**%-B. B.R. meoX -B. 13. limause. I'sksumat batamk"-. S. X .MPlu ot-J. S. Bobrsapi 'Woà ueutlou.& a sd laoed boots- IlmS, 3=14 1 Olerhgsale.1 't -a. Frost. 4Meras.Ua'&j of .11ks, sagesa, table -Quen, *r"te et.. -B. Frost. Another uedoli t the.baîbrupt &tore. * Orooatsaai 0ois-lit h. bsnkrupt Ferm for sale or te, Bout Livery -Slable-L. Sebort. Driiin8 bors. and buggy for sale. Sseorlftee of SBitmer Gooda et Bryc'. Printi ohiep-B. Bryce. liedutilon iu puce o aortana-B. Bryse.. MiliUnery dom 120 pur cou-R. Bryce. Poetponed Metig-Town of Whitby. Cam for O8praeou@ of the choit. * lan aieheue-l. a. jainovan. Mon.y ta, Loan. China sud tes osets-R. H. J&memen. Bipberrio-B. H. Jamemon. -Canmjd Mtia a Italien Wareouo- .. ée§oný Lau Party. ONLY Ist 0 P&R ANUN WhIby, Thir*dyl July 14, 1881. The. Peuaoual à AwacLeon Mr. Blakue. The periiali tuko ai the Main ÃPon Ils. BUaf repart ai th. party pgwgr.e uloh Il wua etled .auld M.ee(dot systemaileally. Home. tIa nte bu loeiste m t.e o o poplr fayot, zimnng sa itsugly in * heur cf 1h. Uber a ider. Âud seoit wauagred Ikul Blakeabould hi euil. .4 erunaly-latduiiMI al uld 7pf hhi'in4 li $kt i leI hiruling wÀ_tè» on ci b. Uv.r«nut preusabonld Uvohawi Apeelà llaa&"aeigned Ibsu. wole inom belug pu*frm- ýW. fi remerumbeu lhst oarly la Mr. BIkee~tIalea tu"t ofice a 844 uer. aadapted by hieiop- ponants, _The Teéaptà oaitht ailda Oond by Muera, Bobetan & Oaa sud .411.4 by Mr. Daniel Norilson, Wu eMade the médim ocf suut. Aud mormzUn, s.Bake sud bis ho. Teattake wote a a per. mgl t « S à a ystimatia thon u theai of " kMailarmnDow, sdthe itktio i alr1tibig, morevlgarcus. Bt Iey bsmloasly %pou Mt Bske , ho re- ma& uSoahe4ddhue popularit7- Tuey r *«4 utdown soté t mb et bead 4" Cauadian noue.- v~u ho b»erry led that lhe Mià huld ubarsibwo fi thfel. ?lo- traptIm* bWeald b. a%,publie las- moeslahure lb.e lgbteet jou dfor ».. prhnee o b led' ,Th ,.0Mail l sued t icanaiaJoauru lctintr. priea.sd diorvous.... BUt laetti pISoImgtio Bako M=079-sly, ttila, set pupes%. -dhrw rlg rl u mbï. Blaa lek i lae ofathe b(iu la pbigeal W tee, b" licer. iul is bulkupieanttui 4 eigrt- Ch0* lmHT hvttI éi spi'Auhum.ar parmeiý wo t ei sll iùt lb. JTme Whlt» !M tlm tonal halt-yearly oxaminalonn for admission mu teld Ilate Collçkie Instituts buildings ou ThurîdsY.aý&0i Friday lat, Mr. Principal Robliq proslding Examiner. Egt~1u~ didates - Ion&y-siz boys, sud lbIrty- slgbt gle-repr.aut" inn.netmdl- taenil mhooli, "raSe an Pipera ipi. paned aS Ste Educallon Offiae Tarante, and unformu for th. Province. Tite pa poel4i'«tIthe exceptioq ci Ilbt o Blolattan, micitwueunuuaiy sud unueomarlly diffienît, wers caloulated t. test tbe knouledge sud thimaing pou- or ai lb. andidates. There asevýlmat- à a verymrksd didre upon tire part of the Hlgh 8*001olaIneootont. mio pro- pare Ibis. papérs, te diseolrgooM ft. A aaadldsde ladeed hal V«7ry tile ehancaetfpaseelg utaoesanot thint for hlms.eli snd goS through @mofthei i simple raooue.of nsseniug ulîbouît blaudlangb Wo are sure te publie generally, sud Mr. Inspecoar à MeBnien lu pamolullw, ulbl b. gî,etly pless.d teosée tirs- Véy tlgh shanding Ibsi many oaihelb. ,lpla tram lb. severà l eebools hbvesIMtÃ0a; et Ibi exsminstion. 501u orsulsare lnaevery usy reditable to ltse Ismohers lu charge i Ihese achoals, sud lruatiem abonlnet be ainluseauottaging toachota mte bave ptoyed t Siwulveo se aneessifutlu h Ieir mark. Our oui toma sahools, oeusdsoring Ihat lhey ire eroppod huIce a vo*r, have praducod &W e nodstal excellnt nussbta. Moisi SUROOL WarrB.