Most etav em) wvice vin braI 10 bock ira ti teretepayers an tire CumoeLEou for dis- gracie tirs Town, ire refusin lu velkum, .tire represinlatire mv the Queaan the SQuecus Sdautirer, ugreod b pay vsdol. Slaresa piece lords tire expiuse av tire re- Id cepeirun, but niver paiS tirs mcney, B, oniy hoodwicked tirs ratepayens be Spurtindin te do go I An nov the arne Acnorical-what will I callmsi- Town Fatirom ?-No--tirey desarve te o be omled Town Pools s eli stire - tixe: bad names- irekueas v tiri folly-spind $200 on tirs recepeirun mv bfa poriguinalcu Minitier. An ferviratf ýtireamy l to âta grant for lire Harbori Wirýy, Misîher Edilin:, Âr'nt Ii.y lies "MeoeMin vire oppossd tira tevu havie aeythlcg 10 do vidilitire Harbor ? DiSe'l tire Reevegel mb ooffice h. pracirin a crsasSe agin lreherber, r.ou lis <round av Aoomy 2' Au nov lie lurnes roueS anS spinde $200 -lu tiratin iSur Hecto: Langiva, au ha.slire evda- obuirs agbirnuce telltire ratepayens tiraI, if tli.j Son't like il, lirry eau ciseki muchber man linlbis place I Wu. *tirmir iye: sicli impidince ? Sarve& tire * rtepiayeru rite. Ticey wan towld tbey wud hler rayecu lo e buahawed av their rcirok' b4 lice year vas out, au,@a. thay tunov , ice veronebas oely cum 2 thrr1, ud belthela"trîtebegradge a dacint an ircepitable iuîhentaianmnt on sicir au okeehun, au te pay for il vidir- Sout grumblin. But tIi ircg av <cf n fur a big dlininkin gazzi. ai ther peo>- p le'. expinse-aun Ibm refuse te psy tire bilim, vb&&I Calilthire u.av manuucs or tire depîli mv manneeu, as yez phare le lake 11. An tin lu iear t tirIvary umubie mme ltce Reeve, liraI aivayes e- minds me av Urie Heap, sy tirat few men cars los Ian iimeaf at appearin conspiknuue t pule gatirerins 1 Was brtanire ie ia viropper 2 Hasn't lie 7bic tire peat av tire tovuc upon ail ainir tokasbuns, an upon Ibis lasirI okahun ire codn't ira enppreseed even ms far su te allow thre ducint maunered Town 1 Clark to eaondliraAddirrea iNo, aur, iris tahk vas tuaIlire woeid aiicv ne mari te usurp Iiis posisiu-lhat ire1 was as Rood aietire beeirt man-au a grats dais bettirer,-îutiraIlire diulo' 'Caro a Tiuker'a Taypol viral .hre ovu seS i I ireug down me lied ie @Lame vliin I ses viral Whitir5 ias cen at lu lies. deginenate daya. Il vas dif- ferent lu the day. cf Perry senlBye, an Riellemin hâte Duethor Gun-vicin i may sayve bil dorlBig Guas la po. ashu.-an iraS glullomin for repri- einlativeavi re rcapable av uphold. in tirs honor an dignity, an respetmbiUty av tira corporamhinav Wicî. uy virera, au n u y cpuy-au "dc't te go te Oshawa frpretecticre l côèvor up-,eue: v*wuhiccie. God maie Wbilby frcm ice waa politlslunà eà tc hreot corner demagogeas 1 Au Providince partect lire, peeetem*y tire ratepayers fromthetics ooozy m" tire Lip-Aconoocy min-vice promnis., eue thinir au do lie exSct revams. ri. off le Most me frind tho Noble Menuis, euthiaýnoi teîava, ac- coudis tg, oclhesm b. telegnft.Mie- tlimes, '» vantaS te Oum. Bat- more *men. I remmin, Yen tirrue frind, 'PIM OD.Y. 'Pneu Govinceuce Gvoeax..-iE x? -z celleuéy tire Governor Genersi arrived aI Wiunipegýf ^nTOisey evw-&ilng.H.