Whitby Chronicle, 22 Sep 1881, p. 2

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y1~.P& I~as&. ~a, Treaaunev4 Di, %0 'U rrbauko. Biinrye 0r--4 Mer GrWuood, soir. lBmohfl'-aouo<nfFleono ~lobu, o~e-Jo1n Prgu or 18lFplattp-imort Friser. kl',chaê roorle-SinooFraser. *~Q~~g Waise"-~iionFraeer. Omoker auGlaswar-S.Friser. *Sl J Nolice,, Fuler-4. H.Qreon Weir. Ileuldono. for &*ia or. la rou-H. J. MoDoaald.ý Xotio-. Nourne, Sory-Treasury. * Tb*e Starr Pad. Speoacl-.J. B. Ilobertion à Broa. * Prograumme, Pwtimee-CoHise lu. Spoil-. o. H is. Sermon Coagregîliooîl Churelà. AUCTION S&LES. O n Thnreday. Oct. 131h. at thc Con- to lhatla, Oshawa, à - valuablo fanm in ~U .lnglon, L. Fairbanks. anelloneer. >AI Bay@ Hatl. Wbitby, ou 11h Oc. lôber tise MoQuoid Fanm, lot 10, Uii oo*.Pbieoie-L. Fairbanks suotton. cor. On Fnlidîy, Sept. 28r4 at Piekerlog Village, kheàld farul 40, .. , Dr.TaerTsiPuhanlne. OnAd 411Otoberi at Poceier'o bale], Brougham, lb. Brook@ este-lauda« lutPlrg, 'Karkiasud BaS Sotl-T. Ponohen, anolloner. On k6iaay, . l7th. farmn toc.' luapsetu,"4 "',on lot lNa. 22, lu h. 9th Sn. W b b h.prop.rty of Mfr. John Ga m- Dives,' Anoionoor. On Wdeday 0 .1.(,aim stock, implement, k",, lb. proprh of tihe 14. job. Ghoi, on lI ot.8, utise 11h ea.Piesnln-TiomuFouchser, ONLY Si 5o .PER ANNUM. Whikb, Thulsdyr Sept. 22, 1881. To Correspondents. ",4nrca,-wlll appeaf notwoek. &Xîquzsz4,-Ho diloil lvnty-four y»a go, laut Anguet "E]Laoroa,,-N. 1Mr. Goûa won * tia election. Mr. Gowan vas beaten lu Nons Ontarlo,'bal wasubsquontly Tii Pealen'sFaerai. Tiserecua ?" Pasdut Garfield wîll,,b. oapejedlM ÙxnLoft Braois te, Wausilom 4ar (W.dueoay) Md thIbsh ha.snled n W Olvliail on Pnlda Vi*hW* th7 VII reutla i uma L ù-uby and tervuà s14.Inter. Tb attton .ofl.trhe zMqaym vii doùbt1eusb à epWoIuIlveu te sepro-' coeainIgt ci lthe Tovu Council, under tbwl w e n.4 o Moady eealng. Tii rate in 26;ailamntie dollar - pissent ai 'et t*fl. t iin la pale a pyaal cf 1.r..'1i11's. Morigaga arno t luS,120. If Ibi latter d.bt la allovel 1. remaont- staing nt air pér eat Intetý esthe b Ifaybvh"ks m -tiey b., lb.raté éaà 4 Wqrod e, t 21'ents n lth, dollar- * abmiden 4ullS largo clnag i abu borne, cvery taxpayc t isehéava vil! %é prvildingi on a re»bt. ta * ho.eWLi0p4yltheir taxee ý am earIy te nîtar " alng aPor nta=e t - 41A coneldenablo nambor 9ofthie Saoe of 'Lard Dorby' (4W5>bave t bonghîb br.Mn.,Joflnacyfor Fov i -- la Wlghtovnslilre; and wamong thes4 .I.' or siue,,repre$outed tu th.i loi ", 'Dm15d',(1420)i 'Lard Lyou, (4k)>. DAzîý, dyJbrn' 221>ý-lganote orhelyorne -'PriSe of GaUi 81), -sud 'ar. tu lisefrontlunlt.houlis0aiSollu. Tise vell.knovn hotto 'Younga .rue' (97,nov iwvuoS hy M. W. StilU YIoug, ls ropreesatel by 'on< <1200) and'Attnaion 1049)wviieltonA ai" blocasns asaeenpiolfia st aboya la theso natis- Qf. SoollanS, liiereibis &am 'Etosls,' ovuod by Mn. Murray, Faaeisfinlds, la vall!kuovuýai au exell brood mire. 'Mtir hiors. ea lu lb. loIt ro 'Priae of tisa Bandets (1248),'Talisman'(1641), 'JemrnloGray' - 1454);'BliaSarn,'by 'Young boula. teçs 9 4 Yoaug Premier(1005; 'Prine of th. Machine,' a grandeca ,cf 'Prince of Ilonfno' (664), ?nideorgSot. laud,'&a lvo-yean.old sou af 'Pride cf Clyde' (60); anS a good lot cf yoar. linge, aua hy 'Tii. Abisal' (1820), otof a 'bobfongaa' mare. Mr. Henry Jef. frey cf Wbisby,, Ontario, alua aiippeil for hla ovawneaslntd hanse, lthe beau. tlfltvo.yar.old son cf 'Garuddenï Maggl'{41), noeelAbbotaford.