Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1881, p. 2

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dam, itu 'i.8. 80tvacrt GgiWred. - Anuaéil ' of-oçagreati Etates roduee,4i-Z)om , T.l.q Whitby, Tnur,."juIy 21 Me Bicla e nhaMaritime The surést aigu or theéÎ004 Libera[ Iopder bas baisa dl] Maritime:Provinces la the1 the Mail and kiudred shoets the Sté partance of thé Mes Chus. Tnp p r and Sir Lcou dread, as they muay iveludo, or Mr. Bhake'o cxpour-of 0 Solicy. leuco e C ndS the sýste, ruuang rom lova t stirril, g cp their partisans t sot Usi tofisot. &ll thé apre niaislers ansd tiir organe 1lco'ks maritimue tour is bi tribâteto thé splendid abiîli Oppositicu Leader. - Whitby'S clvlélollday, ou th 111h, cf Augumi, la tcbé a grand gala dt oebouaThoreSI>s a basbe bill'maiteis -for oiver oup andithé ohapienik he sbaeé & uuuy ; excitlng asid lsnghlér-pili'vo. ét-J .sg rscos-ipulding bicycle racé, bar. tel r$, g aesi aé hméé le. gprace, M4lta race, fat mad'. race, hec ObSir. alid *gIlà' sud beys' races. Asugel lrh. «0 t the-#red eallhumdpiap ' pro., 1:soiqouecl Suig thé grassapole, é&tblg àmaedplg, &. ansi. thon lau Obnroh. A~ grand to 14liht procession ands ~ph Go. 'à,vorkb'itl'vnu.foe'e bas. - atimétsé hllof aiethat shoulsi mol oaly keep-car tevuopsopîé aI berne but b*taga orovd ta bthe uThéc gen - imnof the tIv' who bave Suotée t émesa u.gelllugup ieperxm ;IC I) in, t prctdlng the fonds are-enllés te1 the *béoithaukm au )U*ur étili,ý bilavs irttihey vil1be ibérally sup. M N UX. périas inlutisir efforts by ihosé te Whoué ---.-.adsusement Ilsoy are contributln#g in spending thé' civié holiday ai homeè. it beuéntac rnch thé babil vith certain laso asdsert lise lcvu ou thé provinces eit'c holiay aud, epend their mouey clesewheré. The excusé that cuber ýd w orisbe towue proiuseamusements sud ultio. inq in thé lion. upon theso occasions, whilé no- thsng of thé lnilaSSetbeughl cf la Whlî- attempleoef by, vili ne longer apply. Ansi nov ibt blitîlé thfai somthiug bas hoon really doue ; etingu.Sir tisai avery attractive programme, as aard Tiléy bas beau menticuesi, bas bleun prc1a'ldéd, thé -effect vo trust hat &U thé people of 4he bowu overurnent vwiii unité sud gvé a helping 'baud ia em, in bot brngiug a cocd te, thé towv u tscol- )town and ebrstSug thé day at home. o consér- au seisengai s over Mn. ut another lies cf tle. The Influence of tisa Canadien Pacifie Syndicats. Tisa réent itlion o! th iséWnutpu' Cipy eunoil issau esidaucé of thé tuflu- oucéof tis e ynSicate. A -by-iav had béon tibenîtteS, andi mélwtth hesrty approval, grýutlng A bonns o! #200,00 la h. e uils@éeauConmuy. Bafoue tisé thirs ýi ig vas cssuieS, thé Syn. dielé temIPP$$l'éebailéeedo ti Pa. snadîugs thé enAjciriY 0f«bisé council te rje0t 44lwtyansd ta Pu@s anuthus by-lav, gràmi' ibe buriatethé cana- air,als'1u , 9é Ssisicte I Th&Bot aeutraeffsod a Coin- Pai3 lin, li bCaunatnPacîifoc and Que4Obw.,iliscC h e Gana&=is p&oýÛ'ui'21aypilstoîruino inu thé clip %f WniÊoà g.Tise Sauth Weut- C ru, i eines, voaId have n brasseh te the Ncrthein PIciflé vîsicîs vould drain off Îoma cf thé trahIffe (rom WiauI<jcés. -- but ttttiseat t in re <f thé canadisn Paag sil wiyl have a buanch cen- nectibRibthémain linoeo! tiseGcaadien Paclftu ai a pofint lauravet o! Wlnaipeg, vitis thé Ot. PâUl sud ?sfnitoba Bil.- vay aït'Bréeénhubid ' ,The oniy di!- (érestée bhtein-êt usé ooa héthat 'tisé 8çdth Westercun-culS hié isasteil La kpepiug thé0ltra a n Its own lino Clrcugis th Yisuipêg,witie tise cana Pacifie Syu&lceMe,emaing. as il Sees, tise àAcritulalbrIee1ees, wois bin.l dfffréii *ic' Clit-one s-tte,-thè irsiRé cism..The iSénUs 'Wéele ocespuopla astreg4bNs udb.moeu- bei- rs wv.aélééue sslimeou-i a&Pd> te tbtlIl b-net.llkél iitis daféa4oe.ilia beut, viiols iaaybqo ieenptury,wlll,b léed ta, iutéfesa viCi tseeéntsulleuel-is *o.Bat. havé tse6sseéviy t. ý,tisa cty ceioa, actoe in tise 'listsseate f thé-, civti Thé wle ets orsecs maudtug fi-a 'Mu.o,' ,,présdent 'et the MidIand Railwsy Co., Usai thé ivoi-kiscps saibae-élocateS -sai Pee. boroteib A t àlargoly atiendesi Mée- tutg, hele et sbtisai ewisn Frlday, a rés- alutiets 'waspuseS apoldug a, Cein- mîittec la réforence te a banna' tovarde thé causruotîcu o! theé oeme branéls; andsi vth titSupresiée-"Thi S éoeil, hoveser.,4%do not deansti udutable ta ovén éCusidér thé adsiaabtlity-e! pant- lot a bonis. for thé conatruetiou et oulS branois teisiése ,ou p lad îwth Ihoe novi cf thé vanribopa fisre sudlisir Perme. Hi. Cax, t suay' bé xpland, hua. applt4adfo«'àsbocsusof 140,loO lu o"ni sIthé #oBtaaois, antduthi wus hie au- &ver (iena the mésiséra oh.thé Te"u Caunnoisud Use nsteelig.Whst hua port e0po .ta»Y? - Uxbrtdge'Kark - y.