Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1881, p. 3

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IO,~1.7O, ~LUU, pI;8, £Seg, , I *?~PECAL ~ ~TIQS IN, EVERY DEPARTMENlTIC*,ý ~iowMf offr TO-DAY our Sokoe ...e.i ----- -----Ib sU MER DUY QO»B,ý,-iwý MUSINS, PEINt, DBESS GOODBI O L0VE8 ' i -ATpR1CGESa T0 P L EA&.8E - es-fintRàvo viii cOnyince you that vo mean to slont Our BJKÀGD No ,DEVERELL'B BLOOR. &dTHE PEâOPLES' PÂVORIT'OOBN OB. NEW -& V ERTISEMENTS- GREÈýAT SACRIFICE SALE THE COONTENTO OP TWO BÂNRBUPT STOCKS OP General, Dry Good!8,- Ready-made Clotldngi (lnt'Jizrnishing8,, Hat8 andeCoPs, &CI AMOUNTINO TO ABOUT TWENTY-PIYETHOUSÂND (-$25000 0QQ) To bo ul# etscioprioMu the. e soc muet b. aieoSd01~ witla agvnizs Icare obligeS W offero poniainducemnts m order te écimanda àqutick sl. ii.aov tok wrpuroha &Mailton &Hrower's, WitMailesu than 60e onth. dollar, ana John J.Robinmotra, of Oshav, a 56ou tho dllar)-it place us in a psto to offer goode lowcr tibm they have over been offred lin s distric By Examnininýg Our Goods,l You vwiii b. oonvinoed that thoro ta an ob4ect li purohaulng ait the BANKRU.PT STORE! ON OUR CHEAP TABLE WiII bc founà géod ]Pat-cooà Pia im ïLéeutàs a YU&d y echPrinted kilins, fast olos, ai 5 ceaie. Pnci~,hGruidinaKt 5 écala.' Pamicuable Brisemua, 6 and 10 cents. Blaok Créée M lau ff*t iio I&OBBlltilgo ai 12J.,cents. BlckDc iLustres, 0,0sapa 10cents;- Au aommumt dcf Js8lus' i!, hrmad Ooves, for 5 cents v, pair. Brown aumIa b t, 8A 9 ana 10 conts per yard Tblé LÏins, 18, $D, sud 25 centsca. Towel'à, 5, 6,1, 8,9 ana0 centsoah TAn» Twelng , 7sui 9cents a yrS. Union Tweeds ai 20,25 udna0oints poryad Gantpas! feim1acnte p Baskets of'Bbbons toseleclfofl,S9os erpSrA&, LADIES':UNEN 8UITSB 'FOR $1.50*. Pants made to order, from $2.50 to 0.00. Suits, from, -$6.50 to $~Q REMEMBER tIH E Hamilto'n anid flarrowé r' W8IGN 0F THE REDF4GI Nature makea p'ika Naimeouremedyferboucori plainte, Choiera mobutcoI~ 7omltlng t sglohmuchoiera US i mrhea tvmutvv au &mlOdiag cia vy.,hich cms hoobinel cfail d"eair $n mediolue Durlng thlm mon*h apnmpr oompWu$. ommance ibzvT ru So o orvsu. tg 10 ho foruamed r Povle 'Btc of Wim 8svb ., '1 4 e b - reDnTaulm ikô frai! f ic oe oomplntu - 'sud uiehmeincident t t h somet 0mon. re f o Id Âfpu»mcnavmhlbng t t h mediof agr eât rm<I-O*i hat viiipcuitvel bure 1 00mmpinoubs. colda1mthma, 28721 ,s¶tore and SMt àhoIbotleof % of o " wMvl b vili a A Sense of Wearinu os fte tot y Vrsosv-hoemmcannaccte pis -du=e If thpy vork it ho- vlk., fs~ oon tire ; = =Oulefot bcm a burden, sud even cmii ever theïr Ilv.. duce oenefem. tem iadu4 maudneea té obulup iperly. FP«vin yrp vill doe Ib y f~g.1k iti Alcmccrrentvii lt ce~ ~~I rafniemlraim sn>te n- =tbldeI= o6*cloe tu 1. Uàa1~ en& hope tle u.damodeot. idu wark promptlj sud vel. Sold by mil drug- Augut F'ver. Theîmmen mg* endy la . 