Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1881, p. 2

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..Robertso'à Brea, 4r. TP. White. r. vmjb[oi setin ,o an. l USanitl â>116180 th* OeUAOld Ofne Eutrôabl Mill site Dwfa*e Whloftb Tury, kgii st Pilot1 sdbous T.à P. Whui fWlngsud, bau turhsad baubale ston of ad l valohpoti intel a thatnov Yad a grilt Mill et Ihat point. The Machin- ory lu nov on ils vay, sud Mr. White follovoil on isol Tuday mornsu. l'rouliuçe tchl& e dpsîuro ho vws enter- Saimed ma a complimontary auppor by b14 jdecda, a64seouai or - hoh je gl ,çé,liisosier coluame. Tbhomineom ab ; W6volo vili b.e onauicti subore- M01 r.. iWhite doe. nul* int.nd to "pul p 6.os' I.Pokvigbut hau i vmàp aoflone .11k. favorable .»OulunU.sDow cfnlngin the M;ir*.We&t foi bunk1i prolablo in- veetuot., maifl b# prenne. vill b. ' Ir& o oM4 lubile limet'O p t iitil1a meoa sand gciet a"- uiAgpo. rnalug cOmor. W. am -toii h i ho hbu Ma" %good uiho»,'"aaaire ýquiat. eai bi mmny hul»,nds al ver thbmàtry Win! rjoic m a loew. The.uopper «llondsy ovecIru as a #motano; liiimu l sn b a ob e hééon sm . Boose seove l arkham, sud ox.wardon of SI.. nlbhdiing ýeoooby cf York. It va e frespect sud bM.nlahl of lsih a~ asum4ht fel prend. su .wliTannisaWb"euvasvel -e1g" t le banda eflàlsrionde. B"oy a mtasla be onnty hie oocouiel s un.. eenpleusPosition ibsAttWll&iniAUmoprtJ.in bas ite. r , eot17. For yois n Y»" sho vas ol.reoveozcf hlm ova. ilp ; li. ws4 ais.ohouen vaideo f th.oi e l roc! o imil moul ologle t e pmots Iroms 1 he s&e" Noies Md dopat r oo«r..eproooul. te« 9». mniululili.cflb.eonny fW tlé offili nilA mstf.ory mmn- b.r 1,«M * vloaholioaga lb. lutin; ho bas" ac«lngboblie téOowmmsin of b. P«o., aM& bmu a fflai maMi. bu aalte losimo vises tetw T. PWh la le, hoe odsttd 8Rél *"OmIalo iIaHo T. N.Gibbe, anil vas ds<mai.dy a ae ew avare *liai * wblOoèver usai. m moy ibrough hW ie ow*ait 1mv - bue bolim oqsl.d 0v10r 01 b amis a aa Kr. T.1 ha'C nw&aeareoly aIl tisaivo viiihlmw abondant suasestais nov ontorpriso. daby>, unaoolvI. Itell ing 0cocutlb.pia- i taaManitiiom os Mr. Elabe. Wh Ba url ia r. le Ianitobaý. -Tise ai belltw ie *ivu Dasta orML -ý, Jes~obi if mut6uous Pa"sedé io. ldb piw a«ou 1t pro ho lase liaIs or Toronto nl virelly ptsbliabed boul *aek, sUd.i Yllably dole.yed by lishe vluhoreule lasnhots seeklog Admission, veUi liaI ilie WulLby Cullogiate Iutgý Ȉ aus umuai taken au exceliletoal. lilpopup: ionooldln peu foue ed iteam ùlug hie houoea. Sl7ii~tlaojicoburse frjunlor a~ aIstqq pklg honore lu els4sl0s, r aî, ~~6ipby. - is um Bateman, dolighlto cf -cjoe.for ýjDiar- matricula. llos, lbt onrelaBnguieh ao. Lie m om asrvo.epecial mon. li n I ss oly puieg svery difibult, oksnstion viti honore but « asien lhie Irs yeug-lady rom liheacheol vIns bhi l in. dtngalubêhersoWf Hou honora are greatly lcieaied isy lie tact liat seIFvite il iduring lie e"tamnion sud hal net, unofoiunite... ly au oppetuuity te la bereoif bullins. The folicvlng yý~Uug ladies Mso ltea fiuet eximinatlen for veen lu groupe II sud III baiog iupectlvely mathmitiosand Englisi, history, geegrapiy and Freoob:- Mise M. Golusn, Wbilby, Itim Rate Corel, PoiS WhiSby, Mien Rate Crois, WhiSby, Mies.B. L. Coleinan Sorboro, b(iss Priacils bJoues, Baissm, Miss Be.. ie Mau, Hamera' Corneam, WbiibY, sud Mies Salons Pbiiips, Pickering., Muiss Coeoman obtainel banous - lu hitoalrsud geography, sud MICS Vor ell lugliti. W. Suin eu oklug ever lecaa liste bIst a large numbor,»t1 yOt ladios piasal la ouly, oe. tpou p bt liai lice. irons Whiebyil took ivo groupe -bbreby s"clg s macigretrIl sulsolat cfo Vkn sd puincw mess distinotion. 