-s an .Thé voting on thé liy-law Ioterlise su- i&blMumieut of ta sai-Set ai Uxi>uidge tok d~a y, &4-rs ins! are tl"I 4oba$tqkoosspsyu te ereél thé 144" è»&V ugybsI4np<s rua Il fusé aotstdhu'ti#évil. .a Pssseslas.-M. .Dein h Tas md ils béaln Tise populsu ont tovu attraction cf r ùýe civia holidAy, Tis#isday. Aug. 'il, e vwll ho thé excursion te Niagara F"Ui nte h aisepices cf theé managers cf- St. Andreva Churéh. Té(osnss vhiss ea gréai.Considration thé aI., barn augagei issu tieséasioo4N&"itls boat.offleero ansithé managra af thé churchlstl nunité tn ainiuéthe- trip a- turly enjoyable oe on evéry haiid. Thé C-und fare peu steamer li a u placeS rai thé 1evrate eo! Il. Paicuiassof imo is lasing té eau ha learnesi frein asivetisement l in 4r célunus A BicycLs Tsw.-Ifr. T. M. Tayheu, ef-tha flrn cf Taylor dJeSimmnida 3, vill rMu. V. E. Vannant, of thé hium cf G. B. 'Vausat & Ce., markhee, arrivéS lu Wbjitby loedey ,ovecing un therMb. ayils They léai Ilarishue about 7 &.Me.,"aSreancheS Wiitby&Mont, 5 p. Tbey startesi Tnésdae ucen for Osavaw raod. liewnailé. ,Ou, theur, returu Iisey iniensi vioiticg Jralu,'ao ester sud Péri Part-y; aettUset latter pltacé îhey Steuil #pouding a ft-siaye b clore retuintg hbe. viil rénaua excursicon ta Victoria Park un S Tossnto, ou Put-dy. Juty f9tts, leasing part& as lUer: Gbénv, 10;PorlHqm, .4t; Nen-cautie, sJi; Be*viue, 744 Osa'r, 0, WlcUsy, #; érrricq etai ctccs'lu Paris at M043, 7éiéuto ccl 12, guvtng six heurs un the ciuy it Eetirig.'Ohé viiiIeve thé clty aiOtsio cet , for thé,rm'ai trip huons- Wully, ealy 60 onte. Speists. ratés easy hécmade for a Sunday gcisocI or, *autvby &;jrisg p .SlépissmonDonss Trhis promises ta hé thé butl Rxénslcu eh Îhe sac".,Cma unaspmn' e t edy in Vtctrla PPais, or vies' thée'wondéis of repenioh i oé i ofGSUe-0 hs'*ou- esulaieduDrygéd isstsi pn eu ~ais vlth ab*itoaémi ssiè Se gar- dépita de 'smis, Té mu io s ressuante Mesbsalsstaae ti"l ýbaUbéot bshln e =temwueý hotâ ltibreequcu- piné%asgosS e snoue tis day. Fraiesthé anàuu5aeseunis saS. 'n ta cubrolcnuna ansi hy posters, a goiday!issport may hé lucheS(for, The eossilte amsué Sing a11 Se théir pewer to hava their arragementé por- lacs. take uny rierent Su gettiug manufuos turQes ttetise Placé, laitheen inu Use4r attenion, lu propérly lmpueving tis h-e ussua ad beautsfylng thé tevum geeulyby plaau*tin ees and seeiugl hoa htkpiL*clésadelasdamsé Wz sotesài 1e taUeQ tom lu orgaeisedsund îfév &&téesplapési. -WsuITracttketéas puy HansIllon,' Auin t itis, on; tise grenade .ofthé latter Thtio*"Ot'bé thé fiuet mais- O!Oi- Playpeelby thiése elsb. a a say hvr oos Pauleevlibthieuds ~nd linpg Meapysw ig;t.aatuei monel For tie aveis . fuSlng July 2let, Use Passeuger traffé asisaunted te......8'65 Fuélgil................... 17 'Incées-86 àTotal ltRe te daté, 1881 ....... 50,988 1860...45»690 MnsràxzaOF à "GLDEn" COswUONex u«ie.-A Globe coruosponident, vho bai Ibeau ta -thé Scavdéu iran minas, tellé ise tqresSers cf thal lufluenilaljourari -tisai thé shorteetwU&y la gelte othe ômines, fromt Toronto, la by Port Hope1 Hé Re se neC ueom te isow isai ibèrse a ralvay freen Whlthy tote hsors, àby visicis 88 miles e! a jcurney frein 0WhStby ta Poil Hope, or 66 milea, go- S ng asd ralurninçe may h. savodi Tise rWlIIthy anS Midians i nés connéot 'vlCb thé Victoria Railway a I Lndsay, andi botS ara aibout thé sains distancé fions tisat tocvsite éfront. FApsin tisé correspoendest, opeaiig -c ;-thé ahiprnlo!flise are, says il ;18 aI1 abrougist te Port Hope seul (rom tisi ,point sisippasi acuaois te laise. Re 1voulsih aShé madé e pe rénquiries3, ihase louaS out Ihat alagequsutityiS brought te Whilby, snd ohippéd thenca, to DétroC, ausi tidurieg thé violée this eueformaS 'quité a large item Se Ché'fieigiil of thé Whitby Une. An lu- téligéal corraspeudont. viitiug for snob avidely ras sud lnfluential paper as thé Glo0e, on oubjéeté cf -ne mach béai suad gaqeral lattes,mébeula, aise all thiage have thûýé of aqoumuy -sSte biem inahelu se 11,mt*ér seotesi-vilis splacé, se vail-iuovu as -whiCby wvithîn Cblymilet of the Globe offleta-nééu egéiaan cf trouble or exstensive ressaréis. A Torontc nevopapér mn a moulsl b. "ashméet f nol poseseing thé inter. matie>n. Appointments-Lsusl Arbitiation-Te- eCgupis Opérutoua' Oaths. Ottawa, Jaly 28.