Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1881, p. 4

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z fi.1 s . voe W vLtb mon au, ri *bat itMeng laba Whoar&e r odnim pute Ah 1 van. re t laom nimIed i Tinmoe, you may tan Hov far ho, fer, O Sve.t, Thbe b.haOurfeêt ýýINQwa in te ven-glov I LoInsfoS uihasi acipry; -A Butana'u Marriage. the twofraP1rtm i afunideae tu the t~eUr5 au Engl"a; lady Who va.m mIavitedil etin:-,,On ouiriavt ut he hous, afilargebaUld- Wibb !bpa a sfev Atiendaataloto a Thori a v rie.qoeeibo watt, au lhe.bltaî baSd ot yet eomplet.d 1s bllet, oofl10 ad etgaret.abolngplaced b wi &y li..Uzas.Wa p4ae ouis gof th* brld"gom *a Yé1 01e àep e talo ta idi $ eiaeil aonu , but .mot a*ung in a eoiegluees auU@ sultea hInâ atthe Udy'@ T" ei. tpjl*eot o8f s1 t ' ý,LèpOtIDéaat wrs àa 1 ~. rinoeaues of the hous. of làarrled b msnhban ex- touit th"a ven i f th. favored gentleman :cre*i pomséaea-i wtthoha muaýdi. worldbor m andwe' ÈIbmulat. a"m ot tbte.ky go rre, but oe sal lent bu m W duing he la"r bai d th O t ut l wisauiiioMtoer *04 compelled, ti114L egiab it vil bto oply viulathe.ouatom.,Das alisb, bowevr, las souglitseolatîosa lai la e l SiacurdeS lvetu--& «Pu" auppoe. nover i;bavereto he ..-_ - .-n -.Il _ - Dàm wu Bor -w hnivun m.rey pSu Y.Ih1ibê va. th.eoa WéiodnX e met. H.e had busala* prnin, 41*. army, but lit vl rualm 1 f mr#icl'4t4 flot cout for moé' Ibac tve ,yeu. The. resmuner of lth. porfo& l$bau, rookl41 gocdasalêred, <llant' follov lsoveyer, and Ilacugla v0 usd -tu iât- osai. him moelt snuarolfully, las vas a favoite laoh ai bhom ai btioad. "Before I boid beu long tu ZulultaS ' vas made a murgeant. Bameay, I Hew aus inZ coud 10 maSI.pro., anme w g ai- 1 'à up r *Id.<1 ae gUtintanoo,ýbut 1 allowed liai ooaaald- l atithýwon l4a.-plgbt bfore thi bitte of olugbltiva -a tain maorzi uchs I novaer,,mev .bforp or, ins. vue delugtaa theewb*aitVas as. soived b o tlae bue ts ra lb. 1qQr plua 4 n Ztook »> w" lih-Me mt urybld tva hatboer buok*Wi vau very dark, aitdcb.olà,ged bebInS go ofben -and e onu at I I iglal bave nuapoted lmImulhoWumdoing; batttvaa ouly vlanvel aud *vos aàdraneatasoet rukeam. Nov, thoran er 8111 tber plebal. fanb on$ lhai badS& l ; erfl4e , M oh.a snoba a ila* tUb, f', M.W.0 med a. oftly anSdellent3y a.este, vwoe al- Mocertawb ia vi 'pt t lde u1r1 Bou, I la.d'ndeaire 10 go bard lxi ornpany vitb anotay Snakea ma ; vent gonalone, TYCU rgoc. but. I îbel 16ô t* ouVjor o wuva rauidi taklng the. measre o!flis ova H. l: jie tad outî marel is tabt a Litounit alia.h oýmpay va. fsarro ad nIonderal mete tuae ander the -vhesla of,* vagon, waeo