1 j , - Tienueneceseof -caiyoueg people aria leltby giatifyiug, is thifinal place lihs&ee math culture sund ksovlodg hbeau. eedltlethoeapan«l looku the utàmp of Toronton Uiobeolgnou. suteoa, cuD&eeaeadly liaI îhey are vois bythe yonng peuplé Sf cuit filenSe sud mUa hbora.They bavs nnquesiouablyý mls s aalîeu d piaetaodmuab sIf, éi oi10vineioldge, sud every oe'e vili b. lad liaI tho hava heu ae- Pusessasu or Hcami) Sun8vEs.- Mias. mhi« &D4Stetey, Pickoelng, havo é apIb toir linpcStod Clydàeads stalion "Boyal Diadêni" 19i86, a' Meure. Jamesmal W.uîbiaolî, Mou- evisc, Oh!., fo -b largo pries., 'lii hors* teas tii viebir et s"ay"pstz»8euu Scail, hé aIse ttok pittes ilBroag. head sudirmont., le ,Ibis eeunly. Montre. James anal WeMbuook bave a&W pirebsed a numbor cf .nmareeud colts ftemSiferont - fanser# e ilte n o- tion At gced pwlo. - 'Pbo-a"e eotigl agiécou te labommor fouredelieutÙ -&bksd sue prepareltu psy bigi-pri. ces lor goal îulmils, of Wbtob, vo are proend 105ml, cor arnoishave many. Tas m, Xuw.--Thore wvies geoet a. tendanceOn Bou lnday notvldtsaudiug e. v -vele; ehsm41vsl coop eo of thé coin preveutioi s olu alt r 815 183, O ggs! sf15. 1415 Rttalln have puréhfaed Tho esi" beivein le ov ml R#A«eby's ocerin as arig ba4. ci exiaintn$ moue f be l 'pendîlure, hu del viii'tise ? lie ouulry ouly 5 fau#A gole the sbeasrllty of tho luit *i thbe la flciasl year ret usedl ffCtlbiq.Oe islgi suif a i. o aisn@ a uO U C ' o u . w u d 'P o C t . du mie o 'leut, as liu aoior oun inlie bo iou. He psidel' I tise oScella coul tub oaterie, amÇI liaI large 'outpat fîcnthie minou lasti3 vas oviug pocl tI liaduly but te rovival och raspenity lu 1h. coua geoalBefssTng teboila cv le -h liem 9o4ts ho spoke cf the PIgui posperit iiblf lu -tihe aala don li mnc 1 annagers, and expri ie oýpluien liaI if More ecouemy ebservel aI. lh. top of hé,isa yut vosil,h ome.roin bar- liberalili the botain, asserting s tha saine t luit lb. minsua coouiluîpame bolIer thêokuodition by tiappoia hlphly pvoeolivo tarif. But auppei Sb.eiasioteoisa dminers ave.bi Scotia ývoull.bimsolistesleb. minlon. T-10,hoeal4ty la-a viole .O-L11I.irsitpriuclýp&cf sonna taxas villa brî«Ïfpfreuis o e ia o ao Mini lxofiai blctoty lai4 h re pingaslg', ' "A- i utoUiê mebe, QMlths L, (s-eqns1 wlapoga itllia epe ie hel! r' s 'I t I I i c e 4 t I c c a r I s t I -e S t-I t I c J -s s s g 'I a A pool min>'hmres -haveamoî Imeuoeoltolihuh tiirgraius;thà-oéam., DÀ.-To-asy (Thurs-the graiu bayors n adego, su»a lau t &W. Great Ean go- is vpsalel les gool puc isch *vo groul. Lotalhopeswm'iIbego Thomean UP mtlieI ualare real le delivor, itlà snelfflkdyc ~~cnslaught bee vii be. tel~ ~~~~r agdos ~ M.Joseph MoClelisu purehsiel les- bat* ua goaulo e smple lie IOst barloy'oh le ise seo, adore of the Mai uIvoi -- dlly dleliag apcf Ou TbusdY lai i. Jeepb. Blono. boteWO vol!pppeolpurohased » monS.boeafatiel by si George M"#.e, f'thi. hYL Mai TIb lrivls ieusn b tho eathin, lire.e d LoDuosgbie<oa rom tibo oxeme ual.*lc m iia spa-eSy Rsuer. TEsIUiziM4 M uwsM.-A ver abflu il macel Nn. aeluo, fer a luealalng mscl4iine,'pigti miiGoverner. , ý tarsmsg;lit 15vaspurehAtel im Bail verbe, OG4aa b feg,,Ku JouiBEA.-M.rus sd Poie. Papu* g lietotbo' dIbo sud A ong, ti las114 open air;vas 'a m', 3"O' Tovuu cenuýot" v i . oI-l ea- hsie 0!~I fGld>itý . e.rs.1~ Id nt$s l$leé e lai Bone etlb.olrymes 'R mata aidoygosia, ..0 Ber-*alol I <. Pur usv-emàiiaa: Tishéam~I Theeiu.ViitsfrosBowmo.avle, me.It inpmaIuI. pIaiiss . .