Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1881, p. 1

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M IE WHIr8y OUNRIOLE UN., i D 1Y - a0Ga1 1 ferma - .porAnnum. DVIBTIsbIoeT.- AU» Â4vtorl.- A moas moauur4in Xe*pàé4ým oh"em oui r%4 ot 8 doute lsU~O ompOSteS, 01fimattePb""~* trton cent*eupr,0. uyh ear,aore hflWlt. YOCrdlorato .laimhiue aitawamnta Bu8ine88 Direolory. ONTARIO BANK, WHITBY BBAItCH, TROUAS DOW, FAREWELL RTLGE . ABISTRSATTORNEYS, SOLI- BaitrsNobiesPuliansd CanveY- lucais. Ofice flaI doai sont of 1he Rayal liel, *bltby. - JAMES RtTLBDSIE, B. A.1 i. B. PIeIIWELL, L. L. B., Cauuty Cravu Attorney. 4 :With c mprlted words,,<tstionghts, uMd gitirut iudUlty, WCe afvocate pie, Proposal , Kowjedge, Brotherhoad.; !Timir . VVXT V 1J. A-& vt. V. ît4said U Jurvls.treet, Tarant. H 0 ,~ JOHN MoRBA»,. .PBOPBIETOR. s F VVJRu Âîa Tb ot$.0i a ouel h iy yC h emist and DruggSt, tir to the Market. The Rouse hu beon nmwiy »hot Xi#WeSout, asdoeory-tbing Plret-olas. y- )- DÂLER INAna lle M.WALKBYPS DRUGS, MEDICINES AND EMICA-LS, eull TEMERÂGEROUE, TOILET SOAFS, PERFUMERY, DUNDÂB-STBET, WHITBT. AndLDE BRCES Gaad acconimoallaut reasouable torms. S O L E R G S Boardrs ~4lO pn vex.4a TJWJ bb~d~, 0And tom~ ROSBIF OUBB.-TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotel af Canada Refittefi, Rmfurninhed, asud Utrivallefi. Nov Fossen- gsi Bievatar, uung ulht and day. The oui y tafoas eu lanada viih gradu- Stef ucsvs -9602.sud $8 par dey. Menibera ai Clubs sud otherS. dearnug racois, withatit bard t 2 or da Poli. 7th. 878. - Preprietar. iMESSBS BITCHIEà; BLUNt*5- -------- BARRITERS& ATRE AT LAW1 BOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &C W l tS 'I T 13. . RTCIiE, W. H. BflLas, Toronto. Wtitby. O91IJLLIVAN & PERDUE, BABRISTERS ATTOUNRYS, BLO ,> ITOBS, IIoTA=UR, &o., da OFFICES- 72 Tanga Street, noît the Dominion Benk, sud Cerner King sud Tango Steots, Torontot. 0. A. O'SULLVAN. W. E PERDUE. Octabon 28r, 188W. ly-45 CAMEILONAPFELBZ & d c- ABRISTERB, Âttaue-atý-Law, andi B Soliitars 4 hnce*i, No. éTarante iI EOTOR CAMERO, QO., R. S. DLPELE, P. McPHILLIPS. lly-48) JAMES KEITII GORDON4, BAàRRISTBRI & ATTORNET.AT.LAW, B Bllitar in<Jl1muury, %oflveyaUi: frtdoor vest oi Arnitrangta Htel. Maoney te Lasun-pilVetefnd-at 1ev JOHN A. MGILIVRAY, (Buccoesar 10 H. 'M. Heol.) B >ARlI T & ÂTTOUNETAT-LAW, Detor; Publia, dic. Bolcitor for the Do.ninlonaitnk. Offie.-Next dôor ta mansion Haume, Uxbridge, Ont- .26 CIIARLE8 C. KIILLER* A TTORNEY.ÂT.LÂ&W, BOISITOR IN 'au, Brook, 0.W L. T. BAROLAY, A TTORtNB' -AT-LAW, SOLICITOR in luChsaery an finvuy, Canvoy. sucer, d8., d&. LYMAN ENGLIaII, L L. R,, ARITE T LAW, SOLICIOR IM DAVID ORIOTON, fl.-A., \TTORIIEt-ÀT-LÀW, 60LICITORIN I 0mncn--It he OfIcsenSot ai the Pont Office, te MMaiu'8 Bicot., Brook BSet, WhiLby. 