Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jun 1881, p. 2

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-h E. Kewu MIL se-W, i ~KoMI.I B- -1.8. Bcisrisea623v. k-Obau! MShirley., ONLY 41 50 PER ANNUM.' WhItbyl Tkursdyt jqfl 8soi1881, Poutage on Legal Decumeàuis. W. not Uat ei a meetng of lai. yen bheldiasi vetaithe, office 0c Uee. &Bhake, Kerr aud Casnelle, in Toronto, foer the purpose of discussing the.iqüeotioa of a proposea change iu the rites et Pontage on legai document*, th» .wua a large attendaoe. .of the profeusion. The. deputy-poulznaaîer oc thee elly vas Présent, sud informed the Meetilng that In f am legal Papen may b. sont by "1parcel pout," Ifne markeâ. pomeriy thesePapen sve illowed te b. melled aiet theraies cf 41boek Puai or "mlaealaeu malter," at théeval y 1eue oa f oeecent fLe eaa& for oumn awalght. B3util sont là ibis *&y lb.y eeuld not bc X1 iA Dowprop@ed tbthey may -be ment by"pareipeu." and lb.y may be reielergby aymentcofAveoamis f» q o~. akg. Th.e*a~ , per "Paneel pesi,» le six oente fr euih tour eommes. The meeting un animcualy . §*IV"d ce pMttoaug againstheb.alter. a140. es.0 te 0 rUVments against Mie bAig vsdam"w Lt"t end a pacisage etlga meau <om 'Teronte le Hami tonve hug le, eusses,.vould cet WoOeu&s-.Thblecrrect, If lis.paek. oplàïâik a aa1etter, mi inlutustheb amo aunda, lb. aid regalatiou. But if sai et is e ogltoby 4*gamel peelthte ocharge viii ooi>'be 1e! is, s eMPard *vfh 0Cent$ aS &far 're un jdge ofie ater lavpueehéme beu£eated fa t teeson- troît1y the 4 d bave' goed »&. Mn tu be for *0veyrea dosurmeutsare» Dow proposa !te b. chargsd As a general raie thèse pa.P ors are mueismore valuable Ihan era.. Dary ocommerIa p S, suob as partI> * prii.4 sbounb , voie..,bills of lading, M., vislcispayLfu ltter post- age. A lopi document welghlug b.. t*iveen suda 4 ouce. viiib. carried for cea a moet'. avlas ci a=$eww6vmUb.e osrg. 4 ceai., balma &ta Waet ctheb.lawyer, le lisdub te POeO ole Daparimea WIR Ederiv a ocusldeable aas. cf -rVeveam tolie c nlufrie, aud froSalt.eUal.of "reglisialou" iampe ; visas. lthe Packag e ae vry b.avy thse ebargel b>'expeu compacité. W. do DMcosé tbh" lie 1awft havabaye "bla te gtWusle &bout" a sa t le., the.addWl m< eenue lW,*ub. îropeeed ab"ausvYuu=y-1» Jouai! liusssfn ostage oui« Mal lo tbereubslbarsUs va 49fnlar that ible WOUmeet vuib hé geaenral gpwol of tb. publie. NlOMthWaterloo. aT A IJOEXTop 19&, wus.edb>' th. unlaake in l N1orth ntiote l bealsofethl wai~erw etore m. te mton, and! th r. at h eIçIIpU cf, hib lbral Mr. 6 nb' jorit>' ef MM98 , 4è~ eresp aaua I in, t. mje ma y'mflay 18I= the betisi>s, =oMty' (s Mng et l. Peva&e boum à4 f t*p lb« t elaý Tv, a 8asr.-Tisa rfeavo f Port P"rysd lthe reeve cf Oshava Dot opea las Word& of approf 0<lb.fr ODUrnhl h*4maty CWMui.W . éré..ý grt *M tlb.>'dcm 4614aàelftl Pevuri. do 00. 's hou bogied' e isar oodlb"eAssist th.e prse0 a ltInde.! na14 v dssise lob. wIsen &Mud, pack, liàa mIan! Bill ell &eodlg tehe- déojaloe'f t »oinnorumeulu lahlb.disaiSl IL oltb. Riva dStreas Di1apg '> s ownug a tîmber lmit on a mut dg able abream tIbt t ne requirs impi ri meule opposte hie "bmlt I. givew-4 tontroieff th.,river from hlItsliait, lb. mmeo f th. river. The. atmest limarssilereil net navigable abota *Çàtr henarer th. mentisofet rive li. my bethegruer sIrotai' L er doeaho look u ad rende. in lems. Thle effect, lal& Iaiallbthesaim limt aOya the!eoeevliere the il provemeut la ic eutream la made a rmendari!nuee te aul but the Ma aeuurolâng the improvemeal, andi! M le thsarforeable te dictai. th. lert open wvJoch li s aquire outrol thoetram