Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1881, p. 3

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cruat fflun cb1poewa Village. on ,senay idBY rpon noH~uly gal. r f cfthe VilII fo Oi1éwa vws boruOd deiruM leodI e ood from rouiid for NOv Ybtk, Ov6athe Canada' Boutheffl Balwby ,T1boDrumitid Vile aud Kii" Fallu f5i» di1Nnim %lFreolegrsphed k1, ana bollh départ* Ment§ deorem paoo 4 for tlb. proiWFlmannortu*to belh oi ed, sud opoulally th. latter, whlà ar. rlyod in avery Op>ortlé, O W0tia 1 speclal tralurutofa by ltheOCna Southeru Rl aIwwa>. Thoy dld excellent work with thoi toaanor, 4'a large tannory sadbter * "Mgt 4v. theofiamus. Thé. uSuelsltu the. vilag looked in a v.wY de.$otuble condlIiOný nearly OVOy IZ~AW TOU2OYlg hboi ho ohlil etectis,bil aflor the ire de. partments had thin du iiuao trol they bogan te rotumu thom toi th bonnes, wbile the lesi fotunate Ouns who lied beou huru.eu it of hous. and homo Fat vlth thoir famies on rugged- beaps cf. smasbed furulturo. Tho iu. sursuce 1.5 very smiill, cniy one.-or two instances being se for repeited. Lxrza.-The Vanderbilt,e pocîi tri .%igthrougb lisi.village aboigt two -O'é ck Ibis otf*erocu, fired .the freî guI bouse cfthie Canada Boutheru Rtai lway. A bila wind wau blowing ab the ime, auaf a terrible conflagration ensqued. Eightoenl buildings in ail woro cenoumed ; lose very beavy with but very littho insurauce. At Ibis vritlng the Niagara Falls and Drummondville Brigades have returned t their bomer,, the lire beug nov veil under control. The OlippowaCocmpany in stili ou band vi l hslr applanoos, ready for future action Inluae of a frash break- iug eut cf the fire duriug the igbt. Al tIhe compankoes asstistebY tbe rosi- dents snd people Who came lu Iroïnsthe surroundiug country workod tsîthfully, and kroyented tb. total destruction of the village on 1h. uorth aide cf the Cippowa Creeii, vlicli at eueUie coe i mminenst. Niagaras Victini. 1'IIOOF TUÂT THE MY5TERIOUS CORSE l NOT TUÂT OF JOBS CLOSE-TUE EN- OIN«UElKNOWN TOe5BE AIVE. On Wednesday aftcruoen last Mrs. John B. Close came rom I3utraIe 10 Clinton, snd had un interview with offilcor Younugcf the Ontario Police lorce. gbe breuglat a letter (roui De-. iectilve urtîn cf ber mission being te determine w)4tbertheii.body now in the ccîuolo*y aI Diummoudville was or was nct that of ber busbaud. In con- versallon the tats<I Ibat oesmark of identification would h. that cerne thirt. @en years ago about Ibree inobes cf one ofithe corde in bis lofs wrlst liad tisu reusoved on s.ccnt cf soe trouble. MIr. Young tisen went tb seectDr. Mc- (iary te ask if aifter snocb a tume it wodld be possible te discover sucliaa muark ujion the remains, aud, theodoc. tor answering in the affirmative, lie de- termineil te agaîn exhu~me thse body. liefore doing en, howvover, lhe made a large number ofeunquirieseof Mre. Close, -and on ber saying Iliat lier buabaîsd bail a vcry ensl fooet hoknow<t hbie trouble would be for no purpeme, as the foot cf h. deuil poumon rnasured 10.' incIses. It acsesthat hie famiîy arc flot or bave net boee takiug auy stoPs te solvo lta. mytery, but after Mus. Close'@ retura home Offilcer Yoisng re