-Thé C.seda iam- cite ceaiethse folloving: WillisiaDusciuor, o!flise tavbhip et Tharalsi, lu thé province cf, Ontario, te bc aý collecter un, beg, Majeotle Cga- toms. 1William Baokisoué, of PorCt Burvéh, ti Use prévince cf Outarlo, te b.e aeuh- colloctar Sunhbe- Mojély's Cnstoms. John Gala,cf Party Sund, in thé province o! Ontario, tole.éa laudlng. vaStes' sud searcher in ber Majésty's -onsoma. William JusSais Hunt, o! Sherbruooke, Su thé province cf Qaébcc, te bé a laS-. ing vaitor andi unarcher ansi clerkinS heu Mejèestys Gustue. Notice skte ontisaItise question as te te valué o! thé propeuty kiseva as Tntléy'eoriDauby'sarfba!nluthé city7 cf Hlalifaxi ii hé submaittIt t hé of-, fical arihatore fou tise Dominion of Caunadau.theé aid llandsianudlied cisc-reS ville vater leaving bien éxpropruated usuaer tiseGevérnaset iailvray Act, cisapter 25, 44 Victoria. Nette s egiven tisat. unértlie pro. visions of thé Act 44 Viét. chapter 26, lMe Exoélléucy .the. Governor-Genénul jn. ore-aOoul f tise, dtbday cf < uy Int.t las bean PUUMsési euxns thver i ndeutsséued distict cap- esm ndeuis cf Ooverncuésstotaeffrsph ,io tes frin employés- on tisas. ..lnosthls.déclaration as te aerécypro- vlded by thé Asi va -»itsl Cinn lisa, J. Wilsonun e tendent; AnSi- oansu IAislneAuedowRud- ie apéinésdet;GrandMuasse uAi Oposepbalo" . LOlsipsan fely, super- intesideut, P cpia a&e adverdisd fer Use lueam la Bh no uspension bridge sud thé IPembrose ferry. nsuoApintmeuta. Tôsomm, Jnly Mdus, 188. ha lmbéée aes dtarnaise tbsaill*s*lngr Smeu ley Sarat, ofthe villageet Kingsvllé, inthé éexssty <of Essex, sud PrWserli George 'Mileu, 'of Victors, road. Su thé uounty of Victort,F4 to b. notarieé pubIli uds-fErév Province of Ontario. T'se îeusseoetthéelrSuh <'Suspcts" - AaCiésifor, &c. berm > au a ad tces oc' kno.whal hi. h e e heyéTviitvéso l'net Pbgein vtdh thé Noble Harbis te éGréi" Nor-West. Mîsiris0'. IDay bas sarcu'miloies me in that1 8h bowldly néd ber Wsy tAbToreuto, a te GoveÏsului]joues. ..Anu'now hère' 9, 8>qVé, wo tewrd adç xlaintla Bte'rld isibrico Bairi. (eéla. -isun av SAry Gaenp'e. friensi an crony.) 'w -Téea Sbge, ou g.'a, i «A g«,sué-vli ciusoa thei i se bgatfx dau wtdhaith age * av'Milihay Pmp.Oh, bul y*chuid 'ha, ceeu*ien, me' dosel u thé airs vidis vilh h houitédbackward ain forardi 1 1 vauite ses-e séakis, sez a I. WiU yen -placé take hlm a mossigél jTheé llow stoppefi an 81v me.su impi. 1din look-"'.ho like. av whiloh I hadu't 0for i*iluty-five Mearb4 hiu, tu 1.11 1 thé thruth, eolie forsasd (sychures av Belly O"Day dur more Bilf-like thasi they are at ibis time-vidii 25 yeare av marrisi Ibroublé au thé mother av -Eléven childhre. I giv hum a lnk sin retun-a lock thai is net altogéthés à unisuovu te Mither O'Dsy-sn whlcla 1 maes muré than' tellin a inuta keép h is distancé. Ho qusilesi. "I bheg yer pardon, Masiam,lié ans. 1 eresi, quit. humbly, "but if yez vaut te ýl@s bis Xlncy, y'd helihér go round te tthé rare iuthrance"-pintin te thé bacis a4*What de ye maeé? axed, -hé aindiu 'me, an honisi vifo unuthé daciat 9,mothér av chilsibré, hé thé hackwsy to rsée thé M ariss? Nu, thank ye, noue àav yér Bacleways for me, bot Svery. .thissg open an aboyé boord. Me nause r s Betty O'Day, vife av Tim 0'Day-a rpértioklér fries ava thé MarL-ts'e-ansl i-But ai Ibis momini, le, an héholsi Byon 1 a joublérnan Su goolthuappins ,came up ; the siuthry mèdeà aine as if ehé wms geiug lu bléesahixuself widh bis rboguet, au ail ait cnet siod up saeteuh 1au arpker. 'lIb is goosi lady inquirin tfer Misthér O'Day ?" axési thée.îoaile.. 1mcn in geolsi ibrappins. -"Yi&. me 9Lord "me I.forI luis hlm te hé thé .Harkis bimsélf. 'Tolly me. Madaxu, plagé," ses ho, as pérlilé as anything an bovin-,Mimtler O'Dsyiote aipi oint . tagagesi vidh is Xluy."' Hoeleme tb hal, vhére thoaé«vr 2 fecîmie In waltin, au sibressés up fit te kill,-io * povdber sud white stocklug, au l1ev pumps, su aIse an officer sv tiv gard1, dlsuoses in lueboite!f mSIllmry tashun, mn *stie, yez ne, Misîbresâ Barris, as an Edl Gong. Frcrn thoa I vas nsh. ceésitas grand recru intirely, andi trosu.asme hovisi Tim, an widh ii a quite ginteel lookia youug mruin pai# clese, wldh fair haïr au-i a seuril imnsiash airs plazin fa. 