Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1881, p. 2

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,ent. tM D.~ rapt Simek-Bhea i aT.v ~oodéà~& i~ Dq Qecda..-O. ~'. Kselttm-Ltrsuoe 54 ~Ot3iels-O. F~ t~.Eryce. à Shirley. A le"uioekétf arp-1. EL Pol ~Zi M 4.5.PweIia CIO. ONLY bi'So PER ANNî --------y---n 16 1 The Couaty Council. The. pr<uoedng., given et smarnelu la other olçma,wili apeak au to ebauster of the. business dont et omuty council ai bmlne JeO ion. . W rlgbt îppemrd iu hwacte gpw 1neuwtobls, aud te prono ed a pester au"uno. Ilian @ver. ML LLuke, bom wboem pr.enmed tlilgoce 1e s' b~ vert. sopec la folowlag lu ix tyaývk. of Mr. Jet Wrlgb4 msd by wâd sameteeasdi arrcvmibff dews enouquois whare " Ios m a.rouifotdileren opiOn, tée" ài mklg buaU a t «ibKy obooo éàsacehua. iWitb' tisse ereptils, thèee-1 dollug mliiiquestIon ou heu Mr. Rêlden bote .Counto Cou on aq aiûere. B.*<slue~beÈm et thé Coc Çqe ims gpraeapda*wieto à &W 1ikae&UNW08g Direoor d theR embligjSý t w u Mvs zO6-tu Md i4*Éwty ress-muaito li adj broe om &,v n $bq'c, «e«È"cfthaof iiit ,rifWbi*p mq* e t be lu koqti adnpumeena t - 41*0aib ve*so aPU» bnkgib.b ofe owiirp*% bi 11*mi.aMof otite osait I.Mme mUne çdlm du & ez i*0Psition., îe Th utads v-ote aib"ftoca"e d U"OasipsI at% bu n o mMW ntisniy cf Omir, , tb ugbit elWhrdid. er »4ot isfavrorable Oo of ie Oounty tof nto wva.uumb *«i,.» bt,#Tlobuudre s openoONibgmps meum. mevh* t tqy, evclol*g , 4aed sudopea roqeWs.ýf-7*0 Oàtarb sd Qu» hsuaw"l d*"bèd bflsd off Tosesilsasd "Ottv en referred msi île ptobabtelomaica thrcgh ealye a..douI. Thé nesnt à vmil Il% lie oroiilo tuItediy oasl leW lemule voaSud tb.esnmeof ntct a fow yotng mou cf or tovn u ad rii. ity b vbayosamrned for ibemues a mcml reepeotabie piaoome itle examlAt lions. A mère giano. at thé laie.4 la un"ote s h iow atuouga& ma otiier tiloge itheeatlaotery pcdl elumni cf Our CollegIsto Institute "0i boti ln numberesud standing aIi the Vprovnosli lvrty La.-?. 0. L rstogUK . 17amilton, admllled te tbm dege cf L Afe .Grosa, Whltby, pased 'nte tiekm> Sr~ein addito tobis vork lu thbe Arts ouhe. 4,. rte" £"rrma vo ma m ofla ci air.B A. AO ra.-W. 1H.Huon cM pameed in-olsasica, matbernatios O ma sdCivil polil>'. vith rt-olase honore lu buter>'sud tbniology. Thoe. B. Bun«, Duafflue 01*1,k - passeS lu olamalos, methiernitic at s. liè. ileoglcsand clvii peit>', mlnmts:tgp rizdW- ll, Port Pery, formely of Wbtby *HigitSobool, martre oceny - of Port Pana>'Rugit Sobool, passaIin elassios, maIbematios. Englimit, logla, sud civil poliîy. ngti PASUDiN> atr dvai i-i thm Afred H. Grasi, Wbitb>', pasaitlu the ciassalos. Engimb. biston>', -Freaimi, choemisln>', (18t xsmluation> viL4it i. ond-claaa honore lu mental sud mora Or as pbuloopbp, sud civil peuit>.- ai.-3 .GieraU, OeiaaDsusaigu"s, aud etiio, snd ciil plt' rnl, a in. (2nd exsmanaliou) mara ny u geeiogy, (lot examination) and mti Omaties ý2cd poir), wlhlLitsuding or$4 mina pain hem Univrsity' Coilige. dons W. 8. Oaulionm,- Witi, PasseS l' ce et emosc, uatbema"lo, vili fini-clati auhonore luin gils sud illry, standing la inlabioer>', asud Inlu Euglièb a ail tb. oandlduhi, vib ceaod-cees bOn la ia on in menlai philco"iiyasd logie. 