~-' ft '"à boum*i on k &mI. ..Bcehau Brou -- uthi the cAPusê - -. cricket. âqeàsoiahiO. matda teutpis>'. Vlsllby enMonaay4 baliveu lie W sang by lire.wieheta.. Thàade wravi Whitby eut cf th. elet. ntlaisstirnotliy voéie himpic beheiaslorusnotion or dvision. iope,vllDnevb.hiole oconte"S tia nue-iuobali bIg 40p"sud gch veli-kuovu erieketeus as Kim, sur, RaU sud oSiers, the score lec e 'outsider. ns a autali ee feu lepeleassM" - OuiPort, Bopela14 M UW b atta of- du . itty rinn sla vas looe.dl'c- but trcm d areul play lte visitois voue hipc of fer 88 unsms=*ehi to-uSe surprîs the apeclatoga. Aflor luncha, Wl, &gain, lok lte vlhiov, e&bdexpieba -an Sigb'ha slargor score vould maSe. But viciaIs Sept lalIag, at:lia alose a this alaga0&61 og Us sud BS8oActelb. - iiWvsA 614erid, po lnnge.il.vistol rgiSe, andmaujl4ongt is voile ,de ril A aiwv pilin <aamlgcis-er e seul inchàge, euh lhoit s Hall "usdRhsSoler, Wa terit Ttilius i tWg-mnaydcl>I aeugla fror aiadt limes; but bluawelavea ms aldisdItil 1 eoen. -"rita,V oh" siwa, 6 'I uliahe, -nl-u lIit 1 s wt-bsd ù; ba on ei =lue'pças. mgzb»6i hlask à ïbooti"sfor a dhaaaga. ras aitolar bouio a-uul*hed nua I ntRe *as, sfter sma 40,'. Lad bacs piutp.4"mlbeotuai* aver gave terne ive or ihre rmues, wuaskè tao .5 QPe sune ling doui ai--tise,.Bnsupton muiek.<e; wa u et by h sseeau...', 16-. am7'veU , tIaY fl b*t pand tis ii eillase mui, but îiithot seat, anI actveoeuttel on, "-0 aah.saaýlegianet vorth & a Tblsasovevo&si4, lule, 'a gmce1i"i-lmabe olfelg memoiÃŽ want TSoaei-hpton, intu»- blnitle oladif 1h.:;loltea,i oh ceaobut goaljudgosîst, 6ù shimtoiel catAslaiot oî, 9oi ùld Um *Ctm lb ouuhlatb S.. à teboee =Maty <aes saut wr iao » adtmSt,> y a, mmi s 2 ag- an ve.rdrIIb .0t nS sabilaa mlebu,1istcAuhoff bat tiwýsa e6im -pelultlouiai o :-. -ellefl. - hhu. sine lslbe.mith. ........ -t-.-t. - i0mriso Ietamnlut, e~Tii tauee f a lob cern- buh55 aaco *~~? v~seçdio a lavosîmont, "el ogoli b r. ouïut. Jlh-<o voedot e4 udîo epi 4e1rpe ,àu ent&t1ve4 of '41 Prioe.Tic--cae ceai the guesi cf la"aolu,' plhî, aOve OC àltkbaoe, mAldet-vareuo the tbêocity-iof ýtA, Coi. Button, M. ee~WW. Majbt~, Mi Rika-iau, lgr. poeo, tis 0'ohean.84h BItàlbu 1r.Takbou',, omi Mi J. E Fnre6l1, Bouuty Cree Al ofsa cfhle ()ina*r, Du. Arrnoisgaie is of aet alr's. J. Z, osapid ' vico-obilu, unIwvaseup re b ames SM00Cughl, - Eeg.. . andP.B va.- eï Heeor, q.; -flutI 4opuIy-rav c huée Pickering.,- U, Chates - Ituihi ai 'Bai Enler, 'Mesre.Biyd, Armalrong, mie Toun,_ cM. Atôunad&lié boarir utiy repuasenlve mnlciduoalviu Ãœ= el Capslsq, 3. P, anvren, log Meus. dr Boston, Tovnsbip e-e Cierk unS treasurer, WÙ, Wikia, 'osThot., Possabot, <&.nluvmeCrigil. e.Wm. BOll- GQ(I. tron. JOhn HggiN J. woou Bosser,. Lsehii, Marhans Bceno- den, MaiI, Oha1lsi Pilie, John- Bjwitt, JohnSie'1<b, J'ames TiqinleJL.e idm( die;ua~ftaegnou ,of tlia oan hicS Aller bipe disposa f smog> <col ai naîL Fel oreqpet, Ibe "bul iïâf ro. $Oid lie h - -- s 'liot~~ 6 0s at~aaimi m au i tnesW Mont , b theisii lvoaou n Li hnu liaptenajg tel~~ - d ofQuoî,lI f b i the t thispohLylit oMille.su anna IIht,-Se b alwareosie atlor boren'Mu Ga, M.P. whih hausa mail th ia'lule coutaby el o es loir P.bsenc vr sîso boy u . ix- n p<- haho cll r v la;,teroto , u hla b Mr . bainDryenM.?.h. ies., 01 etaeletaiaeU'" doa'l lchpaceli cm vebeo..o ao at îlie os"c Potb ,ud vs;lu>' hooreS ilon T Ietoast o i f lia mysud Navyc to, i Cal. Bubon, Chi e, sud Cap- okg tin Fîrovoi mS utabletreplie.. Tho forUr.tou DrydeniMi sud Lihe- ,a t 4>oenoed ah Oliudeatver. dultaete, ud T rimepofWalle anoamereofi gl fjh royafah. <tnt cftleeiutc biby pu viwuoily 1hco r Js MOesh Sion. To the toast ,tsthe uryeelin trme d -hotleuelog eCola. privais len Vaelplau lia oxisgteBh tolioeau rous C.l.isato, Csud inaorHandeuC&pn Po 8 "a ieroellode se" moa yogsa ýb0u, Te yenmfasbl, 87 yeiusnd yo rOliy.. po rlfnario 7.cfere u. ly stel "d al vas lieu s lAndl bih cf hce ~~ Mai I liats ho r. Jle& Mh seis do mit, tgelpol i. O hlv ilae o lm- ucato-a la l *iintterpre. c tatIh. 11-ipl 1-i t m gi lt sud li tes ntýl :bm ohiiql bt ieo "0 s a Yheoubliasud ~~~~~p pri7t'7reu. Mu. 