lthe Goeamaul. M B ivera and! Streuma Biilloved aMU auethe imprevemeala madei. t] stressaou the payaientcf a reamoual - bu. The affect ou Mr. McLaren es Mr. Caldwell là trifiing com1sared VII tIéseaffset ounlth. geal public interei o f tise people of Outarl.The. moti eithe dlsallevanc,fi lel alieged, * largel>' irsoual vhtch makes tI course ai l li te moe. njusttflabi !To tia Province et Ontario, ve reps oft Sie arbitrar>' and unjutiable di in allowance. l iu a mater of tee tsuc 2g couccru te 6e lamai>' acquiaeeed in. In Cricket. à, eo The. cricket match pisysd ai U3 zbridg ofou Tceeda, betvee'n Wbitby and! t) le bridge clubs vas au association maie] re and vus von b>' Whitby, as viii t su @ce b y th. aunemed score. The.ua e wau playe& eut, ntttsadigi of raia whicb came down preti>' heavil for a short lime. Tih. atteudauceo the grouni! vas good, espectal>' Il rladiee, vho encouraged the homne chu fl lautir upbülgame masmuolins pes. *bie. The eleven thht went eut an pariapa, uastrong a leasi eeau be Ug togeiber eaiss eaen oethe year ; s son as the holldays hegin the club vi *b. strengtliead eomevhat. Ou uei ' Pldy, asiateh vilibe played onuh orPair!n'lbeiveen the Toronto an srWierx clubs. As tiaasko an ams 8. clation match andu! as lta doalrab * l elieuli! b. played ount the viokuta vij It b.s pliche! an! play commence immi te i!aiiy on the arrivai et lb. train tros l*Torott, say 9.80. Théeloeveu for lb.i Itday shouid b. au stroug bM eau peaiûbi, be got loethsr. si he ayone froiTT reato v'iine doubi bu a plahed bean il i belng à holiday tl bcances are I y hh f ave. et securing lIse ver>' bas *eleven ln lb. City. il lu Ibaréferse 0 'spacld a! lia seaexcelilencrichtinl vtilb.eeno. As there in nochargele, admittance te lb, groun!, thoae shuli be a goe! tura eut, W. hope tiha ladie vini uDot atI te put in an apparauce. rWîwby's, loi Inag. B. Rey, bovin! Ensia, eaught Eector... 0. Bib Ho p lecThoratoa.... il P. eneb MWter0cThoern.. J.B ehibWbè»ei. cBoister .i. PTrouede4 b ould, e Thoralon...... 1A. Laing, b Geai!, c ýJlua.rel ...... B. Bliing, b Butin, c Whelar. Xf. Peler, b Hcmpbell, c Wheler.... i Mathevuen, b Wheler, c Hamilton ..i a. Boss, b uml#ul0cflggi ne...... G. Boyacld, n2Z..ont .............1 nyis .......................1 tud Innumg. 8. Bey, b Hasupll......... ......... O enet eut. .................. LB. allas, net oual..........1 l7lrielgs 3UtIngingt. Geai,, b Melblsson................. 1 T. Bob"e, rueut ............. .... ic AWh"le, b Matlsoa ............i Baubaa,âb A .cALang ............. 1 Be b ffeu u à, eut...............c Hetob Â. alng.a............ ..- pe........ ......... . 11Lù ,byeA.... ............ Reotr, bâ.Laing c. Be.4....... Byte ..o...b...................... J. Ngis b 8. Bay, c Y. Pale....a BualtabALaing .................0 ILGla 8bBBay,c0Trousdefl......I 8lhet . Bey, c Trou . ........ Go Il U, ey.... ............I IZoUton, b Matimuon ............- 3, ".........um........ .....g ?MU.g.............. ........g2 BoOrgaid lui vak. I tabis lalet4ienva are tel!, le briug ou$ a' evW -of lise-v& er> eot beavy dags e. Paraacl-seatua>,aratvfrS. l vis., as th.oet hort dara. tin,"Ver.Bm e visat vas mnth fise=notMe,.. uk 4W * C., ci -Sm», w'r ,.,t v. thé ITo... bis Anu toctil eltioôn '»Asda! o tha bebaltetMr; Pe ire rqaésllg'tïSI li etf «lse nehiled sas ceioder. 0e- Ur. Long, soecoded b>' Mn.isem, 4or mcuv.! liai lb, lce bealve ým- eue mentis from dite l o mloe the are roture et Iii.rolis -fer ç18f9 6n! 1880, ma and liat if Dotii olci!if no be ics lb. bld rospýonslble. ti Oýn tIse oug gesilton et îBl iotbaI efth le cmitt uil. a pplîla ýtloOteosc %@lie ho final mlovai! tesrepot endn!brlng Ia le 15.ir bylav, Mr. Long vIi!rev rose- Lha lahian..'