Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jul 1881, p. 1

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Eava aDAY 14 RNIriG, BROOK STRSETe WHITBY. Trms - $1 50, -pop Apnum. ,ADVERTISZMENTS. - Al  dvewtlae. £-I metitmesure inNouparlel, sud char det the8rat i8 conte, per ilu., dru ctmerline,esohstube-. qi.aent insertioni. tiieuil 1Repors 0 est etg.Finàruolal Simenti Bauks, Railway bernpauies, 1naurfuco Compan10a, sud matiez. ei like description vheutaoed "Bacug ews mat- ter ton oents ver . 8peclaicontr-atu m&de vith adveztluers Dy yh.7.8, orouthu sle. 0$*Or4ersto dscotine badvertlmts inaI be in vrlllug.' Business Dirco tory. O4TARIO BANK, WHITBY BRÂNOHI THOMAS DOW, FARBWEWLL & RUTLEDGE, fanouru. Omofice nrt dqpr aoutb et the Royal Roul, *hithy. JAMES RUTLEDGE, BB.A. J. E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Couuty Crao Attorney. 48 MESSRS BITCHIE &BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTOIRNEY13 AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY &c UW 1 2.t I.-»T7' 0. H. RITCIE, W. H. BILLII4QB, Toronto. Whitby. O'SULLIVAN & PERDUE, B AR.RISTERS ATTORNEYS, SOLIU- ITOBRS, &OÂLS C., &c. OFFICES -- 72 Yonge Street, neit the Dominion Bank, sud Carner King ud Tong. Strecto, Torot. 0. A. O'SULLIVAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octobor 28r, 1880. y4 cÂMELON. APPELBE & fic. FHJLLIPS, B kE.ISTRS.Attorueym.al.Law, aud ASolioftors lu Chauoezy, No. 4 Toronto mineet, Toronto. HECTOR GAMdERON, Q.., R. S. APPELBE, P. NcPHILLIPe. (ly-48) JAmieS KBITH CORDONV, B ARRISTER & ATTORNEBY-AT-LAW, soicior iu Ohauoîry, Convoyanoor, N9olry Public, &o. Offie-Dunau St., ârs we eaot Armîtrong's Hotel. Money to Loan-Fnivate tand-at loy JOUX A. McGLLIVRAY, (Suoceusor t0 He-m. Hovefl.) BARRISTER & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Blotezy Public, &o. Solloiton for the Domnini9,i bmuk. ôffie.-Next door to Manaton HRouse, Vxbridge, Ont. .26 C13ARLge iC. RLLER, ATTORNBY-AT.LAW, SOLIITOE fIN AbCanoery, Conveyanoe,"o;Canniug ton, Brook, C. W. L. T. BARCLAY, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW SOLICITOR in Chauceny &a n Iuul(vecy, ovy sncer, ho., ho. LYMAN ENGLISU, L L. B., -B ABISTER AT LAW SOLICfTOR IN Ohaoer, onvyaoor h., o.Sim- 0o0 Street, Ooh&wva. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., ATTOBIE]T.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN ACbanoery, Convoyanos:, &o. Oriet-In th. Office outh of the Poit Office, ilu MoMllln'a Block, Brook Street, joHNf BALL DOW, I3ARIISTBII-ATLAW. SOLICITORL lu Chanceny, Convoyancen, &o. Offie-DeverlWi' Block. Brook Street, ÇWitby. G Unveratles MemeW t ibeColWeg oi Phyullcanud Suîpon., Quinlp, O,,ru-BockSt. ~btby, 0nL., <Ire CIRGZON TO TE COUNT! GAOL, Wm.. MBRIEq, JM.»