ceived-a ltter slating that th. ýwrlter knews Close, kue w Iose ho ib ncw, visat Le la ding, vhat h. Rota.s,t. aud furtbr that ho i. marrled toe n. cuber womsna girl vitl hcmhO ho vau acquaite ='u 'ho hvod with hie Wffo, net ffrocmi Ce, icu Canada. Ho bas bon ith bu "ent hie disappoar. ange, aud the. biter writthne t-Hamll. ton te hlé vite va'*sMut fromt there wblle o h.uasou hie&vo>'te Mate l, wbem lac marrlpd about JuneaoLThe Offior expots te ho able te ldsntl.fy Clos. inside of tIv edy@.. HI.charte- ter dous net soom te b Ave been a ro- maukalsy goed eue, aud bis vife vas net happy wth hlna. A fsw days age tLe Cuetonis officer at tLe ferry (dock ai Sarnaa pettedaà colorod lady comlng off tbe ferry trundling a nov peramabulator octain- ing a bealthy leoking clored infant, sud Le carne te the conclusion tisaI tLe vehical Lad jusl boeaupurehamedlu Frt Huron. Approacling tise colored matren ho sai, Maî, I mueI cou- fiscale Iis catrnage, for uen-paymont ot duty, sud as tLe lay say. t ail the contonte are aubjeot teocnfiscation as vel ne tLe article esmugglod, 1 msust laite il just as it stands, biby snd al." This vas teemura fer tL. poor clered lady, vlac began te plead villa tbe Custome oflâcer, with leara b ber eyee net te laite heu baby, sud-sthe wosld psy tLe duîy and eveutbing demand- ed. Thae ctl'cer finally rlented se far as te accept the duty on the carrnagô, led th per man made. off vith uer purcisaso videutly tbsnkful tiat the Goerument Lad net confiseated ler baby. > A Gemnufermer, diving vithb lis fsmly3lin Bonton counly, md., tIse *oLr dey, wms altacko by bois, vhich ' tunghis bouses so fesrfuly $hsl bell dled vithin an beou.ti. peauboas rold bon hégreniai,ule glbmut fearful crliésed dixtess. The banklng syilei 'u We bolluhed by the. Goy.uzmn of Novw Brusvlo at tet s e sosion, sana lsoa nai- tueasT6.» n= or Aiéaiiange lias onîy justjaev beau. made pblic. It aupçaerp itluto puiiig eaýunusipu- lou P art Illise trank tf a anember -of Z o itb l hepL Andu dtnbtd1sdy s=pg bisà !Mouds, sud ontI'a usoey cftIi rond (rani- ing vsoi alisd. This, Drveulea lb. use cf as greolmany tran icleut ftu-su thon bn 1,bpindg, cf autuldo'peophe, sua stuppea lë b. cealfeu 1h. future. Stampsarp euvod eut te the depart- meula now s rgularly os tationory, sud lb. probsbility is 1hs1 ibis sysbem viii resulti le oa sviug. Tiha oftender vis0a duliested-tLe fuank et lbe nom- ber cf the' Govermont ouqbi le Lave - eem prosècuted for is crime, but was uot'breaght tte accounut buauy vay. Arc Yen CGoing te Travel ? Puc'I ergetaosupplyet thialDr. 1'uwlsr'â Extrsct 0et Wlulultrawberry. 1h le sa super- lac rernody for seca ekueosan sd a pustivs cure for , hbvî ep~tl sduceil by bail alez, obsunga 91 dit,oro f clialu, Whetiser i bmoior 'aitusu, it uiouli ho bep iwa inuda" 01ue! erscy. Mus. trhHpjes Ie wotnan mllienaire oe(Ëasu Francisco, vas oas- ouied in the *upplemouttuy isa filld a veek «o or Sfie '0O 8. bia #1,000,000 lu rallrosd bouda; 18,915 @harsuesWestern Poveopmenl Compsny stock, 11,00,000 ; 49b alasra Mission -Burdoceiloop4 ittp.; cures Seroinul,. 