à Prom J. B. Powell6anS chiensk,er logltelice lova beUllea rungalobera., tofoe~. Fr~ I:.PauvlI 'ovaSlmlôn vitir draft bi. aair nlu blv passS etprevenu eetigasete cýohue- tien of taxes. * ro .cspi Nevbnry, se"6g4l1»b aliawed 89ofr llgit Centre Ward lampe. Prom James SI.,aki ng teô be'ah- luveS le lirs ie eue cf lie vacant rocus Iûnlie cIleva h, al- à 5EA5P rntd-noà a cias FOR, & etaimr. lf:. Demtlmy reponted frm thle Ccm- rnltt.e on abreets, sletiug tliaI hiry cd befere them an account ci James Camp- bail (of tire flrrn dR. &J. Campbell) for S8-psymonul e! viei liey conid no# recocamecd-.and vinai thechair- men ciet mreets of last jean refmsd te cerhlfy. AIse rcommandlng.lirat 850 b. planeS te tire credit of tie main strete-mt e c.pnling ltcf a nov bridge st -tire-Bey iraS useS up aIl tire availà ble fonds. ý Ouncil lu commaittea cfth. vidle, Mr. Long lullie chair. Tire reeve siateS thattheliretI item vas oee liaI aulanoct ihe Pau' Ina.- muchai tir, charge vam maS. by IM:. Oa~elfra dilcirpu& byhim eppo. eleiuscnpremises anAdfor hie ove puoses. Mm. o ng saiS th. commilte. ce streele kmevnoliing about tir. acouet. That Mr!. Campbelilesut year maSe a Ahicir tc carry theval.: pool MeiieSldA; liaI ire iraS cg a a l for hlsmmvepur- poses and used the eM'ie ntulof il, anS teov h. vanteSa conactil te psy for woui Ihat vas alogéthir for cure privaI. arantee, 0"r saemir. ers cordamned le hmà rge sa e' sharp tric#, asud1h. clause rofuslcg a reeom. menA payrncl&dopteS. > Musas. BlovwanS Cmpbe'alapprov- eSc lieth frIbe: appropria"ienof 850 ; tire item vas pesea:mcd tlia report adopteS villeont amenâmeni, AssEeasT.w Nv t2. Mfr. Blow introdnced a by.lav te ne- peal by.lav 8M, pessed aI hlhat mieting,* providlng fcr amseing the Icwc muS ievylng a raie of 26iMillesin tir. Sellerand Wulevylng amDcv assee- ment anS mlrüLklg e nev rate fer th. prsonlyear. - - The. items nov an.-Ccunly taxes, $890 ; Dabecitunes, #7628 ; Scirools, 14,700 Sparle sbc,$6 ei e=1 exrnsesof lie cmorlce$6799 -mkag i la i-80t 7- ,raised by a specisi rate cf 221 mille le lie dollar. Mn. Blow axplaineath iat sicce 1h. lest meeting au arrangemeontireS beau madie vi lMmaina Pll ta de!.: psymsaa of tira $8.000 mottgage and te redoaa tira luteroît fu-oa eight ta six par oacI. On motion o!f1Mr. Blov, secondeS by Dr-. Bogart, a resolotion passe instrue- tisg thcs 'own Cieril te trast viti r M. TPill forcontinuation o! lie inorîgaga et six pe: cent intereat fou- notlelostlias Aive or six jeats. Tas «sx]Ceu OF c vsI< TEMTAUSENT. Dr. Bogart emd"je raS a repor, but ira hady knev hCv te make ut; il vas freai lite -ille, appointeS l opar- range for the rec.ption of S& Hector Langeavin. Thcsecceunts piacedinuiris bauds vere : Wbuiby Ceîacaeuce, P21intfnfn. .7$; L. ebent, carniages, #2,; cielùz fon refreese, *1.50.5. Alec aà bill of #3 for dincer forer i. suS. - O04 motion. lies coumsi i ent,ît ommlleoeet lte vicia on tuesreport-- , 1%0nnam la 1h. aim ueS:. o tirs IveAnsI lIceser. rasd. O 8168.50-Um. Dunkley asied or lie ili. ll »remd ,'"mollova: L etacu anS clinner, $80; 17 bcthlescimampaen, $51 ; 19 boilles Basm&Ws,49.5; 2 "loms sirerry. 814 ; 1,gallon Port. 87; 2 botiles cenet, 82. ' Mr. Kelley vsaod te have lihe a- counI roferred back te aq if Ur:. Mach. ir ad ot made à multair is uc- out ; h. -onsitired lice char~ge for liquore 10e laigb, sud irs foi on. bouid Mr:. WHiecim salAiflat Paublie m, Uks Sir. Recten, coulA etb.w# cI. te go frompl ep e v ileistu lti. meeybel igepent for tI ln isnaulan. 