., i ... G US HSPIALLONDON, ENG., DR. BOGAE9T, Physiolan, sSlrgon, flochoer, &o., &o. Wittby, Sept. 801, 187t. &0 W. ADAMS, Wu Ra HOWSE, he m i st and Druggis.t, DELER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES AND OHEMICALS, TOUJET SOA.PB, PERFUMERY, SHOULPER BRACES, TRUSSES, SPONGES, AND ALL KINDS 0F DRITGG1STS'SUND)RIES UBUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLAIE DEUG STORe. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CarefùUly oompouuded, and erders sinwoed v ith carnea dedspatoh. Furmons and Physicians from. the countryviii find our stock of nidines complote, wemanted geiýuingelwad0ofthe bout 4ualityi-; CORNER BROOK AND DIUNDÂS STREETS, WHITBY, ONTÂIO. 64 aud 56 Jarvie-treet, Toronto. .TORS MoBBS, . - -PBOPB1BTOB. The beat $1.W a Day Hougs lu the City, only tva blocka tramtlb. orthoruDeyot,andoloie tothe li sket. The. Rougesbas bien nevly Vittefi out, aud evsry-thing Flret-clase. (Iy.47) MRS. WA.LKEY'Si TE31PEBANCE HO USE, DUNDÀS-STREET, WHITBY. Good acqýmmod&llon at reasonable terme. Boardens $2.80 per week. 4 POSSIN HâOUB.-TORONTO, ONT. The Palace Hlolel ai Canada Refitted, Eefnrnlmhedl, sud Unrlvsiled. New Pase. ger1 Elevatan, runn1luni ~ht sud dy.The 01lvfirat.cIan eil. nad.avit>gr Mte cries, va -2, #2.60, sud 08 por day. Membcru of Clubesud others, desil"ng roomes, wthant board, sto aOri Peb. 97t, 878. Proprieton IR HALIOTEL, WHITBY. The aboya hotel ha. bien thorougbly reuove±ed sud reiurniebed, sud l nnovunu- der the cuanagoent of GE'. MACKIE, fomerly ci St. Lawrence Hall Port Hope. Everyattention p&id b gU.ss Esp.clsllygoad §ample Bom.for com- B BITISU ÂIMERCAN HOTEL, ("ATaROSON £oUIR.) W HITEB Y, 0ON TARIO1. Houas nevîy renovatefi sud iuriued throughout, sud put in 8iret-6asa arden for the réception of guesti. Au omnibus to anA tram aIl trains. Plnst-oisa a siple krooms. S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, Cor. Kng & York-ste., Toonuto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY, - PROPRIETOR. INSURANCE.0 ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual In8urance Co'y HEAD OPPICe., BROOK-Sr., WEITY. TJIBISCOMPANI lurnes Farm DaIm- X ing, Coutry kurches, Sohool Housse, and their Countet, at raimau nov as thon etd auy vI.ut Ciss ompany lu Canada. JIJST LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. I. B. BICELL, JOHN WILL18, Proidenl. VIce-Proideul. 0. NOURREý, SECIIEAZY. Whltby, Apnil M1, 1878.-l1 p H<Em y PIREfSUSANCE C0. LambsLd St,. sud Cksriug Cross, London. EwnALISIRD IN 1782. GTILLE'SPIX. MOPFFATT Co0.,, Agents for Canada. E.W. TIRE, Manager, MontreeL. A 'DA lu 11804.UBnlmited li&blltciANO- mbu th. Stockholder., and ~Lup eairv lundi. Modenate rates o prea C. POUlsSE. Agent, Whltby. Wkllby, Apnil 91k, 17W&1 BEIH AEBIA Am~urance Company lNCORPORATZED 13 A BETS8, 11,10,976 94. F.A.DAL Ineurmuces eîteWe4a$ thre loyeu ureq ratem ou Buildings, Merchaudl.., sud ethmr property, egiut oso or damage by ire. . 