* Tise sir, of Ibis 0011 vas Mn. Oravfotd'é 'Ivanhoe' (890), anS a boîter aeoalmep cf al goofi Clydeadale il vould ho liM. toanSd. Povell Brou. have élu is e beginning ai Augul exporleil upv*Ss of a dozon homes emsh eok by lb.h Alan bina Bouton traders." Mnr.Jeffny la aima, v. uSo»ibti brngng ut cutsane plendîd aheop , ha la expeabod home abodt tisa final cfC. tabor. - toanlh *anas) nreeing aifliseCOasnl'y Ontario Rille Asaoceiation took p lace aven thoir range, st Wiitby, on Taues- day lst ýtisa 201h Sept. Tise day Wu' very unfavoribie for gooda rîittise emoko airnoat conceallag lise targ1i tram viet ahéb.long ranges. Mai s., mon ver. in allendaoe tram. lievoas. -le, Bovnuvll, Brookil, Colambus "du Osisiva. Tisa meeting vis a eau- aem i ny respet. AItlisedca. cof U, malci tisprises venu palS ta lbe luc fol si i at a S.y's Hotel, after viatésiloanas) genenal meeting vas balS for tise letîca of qMoere, ele. Tise amaonts sievel lu fayotci athe Associatinan d al lis.e aid orte won. reelootea. F. W. Glen, .'s usme bong aSSoS as final Vloe.Pmos., dont ln place of John Dryden- Tise tollavlngirt lisé mor.- Ail comen matois, 200. 6. anS 00 Ys'da, 5 sbilsi .ois range. Position Ca Se Seli, th1 ith e , havaa. C.0 à BbrApIîOIC. O.B. A. 6 sMent. Taylor. 7 sergL.maor Claihohn. i, 40 a ae ulvan,0. 0. B.A. 85 9 HaryWalorsOOBIL . 85 10 Lieut. CO Dnan84 st Il T.. G*ish, Ohaws, V_ C. 83 12 a98Ud Ray .O.0B A. 86 lBam éean, NovmeasIL . O. es s15 Ê 0.IL als-p 2il8 9Sascuý ,0.O L . c89«' O'Daav, iii 2 Gmu.BI. , Ohai0 . . 9 JaesnryWam.,CU.jEL. 'M' i Jafsu.Mals n g .O. Â. 9 ab1hu COLs Oohavan. 1 a Ecwuc aîoea....TseGll aton W Geoge ,rvaLu hrg, 2iI lions$attis 90t bybaenuio J.o 8f=bru.stta Ivoire e ILegil.m 6 OilopulStsIb.vn pr.seut iîo aadiinl l.8, 14 viîcs ath n*i]ELc iette Tmier aoe vsias vl asit l b .6 toeetrhotihavatse peswtl.tAgal funmp piac os visais ragments ehave bon aie for eoisThoe bavreo ul pet @a en ieaid frontM. Tie baraclten cf ti pedosalin i epen ou liste Stan a cîOapo fazubres. placea, sud lve tisho Iéîhyv Md. iicnta tat tîh sirlae bong sult aieula oeny va psio t timfl. Iaditionartvic uahe b. De,.weh frathev.roll o tse laW bots cf Im eollctcwlasa istbAnIhv 00isÀtaoin 0plug sud taIs'àoa». tua" Plu".a wernd-arrangement»a E.t.,i son, .. triuneenveau, aMr. isiaefflw' _- 1f. itesi,(Joub ro k m Bàvai&G Knl) o.A. MoGiliirmp, Q.A, of lis, pro joues., W. H. Bilhinga, D. Ommitbbé, J. m«0aia K. Gardont, Jna. ýDayr, J O Kla,,1 T'as GoSb ic as. rugsll Tispanel' cf g8=4 juran ishviug IOan i beau aallsil von, ise taloving aasvcr-,IiiM @e h i sirnies audtIanLmmd~11 ii tely retireS ulb nuljr'totaaios s -t0 oslocI s fonemau n. Ou ýIss ntur Niü l tbeyovessvorna aa falova --> quanl i J. B. GorlS, Foromîn, Andrev Au- Alan0 eanl nIie, Tisas.Buasis, Peter CAllarnian m l s Wm. Courigan, Baboit Campbell, 2Jua sIltrfIia5l Davidieni, John Daharî, Ban!. 1Hall' James va W. H. Holliajl, J. e. Halbb>, R. È. tiseratal Jameaon, Hiamm Rester, A. Muiea, district se Wm. MoPiserson, Bichad. Pallensop, vaunh i S Adam, sier, A. Samerville, Wûà. lug a eha, Taylor. q,.