'Wlte a"nulm ~ self~ belltel, ien.ul iwe- we eince tBa4la thip l-aiwone .ach lo iens up a11lhoy'cughte bav". a In. ouai rutqdàtee of'ai in i pûbiissi mae. a . ë,btl -d er. . U SMt sud tu sofpwnyohUevd. Sbei, pill dic th euols f oa tt, a pbli tôai M if IeÃ"il, pgoseils usre 41ts m aal Ateaa.ilidlhl ae dosn c cet Th O>mi5ci¶>, nzai refemil -oi'Mr. mis,,, P&Y 2xp a -se, andlié isa gm ea4n s i 0fiu m * a blde Ju U&nitbs m ho i 4 idi " omipia.of m»W», nd st oubl ho.,b ,~g8JaJo- gas r "a he rebellion thore, and copr h that vu gSoing te bWd tOxeiurii#ays, -gudliehoànght sa dsliait bAs goa à ight as immi- va eu.An -IliaWbiMno liois an Engl h suJ!4Mani10bà tian lu Pickeiing f .-nmrwue haoa"Y farthor away. from heaton -, hovas hein undor lhe ôld flop f ad nndi Itho meant to dle, althoughn le cross l o. lino. 'He a matl fi thatfi tsi alter whi gevrn mn v api,oîwbirblt#ty wa. ,,p owou, liAe_ ' aet ry as bon d te go i aIï . Th0coste lfe ]e w a ii , l qd ou ll lg>v rici. Farmous tthQsui< po out of tise grouil it ietry 11111, libr. lHe asseutë e ubU'Mofo M-bY -o-ould a- 1Usid. by -ï farmois thro vils vhoat ai 50 contsa a bushol than by formera heo.vr s wt vit eta dollar sud a quarter. It i vas a bad'-ooutry for thiovos, unI &hois ýWhbo wmtea tbohido, for aIl ceu i be ieu ithin aàdetol. cf ton Miles; ' isrw..iocoter. The romains of 1 the buffflo vie acattered ail over the countiy d vhero buffalo boues voe founu espt amerons theo euntry ut hose pointe vas al hie riober. Bo th. Pl; cpi ho ai l SlocaleS li er..neHo esoribeadbn-bliflo all ssebeiug 1ke n cow.pslh, and a "JbUffaio rmb" as largo rockswt tihel, ta hollowod Arond them, as if orneseue mdiait Um ttol dig lbom out. 'as buffalos id tisaI, ru bbng againel the rock aud pawiug the onith. It vas n preiaI ceuutry -for elk of a largo ase.,andl a perfect breed. ing ground for ducku ; prairie chickens,a iîuipo, sud plover ver. plenîlful, andc aise vint wv aolil mana i bu rmne,d vith &-body like o burkoy, and <cedi for estiug. He described th. animais,a iucludiug imber voltes, cayotes, I m katgopiors, ground.squlnels,r badgers, "c, sud ofler further refer- snce la bth. resouroos cf the ocobuury, siiii hoeinteudoil 10 us Ie bout aoi.r lieus, sud If Ihoe 4rae u ything le be made thora., b.avotil uuy sud gel a shreoef IL.Bafouee ouli g ho had one tequest le mie ttesemunicipal- lhy sud poopiéoPlakorlng; -ho lb. qnoasthed t lohir ithol ae ie ' cl dn heo a as absence ef any citizen of "Pic ig byÏdg te ýdo- tut man an uuyho vould bel- boundu eharuy bock t rosent il, and- 1Mr. John Miler 'II vish yeu may live te liai day." 1Mi. White resuuaed, *paying a juat tributs te the cisaracter of Mr. Boston, sud ooubloded lbyrofoning lu feeling ton rsne 1te 1h o ýf» fr. James MiS- dleton, su ci sud reopootel citizen of Pickodug_+vbuich took placeý tbat day- and 48M.lthaùklug bhi fri ofr lie kuin ecaunplineut pâa ihm, he took him "ntaiXt u oeers. Tise Legâllrcfesslon vas proposeS by Coi. Builon. sud respoudolte, lu olô. quessi tarins by Mr. Farfvell. Mr. SpélghtripliaI (the lbouai of tise Msnufachisriuig auloresîs lu an abl. upeecis, sdil also Mr. Obaîlco King as Mu. Kirbhna. The Medical, Profession wam respond- .1 te by Dr. Amtrong in n neat speech. The toatcf The Press wua ropliel te lay Mu. Hîppios sud Mr. Corsoor. The Âgrieultural Inteeto vas pro- Passa by COL. O')Dnvàtansd respond. sa 10 by Mr. Wmn. Major sud elbois. The Miliug Intores-respon)ded te by Mr. Charles Russ.!! sud Mr. White. In tsking up Ibis subjeet, Mr. White saxd tho e Ilaken Iu Manitoba vue evory fiiib bnsh,!, aud gave somo huni- orous anecdotes as toe te bmplabion cf millere Ilu iis y. A. Dutohmaunlh. uild,hs a mil! np thoer bviich o fermer oûok a grit ; vheu ae -came for it, ho Itboul til looeod vory umaîl, sud 00 1 laiqeS te lie Duteisman o n iat h.w griat gaau!teehi. laiU; bah vic then 11k "Ho Mu& W. !