j- .1 img4otoui Br d*r If6i frad.p4on.. Ã"MSaFiolly Meodlines-B. W. e tsae-& ..8. Rôiwrtu& Bros.- .~uuoby Norseman. AUOTION SÂLEs.'» At eoys Hoiel, Wbtby .00 OUi OoP Wc tb. MQuold Parub,, lai10, Oui cou. Nioklmà g-L. Fairbenke ¬ian. DOuFrkday, Sept. 28rdl at Piokern .village, hoéuselild furujt.uro, &0., a, Dr. 'ruekir-Thôs Faucher, suouor. on 4th October, st Poucher's hatei, Brougham, tbe Brook&state-lande iu Pickering, Mlarkhsm and Sot-T. Poucher, auoUaneer. ONLY Si 5o PER ANNUM. ýWJI0y, ThIrslay, Sept. 8, 1881. Thé Nl all Works, Oebawa. "MTiU t WORD. tkkOshawa peperm ara quit@ jubi. &t ,vr tu, aonoment amade latit .k--ç th. rosumptian ai tii.mauiaou~c ruraima. ologry ab, $h. RaEil Worke ; aud wtb.good tesso. -Thé resumptlon« ai Ual. de ptselmontin thé .great iran bn.- dry mesas III. employaent of oyer 4va tut luO.bva of aaany of1h. oid @m- ýe7whebou Yehosand faille. in $0 , hdoý, olg to the ar . quoWÃR4 plyw>.trust tided oier, *ueeoblg.to sck work eiswhurs fer »a~~p*mitted ta offer a friend. rgiks bave becu lu thc idi sef Oaw ua. Tic lbcrily >afi litepapa- iai' manager M4a4. lii i- Osà vsa Useaissdsa LPUiO suad airoact.The naag u psuin te éimtploy.aei f ie Hal rlag somïe lima ver -sud b>'Mr lei~mi ,bave aas , a-,nv uis~Ie mout maldj u 0 er 8 Wbisv, as ti4. tr. le"s lb. f tai bîatqte-r. Glan las ticehe"L id part vioine en yens lin.- jopioulb*s î lhalà i-a ilmen01 W-. "an Ja@lf. W '4 éaur at -vilc 0&411sai Mrs lulnauneent ma&de - n hi ba Woumu lasi week *f the, visit iLi ý , Oommisioner ai Publie- Woe4,,t Wlitby snd the barbor vas s4. Sir Heotor havlag trevlauety -md4.i«4 rangements ta b. au Part Ilqpe, hà daycooeld ociy devaIs fiffteé0 W ho' Witby, >on biî vay east >hLà ,-b oourie, voculd not abawer. The. Major sdWsrden laUmsted Ibis by.JMlt. graph ta Ste Hector, sud no prépara. tiens for the viit ver. dropped The. Miaister immediaiely expressed bis r.- prolong bisetsy aI came -chier ime. S linos ",ub htelegrame ha" paesed belvween 'tie Mayor sudt Sir Heècot lae6.en ficaaiiy appoiCýed fcx tbbc ex- -p ted v*il, sud the ,zsmtu&tien af Wht4by Ha;bar by th% flannCoaim1s- lanor af lPublic Warkc-. The Apache Ristug Major Wiuot 0aiflihe 8t.b infAnUy7 with 200 vohren Ilgitturebas shateitfor Âzaans. A general rlelng ai the Stutlr crn Indisna lu feïred. If bâlL thé e r parta eb.truc, Ihure la fear af 1 generai upriaing af tie. Apacho nation, vhiob nauansswar ai extermairiatiofl, AUlthe vomen sud ohildiec are beiug moved fram Fort Thomas ta Part Grant, The. ôth cavsiry bas beun ardurcit famn'the Departaient af Plaît. This l au 'aid Indian fightipg régiment af Ar4ona I>disns wilh Govermuent cas, MAÇs. Scautehavween ceeu near Fort, Bar. rie, baving bad lime ta rosoiithA% point inou lias massace. D)rminlaaa Rifle Association. Thé tirte.uth animal comp dû ÇI< tbe Dominion Tilde ÂÀ.c %ii a00* ah the Rideau ranges, Otawa, an Mon-' day. Tii. mathebh hbotubbthiet day were thc AI.Camoe,1h. .Norsei, Mud the. Madaugall challenge- cap. Tva af heae,hh firaitand laut, vwon won 1,y Toronto mon, thécanc a main- ber aoflthe 10th Royal Grenadiers, snd the other aofl. uemn'a Owa. Duiing the. day Olonel Ustovpki, presidesat of the association, entertsineti kt lunoheon s numerofigueteé, aauong wom vas Bir Hector Lsuâcviu. HAllal Norss.