'Yer Xiescy i-séz TSx-"allov me tu prestut sne vifs, Misibresa O'Dev," I1 knew luiv. au ait fma f sietoher vidls tiset av thé Princems, that it was tho Guvererus Ginéral. I med hlm me boul bow, y-2 rnay hé shure. Widh Shse o-s luandé hée belpési me te. a Cale, u io,%vne. au 9axiS me te Cste thé sharearatu. CUP Sthal hé sud Tim vur dheinkin. Wéli rI ead't refuse the represintativeé av Royclty, ye keo ; an, Iihune ourct'h, the dhrink vas cool and icoinfortin 6v a bot day. "'Yer Xlucy, sm- 1, ,if voz take Tim vidîs y. smoug tise rc vs"i te have hat hi onIS time. y»',ý1 hoi' t taitserme aîoeg, 2. I'rn his Iawfssl Sfse. au&thé mother av Elastu élstle, au e in vanté vaichin aI m-»tiand,- **'O, <ear, MisibréesODay, yé oaris- Iy éuda't thinis of éch a thini Tharé amé ne ladies lu b. av thé cornpany, su "Ma le'vos b. Most oncouvayntnt- "Yer Xlucy, vidh aIl jus repéck, but, Ivon~i télé No for an auser. I go, if Tins go. su nsebbe-the Prince.,, an the. Quéen, viiibéa--", "Goodssée grasbus, me fleur lady, buo réarefluivbat y. éay. Uer Msjemty au th edrnoeusum l~ '"BSudutt hey indéd, me Lard V' I put iutahtthé wontul v bis rneutb. W-8m véry s r ye, mne Lord, that bée ucythroci or ohilsi, te bey geins on, an, '187 ont havin Iculd limes. But see Me, théemthé av Elévin ohiîdhre; an Tien B0 soIt, asuyéx vantin te taie-" WéI,-nse elear MisthréssBarils, I end. n'l hslp bhus tolitetser.bér. -Thé MarkS,.excuséS 'himeélfan loftthé roonS, tais ,Tîi s quitecérest lallen, us I vantiesi, vdh hlm-but "bhurin me, wbn1g teop tu itlerposý sud shtop Tî,tu hé b bockin Sua monst. Tins vas u'l losng gone. Whin - hé kéns bock,bhogév sbiat, mée-aue$!eh a lock 1 !"l'eu M in. é" aeuxhé; "yeonlvs To (lie Elhr u >s vluuibzChron-' Having dé4aeyed writing yen jfor aumé turne, partly thucugli vaut cf ltime sud partly tisucugis nogléot, I new hope te niaisé gosi t ho e lay sud give yen a sehort aceouant cf my trip b Eng- lan 1se~.~ earteS Iroin'home on Mep thés 26hlu esr,*pauyiwi y f' 'fiaïndHi' John McCl ltok o!fResncky,,a youeg BMun vha énjoyesi bis ésuotentis birbis-. ,_day -whille crossing thé wrateu. Waatsl- é d -foin Québée, on' tisé- 28tk May, ln' i thé mail steamer Bardiiiat cf Lise AI. ]alissé.'Capt.Dtuta incommandi. Wé basi ou hourd 170 paonengérs tnalal, sabout 90 of wbem en varéésin. Thse ppasseugéis o aly veré goiug fou pIes- sure ; but véry !ew vére on thé smn Sbusineas that w e réeon, vis : buyig 1 shéép o! differenC kindé te Si ProV'thé abtock o! Canada aud thé UnitéseS tao. 2 Nothiug cf any note teck placé dur.~ aiug thé nisis ays on tise 5Ssrdiniail. vAs accn as. vé ràachéd Li "_rpocl thé 2husîlé Iegau. Ou fraI business vas' rthé ust Gioucefutersluiré, the home o! teCotswolda. Il teck uaeue wholé veélu toe c ailthé principal flochesud muSe sur sélections, ansi ibis I thinis ve sucreéded in doiag véry guccecullY, > conideriug tse usiubér cf people tisat )were théré betoe us on tieséanehuai. nDes. Tisé' fret placé vé haltési et vas Mr. Thomans Pouîeu's, o! Norîhieach. D ThIis gentleinan is a son-S-liv c! Mr. Jauste \Vlker o! the sméplacé. Mu. Wclkeu his now givén up ie enCiré dlock ef Cotan-olcis te Mr. Porter, whists s e ufe thé lecsding floche on tisé Bille. Frein Ibis flock'we sélécted 10 héad : 0 Iamabe uni 7 yearling owes. Prom 1liséro ve went te Mu. Win. Lané'e, cf 1Broasifiélsi. Tht. gentlemeniSe recogn- 1 ioe by aIl Cotsvolsi breadérs ia Eng- Slansd tO eh"'thé top o! thé héap." Hé e oiSe an Annual Ram Sala, n-hère thé raIlier breeus é atendi sudpurchase Ltheiu stock rame. I col net purcheé auy raei huars prisai. salé; but suc- céeded inuusoîectng eut of 125 yesarling eves 40 e! thé cisoic.'* Thèse I hougisi foruu irn flcci, and hope te show my customers thé béni lot cf breéding cives éser impoutéi. Ou néxi placé vas Roeot Jscob'n, e! 'Burford. Wè suc- -céean lu hyieg thé -four chieceyearl- ing rama e!f Chie hock. Frein lieue vé vont le Mr. Chaule, Bautcn'a, cf Fie. fiSl, iseré w etauv 60 of tIse best rams vé bail séen lu Englansi, and afier a long pull, wvo nccéeded, ta buying, thé 14 choice yparlings--momé c! tharnstaI 1long puies, but béiug delermined to bave LIce beat, vo mané Wis pascisase. W' tihîn purcliccéd tvo yearlicxg rame t <'ts Mr. Oiî.t, o!f isenny, Our c 'o f this ltlandI 8 Iaibe frecn Ms.C 'nues(alct, -sitechoie. Tii cir' u-I's -iscu tuns u.Ackers, thle <1'r i' i oî Yearlingz en-es n-e sIi-'I asiStao earhrcig reins and Wl< -"u- e aîcssspur haeccd s'ix 1 s T IX' a n ; el r t îscho ie of to r ~'rsch"c-i usre 1-" nu sueiter n-e VintA t - r's a ri i f; bc osllesi thé husn(ccîf tbSisr-hiss'îhires. Tie purthse- cul hf-r5'. frein the nie t reliaisle buen-der, i Shrntzhire, 73 yearling éves sud il yearhicsb' rimé-ail t ftise Shropshsire Dnc bre.ed. Wc tLin n ent te Cam.