0. OUES, Agent, Wkitby. WbItby, April 91k, 187&.1 ARCHITECTURE DRAWIN AND SPECICATIOWý1 ]BUILDINGS Pncnptly prepared vlth,vlevle o opuy CHURCH AND SOHOOL ARCHITECTUREA.A Connespodence RespecUWly Solloited. M. B. BAMB, Architeot , . 1abvaOnt. "SULPIIOLINE LOTÃŽL ."l J 1' t -s: - o - r, Wlth calm Prnted vends, gnst Ihoagbtis, sud un*llng Indtu"r, w. mipoettO eaé rgs VOL. XXV. C OMMEEClAL HOTEL sud STABLES, CH INA HALL, 71 KI NG-8T. EUBT TORONTO. Fanoy neakfail sud Tes Set.. Fsuoy Dinnin sud Dînsert Bets. Faucy Bid.room Bitg. Pauya u d Teapote. Bilven Plated Cruel. m^ BttrCohme Uilver Plaied Oae Basets. adgoerg'Kulvsu d Fonks. yes .rasud Servons. Ployer Sbad.a iornUly's. "o, &c. Glasivae, 01 descriptions. Whlte Rtons ver., every klud. Hotul sud Bar Goode. GLOVEBRHAMBION, importer. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Çormack, Lr UMBER MEECHANT h&IIUILDER. - -A large eUply of BufldernV Purnleh- ings,,aud aIl kin of TyluteA MoldInga, Pons, Bash and Bilnds. LUMEB Ewholeesle sud rotait, an by by the car boah. Planing. Mouldinge ef every dcacncp- tion, Flooning, Sheetlug, Shelving, Re- uivng, Shaplng, Turnlug. ScoU-olIvrk, etc., etc. Wkitby, <Ct. 101h, 1876. -48 MOMET TO LEND. The underalgusd hi. euy amenul of Mon- ey to Liud upon Fa&= or Town Preperty, M nnuusl L o es of et erset Imo aou be repaid in-usanate suit bon- Severm lmpreed Parmi sud Wuld Landi fo aesboma delalu uiuhMiDebosa- tunes, B1ana sd eter Matkeawg tùl8oc For tntcerparulars aMOTy -AM 8 OLDEN, Apni à4 lm la1 Tsx, 51.60 PEu DàT. (ly-47) POST OFFICE 8&LOON. Toamo. Ur TEE PEST ACCOMMODATION v for Gnomae. (Iy.47) O NTARIO IBOTEL, BUocZ-SBERT, WHITBY. JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprietor. (Late o! the Nipl.slt>g Hotel, Toronto.) Goad Liquors sud Cigara. Cammodione Stablug. Firt-clan Llvery Stable adBillard Parloar altaheod. 1-16 TRE QUEENPS--HOTEL, BaocE SvaZxr, WMTUY. PEILIP 3MCOANN. -. . Froprùo. Boat LiquoresudnaCigare.ÀA el unp pIed table. Ary bd-roomi. Comfenlbî tabllng sud lange yard rooro. Change modenas. 4 CENTRAL HOUSEpi OSHAWA, ONT., W. B. MrGAW, - Propriotor. Final-claie accommodation. Best Wlnus, Liquors sud Cigare. Good tabllug sud attentives hastlers.17 WHIT-BY HOUSEV DUNDAB.ST, *WHITBY. The nudersigusd voold intimais lalthe public ltaIt the aboi remuleaihave been ely bilît sd.1tedup ihneaghent, ft, the ccomodtio etgueits. Bes Wtu.,, Llquoru sud Cigumn THE CREAM OP' OAAD--WALZ.LAOER iab pure Eblu. Wiue.LgoWce sale sud BétaiL Boardera taken by lb. yack on meden- ate terme. JOSEPE A. BANDEBLL. B LACIÉ HUIME IOTIL, Cou. Fsaxr & GEOacaE Ta., TOBONTO. ÂLPRRD OXFORD, ---PBOPRLNTOB (Lat. ai Welington Holel, Mankham.) ln or oven 800 hétuea. Fira4-class acom- modation fonr(armersansd lh. lnavllnj Public l in el e3. .. PRI lm. 4.lenIsOg,.gel,41 Pei*~ MONEY TO LO AN- ON EASY TERNI. Apply t.