Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jul 1881, p. 4

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he& amis4 asu ama 'ý- Re "btka no a mofaidying. A son o c i Nmars may a sun, AU deys muet bave thoir days. To ldgi Sbàs*hob4py sob ;Igb Ti* miel tbat man ehould mot ont mest To Lied miafortaue' son; The tair uboulsi faré on love alone, l.. one canna, b. won. el aultamt md; Rer vablatbut a barren vate- Tbough stayed, abc t. ual stald The, sprlug srrlugs forth i lu pru,a Shoots sb0o forvuadone ad a; Though sommer klb.theflowes, it léavea The lem oa e aUtu-MaU. 1 vould a stor boes comlnuoeia Butlou*ffit fiIMt a" )e So lobsr suppose tIrat w. bave roaIrea Tiei.ali eua foui tale. A 1k[yePetý,ýF TECALlYCEZUAUOW TE2T NADE WAT '1!beother mornlug, ,ble Mr. Oo1s. tb rori7ltor of a cirons and mena., wthpla.:bum ln bis loithsud a eiIk of sa.afraa-ibu hmonth, aP- The proprieLor of 4h. "Double Mam. math MIttodon A allon'admle that 4àfma "Thbon,' ùrooo.d * the partj f"om bis noté ù t'lo. tip of bus Ua. Caugb blam7.f whig aàoib. luit four ï"U'm- <Ï-Sn od appetil4 1"> * "Api»tite P-Or.st Boot-.spetitap sh4, aoulS Amll.-4halath. point -thal'su#> why rm pat *Ugw Ji lxI a4y Gout beauhe dao a0.p$hIng lu. Il à tin' fr "8S&Iï 0, eh ?" "lWà4no ; I don%& knowas I oo4b OReil$ysg, PoI-oteubl lah though4 fll!7b.1 Ru a igt lu Ibo xïk-bsv ab fuaq and:rt.slaOïlaie, '"Isé fremai~sr vithout ihir getticg àp-ga#apy ioats 14hi sud kbly Mt..l sud 19 I. I.. fer 1412 "Mstrualauu*' LquuI falIy I flr the wauel ho ktayrghtoff t Itli . ha a proabl sffeeda good ded as. il w..4,Mpdtbal a'mtueIikély h.'d ibh rh.uu-1- and thlo inga fr thebre. miné,-w'd bet.rp"Aiti l gnat à»di4h?" *'WiL b* luia Mt.saIa "iatakas wilI happen lu the bltOa "Wbat Ia tbe pria$ cf sprng obiah. oA teisiake t"* 4&Yu, wtt;sa very sorionumlabe.$" "Wr, onlreniembur viral Il "Wou, ir, visat va i I "4A mistake, asr tiat your employer voutd Dot lolerala for a moment." "4Welt.air, visai vas IlP" "4A ii.tri uathat epuld b.coas- made ilsua Mo*muap if lbey are.lu my fayot, "lFor goodueis' sakMrhl'u II i have bain put to considiiable trouble ta rec Il;-labos'talIa tbé pîônpl- ef a 'ouesty luth.eai poney ;"1 sud I hop@ tisai yan iii"la alestas trmthis ivont, and ulrpa ilt i futun. 1'Waist . lb. nilsP., "IYou know I purobastbis main. tug, ona dosas dlaoavered4isul iou baS made a tnis- me suboepou fltruiepe !k-Éb h abok, sud viii gladly got pm or s à4I uonsidr à CM a mluak on7 . ontment luth. -*Ésl.pà lta ados-, 4à agi, Mud'lialu -tbIi'w' . 4wê. Thet Wa u *m "~ tý, 1h w*bb oye- aOh, "VFau i riisI" - "amdAo t .vr fiti u torup knowavIenin or ia Primitive sl~i8ano-saorl~tavhloh il vas "sent h.pu*ietbst li. brav,4tri odI& Pliioz, lagbis AUïe f, Agol in g ofuSparts," guf e t h. am.sula o(e u&MdMfmW« «,ai 1aits*aaot*om 2$,r u 's 4p0n5. lia nsls.op. e bova Ib hiak-oaer hi. capitL The. AI*istadknèeof sIemoaohfue-knewlhathough méuulvîwatt. aof' thercm « il te1hbing.