àr',had ma-Itae lb rrhkse of% square mils of land; sud havntutnc-él leidietlen ltaIt, iloe lhia jeau, ho ivoulu ha able. *te uhip i1a oauload of vieil giovaupon Ibat faim te Wiitevol. Mhis fer 'mdug. Ha Maoi*oaidad1 i he a dravincil possible vas lia droadel useuopolyoethe Syndieabe. Ae an lu.' succfWb" thle peoplé bal 4e dresa iu thie direction, hi montionedël h.h rallvay charges on the lut 400 moiles cf th@ josràey ou, àhelinaeavisoSby th. St. Paul càmptuy, vh6 oeulrolled tie Bfyndlcal,voùld be double lie anioût eb»t*ed for darsl ilasi that distanc- ùem boee l lnooi.Tea Crop Report. M I.H.Lawd«uJibu prînWelbis npnnal circuler, glnoag the-folipwlug ro. port cf lbe orop.~e or ls18. 1 i wMha fouud reliablo, anl of M;àch valuno. Diiug the Isst'fow Iessu, Cisuadian farmers gonerail have beau payiug more attention Ijian fcrmerly te the Eateinùmgé -foscttle and, 6laary>pp.auoto; heng,a laigo inceeau cf xaealowand ,pasirilsuu,îh iio cnsdmabe u inxcrae tlh1e acreage, devctel le, grain crops. The;"aouo 601o b.ea a..a èuilai o4, l Te iàlai set iw&y' eaily, sud laiteS tory late, vitisgaear$ ,'old eiathei. -Tiseuionthl6U& -prlI va unuanally dry, vlîhcosatblu winds tehici h eulone otal leutrio-ý lion l to bofuian ai ""udaayoe. Fortunabely, ovin'g tlelieheavy onow fsllm,< lie groga d Sbeusaturated le a ges<do±ivi ii~alarge amouni cf] moielure, wvici kepi the routa cf lie pialatlu a far more healthy . et10 han the appoarncoon lie gronl uda. d Inu mony parla cf lie* Province a Çpnelid. erablo portion of tlie bail! wiol ost a plougied up, and put imb cîher groins, priuclpally barley sud. pesa. Wbile lhe moubi cf April wva s ounfavomable te fnl vbeut sud ha , l is moiÉot pre. pilions fer sowiug a 1 'inodcf mpriug gris ico eegel lu lu splendid conition. Immediately nfter spring 80wiug1was cirer, nimoatail parla cf lie Proviac o e.blessed vibi copions showersand genial veather, anuItho orepu Renerally have prègreused vWou- Serfülly, axen kali ciat udboy ain. iug cut on lie viole an average crcp; sud spin heat, bailey, ocas,peus sud lie rlocgs cropo afferding promise cf more Ibsu avorage yiold. .. AT Hon beeu a very unoven crop. lu eme cf lie larpeat cnties vest cf Hamilton lb, ciop, esecilly on cld rneudovm hubas bien tory lagbt; but, lu ceuntiés bcîdering on Luise Ontario aud River St. Lawrence, an uclioo hbem, tho crop bsbeen s largeonise incêl place suad Uiblssy îctsautlam, se large aevei val bhua'stale.- Wlihm gool beal ofohld hay atm lon banS, teiti s large average coap cf nov iay. sud au immense grottiof mra* oit ail an pply c ipNt-udboer orog baies a sudcatl, sud, lu msuy pluese, a largetuplus cf bey fon expoil, if s markol oifere bar il. This crop, 1hlike ihé ylcuop bas pîoved vpiy uneven. ,After makiug aliowunce fhou-lia proportion ploiugliol Up Ibis apmiugal ha s oug re la boundules acousilariable lucose la lie acreage for harveettlim year over l. ,Tise genoral methol cf estÃŽmat- iug tIi. exteut ai o crop ., by exbractiog an average frein any given uiner ef reparta gnlia.red frein. &il hinda cf quarters, irrespecliveocf lie importance cf ,acb report, la apt te prove tory daînoive; as a report froin 58 fate pointe iu eue section may b.cof moe rolatite imrtciue &huis te peintseis ton other sections, inammuc anslise acreaçolu inte oeemoeion may oqa or oxceOl the acrasgo lu thée cher ten' soctions, lunliais report, Sue value "I be attacheS, ane erly s ma 5be' tge latsive imuportance cf eel ré- Prom, a curefal rovlew cf ltoe Siffernt zeparto I havi aeen, s 04 b al ,wheat, it Appears ltinl lthetownsipa bordèr- lng on tbe lakas frein cllingvood round hé Windsor, tise cropas, eficleut lu yilSas àcomoparel vwitlu st year ; frein Windsor 10 Port Bui*oli, boli large acreago aod pool jield oie roponlol; frein Port Buivell 10 Wel. landport, thle 'aereage le abat. ,lie laverago, but- thé yleld tsry leficienL. Tisiugi lie countias oh Lincoln, Wel- laud, WsenwrliHilton, Pool, CarS- well, Dufonain, Midlesex; Giferd, Wel- i4tgon,.