-The arrivais et th$ harbor arcthe Ida Walker, vltli oeil for Mr. John Blow. Sic loÂded villà general carga, conisllg ofai alr ,il.., ahingle sud.lumber for Charlotte. The. Buherprise, vwith opal' for D. O. Dovaey loadwng %ies for Charlott."- Tho, drjgc bascompsiteti ihaworkj £fr the û. Haao e, suit jenov at vorli for moesare. ha Wation Oqbyhhir, warehouse. Tbai.elie Cuthbrî antI" edd epa&rWthilipasoenrefor Trn.Ti.air. flasilnge, *Ith pas. eengçr&,for, Torouho, arriveit andtiel, érli4cteia playuptii. Wbitby greiti vIl lie Witb clb.Wickets pltcla.d Tii. promises on Daidas slroet lat.ly occupleti by IL H Jameio, arc boîug fi Lici up for Fr. John Forgaon. meg- chanMIs"or. Tii, cuitai ofl1.hebulti- igisaeaobeiagg ranci mprovein luap- ýt qà a Qq i ticXatiùtedIrataom saitIce eiau os'bring fodml Irlpd bsy fvrleuse 0ai dys- enI atahi.: maieiasOf destruction lOtheys Au An nnounnrmeal l in te Cndrc oaaamunlly, vi» iccureaged lc diance aI saiù@lunany part O ai tecanna. hy of Otranrhor couhb. BÂnquzvTOuMa. -BLmr TQausa -Queoo beaLhrsis arc prepainga gt ev tr. Blake s graund eSpîlon ait bon- quet in thlienct capital, an hM& te- tura, asuer hisee icuanitour inutho Maritime provinces. tetireti, sudi itends in future ta idev" liaiseif ta hie privae buaineas. Ne*r -lait s rover 50 brillant à * recau. Anti hsving gaot e top roundairlishe-. dear, wibli no more -volt', ho couqueI',w'Ia Ibole Who Are Haulan'i test frian dse *l give blu crodil for acingwleyil~ exacti>' lie riglat thiug at lithé lime. Hasavinorr-u b Torontl rgatta. - Mia-. Osoua Buioo, uspav manager of Go-j. bas ratireti froma li*-l&a frai of Bengougi tbroc. Uir Gpie'Gne Baegug~'~tldoary ud ooti busiteusoft ci ai tb ppalarceailepaperi&i-ls Riit»w Ov OMcsrzon BouDat.-&arsxT- 4o,-Dr. Ornilpon lantibd a~e -MrTbcmss (I'rsoeai ver. drin*Tg y Tbi Tâstierfberaon TedsM sfltiOmOtaa5 lu. vWaoutlicbama **à imu e lgtaue la su itDotrsat' lirüome w tt. la tqr îîrei Mut somovÉist stunleê- ,aï Ile idé lifte abock.------i BamoA jnOL- 'Heuny- CNe& 1. P' ÃŽan a mkîýýi* @'6és o riagao o-chul 1à *ss ilopiï biis, reoip-mate,ilui Soin 'A' lluasoI *Why lal[ t aitst'à aýtthiM-01i .W> say the;y vintt %0pise il,7;vil met edy,to do ssyv.dW k . Sm*~sI. spakinavtI afwy.aU. -aïlWà ofl n que' *üg wu'u llkc têdo dort à bisaiye«. i a mity éon.- vaynieai ta I pie, ait me plier ' aide of Yriiîn, front hà i 1ioblO là eh.onbtésrtheilià s? glory. Weli, l'a i otu rgath6ry ah Ibis ida av thi ~ver, sud thc Fstlaers avà the ouid churcli vui eay an 2. if they knuw ailthb, sulterin ta b. 1diaidln l th. mnatther uv adhbrêeuee-.7 AI lasbtI 'ai beyant thmir (he id- brse)rasb fora s yn. b'Ithlalb "O a "0sonk à bsu4A iislrpé,w Te the pofllaafthe tist, * Totie raions ai tihe tué-*iu&,C 01fthe nerliaveel *I R.vadi»- ai eastison yss vhat, me dear O'Day;, the' amarc potbry iu ritin 'about il. -han tiare lin mineounnherin thébiad v:ork TeSUmlivery ,fuc