- briàgeshire, and bougisi tua ScutissownaI yearling en-c. andi Ibrée yearliug rama, frein Mera. Webb & Joncé. Thèe are ail in grand shov eider ansi yen à preut uauy primé in, Engleud hle lu régarsd bth di ifférent huéede o! ohéep, I thiulc p4tpie ohoutd ha careful iu tiséeue #bey ebom osé lSap; sin rny opinion thé limu a mCanada as vél as su "EngianS ba@ a god déal te doI with v-bat isinsi pn eu p. Thé Gobe- velde requtre a higi, dry land, asid vili do boni on a liméatene rock. Thé Devus do béttèr tissu tho lougveels on fiel limnSo, and thé mutten sud yo cf thé Don-us bing more per pousa in1 Eegiauuithan thé long-woeled slmép ;' aiShougis tise nho -raselongvooael atill unaiutauu, uel lise différence inV veig-Icet o ,tlîtise's-ol oaSd thé insston0 cf tise iougvoel makes up muré tissu1 lise dîifforéeet thé pricé. Aftéu taIs. iug viti al cf &thé breeciers c! the St!. r feront kinuls o!f seep, I came toese coeclusi'oilust théy voue a&l guSi iséeds, tbnt mine are thc bist.. Atergcsit.ing thetuihpurchuslugv=t ha Id nup- vhat'sucsney vu baSleft,a*à& cOn- ehutS&e nete àbuing oy vhome, bhut uti h vasu lbinking vhat bitiof goa- aip or uéws voêil& b. montlitéresting, andi oneeunlly mml eniblablé for a béginng, but théré ine-ueothlug ta dé- cidé upon. , ietGmrfll&'s llneos ranka fýluetlu0héSaily papers, ansi Mu. B&kisé8 tournextI. hsequité a space thougis dévoied to.Gavazis sermon or ratserhloreolalofthé éviente lu bis enu hé put inA, mau'vho eu "pèak se vilely 'i &a obuuch -lunwhSis héonce worshipped-sud viSéSmany Protes. Isaus he élvé ois upoýn ith rêver- eue$. Btt1 autiigt" i thé second, omtc«his yar-ia sl oueerhaps, the conindtîfiuncée, h aoedonlau,toek>ýpOaswsio t 'thé ciCy lest eék-vh;bt Se laft ofîlt. A iidty reoèption vas extendési them hý y iheir' féllov.coenlnsatLord' Lorné. I 1ook0sicarefnilly ,for thé name cf your tovusman, Mu. Jaméson, but (ailed te At one o! thé performaucéescf Thé Mascol liai weeis, th. Calodoulsan ap- pearès ite nll féather ; during thé, sets a piper, led by su offices, h supposé of thé N. A. C. S., paraded thé gellériès aud aislés of thé paviion, lesstily blowý iag thé pipes amid thé hèarty applausé .of ail] Scetchinén présent, ansi thé- un- kinsi bisséescf thosé profané unes oen whoeé és>us the montain munio guatèd. Perhape it will hé of intereal le knov Chat n tannéry itaelu hétartosi ai tha Don, sud a local ne'wapaper tee, te ré- portesi te hé on tise tapie. Thé Tenth Bcyals are ne longés thé Tents Royale, but thé Royal Drageons. Don't, yen thiak thé latter tille is mare diguifiesi-moeésanerous anyway ? Picaies, pieutes 1 in évery direction, on éséry day, sud in avery place. Whén we thSnk tisaI a picuto consiste rnaiuly in thé cousumpiion o! indigéatiblé goosi thinga,. vis vondér ne longer ai thé leugthy cI'ipters o! accidente, suicides sud crimes. Whsi a great pénauce upen eue te oblige hirn ta go te évéuy pionie. I wondéu tisefaim c! puuiah.' ment te net popular. But, etay, I hé- liése il Saisla Io etthat thé vay thé vicions atusiént c! thé yéar in made te spend iesvacation, etc. ? Thé quantittea-thé sariettes, of fruit buought into Toronte amé aurprieing; thé rapidtty with vbich finit sells, équfy 8. Eses-ylhing eau hée asily precurési hore, if pou av the tsu noy I Thora la a grea Seul cf talk ovér thé prpsdriwasTruo& Ottawa, thé Seriner bas been turnési ai soe placé néar ilesic ; but thé latter Cakes ne notice o! il, sud bas formeS a cons- pany likély te puati matters thucugh. A change is beiug maclé aC Holy Tri- nity. Bey. Mr. Pearseu la te, taise thé place etrlies. Mr. Darling. ?ome yull lise -the changg, but aurely the majerity muaI preter théenministér viso bansas long beonun-Sii thcein andi done se mnch fou tlsé.n. I hope yen ihave hiss érume e!thé cool us'c-atlher n-e have bsesi enjoYiu-; aI liast it is pleuasnt te lire, sud 'eue ne longer wistaehbe s peoger en thé Peler oxpeditins. A ladSy han been courage- eus enouigistîsougs ta join thé Audtio éxzse'itioa. But-,ase ie net a atisee! Thé etacli lsoy taks &Isvnsgé ofthé bréezé, andi hii Site canbé séénlin évery direction, in crery position. Thé Cen- adian yonth yul eocu rival thé China- mansu ta killinSa hie déparînient cf sci- ence, elten cusubinel vilh art. I suppose ,il 10 superlueaslu say.thé city vater is baS ; but oc muuy -coin- plain cf thé fiaisy Reélof il fshby storiés about il, I supposé, cesu hé expéotesi 8000. * A Maniae'. Massacre. M KeLL5 me vIvx ANDEMV5N CHIL- RE$?, A» 'COXM S 5U101D-.