_ 1< ils Mn. Hanuaru chIala.! leave te la. a!- troduce a hy.leyfor lie apolamenl ith of acollecter. Ev.lav rea! a seond els lima an! cenaido ,re! la commitetof iv lie visai-Ma. Nonnse in . cissàr . -as Mr. Haunam Move! le Ifiills ise' Se blauk vitS tI1ename et laramiai Pal. le. mer. el, Mr. Long, tise Mayor, Mr. Wesloey. às Mn. Smiths Mn. Be>, Dr. Bogart an! 'eh otisera ebjocle! au! speke biil>' eto Mn. Pâte las celecler san! vers la aver of extending bis lime Loi a tuants. Il vas aslnitte! Ihat ho veu! celleol lb.e taxes vitisin liai time botter tisan a go strauger, au! liaS seho a! heretfra verkod WfaHtuintela ls ilreestite lova. i. Mr. Hanasm vsi!raw hle motion il b. vue agre! lb I commttee. usa, report se prsgrass sud etain beave te ait lagala. se aeve <renta!.- 1f r. Hauusm, seoade! -b>' - Mr. on Nearse, moe I li te collecter ro- se port ea. orinigisi b lie cani lishe sl Io*1 more! d amameiàsc 0, onde! y Mn, Long liai lIse cclleclq cit report te th» a cice eaale la se Al ment cairne!esatsea* ice in, le-yeas-mesr. 2B1ev, long, Pc:, zt Bis". alle>' Weley »a!Bogat- Iso Nays-Messa. Haussi, ourse, an! le Tex-ente an! Ã"ttaw* t alwap. il l. Reporte show that tse linoluis ae! m, eut rom Parboro' tb vithia a mile ot aI Portitilant!"mem aie hovengage! in ly pnnsmiaang lb. balancet oflte nlglof s-ý Wa>y.7 'Themeeting vas agalaadjounu- Ln Ur. Osaibell, of Porl PérrY, bas eS emo nae&le puncaiss..thé- vigit et -va'fer lithe brcale an!Oliava Rail g va>' beiveen. Pleiboro'»an!Madoc, Dr ad visera lieliue eneseas tise Brook- Id ',villa an! OttavmaRiiva>. Il lu Oz- a pesea! tlomk is vIholsv.ly lb.. 9anvithitua loy deys in constraating tli ne. ---- aTau <aes sera, 1?7-168L- '~Tic Greal Bllin Baotfox- 110,000, et 11Rocesier, vi e alg ogelier on liaI Oday 10 ofthle me note! tamlius in SAmorkma, &ail or ainem. TiS viii ha th l"t ma clesel>' conteste! suniesi araîl. Sing lrclllag rauce emx-*llnesaed by an as- semblagospca ieltn Ah Aishle de.ta&=race and other cou- It".:Kusle 11 ÃŽh reginalband. TbUtbeau 5117 ityw4i, tbish e' Okbma~nti.a cf lix. xNtiommnal ldaýy,stn u nniv*aila! lu rattratins. Testeamer N'es-smasviIi lueaSali. davtd f uly - Clbernit 1* ncoon-1 to outanil M jly lcialvoýb- y rescla >'.Slspbsem Witby.Prtsviie Ltickets forr muIbvthmleina tankete bMouÉa ' crulng. ro L<sovz.L'aDmuaroart or Oxrmor. 1Samplepegeso thé isedreotor>' of Oa- 8 tarie, i lowa ofpublition b>'Mellrs. t loi Loveli & Son, have basanraeva!. -Asfbrusva ans alite aipresoul leo jadge, lieinflimalion gitan itacouae and ne painsappear le 'bave beau 'spiare! la mahlng tisa»wnov uscry la irallhi atd nul vo«1i, akélovng it tintanto'apreosu Ar PY'MiusMxvxmrrls rsxc, -ei Anuis'. (rot., on Deominion, Day, an B olachon toi a gokihoàe ae m b.lafin B S loba iteedoua Mdan!Hou.Bdward L Biaisa, vil hais.place.t Domm«ri Dt,'1-radeibra. itienu at Port Heffan! Oe4bcagl Por fui partlalas &. arge poater avns! levu. Ti Stemer Norumea viii, onuPrida>' llui4., mais si'a gand' psare sieulen -te -Port .Hopëe a arriviug -u Pont Hops aï 8&80, oah!Co bourg at 9,80 raluinfng lie 11a804evn- la.Tissedemonoutahswa*Hl un. ra*nct eee aliste pehl et' niest-o. a&king the. alsrk le chiais tram lb.h jeuruais of litheunI>' aiu 15 informa., lion lis acuni>' conlbaaObteis.e! on lie: z1ous.