'or,-plas ssun saM' piles sud ail Iamenefr ttoe c 'ures dospéPs. NEWD v>-E IlSE M I GREAT SAGIXIE JE T11E CONTENTS 0F TWO BpNItUPT STOCKS 0F Géeneral Dry (]oods,,' Ready-made Clothing, Gents' Furinish'ings, Hats andl Caps, d&C. AMOUNTING TO AB3OUT TWENTY-FIV'E TIOUSAND DOLLARS, ($257000 00-) To bce sold ut sacrifice priece, autihe ciitiro stock uEt lb disposed of within a givcn tinie ;w-c are obli gùed to ofler splecial iliducements il, order te command a quick sale. As thse ubove stocks wero purchased low- ý liilton & Harrower's, Whitlly, ut less thian5')Oomonlise dollar, and John J. llobinsoii's, of Oshawa, lit 50C om1 the dollir)-it plalc s ii a position te offer goods lower thaîz they lhave «ver isecîs. oiTred ina Ibis district lisforc By Examnining Our Goods, purchasirng at the BANKRUPT ,,STORE!l ON OUR 'CHEAP TABLE W il li foiid good Fîxst oizz, d Prînts 'it 4 cents a -iýrtil Fruiech1'rintvd Nl MuI1zil,, fnit colo rs, ut r, celts. irzîz i n z'lcz st 5 centsý., Izîshionizble Drese<3'di, o u 0cents. Blick-, Ci-oaisnian assîsîtinert of Lace llumî1tiuzg3 lit 12t cents. Black Dnesc Lîstr-c.s4,9 auJ 15) cents. An assortusetît of ladlies' Lisle Tlznead (ikvc,f oi' r) cents 1 pair. BronsHlullandut 7, S, 1) zizi 10 'cenits iper yard. Table L IIs', w2t5. 111n(125 Cents ecdi. Towcls 4, 5. 6, 7, '(1, t9 and 10) cents cach. Liniî Towdlisg 5, 7 andzl 9 cents a yar-d. Birow u eiill, 121aii15 n-c-ils à yd, for Lest goods. Union Tweeds M 2o, 2r) ai :3 cents lier Yard. Mluie, cardiial sad 111w Slîul iid shaw]t 9.1c, worth $1175. 13cts' HaIs frùo h et t' upl. I3ashcts orf iliim s froin, 3 lu 5 cents per yard. LADIES' LINEN SUITS FOR $1 .50. iPalnts iilîRde to order, fro101 .o $-00$.O Sîtits, frolns $6.50) Vo $18.00. - REMEMBER THE PLACE! Hlamilton and Harrower' s OIUD STJfl uCN-SGN 0F THE RED FLAG I."e BROOK STIREET, - July lotis, 1881. CapI. Glten Percival, the Goveoror Genera's nov A.DC., in the eldesti mus of Pbilip Percival, lae of Temple ELiuse, county lilge, Irelaud. lie @eue 1 . 51 Ilsu ssrs lu 1 8U . ser v ~ ine in that regimont unil FcbruarY,î 1867, vieho wos trsusfeured te the Sseond Lite 6 nardse euiholsesrved for tirtean ycars, cbtalning hie tueop in 1878. In Fabuasuy, 1880), Le ex- cbaugod ta tie. Royal Drsgtonu, sud retired on hait-psy lu February, 1881. à bitêb ha.necuruea in tbe Tra. vas negetiatiens. The Bcerirefus. te meot thse 0ommlss ic un he"qunee cf tLe refuai cof th lattéer ometel b Boeau delegat.. Thse p#toenushatged villa the niuder of Captain Eliiot bave been acquitted. August. The summer sssen uow reaches ils cli- mal, sud lu puilifie <in devaluiig hovelu conpatut. Oer-Idulgncoiiifu it, ina. maderate drsiug of lced watersanad enta- Mier beveragstu a lw Louis produce fatal ravages aug chltdron sd aduiha Dr ». Fowiers Kxt zwul of Wtltl trswbm+i 'la tise =out rellsr emody for ai lfoinsecf soin- .MoucomplaInte. Saoepleaisul and Promipt làa ls otscI,. AU doas-kaop It. T.vo. honsanil Mèdiaal mon, of whom olgÊt Isundred. vili be (oreigners, aue eÏpooted le attend tLe International Idedical Coisgru, vbie opens in Lona- don, Essgland, on Abe 2n& pro%. 