Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1881, p. 1

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INE IUFt î1, popQnnuin meti mE*nding 'luablIiiel,an rlet ert~ ion pe.Arm aaomena o f Bauks, Railw&7yompamies, luiuraacee Ompbulei, mantti aters cf k descripionuwheu plaS " 4ý $$'Mt tir todntouc "r lina. 'aa ' Ordh lsmilne.aiplea ueo tuwl. 01qTARIO BANK, 'WHXTBT BBÂNOJH, THOKÂS DOW, FAItEWELIL &RUTLED)GE, Omi finit door sout.h of the Rloyal Hoie, *biby. County Onowa Atorney. IMiESSRS IITOHIE & BILLINGS bBÂ1U~ER8& AICTôR*Ey8 AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &g uW1l i 1> C. il RITOIIE8 W. I.He LIHS Torcui. * OSIYLIVN &PERDUE, JZ to i 'lit4 TI Boa L. gel xe] rocl (for BARITIIII0TO'R SOLIC. OFFICES :-12 Tango Street, noxi the IDominion Bank, and Corner King anti Tango Sirocia, Toronto. t 0. A. O'SULLIYAN. W. & PERDUE. th Octobor Bird, 1580. ly-U n cýAMgERtOf APPELDE & lac- B ABITBB, ttornfflSt.Làaw sat t luChaeryue.4 orut abr"e, Toronto. P. MPILP. (ly.48 JAME& KEITII GORDON, ] RISTER d& ATTORNET.AT.LA0 w, Bouctor nluOhancory, Conveymnoor, Notary Publie.,&c.0. O00c-Dundac St-, lrmiticor west of Ârmcrougi Hoiel. It Money te Loa-Private fend-ai lo0w JOHN A. MicWILLIVE9AY, (Suco e ILto. M.Howoll.) B TABRISTBR & ATTORNBT.ÂT.LÂW, DNotary Public, &c. Soltitor for tir. Domninion 'Bank Offic.-Noit 'ticor te Mansiou Honuse, uxbrligs, ont. -W s C«AIlLES C. KELLER, AORNTATLW, SOLICITOR INW ion, Brook,0.W I;. T. BARCLAY,. *LYMAN 1ENGL1U, LL. R, ARRISTEIR AT LAW,SOLIOIN U B Chaucery,,Cue«. &0e-t coo Siret, sh0 a DAVID ORMIsTON, B &. ATTOEI4EX.AT.L&W, SOLICITOR IN AI.Chafflery, Couveyancor, &o. * OrCK-Iu tho Office South of the Ponti Offce, lu cianiBcBro Street,' Whitby. 17.10 JOUXN'BAIL DOWT, DAlttISTER.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR *oMele-Deve).ii Block. Brook F4.eet, MONET TO LEND-Pulvaio Funds- inumu p te gOOD, ai _a loy raie of u ROBINSON & KENT, (LAr* Duaoai & Ronacuo.) ABISEB.AT.LAW, ATTO EN. B ey, SoielircCcaveyancers, &c. OFPICE.-IiI ViettriSCabos * 9, ioerlaStreei J.G. Romniw, X. a.-Hata? .E. 115Ev JQ OU NGU.T 0 .Bmok oy*<-OWtOSlDi"ea% Whlihy. et- j,'qg,. ont',BrEI (un" QgsByron Sckt, Whiby, u. (he - .- . UJNM. 1>N, , G Ds <fR. BOGlARTlR4,S physician, Surgeon, Accoucher, tc., &o. Whibî,. Sept. St, 1874. 4do - W~ ADAMS, mulion-Oa."cf Byron 28, L ID. I. Ettuerte4 on aI~Îi* ...à...u.am.. .J 11... sut e,', e,- V tM~ ~. WIt CIISPsate wt~d~tMet toba dulen O~L -XXV 0 WHITBY, ÈLanti WrÀBLBB, S1ý eCoBA, . -P.BOPDJE2'O1..c R e -(mzwa Dy ous u Jîoux y (J . C h e rxi i s t a bloci from ihm Noriherfl Dopôt andeClose the Marbet. The Houle bas boeun né1,l Mdeont, ami every-tbtug Flit-clau. <1y47),- - DÉ nd., D1rUggit Mas. WA&LKECy'd DRUGS, MEDICINES AND) CREMICA.LS, 'EMPERANCE HO USE, looti acommzoitlo a mnable terme. iartieri12.80 per week. 4 zOBSIN HIOUSE.-TORONTO, ONT. ihe paae otel cf- Canada Rutitieti. * levâlor, runlng lisdd4a. The jy.laaS-eàIl ofel în Ccmdawiihgràda-ý 04pPDec, vuz -42 o. -ci#s $ 48pu dy. emberc of Clubs anti etherc, doslrag Me, eithcut bard l to 8 Or d 5b. 27th, 878. Proprietor. tOTL IOTEL, '~TT Thre above hlb ac&&bain thorongbly »V" a u nfroi shuti, sad leucw un- ,the mmaagoeni cf0110. MACKIII, trly cf St. Lawrence Hall, Port Hope. 3RITI8H AMBBIOAN HOTEL, RAàYTS8, PIHITBY, ONTARIO. Hloua. newly renovateti andti urnimbed' ircughent, sMd put tl itt-cisie enter« for Le roceptica cf1jguette. An omnibus to ad om anl trains. irat-clsa *ample rooma. 