'Pli cci cf sc ,large, and ne deuilt tcey lisd noe s'gi te pey m ornetahliaiterms. viici bacon. aidered e -$'cebutiff liera vasgo loglebea,&gond resait item lie viei, ushre ro a ic dticicî lio ond b.- tire cou nei mot laveel mony fer sncb là unus ei liwtcvvr e lnr.ferning lie aocôunt bockl. Il va' lhe p fcf&I lirhe gentleman Iiat lire Omuc f lquor *charged for vas net drunk.Ie. diA lta a ï,1111e cf the dearvl'ne -,il vas 1h. frt lime h. ira teO~Pcrtuni5Y of drinking cigir vinel hoddttiraviug tire oppott-nty; 4L&ugletsrbut a. te a sý .l it -w Uthà ohd not te.. (A 'ic. vcne ftofmr<eone e) Amlietsi burets tif teslratr., ei ve'Wnt <>ü teex- 1-P ete upcu 1h. qualty cf lire vine, aânS mSir ha aflebrlnging tir. <entlie Inan here-vi-mighî brncg a 900a many dolflrs te tte,-Il venid bc pretly teugir tg saShe hlm, andaotice: memh.rm cf th. cooncli vlo dia the business cf tire Icvn fer eolhiog, wil1 th hoeo igir claie vices. (Great Haghe .y oAid mot tlinlitire rate- payera vanteS t), do biat. * Mr. Blow id nettIhink 1fr. Smith va. capable cf ofemring an opinion ai lire enbjc,-tirey hiradhlm acknev. litig, tlot ire vas lan suci a condition tie irecounld net toila. lo tie 'aliIy cf 'igir cloes ines. (ContinueS Isugir Tire report vas tien reporteS ana adaplati iti lia clamse amended ti paY tire $80, anAdlire balance te ire re- ferreS te tire special cernuittea, 10 re- port attire nexl meting. [Mr. Kolley âiA Dr. Boartlolft dur- ing tire latter part cf theo slcussioeI Bv-LIv POOR COLLECTION< 0P 'TAES. Mr. Blow introduced and csrriec a by.imw, viricir vas passe, ameuding tire irylaw for tice collection cf town taxes, accerdimg te tire recommecudatiar cf tir. Town Solicitor; Mr. Wesley, séeondeS by Mr. Kelleyi unovid that JosphNlevbnr b. mllov. @a #90, instead cf 870a year, for liglit- le g tire Cen Ire WaMd lape. Mr:. Long expressedhlm astonlsiment aI tris attempI te ate emalts: eut cf tirheuSanecf tire emmiltes. Heaex plaineS liaI 1h.:. vwu a snb.lisieî contnel for lighling tlie Contre and North Word lampe for $154, tiraI New- buny vas offored lhe Centre Wand Illbting, sud agr.d letake>S, at $77. 'PlaItirhe parties nov -iighbing dia ne$ vento t 1me up tirejoir, but wves iii. log te lit Nevbury sto p mb t iri:sires, and liraI cf course lie Originel con- tracter, sitiro' haein sovad avay frcwn tova vas mfliibeodCd a iwmenthe' cuinsteo thrr a. aUtIle sens. le bningiug forward sucir a motion. Aflar fonlirqr explanstione tira motion vas nront ulof onde:. EMINGETOWN fBELL. On motion af Mn. HUnam, econded by Mr. Wesley, lb.ep rayer o! Ibo peti. tien of J. B. Powelland ochars vas grauleti anA tire carelaker directeS 10 ring tire bail as askad fer. Ceuncil adjourned. Washington Letter. Tire Exzcunx MscsBUTTE]% BurL. .EXTRASzESScON or TUE Roui, 0F MU.uouamaxa. SOCIAL Smnoeuuzs. New Yens va"USusOrno. (P O eaue aru-ssmpondentl Wasiicglon, P. 0O, Oct. 65,1881. Tire Pnsfeoint relurmed te lie Capi- tal, but ot t e sWhrite nsm", te-day. Tire execulive Mension ce nov aItlthe cther anS cf Pennejîvaia Avenus, a lieuse (in nuropeil Migirtire calida 'Pslec) bofit anS ove by Ceci, B. F. Butler, but leseet ipent bySem&-, Ian JeaofN ev raa, wviro th. huaI cf ire Presidet of ta-Uni"eae..- Bumer bha. itS illiceSbon. Senaler Jeos viiib.e ppolatd edBcnery of, lb. 