-A -&Ahorrible sud biood-curdliug trag- édy vsenacted i aiBalCr"kiValluy, Wis., foiuteén miles t$Îeu' Wlouaon Sunday mcuning. ,u HleaSwie émigrant, tn a fit cf ineaaity killési hie wife sud sevan childuen andi Uson blew ont hie ovubrins. Prom s géstin who vas cuéof thé ýfitsi te visit- the' acena Ileain thé folloving s"nar. rluung i ttisé faren bonne- thé fluet tbiisg that attractldceusattention vas thé usuillei' ud c a itiéboy about 7 ýyeausold, vhe vau lyiag ou théeal wlth bis béesd plit opon and, a bule isole ui hs iin. -Pasaing this wvéeu- Céeréied stchétbonaud hhelsion thé, beor, ourrenu*ddhy-&epool of blocS, thé fatlsrý,aud huebasslel ho~t hrongl BLOOD DEM'ANDED BY TUE 'luTr..sEz. iciTEMENT - Ax ,ouTICRAr R5ABLT PREVENTE». Au unpuovoled sud mont cowardlY rnnrdesï su-thé dangers -arousèsiby i throv the li111e tevu of Aithlsin, BMissu. lito asotate of thé Imeénéat excitemeul on Bunday.>,at. -,The victim, vas -5a Mille-lac Indien, naméd Qua.ké.gi-sic (straight-in thé- sky), a brother cf Ca- bash-éonk, chiai cf thé tuibé. Hé sud four other Indiaua véré sittieg aroniè su I open'£Ére aboni 2 u'clock on Bunday mrnung wheu George Harise sud Heu. ry Taylor camâe dovni ute iécamp vils marne whiskéy, aud aftar sa ine 1111 palaver bégan bhraaténing thé Indiana, who paisi but liChée attention te thora.i They thon rélurnésito' thé lova of1 Aitit, vhioh is about fcriy rode irons1 thé camp, andsi huché tba saloon. After going through thé 1111, they took a Winchester rifle ansi veu&tel a henné ai léast haif a uée distant, where lhey procueés amé cartrisige. Béing thug préparési for thé deési of violence, tlsey réturuesi to thé Indien camp, ans itu- out a word cf vaunnug upenés i fle upon thé littlé oquasi o! Indiens. Thé irol sisalvénos er thée osaeo! thé aquait- iug sasagée, thé second aise mioséfi, but causéS ail thé Indiana te=srtn t their fast, thé third atruck Que-gi aic in thé bacis cf thé neck ansi killesi hisu instantly, ansi thé (curtis shet vas a mise. Onse of thé Indiana rau up thé rairoasi ansi ibrée abois vére fiueS aflér hum, but vithoul affect. Shériff Tibhito board thé diring from t bis boune sud veut eut te invéstigate1 the cause cf il. When thé Iudius gavef huma a description cf thé men vho bai doue the dastsrdiy déed, héai once( recognixési whc lhey wère, qua théecii-E rel of Harrisansd Taylor folluvési.c Harris made a detéerminesi resataucé, but vas fial7 lockéd tep.. Apprébénsi. ing troublé, Shériff Tibbi'ts telegrsphédI te, Gevernor Pilobury fou adule.- Ap- puehénsiona of trouble voué veil fouasi- éd, for- thé Indiens bégan comning into thé tevu on sunday night, aud large additions te théir numbers vere made on fise foiloving day. They surrunsi1 éed thé gacl, keéping thé mool vigilantE guard ever il se that -thé prisonora choulsi net escape, and- finaily on Mou., day dernandesibt h is nud Taylore hé unesi osai te them for punlisment, as Choy hasi ne confidence tanvisité msu'o lawo. They declaréaithat as bai happenesi in othér case thé white mon voulsi help Ch.e udérérs le gel ont of a thé country, snd then they voulsi neveu hé puninhéd. Thé you ng juan especial- ly voue esger for résénge sa Qua-ke-gi. sic has beu grésîly belovési by theai. They refusi lu be satiefled vith any- thin;g léso Ihan hssi=g thé puteonéra delts<éred ovér te théin to be puuishéd accordiexg te Ihét, gevage costome. As may hé réadily insagtaéd, thé uitIle towo vis in a satée o intense excité- mni-ttiroughoeut Suuday, Moeay, andi Tueaday, and îtie citizens wére in heur-T Iy dread o! au euthrc ak. Mr. W. W. Erwin, of i3t. Paul, vas summnud te detend thse prisonérs aI îixéir prelinsry trial, aud thé Indiansi beliéving ihat thé white men hasi coi-n- bineS te procure thé esoa pe o! tise pris-b osiers bécamé more demeneluétivé thun aser. Thé chief, thé shérif