- mnor>'. cuena. . cuting ai Ma Lonlisip,. lu « addroaalng teise fo t Grand Jury, &euS beu by is.hecailen- lu drkanS dan that 'l'Oalies cf lbe grand jury tateahan vauld bo ligist. Tisora vauoui>'oeeth an pinson counlelbu lishe gmol, chargea " O vilS lse offéoce ai infanticide. la Somi>' maigbonIqaiia lie>' vould have visais lia tailli>' tienseireath lllhSboal îalù,sî b ben bra aIlio, aSsati a .p Of a &ate existence tram tise maone. Mtu agi b *nap proutecl laise grand jury mafte. m avoe ter e vat o nm nlel ali se s tis e mgrnd ngon sp haesud co dmd -oaea. at evie t et .lacm"ltesl yrsd imaid ~hics lb parice ans uI oalI. leaer. jis bat helieving il ta b.,lits, vould aoet, b. À pinson tahing etoth thcg I. É& tte ho elieroil un- ie y0 jicid, nd- orter eacc&Pimý Sta a agalne at i w" via uscessan> oa,~u te etablis b. e .nce. Tise ,gr..'on)>' aIe -mont of Ivrelie grand jureraW" v as p ice. 1uscosamin ider -tl anSd'a hue Tise pi bal. lu ashprequbrel a>' la-nor.sr a MI lnsfrom lis, court the vouil Sbe «<a ce happy la gir. thent Vrr>' iforainHiram, th aîiruy te nu io iC11theochmi auai visetoIseau> peransns voISl- 8"111001 blly lepnlvsd cf téIssulibent>' sSfielSvl'elit aiea~ ~ ~ ~~~y tesivslsrtss of u d e.taler, sud ptpr iytl. tmiucoling l. onorprapff ISspuryroa va noa mten et fontime h. VI acrarnced iein maltera olee veu ouscybltdigeront tlaWvint lb.' lunev vie in frmra lap, vsnmvewrar lak i>na impniaaaed ithout warat *cf liv. Noy,sisoulil anmau SellbepUyconfia sadentWh ,hbî*ase vouaiS et ualcal' tatou uap Sp 1 lise public pi-uta ho vauld finS liva- » Attr v pais n.Ady ta âicI fan 514a. 51il vitas ve t isi sas ve " lbthle grand jury éboula por- atbc foraith li. aI>»niared ot thon Asfes'Oanocf l aasluana loto lte trustainst flis litera prisoe,1"5wt Dow n ovaa almsUace in-hoeb:aff nepsssp, fatil vasmaae the gaubecol w et »Mark "Iht, i&slise pbiieaam ot mgani 1oftua prisasnt dap, pisauf ner uÇiïïa.self, idi dlian gaule vere butter tton car.etf éog a tisn, îa Mapn' Inneil.pesn AI taigh. taxtesla kep _hem here, .A-- co1 Tis e>' estaton u cisgoëd can f e t -Iluo v aualauncommsi thiag toanSd discusi pesiooncontctitilg potl.>' ofeicefor tise parpose- a1 glting piaillS iShtm cainfnahie quartof n ulb wea othe u w *lnton.Sau»,lelino,,I ia (o m fonl t ila, amisitate vassa. inu enalng tmB persoae hoe etiseW"'ld s ae -11 sucre centcrlabeis unpui u a ioutliving. la cncuio obi a.d redn ,ehlpslateltlst ho shloull have p4es-,"naer are bu dièciagluins nai elise eùlest 10 11 OU momntpossible. 11Part>' ma IMise 6nI jury tison rollned. OS" Hamîim u oNe& nJiio[Ua-Inteple er action ho tmp thé igt -cfpapnt 1 n At î» certain f.slàM steak aSIama"tIoîv -ùlb -asel c iy tiseshenif uin rchx st ield ac.u an sxoninua uiît of Harrisonva. at-oMa Hall. The 'mtion vus trieS t se na Sprnag Assises vb.u the pwaitias nausuitod Tise nunits selt a jile te anS a now Iris), ordes-ol. ýTSi Jazy Ismeit toua hein rrdlalfor tise -Idstu-- ~'- s G. A. Makeoifi tise lItILJ. Co.lage s Mollivmtr for totI. SLuire o. EKZlActo n apiramis- regomet sgony not..-T. IL Muntaton erptff-14. lug 1ven C . Gardaos. por errg-!bla action eissi vaa hrnugi bytis eeWnIuEte erofer a toile of bu ist idI i h raisofeta »e e r ?<. th,. " nos Oumr.usailam aUaa isbus - f eveand.-r Pis, 4np881, saS vasose. rsi> 1tapon hi and wu 4.ai.