Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1881, p. 4

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Nov, moye4, 1 huaithe blasibiri Au luaw u i o 0& 1hs5adIai Naatu se m hi uyuerv -t M th à>&4» viet lq, t100 upf0 Ont niomue-t wu p~utt hguty bosse Bt"ht lui sud"aough voe«afrhm Xkhé lothe& àdrotini 1h. ,dak. go asoelaiae, yslgo far, 11nos No .0agsed gte. toc fa forsgt W. baath., vur tuea1, yet ont bllnds< 541 ekL VMrY wnexcaPt the ulgbt. Church Pair' snd Novapapýr. le viaà mant4êr of à ohtuh fair, soi one moninghne *valkud lo theb nowe,pir otuOOand laid t- ?9 4tw» an ib tis momng 2 "40f oourseu sid the editor. Whuiruupofl tbe viitor laid the fol- lowing note upon the table : The ladies of 1he - shoot churcli viii give A fostival et tloir vetrY hall nest iFiddîy eveulng. Literary and Imtstial entertînoe will bu providud and a supper viiibu seuvud ta ail Who desie. Lt.,The ladeua o harge of thé affair have hail 0bUssis uxpein l #lis snob ruattero, audrtits ure 10 providu a bo tm . *admionlo ilbe opIy 11*oranthal no onu oan spend tisai amonuni 10botter advantag*. Be sure 10 go sand tak. Tliuillsg Eeape <om the siania Theupoiltcalreftsgoe-vh-q b"s juil &Udio a atbuüt -uiap led ;feal. eaped wiUu Iit »4tgmntue wcld.wtd. duneonu & cf «s Co ]NoirmwdS, euee, t lbo.' Poél isa=- VMasO eaiutd by I.o, a Nioholi toiIl ex ille -afètré ise sbôturis lieut of iW Huain oeupc*d t a ob., puins lmner u gdeniburg »ans ArsVljé svikuie aga~ an bis cirlr ountry -and Tartifyiohth wi u iaises cf bis Ifu utlse ehlm bi ber utravigUsunA" Ihit miss id net car* for hlm, and bu- osa unallstu, avingi nli#4 îîI#l ho d bu e1. W .bd lie , ï miet on self.AuItruolléu, and in ail probabil- 117 vould baie auocuspHisisd Iepur- Pose hid not, Capt. Smiths dieoovered him. JustioaFieldmobu sent' him 10 tise poor houae for nlnety dayu. A cuîenaiin apudAugustin -.St. Hilaire, aged 104 yesa bas jus$-i AImAnt Quebee. Tise staudîrd silvur dollar in eid 10 b. taken wuts pueat vidiiy in South Amuica, Aftur lic joascetlîbor lb. flue lu thea Stanton shaft, Wilkesbanue, bus beau subduod. Thse buidg-st Lawrence, Mass,couau ing tis eïrisa, bau beau bumusd. Lois, $80.000. Gitein bas saïa tisaI if ho bit an- other opportunity hoa vanôtcttry 10 shoot lthe Prusdulst. thien horom clenk talla ycu bo ba jidquarea o Mu ni balo- rcaeyououh.f1sor>beyn 1.Are jsiiAA aIn l s~ lu hue fgcm Wtis isioh bas-&e- apli visun lthe rut 0cE the 'buttons. aininf UhO opi utufor lujesosppose t tisimen vWhoaeid dioted t0 the uie cf lobaewo vil'Dov h. removing Ibair sain endAflesh, as a hi& boues are cf lise rigist eioi,? In sheffiela, England, il bas beun proposed bté dz a-micocphone lu the lover cf t l ostru ock, aud oncu tit vlit th îbuëlephoz>e eicige. -Thicugis Ibsmoins .any Ieeho s ubo"lbe May have Ides viru sstobad 1elise Mi- crophounle ic, U.u ie b. euîbled ta hear the'odock atride &uy hou: cf tis day. Short Courtahip - "Bachiel, Ibe Lord bus seul me to menu>' thua." muid the suiter. ,The Loîd's vIii bo doue," vis the subusisaive neply. Therue Me-foty.twcvo uOmU nov studylus medjeine aI the faoulty of Paris, Ibre cof 1h... being Ameriu.n eigbteen Englisb, eleven French aud ton RuMsan. Thé Halif$m ChronieZ. strcuglY 0o0- dumas ther oi!ernor.Genuiil for tuai- 1.