-Mm. Jà e. Baous, Tzcaxa. - Aiez. Andermon, t84; Wesley8saundors, "0 1 Hei Burns, 888 ; FloenoceHEU, 07 t lie Aun Wlhls,8568; Ch&&Oqimb mlfred Auiso,*q'uKam l<av -SiT. Wuxn.- Ma.Wmaa. Tuîà caa.-Jao. a.G ssbell, 2M9;, Jaseph Ring,1817 ; kar rama, 2W;, mana a. ieý, 5la9; Abert Ker, 822; Fred Luka.. 825;- Currle Clondumung,, 8w0; EmmaisHomnli, go?. ozrucà ar S BasentWmrru.- Ua DaomeTgtm;a-.Jmiph DIhlms, 20 Kat.L I#n, NO Thomas Moote, 819; BesoziliP, .-Mik A. G.flia- suy Taosa.-W. A. Berl, 809 ; W. Y. Ketokesi, 282 ; Frank lant, 887 ; Allie 19nira, Luka, 887; Fred Das, 8OU; Clareuce L. Stanr, M0; BIna Holl:; day, 872. CLARENONT P. &-à . T. BowmEiBT Taacuaa-Beajamin Bondy.- 854, B. fluant Mioboil, 299 ýRob#. W. Thamp- ton, 460 ; Mary Mclatlue,88; Wui, Chares Miobeli, 890; PetenrD4iIh, 8311, Fred Tracy, 485; Helen Brat18942., WanxvuLB P. 8-4W, LAxoa zaux, TsaScfilaa. à .l*oder Boston, 4611 lie. 1D. McPbeo, 477. Kissane P. .-M]L E. O. Gueuse TuAm-Hoat Chao. Lemtan, 888 ; Floan MOKOY, 812; Wxa. D. Radgene, M2; Mgt- MaKsy, 115. Aunnur P. 8.-P. Ittio Trtcu- a.-4oi.. *etrady, 889; Béacmnu- ed *, %thu MoBrsdy, 278. UNION NO. 1 Pcmîo-a ea Tsacn.4- Abert Biohardeon, 2U5 Elizabeth BSak, 808; Aida Phllp, aie. Durmi, Caugg P. &-Mn. MAEGACir Tar£.- Wm. Bsh 8;Rt Woed, 80. No. 1. Wnrru.Ma. Sos. UHODes Tsaouz.--,Tane etrey, d40. Bania P. 8-l NmioTt.a- u.-wn. P~ os,88 sr NOe. 2. Pxoxuuo-W. 'V. Wssem* TuSas.--ThomS« Calc, 804; Mary Jane Gorsnhiy, -810. No. 83Pzaxzao. -Mat. Hr Balnc. M. lIc B nr.v.-a.Joux BtMsc !Paasm&a - Egeuton Jackson, 2S -Norton Pardon. 84»L . Gunuxlrea-P. 8- W. Ezuouil son, Toui-Mn.Wood. 8SU. HiamoesiProspecte. Crope cf ail kiads noyer proatts4- botter la Ibis loeailty. Th*. o"=MU4 &are ltlit.avorge milb. umbe ei.ded.Thte hs oop la vsry ed sut and citaplndmd 4ualIyb Tue WtiCk6 itIx ruSi TheDpslotaAgiutr it Waablglillneà te bmubal à r' of the Unlledstbt luIn18aIet80 Pený oeil. of an avéragm oiop. Âs.i T ~ .. ** .-,------~-.-----**----- i _________________ M ___________________________ The preliiith a eayasyocf lb.On. tr...,lSte. MlleBolum 'bui beu tplet.d to PU*R" ýTé B Es xclnt ormiulge bb .ea9 - no on I Muehlka au Bpku rlvm4,md ho aip"ocost Part Bond. ~Ptalà a O tfldPogr 4hng à sor Président Osold la progressiag fayot- ably. H.Ir86oWaeas u se*01, bu no favorable. The bfdditlpb -tagody. Tho Feotloy braîbers mets braagbt botor S quire l'ottesaSt Iondon on Mnqfr a preliminary examina- tlai, Oounly rAttorney Huthim oundutol She prasecullon, nd* the ptisaaers wion dofonded by HngbiMao- Mason,Q. C. Verp isu ipeetatare uore iu alteuidanco, littla teroit being taken lu the proet trial. Patrleit Donielly, ThoumsSiasbottasa, JohnuHI MCon. ushl gave evidence, îh.fr teetlmaay chlody rolatiug ta étalements mode by lb. pisenére aibmtheCourse of eauvor- maien ilh then. The sxamlnalion continuel ou Tueday sud sdjouurnd. uasÀoec e. u. OîhtTo. j'thé matait for the oitsntpionalp mas plsyed t Tarent., on Baturday, hi- I~szibo bov clbs.Téfinit gae wui icared forih. Tomo lfi 0 min. ,Iu tlgbt minuat«a shBbammroeki svd thé soeond. -The ltird gaie mui bien- by'Téooito la b9fali tùa11, and 'U* wonnhuhor. ente of theb. mrbsl, cf *U ll thb Inm whà t'had Ihi bd lIt the uitb game e b. ot.t at 58 mnutesantwmaswon l'y Iohn rost. aller a -deetperata trugl-The. leit spme lu.tsd abo«,l lght miaules, sud irasils* isiten l'yMe jBsaioîkm Sorne eomplalts-mrnilaai la lb.h uasipr.'i deisln lu hIb t ga, t bail paseabove instad af Ibrougt the flag . Mi. Adertn u yan. h «tmoly cO M ol ha Tbh. maiîibwmt«ee of griat «elt.. ni nsd lmore lalerei as u mufal. *d lua1ktbhu la *Dy tiemver plsyed- money cbanged bands, Tho Tononts tave hsb#sg elb Sbtnro l p1sf teli "magorefor lb.chlllulnuîpupoa lbhe hilsr'sou groundi on BtuAiy 'teebaileag bas net yst beeu aceptmd. mil b. mou by sdvsr"lomnl bas putabauedMr. ?nlagle'a ivery bual. nsiu-tô uhiet ho hbas matmre id. dîlons of good héanse usé*ho palolebl"itut gîjiluthé.~lb kaerlèit li mai., Tme Là ,» PAMr AT TUE Gmuiqo,- Bemembur. 4h. lama psry . iti enaa&g-4b$ide dnea. etW. H.ILg gitla <!Charmdai)afterucn, fm our F., Owdw, mnb$' b.lité a ab.ut Ibis e lt mter --. t t*o. vz 2 bilitu. ce1 w D.Mab.uioi sd E. IavY, thé laller gotlng s"von yards atrl. -il T"e bimuwon sa 1*day lut vWs weéu .hùIliie *ûIIt ý'b v INstabias. Tl4todfling MM ctà fa iho I ad on lté Wbllby Orlkl et n 1 i e noedq lut'lb tarmeWi cub. a ulmuai bo elethe viatore w.eDotfltugluiu.l 17 di Ib i neai Ott à U8l inge. Inihl $ua Brou aiMd oysMatq a stand ntu balln ry.eU or 20 éb. bllb uaalntalsed turffn? drpuain saau bowling the"e Wsre îged mn deméé gdven an- prornpty takin by the lio. Bm omt klg8 good atlh., 8. RAY,* b Foy... ............... 80 0. Bayb Bourd .îéi.....à é... ,7 = rquode% ,e md bIbod . ... il eia, b-loy ..Q................ 8 A.L lfChekb Houd......... 0 0dAllai,................... 0 P. ale;b oy ., ......i VatleeFne7eu...... .....*......1m xtrao.................... 1 lan bthi...o................ Hoa, b ag..................94 Ho' ** ..... 20I 0 thMIW n........ Bsron, e ...dib ahie . Feyug, ehbBTrudo ... ......1 bha.nlsyb)eteutu..............O lrsc ............ f........i Foe c al.b r. ......... s Biahae ntt .................I RoaeaffBe........... ....... Ras.b 8îa,...... 8 b,, hia Ra-.e.. 7 ....... H.méOne, ne o.....:..........i jHauman eeb Miy ........... Cie ont ..nt* ............»...O ýX exéâtre...................o 4Witbirwon by a, lanimpe aid 8 Tee Ca»Utix maax-Tiaje lb. Mrnetia trlcetiug lté= -*l'bas betn foit"d by Ibat imail ,kBc#n. tiftoeel I. I. 1X.tIidtof 10 II brook, te plya ses acf.ganeam prominent clubs lu0"ti 'U nliedBa -hten',t l gîod aler*lbMWebae Mis foicw iae th. Dames ,cf ,lth ()»adtinsu.1t- J. A. Kireboffer (Capai),; (be. uil sud Logan cff uewof ouieaB oia ad Fanm.n o TMiot i 1 mi;Bay, cf WbltyîHaden. ofiCobut su d W. pleton, linî% ofet. thsriles. Theit en loft Toronto Ssturdy for Phlldelpii. monday b. atc antd *as 5otludod on TIed *,Wtlt ZingaicÃŽsnae-le nin9 8 'a inalugi,189-To&Al-282. Yong Aarisi-at amige,186; 2ûd fuuie, Ybnng Ameas seorod 47, mluulgtb gomob an.mn ad sitxth m oaféspr. t ui con- sen ,t ply *ss- eol ida a bon ofgTeAin as .deedW 12 nuis mFls) tkjsroNda Bir un»"- bers on C dne, daul ilyla aadnl9tto ksWnrlnl, Q fn T ru, et nez- huel, wiriab 181sÈei Enrnua The approauuin 1hIp a*thil, oble Miariole 1oteb Xotî.we bu tgme la a quatbdtay. polilmuole,) I"get ready sau dilulid ~tu to the llorSbsWuk Tire eompany MIlb. quiti s.le. TItane vl be.ne r baqla a mmd et 2 70 ïfllgo auroflbu- all. nydio'Mo"ute lb* proe M sbhup.vlaedor ted original be you, if y*imaspire tlb' lime la cMm. We mili avs l shna ilavinesav ovory. "big-a tllukeapromley$-» il î; Make dSy -'stlb uld lime,' gnniY. -veruap.' Ia me deligit, 1 teait the open Latier te, M .O'D y. 