ta -talli abbut the broatinin praires- In thie gory of the unseî In tlhle purpie miels et ev.nljqug" lut vbu- 'tiie uroekloec,# t Lter âr soiE, -And thliefie-Aiesï Wao ahiy-c. Wave tbeir-torsileate neeis. AnlOW baUbou, (he Dah"da,> -To fx Mepsuiaponue- auti. borm lkk u* lane- frethé'b- hi lm cf h. trmeal is - maué olis âhf the lbïOwlln, sud l*0capont av bis baan- raya, oMMû -vcI i gotr 5abiutalinsà lotafeov si lai"ylemuai, oan I'm v.r Ive &een tb. B.d ntlalterhome- " tlnldi u eintaut nbtmag -ThâV1ïsmsr oflih. poM.ll,.poor de. vile Iif' yeNui Mely, have suâ # Misîber ILougfclv,' vie sag about th* tmfcatinOù tigo ait ol "-Âniî Cf or eer sud bump of bion, Psmlusn, sudbuflriav"a basu âpiratl. di tersfor. Tiey _Lgged most abject1y for somtblagto t I1iD m. hov lite y hadt trsv. élled ta*eeme; an chat ihef.vers i-. Mnos idwidh tie igrIe. rhaed aneb ttstabc sangbhbèrsd Me rn su tii. parases vite devoured ,from * hgof ta borga, as olsue asi plckcdby rsxioue oiir.. Te g oot tais filaid 6: mit re 0 et.wldh dolit.. This wu Oioaare hey eloom -tme vldh songe tn dauces, s hsvan upruale utin. Thare vur alap mai ai thos. muritherin addbreees, San IbmIa ata ait etili su listeu for O martial boure loaspeeches ai gini Brave, lun ,onal.Yu lino wvit speeches ilb. heTovu Counail are.- eU lho.. Judian Braves arc PAsLong an tirsoe Blow-ersuas rmail vin- I g.uv a.very alensau ssa s tel eogsotrl.-p- -- aitbD 1apnt bt Uer i t » wa ti ' -.ibýum' IM au liW.vu4t0t an -'gsolhsaeim, un. IStwOqusiu Thare vur propoehn, as yq emyý gess, tram anome formild4bl -c Otiiec-- 'hutbyetdi aeroely b. ioab q1 n dierelti boy ah BigChcOlai4 1.cas thbeuslvcscart biens M inyms. outd By.fov. la t bQu ugo- ,>A. e Bayb Mti.- ver.. thej, iefomerla Msaibbd ud 4, Boti aToroen$O., Boxa lACr,: Laim 1 5 , & oicihecit »mu slplits&Stts mnse retal ribut hiAvcootractc r princie qpal collèges hilit tqy ditlesluis "section Ifin us 1w eeve~vitthu*rma aônWtoToron- ta. 'Their rlce, roit oî émils" m ae cia~tfa ieRpsl du Toroneto Bs3ti e 9r viirthaeARmîoTroto obe ii eipbahda. aivon ~e~oaI 7pm.TheToronbdWobes yi: :-Thers la nodoubt Ibis viii ho 1h.i ratetl a Over heli1tlahe olt' bc able' Fà e.abe? tb a us sie Tl i 0 ]W;avi 'tiait lsotifer teau chSof u l Ordet cf si. veigl h 6OMM* as h oun ad, im cents pie Oumo. 3& 8. AobeeIu & Brou, Whlhby. easaliiibd4fatjptyf Ssxou voo 1.8 Ro lte§ 4'uuroi. Tic Coituilmot odLoI~eet MI&nus ofthm.lg (hIi reai sut sppom'ed. Frein J. F. Fmrcel,Town 8letr in ni«»ru» Io lsnlae ~pn ta of ces the O001148% ilr.af"rn(1 île oplallea i hi. levaias hble fa t is nou-abslcnt. * Prom tir. J. IL Gardon, lbretsuig p Po.ig'agUsint che, corporation fox daraagta bis premisesby -averflov aE vater. iProm mir.F. mutige. la refoe ta coadit ianiici noc i rana1e.1 Prom Ma'. JOhn buBb"a larper- Mnisisi atl nu at af reatSllW aI barlur fora aSshedai. .te nh>ion te auasus dali ofOhioo.*05, Imml "lm ~s.iacaeyauaaauisoua RuInas.. 'Wlit1s~. * IIhIaIiiinI,. .SlraIton.. -.ô LSID<, b.*,bUeIai;. chen-X.