- Id$ "sh thaolea y fige ho IA ls 1.1 f t de .'ihe faut é uhlde, et vibh s ise £MrnaI.H ét.céL4wor .l iU t*fbsiltai tts Doote, anS vrtaodu tise lttin sho IBsda f o d tebrio acte 16ero prco t>nedei gca laerMrlcomntnaola inis 100 eil et oolfo a oné Hu160 b enagil baforaeoIf Snex tis canga il o Cliv,- Pi thabn - PrIbis b.a se tita r. malnal t ho w atsi Hok dzwexi a otnéllis of Geuga ai a atulent ,' Hia il h. rapl>'acqainol visat sumons valuei-Ibm monépaý sot blla, Greek ianl im4e. ris.re'w vans -uSllailclï s& ud u -lisusna fr uiosge Sp ' mp. in a , "amus en us sesaons lu furt vert. uSer thc pavero etnlbsa, d aamali brano61 ttise Bap- taavn as "luamphelt"om; M,"O civioju Alun. Camphali, but Scalh eishn.aisewu the >5. areiof et liseDisciples" » body, emhraclng helleltu lie of qurlat, bituung dliah, tuamenulcu) ou a professon et the Nov TIstasunse tahei dard et doctrine asdnuliet rogresa of te"IDlsoIs" lu 0h1* lied te th.etnablsisaseut lcmmaleool intho ,duffleof uit>' m te rotus jolsud.-. ais Verosiaicawi. To this oithe propisel" youeg G&a. itfinal ai a uciclas', next «as é il final)>' ta lib.r. £Ris vas marte, Ma n ua short -at qualifiol te enter WIllllans mne cf liseoll.al énl Most ad- f-Il lishle ilhutiens etlearcng 1>' ttheb ycudg vatw ou csée6 glc ise mal. hie ai pea I= tWiliasu Cllgi h à to HUmai asernyiA spro. aenut li ~@ua nd aS Eg.» rotr, anS, astise enS et s peur xe proeaut cf Ibeinstituton nov*11 twenly.sisyeans ladil li camunle bas fluh., i e lias question loislaver> dIo ", B*Id"f -L "udt bï. P OAI 1711 c& oniesuen cor a mes- am i'e ~istbull0Ult rle moue>' ho 115 puns , jImia betis sd us0o-W -a% vouMal&W ove.ty va vOhortin c bIa-udli. ien. Tise .sothen Wf lis*dece.501ptaellet mis urvives lm. Tho g if aslis Soalhis lu ido. upread, MallIoi, amousuel almoal as usacis à mmtbgit Britlis-subjeeli as amopslAterlss itisîna.. -iThenanotote Ehlbitin. Tise Toranto Iadtahniml Exibition closel ou; Saturaly.-Allioagis lb. il- tendance vasuol quit@ me greal ai of lutsîpear, tise ouiibiticu et 1881 la stabol ta have hein a moal grallfying sucesa. pFnl'a huadred lisousaud, visitans vire atimoWt bthie cil>', bar. ing, upon a lait es"timI, tise- Toron- lanlaus e4SeloW cf«b>' hall urm*IUlon dollrs. 0f l.exellent ahanacenof' lb. extibitlle a vo rsaurel smee t arkis liaI viok. Tise <ant>' of On- bultors, uil a' inréS anel' 'vs i praul ,ta a,Jiztii r As. onogot other vu Sund tise foilovaug: Mn. Lynde, AudIo>', 2nd for Spoar Wesrs.isMPuou &Smith, Comum. bus, tan 8-pei cl issir>' draft. Mn. John Dryden ohtained tisnée final sud oui seond, prise and misa lin Hu9oll ialunoila *Mn., Smth, FoutI ses thL lb. Drbis asulie for cave, M in.,t M. Millor, sud Miain. Botule cS'Mllms nerns)prisas bu CovaiS iseep, sud iea for SisrOP'- sbire uSm a ff&peoisnDav*s. Mda made Spece'for Soulisdavua and Sis8p64"noDovas carnieS a'lb.h -fin a nShastprises, U S ovu pgens' oft18 Skroie sblesaua18, glhidbvuls snoven 800 poundo& f Mr. WS. Uarou for a Iva-year-oIS fil>lu ineaprags. Mn. R. J. Mackie, 6t East Wbitby, shovd smnuof bis Sfonabatock f ere- 'Osinva CabinetC(;pay-Peur laI prises forideboard, d'obIe, aprlng mallnuaîu&'b4.1 muit.etf Sdooc fun- aitan.. Osbsva Star. Conpay-lal fonc'a), ootkiugslave 1. ,- Mr, R. J.. Mçti, EBut Whithp-ý 2oS fcn HantfonS bal oalf. Meisn.TbaQuÉ~son, Rail Whit- 4SI-eisruli; 6rV4 nS, mal toulrdr prsefor Apresiire cali. n)". JoSa -Dryden, Braokliss-Tso lut4 0" neSsdpillésfor »urisaei c Mr. $amos isoil gati nda ii de».rvel prises su Golsvoldo.' m3s.t suocesifl ikehiiîtan in A"eIsireiê mola ceorlil ostof tishse s.1 -Mnr., Cha. Ecit, e=cnlng -I prises for carxý*ts sud.ng ou vantas) ,Mr.,Jaohn ilet~Obv-Ts le lixés for taumlp InsUconup ant.nj,, ail tursulp barreste..