'Oms dean, ssu 1, lsten ta Ibis. %Heei s holiday Itate fonrme, an s grale hor ia- deed." 1 nid Ibe [tîher, su Ibmn hsudd l tte Mr. O'D. (inaà seathorin way) ternad Min. Obe nasd il trioS aver Miranst laokfi p. <'D'ye manot go Pl' sho axes, lookla up sudliutly, ulibthIbolibgtnin siiip in heoe, an blaikt Ibndber onr.ber bram that sluaye dinotoi a sterm. "De Imnans to go? - Wby ehidu'l «'Au bey a hi auld llmeavsil 2" Moe dean, l"Vta auly s figget av speech - as leo xubraanos av lauguitige lanirhicb Ris Xincy play. 10uhyJndnlgeîi" 44 lggen av dtilestioke i Toli me I dent k nom utat you mne bho p'hi onld lime l' It's aIl very fine ferte Mani taitasu'l &W chiait onraiild, an the Prineeass a#y , but ai auld fllau lits yau - the fathen av sheven obdbe,-an woa scaneily msed- ta go gahivautln an aportlu round, ai 'havin a hi ould linse. . I man'l sthand lt, no 1 on%'tI Ifygo, Tim, l'Il go idi yeJ "Grosituegactnos Ime ulestde Tes tua mitaI yen.aynaio il U ltaHi? Thars are te b.o no "edsa av the party, à At- Iattlre If lbne'& ta be no ladies, lb. methe b raysob lIaies siud b. van da='*nt wmnu ta 4ook afhtlb i Ihn 1 kI ow lb. carrylas ou thal mi lte place irtin Y" me. culside eldlssibn au boyaut il lh. s'otrinlnsi, elvlllseid1e. Oso .pi-*tid bmb i"ongeb ehlldhnel-b.pnianed, IbsI amutI bu p)invhmi So if- y. go, mait. up yer ÎÙtlatIlIgo mlb y. ;-lbaî'susIlI" 1"1Wby, Ioaie e, ss&bée; do- lban.'s s goctima I(sotherlu bler ign.Don ' es renImr Ithâ Mitor Billi , theMayor 'AV lýe town, âû e lihisbigttégraui TornotaLayir, wlal go tboNorth- 54r1b15Lhi AlapIbo tNoble te bit lades oa't be slomed ta, anmta tl nt kept ome hi par 1Ca 'îlsaIdld y as .ay ltaI te me 1 Did pas lare-Oh 1 that I ihul ie te hé tald--o-ooa." Mis.OUDhbrs bÃanal ber tacs in Iler haikenceo, uai uhiniVel me clit ta lIs Pauinludiscuasia ar private lith doetslit affaira, me reeaorae le ta lavo tehéomm an lotl uséhure have full ait>. . ga éljru tae tremint- "More dcla lbyisarraus. ir y teasansa lb.>hv la'amouS uuoIIlylu elecit an hlpitobrlng bookt suasine an lInmn- quhit7lott. oitebed~lr.e om il 1 aoliditloa(liiialb s dîne 1 av b gooti a via.> th-g.4_41 fie wated to'gs oamplel Br*e*e4e sa -te aa4 MoutslftaÈaitan 1b PmMe4lu a u airinlel, bhh tm, jobdraM oni loue morow&WM=-buw t'» lit. urtyr 1thofT flgaWlj e os te falitll an dwatleustdplic" supp ortRuai lis paty bal uesavid trouaI* rise, à & "lIa ashmrt-inn qvrth l sol wodvudh i bt &s. a -For lb. wook endlag 71k July, lhe paaeigex! trIfflo ote# ta '1#"0688 Prihii.à i&i. .... is 1165 81 Mailse, 8O...d...a........ .. 68 %D Totald. ..... 1 1809 04 For the oerrespoadiug ireek, 16.... ....... ..1490 15 Inoreauo. .. e........à .....&» 819 49 Total lrââ 0 tramlit Jau'y. 'ta datei.."4.... ..0.... $46588 40 To oorrespaudiug perlod, '80. 42588 25 Imatisse.. ...1............ #J802 15 Mr.- Mouiet, 'puwobaeer c f lte Victoria Bailiay, acooouà anied, ,b Mesure. Prootor, B. B. (Er, 0» , 7. Camp>bell, sdI aDîciteon, fanse tbrough Whitby an Tuesday la Lind- asy, te Inspocot1h. Victoria rond sud iron mines. Mr. IHoldon, ]Mauagg Direoter, sud Mir. Boss,BSecy..Treae. of tb. Whitby lino, accompanlod the party. The 46 mn..s over thé WhlSby rond to Lindsay iras made lnauan hur snd a quarter. Mr. Boss roturued thé samo evoulng, sud Mr. Holden next morulug. PASBENGEII Ceà CS BaUrNIC.