'Pnaury, Mcd lics Ifactay, the- bnnillbeneir, viiicerne e eSeniale Ic- hm plaibe. Thulis sot probable. je ,mirer mi v oold suam it.mvory oh- jclonmble le tire in yluNaw York adcher oelmeugirchdscftic. "motoof. mal evil,'"!frcmviolcltiproead-aS mieltrticu muaI Srav ihs suppot.- Mr. Meckey, tircugi, vonlid 11h. 1 hrave a seat wleir ton.o!e filionaires vili jones, Paur, Davis, RU, Brovu, pendieton, asdoliers eaiéestimable nrichei. At ne pravieus timo iras tir. Sonatecf lie Uited stale a iSoua hal th. eaèltliitow repremented in Ils -personnel anS il May b. doubted if ils estctieproatyMath. ROue f Lorscm 1 i lsPeilnnia..y ga. lihn Tire aenisecf normous for- lues lbvlng aa..teS *foll o s- ciel e anA m n n eWsehlgc.-m ocisIy llelu esceale teul a dwuniýaA mmedlstehv mt e as.1 à sine ceceuy unnd <ia g dtcm S 'Pire.Pik Jnbflea Singera lait veek. kt gave Ilire ceweno crtu, vicetirer à considredm-,M utCinl';or lacay- SDoutbîilir te talk ivn wrtig ocas- i bondby tire re-fusaio!usema cfttb. ;hleil ,reeeive ýtiern, gave them acoer-, laie -notorliWty: Bul I suppose lie ha- StesW, (em'peclelky1h. llter,) of, lice.7 if vice patroenla. tiesuliberali. ln g in laTcrontoe r the calmmity -laI attendeSirisehast tour le lie ciA a Country muet aurely avaken sympathy e for hlm. S 'BaveraI lectures have b.en given lu ae litciy viti lb, uu uaocess tira t- atendu tiem. Atirlelie sports have been irsiA by dif- :t forent socitie.: University sports ver. lmaI veek, OsgooeS Wall tria veoil, on h lie Toronto Lacree Grunnas, Jarva Kt Stneet. r. On ?nidmy lie Annumi Conocation Mfer tire admismion cf utudeote sud dis- ytribution of prizes, viii take place in -University Ceilege. At lait tire 0ev extension o!fllie a street car railiay iras been decided up- ouo, anA smmting dofleite doue on tire -question a! tranafer ticket. - Tire vidouing of tire Pou River is nov mtracîing public attention. Cer. -taiuly, if liseidcoe tirte Globe partly mdvane ooulS b. adopteS, as <nemi beau wonid ire conforr.ed upen linl- habitante of tir. city sud suburba. OnsSunday ii Grecs preacirad for. bire firel lime secs iris molon efnom a clong leur lu the Nortir-West, iu 1h. Calliedrai. Hlm allusion ta tire cdeall et GanrfiS, sabouladbire nmSby .vory- one. Il le the Aitreally atrikiog com- 'iment I have resd or ireard upon tire dealli cf lie laIe Preident. Alre>dy lira portrait of 1he nev Pros- ident Ilexiribited la every vwiedov in tevsry foruc., tSonse odispute secems te b. geing au us t lie possession cf Wrangel Land. I doubt if Yong tudente can sien fieS Itir, plu@e ontire mep, but they viii net w rangle with me for iayimg mc. B. TiraI Little Bill. o te eEditoc- of the lWitby O/trou. Sua tau .Tiere i agood dea of Town t1,uyou hnovw, about "lÉbat littho * ihI,'ýâmeSwhieà irletir.mindoso e May hracuae e meat on iny honesty, a. 10 my accounlt reudenèd tire Treaurer cf Whilby fer tire compli- maularySiner n.: muInch"ongienby me, aItirhe request o!lire coUtas ce f liraI mcnt augusl body, or Town Cotin- cillore.T'P i ttle 'tbill" wvasondared by a commiltee cf tires, anS I vas- veuleS upon in lire office o! bis Royal, >for my terme, wviol I gave, viz 1 for lunobeon, teo15e derved at one e'clock, for forly persona, aeveuty-five cents, par iread ; acd for dinner, to b. serveS ai 6 o'look, one dollar snd 2ô cents per heaul. Tire committes ashed me if ale vas te lie changeS extra, anS I saiS I vould induSe draugltais, but mot any vines, ciampiagne, or clarel. Ailva sasaceory, asdud sfanas I have ireard,lteeAln.: vwua adecded sucosa. Bal oponi due cousideration, of Smorneo!oux "seber" tcvn faliers, lhey limk my scouel iveo large ; tiraI i. ny vine acceunt. 