Whitby Chronicle, 22 Sep 1881, p. 3

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BLAQ OA8IEIIS. W.are to-day ehowing a splendid lino of above aoos a pno st1 asatonta i.The color las irceilenli sud the -value uneu ssd ome and ses them. FAOTDR S8 PO 8.uW.e have ýIe*ioted apeciai care to thia depart- ment,"adt-dyw arethowing the n6est goode that eau ho procured ilu theo home and Foreignu Markot4. ,TriÎmmnigu cmatoh. - OLOHhIG~ u l the opartmont we canuot be boat, We have aelected from alteladixng Rouis lhi puty.the :Best Styles anid Boat Goodu whlch--are maû fatured, sud lave likowise imported heavily of Scotch, Englisih and Frencli goods, rnak- ing in ail the largeet sud most complote display ever ebown'lu this part of the country. We guarantee our lothing to be perfeot in fit ana first-cises workmaniship. We ask you to corne and examine our Fall purchases, and ca.n say cozfideutly that it kWii pay. No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK. NEW -AD VERTI8NNS EXECUTORY NOTICE. p uuBStIàm t tio n 43 ea O bapter 1m of the Re'elaed Statuates cf 1h. Province ef Ontaro . Notice la heroby ien ll al creditore sudabeshahving "muagasinat the otale cf 81TEPHEN FULLER.L laboeo etb.Township ef Wbitby. in the County et Onisalo,iluthe saiProvince, Gentleman, deoeaaed Who deparlel thia 11f eou orten$ thé. esventh day efApril, lun ofsyar tur Lord eue thcsudib hundel sd Nghty are requrel lu moud byqpr.pador étielver tblmm Maay sida îir wigyP. oria J. HRee GreenWoed. Soilciir- et iL.-mail Natl Wbtby P. O., on or. beore the 901h day 0] November, A.,. 1881 a tatemont contain. iug tbir naroossuaid Àinwms=4 th ful f srticulars of thelrclal Md athe seurilles af eny bld by theo -nd th#t af er thé saj d a" esisoreadd 1h.e cu«tx l proceed la diuiribute the assts of th.eaid& lregard belug bal enly t the dlaims ot Lh ois bseuglven -as shcvc re- .quirel sud th. said Ersèntrlx vil net ho hiable Ï icaï ad assoe cw suy part Iberecii tosuypericu Or persone a ofee daiCMs notice shahUaotbave beau *,r"cved by thé sald Executrlx or Saliitr Atthe lime ci such dstribution. Daicdet Whltby, Ibis 101h day et Sep- tomber, LA., .1851. MABY SÂRAH PU=LR, Sole Exeoutriz. Ber Slicîter. lin-tO Rezidence for Sale or ta Rent. easy terins. Houscentaine 8 roocml, with <rouI cellar ; bard sud soit t ater an prom. lfe; graua 111.1ie with fruit sud orna- mental trei; sîluate on Brook itro, the roain street frein Lake and Railway station ta tomi et Whtby; hait-rlle troro Wbl*by sud laosudn&rshway station - know as tbe Ponl property. Possession g(y7mnlist Nov'r nont. Apply at once ta H. J. MeDONALU, 408m 575 Queen4si West, Toronto. Andin, s oft.e Celys gr ul Wbil -on 8aiurJ..m, sept. 24th, 1881, at 4 oclocir, p. mo 0. NIJ SSc'y-Tross Whltby, sept. 111h, 1881- .40 A P.um pesecure for ine RW a" lo, Dlaossstotheb. Kdnes, Bleblaher su Ul "ry orga or autedani t,niplalnls INDU IxIZEVIDENGE Prom Donier., Uraggfleta, Moechnti, Fanuert, arrm mssSATISÂCTON. GhleoeIPlctbu. à4n gleu,18 onmnled lthial our mdsie gutvlng tié stlstlou anA vlsh yen lu crossaI aleit*s for oluW arerody lte dbiauet et<hode i. Dz.'J. R.Muna sca ~yW. a.HOM » Afflt, whMby. 