~I7 LRay.bHelmiaksn..24 V.Paimurbfleiapekeu O aimer .bStrat~ tan......... Eôyiaidsb Heinachen 9 -~atilsonbH.bneken ileimckeu-15 Boya. aid ouI-5 Tiimatch, playeti mng le ch. icow- : b. a~t A.6ri -sW eBTo. if e-1 XiTOti.bTd..li cl ,log" Rb esd....~ ~lmê, oi. Bsyqs, b hiiî ......... 21n 40b ......tbL p...14 Rat-0, 34%, J. s ro e tiir. To ~ ~ ~ ~ ü the,5'a/i W0 day &fwrâgîaaadp. u aisWrsuïnitv- the a'idgoraetitcf lire- :laom nllal( amenot nsv or a iWa uce.,psepls 7,,% iioaw te 5a OP.44Lla -tbi T dn týuiî T 0 im.j, Botalu , trai n 00 norti nveiopti Iis 0 u te, butl Mou a, nothngbtttlboa à ,I' 466L.-.?S~ct, A g<itstuny vers very itiliS U. t- .6a»upon hhuîf reiatiire la te.lie eate cf sot oh. ths. iii jear. Soute wvia sîlcdth leb Cirons itic silornoon veré coaoleucéà .......... 0,itrokon7ffled with t prrar ou coming a............ ; bpy hougiat ..........oÃ"cpe irom tb. chastisumentwviohthheY oi.peetei vas ta b. vialteit upon tlic ......... v ontd. Others, on gaing ont la lis ........ îte Istougir hé liatierl lght hait -O came gadncaly loib guaiai use, ait -.......0oouid not 'tadraenti very veIli oy it .. . -j -~.-Ohati issu introdulceaito their ovn Sabodec'. Street ligile, 1k.e omne people, Total , - 2 are neyer ready vien *anled, ait' in - lite Egypilt" darknesu tot asintgle gas UZLPH. light vs lt apon the streets. et Whitby on Tect t~~buxe ioeoovt av. Théefollov- c d;1trains 1 9 wzn '~troia 1 l rcctions f'i ýWIti'rlstaste liteoi- bitl otahe rogattl, anità agrot maiiy t n mn ta se teBirons, nm hiepini Oiough,b O#idsu 5 Wdi Dwlem l * la lie KindeDeaimarli, 4ea4aLaai ~kclllso...lr eetal in tie Buuitay Sithol of St. L .m..... " James ou tast Thurdsy puerthle aus- Hushaul, b Le- pianoforte vas uséd and: gave geareral mien .ý .... 0O stlsfatloa, I vau favoret ivtti a Iftd&m b ~ ba riUJÀ4 to îôu*.sedlig Imon ........ Â MIWho hacouffla,lYcvenre in lie an-b Lcmo.. O N ÃŽÃ, 1nilu8 svck athie OloubbLauo9 a 1 ploprA.fnons, ïgave chose -vho Log byé.......veiutupon hie stage, sitesc i Wiim ...1 mffl eof h*, oowuypleaud Inilai -orbeaiép mri'aipart. Au excelant Ii orchestmra sdd gretly ta b -vn 9. * les ezrtlalament. -Tic tao Vas &a. Sutlneigs. mirabil 1lr 'é à 4 the ooutra, dièche. va no ténor v1otia. i Loan aTic formal opon'u ig f tic Exii- aob ont-Z vii..c.a....prgramefor ta-mor- bLailng ....... rolr h 1 xccle eIfotnuaI w < viibe fbôr iustesd ai plosanre st- teudung thema. Tic booths sud restau. renta vili make Well tiaugi by thle beat. Il le au 111 -'.~dtuaiblaveno- ,body$odý.,,I vish oaicbreeze vouiti aLelupi-i 81 LYSite. -t- is. Ruais. WlcIels. il, I I S lit e ~1195. 95~ a - 10 p5 4?-- 1 14- O. - h i tISSU IL Roue. W>ekasi. *8 -~ - ta. 8 - 10 i --I IIIL I TOIIONTO VO. SEAMitOCXS. The great iscrasse match belen Tarouto sui t le.Sharuroalis came off ah Montreal ou Saturday. Ticesisairacke ve. ticviohora in hhree traigil - Slompcis.-oaF. - Lally, point,. J. Hocbj"u. caver poit; J. Moïton, Pisare T.-Bui~, E Hart, C. J. Ms-ý g 1 * rp 1Moeovn,,T., Meeban. , ît , à Hone-T. ay.- .Eaî suit P. à . Tucirsr,. 1r~npt ma. M. J. PolattipIr Taraaaioa-Goal B.Bras, Pit QuilauNotIc s~ho>Garvin, Sauf Eual M tiag6rvuB1." ate ~ ~ ~ ~ B Ttn H aiig al -tiiý giaa. commeaiaed Dr- atde a short siirei tatiig, IA 8.15 lie- Tmronos yon lie' aM er crossathle viniiers e plydavu. 