%'Sire,~ th. vit ont $rt-4"thlotasd -Mentsud îtry mau a brick." IJow d Âa, Pu as Ii* rema là. triie4st --hTo he Arube won tonda( Lgsont hunadd n p.lthn a disly l*= ili *n Sd&» Abuaro ofrowd tvily4tvi. Auývrige of 11f. -one y@or. pounda biane - Corn. rysela fax sasi uty poundi la the hushiL. A-rbriut oSlfysr 81:17 drepl ike a te"'poonful. TIrai iiapoofuls, s tablespoontul, on4&li çf n e. forty siquare yrda, inake an acm. A squara mile, six huundred anS forty &nsu nine Seat on isuis sdae, maire#a n i àar t htioum udsosvmn un. ltp rawfnea"is pulastiors of M e IOoaau=.-umousu M MîtUT- ûpàrto a.a(euî to ia the Sala urai auos Wll~slla~ra1 IL k, u ptent*1 -D. ý-C. DOWNEY, BARI5EY' PAS, Wiby, Mra KtI.#MO. .1U Gete8t AuticEvent LtÙW AttL N'ylt, 181. SOItIT 8U. .cm --a uEWRLI -Pmmlu . -pdsoG. W Tatti pfa .1snuijbeWYl4 A ' . ",1 liIOt-5Wtft UoO4a1~Ç EUSSe Tikuls ~&~geodSumtb.tstbaf jE' ffext Doop South to Jàmes Johnston'a "Boldamlth'a Hili," ruinming in fou blaut, wher e e 9'rtin9 erLann oTn likernanËuer, on SHORT NOTICE and at reaîonable rates. AU i& of lapas&-Tà,4 shot-ho'n wo ooustauly hopt in stock. BEPAIRING done cheaply and neatly. u 'btY, Fby. 241h, 189 Ail work guar- Eam C4nes Oonty-tqr-Boe WoeI~dRtal KING STREETs OSHA*ÀY.Tý rust reoeived for Christmas and the New Year, a large stock of WINES and LIQUORSdiet importation, COU)nçsin * oxê u&ýhLr ie Brandies, -' Ale" ,%Gins ad.1o otr à Iwrba ulbalid6ldé'RI. md MWhlkir, lb. bail' lb the ~ate& Bts. sud Coqg.vo Sos.' Caulau is ansd Porteri, sud Laor q OOwS.O-lep q ie ot 7 4= 1Mt tu.Bran fu o oblug aI ,2.74pur Galon. Try our molbratsd Toddy-Whiwkêv.-tfus ifest Wbiakey in D4~~k.~#pp r r cuo ecf one dozea Qom.&Sn(ara nt,Taylor BaEt* (Bk. Catharines) Ale on 4draft,lu5 10~ ~ ~~~i Ma 5GlonLu n inn memu sao f oui dosas quarts sud tva dosan pinta, aI I, &per aime 4unims »sudBlood'a atounuquarts an»CInets. àagav Sonle oeoir.ed Stou, àt $160 pet doses quart., sud 75 cent, pot Fls Princais rtll, Plot de Aima, e, 'Windsor, EadDueoes, sn» u ltra4, cithTsZ .PC., vwatrIa, Laat iarWsar a'* AI* nom&$ u asiiais ina waq BoM W"«# sMd pa-higrAe Lmai, ats alt elsi or'CI' onblevise ua ehrgeoto »tdnm1- su vasis on ajousyiy vu dsughl.r. Whéu Ilcame asseasfolIowa. x833;~' ~6h~j~rthan ever, at 14 A ewstr The unnrigned fn returning thank:s-toW he p bfor the, liborsi patronage extonded to him, bop »Mo , a te t »t amng removed l bio ,commoaiaunov pramiausho ,lu lwin a butteêr Position than avez ai-sto ô F ~firiiê,kabraoes very.,handàomê sets, ana everything that can bu alled for in ia lno, ana -an, oxamination viii convince that the pries ara low onougli té suit the timeq. IJNDEIRTAIKING. -Ftuierals fany supplied.^ TILL. TAI L 0 RIN G 4ND HARNE SS.1 WLLIAM THOMP8.ON -A LOT 0F- OHýIJ)RE1'S CARRLIGES 1 voryhanasomàÎanSCheap. ,Aitlise aid t îhushxnnl 150.e W,i879. WILIAM TROMPSON, Brock Street, %VIritby. DAIILY ]UNE TO ROCMSITR Commeneing Weanesday, 20th Apil, 1881, TUE STEAMER GENTFS' FURNISIIING HOUSE!j -:00: The. undorsigned lias just recoivea a splenaid stock of Scotch, West of Englmnd and Canadýau Tweeds, for SPRING, AND.SUMMER SUITS! Anl gurments maSo sud finished iu first-clas style, anda atmoderato praeu. Gentlemen will save mouey by gi-ring a eau anS examining. NEWEST 8 VLFSIN. RATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, Goiiaru, anSail krnds ut gents' furnishingu. jO0H N F ERG U SON, THE OLD STAND, arS22, -'81. Dundsi Street, Wlxitby.