44 Ik OIrrgllfrPiuheîsdTsl j«__ -10id ud à *ttm-« ïmitmm, em rdmu*i[W*NW EXTEN8IEOREDIT 8ALJ . MPLEMENT8, la. Th.era1"lOIbu 2»WevOd instruci JOHN, GLMEONI To ose»yPublic Au"oùio, n Lot », cou. cf lokrlng ner l.VIlgea thé.pfolovlgmuble plel 'lmyrat;1 Bay um 4j". olb 0. F. STEWART, THE PEOPLS',FAOBITE OOTHIG OUSE." NEW ÂDVERTISEMIENTI. NOTICE 19 HEREET GIVEN THÂAT Nh lisiapi o:plan and book of rotez' once, bwnth lanebrough b bcb the lie of the OntarioBSult ste. Msrie PRil. va yceop&maro ipuesinu th.Tovwnships of mo»asd Lricker bave boenluly certi- ded sudcopie. boereot have béezn oposilol lu the effice et lbe lork et lb. Peaue for the District et Algomasul&Wsinluthe offic ot th. Provinciasocro«tar, unIe e lra- visions af th. Rallsy Actaci Ontario. j. D. EDGAR, Proilont Ontario Sslt 8te- Marie Ry. CO. R. JAVElÂT scrslaq Ontario àSaie. ~. R7 Ce. AGENTS WANTED!1 j SJE551. STONE & WELLINGTON vSil gve îtoady oroploymeut sud gccl vages to sultable active agents. STOHE &WELINCGTO,; Are nov ready te recilovo orlon for lbolr Dowv vùànble WRITE GRAPE, "THE POCKLINGTON>" Set b Msllor express, resil, aecirely Jr2o 1; or 10 per doien. STONE & WELLINGTON, Nurseries, 40 8in Trante.- Whllby, ?Pery L dyailffal. SATU RDAY RETURN TICKETS. TTTIITIL FuETE OINRt eton ontheWbitby, Part Pu LhnlsaR'y TO LIDSAY, PTPNY AT SINGLE FARE, OacI to 6avel ounliant day c=1y. Them tickets#vii net. bowever, h. on sale et Lludsay or Wbaitby. G. A. W IE JAS. HOLDEN, dea. Tramfe1L lMan'g Directer. Patorboro,Ispig.1,8. inI TO TilE FAR]MERS!Ê OLD No. 1 BNGS TO SAY TO ALL BIS OLD Frimna snd Cutwenr thatliho la *ain te lMaïket sud vanta BABLEY EAUL WEEAT, BING WEÂT, ?BAS, OATS, AND) mImE;O For vîhoh. il psy TH1 W HST MARKET PBION 1 YEOMAN GIBBONi, OLD No. 1, WHTY An.Sa,1881. -S Port Whitby Elevator! T HB ELEVATOR AT PORT wHIiTRY le nov realy for lt.heepiipf FARMERS in BUYERS vil pisses m.noi. nverytlang lu YlRS=CL I rdar. D. GALRRITMange 84 PI. VWaiy Harbor Ce. liiteS.& C.N. VARS, L. D. S. ]EXECUTORS' SALE OFPLANDS! Ths viu ho fered for sale, by Public Audtio», on the 4th day of Octobi, b.Dâ 16881 Ab POUOHRR'S HOTBL, tu the Vilage of BBOUGHTAM, 1h. lufowlng vainable prorU io;BerlgeofU&a"rem .tooan t Loi 98 lu1h "rdce. t aeiku 01 byao a asnatruu n corne. 30u W od arad wood. - PAlftL No. 2-Oouatsting cf 1h. B.W. aterof Lot 8, Sud con. cU <cou. AUl cw-u oder sud lth. rusi adwocd and hrolcck. PAscaL No. 8-Cocslating ouSace th. NLW. corner of lmi 10 lu the M1hcen. of EgtarkaUme On 1h11 ae a <ccd Prom. Houas B, Rein, S abl sdBiak"nai h"o Tha Venders cly &seeh16 fnnthe Tille deedain their possession, sud s Be- gltmeéArsteraci or ooWy lbrect. TERMS.-One-lenlh cash'onda01et àie; balanceoetpurohame roonvli u monlhfror the dey oftmsl, wiboul in. Fur particulsas, apply to Thou. Pencher, Auclioneer Brougbam; 1).OunseS- itor, WhIll>y, or the. udnderlged ENBT WNSTGÀTN3, 1Executors of P* ionBvilOK, i Brown's Nate. Whteal, AUg. 50L14, 1881 "in8 DRE SS -MAKING! T B LN b siGness cf o if J. n. POWELL & CO, vbere they arepreprel la ezerule au ordetu pramptly. a N.B.