1 fcv -iuusspar'Play Mur. %mmc vas clamtaldri Tiongli sisaveliIsuyopsite feleVe letimmusila su *tbvmui-ar Md liad à agoo(l deslinla ronlosiig mincrelu inb. enoruberitownships af *L5preýný aij, AÀa nsameà - Tiomas Coletilan vas drVncd ah Part Hope on Wednesdsy wile Ibatl5nè *k -j(6ung man usmeti Charles Breca, af Tweed, was kiUeit by a trce falling -onvIrâ rdy tda1ïrs-i taie helt a North Gaver oDurng te- moti ai AuguraI 1,800 unaos we hippeit irom tie are veland O3ne huadreit antitwonty menu are ai sote aployed ou lie cai e ut rool sn~r fiotory t 4JÃ"shîobke. Waler Brovulue, a boy ageit 11, vas aiovnedati Si. Catharines ou, Wednes- dlay iy auction caused the li.prop*er * Messrs. Larmonthisad bica, af Ottava, repart having s@en thosos ser- pent on Lake Descienes. Tbey aay il la iully 80 10,1 au length. A son aofMr, White, of VictorIaOor. uer, Carleton Cauuly, N.B., vas kiokuit on îfie head by a horse sqd died in a fev honrs framis injuries. *George Cauci,wvile canpling cars near Hsstiugs, ou Weduesday, had isl aklnl fataiiy arnahed b7 a piece aillai. ber viich exlendoit buyond lie unit af the csr.11 EPEAIX, TRE IcNDuucMUiDzng.- Epiraim, lie jitequimasux, via neariy A year mga truacieronsiy shah sud kilt- Labrador, bas been fùunit ulj sut sesteuceiltot deti. Tie i.hm. for thé ouecatioubsnot beun fluet.Epiai sud Pbui*ai l ýappeau hait gans ont iter haiiapisait lai t lpra dd o r jyi~p~yb~joPlail u-s hort dis- 0 cea .Ephrslm raiset i.isgun aLtao atI iHà &hén retaraeiltaO tIl ic iPhilipus, oupellait sta ass ie 'îrylng tli. body, anuitlire w ilhialai, hexi the missionarios lu. qulreit mbout Phuipuethie voman tld lhe viol. etca'ry.The trialtotok place ah Sb. Johnsc. Novfouudland. À meeting af farmeri viii be hetitait OçsvnautiêlOIIbinloc., ha consiter tirs.agar iset question..- Dr. Soheidt- viter suit Mr. CoUlins, interestecl lu thc gar basé business, 'isve visitei Osawa, aitd pses arhnga stary lhera if lie aaeesoary gfsranees cen bo oblaineit. WRr.L&UD CS.Nir. penoi. Central His, thirty miles from Deadi, vooi, tis h scene ai tie lateBt gold foyer, .,marveliaus discaveries oaitlie pr.cians mutaI bing reparteit froai liaI district- The lime for receiving oniries fer the, Pravioplal Exhibition lu Landau bas issu uxhendei the is lthi et. Thé number aifsuhbihors, uspeclly in maclaintà ry, promises to bs vsry large. .The experiment ai sbipping, freai amaI, preservoit. by lie colt air proues, rom Australs ta Englani bs praveid a conaplte a sccese, bath mutlan sud beef betag ta prime ,copditin viet placedthe b.Laùn rtilts.