- '- -Mn. Potfisunil. Witiy-O.faS, - lotifrad lcoe ou*nt'fourple1 Eni. Wsmar, Ohi*sat tor See snunel fruit. Tn. , S. in"t ,WbUlb 'TWoto11 an ivo ,aprsesI.-bll painting, thastulfuatuba annioven tise Wilby ~ owII OôissIl tisaI they qwo thranosacln tte"a6lramv thisoTovu w1vidi omncis goal inse ? Thano's no -Blovin or Long stops ho ho camplainel av isero.. .I MAvatolailu l)prpes.lnu SU'abntb4tetisue the Mam Iuk laaate,-loklu 50 jintlemaal su', grand, lu hie n.w vWsite >mlat.ooml mu no-va haeh-(taivin lise ladies predeg'liac l, b.en -inin ont lu vi h a ý-Lang mîphoelit tanr lisrev vioul aia is han liSe dock, vont. Eran theo Finance- Minlalbersî 1uD ipt, tarin tise lwavmn puridin for ise nana verl800lelSho thousaul Sai «l a Ifppiaxe I akcon-, l sldisoted ticis atisnsfltisaï,lisee v scansl> a vanS seS. An reports an Slavs van gallaped threw-vlSh Mis- tiser Fox in th. chair-as livoiy asi f a u l a: i r s v u s o x .i u n l i . I vm a f ir y du lonio o pensve, tis a ie vas nu talkin, Ail vur bint apon bas. nues au upon aburrin tis alriot raies av ordisar. Miatiser Nott-tsa Part Ferry Polio& Mageifisralo viaproaiat. la àâ-fesaia v hlm tisey mn.r, I tisa.- But no, bisaI va'nt il. "lMlalher ODay,"l sez Mn. Naît-von>' paitly- "lyes haîve ogau anillgant ovuaoil ; ts quit. a lbnate ta abuare oy thoy des- patois bizineî.s bu Panhmintiary utile. Wisysur,eaho (vIl himtgl,) lbhe pro. oeodinu are a moal aèi ordbenl s lu van av me ovu Qoof nte lu rt >rry." I bavweS a tise - compliminit. Aii vinaI iso axis, lbaSin round canlin toa iNchla Figunokv a glutiemanSisre- sed5l bie ýn venin lis. Roman Col- lan, dilu o 'ho 111. behdè.l"Wbc'e Ibîl grand Cleniakal icakîn Min ?" I booteSlu tise direckehisn pintoil il. An vWhovas ilPFather Siay ismelt- Sarra van elso, GoS bleu it r ivin.o. "Oh Ho," seo 1, ual anaerin Misîben Nat, ai e sur.riseS OIHo -m au tlrtiselp sap]inlauntlàbad un-. hekotuavuallamealf-",Nov I knev vby tho CownsWs on Ihair goed Bohar- or; lisy-e>'s.Fatio iVy'bllucs WeIl 's1,8IseS,»riind in i, lise>'-wh lit Laia;milS mu quiet, mu aomplimiolismnp ta van mone, au atinuin, viSsuat hapenflnlly av apeoch la lheb. bnese ln hanS, au ml in l th. pniauo aiof athon Sisay I Bal tise :=a PriesI iss& ha lave, afttier apiudin about srr i n utise Covusil cisinbalk A I- pbodge ie oViasity Ibat I ulveil sav &0 mach e!dftasahun lu tise Tovn Cavu i sWhlhy, lu hviuby years as Inria Ibîl 1 baur. Tise Mare bail ta talili chut mllave Ëb4 1W bisnesvas cauciaded. Au pe? No, tb ise zs la it. tin, au CavasIlon ilitaisie, tise Grate TQrTonolaLsynn. vnteil -tha Mare in Dealulibn upon an .inpcrlaut Case. ut I mueilthould mewvishstî about IbsI forfe ia'r conltimpt av '.ocorei Well sur, the Uer. tu thtie chair instoad av the Mmaremnthin mapho thaevant did'ut begin ? A nevaanae complained av ho. Miéthor Devenul, au i disnin noirsance niar tlaie ai.'Coblege, van tatou up, au tho angyfyilcf lise Liv anS bLabilbly av tise case, braouInai& the onl pi lalkoo, talkee, mu contin- '00n luns chuisbevililisen tisaI, afttir & visilo, 4h. Halo Cevnsil vas cocnplateliloat au blindadin luthe dilcis av duaualà'; Tbîy. meS-lbmcle alois a nevemoltaI Iloeu. I l.ftlam -in the ditais vil thair nevuanoe. I, put il le mess)! s Ivaltod -,hanteif xl vuîùlut pmy tise .lava ,ta get Patiser Sisa> ho lotk ln on l. ne oouu e bor tise- bhsns;daun op nais au isu-ý tom. Anc mon.