-et Refé ug d n!louust question, an! pubilehîbe sam ain . pilaItafrot tonlr lbttouthsùý oag1ea lia conat>', for the coudi!ealleu eofthe ratepayeref e t ecunI'.I ssef ovidenl liai àaflo uSber cf lie marcher. cf ia e uïoglI bhgteitenhle ornno attentionltO lie =matleifcm the voudonfal peuiing fôrth et inreri and fou>', 'Pis>'admifl te h. kne v vr> hitlie abouftlie suijot, ad Ilethuir constiluents hl.ev les.' an! lfie'ma ai! deleamile! nettho allov tli enu elituents tle 1mevbatvel le euI> co l bas beau i!otng vilSIbIsque tion or the aMount expe.!an!dli. preperl>' lai! ouindar lie preont mod!eof doaltn vIith lither 'Pir.;h ralepayoasbave arlgslte oknevvbat lie ceancil le doing. 'Phoeuemn samalblngiaiisoonneeled ili lie vote on Mnr. ooven's motion, an i illoes saplaeia. Thle Amoant elpoade! au- unletuindigent Cacon- nl le e.ein &ang ud' et!aI smore rapli! rai. lima log th% reponlog 1878 June ses.ic,vse fiu! "ba itotal amenI oxpalni!.!ou tuigaacoun*WaI a f08; a!'nov, ve fii!lie asotlte b. about 85,000, ooning colbing on wliat le gqirnb>' lie lstepa mteimpeators la! lieg gars h.l ermaaslg espctll> vsonvoc= or Iliat lie moe> peila net apant le liahasbt alauée Tiepor re Mkapt ila'a stane,'lm laudé, vithoul a' yofthe aem(çri. cf ie,endvllbcut a«>'Chanc cf effeetinj mnyun orm ilader thé. proseûin mde do nti eeApOilei lb. saeme amenai et goci! vilS lb. moue>' lpon!.!, or give lie amonni 0< ceomfeïrt tth i pe, icl If *9 baid a Hes tRfgeai d sl0 os01 tabliahe! lanus ousit>'. Tishe nI>' coancil viii$pend s <oc!demiuet litma over maltera et littia importanceau! lesve mallo, raest Inimportance un. caustdere!. Tise question vlli-lu# an! vhlch ahoiti! b. casi!sed, le-vialier li presani me!. et reloviaLthe poor, ex-b>' bavlug a Bous.et fuge au! Indus ,>' vi ft>' *miof lan! attacis. ad! le thebhat maunefar tnlle!ng te tie aeo iesci t e b.poor.Wich viii a- compli lbhe<reateai amant et goed viti h linae amount et moue>', affect. ig a ietshe &*lima lise grealest ne- fox-malien 2 'Pie le a quasîlan ot vital tmportacb. It le a quesion afféotlagt lie n«Ce cf ti. cuI>. I ar allI avare tisai liera are neme oppeeed te eslabllaiag a HoutseetofRatuge an! In- duahryInla lia ceui>'1bal tho>' vi Mtaicùusatls Matertlieuiy; isait viole ioe-a«ned o bistisb-> lae àStes Por-lï" OUontisa "Poorioxastaal ec.. liée an easlsu ed n"04 "> Ir. s'ev.as$ed tatî i C:obes tef ..i th" 9 DO t Sïsiata l aIu. ais.» lis' *uld arudeouetaIhee vant Shole, 1a certanaimas '-ot lue. gei.lii o Dol prepeni' -ï- ia!te b' b. hePr,- rsnie'ténm I mau lise *la an!' doempit vho esenl poilbl taiee cf usent- alves. eé , ie] d ng, lis. tenli chAudronas! ehsbii!t lia aa 's *bauea.byleltpress. -. mmlà fn! àbehomoi , hein ta- aHanoft iltgdntv uisot oaestie persab.'_ laling tramp, vhistagogotaly able te boletng toirossplesymeal h. dou't vani, on etating liaI "me 4evtul, aamlly basieale bisa. Tisa mesber. cf i tu oies an aeiial, imutèus- ,et lb.#e mtliane tisa>'IaultntlygRot1 astanco. Bl hbyis> have familes, »an! a poràcfteet onA beoin. "'J>moxrev(Tuesa) b lan OL.ý Xi".al's Cllge )'ivee liS fit nibier aince affiliat-on;-,amcag hi guestthUe Uatvarty vtii b, raprusen e!.~ ~ ~ i 'Pi aolgauces!tenbuttîi 'lsmatriaulallon exmmtations eauc off ibis wee. h, Wbiyboy* an!dgJ# Ïe cf uouraeent 0àringznli us. Am nov, vbii eupcaklngof colleges, I mnl -mentihb. ew Baptici ollege0 Bioor-etraat, vhicb lua ser>' complotai hmlatbiniô ev iuvtsr fà ho in~ ariarmver a . bCIldnot lka lb iao!brick laî roeor Novmn1 oister, lis beau appoints! Ibrd-Proeser, au Mr. Ric aLvis,eofIbis Clity, Prt 1 see liaI lise Hom.T. N. Gljs,:it oISeiu, ta appl>'lag fer a charte b ir corperateatlieI"'PoreuSe Grapo Bags Compan>'." 'Pie fader>' l te, be bai on th.e splanade, ans ae b.ha &larg building vithaà capsaty>te use 2,00 buskeof etm rà da>'. The Bank sports ou Baturda>'prova, intercaîing et coarso te ail. Whlthyi bo be coagrainlîte!. 