1 et AndrovBiw nsn punki ma niostalpbloaopb>' sud &glo nu . D M Gierson, C"oshv paeeed lu c0e"si1, saalimatics, hiso>,ogc subi sud mtapbyoloe aitl-.he pplmOnta examlnations, l88. 0 PA"S», mtir p pam tut' .no. Mills n er, Whitltppa.cd bér n lu asice, -vi*la fraolfes honore in r h niaibonitlceand smoosdslsshOua I renait.1, " »aS Frankt Mosan, Wlatby, etteuded leo. Ned turmu for tilis mamluatom sud- tmai db lb.te rt b« preebtedb>'-llloeeafom belug prisent st lis emmai u&a am- Mmncnr-Paa.ed Ic ofourl Ysear. i tO w .£avod-hîp pa"ad in vas cliu1al mmuiia anS pathoiogy mi >- iantclame honore l*augory and 2uut u& ap Qu s i~sr nn modle, linical surg. cut or>', surgacal austeni'autobstetrica. ua>' nsoule* 9vo DTao ua-s tba Jas. lehualonWbihtyPasadMi ýtue- let lare hàbM actslueonitur s lie hatural ptilsôb ad ud. ssbon- iM4. cur=10-1 tnt maSbilogy luoudine the epofolUuve" agmsruleuou in. Il viii blutcstlsgspmet lieh »ad- Inau frlendsof Ibm Bon. 1D. 1.Mo -. md Orcar atepto kt cflisb aplm Is *cul be vs ami" tte',derm of B. A. lb.: pWoleob mdith2a5 elaslionors Au b~ En W. H. Husto, .: A., IWO@luOc; goï cUdy mext as tim Patlieîtbond.- uhe iTorouhe hie mkëmfunalofor lte* th Aumnlcaaid isete! levaluemof £100 81.: llgpncuuusteInable for gtiire - a. tieulatuet. aeg«M li tlwUiveruityvii b ri nlae" fo su Innt i vmlte. ,the Il- Qauato Libres' Ocras., -Pou rWI J" Iaàttm.orOra mouuue.-Suu __e lie éKeohodiet TabeUsele aIGune thme p.s., b>' li e r. -J. -J Haro, KL Prisai l.Ont. ladies'College. xa tbis BtbAI. udca A.à uie tic -p.n. Aiom n Aietn t 8 .i. th qa b f» fled b>' anu nis upper. s* TUMSyV, 91t-CmmeucementlExen. dms ise lu po.eUAsia 8:,1 td. lis driesebyi -Dr. K xLi1r. Mi. b-t i. SM à"w. u oliars. f . ay nd- 8,la ý .,Oom e* a8, .PeleudaeofthIe' i. ~ ~ ~ ~ atu tho ieuêenitso sllu e te ,tu, uWllOalloste_ te saiecttu to mi5ofcu i odl co te uhe e a&, mssicf Yulr, ""M podte hclgobest hod iuZ.. Wednmady, Joe.th Counefi ox m ed A 1, he C@UmI1telUedif ate.ih ivhilb wuasrmd, ibnen coucoU t i- to oommlttéeeofthle vhcle iberon- MN Hoover late icsr. scme coamn. lu thoii report the. comiwsoner neyhal be.ybad romived- -180ltod#M rauging from 814,200, to 88,80-nuu of wbich ver ecatilifatory, Thai sah. sequently thoyenicoeded à 1letinth-,~ Thot e.vnblgIiie n ibm firas iclnt tbic meniers of tii. boWr Inspeooed W ibbrdge sud fouind thm Zan pred fl 1 iautkue villa lii tontraut su d eoaenul papueni 0 t0i bsiao. lasItiiere vms liiOv. g if,. 'rn #, 500. The coïn. aé;gle remmeundmui hbat thé muni -of $0 be u alwod the. coutractor for extra vork doue lu oouuetlng thm nov work wih thm old. heretofore doue lu the osut. Afler a short debste. tli Committée rose, roported ibme report ,withoei -ameudmneul, sud eubequinuy*adopt4i it lu counoil. Mr. Smith (Si W..) gave noUaibiS hm viii, ou Fridéy, MOTe for bave te lutroduco a by.iav te apPOlauIsMen. baro0f he board of etanOMu or the. Ou motion of Kr. Larkm, seDona bi Mr. Fraereb tanding coinm. C ! u dudBridge ore queit. vî b. heopinion of the C42àty 18o'iotcau te viiotier