- Waterlooe1aud Braul, -large acr&ago sud <codcl cope sao iepoed In lie -large counties of Perthirua .Gré>un, à - volsge acreageand deficient ,il are rolumiel. 'Iu thé usp orlat ountiaes oft rimace,'Ontaio, .Polerbcrou-gb uandîVlctoala, lero le s Iarger.ecràtgé ousa abotter ciop .- han lait jeu, ïviLla omo cempliita cf lanage froin rast wvici sre eonfied te s tory bote.-lotaities.- luInDurisus,, tory litho b1al vos asie;,lu N"r. liamborloul, about' same acroagé seè lut yoar, villa &botairyield. ast ah lieruumbalànlaonnytle quaistit>' cf fol! vheal roised 15 pot cf soldient -imuportace le bolakeuiînla aosidoum- th~ellvitat rep-luas su tory un. av'teiin 8luM of cbl-iaa-geatfulieet prouoieuties. thée yeld. le reporte f;ë ii-ýilileeû'frAisalait. our:; in MLeeticg of, theScicol o odThe- Ne* iTeichoîs g*agagie- At o meetig cf tiebonadofEduOS- liu ou Tuenday agstsop er a 1 bi h the acnoles causel by tic r. elguîtioa*Kof Memere. Pisih p sto ertacu. -Mr. f.L ' rtlue A, mathemaflëol vmouler Poilt Hope Higi Scacio, bis beeu appôi nted (o the ma, tiïealcal masbouship-, sud Mr. A.- J. Hondouaou, Principal oaf Brookiu-Public Sehool, -eaibe moubermhip cf lie Fit ffp. >1 iare ,lop ea tr gulahel graduaI of Toroul uto rsity -islgblan nnususily brilliant cae;se u n utidergraduste. Iu 1878, ho vas usatiolaled from IL .Mary'% 'Cello'giate Institut.sud Upper CausIs Ciollege, lokiug IraI clsam honora iu ïoauésiom &neI ' emâtice .;,il 174, let yir flsllshonora irâa elasanasu mantbomiâaca aud sci'olàrship for <on. oral' pieflciouoy; lu 1875,- 2ud yeart, O.rslclaeehouera uinslmatnic,lf$nI olsa houarinlumotopbyosianouIlogic ; lun 1876, Ord year, firsl-ciasa houoeail 'mabiomabies vita a scbolirship; lu 1877, B.A., viI sllveî medullunmulie- milles. Bine gradunling, Mu. Haustone bas beau IraIsesislent ln Port Hope Higi S&boa],,.sudahousvon lhe highest prose. hem Principal Purslew and tbo Hi'ga Scioci Inspectors for bis work. IndeS, e und.rmlnnd liaI Mi. Har- mbcue oldel Mu. Inspeelor MeLellan tory materl ntlueb.proporalion of hie tIvo oke on Algobra, sud Mr. ~itkIZin lubus "Naturel, Pýilosophi," snd ,bath 'of lies. genloman publioly ocknovlodgo hbeuindebtedness le Mi. Hiteno. Ho comos ta Whibby recom. uted by lie Higa Scool Inspoctor. by lie Puolmaorm cf Torente Univýeriliy nl 6y Moese. Kirkland and Bryant,- cf viicilamI gontleman ha voslie ciasmste nulcompetitor lirosaghoul tlasituu«darunlo urse. 0Of Mi. Heudeorucu i le'uunecossary ta osy moreo han tIb i le e vl. kuowunulndpopular loacher cf Brookliu Public Schcol, mud' Sisl ho monite lm promotion.»y yeors cf suecemsfal labour in smre of'the leaSing public gocisocf South Ouleri0e. H-vl!b. ào mouS valu. ablo additsisu ta tlietsîsi OurCollogiate Inulîto yuwil nucv-ho tborougily equipped for lie higi clana cf vod tj< cilleS. upon tb underloke, saud 9UÏ !Wé stono, déubS, enter apon a uew ors cf prosperily.- The Board cf Pldgontion aronaixolto be commoudel for lhou vlesdam lunompreiendiug lie sitaion sud theu' delermination ho protide fou the people cf Wiby aud coucly nolhing short cof a farst-clame ecicol complole ivery respect. roionîo Letter. DfLa Sir: Lest voek'a more tissu tropical climat. makes us Scubiy grabeful for th, modarale weslbr vo are nov .ujcyisg. I deoi sc ses ov bise msuy gumea play. os dufing snob ict, cluld ha à source cf piisre te i.jlàyers, or lie spçc- talers eilier. But it bsîlvays been a malter for wonder te me, liaS lie variner lie vweakier, hhetfiner leil tde- clared