'Mi. Rodmond, c lia Dominion Bank, for lia liii! tims von lie challenge Cap ia lie ene-mil race. Il nov romains vili hlm. Hi ranntngwv aprfecthleime romank ahI>' fasl-4 min. 'O 8/5 sec. Wa bave a comel lustea! eft1he ani eft1h. e rt!; net eue oui>', but tvo- lioagb thenitant.ot Senti Amatiei anjo> the. oxclusive rigbs et looking s oe of thora. 'Pby siould! mm lbol mindu te sahienemicalobaervations ant si"e a thle yarsatet latelnations van. Tise advenl t lii. cemet,wvil te onsafet1812, ta another remark ahi. evout tle b. a!!.! tte li 1foit 1881. Periape vhou Melher Sisiplen'i slamo a occupled vits 'ise futurs lb. calautroepsaplagneas, sWâeqas vans an!damns oml i.l l1881 ad al liaifolloved il, tresa hon vie, an! eh e Ût vlshlng ber prophali povera to b. doubtqd,eied bur propli ecy b>' prclelmlng liae an! eft lb vori!.- Canada Gouttle- Sanaler Cornvall has been appelit boeni 901h l>'next, vicesHon. A. N. Itielard., wlieee lraioetoffices viiiex. pire on tisai dey. Capt. 3John Wunet BfS. Aadrov'a. N.B., bas beau appoe. herber mut- ernof liai pont. Tise Canada Tempérance Act hbi bean proalalme!lulab.heCeunI>' e Klsiga14.8. Sactien 19 efthie regalahious goer- lng lia ppasagof tveuels lireugi go- 'Orameul-danala ta ameo!'l bye eau- collation of lie fixt aipnagapb, trois lie vorda -wvhere savaral bouta" la lIse ver!., 'vcsîsaleS a ni m!, au! the subitutiona hrere oethe folleving': Reaceforvar!, l as fer as regards f rit>' et passage tiongs tic canais os foceks o et iaDominion vilS lia axcept- ion eithle Welland (i&uifor wviic speciel provisien l ae, in place of extstiag clssification lier a sialib, cal>' tva racegalua! Clausuetofvesuela, namai>' - lsotCimes.- Composa! ci steamers vioso maciuryla Seacnibui in lie cortiuiosteocf lb. BleambosaInl- ector, as altble te b. employa!d"lIn 1 en4ofpuassen in" laitinct.- Iona toumns vbs."asiaci, i e ,, ldeseibe oi " erlifoataas suit- ahsjeichvinplyd 'lalihe aariagof faulgi 4Wan! 9Wmese a -,"sMOTm«r*e 0 case. a stag U',b - et IseICmIo XUifT » 8 xxuexs 'Dire rt Tue UNoNto. lae t- jOCnsdud frossthi Bmce14pn agi.) ou Prof. Gldvin Smlitvaso-terviev- et sa!byea Broklyn agle roenir ou Tuenda>'.- ne "T1ia bellt-fs 'jétng greanud,"msa -la lb. preteser,"'thaI lihe Dominion viii cd' niol 'pèrW004nt.>"rasin b1er proeul' 51cohniualieliGroal Britein. .Baci ad th ' neret il tbl i>'viihave tu tap 1~ aiw-sopur Ivntteli, Dou't mis- ': ud.rszîl;. - rbave rone visi le bo- Soonai!eod as an anuexationisitluaa admers then yeurslfh1h naral Pireg th>Ia linalituceie noicean! , -ais noticeîgai!i et their affect upon bellots orsgympah- il IIthinis a commercial antan viii ha PC brongil aboui, an! - that iltans noces. 40 sar>' la Canada na til vi haabneficlal Bd t' lie United StrIe., Icaol s âe San>'lhing te pravant il, an! se fer'as M>' isobsearvations go, tha commercial men et Of Canada viii help it ialeag. -It viii ha lea populex hiavament" le III feamilialS i on'a influence bas ,1 hoa! ils ay. Hoalthis luvan>' per, San! 1 do ual ihink b. vtll lake au ac- la ive par ilan olitios much langer." Doensink lie Canadienmu fcfie -Bailva> iii reaaaathe public expac-e Mi talion ? 1r I lin tatIeventully Il mtght,. butr AIhe immigration Ibis leu sr ta hlev i al il vas tisughi I l eu!be. I do t no anicpt@àver>' largo influx oet fothIrisa h e eigrauto, but I dos lookË fo lamredicrosse fromt Ontario an! i rtic United States.", a "iWhy ftrsalisUnît.! States ?" Ë et *Becuse efthle naturel dvanloa t will vihave fer transportation, and fromt l ,Ontario bocaus maay oethle largest.