1l1ai. cauW, ny imitaiers te dopé,smualr nmog expeetlng to resp a harvemi for thomWeltt et tue empeneof t <k. aUcttede Thm Md- cmii eDv*neela 118Zir- 4amimithe Ia4getin~aiiecdom ea#, ver-c "M 09 V" Tm xdou bttle em cesPqe Tv5 omis.li b ceuti.Eenple I1>ruvlhiaavcd <eaidanger ,sad troual, umds ane4oeiji uijlWeSa"otz1 ollda ElOcirio Dit s7 t e o f Oiy ceuts a bctlla-4ffl b 1W., B ucklen' m nia Salve maa mric [ UT LEUr ~I V1.LI ry,-M DS., J. B. 'PWIE ITLL & CO. beg to-announce ithat they-have just reeiedTWOcssofFu otéhTedSitnad JO P ase French, Worsted (Joatings. and Trouserings dietfo anufacory, of the linest quality. They havýe" a firîstd-class cutter on theprenises. With the ,abovýe ,facilifies, te c gaat e t U-ilout WîH E:;:::::INE T.. 0L T G . IN :::"T HRE:::::::::: O1>N T Y! Great reductions in ail SupimerGod, Muslins,.Fancy,-Prints, Dress.Goods, Hiey,,GlovesMlie, - t D *~TTIrm"00 '55 A, 7TSXTtl f'1 rIr~£i~~7 QOMPETEST0C1Ë 0F FAMILY GROOEIE 3~ir ffcla MNL ,I. ALL SUMMER 06008 U U~N%~ ~AUIiU-IUIPU Ai BR~CES INOTE ICAShSOE Ladies wishing Drese -Go'ds' Prits*» tesGngas,'iy Ms aaslE eoeds-of i modite -use -,shiquldtake. an1ýge of thisfirs t,qrat Summer, Sale. " ,~ r'NOTICE THE POLLOWING: ALot of 14 and 15c. DA1RK FANOY PRINT8ý at ý10 Cents. -19,1 Cent LIC.*HT <ROUND ýPRINTS B-for 10 Cents.. i 15 Cent LIGHT GUROIJND :PftINTS for 11 Cents.- 20 Cent BATEEN XelTBfor. !P Cents. 22 Cent SATEEN PRINTS fqr,,I . Cents. 14 AUl 'Ail GREAT -GREAT GREAT 25 Cent 13 Cenit 17 Cent 20 Cent SCOTCH GINGHAMS for, e- Cents PRINTED MUSLINS for 10 Cents. PRI1NTED MUSLINS for 12i,,Cents. FANCY BOP.DERYIY.' MUSLINS for -15 Light Droe Goods from.16 to 20 per cnùt. Off. Buntinàg reduoed veryz'muah in price. ,pârà"ls and Sun ShadÏWs reduieed very mueh. ~Iav JanSpoon Busk 'Côro-sets foi r)Cents. BARGAINS IN H08[EYAT BRYCE ' S.* BARGAINf3 IN LIBLE XTD 8LK LOe ~ A BARGANS INY LA4CEMI<AT IY'S ~?euconsintk ris f CURI'tMAly-l-ETS.-, cents. BRYCE'S WONDERM PUL MRGS;Ilq EM»EO CÂRRIÂGB D'USTERS 0 y-Lo -MILLINE RY alOt'Dw fo I t êpe et GREAT BARGAINS 'IN'MEN'SIHAI't ;--~ GREAT BARGM'NS-'IN MEN'S SCARF.. -' ~~~~Ï S,- BM,&CÈ S>-I M N'S- NDRCW IINQ For Bargamns -inai BRY4GZ' OT- '~OOT9ON BAGS. l'e l'e e "Luge Stocks "sud Low Prioe' ein"-, oti motto. Gl 0 sadexa me n dbeonvinca.,.t & ~:B & _ WmT8Y-No. 4 B~k-5t: - - -cee:- 310NJJJJI! 111 & 118 Yongc-st-TQBQ2~ ilION: WE ARE PBEPARSD TO LoAN On. good mortiggs at LOW RATES OF -I C-lads~ n ~Y off!yoiux ldmort' SA VE7YQU O F'INE, JAPAN, 'WQ MMXRODUT4 ogTtzn j Titessu veatber max, mai .1 ,~avhawa, imofVlrglnla, ToclUO LOW Il eÀ,re 51 t 55 ~bgIi rmg~ PM" 5 MI th", b»4. i.i m à PB 'l 1 c el 1 UMXU Tu

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