17-la JOHLN DALL DOWV, BABISTBBIAT..LÂW, SOLIC1TQII Bnlu cnery, <3anvoyanoer, di. OMie-Devarill'a Blok., Brook Stroet, Wbltby. MONET TO LEFD-Piveto PaSa - il= nnaup ta $800, t aloir rate ai lu_ -toesi. (ly-59 R013INSON & KENT, (1.-As DUOAcX &diBosia-sox.) BÂT~~i~i W4 TTOBNJ OFpIlC.-ln Victoia Chambona, No. 9. Victoria Sreet. BA =B âTLi LAWSIOtACT sucer, de, OBOW-DevotMi'o 1Blaý,Brocr. 1ireel, WhiibyOnt 61s YOUNG' saiEINL L. a., BAREnEE a.,&e~1n*yte Loan OrtOerDominiionZik, hltby. R0AL HOTEL, UTY The above hotel bas boon thoratighly renovatefi andi refuruishefi, sud la uev nu- dier thé management cf GEV. MÂCRIE, <fonmerly aifSt.L vrence Hall, Part Hope. _Bvery attention potu.ta- mts. mr:peolay a d ample looms for Cu=, 6nI iltravelos BRITISH AMBRICAN BLOTEL, ("TB anssas Bou«i.) WEITBY, ONTARIO. Hatnse oly renevetofi endi urulahefi Ibrougitout, sud put ilu dr-laas aider fan the recoptien ai guesaîs - Au omnibus toansd frani &U trains. Final-clama s#ample o ro. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, k> or. King & Yark-atm., Toronta, Ont. J. A. O'GRÂDY, - PROPRIUTOR. Txau*, $1.50 ras Dày. ly-47) p OST OFFICE SALOON, Tonowro. Y. McCONNRLL, - -PUOPBIETOB. car TUE nEwr ACCOMiMODATION -.»u fer ouest&. (y-47) (ONTARIO UOTEL, 'J Box.STIRET, WBITBY. JAMES T. JEWELL. ProPrietor. <Lite aifLito ipîssing Hatel, Taranto.) Good Liquarsansd Cigare. CrmOdlOuls SIabling. - 1 FliaI-cias Llveui'Stable eua Billiard Parlaur attache&i - 1.1 T nE QuzEBi'5)s OTEL, EsBOr uma:I, WBrrR. PKILIP MeCÂN7-l. - - Proiefor. Best Liquarsa"sudCigors. A WonI suj pUieS tabla. Airy bof-roanis. Comiertal stablnx ana lergO yard rrnni.Changes mgdmrte. -83 CENTRAL HOUSE, o5uÂWA, ONT., W. B. MCOAw, - rpit. Pirat-ciMac ommodatiaon. Bra i Wno Liquais sud Cigare. Goud tabling sud attentives icetiers. ly-17 WHITBY HOU SE The undefsigned vouid IntimaIta Reth publia Ibat tho abaye promises hais beau nevly bauit sud dtted up tureugbotl for the accoammodation af guosta. Butsi Wlus, Liguer ansd Cigara. THE CCRFAM 0F CANADA" - WA.Z LAGER. Aise pure ithino Iine. Lage, Witolè- asie afid Bétail. Boarders taken by lte yack an moder- sMe termne. - JOSEPH A. BA1IDELL. Joli', 901h 18W<. 82. B LACI HURME LIOTEL, 0a3. FPes: d& Osasos Br., TORONTO. ILote o! Welington Hoel, Mankiten.) TBB, $#1.00 FER DAY. (IcoS stabi- lue ior aver 801)horae. Pirst-ola5secam moSean ic formrs and lb, limoUlu publia te genenel. L IVE IRYI THÉ LIVEREBUMSINESSviUtu future Tb canriedeon by mm aI lte lfiplae .1. E OALR4ITK, - Royl ibtsl, sud 1 iospetfuiy SOU heis nIR B»VTI aof %,Me sd VICtarla patronageaIcite public. (3004heosés and lJBlb ,Crstit.Lebo f l.Oalgeciort" ebe a. ai PhyielianasuS rgecita, Ontenlo. J .P GB Omoz-Bioat..St. wIby, ont., (titise ~ait sta 7. C.PIL R. . Gtiig, D.. aI. J. H. DATES# Nevapapor M Vidveoqig 'get,41Park sUS&OqTO TB..BCOUNTY OAOL, ta]ir, 4 imioaI lu luit ROxCLE ait cou. W i. 5EDRIR, M.0-. X..C,5, -besl raten.. CiUr$8 HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG, Le 'Ys Z oy1. O.B., Oshawa, Ontarlo. MO