1H&IKBSPEÂBB HOTEL, Cogr. Ring àYork-ets., Torontot Ont. FA. O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. TymÉa, 11.50 rza D.Y. (y-47) POST OFFICÈ 1SALOON, TOacirro. M. MCONNLL, ..PROPRIBTOB. 1. ffl TE BET ACCOMMODATION -ips ar uests. (ly-47) )NTARIO DOTEL, BaôcE-sT-, WHITBY. rAMES T. J'EWELL, Propri-clor. (Laie cf tbe Nlpisslng Hotel, Toronto.) Gooti Liquctu and Cigru. CommIodCua ltabllug. First-clas Livery Stable and BMÎlArd b'srlour attached. ly.16 T fiE QUEEN's MOTEL, SEbWBUZ. Ment Lki ucr rL à e stabllng and large yard rooro. Charges moderatow5 CENTRAL HOUSE, OSIIAWA, ONT., W. B. McOAW,- Propriotor. Ylret'clmuscemmiodalon. Beout Wlue, Liqucrs and Clgars.Gocd t&Utciu ZÀant attentIVes bolers.17 WHITB~Y HOUBEj DUNDAB.ST, WBITBY. The nntiermiguod would Itimate- to lb. public ihai the aboe. promises hale. beau newly buili mati fitied up thrcughbui, for the acommodatitcfguocto. Boit Wfro, Liquoru andi Cigare, TH4E OREAU O0F CANADA" -WALtZ t.OER. Alco pure Ehini W"ue.LagrWhcl Boarders tskou by 1the weok on tmodor- luly, 28th 1880. 8- J3LACJC HOMSE 0TL COS. FaDEr Guo"%.e.,TOROEýTo'. ALFRED 0 70 -PII0PIUKW (Lat* cf Wolllagtcu RIotelz, uKm.à) L MS 1-V E A. 84.~l epi. 15th 187, a$rtig $0 .~Aft<dq. m"ots lu lb . 4"-tLJ a tp boitraies. Appy o-fZB icts W. I. BILLINGB5 iý 0W OMoecuovsa-Outamric Buk, 10.tf 'whiby -ISE &50 -Cnnov ho oaiaithie Siop,- TrWO DOORS 'WEST 0F ÂRMSTEOXG'8 OLDtTNDAS TBT.ý L~U Ordre Ro ptL yM ÈR l TOILET SOAPB, PERFUMERY$ BHOULDFAR BRÂCES, TRUSBES, SPONGES,ýl AND ALINI>DS 0F DRUGtUI5TS' aSUNDRIÈS USUÂLLU KEPT WNA FIRST cLAM DEVUG STORE. PHYSICIANS' PR 1ESCRIPTIONS Carefll ounaed, and od psoe4uih a i&cPqatch. eOBNFB BROOK AND DUNDÂS STBIUETS,"WElMBYoNT&1UQ. CH1 NA'H AL Li 48R NE 71 KIN G-ST. EA8T TORONtO. ONTÂRiIO PraRceR"to - FaMutual 1n8utrma0TuCo'y lay0n u Dutiel».DOFIE RO.S. RT? 81W~ Paiei Eive 'lm k.sud specue SIMver Pliti Cruots-suS Butter Coee rmti ' nite"sudForce. Tc= erud s<cLII k lamwreill for IIZ$g keaYà» 06wbito Sa vieodey ni Hôte atme wm, vm kdi. GLOVEli )URBISOE,. importer. Dominion Wood Work8, *HITBY. Geo. Cormack, luge, aIa au * of Twteti Moldingt, Deera, Sasir ni Blinda. LUM13ER wirelcsale ati retalI, crby by the Mar led. Planlug, bMoldinaga of cvorydescrap- tion, Fleoring, ShceotUg, Shellug, es- saa, Shaplug, 'lirn9u. SCroll.wtk, etc., OI. mONBT TO LEED. oy te tendi upan Parior Tewnpropour at unusmfly Low Rateacif laie 1»momsubu repaiinlamm ea ouiibsr. turoi, Pari, an t e ftacs. Fortumier paru ara aply te Apri 14872M M1. lge, contry CiraitaihieShobl floutei, anti their Conmtn ai r5tuc Oc xcv aahcefnyil4tiia edcompany JusT LOS PIoMTLY PM-R J. B. BicKBLL, JOHN W=1L81 Prreeldeni. Vice-proaldeni. C. NOURE, SECEBTAET. Whiiby, April Pi, 187. -le p nSNIX FIEEINSURANCE CO. ni Lm ut1782. GILLSPIE, MOFPÂTT à 00., Agents for Causasi. R. W. TYRE, Manager, Montres) A OR-SOT01 ESTABLTSEREDr NCAXâi& T> 7A lau 0. unimiiet i labSilmac mil the Sftkhelirc, octi lro BuiIS Fonds. Modaraterates of preriur. r Whitby. April gon, W 14M1 A88uranoe Company. s dvi MeUi.