ibm oounty te ,Mcnslble lo~ ir. heualtenauoe fa and roaavay conecting lis cf Ees.a ub sud Boumo, sud. ;marneý0«, ifxwwasble te thé promsent nmeo e « ua.i HIDDAY. Tiedy, lune P96. Tii. Warden took thi b caf t 1âo Attot rm0dln b. in themClark acuimttedibe report of the. Oouuiy thétrssu im ounty V4luatora On mtio of w. uit (BL W.) e- k Mr. v CcuplthauIlt s tê lhte %bi* lw te cou. 7.w849 if Bau Wbi$b > vibil, ujýbM rend a irt an,-,-, d lime Kw.Oapbmieco>n.dby Mr. ong. MorD ltaI12,50 Pid by Jas. lQl»cylo flor sa wna 1ders' Li- o9Me be refmadpi te hlm. Kw M. Lin. mored, socouded- by 1fr. Smillh (Oawaa), that the matter b. re. fericd ote mFinance Committe.. Tii.amdmenet vas oarried ou a division. -TheoIei* kresd a communication frbm'lb. Whitbl Baud of Education meklng for t Urant, qult bOGavera- su~at for imWibOlelt Ur. Brume, msediby Kw. Kola., moved liaI litereport of te O, ounty Yslutorm b. reoelve sud'liai tii.b ounmolvivsuioi ato comanllteof tb v"hol hbereon. It belug twveeo'loci ibm varden ll i.chair. Wardeiareummi Mas chair atI 8.5 Kr w.s ce.Motion to ggo luto- cou. -re iport rota Deofoiwr; 2%i <oac f i O oqorUo f, K.pO~I1ASIs te1Oby.sv no. ut1 tbley roave in'>1cel Vain cdl b lato . a ch nuiu boir tcbaase01k ila OtNXVALUATORS' REPORT. 6ut. .cmmpbml-eue cf lte raiaito -boy $6014 wme reai a- rlia UxbnLd8 e p4W'thae lie lsd lnaS Oe.êvabmher, hahlu*e- wume porlaid lu lc dgeIi lOo üu? d Eeo miSmiofibelu. - ,valtution sl -as itydui»nd-itlie ouýld h. vÏould go:for iazMedt , i6qlu -adranoodmore Ib ny otlamn 'lvie able lu liocoînA" ude iaI accot ha dia exp.ot toe aisMltaIôuohip bigiior. 'On te vt1li fp*tm goiod eo.* Kv bis ths * b.repretffâ ves Of sot vr meal alfs il vas oppcmd tle le polrneal of rauoaâ, bul-be i ligl~t. i op b i p luaultiô.l gentlemen vt bZoaeulgne thirugit lte* CeUD nId hb.wvasomur did-hbeir duty'. Ho vas lu faror 0f Itbm ideptîonéf the neporý à asllalodIion- sioifgtfaprfralelto appoaniug, a comute, ltaâ i eld, pirbàa, taie tva, vekate equasirçe, *ud atter gpin te litIfmrthaer expena. lb. cure vould b. varme tlin ibmdisoasi. Kwr. hseu ouiS culd nlacm bIle report. 'H.ebaS na intention lci daspea. aging *lb. atons; but ho vomiS -net bu doiualaWdulp aremnu of lb.evil. lepmof'Uxb l hdu i1 nlojeo t the répepor ý t. I.vllg'fUxidge kb Sen u u ore ttn L ' al clyn Ilvlvl bsov5 Ibat vitiain tou prcporyitadde l n le, 1se tbsl natead ot ariée. lie mond bave béen i Me" Itlu. ehoverer, vod mot teke ' 0ie i fth*.- oume bore# o woo m ondbe is as b. kuuev Ibm report vouAS be adopt HeW*odld Dot ebjeol te a rea 0'bl adrauce, a.s kmaltera, bhvao anw o eueugii te ubev ltaI hie localit>' vas pregoamngbut tiis aionul va. Io U -ii.Ono.hing lb. report of lb. valnstons elmot slaI Whilby ipé va. ellenI 510 acres, but lthMva. au adraulage. 