-I ferma tiae ai» e iavUimorlgaged, an! o thioe tial are net mortgage mie eix. t] ë iante! <cm overgltvatoa. Tie tu insu lîe, A Ên nsal airrs'speIRiisg inle Can adaaiaunenrimoqs gale. t4 Toem leug lie border are feeling tlia effect i etAmeariomasrad., an! umug- c ling acres. ýlie lsa.practîaUilmoa s aay imilif a dos! bItter.",0 -CtBiliov 'about lie mauitl- inie r'-a laceu ; bh o vei le>' regard com- lI -marcha union 2" lu "'Pie>' naturmll>' venu! fellov Ou- 7 tarte, fer Ontario sbut anoilior name fer lb. test cf tlb. Dominion, ai! Ou.bI -tarie taises lb.hes! Mýlu cli trustquasI- -s ions ila viheS b.olliaï vucar me I a intereatev!.c" "1promvisaI quâiter veau! ycu ex. ai -pet epemsion le meaures liaI voul! i -pint le uni *Miseannexlion 2V, .w - "Prinespaly' fom Hlalifax, on se- ci cenIai 1fil'mliter> asociations. a The interestu of Canada araea in en.u] ova bande, and! tie> vili net ha retard, ai b>' th~emothcfioéuntry. LoIt itbe finI iî *tlsorossgbly undaratoo! wisal Canada ei vanta, aud boy lias, vents enu hast la rboumalt. au! lie' melba! of obtiesiag It '. tem is merci>' 'a malter of arrange- et 2ment. Tise discussion of a commercial Si f union' viii clp groatU>'- le armer si cencepton et ilsadianlages, bols te sw the United Sixtes au!dlise Dominion, do San! in tbat discussion lie natutraenau!tl vtlliýbWbnglbutabouta spite otaulie tt Toronleý Ooaosa$&ytoe pcontrai>'ais 'PheoluIs beto, Ial mi> !!;ildo net 1 favor a daparlure frosa the preaaat con- ai -neeloa n! liey ano visa noaiste do -kaev i"tl li.ha"bavevr>'thlng leues.a by cailg adrit from lb. ampira." th -Tih eihSituatlon. h do tiougil etfirmtng -tra!Britlisin, l.avsng Inima t out nlier interai lqalpmaà.laa ative parliamaut. in to 0 t!h qbeso vni!' b. Pea, Statesmassip,ýb.asUesltheljla po- pe viii neyer -b. satiefie!, bal,f vl ays b.ulatenwe' !le>'ai anti ab l.at ls. rîi'ar utle reitoreL P te granIt coses teelaIeulea. Bug- 8V laSd firaet lsbee ithe udai (asItes A' ef Irish iaudlerdiamg and ita villing tei ags'ote a -dugle habe r 'Se o 5 urne rigitse t aultrag -,a prevail Eag- on land. T4seoi!Ins4 cseuaàb a i auwQt vili6ceamions, Lords adii.f BUTAL ANBIEXOSTINBO SCEIRS -Dr 12 aSINe-nov ROYALTY DIN rUN 3(. Ameng the snany, vays ina vhbhlé <lai!ecn4nnlersry as elebrate! iý patroiidi b' b. eRiglud !Qasan,"én et vieS th. Da4 "j 2!egraui n'sor poadent tarutabosa àvivi! description, sa vhliob va make lhe tolloviag ex- tract :-Tho, draadfui ucane oethe day vas, 'heveve r, y et le come. A young Mm-e ala aabue sulldun celer, vhioh lidairet 'bien lermenta! bb>is keeprs4n lthe cage, came taletha ofutrae b. ring vitb a houai!, lasbing bt ies vils bis lail, sud looklag vie- leuelyrosni!."Pia"icadores" bidb>' Ibis lime unterai!, u on Iheir blini!. '(aid! biss ad tukannéaptiSpoli. lionô At thaaides etflbheringuer lb. fenes, thI's cpadores" vare ail in ubeir places, and tii. axcitemaul vas intense, for your Madrid connailsseur et bull lghta knove vian an animal le gela g te give trouble the moment ho seu hlm, an! tie occupants efthe am- pitstre vare a&R sur. tWaI lb. Mur. esan bull va. a viild eue. In an instant thsbprcature vas acresu lise ring, sud hââ rush.! aitone efthtie herses. Iu vain ils rider cagit tise infuriate ase- sailant vils lbe peint oet us lance ; tn vain ha pushed as bard as ha coul! te slave off ils terrible borne; the bull venudnet be danie!, but in apitaeto lance un! rider, an! ierse'a feet pa- ai! bis berne laIe lie stonatsofeth1e vratcied creatsra, an! larning them round actuailly rippad ap tise en4ie bell>', tearing eut the viole et the. en- trits, an! leasing the rider ito e oùai. Down vent lhe herse an! up mushe! the "capeadoreo,' succeeding lu divert- !Dg lhb u'u attention, but for a mom- sut oni>', for lb. bull ha!l cîsare! baîf théa ring once moe an! had rusha! ai aimohersre liaI bhom a nfront -of lsim. Fer a lima it seeme! as Ibelags thi, tee muaI sbire 1h. fate cf the oîbar, fer lia berna vers undez il and! tb. bull could net b. hepl off, but b>' sme miracle the animal passai! ha- .0.1h vwilieut !oing -mors, -tih"apsatý. tingth lb. ptca!es",'ai! vas: aý pon, au.