>' pon-me- pon ovb lamh- e bd twinty.htime vhiist Ivwai Wha a anSlocsiaJudge JÙalgo Armour is en the Binci. ;4n bare no Soneluce. about ica aithen. Thse punty Scy av the'cB"aokrobe caulnt a r gall&vautin thrlcke orer hima Anosut hae ee bugistise plain usenita av aonze an thse prearloash auav a vitueus, 'adisan If Bldy ouiver hariov' limelievasavo nl, tisane vas lova &bout- Coborne sàLawi o SI2Sal van Buin ock the.chair aborty 9>eoïoe 8- -*COMMW5aAI!cî. - FroniJosepis Novbury, statîng *tisai tise persan wv isahe l. ntrael for U gisling the lampa isal loftI ova,an asking for is, llghting cf *the lampa Of lbe Centre Wand. ria N AiT» v AranÂOUNTrL M ni gbrugislup lb.'repart c le sandi g aommittee on fino anS ater, 'doc motion thsee canail veu it o mittue thoreon-Mr. Blov lu t- te birinReport adapteS recomm.u- ding piyrnnî M iacunts cf Halais k -Bras., #28.99 ; W. Tiosanc, 7 ; G. 3.U Hal05.50 ; J. W. Bannas, 210.61. Mr. Blow 1roughéi up tise repart àt tisa camititte onoufinance sud éuseas- mont, sud on motion lise caunni vont mbt oommilleo tiseroni-Dr. Bogart lu lise chair.- Tise rnoat solfonli- Total aqtàomi raine of nemi aulponson- ai -property-Norlb WarS, $8885,4960; Centre Ward, $894,450 ; Sontis WarS, 8146,785; Non-rosiSeat, 820070-Total #927,751. Exemptions, 826,700, ioavlng.8901ô. 051, ou viiais l vy lise taxes for lise presout yen.. Tisa meiu itcms cf eetimated expen. Sitar. aro-Couly rate, 8890 ; debea- taires'muS intereet, 87,628 ; Mne. Tll'a monîgage, 68,120 ; Coilegiate Institule as Publie Saboale, 84,700 ; Sapanate Seisool, 8261;; geupral, oxpoases cf lb. corporation, 46,888.82-psnaking slo- gohisr, 828,429.32, lu ho leviel and naised, sud requir *ing for tisaI purpoae m rata cf 26 nmilu ntisdollar. -. .Ir.vaislitéS ltaI t isemucis a! Mrs Til's martgmge vas haang- elispe coul interoat, anSdlise mouey ouùldMb baS aI six perentu. provision bal beau maod, tapay cf tisaI debI. Thot car- iel tise rate up î1026 mnuis.. Tise Mayor baS vnlîlan Mis. Till sudl hé bulevoS eh. vouli let.1thescrnt- gagýe aad ýýt the aix ior -oput. Ifi tat aragment wev an, i naIet'tise raie vwouÛld-b. rodueedie»ving il ah 22& mile, fan al'puo. Tise repartvas dpted, anda àby.law foundod lisoneon passeS ascasing tis. lava for tise imunutséaibI. PAISST i r exAs. Mn. Blov introduced a bp-liv- ro vidibg for tlb.coallin cf taxeas,' and mmk iuglise sanie payable by lusall mente. Tise prorilaons ýtisaI, on ml taxes paiS before final. November a re. bale cf 4 por cent la ta hoc miiovod. Ou a&l taxes pnid butane fiâtl Doceerna robaI. of 0, par coul4a, s axpàpeo are giron lbe night l adeilaothelb.a Mount froni tissu taxes vison paing tlisame. AilWhvisa yone hall lie *Mount et their taxes tefore tise llotflcemben me'defer piyment Of tise Saline. anlil -ýli anuary, vitsout isaving au>' ad- Sillon mde hèret.._'* Ou ail taxes remining upaid after lot Januar>' thon. shaU"Se aideil a pon- coulaeof oneo r entaIpr mrnth. MnXelley vwanted tla bave tb. final robaI. mile Ivwo per cent.