1fr. Shusp condemod lte bisl*tpon viich thie valuation et -n9Ilige va madi su ufsfr sud unjust, sud 'ex- E auhisutiatintoappeal ou be- maz 01Canglo te litthe CeuI> Judge. Mr. Miller stateu thlaI iflite munici- pillica eswre raimeut aIl salit l oulut mate ne differeuce.As 1«w ashoe ocutd' ste, if tb. report vas adopteS, Picker- ing volutbaiero piar 18.57. If ths fure oue vettaken m*ay, las liebIt Picberng voulut b. about jutrigil. (Laugiiler.) Mr. Biokeilioemplaiued, liai lie mreag of Witby htbu ernomaus- 1>' skyeu for Ipesa as-Ib@at le marei l" Se e -vmuoles-but, haos", lie valuation -va. haseS npo th* par amuI. speofthelie eomucat. b.voiuatore tlacy b"ddose lie vur o imter li au>' otitlre.amst aîouldi seul Iode Il. E âare liense«sa imc a peréoaeal cxamsiaiof c àli àlaS a"S for th.e ustie fosts thcq baS cul hétm a Obote&",",o cf lie fome vlutoso ý'vWar vomId aaseruo quueistbmad ginsno Intr. aluthovlio>'haby Jd b"Mee d ti vluatIonL. Thés preenh vlusteblai tain>'onMed hein niona>' , s -ei mort vus appror. b> a Uaiajoniy of teoueL.As to emouobtioaght, -mitr ail b.th e e lia lb . cthe uuty bad gous ta u emeoümilos mdli lim, love e a.diçasetmlhc mieet Pt ery mv osé t heber. f-g, 6,ve- &*S thsaon mWLbey bay a alau m tory*a rmpektme &bat of thei vmimaaors 1 lb.» pat te'iaipleathe oti, nM vhleh&vasce$soaldraise- l&ia -ument e%lus, «Cbr The - mm&..eu#dis, ,'jat"!,à", ha 6 .>r. Iiemao Gcld ght, notice «01 a Iii9otiteammznd the. raite elaliug ta tie'mode oftelecting a vardon.' -'eTréésurer'o report aud estimates mulbgtdovu sund- rend. The .eiineijuld to e b.raie a 20,000. zaiaï"oLD AvvTAXsatS i aERSOR. Tho communication cfA. G. Turner sudG.Y. mlb o iish.ai ver. r.- bMaedte le au seoal committse.te wbon] a atrnred lb, case808cf Doyle notes Or UMSRnor. Kw, PûhaÏ brou#t up Ithe report of lie s-peclaloommitee as folrovi t Tholte eý onogultsbuS aaurlsd hiaougt lte WsrK=?L Ousoxua for ton- dons lor asumiable 'mcf W5> acres ci land sud Srmcoiveid mooral tendoesoffenlng ta »sIl land fon a site fonsà hanse of refuge sud indugtr>'. Tho the imland offéea ne of qu*uttansd c«n te redoived, lu eiigio lalcs- carionistaIreaaousble rstes fhem Utl pracemnd silor dilgent oanumir>'and in-, frmationScived as la lie cacï f diter- mgl bousesof refuge ilutho province lie committso are unilleS lu opidn ltaI uth îmeosany buildings coulA te ereclsd et a oast net oxceding $10,S00, alil cm&ite ; addibe priceci land, 60 acrs @ $ 'pen acre-the total cast nood ual oxeeed That iteven desirable theomcnmitto. "ht ldooro 1110 ocommence au.,institution ibe ind aItonay t insamucit au lt.e seernt moniers cf tCIho coi ha-vo not - iad an opperlunit>' et la *ug ibis malter betoretheïr conslllmeuls deeroil adrisabie te doler laking préet " aton in titis malter untit nazI Janir>'esaoiln viicit viiigir. lie mtiuidpsli"lomsoppaninnity ofoexpress- - e emnud ltsta s mmitteo b. appoint- ed te ascotain moesminutol>'lt.e Soleils ai the lte verkiug sud management cf encit housesfotanle pcorn avilueertion in ibis provluce saiA couumitote te Campadof OnnnhmForoaten, Binkell. Chitenaosd Parker, sud report at nexl mossion of cen- On malien tho on1noilivont inte committem cf -h lt. vthorcon Mn. Miller lu tii. chair. Ms. Biu" irefered te thm necosmit>' of obtiaing tiec.liformation sud ite sdvantage toe muble membere tu ferua a judgemmnt. Mr. larke couaidormd that;tthe lime ba" not pet ore-bl liaI tho tssrod il vomld came-fer sncb an instilm- tien. Mn. Biokeil referred te lb. reporte on Ibm ubjeol ai smre leugtb. cemmeno- lug aI litaI of tho reove cf Brook ln 18?g, sud acteuded tliaItlb.casme af huamanlly required the establiabraeo f uoh an ntuîniet. Mr. Pcasby rofer- r.d t ce i. ystnian tlu lbod country, the. opale- et mIdoor roUief, &o.