'Pie amoont cof cirampagns Srank. e: consumeS, vas 17 botties, atI-#8 per botll,-....51 00> 2 gallons Sherry,-..-...........-14 00) .........................70 19 b4ttin ýBasa Aie,----------....9 50 inOLunebeons ................. 80)< ;UDinnere, ....--..-.....--...... 0 0< - N $1650. TIMry.flve peoplee st dove te lunch- ecci, muAticere ver. 14 botîo f aie useS, '_eSnas ireare- 8 issues te tireý baIlle, anAdmil ml4 cr 5 drmnk, lirat vauldI average about 1 glass anS a third le emclirperson wvi r nk. At thre dinne.: lire. ers 17 buttlea champane#, vicirContaine 5 <lasssle tire boîble, cm 85 glasses, lu mli. Nov tire. ver ciel171 botties coneumed virsn tirs luner vas ove: ; I gatrered upý 4 vctçlremmesced, uAth ir, vinsthal va.» left in hottles and <lasseo, (vhicir by tire wy is nerthly unetesnyconej allerstandinag au hfour,) voulA b. near- ly 8 baIles But, lire 17 betties vers okae'Well, LImetehéie ina coui£=- sa, 14 boltlies;-,5 glaises te tha baIlle,I vil b. saenly glass, and 89 te Aan.:, cul of viricir al -draink orbaSltiri giasmes leS except. , Jtclk wlliaol le ie son. sur. Plckerlcg Fair. TPh. Psu Pair cf thre '4ricultUra Socoietycf lh. Township of 'Pickeuing was helfi aI Broughram on Mônday aund 'aithougha trills 1cola.,O1h rsdy Ihere wers very few preentk- beyccnd -those makicg esoldes. The altendance lthe seccld day, when a orowd vas ez-- PeoteI', we Ise rallier slîm-cerlainly s Iuconsidermirle sasove: va have seen à l Picke ring-Exliibifion. Tire enlries ici ail th. classes were deficieat. Tire !rare some.middlicg lier... sud a few fine shortirr on tire <round, and tires.o,*w>ith a m egre show in the floral hall, made up the exhibition. 'Pht. air vas ê=Àfned te thre Townsbip tis year, sue net open ta outsiders, a. il hbad benfor some vears heretofôre, which wiil icoount le a large extent for tho paucity in the atlendance. Tirere appears tab lcocnsidera. ble différence cf opinion ste opon« icg the feutate r ed or conôning il ta lire township. in lire latter case, lire prizes romain at home, virile, in 1he former, tli oulside exhibi- te: who goes lire rounds cf ail the fairs wirere ire cen enter, and iras hi. artioles piekefi aud packefi for tir. purpose of show, carnies cff tire prizes. The weight cf opinion, certaiuly as far as we cculd leare, je in favor cf amalgamation wilir tire Conly Exhibition, and tbis would b. lire viest plan. Township fairs are nov ouI cf date and are becoming a nuisance. Tire following i. lire- SUEMART 0F ENTEXES. Honosa - Retire bicod herses S; Saddle and roadaloers, 87 ; eavy dranglit, 7; Canadian drauglit, 42. CÂTTL&- Durhiams, 29; Grade 12. Saexp-Cotswolda, 19; Southdowns, 12. Svncc-largs breeds,09; Sasll Se22. - POvu.Tmv-19. BcoOe aqd vegsîsbies-55. Faurr-78. Psua-x PanUoeu-88. MAcuReanS <a re implemeuts-Ol. Pousaeo MANUnîACTUnzs-128. Pm iARTs-9. Lanueusl D"paneuzau-1l7. GRAà e-29. PEIZE LIST. DLOOD ilOR8ai. Zysan old tliy-lel'T. G. Beazin. Saddhee:or csaster-1seI moud mmcr, 8Stephrenson, Qed John Amoan. 1-jean-ciA ieily-N. Burton. S-jean-aid colt-GoPlmer. Spring colt-lut Jos. Pllkey, 2ed J. Aneon. 