-. WBE -ARE MAXKING A. NBWSTYLE 0f Photograjphshispi life-size, au entirely JNEW SH~GMNs ON, EXHIBITION.ý d~~ab ifrnished«inthe FemiWsý-i à ms' always on hand. - A. BARRETTý, SPhoètographer.. yé= aen io tny hotogrsý1, viifin a goca chaus Vlgitby"lune lm1, 1879. Wil make lier regular- Iripa on Ibis route, LEÂVING Cobourg every xnorning at 7.30 and Port Hope aI 9 o'clock, on arrival of the Grand Truuk Bailway trains froma the. Bb4tr snd West,,connectlng,,ut R oOJIWter trai, sud Erielailw&ysýand lbe L&kà-On- af Bocheular) dully gS 9 'lack p.m., oxcept Balordays, when shewi leave ai 8 p.m., for Port Hope direct. ]Dea1qwi'n âtok fLdtb he u yesl toný Aibliày, New York, *.&Xi c-'_ *For tickets sud olherlnlormailon apujy t B. STEPHENSON, Dominion Telegraph sud General Ticket Of2ie, WIritby. For Lurther-Inormation apply ta R. CAWFRDPort Hope,ý 19-su) or O. GI3LDXB8LEIVXB, Kingaton. LIVERPOOLL:ONDONDERRY OLA8GOWD _ aummer Service viaQnebec. SEXORTEST SEZ JFASB"AGE f ECONOBNY, aud COIWPORT 1 EVERY SATURDAT EiiOM QUEBRO, on arrivai of the train leavsng Whitby aI 8.80, a. mh., Fuiday.' THB.UOH RITESIOU wRiYE. Cabin Lares, 1tu anS 1ý91, acerdlng ,te ixosition *oi stateroom. -Lo7eai rate for re- loin tickets. Intamediata, 4 th>w lsta cliaerail. 0Iaaea lvs ae. _ nDAýB»WOR sN aAT. 0 polyeeaiau....lune -850, 1881 Parislan ...... Uly Iud, Sardinlan....... iI O " «amaIa 'lm a ' "7 g Cuoasz~, 1OIZïd" 4 ~JIIngat C8q GREAT 1'BARGAÎNSI BLEoeROPTED MOO Iaý AT COST. LDIEýs' GOL» WAToKà". fre AT COBT. ' T!he whole stock toe.7 oleared off before the expira~ tion of the lease. JAMES JOHNSTON, PracticalWatchuxaker, Break-St., Wlitby. 1 March, 1.t 188. JOHIN SCIJLLY, Land aod tmmIeraUon gent5 .500 Ferma la Ountario, andi Lands lia Mianiaoba, for Bale. RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP %>GENT. Agent for .&ortle. West Trang>ortation, Go'y and l Graozd Trik 'Ï, alio Agent for Steamer, "O7iara" TICKETS Fiî mPONS Contractor'. Heidlquarter: CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. 'Popersons widhug ta sanS for -rienda te. Great Britain a4dIlraland, lovet rna ia fUnformation 1yeu-hy latter or 'othar-- wise; hoe sure snd seha foiratsluMe., betore arrsnging ceehere. . correspondance solilcted with persons ha11%ng arme forsale or viahiig tbpur- - ta in TOFAB F* NOBWABDING. -In Offiel No. 156 Front-8t, Vest, (Opposite* Union Station).' Taklng effeot ouMay BOtIr,1881. *Port Pirry18m40 7m,5-". 25 Ifaufia IL40" 8m ' . oeI -Ar'vo Ltndaay,11.40 "9.10 0" -11.4 For ti Tabl- tAy - .9s.m.2.15p.ui. F erry 7.M5"&545 uNS. - B ýThe ýineat Soo*'k 1' IUOUSg s i uu5 khmsa's srphlp ifj Ouz ! rvýrl"n -Z"" -.ý Mn ---ý --% rd ýA- T- il -1 -9 71- 111 mââ 1""

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