- bas aisea, liastime ~trYSun betveeu lie river -drivérsa ite e m- lyaent cf i -. Otaria -Bank sd lthé Parry Soundt Lumbnlai-Coe oear Serions complications aeontiapaet -sudà Balln leIbiiy'h' ihia uet@ýans, a n10uir bcris'ci Arans lu the meunlains slweliv t o' have bea brnt h-o death. Wilkeaba th. cabid At Amn mmu forl -Beyl. i hauts.aie diaatota *Piaughing bj Electriliy; OPEtiATIO AT, ?Anis. ieotricity la motive pawer le ceeu at th Paris eollo ezhlibïdlu u nbtheplangh- io&.»mtchlnes ai the laI. lé. Meirex. bibiteti by M. Psitt, wblch do the. *utl ai A~ hot soi lu thesé ais. eifipiayed âeïà i-fIeleaefarrnof Grammie ma-1 chines, whiob voesfiret made for Ileium but wbioh have âmcc becometheo«anal forai for,.a u otr.The-_ring amature hms four polce, opposite whieh are lhe pales pi tic Iti dmagucta, cuh fuit by tva. axmegimLng uamivhat thc ayparancc ai s square iti aOUfour oîdiii»rolo6geit enà h va , sudenclos- ing à Cirôie. AU th.e' iht1 arme, ame conanhed iby eun btdgons1ftamelwarlk af a ve* loliti, farm, foiwmiun at ,Di the. fitdniagnets. This la uuiaubted- ly lhe mbst campait, tarai ai Gramme machine vhiëuh bau beau made.'Thie machineais atone -uni th le electri- cal locomotive ; at the chier end i je pear for directing lb. matian af lbe whaie engine farwsrd or baokvard in the. fieldt ta be plougbed, or far ahappiapi il sud putling in actian the macbinery far winding Up 1h. large cail ai vire rape, wbihoi eauin luthé raiditie ai tbe engin.. Tii. iviels, arej ai taure vide, 11k. thase af a trAdoti aengin., sa s ta be aile ta paso overý plaughed land. One ai lb.,. engin* being gIs- taned ah eacb sadaiflie -field, viti a trippiu-siesreit reversuble plangh b.- tveen them, lhe 7electrle contact ta made, lie Gramme machine turne roamdsuV inits up lb. vire, sua so drawa the plough.share &long. Wbun the. pleugi bas reacheati h. end ofai fraw lie englues savance a stop by geariag the Gramme machinaes ta tlie praper vheele, the planghi letiltuti sa as ta briapi lire. otier shears io asoiua, suad the. engins ,t:li. -'othir endoýf chu laild puaile Il in lie reverse way. XIIL i regard t i al si niver- sity question.- - ,Yrte AcIblUe "~oreP0*~~*e Ihaieî.tffeed 1f1M1., complainte pecniar n'ero Ing your BUImx loo d ka ttersIam. 1 . Be PrepatedL yMapy ai #8 vozzt atta. a o e.~t -u nie- , dvzts71, nd clacie't et U.Fawleros Rtract of Strab@rrY fje arainedy. Xeep ilah sa or grmergencies It mer,faitq cuï. S A 8sf. Remedy.-' Luymedicines oheak te-mu 'a yat Wil . trawbe lssa t.t etn hea& the disease ud esn u., e .ra s of Uc tohe 8okI, Self-respect je theial ee"% un1on rafo. mlations; sud viien yor biood li2an,. vihh impurities snd y0ti an. ifering fr.x biliousness ordyspep.ia, the afrel 'tep t, & radical cure fa ta, take Burdock BloodEit. ters. Price #LOO, triai iii 10 cents. Parmers and McCh*IiICU. If Youvwish ta avoid great dauger ad trouble, bhides sa oeman bill of apn et tis Besson of the year, yon u ldt prompt utstolakeep dises,. from yaoUr houehoid. Theasyetem ahoa be clesa,.d biood puzified, stomacii snd bowels regui't. od, sud pro-refit and cureues e riing from Srigmalazia, W. ktiow oi nothlng wht11 edolcuijrand sureiy do IbisU Filetri Bitersa itithetrafluaig ost af dllty cents s bottie.-Sold by W. Lores. * No Goad Preachiug. aNga iraie lees cmw mena. The lNev York Timnes says .:-=-remb an new charges have been lsueit tuce Detectives aru bunliag- far bbc accaso tein; in sevoral parts aiflb.ecountry. The PaOP impression in chat Havgal. - as Iefé t»-' for lias Souh American Beprabio vith Zr which. bh -ieleno extradition,-trpà ly ansui Itilethaugil lt b. basacouiliterable ver] &Mnount af moncy.