'Pesaine iarnese-lel W. C. Allicon, 2cd Wm. Pais. Single hureinla ruemc-let John Cullibert, LuS C. W. Maihsvs. OrS Decter & O'Leary. .BaSAi. herse-lat T. MadilI, LuS J. Wrighrt. Judge-W. Milligan, Jas. Major, J. Sîcigi. Biiuod cuare-lel Jost Monhuee, Qed P. Mille:. 1-jer-old fily'-.Joirneton. Spnig filly-Jcu. Monkronse. Spring col-P. Mille:.' c.%NADIAR DE.&UGIT. Breed mare-lai Geo. Pavideon. 2u5 Wmr. Wander. 2-jean-c i Au-lt & 2ud John M. Bel. 1-jear-olS fllj-lsl Johnu M. Bcll, luS I. Pfikey. Spring fily-îatD. Plugr, 2n5 N. Bic. l-yearold colt-laI Gec. Pillpe, lad- J.Wn'igirlz 1 ,I.-ysan.clS-colt-P. Davis. Sprng colt-I J.M.Bell, 2s5C. Tesrn inh4rneî-it A. Joiruien-, leS G. Hoiby. .Draugit ern il-Dyeiprise) -Geo. Devidmon. Spning foal fin' Wail a While-P. .Juclges-Jos. Grahram, 'P. McBrien, P. eilt Ccv givilig milk,,or lin calf-lat A. Johuilon, Phd J. ,Be1l 2.yea-olA ireier-'let A. Jolinston, 2nA J. BeIl 11.11e:, yearing-lsî, & 2nd A. John- alun. Rd!.: coaif-lst J.,f.Bell, led A. Joirnaton. Bull oulf-ht Jc. Miller, Qed A. Jolinstouw ,,Rend o! Dgrhams-H. Mille & Ce. (30w givicg miiik, or in' anif-Jocc ,ee lait, 11c4 Cee.,L»e18. Heifer, 2.yer-l ' -lat Cc.1 Leng,j leS John Ruissell.- Reifer calf-st e.:Leng, leS Geo. Tilhsya7- Fat auiwwala fe-Iet adA InAJobu B. i. :MOeso*. -Wüllian>aCounn»elS coe., lirOns. Cciece cCd o0vonrent iJen sd mooba lihge arnlvcd afmyiyhm.euonPriSa; *nigil. Il viii now bauIi ords: fenlace 'vo-shclp b iva tic. mambrs o! lia cTiw' necailm iggicg for-thirige loge cuing iris absece. flocher, 2ud 5. O. Wilon &,Bon,- Brd- D. S. Barclay. Fal Table I& ples-lel Reighsvand. or, Pdros., 2ndulths. Stenr, 8rd Cirales FaU Oeuking Appes-1at C. Stork, 2cd Neigirevander, Bros., Srd Bonace Wilson. Wititer Table Apkles-lot O. Stork, 2nd-Ciras Holt, Srd S. C. Wilson & Son. WinterOCooking Âpplo-îstC0. Stork, 2ed Noigiravander, Bros., 8rd Chrarles Variety cf 6-hindi cf Apples, 8 emeb -l.t Neigiravanders Bras., 2ud D. B. Neighevander, Srd S. C. «Wtilson & son: Largest Display of Ayppes-lat Neigir. mvandor, Brou. 6 Fail Peare-lat Isac Palmer, 2id Mre. W. Wilson, 8rd Geo. Valontyce. 6 Winten Pears-lat snd 2nd Wm. Daie, Ord P. M. Docker. Grapos, blck-leî C. Hol, 2nd D. S. Barclay. Grapes, any otir: ieS-laIs D. S. Barclay. Peacirs-lat Mise S. Turner, 2nd George Valentyne. Variety o! Apples, 12 kinda, named -laI S. C. Wilson & Son, 2ed Benecu Wilson, Brd D.B. Neigiravîà der. Judgee-Daiciei Siriokier, Markiram, J. J. Fothongili, Whulby. DAIav enoDUoz & MI5CELLANZOU5O. Butter, 10 lbs. iu rls-laI Mro. E. G. Barclay, 2ed Mn.. D. 3L Docker. Butter, 10 ira--{Sarney'a prize)-C. Stotîs. Butter, 20 lbs-Mre. T. Wilson. Houey sud combe, 10 lha-(Glen& Hover a pt'ze)-let C. Nigirevander, 2e5 Joie Goe,Srd P. M. Deceo. Honey, strained, 10 Ih.-(Glen'e prize-lsI Nigirsvander Brus, 2c5 (J. Miiler'a prise) Mrs. S. Adaceson, Brd C. Nigiruvacder. Honoy iu ccmb-( Maudeson'e pnize) C. Nigiraador. Hlarnees, single-Mr. W. Gibnon. Case of alnifed birle-J. Lamourex. IXPLEMNTS. Homae. airos-isI & 2nd J. T. New- Burtggy, opn-lot anSdLIed J. T. Newport. Fnll Cloti, hoaie-macl-ila sa Palmer, QuS Mme. J. L. Palmer. Satinette, Fatory-isî- Mns. John Wilson. Ceiored Flancel, home-made-ialt Mrs. C. J. Allieun, Qed Mn.Isasac Palmner. Rag Carpet, Cotton-let Mre. Hab- fiard. Pair Blanket-lel J. S. Pamr,, Qd Mrs. W. Major. Covanlet, iroae-mad-lstJ.S. Palm- e:, Qed Mre. C. J. Allilsn. QuilteS*dQiail-lst Mns. C. J. Ailison, Qnd Mrs. B. Potier. Qcilto Piece Work-Iat Mmm. P. B. Neighavander. lied Corfrtr-lal Mne. C. J. Ahf- son, 2nd lira. G. B.,Saiirh. White Spread-Iet Mrs. (3.J. Alison, 2uS Mrs. Duna. . - ý Log- Cabris Quil-let Mrs.Puxuhem, 2ndi Mrs. G. B. Smitli. Suit cf Clotis--lat Mng. Hoyle. Sirepherd'a Pîit-let E., J.,Banlaj, 2nd Mre. C. J. Alfiion. Wuahen 8tockage-.