li Vetlé ditepMloi&nl 1 iglkt bv beeh vell for li f lie liaSneyer avakeno.. "At about 4 o'"loothe mia romngu &b"d. »Ual oe.n va& 014 racia. thbe *ý uffPi iia mm Tba sba estc4e Il ya Ie eau. tor ou~1- thé ostêac 4 »miteS uol- ir ftue 1h.laer ehuaiban orbýy besr id.. f-tQui bon' lnviti bosi autâbIy aw* h the êa1 ciber g<an. 11h zà-te tsbak bands ,g,- anS mobrtuned us te user baer. AàtaIn, aveet- a pt22 asumoi t Nafll se vas Srea8aS 14,£ et ms08 bah robe of- ome.olouad, oins "tof play pIe roum ,bsý ali aat. sôu ouaneui colonel vl&la b cesa as a bod 1.0 the eartb,i@ aouîed. Of coursie hi mmuâoaseu '0 dooiuasa m pU1udTO OAPTIE 107 OP. StWfat. fi te a0l JOHN JýONES, lae Clbe Tovuah h gbbylala* »Qurê tobod ; 0,-NO? eon . s dyof Âuuu _ . a Iomhfr naMs n dîrase fut pato'of, Ihein CLa: uds.uulla U ei) hml b the=L An aci afla tii. the"Mdate the u=ae. ç<e iof t h a Woutate vil pro. ce b» h Rudmna therscf lbiylI 15h, 1861 -MONEY TO LOAN!1 ~5owO OOL PRIVÂTE FUND8 1Tklbég elng ýMachin&, of L*h-i Sgycembm&S '4W «-S1 Il M f ý TKV«Y ÂXAYlmut, zàmiI7 affliate" Urale orom-etM;i At u ui- Tna~toashow Mobl;ue rqwi*-atal e ld » to -dleo De C.DOWEY, OA8-H.FOR- WH, EAT. n Ceas a ou un 41.Nix4Dourp9ott daa Jûdohto¶la ~odIh al> mtnin3 i fllblut w eire e verytbing ierta*iîg téoTin, shoot,' of, Ge m nisinanufaàtiie4 iiia workman- like m$spne4où0R. O1T NOTIOB au& at reasenable rates4., ~ ~ERIkAU vÂik gm ~Â~.î08 su t~di& OOL OIL. Lamp Clhimneyi, Whltby, Pea>,. 241h, 1870 ~T2JÂLE Ji, W. BAR"A. " & DEL~T8 -Cuny iqorBorei /o181 and Reti! -KING STREET9 O8HAWA-ý Just received for Christmas and the New Yea.r, a large stock of WINES and LIQUOES, direct importation, an u ae i- 1odsPortei Taybcq hBabaand Coagae ABoW ' Omuai Ae U« d ,porb.r,naduger Bor,0,a1.00,18,0 anS12,5 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q talvP.,Mu.oe:tJUps49ll eoties 1Wlaa qsyet o = CMs Eoa BasaA1iIu~LbpHIboasud Poster & 8Bo., l QuartaanS Plate lotMig êh86* (Te=ne, Taylor h Bal* (St1. lâalipiu) Aie ou dnaftilu5. >0md1 Gaom oga, andin Hi. in o»S01 et enoBWoa.quarts aStva loren plute, ast81.25 peu eame 74A ,E=BER 702 WINTE USE, Tad« omebtlleut ï'1.25 in c asa. Gulsate.anS BlooS leuiontla quata andpint.. dopvq k8oa'es dbasted tout, £1 $1.50 par doua q umni., and 75 cesals par À tev C e tm ofna 046" o! in onamatlyon ha. Flior Flua, Pinosi TeOUe, Pior de A ima, Auuua , ROs) KaYn 9 a>,Windsor, B4"50care Paitia, Ne«1us Mtira, quaaaof taTunf M.P. o, AMU-s84La u. mLa Catelicu, E*rL.1- e-M I4au " «nnq Ameaicaw piots. s~151h, 1880. 