<Hie Iovnmhip paid a large, suça aven $8500.. stili a peor bouse va4 ebjoolionalelo t hlmu union b. av a beterpian pnovlid- ing fur indeen sud ouldoor relief, of vbioh ho ouid apprave, sad vbicb vould reliee.ltentfroua lb. bndnd. aud itsa plan ould bodevised thst vould leon lte proeut burden sud prorido fr ehle poar hoe eould not object ; but ho vautod te ee is vay cdearly lu this malter. bfr. Biokeli- rouaindod gkentlemen of yul hep mmetalfadmit, liai s cenl- tain portion cf lie poor wve Dotnablae totlecare'o>t he-nsoes. Titi objeel vas ho labeostae cf tuen-to pravide for Ibeir car. Tie cause of bumsulî>' vas ail be b.d lu viev, 4o meutiouedl moraal ceasbevlng lhe areesuly for a bouse ofiudustr'sud Protection for thle Incapaelerr. observed thast cerlalar in ont, sueh1 &asw vasoired by Ibeheeof Viki&g bad ô uobeou'r el dand liai -wofli bêeoumef IbmeStes lucoimbent upon lii~ ~ ~ ~~h comli saa uImreport. Jfmsmarks heléà u, Khe "0 *DWin bhau B- namb, mltibra)e sudr xo M 1 a eoRe nus£ta lc»mrnCfOU= * Mn ,iokell »pnidfrom -hbe c*ili Timet ifo mce ma"ites« Ocat lu 5 »CI mliýthh xi w rehave loavn bin8e renport on 1h11 ytht mieb bick forserot eral bathiaralita, eua sui 1r thos'I Ou ai frlx- -b1.u Mloint iaIft-e asmml Tho>' mbutlrepart = troan. Bilai, shev- conumitté in rcnt e~- 2hey racemoititz'acIy fflée b t alp 'ansiodsd platl ié, 5 - Thst 1h.>' had imiore them an ccuudic Mr. Bryan for .85.20Q ftu tebug dovu store 0tIOreIaitng tiotherég- t hy09eOtýydo uet recammsnd; a. thm vork hud botdo. eootra e rIasnies, ci Ibm connl -- Report adèDted'afier otae trivial el. plauatioum aiàoàt laklg dovu the, court boume-ftsg lu tii. evenng. Xet. 15aucf ol o iz» S M TO a jxu» 'Z sAP4M 0,20 9vo Mizorsox or 1 Mr~-Ia.o Guldrn Abcf-li.motion' cf vhbih. boa i gen noticm ou this hiaul o rief-pexpil"ed Iat -li objeotivas te gel a reidy vot, on bopt -d.o c..ddas-and t.aroid mucii foàl- ing " they svl lumisession. Censidrablei dlsnuon-vwaa .tked& reauiting l ine -resoWntion b.lag se'ntý te a apooilluonmtte oouslullg cf Moam. Gald, Larke, Millor, Fcasby, sud thémoenKw Gonil asm.nting. BOAD5 AND> IORG Mr- Rowland bnonght up the repart et tuis committo., sud on motion the ceunil-vent lute committea ef tii. viiele Ibreau-Mr. O'Leary 'lu thm chair. Tho report sot forth. That tho>' have calo it'censldened th. different neorats rolating ta tho Nannuve Bridge sud rogret tla ilatm tna conootion hherevith are net lunsu>' vs> satisfacoy on acelntof a diespremoul bewlte cemmlimmeors..In 1he. dut placoil appoars a coatrait frIanlskugcon- tain repare vas lot fonr 8(N3-upon lte campiotion cf wviicit-ho commimaloner. mot te examine the o ak.