-Â pu-. songer coach belouging ta the Victoria Baluay was burnod nt Lindsay on Tuosdoy. Snppaîed to have caught fir. fram au engins spark. 1rhe labol,î af the !acide Railway Commission, se frrasa th. taking ai évidence ta oucernsd, ars about -over, 1h. uly wituesi ai suy importance re- m alnugte hé examinod beià g -Mr. Mackenzie, who vilreturu tram Elig- land nez& month. The commlossoners are uow eagaged. lu preparlug 110fr re- port. Aitbey fluamalIersIthst e. qufre farther suphînatlcu they may eall upon any avaltable wltnua ta givo lutribor teslhlnonyà La caela"., Mr. ChaploaUti svoy. age taE urope in, me have good tesson to bellee, in ceuneetion mithi s ?roject ai formiug s syndicale of capitalite mitamliipuroses u'Provincial rail- rosa (lb.hé -. Ã"4. 8O1)thé charter af te tunnel, snd Ibat ai tite Ontario & Québeo Railhoad. The plan la à large eue and ire Mil atch t.hodvelop- moute iwtb inerat. Il fi unùdèrstaod thal Meurs Binitit, Auguà , Stevens sud MoItyreintend next montb inuiclgthé rrtute ai lbe cana" da aiie a ily, betuein Lako Np alnsd Gorgisu Bayr.l ii aideteb thofr intention ta go over-the route priuoiPally ou foot, lu eider that th maboore iftimately sc'O ,t- festures ai lbh. cently tbrougb mbich the roaid à ta paie. Il i laid It lbthePacifie Bailuay Syndicale bas dellullely decided ta abandon tbe roule via the Yrellowhead Pies, and te idopt a lin. runnlng lhreugh some pau, noer 1h. bouudary line, ifsa practicable one eau b.disecoi. ered. If net th.y wMiia.dopt tihe Hasirenroule. The syndicale ou- gneeri are noir ýogil.dimseatciting he a.ni %ho ud i in. PSeCÂTIoNS 10011rl[9 SAVET? Or Ta£ GovEuxoin GENEE.-A gendso- man ho aeompanled 1h. Marquis oi Liotus on a-portion oaIdhie roceut Mari- lime Provis. trip, says Ibal oextraot. dluhyreeutkwe tabou by tho = fmh tià "t- dalbotitl.8 la guard * atgaylacscident hapobng to Hi x.h Ney ota ouly uer. lbe aoiteis loôde s e uu, but al1the smiteb.rails more spiked ama se liaI they eould net b. opened. Détectives la thé omplay ofthlb. (ovormeut travelled on the sanie train mlîithlmh tbrouiho ut thWutr ,it la ruutoied tiraI * aubiorlllei drécelvodasbià Ibat £Lis à xïou lc.w:s sbrnlened wu eébai(thlbWW lu tbe Thé work o1 banging lbe gauge *n lb.h Norieru Bailway bai been com. pIet.8. Il is noir altered tem il .6 t. tbeetaadsrd -4118-a -- Oià ea Wedding. ,l' 4o.Edtior of ilb. WhUby Citron. ide. noiex ie folleuizg luthie Obronlal sd.-s tuasI iukiâ bsI à sucb a rare Ivon itfi flletra t- - Riot la Montreal 'IUE LOXO5EOEEEEN OS TIr WÂAUÀ- A 71GRT mvi sOEo AND REVOLVuEE The- lslrlkere by therproceeilal showsd thoir- metal prettly meU, sud thos irbo ua dereSlo lte temisuoa moba mere net.fat wroug lu propusy. iug thîl 1he limie QiI hoir peice policY hid-eomé le an sud. Their meeting us amnnouco for this evsnlng in Papineau Square, sud nearly 1,000 mou met thons sud lieteued tlasddressoa from gaeroaai thoir leaders irbo talked about lluhor and capital aud their te. lalions in the mail approved commun- istie stylo. The meu lisleued talte peso. -coasels sud haugbed luntteir aleeve at the;u, inlerjeoting auch ex. pressions, as "<LeS us smeep the wharveu," "WeIll mn tho foreigu liber into the river," sud other sncb express. loua. A CONLIOT INE<NT. Wbule lh. police wore puttiug Iheni. selves in readinesa ta ropel 1he rieters, lb. latter were moviug quietly but suroly aloug lb. ubarvea. They reacit. od te