-kg orth' o turolonial Büalsy pu una and condem"a 1h. Govurn- mot ut pplylugIhtraInw. MONEY' TO LOAN!' ,Q0woLOOAL PRIVÂTE PUNV8 V$i su ssmu0sit borrowers, coneasY terma. A ýly to B. DOW. Soflolor, Duvuiull'uBlock, The "White" Sewing Machinel cfi e jugtycebtu BBEWING ILÂCRIS. Easiy Bgulate. VuyDurable, )etifnlCaseo, Splendid Attscbmento CALL AND SES THEM 1 Tbey wiLirepsy yon for a riaitwhether sbuentA comptent lady la at- Machinea. L. PAIUB&IKS First o: Noth Jewall'a flotel, Broclo Street, Whitby. P..-I guaracethe aboie Machintes to runv*tino.hl tbe labour anAl doim ne a .raure f ork as a anyisin mdu w mmYCompany' fl a a .19 D. C. DOWNEY, Wilhuaoula Bloek, Breok.sut CASH FOR WHEATP. Z.ord Siabur>', t l iss at heu np.h lI.ides cf lrying le defeattl e Sill iu 1h Lords. ,,Ï&la sta ethati aloop 6 wrof Bcti: 'gens lbeubeun sent te, r.ilnootii saaonproeootog the Netoudlaud ScranittIlin, glisale isàiutiuUl seal lu relation te isit ature, but :Aen unormona in absolute mmens, 'ý,,O1Cgh tisir intellgence is geurai> -suIil. Au euzm9le vas Broca.gsti Joachsim, oruditad vith a va:>'* aigisi .h ý O buteiezý isis l bais lbgbed searly. as susoiss Usiof ýMMtnt; :bYssamse fatettso del- ie .u à1 b datuothpleaunsu cf lwo Sa .million timus itsîlebt lys mcv, sd ithi -ou oIn, in tpoluhé air. in souls,eU- samapagainst ibis OUthui bsiadtWàIs ffeot-o Linaiuuununiber0cfpeople airel BARLEY, PEAS, A:"ul of Weser m soa«on huai oeBIEEUOBHPIcOE FOR EGOL ar ANextDoor South t Jame8L>iohnaton's Bl8 fheHl, HRas opened business i the above prémises and is now rnnning lùM 1 . Utbirêevr ing;etaig ho Tin, Shee, o ,GIvan~edfrôilumenufaotûii2rec ' lu orl<man- lîke m&uner,'on 8H1.T NOTICE and at reasonable rates. ELECTRO-PLÀTED GOODS of UPERIOR QUÂLITY. REPAIBflNTG oneocheaply and neatly; Ail work guar- anteed setisfotoi'y or no pay. American sana Oanudian OOÂL OIL, 1WMity, Peby. 24th, 1879 - Nýl.JÂl~jlf W. BABN"8. & IDEÂNVS County Liquor Store, Wholeealeand Retail, KING STREET, OSH4AWA. Just received fo r Christmas and the New Year, a-large stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, comprising Port' and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Scotch and Irish Wbiskeys, Bass' Ale, and GuinIbees and Blood's Porter. Gooderham à Wol' s clebri Oli Bye sud Mali Wiskiy. 1h. butl lu tie Dominion. Ttyior& Bales' and Coupre o Sa' anaffian Ale&s anA Poular, and Igur Daur ou draft uil u bottie. Tise langetansd bai usrtadstok of CIGAR$ lu theu cenI>' Poil and SherryWlueu, cfiupari«r qualityil 15#.00,4.00, 18.00 and $2.50 par luspeilu Gallon. Nasire Port aimdabohrr, S.