- Mn. Fox vaould make Il lire par coul,; but afler discussion lise -y.a inalualy pi a utise above shape. - Mn. Blov. introducedsby-la ior tise, <ippbintmeut cftax-cdlleclr. lu reply loe s mvotsenieutLla theo 0auoNca' b.e saia, tva applications lbaS beeu ne. celred, ane froi J. W. Palier sud lis- abher tram tisé preent coliectur, Mn., Perle. Mr.2CampSeII spohe aI sanie benglh euao f retalnlng- hoe etella u5Kra 'ti sagss~.a .,JnSom hall>' Sean hto b.eseSrd in- a suiàsvm Th ises~o botter and ibu collechor vas botter, fanrihemai, there iti ieveisud elgi t houcsin a standing -lasi ean il ttis ycsar bisonsàré votecal>'st sud Ilas [via te alan. Se' --Tise City bas oua> more îe- suol t olai lnos mad looks mach More zimlunal ; iurry,-. bade, aud ex. citetnent are, pleasant eoaugh for -à wii, isoy ake tise roluru ta, orSi.- n i r li o 1 t ie s w o te r . E v o y b o d y lalisS"eaS visoosav tisaexhibition, eud tisaswisoayed iltisomu are con. ltol vl th tise grapiiadoscriptions- c1heY obtased froa tise piper.. Allen. tiait la ÏoÏ dirocteil tovards fie Pr. vincas)and Dominion tains; excursiona and crowded trains wili nov bo on regle in thir-.dlrections. This muet bo a lime of riais iarvealtato ralvaji. It wau traly àaigis t otis te trains cont, *n inta, Toronto nd going ouI during tie put tva veeka, orovdid, muSie aud ollt. -On. colli aot 'but-expoot ta ,hir, of mccidonts- aller seering tise rock- lau aisoing, anS puebing on" moving cars .,,Chen vondor la tho snu ~1numhsr, of casualiea. _- 11 viaon=y sforluns la b. on euncocivird bound, .I seured a seat i il t-oàly by gotting iunlis. Coach tva isouriS before it slarted, msdtired as I vas vilh vailiug andslaov bouoma. lion, I coula ual: but enjay lb. talk- BIrnge mixturecf religion, phlosophy, fasion and cropa aotound me. I1isad no !des of tise vld-spesid fear ccae- loueS by tise "orange dame" and fbit quit. biS in knoviug tisaI I baS formeS no good reiolutions-frulta aiftthe -grost fear. Iu pi soopisy a possairist and au ap- limisl-lhe oy euS b.iealarnod diS lisey hoean lise torrus applied ta hheni-vere glving eais oIson lioir vie on tise present sud future abats cf mankind. I nomoniber nov only thaltbey agreoil lu sanie usocounlible vay aflor hall au hour'saiaanng et tiseir respective tise- ore ; thon lise faubions, , heo ops- prospecte of fuinine in counînles lesa favored tissu Canadca-lise bushfires, oai lutaru vas dilaled upén vibis A1111. regard, lu ruts, tcacfiole7e«iy oulamity aii pnooneo& t sjaïvmeut, sutd 1881 a oar ofizlgmonls,,for visaIi mean-? Eki Ibis laotisaife-as inter-î eatinig, seeotid-band, asitil viefron tse l!Ps ofmy follow paiseage. Duning tise pût 1ev syâ I do't knov bow mrnuy dozeniot b laud ýbWs, cardeansd aironlars isavé not: beeu loft il my .doors. It ib suroly &aducide i anser ta lise question of Dose Ador ising pay ; Wisy a'ns migist. farniuis i kitaisen vils lias Ibrougisout by selling as uté ae.pper lb. accumulations Camplug-pirli*es are atm ob cming lu, ail bave - pori ono tel..Whso voui4 moual profit by ho'nasiug bitais firos an& make hinioilf a boravison 80' great a ahanas le given?2 Tisas. hvisa siWt e s b sai do n aiirwateciag plas uring lb.emau mer isavoreturned, sdanaMilly ru mois are orbauFf evoniliàt intorosting tto m. inine opare aunfthe ipit. Il ta o hosp- s tisaI saniecf Ihoim ran. Toron. la, like, the majorily of places, basoc, An astoniisiugm thiur of nov and baudutuinie rotidnoos bas -.beeu Suit luis semion,, sud mare ans lu courue of érection. I link thon. muet ho very littlo originalily lutise bonds cf Toronto arcitiecte, fortlisanie-plan la repeit- e5-lu lise samo atreel often.