te be for the, sport. Stimmer le lis ais especial manner, tise season for .gaines cfwvici violent exmerisla he groator part. i vonil noS bo surpriseS ta fiud lh. population oounsieting enlire- ly cf cld people nulyouug gls e fler a seascn'o bard play, continuel oe ho. gan lIais yeoi. The. irat Luvu Tennis Toaruatmout continués- yet Tis garna, il ny, le dembinoil le saperelo Croquet. IL is fast hecoming populsulu 1'he city, sud vil! onlyýnood tl eb. luroduceo e a coutry le lake lhe place of her, pas., lImaes. I doro amy lie publicity gaveun ta il by tie Tourusmoul vii ldverîlo. .il grenhly. I1 have su:iouuly lokel lu oeaci dlo' papoe oseiWhib noohiuc suytiing tb li." Zoo." l'seu préseuta .fions partitaetl her placos, not4,d,, bùt noua frein Wbulby. Perbapa tis ava 1il indeol ptrit; ta';kaep itia-ýimtara teoudeant hmo? Âthongit coflios te me. Tise Civie Hclidey. Ali aI' tractions are kepill.i tevu for liai day. Periapo afler liaI Toronle viwil beau frei i. -W. areo lhqeed-with . Hartmsann l'ite N!hiliaS f 4Thoshoit1luiu ilchi .Goldsmith ézelpêgov. useà, -nt, and 1 raoouclle e utalb 1b. culeS lu' ;te his eau, 1-'orvlug.pîto' e iIYY»Zaliil î Taohns rtat#ci ist etons John Dillon, the Iri M.P., airetel under lie 0ogqie Act, ina been me. TubaIltle seizal for reut ou 1h. faim of Joujà-aPove, .Newton, nemi Yougbol., bridgé, ver. driven isto Dougaivan on satnrdmy ovenlug in charge of six hall. ifs uanI 150 police. Qaptain- Povar,- vioe yard bai beon uneo as a ponS, nov uefused tle allov tise cathlo in. SÃŽeoral ocher persous lu bevu vero ap- plie&ltlahytlhe -polico suad sherif -for, tho ueseof their -yards, but wvl(la& m. ilar rosult. Thé- $ttlaie rokopti - thie strool fer ftill3' an heur in charýgo of the police.Tlbalsvan olo nu ,a a by lihe croted, aud soins atones voie tirovu. -Thse cohîlo -vore ah lougi driven le lie police. braciro, vieoe hey ie impounded nt promeut. The abeiff buhou e a snotie nuune- lug- tIami the-boyctai catIlE viii be od.la nhle courtiosonouMondsy nexl, ne cther place beààg'atailmile fer t4e saie. Tise liolff8 *ii procool agoinat seme cf lie persons by vion senea voiethirevu. Pioceodiuga vwil alec bu. lakon againal Ciaptain Povwer for reine ing Lie use cf île yard Se lihe auticil- lies. Ou Salnîday lbe Emeîgoncy Cern. miLle. sont a party cf liv. Isicrers to, culan sisdete biay cof Mu. Henry D. HcsdiL, J. P., cf Ballyguinano,, nomi Nenogi. I-roeonce tlatheo Wnagh&. Guardian sya Ihal one, cf lie vouaI cames cf '-boycottfng" vilci liascoccur- .1 lintaI petl of Lie eenntry bas takon place vithin the iset boy laye. Mr. Hlenry D. Head, J. P., Boulygasnane, beiug obligeS la have W*11. servait ou fate cf Ieatenante on isueBainugora propoîly -for nonpmymenL of rouI, bms been nubjecled ho 10 lie grosteel perse. oulicu. Noticea -ver.e eteueively pemt- ol up lireugi lie district :lo "IBoycett- lie lyrmnt 1" Tise roemit Sas bien liaIý me 61hia mai 'tmnte ave leftisia, anS Iest imeelf sud'bis fAoily hbaie to'prforM Urva H. Henliý os ieol,<eaboutý «gu dod by police. Lait ovening, vile a lanS baillf niaineSPatrick Byan, vbs poing home frein ttua city th viero b. teauperarily raidesai Coibuly, lho'vms set upen by anai psrly cf mn, vhobeatl1him vithisticks au lndoe, -Bynu -<eh a,. mer., rou&h si iangï sud vas bieén about liche ad villa a londe libull. The constobulory 'ver. appriooel c*f Ib outrage, as I breo'clock bis iucun- ing Constablo Young',ocf oprially, or. form'bae x or itilg concoel lu,,à1he admait. -ByËn'-condition 'la coinaldere ao critleal tint doposillo n, luhlictcas vere laken bia aftcmnoon -befoie Mi., -Jrome Couiais, J. P.