Lake Manitoban, ef lh. Tom- porley Linoe, uberé lbey -iauxid Obief Ormand withi tuênly meu, sud the mord charge bayonets brougbl dam thé lineofaibayonets, at which the ilrlk- ors paueed, aud at the oommand ai Captain Ormend defile.i npthe ram- parts te lte revelmeul ushl, and rang- aloug Ihis toward the stssmsbip Tout- oni4, of lte -Dominion Line. Chie! Murphy, Mr. Ormoud, aud lhe lmeuty policemen talieued the tluI end ai lhem, kepiug bewmeon lhom aud tho ahipping,Ãunie an occasional stone mas tbroun by the rioloni crowir lto the reuit ai tbe policer ifMauime Sergeant Holbnaok saa iis eigbt mou more drm up opposite lte Toutonia, mie s'Il the uillng; labouers ad beeu ai. CUrod under hatches at îheï Teutonia. The atrikers îeparaled, one party of tonsu eediug t. the nevelménl mall, sud the remaluder remaiung outhie Tas FINAL ATTÀCI, Chief Ormoufdlasaquai voeehutryiug forward te support k8stgéaint -olbteak, mita bid beou furlter sup portail by a squad ef slghS mou item tho City police, uhoý camne ahouguir ated Ibat thone more more comiug. The isîribors nom Ibreir s volley ai glanes, sud Constable Baffen, cd lte Goverumoul Police.us knocked bond everhietand ud aicar. ried sm.y. Maltâns uow became semr- lous, and et thre roquest of Captaîn Otmond, . r. V W. Heuisu, thé magistrale in sttsndauces procseded to rend the Blet AcS amoiaet shxolsiofder. ielon ou tho part of lhe mob. "To h-1 with you and lte Quéeo sud lhe Biot Act" shoîtteil oue-"4We uill dom ean aIl ont" ebculed another. - Sllhl the atones flou lun al diroctions sud agita lb. Maisltrats rend the 1Biot Act. Ho bsdi bardhy finisbed wheu thériotous ,obsngod theit tlution sud crack, orack, crack, came the ehets item several te. volvers. The o mn ottho. doverumeut Policoraplied. sud Ihore was a brisk firo. Snddenly the rnotera canghl sighl of anether body oi police comiug up witir glttoriug beyonets aud tbey tutu- ail sud rau boîter akelter &long lte wbarvos, the City Police lu bol pursult. *An Ocan Steamer WreckCd. Tis: mnIva STAR 0. 8. "udIITANNIO", GUIîXUNuE» ON Tau COAEI OF IRELAl»., -11a11STOET a7 TEE KACCIDENT. A DubÈin &itreslolidsnt tolegrapha: -«$Nerhy aU lb.h R ritannic'* pas. angers arnived e aI ullf-ol tMildst .nîgitt il helf.put ton. Most &teetaIlbo' B helbo)urue, mhsre tbeaie aacofoit' a bleas ,possble, considénlng lbey. bave, ,onhy snob 1uggas aithoy co"d I-ta 1 Wftiieslelueoi, 9ni hot- ir bads.,fAil tih pasmaor.ae il butIo141alo m 1 od uappenns atboBsam boalte n"inhiùgby doad- richaulug; During t1%t51 11 l es alioVo* irbher Ibo veoael-vasunî three o4clocok o Moude'y moruing. Tushen âg wu thon seoon. The veisaet ms,go ai haitsped. Thé lë" -u m ai ov : once every seven houri. About savon in te morn ne nt at lb. moment w'the lb. r a..«infotming lira ai lte pasiaer l thta habd sain Tuiker >te vsuel sudeliy-, "a-on à -ieet lu 10bm sïe Irovm up bigit sud, et~ Ipsi sya once aiderai tii , à ïe ntihe botv ta b. throunovSdIi kopeiý1 oZrià lhting tb. vassel. Tbhffl 5gerqusntily cf Brooklin July 4&it 1881. Conoll met acoeotdîng le adjon- meut. Boove lu the. chair. Minutes allait meeting read sud approvod. on motion et Ut.. J. L. Smith, se- oudsd by Mr. H. Biokie, resolved ltaI Mr. Jcitu Davidson be appoinled ta lu- apeet lb, rond opposite lots 88, 84 and 85 betwaea thia townshtip sud lt.