NEY TO LO AKN C ~ -Applylac- DRt. BOGART, W. H. BILLINGS, Physicien, Buigeon, Accouncher, &o., &c. Baoltar. Whthy, Salt. 801h, 1874. do IW Office over Ontanl6 Bank, 10-tif -wbtby. W. DAMS, 1H08. SLEIGHY ~I S T. j0JSE -& SIGN R OVER R.I. IMESON'S1 Rli»B»yane». Dundests., Wbllby. omfis e bou m.m'e.to 12 m., and froni 1.60 él y.8, n ieo-Coi. af Bya sýud GlberI t eeli.. C, Ni. VA1RS.,L 0 ~T" uteaonmiu e» Ps. PAINTEet, --Can nav tbe tOn t bIs So TrWO DOORS WEST CP AB3LSTXONG'8 HOTRL, DNA TET %4J»ýER 1,_LUMBERI Toc UvrliIs Ot, AND ALL i. aios Or DUG.ISTS' StYNDRIEO USUÂJLLEKIEPT IN A PIRST CILASU DRIUG STOREl PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded, and orders answered with care and dospatch. Farmors aud Physicians from the country 'wil lfind- our stock -of niedaies corùPlete, weranted gonuine, ana of the. best quahity. CORNER BROOK AND DUNDÂS 1STREETS, WHITB-i, ONTÂRIO. CH IN AH AL L;INSURANCE. sien OF TUE BIG JUG (aeEgITsaB») 71KIG-T.ESTTOONO ONTARIO FARMERS' 71aKNoy BreakAS T BTRNT.Mutual Ifl8urance Co'y. Poney Dinner andi Dessert Bts. ~BO~B~w~ Fonoy Befi-rooni Bète.sIA FIE RC-TýWIY F aony ul, an i e apaîts.1 ailler Pl..tedKivosFortu and RISaenm. miures Faim Builif- ailer PiatledCimets andi Butter CaTea. up, Cantry Churches, Behool ailler Piatefi Cake Baskets. Mouses, sud thoir Contenta, rates as nov Eogm nives andi Parka. sasthose ofa el-u& bd Company Flover bLdes for Lily's, &c., &* JS OSSPOPL AD Glasaar, al descrptions. f OS P M YPAD WhBite Stone ware, very ktnd. B.BCEL, JHWLLS Hatel andi Bar Goode. 3 .BCEL ONWLS ar ,vE-un IAit1IROW. reidet. Vie-Prosideut. Dominion Wood Works, Geo.- Cormnack, L VMER MERCHANT &DUILDER. Doors, Saab and Biluda. LUMBER vholeelo andi rotai!, or b hi' tje car joui. Plsning, Mouidiriga cf evcry descrip- tion, Flaoriug, Sheetitag, Shelving, Re- sasing, Shaplflg, Turnteg. Scrol-va*j, etc , etc. whftby, Oct. it, 1878. --4 m ONBY TO LEND. .Th* Lonaudu up Fimoru oentyf o nntona u or Baes ci n roprlu Loomn co t- Opaf te ane Lantbr evrlImpravofi Ferm SWullLama forsulcheat MeteMu Dli ebout luas, *nt, u lc mre Stooka. Panrfunthon pantculmnuapplytl JAILE8 110=1m, AprI i 14 1M là Offie, No. 72 Chab-8L. T«oota -HOI. FRANt BITH,BuIr, redu. EIJOENE O'KEF, 138q4,VICe Proltt. PATRCK HJBH8, Li.,W. T. KIEL,REs., Ur onylosued o onlgge st I&oves rotes cf lulert, san cuvélaul ternis ci ", ' f~L. oums9n lola Parfnnbepaniensi, epply tu 5c-ly -.WsITby -A. A. , OBE, (lIeult anlo, .sgiy iBunk% A R CH TE C T - Dealgus toi, Cinnohes, Vilisa aud cottageo 0lsity. Dremfl-gePispsid for lis moe]is ti eteotusraln TrW'8 PAPERnimm hbefuaonfies . L Bt.P.Boe * boo ueàpm.d Whitby, April 9<1., 1878. -16 p HoNIXFIE INSURNCE C. ESTl&BLISBED IN<1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., Agents for Canad. R. W. TYXE, Manager, MontraL. AGRUCT EST&BLISHED IN CANA- t>M A iu 1804.BUnlimited iUab&lty cf aIl the Stockholders, andi la ra eorve0 Fundi. Maderate rates af premium. C. NOURBE, Agont, Whitby. Wbflby, Aprfil Ui, 1878.le jIiIITI81 I MCA Aa8surance Comfpany, INCORPORATED z333. F. A. BALL, M.