-- >tbar ba.fie foieýa single "capeader"I . mouid coma np. Witi more succasu tbis lima,, lb. buge boras vereabahi. oucle again te disambovel lia herse.ai! lelirona lie rider, ani! lb. bull vu3 loftfree to attach a frasise, and to tarva in similar manner. Werae vas ret le follow.1 Wihsàaroar1.liai eht ofsalien, lie 1 sali nov deie over the ring once nmore. Haobai! sen tihéfirai berme bho haît sttackai! hrying te ustragglc, Sail cventre as he vas, from -the <round, i and Sa rasolva! te 'attacs him again.1 EJp be rusSe!,.un!, standing ovar lie wratchai! creaturie hseeasLbd!been closed b>' bandages, hob.bau once mort bo goe ahlm, Ibis lime randing ipon bis neck and part et Sia aboulclers adse ýpuuhiag bim against the tence in oaa meugled ldmp. Tic bull vus evidently mai!. Be ai! tic Mudril- eocus, vie for thut reuson nov tioughtE It vus lime lia *,banderilleros" eiould, enier, un! runa'risk oet heirlives.1 Be, lu ebedience te thse command of< aristocratie Mai!rid, lhe poor fellowa wi5 'tise dort@a enterai!, ani! begunheir leeparata vax-k. Over an! over *gain th>' rie!, aetitheimminent peril etof their bedies, te plunge in lie barbe! ' grev, a! ,er an.& var uain lie, 1 lunging gbeilmai!. thasa ,fi>' for eslaty. t lut liais aupartor intelligence <rada- lly' triumph.!, and Ivo b>' tva tise ait vea affixe!,:1111, taaring vilh rage, the bail steod ia lie cantra ofe 1 te ring wailiag tisa "cupide." This genleaman vas ver>' nearl>' animnateur, Laving beeu a lavyer ta bis 'earîiet d&Ya,d à i sé,en b.ome'apparenltishaI rilieut Ïlb.laid e; 'hhe "caepeadi@Wes"a ispada, ha-ne màes hance et' ýgiring d àuaÃœlfatcry ihrlsul liait b. a! of ai. 1 '<lt um.Over endi! var àga'n_ eo hi! vlalvayu lb. séma rosat. [e veau gel lit 'ver! a liutl$* va>'8. sic' th* ni«.ckofthe bull; sud lion ti leavIgiltishée, va! aV aa With lie anima1 afler hlm, ou>' lo ha ce~ ru " leu haoveau! bave a t Frai aven! brought'him an! Iry agm. besa loeof bleci! tho banl'- - - 2U tlc!d,:aud tIser. 'vas a pae*w Tien JE )mo aoîer russ,%fre ilnomttable fi iirit ofet iabalhias not yalceù Led. çnouer latab. 1Ho1 #.& utsl'0<11oui>' auil for a mo n i"d im4 pt.b lia laIl a aî li gronn&'; Éàllll, bit l-lia! net E [liai!hlm via !eeostls!b> lia ici h&laliaaxihtà1gtmP and made «and, UnicO Statese neiers. A er lb. murdar et Majora Tisai- Mau an! Smth, tva cempantes et' tro6;pavent 10Manca. Al lihe caIlleý mon vera ergaulued le drIia eunt lia 1pahaue. Tisey collecte! 164 mon, an! *à hue na ! ent lIe ocamp, vili lia r oos, an! sent four saouls le th, Pahulaa' atrougbolds. Th& troopu .laft on lhe 41k ta.l., suppestag the caille mou vers golag b round lb. caShl. The treepu vut ent te Bine Mn. tains, heu miles frem lie Indien village. Tise Indien. fi.! sud hautbarricade. The treepu voee ored, 11he Indiensnu opana! fire, b retura - i. Tii. caille moa net appaarIag, Col. Crot9en, os- mandlag lie treepa, dimoovare! Ihoir abject vas le fighLi- Ou lie avanlîsgeto lie 415 lise caIlamen electe! oeeecrs an! earte! for lie-Indian village, ithe terce conastiing et 49 wel arma! mou au! 12 pack mules. Ou lune 5tIs sema m~en vere loaitet ']Dennell's cabta, an! lb. mililar>' baing