-lst Mrs. J. Wil son, 2c5 Mns, G. B. Smille. Wuolao Socke-Mre. W. Major, Qed- 'Mme. J. L. Palmer. Cotton Bocks ->loICiras. Stotta, Weolcn Mfitt--lst 'Misa S.NXeigie.. vauder, Qed Mns. Jolis Wilson.,- Yame, irome-mad-lsi Mns. W. Ma- jor, Qed Miss S. Noigiravander. Bread-lot Mrs. Gibson, led Mrs. G., B. Sailli.- PrisA Eni-lit Mns. UniairYoung, 2nd Chas. Hoit, CanneS Fruit-lut IMn. U. Young, -Jelay-lslMnt .Yoùà g,_2nA Mn.. Vaientyne. Psservei-leI Mne. I. Yonng. 'lS Mns. -G.B. ',vli Qed C. Wine- -luot xns. Wn.' Taylor, led lD; S. Baa<lay, 8rnSMns. G. B. Smih.r-, Peurs, pioilhd-.îý-et Mne. Co. Valez- a à uip-îs Mne. G. B. Smi., tCoofeotienerj-.,lt Mno. G. B. Smilla. lad P.peee-lieNighsvmndev Bra,, dMis.Cea. Valetyne. Beeem-lst Mu. Isame Pals. "Judges--Mrs J. . eloMrHb barS, B.-Bentlej.-. Wmlen Colo: Paiting-lât Mns. a. Petter. 0it Paiig-laii Mn. W. Major- Painting, on Velvet-lal Mns. W. Ma-- jor. - SCrayon 'Dnaviug-let Mrn. R. Potier;, lnd Mns. John Cee. Evorlestieg Flovors.-lt rI m. 'B. GRAU., 2 Bage PVil h.a-.e&t O ,s ý_. Noigirs. 'van-der, 2iidiJcliu Gee 8 rd J. Rusà efl.ý 2 Boshole BaileY-lst W. Major, ficd T. n, cgrc, dC. Neigirawander. Speing Wi *tltT, Pagli, 2c1 egiaVane& ra. rd C. Barclay. PesSmalltJ Pilke, 2d . K Young. Pesa, Biack-ye-lol IsacPalmer, 2nd Wm. Dale, Srd Neighevander Bras. cals, Whiïe -lu1t T. Pugir, 2nd Neighsv Ãande: Bras., Brd T. G. Beazin, Os. Black-lst 0. Noigiraador, 2n&Neighsvandcr Bnci. Bye-leI B. B. Wilson. Amongst tire miscellaneous articles ou 1 exhibition wene lwo saneple bottisa ct synup, exlractefi frou tire ambor nugar uncae, by Mfr, Samuel icdamson cf Kixc. sale. Tire syrup vas very nice and *a va iigiriy commended. Gladat)ne utParnoîl. At a banquet given/ét !iLeeds b 1fr. Gladstone fourteen 1 hundred persans vene present. Mr. Gladstone said; "Justice te Irelaud in a sacred duty, but eau nover ire performed vitrent equal justice to Englaud and Scotland. Tire alate cf Irelaud miglit net liea party question. Ireimnd la in a graI criais, and en tire vorking cf tire Land *Act may depend tire geaet issues witiregard te lier prosperity. Paver. fui =gucesare wonking virich ir liyet influec ir fate in spite cf tire irttions cf certain persona. I de net believe Iliere are labourera la any conntry that have made more propoes tran Irishr laborers." 1fr. Gladstone varxnly eulogized Sir Charce Gavan Duffy fer bis pamphlet advocating a graleful se. ceplance of lire Land Act. Mr. Glad. atone oiaimod Dillou as an opponont, but au opponent wirom ire vas <lad te henor, and added: 'II now have tire painful duty of dealing.wiIir a very dif-' feont- oins cf oppononîs. à Aemsll body cf men baS .enisen viro are net peiramed te premch te Ireland lire dec- faine of public plunder. * Thestaatse o tiringe in Ireland is coming lu a ques- tion cf 1mw on'tire une- hanfi sud sireer laviossusen lice otirer. Mn. Glad. atone favorable contrastaet O'Connell's fideliîy te tire Crown of Englauf ithll Parueil's hostility te everyt4ing Ecg- lisir. 