- W. ]E. ILIMGSBiiior THOS. SLÇ16iII,' A dalnty nos, Wkth tub md'fgeri itdI vithrae Thre pota" Don'l vklk Boy ta the dimple A kls. for 1mb Nov yenMuVpa At ail lo.dy., TUE YOUSNGDUK-2. (A àM" eZ kthough e. Ny NNAI DII ISAU 07 BO IEoOND. Mr. Dam Ov reeid hlm*m uthkeh afcinhi..d$glgu, llha.rd itl7hc vhlo h ah mDeezet expe*sw c ait" The room s ve. o f vais ialw aud smre of ihesé, vire presente.l 104 las grâce, Who vs.u ons.. man bp I cf univise olle&,-ba , p ÏArioaarby avae of bi193 iMe. 0Te Aki ~ sembleai Cile )sr.ccullo e dom thity gfo Pl ivOfeM ater toany vll hoo a"b.Da s of et. Jshoriad bienc ale8drg hie coiety They ver. not vhat arle ol fa.loionablo peeple. 1Ibave na princes sud ne ambauaeorsne duke vho. lu à gourmand, no OUI *ho ja-aa ýoc.k, .ne manenvernt , miâhera, ne Mning daugtoinegamblig scus fo jour gentleman broiigbl dcwuupiiy rm tovu te gangs th. teu , "ut of the party, sud le provint IheW - b? bIB00 MtniaVrvi.io,0adoolcn.l mnser, fro lsg auj cf lhe bmeflilrua of tbeir lait l afoasu. W.NéshaH s"d'y v.n% toc, a lady, pa 4Womr.* a mac . u I.orb Iehon& #&i belu a old bxl1afi 84, arMais, le theZar an C 5 t sklb an- areaa$ 0Qù euh jpuelu" i b .patlisEiva4e liimb ve. vntyt ageiki l bu a' os i,ý Kn~w1sdg% Brotherhood. 'i. NO.t,0 nelo icugitued- ii-e1- *- il0f hog ipare". l auie lh'sel he c a !! low va mld, u alkMl-g wlê ber lu - morne"niohoc&ieiiueipereLWorm, moiemodm1 teed i te àlbai. oi hir voes sd- gazlmgM=vliteesotauee on ibs wakéninËpuesà4tofw biieolu opa Nwt.y oi t-~10-airý, ti«eud cvor ehampaigu, galou ov i. i gayeiyesu vaclida plilNo lb.y y vre lun lribsd- rourds;sud [ho led her vlth pride 1o' lb. prondit kInga. H Rred' bovédiltuje,.!,, bul lb.hend l&hotghthérnghtuwha hie jgem. Nowlb.y; mtin lb. euàét uexpectud sud ýimprobable , tmnit-1 nov ýlbey parteaSvilh aludre 1 hioh-snud hir &W i on mr nqTh. eimudu hlssleme.. NÃ"W,- Zefme issabée . ftoa fD pauionf,oe v,to"e lues The Bsby!s ToUgate. *1 KEnck êa the. Soc:, Peupin;#- * 1.11 up tlm"ach What a fuuuy Sea- A icrekuaditain - Houne vlth arcot 01 golden bat,. A&nd lsugld ourla ?rom ndbs. Ovin lb. cvd- que.: 111h place Tve vindmvithon., And baby eem lu- PlzukS. eLmblgbine' Whereth,eky eut lu, Lons lulipsl And calla forme. vheuyouprtje.ar wtbshoýe ona enMay muet agalu. theord, Midmlsyr-fwglte muat vlù lb sufa 01dfrehd. -Re kuevilÉe late ctkd e i, *ud lved hM bkbeltr. vith thefrlado altrbdu alrngoIvi.Anfera, b line ibgmore thhrdughly r delighl. ful tbalo bcouciu h41lb k bdng tram vbe.e lIcnis we upnmg, sud "W vom w, ling vitb au Innuitsue coverpelverlng love, i. vievled