andi otheus éndéavoresi te placets thern, =as y cooluésandsi scuétion managéS e t présent tisé onîbreais vhich seeémed xii- évitable. Gunecils of< thé Indiens véré s hela, ai vhicb thé District Attorney e ansi othera spoké aseuring thé sasages thaijustieé oulsi hé doué. Thé lu. dige finally made. a. conceslcu7'which p tbey ésuiieutly thought - o 'lbéral ChatJ St wonl sti e théeinattér -M once. Théy moderatesi Usais anger ousfficieniiy te aae tçskeep thé peace if thé men woule lolt thé vwhit<e mon, 1111thé prise.k esseiu-any .1ay they pléasosi ueleug, ash téfriensis.0of-thé murrsmei ma Mère saveS tes ae théexcution. s Thé eiau cf aü'u nbrikvas mostinw- téns. wbéu thé béreavési vidov cf Quaýý-01 ké.gi.utc triéS te gel into thé hall. Heu Isméatatiene vould cértaiuly have, rousiS thé Indiana te unucetrolleblé f fn#ry. Cahash.éanis 'vus oalled'sévéré a unés fer hie d ppositionu tote ate cf violence, sud vheuho acceptési 120 fer'ýr the vidcv bis evuubrotheir mIooisa pipe 'I rnnscigy lubie 'fabéindcaeebisu a cavaiSd. Thé cietf gre&Ahat if aq iréaty vére signeésin uduplicaietaia tise men wouia be- fairly t;ied,>ha vousîs née tisaioppozluiiy vas ' gieu te lako thém t4oBrsméro. 'Juti baoué ethéy TR OLD OEiF'C'MODEST ]REQUIR& IfflTr-Me WANTS PERFECT PE- DOM. 'After Sitting Bull and-. blé followsri -hasi heén broughi in andi surreudered o Major Brothérton as cuuôil wai opénéi. Brothertea forcibly outiued the polsoy whicb thé Goerukueutin.u .tends te follow, sud by which Bull and hWe family musi -ho guidosi. Re ieforméd ihem' Chat théy vill hi seul te joie thé largor portion of tbée people ai Fort Yatés; ihat lhey iUeéc havé ne féars cf réceiviug auy injuriés frenthe militalry,'u- long a lhéy ié havési ihemselves properly, andi Iha iliey wll bé treabedl thé- same as those who surreudéresi during thé vinler. Brolherton'a remaika vere recéived a limes hy grunle cf approval by nesrly ail thé ludiaus éxcépi Bull. Thé laiter rerne sileni for ilv. minutés. Thei addresdsng hirnself Su a shdrt spseech tc thé Indiana hé turnési te hi. litilo son sud diréoled bisa te ishé up hie rifle andi présent iltet Brothérton. This héidg doué thé chif sasid, I surrender this rifle le yen lhrough my son, whem I now désire te actinSu iis mannér. Reébhabecomne au Amrnrican. I wish hum te learu thé habits cf thé whiles, aud be edecated as their souo are educatéfi. 1 wisb il rémeinbered Ihat I arn thé lasi man cf rny irihé te surreuder my rifle and this day havé given il lu yen, andi I now vaut te, know how 1 saen ping te make a living. Whatevér yen have te givé or vhat. evér you,have ta, say, I would liké te réoive or bear it now, for I clon't viosh lu, be képtin darkuésa any longer. I havé seul sevéral mesngers ou hère frem ina lim t imes, bainons cf tbérn havé retùnreid wiîbi news. Other-chiéfs Grow King aud Gaul, havé nol vaut. éd me te coern, and I have neyer re- ceivési goosi newe freinthora. I nov wish le bé allowesi te livo on this *de of thé liùa or ou thé other se I soee'fli. ýI vteb lu continué My elsi life cf huuk, inùg,: but wouid hé allewed te i> radé on- beth aides of théelâno. This la my1 country, sud I du o t wvils tehé cen- pelled le givé il np. My heari Was very sasi aïhaving so leavé thé Garéai Moîher'. Country. Shé-, bas been a friend te me, but I vaut, my childrep bronght up il2 umy dative country, and 1 aleO viols te.fél that I eau viesl My friandson thé othér aidé cf thé lin. vhenever I viah. I vioh te hbavé au My peeple live togétherupon orresrVi- tien of Oui uvu on thé 11111e Missouri. 1 lefi sevéfal, familles ai W&od Mocint aiu anai beivéen théré sud Qu'Appelé. I havé rnuy people aniou'g thé YauR - vautaus ai Poplar Oreek, sud I vish aIl of théi, nd iheéWho havé gene te- Standing Bock toe éclleclésitogother upon ur réservation. My people have mauy cf lhern béén bad. AUl are goosi nov thai their armea nd "puies have- be takéu away frem thens. The Agicultural Farin. THE EESULTS 0F TME PAST YEAUS, EXPZB' ZENCE. Mur. Erown, Prefesor cf Agriculture' et thé 'Guelph Model Faim, bas béén nsskîug a variely cf exipérents, '"thé résulta cf which are qumnutarizesi as fol- SoesS ie snnual reporti which le juot 1. A stéady, frosty wiulér lu boter, tbu au open oeein feeding cattlé. ý- 2. Aff everagé ive or tbr#e year eli steor vtll est ilsevu wn ight.cfdfe. mit matériale , tiw é weks. 8. Twe or ibrées yesr aid caillé viii