-'-'ecommlsmlan- efor fntho Oouty et Smcoe. iitont seowlng an ycanses, tal tàthu'nAImeauo- tract sud aloodithecontracter $2W mono tht h.aml z1ma sq0 o-alpi which has betpb5W tito céul cf Bim- col. I bleo a l lte cincle upan Lbrdeswnsbas' latllbel o pslned-acih repair e eonet ltib'tender nezn has au> reture benumade oet i mo spent lu. maklg immt-the commisusion« of Simcoealertngthatt1he'"an *auib SU3 vile lie conamisslconfer oibis ceunI>' mlates liaI $10 la quit. ufficieul. Theo oomzultlee necormmnd ltai lb.valuation cf lb. commussalaneof Ibis co nel aci of thoeneid cases b. slstinod, sud liaI aso ch>'iersai b. ent thm caundil ai lis co=C f Mm Tb" rzoozmsnd l ta GO ap6iuWcaretaken ci 1h. Sevenu bridge et a salar>'of #10 pen an- nunc-ibo ceunI>' 0i Simoo. hsvlug grante a lbe aml. Wiib respect te lie comumuication tram thh. dont cf Victoria nreot1ngasgrant cf #10D ulie beundan>'lian. belvween Brook and Maripos ansd reole td ialVlte in- provinaof sid odhoitet1hé tovnshtip Tit o mameud paymelof ailcool y BonbonSIiviI.615-3W m. UBoulilon00e. 95--to b. pald b>'hlm to 1h. e-ot parties named. Repaîtnrled su andap ted. Tho varden 1.11 tii heair until 2La'- dlock intmatiag that Mr. Heldon viob- cd te sec meimbers of lhe ceuncil ib4 Ib grand jur room on rsilrosd mottora. Conil rosumned aI 2 o'clook. Mr. Smith brboght up-Ibm repart oft tbe commito.u educalion as foi- That lte>' boareceiveil a circulan (rom lihe Educatmon Dopartanent sheviug lte al of ciLoglelahivo Beoel smiortian. mont fao lci municipals'as faUavs» Brock $6W9; Mars, 097 ; Plckering, 863; Rami, 180; Beach, 572 ; Scott. 050; Scuffg Isad 8Uxbridgo,600*Whlityt 897 * Whity Est 4M4; Thor;!. oM, suZit vii hounecessan>' %;ilmyon each CI tl iad- mnicipalàs aconnespcnding amaunl. Tiyrecomuaood lte acoep sce ci Bei. Mr. Esstmsuaraul n sd liaI lie val ho ÛI 111 b>tlicappointmaul of G. Ti.> ncomaueud ltaI au emeunt equil tte t ebc î rat epal te etc h «Ç Titamtte habcasebelons themthe réo- llioo f ho Bc oidcf Educattan cf ibm toLoV f itiby abn aluhe cl tI6 malo provision for mestolb go-n t~t go the Witiltb>'Cottuse a. thore appelredte b. san e ul a, the llabâliyof lie caat>'for lthe amou tbercommille. necommend lie vande' ial m I pnion cf te IbmMiumlr-e dnea. tInuo ieai. 'eli »rÂesbiiel n tht u Irh ation te Fcmlpcn*Md o thn le rocolpl fmci ou motion cf Kw. Campiiol, Kwf. Fsresiieouty oliciler wasbaud onthibu ote mceunl'grant te ML. Farevell direethIe atfieniio of membur lte"verdlug ottbeolsu ,Of Ibm se,,ol bern thie questin.He ibougl*;.t-ivsimperstlve Ont tbe outyte orais uulsé ounth ie for 'an Tiet *by.law pauad. Mr. Long, se.cbndod by Mr. NoPher- son ucvod liS thereove of the lova. ebp )aa, the reeof- iho3t-I ,.iip f-Whilrr ad tevarden, be'àp- pointesadeputation te prooeed-te 1. laao oaf-of thé county for the. purpese of layl ibm dhe caim. su'd ad- vaâtgos of Wbitby barbon, seàa he harborand:harbor cf refuge bofore thm Kinister of Public Works and tho Gev- ernuenàt, sud that Ibe treasurer b. au- thonized,.ou tho order cf tbe vardon, jy'tiieéxpeumeo cf iddilsto r.ogdvolt upon Itac ft of the J.ae brl-blaà oonnty vork-a public voni lu vblcb not ouly thbm people cf Wbtby bnitboe of lie couuty nt large worm iuleromted. Hoevas sure tif if thm proper-caurme vas,=,* taken thep vould muccced lu ba v>ug Wiiby madie a banbrof -rotnge.