ïtISug0 Ili.em 1" lb. r ney~be The re noedÉme tli la 1i'u'iwha itirL Thq uttheu, tI ttIVaM iatteee !C;tne The Wira no yaufod lt.zer. "e ; ûne food ., oi b.aùý. TIa spiie;n huer mci. Ilve, »a i& ine or ie&b6 man Ton. taot 'Vbd ti besywethe là, ~ .w~ ore he M&ni u~rD ;btir spirit e h i lI-a loe; atihttra i iero aytu n 5w ris mt Bio ut i r n ea i~a i 1e 1i At C"11 i 41d AnWathf i a nti'gaM alMg i inova peaulve WSPM toGaunf'f ForfZÎ fhoi ,or mFM hecl,)atI."aI i izd loges, $414 ae ,n~t b tf vith the e fXti6dh hic uiwn ne juelt Igusahailde uIwVied, and h1415eus. th An iah!msight e- . ui i i"r t4 izc hel ai Wihenarw A"mdjeet-a orple in lu hrbr.ut1 eheguor TIIE TOUNO DUKiE. tA Hom, al ýti.ghcugh ma.) BST BWacuàm #DmEZaKU, BL Or BCOO FIEL».L. ou a ouïmul eyes anti Stý pac"ai UX OIE viii to oi UIarsheurSê od ,cj le., anlui bo ,Duleu iho ti a"dvIwitt lai$ 1 vaut al gnraou e? AlBe mYs t, *uit litsu bouct rybic owri lý un te your flou. siii eaag duke itm, »the' Son.5' - è i thagraee' q! rs ed 'the gooin 4.81 "oby thirttladu ioa i.vory vle', de antire aftoïr, if yo pioooedo ju'fr_>, &Dix aiiO c Irc.Twoco ebea làu limtacfllq tu*.Thul roh ipliOlty, tbÎee ilpl a tpi l i aiher'ahall, euti coquer.* - a presouient tirai Our, e eayeryfrnat a uioua tene. "u lave noÏsetakot anY. M ki u c u n e " id M a *ksaksMdti ord BLt D. prîoed'p irs es-ia a, ý.saj1forl" sef' b», pneyb, utorn ~e great1 le ruaeay'Iwoleome te pooreasile f!sid-te. teyôuiig ,ti luo1esd uneo vezedtO . rýno m e .çi t b le j ue i a i "lu , f, - r ~ruthntei pruuoeea~cit mock nu1" , il?' mai amcontent ltai on shall -hei 'a. trngle ifreedom J'art aa th&iugak eMrDali I cnuo te) pi4eoiib.,cautered up, and.,1 Tire LadyMlooh11ecable& Sir Carte,, 'Wlth bd*gt,É YUâyét 4uln. emlcwlhc Or',uuaeonz 11e t*flr tt 199'aportfcliô of' Will brlnag ChMle Dacrete her haver. evlS;fîoc it rn.,DalIago Vr a&vauaee ai4 calshnn i t.Lady 41e.. Her alki is Abrupt; andtihé.laeqa *eück a~em anlad itracte,,bee 'd.Theidioek'd Sir, faugisàt' nnsxng atituce' moi- uîercine, sudtiraIâ lourléua niiraoefiàla istatue. ,Clara economy way" a- Hevwatd aie rans(ba ellithey entereti re andi 11rcourage. * Boem Mtgpr oqu 2 .' ', ery- yo n lc o ,thi 'O>ulldaeDeé heari'gikie E1uf9iw ahmo. c118tba .11irenj& ~àatatia~Rtng ryms~,~- ,tl autfcî6i. an L t.fo r ,th rt sqqerkau a rý é cro INCORPORATrE» :1SJ. 15. .oI A aILET S, 4,0,884 eoyhlg lnmmou eg43eté nt mhe lormn. ratai on Buildings, MerChandlao, acterw dUIBSS Propertyagalnit lmssr tanuago im . iingeip nm CNOum , iti.Thoyi wmgtby. Areb9l4rerer Whiiy, Ani~ ih, 078.an o "mo , Tire ciglut cfa ARCH ITEC TU R E7.1 i h"nuiw - - *their aeime, l DRAWHO A» BPCIFCA5rOui enines illa Prm~ptly prted v4r., iuvicRecncmy "I muet ape 'I1 i nd lg u CIWCH -ASM0101... LIITMIRE, ilvd d tii- 145in T. i th b" CernijhndoceoapctfllyDoichithe frî tant 0 R~D. EAR8F, Aoirlt frima., Whc o" I Authorlzed Capi tal 52,000,00) JOHN eo:y, Siq, neo igtezer u,oailSc= t t A., A. SOT, (rllir Ie4 ILapÉs ans nov, àwo Sirl 'a 1 1 .1

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