- ga' As a Faily Medicine Dr. Carec'es Stomn' &ci- ait Oonstipatlen Bittera 'ut rapidlï tsiug ltre placâ cf. piUs; tbey are .qiaflj dffotaal, do Do pIpe,vea4hh, aoriua n=uso aisu eréporeiy vegetabi. ularge - Oîbttliget*a t W.'B. u ]tEL speciaiagent frWhitby. -- -- m7 P.AIROAD CÂTSTORI'E-A terriblceoW caIami4y bas occurreit on tire lins-af 91. lie Lycias sud Medilerraa'imn rs'lvs*y, near-Cisrentoa- - A. train froa oerheili boiti,' for' Lyous. meeting '*ith 'à ùa obataci., jaipedthle rails, sud wbià Cous chus îhrawu aoross lihe tracl, anex. 4 presfroai Lyons rau mb 11i. Tiftry.jyon tirepersans vere bUleit, sud as maaiyge otirs vaundeitý Tire accident, vas ioul one cf liseaiost temrrie-Ibat hasnoeuoür- S"ad read an a Feuci r r jwa or mauy yesrs. A BRtuL AsiÂrArq.-7On Satuirday-A niîgil lait a raw, laok place ea h lire 91 Campioeti fouse, Napa.. , ini,'wbvhi'r ra. DCro, torumasof the brusbfltbry, isud vais hrutally assarleit vîtlïouthaeei l iaz est provocation. A "Inruier," ume Dr Marik Huff,'slriok,ÉAbilboW tram las'1 la bina, vhie fciied hlm -la lii gnound W 0asmj sb dg iusiner. H i tervards bit lis noseaoff an cmpayea v.ry wii ouai-.'& SAUL'r. STE. MAni LaOIL-Tho w u -look> of lias Sault Sté. M a n sals al fzviid'or Ira f-a ergoïw1i4 l 'iugpase& lihraaagi il sev tiys agaf ' The. yack ' co'ehovci8,' i800,000, sit ith th hiexception oLtlaêaew lophsoui the ýWoItaçd, furnishès' anc cithi mail 'effectiv'e aruiaIl v.er-vsys on thé' )d ermon, Iry a lasuitsalI eloctor a Lut, or Write a goad article viien ho a iserahi, sud dol], ith loÈust in sud -uteady nerves, asui on.shLoolit s tire atteaupt Iusuca a condition visu anbesa .aaaily sud chesply removed by le Hop Blllers.-Albai!y Ta. A Stnse of Wesrlness 'ton Soit by =rensvieosuanat local. paricuerdisas. Ifthoy van kit bo- wuap;fiyak lasy countire; ta ft e come s bare sand even ar«e dizumed, by lhe sbadov cf Ibis "uan vwhichin la sl aver hh.ir lives. uies lehait soaetiaes 1té'ellniailasaof ugerons cliaracter. The. sivice of phy. ns»-le refrain fromt; active- labor pro. isua happresuis. Wliy ? The sys- ladélllatetsd nedalbtb«bultup perly. PeruvlauByrnp vMcdli o yy ag. Lii. lths electrlc coxnlt i tiith poreà IftuallonIs,-it .rafesun iithese- Ued, bigi thc colorIau liecheiagain,4 hope I. he despaudeaL Ildoue Iai h >pïvmptiy sud vei. Pli U drg Pickering CouncliL lave you-any excse for auferting vila pessrLvroanpluint ? ahe" F. Won hy rau sirolit go-on iroul day bonLIe o Y, krtbun cWte. an bis tasdin ticmouhi, ring , p Ofasfitengiovpils Ido. o. 'urDruggit- ai 'a bal fa Gree'. A us Poyer fer centa jour cure la certibut if jou> l b is e S m p le B o t h b, fo r 10 ce nts a tr' il. Tvadomgwmvhiir6 i.vu Fret of C &es-& uciritia ýor ai fflectid ofi ithealm loIngearâm e stei nt-calaIW. I. R. Hava.ý lBe We4udRappy. Flao'u. eA12suia sud caverodit îi: agesite > -Tva -yani lias i. Lefi -q t E»g~ h ýý 1 -L Cnet-i-a "XS factur&1 ing. iu,n %0 ic a TU li '