'Cannell, lis sud, on 'every oc- casion decasrad b1is respect for pcrcperty. but Parnelilibas nov a z'ow gospel, tiraI cf pluxider. ta proclaim. Ho eoés nov tirat wheres tire rentai of Ineland is £17,000,000, lire lanflord inecnlitled te notiig but thc origfnal ,valub cf tire land, auouuting lu frS,000,00. O'Oon. nells respect for hucuan lits vas con- sistent. Parnell-in very copios in hie references l e Amerlos, but l inà lthae refoences ire liasneyer f8und, ticce te utteei s word -of dieapproval aboueth ie ass.5sinalion lilerature ef tiraI country, viricir fanalAmerican literature. Âm- enicans accru, épura, and loath. il. (Land cheers). Parnoll, duricg tire lait session cf parliament, maSo eôvery ef- fort teadestrey tire effoct- cf lhe Land Bill,.irutice did not dare tle voteagminat il like a men, but vhen lie life cf tire bil vas ut atake, Parnell. and lhirty of iris follovers vitirew fnom lie. HIouas cf Commons and briof 1e dea3troY the vork wviici lie governement had begien. Thretest cases virichir arneli intonde le take into tire Land Court -are cases of rente vhiicir are -fi: mnd moderaito. If ire lakes tros casesinto Court il viii reject-them. Whcen the court bas re- jactea irezâ, P arecel suad hie train viii ' teil thce people- theZ hiave 'been botray- eS, thatthlis Courlte varthles,andtire Land Act ougicl le mec1t tewlmonquivo- clrpudialiOn,ýand 80 hdvwihl play Irds game acd7gairc his ebjecl ifthe peoele lisiece-to hls fatal doctrines. -,Farha- meut je nat-ging to overluvie threpria- cipal of public rigit and publieoroder ticplol&Prnsl.Alludeiig beagrarisu-' crie, fr QIste&'aldviat veuld happenici Englandif crime:' proved. b.. yoad the exeiinsoL thecOfficerOf lihe, 'l*wu- vael multitudes of lcyal cilisens vcould amuay liemealves in- support cf .iaw, but bsnob utbagi. Izad _Of n Ireland. . Gejrerai.cowardices-e00=8 te prevail amoall clsisO' a' h Pess propdrty, and the Gôvereimeulîle' __ a- pected ta pre&alive peace vitit aco.moral force bobina thasu.- Thisla, -eaýit scandai and ei1fier h-IiiR id t -be thoroughly hh.itbty. 'W. aîre on nueè liraI the Irish natione dedne té ake full avaatagge cf theTÀand lt,, but -Par-' ly upoz tbeýod &-eci of - eB Wheuwe wil TIE KICEESI TEE NE Our Styles, i * Your mtca i Sùitings, Flunnc No. 1,DEVERS Dr. Fevlcr' ExLr Cureau iferma ofIl jante or saulteTb .sudperfect namay table and frée frcm, drugi. - To finS a batte: rn digestionsd impu *Burdo i B lu t A VexeSý ZEven the patienc exhansled vwere hoa à iug l tatà resî t very eiyosa ilts using Dr. Xingsae sumpticu. Cougin gaves svay asI, W. noecm.iim ma 10 afad lanediso Popultion. Eey Thay Are plait ftycents iila wortidI Net sO lutrite lieetsrong,hl,=Y sud childron Ibit 1 beds ofaieaneu f by theuuisfd1cp..d '11nlénazïdizvshi - -Beau =E» Bedila Wco ýl .nArot utc nmriedby Ju . Rc'Pbertson& Bne Tas TUu*caaR&a vires havi moreS -fromeini.Menîreel Io melion pfice. Tirs celuiveatien cf lthe Amy. irasbeeii flovcS by e venue rein. Ladiesvil fluail payjlhothcto choies stock ocf incy vam'es -Boberteon & Bres. ,Thh daparta dan lire aannsgMenlet -in ici amstialt. Tire seauoefo cps bas tr tdrpinuluit on thea llihct £fa 1 1 l'