é town- ship of Beach, sud report la Ibis counu cil aI neit meeting. On motion ai Mn. J. L. Smith, secon. ded by Mr. J. Davidson, rosolved that Mt. H. Biokie ho sppoinledl commis. oiener te lnspeî and report ta titis concil ou the ilate aifte ditches on lte 61b cou., opposite lots 22 sud 28. Ou motion ai Mr. J. L. S3mit, sec. onded by Mr. Maîheuson, reselved Ihal Mess. H. Bicksll sud J. Davidson ho appoiut. commlssioners teinspact aud repair Calders Stickney'a, Brlght's Dow's Croxal'a sud lb. Beadley bil bridghs. On motion et Mr. Smitit, reeondedl by Mr. H. Biokohi, s by-law mas lInra. dnced sud pas.ed ppeinling James Tyler collecter sud fixing bis salsry at 880 for tb. présent yoar. Ut. H. Bickle, aecneud d by Mn. Davideon, moved that the ceuncil do now tomume ilseif in committeai the ubele on by.law te cloae np sud sell certain allowances for roadeinluthe Township ai Wbitby. Csrtied, sud counuil oesumed int eommittee ef lbe ubole ounlte aaid by. lau. Mr. James B. Maîbeuson lu the chtait. Commlttoe rose sud neported pro- groeansd askdd bave te ait &gain astlte noît meeting eft Iis council. Report received aud sdopted, baeux given Se ail again il uext meeting ai Ibis couni. The folloulug acceutr moere order- ed te ha paid :-Gea. Skinner, mark ou bridge #19 ; Ambroe Hel!son, mark ou roada, 82.50-; F. Mille, building bridge, $12 ; Jas. Lynde, building bridge, 87 ; Bobi. Spencer, gtaveliug, 881.85 ; H. Thompoan, mork au bridge, 810; B. Brasi, abeep kfled'by doge, 81388; John Littiojobu,caestetfdrill shed, 86 ; M. Feuy, mark lu Hall yard, fI ;Jas. Kemp,'D. D. #1-; B. T. Harrison,, 2od quarters' saler.#.$100 ; Noah Lnke, re- paiting icrapers 85 -; B. B. Wickett te- pairs on bridge $1.50 ; sud Ihst the roavo order in laver ef Wm. Scott, mark on moade $41 ; Godftey Cook, metk ou bridge ho sud la honeby Ponfirmed. The eouncil thon sdjouraod until the Uihrd Mouday in Jnly thon te me.ol.at the township baIl Brooklin, lirao oclacli p.m. Tira CoususofetIrcland. THE BELIOXOUS DISTRIBUTION OFTHE POPUL&TION. The religions distribution eftIhe pop. uhution was muade up ef 8,951,888 Ro- man Catholics, 685,670 Ohnrcb ai Ire- ]and, 485,508* Preabyteriana, 47,669 Metbodias, sund lbhegruaU balance mas madle rp et other doenilualions. Iu 1861 Ihere more 4,505,2U5 Roman Catit- elles, 69a,857 protestants, sud 528,291 Preibyterians. >Xi m1871',thé Roman Cattolica veto 4,150,867, lb. Protes- 1mb o667,998, sud->tbe, -Pre-îbylenisui 497,648, a se IaltIhireetflite _princl.v pal denominallons la thé eaun2ty have been dimlnliingin prtly nuely lte samne propension. The motitOdistem'bdr are mnosat ve et the secte risson aryivotk bave ahonelucotuneed.' The in crosse la prabably due le lb. acquisitioni a 111e im mg4 oiuitlOré h bî chutait et Irelsnd glg vrthéit Primitive Me.Idthodlots;, ubo dlffor, la ,riensli rthe lb. Esllbllhd oburot., 1 The 4n ..ni was .2R.ac 9.7 Pneceant go 285,la bave aise [atorval, «Mulentmi ai,. foila Tnwniqhin Couneil. M. A cmpauly, miic it etebaves1 à lai et? ton millions, -à being iorm'. i France for lte dovelcpmeuî t f u4 ian m-W gg nasourcea. 1 1.1 Anather splendid pbesphae~ beau. dlecovoned up lb.e G allou. TU ownor mas jusl about dlepesng ofito a chance for vory omailamaut, l ho gotlwourd ai uhaltte prosp«. bad ionnd. Tire site tfnrlthe charceal moît a Kingston iras been eoenrod. It e, ai lueuly acres aofteGare an a lte shore of Laite Sharbott, and iis lt. ualed belmeen Dorsu sud Titems mille. Tbe mork of erectian wilb h. commencod lmmediately. A cenîrat itaibeen onteral ile mt a syndicste of Nom York flasue. lers for lte construction -of the MWn. loba sud South-Western Bsilmay.