*qeer. Inanrsacos efctofi at the laoet caunent rates an BnudingsMOrhonduo, andaiber prpety, agoluat loa or 4mage by dm. C. FOUSBE, Agent, Wbtby. whltby, Aine l m h 1le ARCHITEC TUREj DRAWUNG AND SPECIFICATION i BUILDINGS Pramptly preperefi villi, vlev ta Ecattamy ini Cotruotian, CHIiRCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITCTRE A .Carrepaudence iRopectfu1ly sallclted. Hl. B. BAUBER, Arcbuleet, k, "SULPHOLINE LOTION." NO. L S i-.drnklng,a-rnliadnkni king and baualng 'wa hjlly bops c t, hi ,Weaunmp fioMl1 ceo i the O aped tathe bod 'wiàthe battish i e. sy h, 1yurmIwIeait, X k a bM2ndê, it Zà« th, wus, , It filUa up yout diniples Wt lthsand pItjes, 0 1acama muI afigaily, a 'q draliMy gludoiy ànoe thiom.axe'SU, I cnw, I lppaam ?" - WHIITBY, PJR0VINGE. 0F. ONTAIMOR TURDAYI TJJ 8 81 caU. w en 4h Etr Wîth gesture sud enlio Ile somemei as il Foda 'I'Tis poison 7ou',re drlnkint-, IRe verm nd u Shah vwarning be vain, air? Yaure boiflug yanr r ast, air 1 Andi barnin e yaux tamaah, ynidiot andi faal il I icokefi et hlm, amlg- "Pray cese yar reviugi Ineyer St dînnk,-maodmon'as *yrule 1" once mare I at duluking, alone andi can- tentefi, The elear cratai volerthst fdovecifram the vell, WbenIo 1 t ml aide toca aleminanmgel With eyes an ulo lve that na Isuguage She lisutly bleaed nie, Ber viadeni poaseasefi me, I fl oit wuastrue ta the vov thas I avre- I knov that na madnua Wanld coae My gladileat, But heaith andi cantontnent-ilu bountiful Store. Obingolfeat The bttla Îè a fâua ns vemmaret THEYO'l3NG DUE. (À MçujîC , )atiý'j t gc y.) FIEL>. )La. CHAPTER XXVIII. Titere ia nolhlng mare atrangs, but nothing mars certain tienlte differenl influences muit the semsns cif niglit sud day exorcise upon lie meada af aur mina. Hlmm th lb.OnanBmnda ta ted vith mieS tfulaiofmisty meet- ing, tue un viii umman inthie manu ing ith a trainclear amuS boiS asbis teai._Twiliglit makea us pensive ; Aurreaia tue goddeas cfactlvity. Des- pair ourmes et midnigi; Hope bluese et ucon.- And thte brigit bouma of Phobus- vity ahculd titis goati aId noma be for- galen -,rmledupan our flube, relier iater " a emouli et matins, luneàlals sublime Sispauiiicuithuathat&tenihicit he ted pao.d émmng Ibe aiunge., ia Dacre. lHs passion nemalua. bul lita potyvsgone. 94l ie alis & sanS-. dussuget -MdanSlave, &a dpoul- eS for tue momenîvei he eop,*Umd lac bis intatums caroiet an lie oi'be tuaI -asWab$ l a n - ie t pionS tartan.. allie ho aof atntevlla. an ta day Pl" -The gentlemaen ans ai ont, yaur "AnS tie'adiea2," 44Are gaiug tathe ancry graunfi, ycur graco." -Ait i aie viili e tuere, Lulgi V' :ls, your grue." "MY robe, Lulgi." "Tes, yaur gram.'" IIfogot vitl1IW"psgalug ta ssy- Luigi 1' "TYes, ycurgroe. "oLiigi, LqiS4 LuWg,* bummedthelb Stibe, penfetly ucao us, m4ati beat- ing lime viti bis - brina i.etvalet elaieS, but moues wbeis bis lard, iii: Isa eyee fixeS ounte grounti feul auto a 80o4i07aqu>', aleWord of ibt, Most pro!