-over sud aven again. Yongocshoot pare.ment etlii blocks up liseroad the.-people -cf Yorkvile valkoverta lise -Churaisotreet cir nov, if tioy viib la ride dovu tavu. SA poëil mauy Nlh o streol-esiont onos .-are ambit.lous for hiockLýpariug'anS 1 gretpreparabions Re confasing' andý h olhering property avuere. - Torontoa,-&,Wzeo-have begun.-,I-von- - er isov Mani nvyeru tisore arein' tise cily, a,îlair-adenb ? I aiould taucy the test vu, .nhlraly aucooaafl. -X mo Lodon paoaed a réolutionn fayo J of inorualional arbitrathon. CarNotices of Bit l, Mfaii ànd Deati é hargOd 50 iesc7&." GBBENWGOD. Du Monday 121h et. 1881 at Spenoer Houas, love a1 W itby,ÂAylmer Eheoburgis O4ýon, in. fant'son ofJ. EHansr,, mil Charoge Greenvoo,1 agoil 21 ilys. BETTS.-At Sait Lakeoiy js Bëtte, youngeal son afihlb Ie H.I Bette, aged 87 yoar. WHI2'BY MÂRKJRT8. CORaCr.z OIFnas, Sept. 14th, 1881 Saturday's market was ana iier extra day -the. number ot buyerusud sellera crow. iug up the spacions hal. Shoula thu max. ket go o inoreasxng, furtiior acconro lion wozl Boom to ho necomsay. The sup plies of aIl hinds of, aiyproduco e e pl1 tiful snd were qu cky bougl up. 11uler rangea from 2028o, for choice. Eggu, 15-17o ; Chiokeno <live)25 o 8k dress, 4 to oDucks(ýa]ive)46to 600' drossed, 60 to 75o; Turke 0, 10 to 160* er, IL, no m--y being broug t in. Vegetai market was &Isa well uupplied. Potatoos, 40 to 50per buah ; Apples wereqplentilj 4 ta 50 cents;p or bag. Tfhe meal maihzet Lý a more healty appeareuce ince the coolar veather--admlllstng 0aithei, alls being bot. tor supplied. The $roin market atil Continues ta mû, things Hvely on the atreets. We q note for the put weok: Bmrloy. 60 tao 8;a;oi Whoac, 12-18;Srlng Whest, 1.27 to 1.82 ; Goose Wheat, 1.10 ta 1L10; Pesa, 70 tol7o;lkePea,85-980; Bye, 90 ta 92o - Uâso 8ta 40c. Tii. remoi~ f il kînàs ef grain, by wynganaud rasthtis différent elovators sad wsrehouaeu dlbe for-lhe woek tram W6tglo0thousand bushol. Sozie-few cargoos hâe beau silpped PaU he5.........125 #*s prIng Westa.......... 127 0182 Babey..... . 060 O098 Flourper cwb......... 00 w 820 a..ye .................90 092D cm.is................ 070- @077 Pess, blaok.eyea........... 08 Blue Peas .............. 085 090 Osta ................. 088 04 .................... 800 @ 10 0 'A&pples, parb.....040 @ 0 W .o..,ano .......... 025 O 08 Eg... ...........015 017 But .............. 020O 025 ...........018 oea Sheepskis.............-0--'40 06Q Lam, ind quarter ...125 o 06 ci qro quarter ...100 @000 Calfphins ......-.......011l@ 01 Maïs,Ver lb..>...... ..oÃ" 0 o@a00 Pork, per owt,ý.......... 70W @ 760 T"npe .a-. 0m-, e010- Oobryporlos......050il '@0-4 Ohickens,,perpair.,... OW80@ 050 Turkey, perlb ......... 015, O 015 .......020le 028o fuoot.by th carse..007 @ 000 lleltail121o. Veal, Carcse, 6c, retail.... O10 @ 1)0 Bacon, Fanr' . 10 O 018- aàM i .....0 121 @0 01 'Bhubrb, Ver bunh .....000 2@ 000 Asparagus, " " 005 @ 060: -'lhalola, 0".. 05 @ 000 Baise, '" . 010 @00 Parsuip8', .... 010 @ 000 Cabbage, perhed 0,0 @0 05 A bAIR!). 1T0 ailwhoarsoffengnf ri= hoeirrons Pickeàiag -SuuclL' moua 5Ep~WUa1~ ana ait mon. amas axa ~ Gauthien cpn reafiere ~alp j - À lis ing in' >to Coli ,EXEI of Ontla creditarsi th. es"al, ST Gntie. as

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