1Perl Granville yllshala a recapion oftlieý foreigu degates on tise CIL. Dr. Fowlr'e cxtrctof Wild Strawbciry tey choieomour ,choIero., isuantumu, sour steîo;u catie, uiesko, vesnltlîg, esuker, Pil« n asdtistunaër et tles. Iunlise bot Menths of .uly sud Avgusi tise blood aboula bekept pure and çoLitsau occasional dams et6 Dr. oihuacua s Stemaciz sud Coùstipatkm bitters, a verl*sy Lssily uedicine. In large 8-ounc-a boliles, dOemua at W. R. Bevse's drns store. A lesding drngest lu tisaWeastoya;- 1 isave sala mure ut Dr. Carsun'.s tonsari sud contipation Iitters lu tour usontba thon aay ther Medicine I aveu haudiail. Ilseias ho piseaveu-ytisme." Forae hy W. B.Iliovac dxngglst. Do Toun td miserahle, tirod, Lalf-sick nu sppetteansd ont of sorte geueuly CDu. Carseu'o Stomacis sud Contipation'Bittero la just the Medicine you vaut a few dosas will at once relteve yen. Geo U your drng' gieh sud gel a boulea, prices W0cent, W. -B. Hovue sperisi agent. July. Durlng tiis mputb summer »epalauts ceaimonselieir ravages. Ho0lie frevsrued là teoue fqRtomed. D. Pcv e xtract ci Wlld Stravhem in tLheat knewýn pue- vemlative sud cure for ail forais ef bovel cplaiuts and siclinesa lncidesa thie .üIIporsaons vialmng le lest,ie matt,01 ff=teýz scola salya iduaotiu, ou any affection etof ura u~i însaro eeae to ve aUa .E - WHITBY, ONT, Partnera and Mechaîmica. Il yen wislz te uroldtd anger sud roe, abegidet,-Cà no sMs¶'1ijetxpn, ut tbi-s essssî cutisa y.ýx, Yeu. should t"ke i otiUi4. Theo ysetin hacleansed lded pnctdsd, touscis sud howls regîlat- crl, azil reeut sud cura isases anssiuug IroinuS ~ ring iuzalaule, We ow et-notiiug 4lzs.t NiI su peslectly sud eural1y do ilisasa itlectcic iBitrsansd aItise trifiig cost of - tlfty cets a bQtîl.ý-sueM y W. 1tItwae. Bucklenls Arnica Salve.- The flest Salve lu lhe worll for Outs. bsinsesa, $oresio, n sait. rzouns ever sures, etter, ciappd .sn ,cbkfiton., co na d ah êsaarptiosis And POsItIvaly g cesntaor bog.. wSldbyw.1i.owe 1"asuR. lg sîhM. D.oex Hîna N w $*AlIIogb 1 bâve, geSYaorshys ret.Ijeci toïaIent usediebse!, Les cal e5Yt11t= £ a.Wearafalasa 'ÇI d Ch - s il ts a rcsedy of superior value for umon 9r diseass. I bavoma=de use eofIb"sprep. attIon fer aseo lwfpars, ItsidI li lwtd lobs vsry reil i éd 'elleaî ut'is tr4stunent 0 o eeoasd long-standing cougiiam ! x-sov cfnoteis tftev lu' cu*nfrtaai p both, Wheobas talon lis re#e4y$ sud V o ut for ito uge, I 4ed- WOgI4, ot-làowha living." - ,gie rîllly. A OodThiieg. Pl4ysiiansd la scklcsedges to e ooC4 tise muet frtunale dlseesrvisu n iiu.1 It 'quickly cures Couglis, Cods snd al Luug troubles oethîeseepuaxeaOlg s Il ducs, tise caww cfp- the->fctl don levinq tbhep artsin -a, Àrngaisbohy acntiion. Vti; net aue0penona i- cie, but'hs*ufeood thse ttet f "M"" gVba esatfeieu>n avaiy t se, whsioi awarp!dIy; incçassIg sale every scason o uruas, To. muilIlc botltal uiUsy- Dewire'sof useidicues ei aluilar snamn", lstely 1nUco- auced. 