=*ilgly, Vai eSiMfe, except Wmy Wbattshe lookid yadhim Dacre Ih evetamv<aflcà h e ria t ny 11mb h inapuk t a-Lavrno. Inm- medstely, it$4 I.,-ayelme ~Thm i itlnlr1.Bal-ff te oimiemuree 1seul a4.Isnulli,-ot h. eIbm - MiisPon àful lacs. aI ImL' vii >1 iai b thec"iisut o odmlring aldlll ru bm oe04_ ; but of the.Yaung Med ta slaY aày rr bhae; --T; -Caange mla cÃœ,auseS by ie tct libal « ti gmlle ators have reced hi, nilan Wu;holte assasinlale bôlnlaaeblétamone lie prisé hlm0 seZsdli m tbatn»d ee - Tie ondition sI thé iems-lu SUSa" isiimpr6vi naommvbal.I- hnnumvlage. inidaielOfKimietePOUaf lhav v7amutarlly x-ycmpensuted I bm 1.ms WOta edIb zent-of I800 onuSfarthlboias hv gfL, e th àwu Qa1nh~udfrm~ 4.., .ôtm~ tisA - 1 Ana le« Il ýrceS tac fer. Fëriyycr,-fi My airS *ke, I saùld aaooriibave- ilorend, i eat you.r unexpotdefdrea là lave but jualst =e Ùl&rcllntm cattered senama. Lot me .. u iprsas î yen; my acknovledgementa for 'àni louar wbiai I feel je great; but prmit ne ta regret, that for your affer of yônr euSd andi fortune, tisse acknowledgs-, nentsan aeal I cn rtur." - "Mhis Dacre 1 am I thon tavaketa, le miaery cf bolug rojeoted ?" "A littlo veek ega, rny lord, ire more trangora. Il vould b. bard if it voie à the paver of mter of tu nov ta do- Iver lte ailer to e, y." "lYous rcoffendm, thon, aI tbe pré- imption vht, on Bo aliglilan an- taintance, tas aspirei te - your baud. It la infimeS s higi possession. Ih botigit auly cf youq, Dot-cf myseif. roui perfections raquure ne lime for recaguition. Perbapa rny imperfections' aqutro lime fer indulgence. -Lot me ithou hope 1» "My lord, yen bave miacenceied m meaning. sud I regret that; s bolus phrase sitoulfi ouaion yen lthe trouble tf freai salicitule, andS-me- Ile pain of renevefi reiuai, lu a word, I14 la-ual i my paverta acept yonr banS"ý Ho rose tram lte bTia;1e, anti alieS theuglgruabI broat.ý el sop oil ri a ltseroam u vilit su agi*I'ana,,&uSa cavuisef broir, wviic mekea -lie -cauteul af-Mes pasaions. But heovas not- Sspenate. ~l&earl-vas full f iigiaMuavea and,- igty meaninga, indefinite but reeî. 0e telt like Rmrne acuquenor, ,vito, nerking lie batis e goin9 gast iZhl, pin luihminSulite neésotinceA anSin- vicbe aacannai credil Ibme mmd- nos cf amdefoaI. And lthe lady, mie leaffed bei boeaS upen ber Soboamte arm, anS aereened iter cauntenaties hOm ia H. advanced. "Misa Dacre 1 pardon ths prolauged intrusion ; fergive Ibis renede dis- ourl. But lot me nly hope, taiIa mnre averi val la the cue,,f My desp and I viii l ionyou " My lard," she saiS, iooking np villi e feint bluah, but uite ashuing oye, aud lu an audible ad even energotia tane-ithe question yen euk la ueitboi fair norm aniy, but os yon ootam ta presa me, Ivili sy, liaI il