- A lady tbachot in eue ettha publia alchoola lu Winnipeg profited theito t day by a sale ai real oBlate te lts@ el. tout et $9.000. Tho ptopetty Oousijij of a bouse sud lot sitnaled on tho Oai aide of Maîn-street, just acuth o!f th CanaliaPacifie Bailuay Patsunger station- Il mas tonghl about i jean ago for $2.000, aud it mas aold for #il,. 000. This le makîng mcoy s hilue maore rapidly Iban le cnstomary aiucng achaol-teaabons, particularly smcng tbe lady mombors ai the profession; Tbo Uxbridgo Township Fairt ulib. bell in the Village iGodweod, on, Thursday sud Friday, Oclaber 181h sud 14mb. Every effort ia being put fot te make Ibis tte mest auccossful show yet bell. The Brook Agricultural Society,% Shom milI ho bell au Tburaday sud Pridiiy Ihe 61b sud 7tb ai October.: Thte skia ai the bear ubicit wceutly. killod Mn. Johnu Dennisou, theo moU. kuomu hunIer of Deuaiscn's Bridge Upper Madaaska, buas bobagit b s fur, dealer lu Belleville. The bide measutos 8 test lu lengt, 7 feet acresý tho sitoulders, aud 6 feol astIbohehW quartera. A Cattolic citurcit bas iteon eroctefi on tbe sile aifal Carthage. The Tarante s3treet raflmiy bac tol- loued the oxample oi the Moutreal noad sud sel spart the lutS tua seats lu lb. carfer imokers. Pa i.probable ltaI at nexi session af Prliameui the Goverumeal msy lalto some ilepi te oblain central oaI&aIllis- grapit linos in lbe Dominion, TheY bsdl sncb a-sealu eincontemplation o lait session, sud Mn. Glaborne, Gavera. ment Superinteudeuii Telegaphe, acting upon instructions., hie dtailed î bill tor Ihat * purpose, but tho matter was laid aver. The C&aasdan, Enroeos, American &Asiallo- Cablo Compauy mil lsY s cable belmeon Canana sud- lhe W 0 ladies as meil » as emon lte mocou- tinente.Cp Sable io ta bo thre land- lug point hi the cable-en lthe Causadi au Atiantitaitore. Tito Goverumoul are te lay s câble item Cape BayIOte k Lorraine, C,B., ta o e'nso for mtoti- ological pupss ils8 aa dthat Sir John Muaouad winlëve :E "dtom Canad" ou tbý- inonbis islarn mliiupsad. :aMo methit BvoeduLîp Âecoaing tu the officiai figures. the uumber of, livea lest b7 ltée -Victoria di sitt 181i.* _osluushavi petilioùau e lb. ouai ai Cýormous çi- at-hls admission -te the seat hmikrs: 8relig crrest Washington. hé mU QavaiteZ.Gaeeal 1 a06ar. heni hInela 0hie Pic mbi l e esi bua a oby irn b. crOates a dsu ahouïa b. able te go comforlabby. Tue Oppositionini tralis Parliament, forming a mlieltri O'Loghlen ai Premi, Lord 8alébury's duties, ou Thufdy teuded tore teb A meeting of the:J anann sdAvattia, Sahzburg in the mil Bieudean1 mtah I defonce some meeki eau, bai bien foin alangirter. 11. Thie AlbauyafWr.t ever te remilt w.auoà ý ouI Legielahure. Ai seema probable. - , Ayeob Khan suid lnmrébam. are propi lb. former hsving considerablo totoe.: Titi aronditmBI te ChIna, miticb - twonty Yeom, Wtio traae.- -.W France is prepmro Spaulit clsim lot . omu lasses ln the-ci 1876 are aeîled. Il is roporlel 1 France cannai éxs.e msy bo alightly ux crop agunot axooTd At St.Louiglher b. wil kl Qittia ou tEe President la Tue Busan ma os toiscveobon ili isir Tb.anabthe mare su-d mors-19 jet g 1o1 lt trouble. TUE Giarran»Fi ions, up ta Moudsy imeunl te t12ME haitthe antoun-il I Iu cousequinde I prevaumogctee