-Tvo <ccd apprmnie adm led.t Whltby, Sep. 281% . Sln.8 EXECLITORS' NOTIC Et PWEUAUT l tion" et o hajter 107 of ti h.e Bvisel SauntesciethéPro. vInoë et Ont ario: .eKo=i orygie th"t aU c orensd aincam agalus lb. Nsatlof JAMES DRYPEN, >tIe of thé Tovnrial et WbilbyGaotle. ftpad>rdlver lu Johnryon1E) . rtell.dml'stGecnSlllirt1119ltrs Whlby, ou or jt 1. ai day,.t Nov. orober mort, a staie..nl oniiinni ihal of th* rdaims sud b. aioritisiesfitsy) sa&b a=eêitislm . proegads tbu h lb, aue .b. srud 0.Md te uuiongt nh.Mparties Utr or the rsmrd beig ""& ouy thsraovihotc maIl excuca i aIh. tr b mI poucest het bfam l &Y ahi i lui. RYDEN the Brook road, h t ou a tze m Vll et Brocpwiro, bing lot No. lu c . 01 ma tldkerlt.i oredliamesae la =*bbin at, ---= s~pcmii ofemr' tuEetuasapy à»8. sir4 IWL -47 Rrocomnp. FOIR SALE. S TIUSH DEIVIN zo NUSMm abno*XrwTep»Rgicefr salaa 0NTi4RI0) LADIES8' O0LLEO£4 )rE J, OOM ouoslIoi I- S M Olre J..)klnea' Drc sia t2rceos vei plse a I o L Shos&llïs trKuSiOav.TuEIDATy, si B=rsceon e.W g lrei i st Wyn 7' P. .-Ireopela dirculatel ly coe ras tmuilievas oc ioua cen fte b umi lite sm abov lvrlsuxe - 1h. public gsue=aiyo * cel9vol favorable aMW SitWeity4lieay. in safy y tric aleul S vI, e»bave* a SU" estactlien u al pvy ,vSAg.3,,0 .nie Thié' a Einest ?StoôIr in the it-nd Black Silks-, Satins, Blaek an d - Core Jhie Oa~mue1s ha~ WOIRSTED COATINGS,., SGOTCU aeid CANADIM -,T1,ýW-EED GENTS' FURNISHINGS, ]RATS,> HO081BRY, GLOV]~S~&< 10-rTeTONS, FL £NNI-t' T,1AfLE JINENS, HOLIiANDS, &ce <Jarpet8,g--13rU,88el8, :I7aetrJWo nZHrn;Fo 1 ltIs as 0.(Jto as c We have no hesitation i.n saying we havé- thé'ùetSoc fMluryotieofTrna or Sye, aîeyo Value, in Rats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flo-wer-ý'uuLen0,P1shs ais Ombre, Ribbons,, &c4.alresoc fFigs Pluh Timm.ng, etsand~ea Onatexiêswe twte uspetinwhether buyers or uot. Cafl andSeou0(f0d0 In the Tailoriug Departmeflt we have-.a,2,fiit-o1a5-sOuer Fit-,and work guairtrnteed.; Dressmaàking, on the premies. Our Groeery is- well sooked with fresh otid", GR AND OEI~ ~Y Winter Hats, Bonnets4 Millinery -Materials, -ON- MONDAY, TUESDAY ANýD"W DNEDAYI 26th, 27th and 2Sth Septeer The Di8play of Patterns&s k evenMi avaoé o -:a YOU ARE INVIT forméeesn. . MED TO ATTUDND. NEW DYErIS~AT . -oua--- C0. 0FONTAROS0al1 A.s TO WIT: Is Ollng 5 lbsj. eoloreapa Te 81b. caddies foie new Bessn, Green TeU for $t; choiScenew Sea Tes for $1 ; Bib. caddies Buperior Japâa Tesa for $1. 'AII1grad atIrices tht defywompetition. Oannïe Goa, B>tvs hoi' nd gauces, Cocoanuït ln bnlk, Paoig xrcaPure Spi <Jrem o Tatar TI "Iouwae" Bakuug Powdcr lias mnoiequa sua excelence, the sale 6cf it uncressingadyi. Uscihe "C0hinese for eoouomy i itb Laundry.; of common-sadfancy SOAPS; 6 bas finc'Laundry Soap for 2 cakes Toilet Sos.p for 20e. ,ÂÀfoul ssortmnt f BROOMS, BI PAILS8, TUBS, WÂSHBOÂBDS, . o;,-2 Brooms for 96c. S.1 - largest stock'of ORCOCKCERY AND GLASS W in the ccity, pecalbai in China Tes Sels, me*w tylc, -Wbjl LAMP8vczye sp ; GlausLapfroin 000ceuh. ~THE BEIT PAMILY PLOR, A sali lu reapeclfuliy sdieited befori supply aU aI Bock Baitoni Pneus, att f.. Sept. 2~1, ~ I e,, - --Ai AlUCTION SA&LE Tslauhml4by PuUe AmaclI au ,NJE W &D VE,11t FANL;A-. ~be ahovo i Serges1 ostume loths, .007 a-loi 010 010 AT 2, PPLUIInstiat ?ilaPlI s ete Inatitu aoa sIy, io mit maes MM* tl"lu In- flaI io, -open te oumr, sil ti.en fto mb lntahL idy. Pfulia l MM Fe.P t ouly Ibom m Mise. RENI E nom, 1 1 1

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