esis oné-third of a pond more pér bhad. pér da-y tetheir veigbt 'upon ears ha sunprparéd 14. hies tbirty7çér cent,"more profit- ahie le pré-maturze'sud disposéeof faitt inàg cattle at' two ysars olsi tisu té réiupon &avsriety of nàtrS"for the cake cf themanremIc., caille, Chia. ysai eh erage of #8,80- éu it 7. A.threo par Ule fe, iii giseaiAtloasi cvery oneunth of W"t S. No cettlie eu fo thie Acn nc irami ý Chief John unnai, afier withtheé 3rilfaliOý slronglY Su favor of s au ~ which a strip cof 1sxzd s i VL$t b s& Boers (rom: the nali.es, the ie j d occupied-by the British. If tis eioti m doué, ho' ceuténda tient rierasot d be ailowéd to the - natives. Gnra L. Wood z -oto endors. ibis vie d A cotrespondeni, of the Lna s atNeaWisu rn Durban oaya, 0-"It le unfortunate Ihat the Briý r an4 the Boer troopes hould corne jét Iclose contact with each cihér mmi noM, but théy do, and sevéral enemuab have been-tbo resuit. W. have itai ireceived. the report of one from, Pretoria * hioh ibreatouefi tà-be serious. Ouz *mon in their excitement gol boyond thé ,t coîtrol of their effiers ; bouc. thek-r r conduot vas uearly afliod bt mutin7, rihough thé provocation je said tb have ibeen se, gréai as to fores a réasonablé excuse. Gréai eévil i. caueed by the 1exaggerstéd accounts whieh immediiote- Ily gel cirânlated. In thon. puglistie éucounters, by the way, the Boers Su. variably corne off thé verse, Mauy 7are the accounus 1 receive, but the ter- 3mination je nlways the saine, and inS .proof cf British proweso andi pluck. ý 3learu from Pretoria that the forts are 3bacng reconstrucLéd, snd that volun., 1teers hae éofféred Chair services." 0 Frern a private correspondent stat- ionefi at the rnonth of thé Ogove, in West Airica, thé London Times has soeéin*éerésting information as to the doinge cf Mr. Stanley sua thé pregrss of tradéi that régiou. - Mr. Stanley te said to e épushig hie way towards the intérior under rnany diffiuultiés, cultig a road oeér monains which are very sleat'au angle of 60 dégréas. Hé e nang very slow progrese ai great ex- pensé. Whén hlie stési fror Mborna ho bcd a gréai rfnuy frée people whom ho pickéd up aleug lb.e coasi ai Cabin- daan s hérouth cf thé Conge, but théy acon became dissatisfied ai the trestménl théy receiééd, mad nurly ailu lefs. Mauy Qf bis whieas véls 'colored follovers diesi sud lh. ouiy ré- source left hlm, according teh infor- mant, was te .purchase a number of clvée, 'which 'are te hé fhsd lularge numbérs at a very 1ev price. Thés. Mr. Stanley was. eompefled tei kesp working ai hie road chained ta gangs frorn six to- twelve. Thé Ring of thé IBelgis asi te odisaisfied with tLhé slow ýprogréssbéing. made hy' Mi. Snli wo, uSe in tté ýpossible, rnay soon- psy auvisailte Europe, Thé Cetit do-Brazza, Who bas dons muùclite open up thé countrybletween ib.heOgove sud the Couge, purchaséd--à lhrge tract of river -very cbécptl'y, éec*i ioatten, leè a, white M m tahargé!. He'purch- ased villages a :they 'tofi Ïd a great ni=uY slaves, sud'-i'gaged theai ai moullil, vages te ceultivate thé plan. talions ansi keepjbeground 'luerder. IudeédWd&flazaa Sééme te havé bée regsrded as'thé estéc'fredàm ta thé country; Iroope - ôof ,slaves, came flockiug tb hhà e bfrééolandi bis visit te îrégsrdédas having -sirgek à blev ai slcvéry iu West -fica. lu a short lime it tje - ectéêdd thi .thé' ' Wbolé country vill b. fully opened ,up.<,Thé trado hothli ubér aud ivory bas doublés inu io y",an,. andi marstiùde ie doue ou thé evliamot bu" on thé Géhon ju ayomr., Ou6age~nt pais £i800Impri uty asIe slast year, and thé E,rn ols ver ment in- tends tpéieéotýthe 'Ogoe laIO astation nldépéndetit'bfýtiGEhooa. -The vihite 'populatidu i. rapidly inéroésng. The Laud BiB. paitsientïish thi, behgan boumes. isil vbe ladboa homeas-i- iseapu cf -om suranc e svao inetalncéeboim trin psislu two o'clock freigist houes' thé limé, n énsued.Ei consumneS ;1l very littia ta, the iagara]ý Brigades bey Use fia bétn Tha'-Chippeii baudvithilâ future acfion iug cul cf Il AUl thé camp dents andi pé snrroundussg c sud prevosfi the vinasge, . 'ROOP TAT NOT TIUT On wedue John E. Oe -'-Clintcusu O5fficér Yeuse Fouce. she- teotive,- *w. vcasct that ideutificiâticel eau yésrs agi c! thé coDrâï-i Mr. Young Gary to sk mark- upexnA -o tîwî-swei-iii sauge: ,--ad i noc le !W, cei

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