by. othoi. vlth regard, vrill revenee sitor A prMdebf1aaaarisabedno Llber onlyimnons aIe hn lin. .b ah woïn4sr sbro sud of prinee I - - ln -faîhei, -nature Ègais us kindet friends. Ibanpren oula> eue 7_191d; sud jet ve ily t toc eiufrom ithe oueafon Butttc, sud sbar0 o«xperlsu. sene04 lia"t amith, Are Dot l.tee O-vilia, )F- îhu>' make cs alsd elgyou weitohia.ieaoE vtrn telb oeeon vbom- vtue1 at. '90dnavmbis .agseIlb.odravsi a ohel, am lu n, vima bs Sp W.! Bou sut 1 bueofleent, belo4edý uent-c Oililne A lstra -orvet mèub.l h . . al bniTeu Tar-. love~~~ ~~~ Iiont fimrw h mage! Airejflumoi ur-du aa lyn nrexontbdep- %-,"0 IjhLhazcifilw met.! ud» w oiunhaumi. gruu~ ;a uw.-jea p~up WeUwill il bq fer~I~ snob ai lb.~, le fini pour le emieohh Ibe-juara l~si Womas.aTpus es~ urgu motion lb. butterniss of tion,~ I-have baffa nia remed1' ;bul lb. e.~ ils hiiesnoeen ding. Yoa ana>' -niark vhure C~pidlea&sbie.~ àILér-all bin~ suS plur sud devine sud Ram,. I lu moduru day., tii. Psyobe.baoloa avi,*ard- 4Pnp4atands~iefpre~ iniielpats î a gem, n te lb. aIl irait, vho fouilb.héveridfie q"ilsnlgh. 13« Ibis obaploz niaino& b. tee lonSg. I"Hov la jour-grsoe'u hors., BS,- of Clvode of th& DaImetSt. Jmms=w eooting gàetht lame limte a luu ai hie cppo",te elgbbor, Sm iiord "Qait.tell ai,» aid 1h. e 1* aïe tii degged barcuetilla, L-à grttlylaagh 4,i o -ned111 r",oa draýgobldglaglslbsise 'oW nleg. iii hlm." t 5'Yel, 8fr Ohsàiood baie'offldhady bu jour opInion-- Baaprei,"il miss Damr, -*È Iihii, Itteme igh, Ibdl.thpleMsureofm*nlu ou:g!remaiku£taolor.11 dslwogd 5" " bth"isuie4"a intf".ii~.~b. "~ htui~tyui a ~W>i>'b 0 itN lb oo.a ote Win#" iIOlli ee-~di &,,r9eb a.mre Nuvuaikt bme .malueis .wfupjs. uqliui le ha oq untorýIsimî lerable! ienti noma &hn u olresole oM m 'tb agaf b- H PT'XX V not~ ~ ~~lt -Ott&, of Meuonlu>icf4an bpbe,myp4- e sdo!;bu t~ nnelnbirol'p;v hunsei, ' se iemtt ltlar.-Tue contnueSthe apeni. uitlr4*a 'oi'~s'I.slui g-,e p '~elilp o,~ i a Dce igélas a IéX~tp~- a e "Bsé3a..eue zai ntb au-ài>,j1év th'os-seer o id. bai no hose beig ;rbbe&f ~ ..fut, T bai.lcved, as ihh sud "a~o~1~ A utizorlzedCptl5,0,W Dffce, Ne. 7 bzhBTrne HO#. FRAK BITI. Soe:r , PrsMiu &AWdT.. 4, 4a# Ai- .,FRSTe- A 4R,'CfeJT E CT.- flEITTIT.1OUSE& Office bux, mga.m.iol12m, anddfrenl 130 t;, P. M. ResieoCo. o! Byrbn, sud Gilbet mIte, C, N. VAISO, K.. D. I. ERTe fÉ4e on au athlb YZM -Lliwst prie leof tbe s$, UshiaJm s.mtte Tetb* e*tadwihout iilbJ' prmi1wt lecal &antuibeafa.Dut..! oýin a" IÉ, as aevb&ook, ovr Atk»pu'e Dragter4 JOUX WOLT IiW A GenT»vo PCB Ct» " sfeahoo udaDid -cam nov b. foa,,lushop,, TrWO DOORS 'W'ST.OY ÀRMBSTR9I ROTEZ., DUN1)AS STMI. -s AUR"MOrarspcmply atoeii tg WblsArl14.1880, WHITBY, PROVINCE 0F 'ONTAOTRSAJLY4.181 rc

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