~uGlni u Umaite, be oi and Hanauuy BrandIes, lu vod andclîle. A finsllau Brandy foor eokliig purpoeaet il .75 peu Gallon. RuAanA resul àToeast alms4* Glu. Zammuns. BurïeI*ýsiiwU AStinus Sootéb uanAIrish Wiiskuys. Try our celebrated Toddy WhiskeY. the. fiuost, Wbiskey in the market. *2 par gal. or $5 per casie of one dozen Finesl ulty of Olti bmoa ciLui. Basei, bottled b>' Hibbert sud Foster & Sous, lu Quanta sud Pinta. COcgriru & soun(orcnto>,Taylor à Bile (St. Cathauines) Aie on draft, lu 5, 10 sud 15 Gallon e anA îDBottie lu Camsea foudoumu quarts and Ivo dozan pias, ta, l1.25 'par oase. LAGER IBEER FOR WINTER USE, Tvo 4ûeo bottles il $1.25 per ues. Caguie'& sdod'seontrintquarBleuid$.3pnan.'u urtid7 immun vsiit. PiFl a, Allaume, (I Cure Bot 50 ci" Qaàusof il GsI Base, "«1014c E£m*lkGo A feu cf tise amplua of Ciga'e0onst Prinoasu Tolle, ingI, TmumpoAlu, ari Fa u . s Tr, M.P70., Plor-del-Fuma, La Carolin, ocalusB. RU os lion Eminuntu, stantl>' on baud. Flou de Aimna, Windsor, Grand Duoheas, Culokelters, Ne Plus Ultua, Victora La Catalici, Amerloan Cous;u Wilou~ Kolrul-Gage AI, LmenduPoluesWaer, Seltz. Walur, Double S a a ora Bffull Cinlequarts. aniA Pinta. imbeunaIatMuzppffle, anidulivýrudfreeofcfhas*u lenostomae DO&. 15ih, 1880. PWOTBO FITUR Cheaper than ever, at hi8 new,8tore The undersigned i retnziiing thanke to the publio for the libpe ptue xtSea ed b im, bope %0ost. thet haviug removod to bis ozumdloa new premioes, ho.l a w lu a botter position 4ben ever 4o Muply ail bliir wauts. Ris stock of Furniture embiaces very handsome sets, ~ndveuthu>g halosa- WUedfou-i-- bishUe, sud suncimination wil coavinco .0t the prie ar.e e ong tauttho times. UNDEBR TA]KI NG. WM- TILL- TAILORING GENTS' FURN ISELING HOUSE! The undersigned has just reoeivedl a splendid stock of Scotch, West of Bnglaandm Canadian Tweeds, for SPRING AND SUMMER SUITS! Ail arments iiaae anad nished in first-class stloana at moderato prices. Gentlemen will Bave money by giving atLoe and examining. -:00:- NEWEST STYLES IN HkTS, CAPS, SHIRTSI Collers, andail kinds of gents'. fuzuishings. JOHN SMarai 22, '81. FERGU'SQN, THE 011) STAN&D, Dunau Street, Whitby. FHOTOORAPHYB -:0e:- WE ARE MÂKING-À NEW STYLE cets pr 1 Of Photograph , in sipia, life--iize,- an entirely NEW PROCESS. SPECIMENS ON EXHIBITION. Cards 'and Cabinets furnished in the, latest style of the Art. Frames et aUl sizos alwuys on hand. A. BARRETI, Photographer. #: Opposite Ontario Ban,~ A-Youug m dàIairiug te tuy Phctograpby, Wnl Suda.gcoodhaits. b on Mahu u1r. Barrtt, sud getting tèrms. Wibune 101, 1870. in th. Sladdlory2aA Hameau Une; LEATHEI «VAL ISES MD SARATOGA TRUNKS. -A LOT O0F- CHILDREN'B CARPJAGES -1 rV edoeana cheap. At 1he cia enl'aesmot- 1Do.e 23,18M. (1- D ILY LUNE TO ROCHEST R Commenciug Weanomday, 201h April, 1881, TEE, STEAMER (B. CRAWFORD, Master,) WiII maIre her ragoter tripe on this