ýaud that tho proper course vau that propomd-t o ud a deputation te Ottava reproseutlng the viewvioft ho repréenctatives of the ceuuty. Mn. Cuuuingham foonod that if the barber vas froc tho nilway vould ralse t teari, sud W dnefait inl nailway bouda or. promuses from Ibm Ibm manor lu vbioh Brook vas troat. md by tiem Nipisaing. Kw.' Long rcplied sud coulcuded thaI lovor'a-ilvay freights, vbich venudbo soa mmchin luhebofarmerus pookoto, weuid b. th. certain remilt. Tho oxpouso of1 tiie doputatiou vould b. a mono IriSie,1 sud if tbat vero any obstacle -lu iwte1 Wsax b.evould psy th. hait ot it ont oet bis ovu pookot.1 Mr. Lark o pposodibohemotiou. Osh- sys, ho -contendod vws a botter naturalE barber than 'Rbatby, sud if tho moyen vould incindo 020,000 for Osbaws sud1 a lie mm for Frouohmau'm Bay, hoe -vemld go for then-motion.'i Kr. Campbell bob kw. Lank o t Ia-k sheviug Ibm diffornude bolvoou tbm barboeansd cloani>' proving tiaI Mr.( Lsrko kuov uetiing ef ubat hoevas ( "ay"g vien bo vaatto emak oeut1 Omiava a botter point for a barber of refuge titan vitby. Mr..lflad, thoemeegor of tho commai, vho be &aIl about tho naviga- tien- cf Ithea bons, could ual cen- tain lummeif vien iaag Kw. Larke's ebstundilie, sud spoko up vbst lho kuov Lporsouaily et Ibm adrautages ef Wbitby t barbon, net cul>' cicr Oshawa, but ovr but oer lor Ueor barbare au the. labo Aller furtiion romsÉks froemMosars. Csmpbell, Long, aud Larbo, Ibm motion MrNraa u so ansor uMUoaRY. Mn. Hoover moved, secooaded by Mn. Smitha,thbst tiie clark collect al lte in- formation hoe cuuld bosrn upon thoe subjoot tram lbe minutes sud haro 2000 copies etflicemanie printed sud - dlstribuîe od.unc as thé b.people may have'fail information eu the subjoot. mw ôg!ag ed Mn. e*Wright vitit Mr.:anmetny-frs t vlr',, Ibmheinfen. malioe aoaltera said tboy did, sud uoxt ref1ýsing tlinsmane of obtain. ing titliafertfiaion fer lb. ratepayon. Quite a longthened discussion ensuod ln vbiob mosl et tbm members taek1 part, resmtiag lu an adjeurumeut. FIPTE DAY. S aturds>', lune llthk Coanol met Iten oclook. - %Yio moC o f M~ ovrounvlaici lb,5aj3~e.ta lok.placlaut oen- lng va. vTOd dovu.- EOADS A»rO eMboi Mr. Rovlsnd brouglai up tie second report of Ibm commillee on raide sue, bridges, sud on motion tho council, vent intecoxuwmlttee cf lb.evItale rerteoonuded b4 nhlsv appo-uting bridge ; ne extra. th Trennuni fDr Bougog bridge, sud . 'adoptma- vith- aéleut tl asus YAn. Ï;- tic- _ 'Sq n; * b>vla ppainlu Jelffensan bofore eIbma'i sud movod thaï ho get 0,fie oiïusfônrs sud Ram, sud lThen cau na con, il, Me- te ro- iyeu nd Tneasner, oflhis dtm, fanig is asie ntrimnner cf lie canubseu laid te. faneIbo onaait., sd le>'-necenamend bita lb oid ralgalinha accepteS. - Tit lie 1 coapmlîlee retommeud sa-by-lav b. «P7"edppoulgsa -Irsaurer intue place oIWm. =Lalu g nçd. Thte cammifle ,conaldred lie pctitaoof cies B. Laing forl,,tapplulmmet t e .offlce cf tres- mer, and in ousdoratiou c1 lie verM iigit lestimen>' cfail lioheauditera ovite exo- amineS li.book sudn&piperawvbich Ibm saiS J. . Laing bas bept, haYe borne te lthe ver>' moerions accurse>'and orden in vitichthemarne bavre bien bepl, lie coin- mniltee recommeud lhe sppclntment of M. JsB.Laing t.e; héic c f Ceont>' Tros- mer. The commulteebarë a»echad mubuutfle te ibeni a stàterndnb of th. estlaaled r.