requirea no raclleotioti of e titird persacu ta maku mea delina the bonor muie yon lu. tondod tue." ",Mis Dacre., you peak lu auger, ai- mot in bittcineai. Believe re" buo added rallier iithan min cf pique, I"baS I imagine5 frais yeux couduel tomaidS me ltaI I vus au objeal cf dialike, 1 motuS bave ipared, yau tibainuaveti lanes, ana myelf Iis humiliation." "M y lord, as mistesa of G te D a re Mny cenduc ot &. i is inInAta lathe ane. The Duke of St. James, luS..5, haS bath iereditary antil p«Oret persanal edaims ta tbe considel;d -lier s somelbig botIer tien e more tain mate;-,but yonr gpace -has Oleoi.4 b Sissolve ail cannection viii ant houas andi hInamnot Sesiionafciaisting yoi lu agmii nilg eriy." - "lienrai varda, MissDacr l "lioabn hit, ut>' lord dukel'"i -Miss-Damr, -nTising front 'ber âeat I eu Ivlatinga speu via& sr3- "ýYon bave prolne Ibsituvu nel 1. Lot il seS o an oeil g u I, i ber b il le ."%te;-ta p ie . ia t - "&Il cannae*dus m, sai, biegrec., "1.1 me, eh su>' rate, knov -lie votai Eau bave, if ual taC, mah kiinefl, s leasItoc, unucl anda, ta part 00ol1. isDre,«"vitl aller -abject ou ocuerslial euave for yens- gre titan tea aU1certain My feelinlge s. aIS - hâat e g dvdnad -more 11100 quo ae-hopedefenrmd, ana aelfrepraosli, méve 0n, jmmins wv61y7b-w-. 1i td'pa*erstagmsmed. Bitter la pcv- v ÇaiiMi' ýPil'T.1î 1.1 tk hit e*y ïîtterera i li dbt habitte t rta.~L.1lll~ u1~b tbolgmtdilmrebtte ta ~sbftgaiis-1, linb4 th" inlh"llimê miudrta4bd -b-~ 1.3Idmeh » siere ta bitter l ho pb>n- 4Ibm-1and vioh -PiWodwdiUnf*U1zM7 bme u once vas aura.,- Bitter l inatmr'a Wom,i 9ursllue edriM a brothw'à-ora ; >tter a mallier'm oityasU, lI tes& vardsiA ta h 8s-Z tee?,, and bitturerIati a fathmr'$s ours. noe of aul buimn vlaom. tBýt<v.- Bitter -are a briefimà atbg, e a rote âaid-twentyë0 My, PUP'W i my huair e1 broaid, a, diplom& tlitIbringu no tee. nai&se lamiâtîath tbofhlm&elf sMd hW Bitter ila baif.pay 1I1811,oirératures. If pur young <nle It ta bitter ta tinse aonvanlabei yath; vitf lio li m a line ta n il is bitter ta-lase au election, arja si&îoieh naMnag-Ja imau aud ta- Bitter arm rage' aupprmaaed. vengeande thé wvan.- IM b di, ie ilmavt4he, unnwreakedand prizm.monmy Jkept bak' ýOiusolatio baib.bs aliom&h Bitter are a failing trop, -a gittted ma»- *nyerya3r f msnkid. - ket,,anes ahattefing apea. Bitter ae- But, taour tal, btrateler ta aur e6s renfs in arneer, sud tithea n lu kiu& de.-My volumes-, vhich ere-2ati Bitter are - ulanies reducefi, sud-por- l: W tyeaueasoewiovoof quialtea desttoyed. Bitter i188 taxi par- aeafih4tuismverd- loulsrly ifembeazled. Bittorisaa4ro.-lb. ;perleýot sund petsf y tid 46o full, and bitterer.ai-s-1- lt&es. IbalwàÎ guarded franittie vWear mufi tea,>f; basvain ont. Bitter la s bote - * -tràvel-by Ibsit snaevlai nfl univers-I, Ii la bitter ta ffi aurout&nualahage t as plint.edý.