4- ~~E &DEAW8 Wlaeo. uS Besllouaty Igota Store,- C1ipr taneer ta hi8 new 8 tore The -undersigned ,in returning t-hankË' to 'the public ýfo.r the,- lbeal patronage oetenaea tb lii, bege t6o ibis -that bvgremoye.d, t' bis cormodioip new promiues, he is iiow in a boatter -position $hmi .Over and everything that can be oafed for iibslmadan exa-mination wiI convince that the 'priees are low enough bo suit li times. U ~INDERTAXING. Funerais fuie1 spliéd. W .TIL TAIL O IN-G GENTS'- FURNISHING HOUSE!1 The underzigned lias just receivod a iplenid spk of Scotch, West of England and C xainTed4 for SPRING - AND SU-MMER suIT'S! Ain garmonla maSo samd finishcd in 1rint-class stylo, anda at moderato pnicos. Gentlemen will save nlonocr by givixig a sali samd exaixmmmg. NZEIT 8TYLE8 'IN IIATS, (CAP8,SfflT nollars, simd ait Irnd of gente' furnialiings. JO HNI FERG'U SON, THE OLD STÂ1XD, Mamoh 22, '81. Dumau Street,Whby 01~OT ~~A P H-l WB AR~E MAIKINGA 0f Photographs, 'in Éipia, ]ife-size, a-n entirély NEW- PIROCESS. SPECIMENS ON EXHIBITION. Cards. end Cabinets furnighed in the. hatéast style or thé, Art.' Frames of &il sizes alwyays on hand. A . B ARRlE TT,5 À 4 ~Phôtogphr g Q' Oppsite Ont&io Bak, j- A yo-ung mati desaring tb shudy Photograiply, vil find a good clhamies ,byqalluigon, Ma. Batt, and, gellmtrný Mhtyan10h 8. 55 515 P~1~MW7 ~ ~*155SPJ44W> aise, LEÂTHER VALISES ~u SARÂTOGA TI~UNKS. -À LOT or- IJHILDREN'g CARRUGES Z ~hanlaOme anS Ohaap. At tii. cil Do.o 28,19lm. WILITROMP8ON,1 Brook Street, Whltby. D AILY LINZ TGOROCHIESTER Commencfng Weoanesday, 2012. April, 1881, TE STEMER (B. OHÂWPORD, Mastr,) WII makalier rol~ tnpB. on is routa,ý suna Port Hopo"it 9 ol coon airkyal ut vtse NsTok XOontiM oz& thnea Irai,~~~~ an sI aluaa abs L-,iis on-' laro iviio ,fe o.~ WsftsrBvst at9o1clock pMn. eop R.o Port foËbpePort Rée, For fur Srice tloa pÜily i.- EVET BORA'WPOnII ont EECe, A lanofte riLein o.b sIVERPO, mLONrdONDERR clu aimerSaeicesvia êebo ECONOM0, anSCORPJI Polynasi ..s:aie SS2OrS5188 -P1 a.n..... .lue 51, 8 EETOp TED -00mD8 t5rÂ? 008T. V C A OBT. The 'whole stock te b cleàad1o1fbeforethe expira. tien cf the lease,.1 JAMES JOHSTON> . P ractiomi Watcbmalor, Brook-St., Whtby. ca- JOHN SC1ILY, Lan ao IuînIiian dgLndtu Afilaaibosfor sale. RMLWY AH) STAII8fIPAGENT. a,2 and <rrdTskRa -T-ET SSMTO ALLPOINTS. i-Tbpr nwmbnto n of rêýâto lObtDiiaIlWrisâd, lovatnt tanSm 4vla; lsomranS menS for ratas, etc., bafure aCrrn ,7g al o)racitel vilUposn 4havngfunis-oale ,or iwilng te pbr. chas..na.. 14t.(Opposite union Steto) * akIgafc ne 11.7 cX, 0-3- . LovWtfbySO 8mO. p IAu.m PorftaryiO.io 7.591 1. VEAKm cra m asz ak IL-U Thenest Stock" ~c~w ,--l 71 Il-

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