- coiploan su epndilures for thm curreul poat, sud Sud upo' * cenonlu hharteaf thaI lte mm ci 820.QO vleb.necemyte meet thoe xpenditure of lie- presoul pear, sud ventS nebommeud liaI a by-lav lhi passeS ltg1ev' fâ the saiS mui on lie rate- ait. proporty lhable te b. assesse lu lie Titl>haS aimedulaid belons them a m<,tlon mavred la>' Mr. Campbeil secondeS, M.Lon or reauc t fmono>' paiS b>' Jas vhih tib o>'ould nat n men ob. paid back. Tie, report vas adopteSafter sme discussion, sud Ibo rdjem ocf mations iu ameudmeul b>' Mosans. Wright sud Grahami. A by-liv vas passeS taxiug tbm difféentnîmunicipalitios as fellovs : Mm,'ci-'L'Tv. Gara..Puooo. Ruc&Tmoa. Brook............. Mars.............. Pickering ....... Rama ......... Beach ............. sSoî.......... .. Bcangog Island .. .Uxbridge........ 1'lert.d.......... Uxinidge Village.. Wiiitby Towvu... Osuninglon .... OIshawva-... Port Perry. $2596 912 8714 280 2418 1806 824 11.84 1782 1680 706 40 890 280 1122 460 6559 897 8BU 185 572 850 78 545 464 3897 M2 12000, 14702 Aiea a iy.lsv appclutiug Kw. J. B. Laiing, Ireasmreà, and Seiuaing bis dties. Ou motion of Kw. Lante ticeaudiler. woro required te audit lb. acooule cf theoaulgoiug Iressuren, sud s specWa committoo appolu*t tIansfer books aud pepens te bis p rodeossr. Ufr. Cmnmnigham reporteS herm, lbe special commitmeete o n vaswure- ferrait communications of G. Y. Smih, and A. G. Turner'. Tie report record- mndod paymeul cf $20 ta Mr. Smitit ou caudit!an liah. hégir. a quit daim- lueS te Uri Gregg ; anS tlaI no aciona be fe Ihe presoul lu Turuers malter. Repart adoptes;l A 9 moin "jMn. Grahamn, seondeS by Mr. Burneîl, liaI s apeoil om- malte. be appointeS consistiug et Mnr. Smih (Scott), Kw. Smith (Whitiy),4 sud Mn. Smith (E.W), te o ulo cou- olderation- tIi.'adrisabli>' ot hlding four sessacs of lie caniait unl sud report lu 1882 feU te lite ground- lie varden ual mandlioning lie perpe- Inatian of lie jeke. On motion Of MrBrnolt, stoded b>' Mn. Grahasu Iie , lankm eft lie canail ver. voteS lthe vardin for lthe able anS SignifieS Menuer luMilchite preio oeiÙlIte miberahions 'oftheb 1Tho vardou- briel>' r.tuamed 'bis acknc'vwledgnilnte unSdhaeS d- M inetubere for tiie maisluco lthe>' baS g0re - him lu lthe ieharge cf bi, dutiesi- -- -On malien ai .fMn. Smith(.),sc ondeS b>' àn.1 auE i sill cnil aS' fourcilS ,ùudie. (loent Bsions , e b Poes eand- tenni' Court. Te ai " Wi 1 of thai a te ph e- PutlgmeBiaruband, Dartauipjroad.- mig. Ti imagistrales Au attendsuco- vwer. Meure.--70ai - Nottoier moud ud Dolithe. er. AL- unsmt allendanceoef inimers o!flthe GREAT SALE OF THE Bankrupt 8tock -OF- HA MItIDI a. nd ilADHhIEK Together init a large sud 'volt selectoitstock, of NEW A »-SEkS0NABLB Dry Coode!1 COSIIGn 0 F FN I~i ~ usy~ sun sus une mois miolitel>' ho hanslaege unlu - I -d D' 5tk 6thé -q.

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