oui et rations raturnae olh iaEg Bond oethe Debra.u. Tha next day Ivoiva Indiana appeara! ut lha cabta, vaving a ragf, an! olimiag ta ha -<trends, vara i.per- .nitted te coma iu. Tise>' late! thoy> yoga beuni! te Unceaiphagre, but ver. eiftervurm disicovare! goingla inte di. rectien lie cattla men bi!ad taxIe!, lu pursait et a big boerd of ises. Ban. nxng short et provisions O'Dneil au! Robinson vere ment aLler beef, an! vhilc killing beef lb. Ivalva, Indiens discoverai!' liem. Thae ommoet re-appearing, Lieut. May' an! five men vara sent le look for liom, an! bave net dunca ee bauear! et.Ilt a suppos. e! Ibe>' areall kilo!d. Tisa ramasuder efthe man fellove! lie Indians lato Sisrra la Bel, aI lie hbad eta mRii creek. Lait Tinraa>', vbila tbey vera gettng catîla, lie Indianu attach- e! liam, ktlllg Wilis an! Rabbin., ef Ifancao. J. H. Eckri!ge, Wilson arothers, au! ail lia>u.ttlerofetGrand Ville>'are supposeS-te bave been lkilt. md. ELghleen ortlyof>'et .origi- sue Part>' et caIlamon have beau asssng fer ueval day s. Il le suppea. md lie>' maehilla!.- 'Ph. cmvii>' bave started for Fort Lavis for ibe saI <o ir in San Juan Canl 'Utah. The ýPsteu ara reagadeu heom lbre tribea et Seuhhera Utea, vise shov no aigus et isatilittes. The Germanest- dare aI Bluff City' ha! bailf heir caIlle mUn 'Off b>' Navaj oce. An enîbreai t ihrateni! uni! a massacre fearsi!. Fartser fighisng ta reporta! uet lia sentt fver, rouulting la lie daI et Wmf. May an! .evoa-Ia!ianu. Taylor, vbo eseepe! <rom tbe catIle men'& lexpedittea onutho nighi ei lb. L8th reports Ibai bis part>' ha! aà tvo layu ranning 11<51vil ithte Indiana. ffll vas sarieui>', an! Eskridge aligst>'vonaa. SBon man are nisetng. Tic part>' ta coralai!on Gran! River, Utah, b>' the Indians. Capt. Klee, efthlie Colorado National Gaid, vlth fifî>' men, have lots te 'escua lie parly. lu tic ,Court eof Queu'ae Bnch ou Suturda>' judgmanl vaa.given making ise raIe ubsolute setling meside is. Mackinees'oealectien aus Mayor et Tic body' et ThicmasMairiey>,a armer living et Pert Credil, vus toua! on Saturda>' mox-ning et lb. reudat!.e a bhort distance weet oetIho village et Idiagleis, ounlthe DaBdas rea!, about to ratis <rem Tenante. ,An- inquosi wus bel! on Balada>' nigist, visais il wasicarne! liaI he bal beesau !rinking,-, a!dii ua! Itkalihood ha! LaitonouI et: îe vaggou an! vus bille!. A verdict tf "Accii!entai-do*tWS" vas rolurue! Sir E!wun.l. Tberulou oas tb Bt. Poterahurg"aflr orving' aI Wailngea sn- , Ibr ean> !mr 0th-the -exact diplomlservice »'ali lla0 pne Thie laItonerb ve,- nevy eci il vas sacrtar>' et legetieOn, sud foi bort lime Cierge, d'Aedaires ihere,,an!< b-aI vias 'before - lie presenît - x iw Thle ýEmpaertWillau- MvvilcleW h Emperor Prenais Joseph ait Salzbntg ai lia, beginntng et Aaet. - BadyliPeaba, Presidanh ofth. Cii £ouiat Ceommitlee, heu bien arrested' ir lie iumîïina'gemenh efthe nn!a. A, -'Tuis ilnnateh arn the tihe' LOOKi0 Seée that 's for 8 and 10 ou y a r d ; > -o ô X é l é S u C 'rg w ite _l îà To olear o Ladies'. White paur, really'goo for 85o. Gente',- Gents, Braces fr If you GREAT SALE 0F THE Bankrupt 8tock -OF- IIAMILINand HAHROWER, Togeliser vils a large and veli scc!elecastoc f NIEW ANDSEASONABLE Dry Cooéds!- SBLECTION 0F gANAJI-ÂN 'TWEEDS. ri Siz rea do be BRIC. lst- -Thd p&ying is the 2nd.---The only siý 3rdo.-The-r 1.châesl 4th.,--i? 6th.- Of Droasetruelte-!--b* Bailiff oftthe Piflis DiviakaCUA 9 lihe contty of Pertbi, î- lé lii. li!do eHerumanTaubr, rsedi!,o non. Bn it jbchadCwilïjt t où 8aIur4y V*ýB ýj --77-

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