-I bve 'a barricf exceeti aur incarne; l0labitter ltéliçArr ase;paperuniler. sua i cumstIaoù&L of other!a lame whea V e baye,; Ib tUny be'(one db.> pDot hhow- hbîa,_ la bitter t*- roegi ltesea e fai* lh*l-sanie eaonudu& iàndi&seretl on 1a voiild komp t-,14, lbitter gioth iq- w& ht),vlOir8 Ùùéiýe vlnd blar. ibea w ae ships or freeida aesea, Bitter are :à,Irq LlpaG hlglM*fh frieldship,;d*d f loya 4m4>iAVUt sèhttS44 B ittmrl ite secret, vo. iieliXm,ëîýV Y4el 4 ý Oa e sitar., B itter are a b utal lgm n» i o ie lim e cr tberiirlll ut up -, I ta; a làltbleas vite, a-oly dai#tr tbý.içkofthuWp vs -"cl a -sulky son6 . -Bitter are almagpet 6,k-a -1lta b~.Ia tard, a laainghborae. Bittertm ule *e.-F hies, the private aneor. Bitter h&".a av shartôr of thia vaste anti voaltit. yuth wito ila e Bitter laà ai-lie maturiâsljvbl iU :,F e~ e the oat vl&'ï blat;biîter -a' -stop- apIge, snd vhioh noii n aa-BawItht darne%,kisa. It in bitter ta mark the mati, 4 like lt!e ýGOike-M"o Aflimt v.whleh: ve cannaI rélave. 14 la liàth Rabrev anti 11 ypà* SI~111 bitter ta dieia l farola ind. lthy nay 1haro, nu l, sud ma B iuz bâirer fer tiatitis, than tiss ew banlsh. I hàve a' fbiýrore -ttanail, la lie walng 'tram a u inal III Bossmy prtaieï r ie delualon 1-fo tenmeirs ai .I *Ohm viâplb atnetbpeTr; -40ng e a fs i thn ollfa g In ov v r n"e re eate l n spirlieAUilda ryè blani, âa-iec.e ctilti uni v*itbotaai1 Ils laIe of 1@ak ThesMu of bopoesets; viîhput -a rY.sud »t la pxigoor sud h n àlrtrIe&Ã"V thée duni-bigit ol-dirk deoupai udows i turnMut ou a-b. treatlO8.;-*f Ibw v.png, le. ilù~he clhut y-t;Uu5ibee,U<& On 1glittering pinions -and sinka mini 111hê eî%sely made upsa canipile t6.,tâ-1 rti uae ba u liai, atilo e oa seond 'Maki,-1- reoveisti grea" asemu a -traitai. A bus'y démon -ahia- pat cf a bnltqi>fyOtih pers in Ou'rer Iet aislaVain md lteésaineband~, godItbiow I'oq> 1varililesa, sud w vo cg tie vainesi f- ta the Miltn., 1toi-b' orthlesa erew. v ,ll&svernou wbith mm »eouptlslw And zô aur ycung blnd hure nov coûveyed tuli.551fbSfB -depreciateils muait as ha, liedbelone., of çaoriginal.- oati*.itdI Iu 1 eggoîstedhie poirt. br èS - te ân otheah' u a rs eronid lice to s màalaUn - a s more feobloe alau estimble -wre sêh oquadroo lun nompe si't P 1 lunismigef -but Pest nov, e.lera L£usal lemlulebalva ht llli*bva i ~ ~ ~ ~ 'n apoenUfIbsilssuzvivoUdmis.'- Ity1ipb*etiti*eieb.ne or rêvri s uS bagolln wOutoguattFîý -ýveeyrerclcsullcns matie t na shutie vIlkdisgul ~ guésoa 1 n TES a" an and i -eelettbi t.i5 t atU 0 . l i e omoas .= A ,An 6ocèuldëa ld rm ne s d'Ut, - eêm if Iç I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n bebaatis1.'ISbu wga suy camail lhi-Yre ýteA iud1ia- - thé rlno55.EW5aae5lnlé 4i -ie , 'Z'I W,~ mbovhlolarsin voe:iati pmninut velu t a -bt sei.loe omelP S lt* -6 ý *î 4, -sncoa aur i4erhvù-ilJ a Io olm erPeossesson.' lat qlovU'ilt3 ,% IO thipo &$siti~onf - .1 - 1I11SUS*0fLit of1I

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