route, LEAVING Cobousrg aear>' moruing ut 7.80 anra Port Hope a ocoy rrvic the Grand Tuk RaB wy ransfrom th. East sud West; couuecting et Rochester ýwith tise Nev York CentriNor eru Cen- tral, and Brie Bailw an udthe Lakre Ou- tarie Division of lt.home Wetertown & ?O0g.ensbnrg RLailway, for alpoints Eamt, Wast, sud Sonth. RETUINGk, vil leave Charlotte (Part of Rociser) dail>' ut 9 o'clock p.m., except Baturdays, when ah. vil leavo ut 8 p.m., foi Port Hope direct. Deiers in Stock vill fludîhisItho chesie and most expeditieus rente to Oswega, fBou- tou, Albany, NevwYbrk> &o., &o. Fer ticketa and olbenlinformasion appl>' 10 B. STBEHNSON, Dominion Telegnaph and Genaral Ticket. Office, Whitby. For further information apply tle R. CRAWFORD, Port Hlope, 19-an) -or C. GILDEBLEIVEKingston. Allan Lino. GLA800WD Elummer Service via QuEbec. SIIOITEST SEA P'ASSAGES ECONAftY, and CONFORT 1 EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBSO, on arrivai cf the train leiviug Witby et 8.30, m, riAs>'. TEQUOR BUTES' lOU WHITBY. Cebin fae, $0 and $91, accoraing 10 position of stâtaroosu. Lover rate for re- tum tickets. Intermediste, $48 vitl ius cas raiL Steerape eat lowest rates. * Polynasian. ..June 2§tb, 1881 Parisien..... Juty u, *Ssrdinian. id925 Monavitu ...... 1615 -sanm.titln.... " 2fl, C ir c u s la . . . . . . . . . .d 80 5, I I -01 I fiai. ~Ito!.c GREAKBARAINSÏ 4mý- AT-R te' AT COST. The whole stock to be cleared off before the expira- tion of the lease. Practicil Watclsmaker, Brook-St., Whitby. si- Marois, lot 1881. JOH-1N SCLJLLY, land aod Immigration figent1 500 Farma lu Ontario, and Land& lu Manitoba for Sale. RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP AGENT. Agenf for North-Weat Transportation Co'y and Grand 2'runk R'Yj, also Agent for BSteamers «'Chi.-srd" and "Clity cf Toronto." TICKETS FOR SALE TO ÂLL POINTS. CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. To persons wising 10 send foi Inoends 10 Great Britaisi aud Inlasid, lovent rates sud -MUJ. information given b>' lettor or otiser- vise; b. sure sud oud. for rates, etc., belon. arrimgiug-elaewhere.' Correspondance acticited viIb permonis huvngfarmu for'sala or wisblng 10 pur- Mr B2'OAGF & FOBWIABDDl'G. ,,fs Office, No, 156 Front-St West, --- (Opposite 'Union Station). CONDENSED MIME TABLE.- taldng feto a'01 I8. BÂXls OSCIlie 'OE1!K.e Leave Whitby 8.m0lam. ,.50pm 0.20'a&m. Fort Perr 104 7.m i~ MaLe 340" 8.83 1348 Ar'voLsýdaay 12.45 "9.0 "1140 Louve Linsaay 8-10 a= .15»mu. 4.p. m. Table, te- beIýad onappU=caion t a ny r lb Compan?'B ArandýT-en1t-11 _uau, g ai l' a -"rmtio,-ma tickets anAdulhrnr a i Th Iins "tIkI nn w-00 I take this -o'ppotr ro WP M1Pâïk Lo FOR, SALE. OIE 1LOTOK be"m krsi, Isit1 qIE~01Lv~Z~ 01 B',3 - AUl tu tisaNorth Wssi, A"iuial Âpplyt- GE0. T. EtAI&Gp mlïat-bauii un -BAMRST - Funerah fiMy supplied. i . 1 .

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