3osciseels Go==sasu yWallin l. erouced in tizhe l= di~6Puad I ow suldineve,tests.d1 haab citiized world. ,&izree doses *vIii ole snordiuury couh. Price '75 cento.Sm-8~ plboltIle10tute;"- Wmbcosiszuffcrp ualtto-ed sizhe fiben BusuCeIMODIIM9 Ibae )uUssi sssýely cure lisose o eAdt5I* ien ttiseri Sick or Ncrvous Eea44,1 eomustise Syî- tain, regîU5Ate tise SeerellaU0, zelle3Ve Cen- Syeus, sud die -and tba ac he vt" >, bou a!4plesot"101.uo,.0ai - -- -- - -- - --- Pugtvs DI~ AýT R'EMA R ýK*A ,B ULY LOW Duplicate ord.ers of C arpets, Prinits, Dress Gooàds, Shirings otnai Mlllneryta hand. ,*'~ 1ôOO YARIDS 0F NEW CARPETS, in Hemùp,TJUnion.,-Kidderminster.Tapestry, ande s al-ew- 2 CASES0FPINS at Wholesale pirices. C'ottons and Shirtings at "faetcîry-prices,.. DRES GODSastnisingy eea~. -MILLJNERY. at a great. reduetion DRESS and Mantie makliag. TAJLORING to oirder'atprices that detS' ompetitionl. A large stock of Tweed, Suitiiigsand Çoatingç3. 117c have purchascd ait uusualy large stock of TEAS and S UGARIS,- before the advance, and -wllsetà« ld 7'Ce; A full stock of General Groceries. Whitby, June l6th, 1881. I'I~1ODUCE T~EfrT OME REMARKABLE BARGAINS! M ilaiINrm? t~UBlS-3I'BMM II IATS AND BONNETS, FLOWI~S To ecear out the balance of our MILiLàIEBY GOODS, wo wil commence TO-DAY te offer tlscm sasteniala- ingly LOW PLUCES ! A pretty Triinmed Hlat for $1.25, $1.510, $1.751, s$00, $2.251, &o., 'ada illF AN CY GOODS utat sbargain tC-SPECIAL REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT!a ____ -!We will offeri TO-DAY ou Stock of- - SUMMER DRY OOODS, MUSLINS, PIILNTS, DRESS GOODS, UIOSIBRY, GLOVES, &C. --A T P R1C E S TO0 PLEASE!- I In fiLet we will. convinco you that wa moan to el ouot our SUMdE GOODSI ut rnarkably LOW PRICES' O AE s T'R WArMIT TIIE PEOPLES' FAVORLITE CLOTIIING HbUSE.!' SUM ME R OOODS BEING SACRIFICED AT RICE'S NOTEB CASH-STIJIIER'ý..l .Ladies wi shingz Dress Goods, Prints, Sateeng, Ginghâ:msý Muslins, Parasols, or any -goods of- ilnmeodiaàte useshould take advantage of this first Great Summer Sale.' -NOTICE TME FOLIOWING: A Lot of 14 and 15c. DARK FA'NCY -'lPR1NT S at '10 Cents,.: 1121 Cent LIGUT (+1OUND PRINTS for- 10 Cents. 15 Cent LIGIIT,GR-OUN\D PR.IN5TS for Il Cents. 2,0 Cent 'SATEEN',PIIINTS for - 'Cens. - 22 Cent SAT3EEN PRINTS for 17' Cents. ,25 25 13 17 20 Cent c eAt cent Cent, Cent SATEEIN PRINTS for 20 Cents9.- ýCOTOH Qin-GIIÂMS fr2 C1t PRflsÎTEI) MUSSLINS -for 10 Câàts. PRLýiN TEl) LT2{8 fi r Cen1s FANCY DfS bL2t- 9fo Al Liglit Dress Goods, from p~ e2 er ceo Ail utings re4ûced v'ery nwl -i e *- t; arar>olâ,. aua Sun i j8iw.de5 r4 e~we 1QIe~é'Wan Spoon Busk Corsets for 75 GREkT ZRGRAINgS IN HOSIERY AT BRYCEI'S. GR»A.T BÈAIAN B IN LISLB AND- ILE ,GLOW.E GRfÀT BKRGAMNS IN 4LACE-lqTMI ,BR- CES -' -.uclOýsin thep Q j 4 UTTÂ WS;»BRL OFFE RINOS IÉ FeMBBOIDFJ$tFe MLILLINERY ail Cift "'DdWnfrIxe1d1 J 0R14~tB-ARAI'N GEA IT BRAI GÜE GRHTBÀRUPJIN I-M4NH,8iS UN s -s GREAT BAR6l SS4Zý For Bargains in afl-,,Gâ-ôds BBY&E!S NGT E D M>~$S COR-NEÈR BROOK ANDD NRA8. 8TREE1~ N E-W ADVYERIS EMEN FRESII STRAWBEÏRRLIES! jJ 0OF THE CHOIOEST KINDSI Mr -AT W. J. IIIBSUN'8 lVrn-BY GCHINA YThA -T1J1Uý DIRECT FROM.-HIJS OARVILLE ýGARDENS. T 2V WHO LESALE ý,AND,- The Trade supplie-d at TO.ronto prioes.- -8peciaLl ra gement made with private families w-here quanti ar e used daily1 and deèred itnxnediïitely on arriv~al - ,"--~ J - ~ 's~.' ,Tt 0 THE Yoq"w y«M W= yôu, -výmtl tfi,ý Y16U y,ýýniw,&ut thi DO MINI ON!1 1 :000: No. 1, DEVERELLS BLOCE. AL L ici, G E r-r Umm

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