- Acorrespondent ofthiew r ~rm ' mtersys 1 Young Mu. -, Bancs Jonea, -'sud bus companiens luit fer EngloutI lat veek, iatiog remaineS about tiret weèk@ ut Liaselane. Ire 7h c-f December and the 7ti cf July wcrc lb. gale laye ap- 1po inlel by is faterforcieiviixg15 1Seplernier -unS -Motch tent$, vbui' ver. Unpt "ha b.prea.ut -pil -Mest pisistually d'M'rsdne rif _ùnt puoceedinga ltoâeùn .aamI t hem. vie faileil 10 do sa. The yaslu gentlemn-ý v aitel ou lie -71laoflIée 'moutlf tLc ri icoitýe >i, eula, but ne ena p s&- a o ýppe ,arsuce. They hln ,1f-Iô EnZg-.' 1-Imul. A large number cf-touanteaise, ) welvo monli's Tout- lat :b&sar< Mr., olnce Jonesaïvilte em tIbü at h _iii oopt*a-hal our' ot The Cork-Hefae Ray:, YnodyMr,. - I ao.artlau asictienia?, George aeuti,a n e-. on o f 60acuai of moadoving sI'Bal.ý de;alo forMu Henry Crokor-,-J.-P., Lidllteiîc ariner usmol O"Boûrk.ý, a c s p y a rs o, i pd t ia - 1-lci utoo,-Beome nêtl89havé lbn' ' fergelbea, os lith rreriofnsel ho bu o uI 1h. sivale 2 umost completoiy "lbcycot$e&2'.'The farzi ilutit o a minou. ycnng Mu. Crocker Mofokc. 2Tiarewvebut, on. scie of moadovluig 1 booGRijt styestid4'aiee<1 ihlsi>yý s amaeti, itle-,.soid, vie. bad bis, otet reascufor purohaslsg. -' . RWMR31 place ledyt auaa. Tie nomnination for West Petoubeý for liseILocal LIeglelaturo hskes plce 241h lit'., <JaiuleaF. Bazina marioled bsohlisr'g 'iaer lu Buffalo lihe clier day, sud JudgeLeinla aler té hie mothsr mate iaI st h e ddigug vaslmgal SHORT Oes rN Fasai!z-Tha -fat. orablo predictionm ccecoinag Freueh &,va itenet boon verillIe.' Frouce viii b bgel le import grain. Hou supply viii probably corne frein Basi. F113EzUansExmlirrrar.-Âîa mçee- IdWaglaLoiidon on Frilmy tle licutle piopouel fa ioriom ezibatiora lu Loulou an 1888, Sir John Macouald »aYm ho had ne doubl Canada voul recoivo lie no cihlb.projeet vilS plesittr. 1TRE --Pn'aENsz's - Co»wn',N,-Tb, Pîeailenh'e condition ou Satnrday look a sulden tain for theoose,his temps. alune anS pulse saddenly goiug up froin seme cause -ual 701 axploinel. Bis Excellency bas ince haS a rolapso. Il le e4ninaabed liaI 90,00Frenci sisrpmhoeters ar. scatterel. along 1he .NontIl Afriosu ceast, sud il le pioposel le enou 0,00 aditionaltooeyOc leber. An effer cf 20c. an tlic lUi hem Messis. Second & Nicholson, tho Great Western Bsilvay coulroctors 10 Shein vonkinen almoat created a îlot lu Tih- olS. Mi. Second vas ai for hle Ic. The men ver. dnally indacos: w the cash pnymeuh vith a due bill foi tie balansce. The ambasadore havo agin delined le. illev lb. Porto aoy lelay lu lie mur- rouler cf lie second zone of caSai ter- ilScry. Ânuium"HÂùsci u Uosi.-Âc- boaiig le arepoil frerUnitoilStatea Ifluleter Foalor, 4ie viont harveat lu central snd-coulliocu Buaia vill"b thie- m.,at abundant inevu ber m4ny yeara. - #- s e~ ldgnnlu'g to raivýe-unler lio prospect ofa pool yiell'o* vest- ,thoy cau-ssidly,,a±lribul4 lkto. tie N. liiolyle abats vibeà lie--hallimes Trie Montréal Board ef Trsde..-:Uks fa',th ho ensideration of tho obuozieus Opilerne cati ou lie <round I;hal lleob. itructehioâeet m"a cous"olhllou mo laù thesubusiness. lie ofte f thoe g*me*tbtaho "ave la evon 1fr. Glal.' Bi1 veslihainlt alued unea.3ud Imug ver ilot'ieaioupa-venhol ltak- Orbg ni's e i 'ebïe - my" cdxiii hà#e returnel ho P0eehef.- amo'Om OrvulieGrant, brolior of he o x-Prea. lIent died iwppmuns a "sta51r. dày. làî t- reoat Filisa sots oh Belig'Me -show bàat lùW4bu- plots' &È âiùït éeEm-ý Permr.eteuaanyaavell as IéOzar. Mr. Gladatopo'-s CabineetSas decidol te, offer nuspromWmg bsg aiéLap4,to bishe amnamanla le the amandaraute 14 the ~liF rpos.d 'by ihe R Huie of' A meeting . bell lu Lonlou aun SUMMER No. i, DE ive eresu Net ab 14,000mt, sa tio stoppeSan a question i the Lirdô boyel lier. vbila the' ( for ber iad Hng KRouj bfore vas onheu a-g aparo >ust vaull hbal 0friScarw&-

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