Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1881, p. 3

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t~A1~GEATD NEW 2DBESS OODS> ,In ail le LaSngSades . NEW 13LK CSMRS Tihe u cttôool, ale 19* rie ALL-WOOLýDaGES, 1Very faiionible goods. PLAIN ANrD OlM I DREÏSGQODS, The nèweet styles. SILKS> SATINS, BUTTON~S, LININGE, TRIMMINGS, &ct. STBAW, CHLIP.& ýÂPE RATS, ,CUILDBEINS' RATS, &à, Tie nowesî gooal., the Mfilinary Lins at lew prices. SIL PRSOS SATIN PARÀSOLS, RIMBONS, LACES, FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, FRILLINGS, MUBLINS, LAWNS, PRINTS, &c. A Great Chicago Enterprlae. 'Pé ieLboratory for lte mantufacture of Blectrl. Bittera fi one cf Chloago'. greotest enterprisi, gtvlng omplormont ho a large number of bsads. 'Pie extensive eaie ai- ra, attainoi orusouderful remedy la autonuilg. Whore'er Situe lutroduced anti becooesknown. Il lu uintoat impossible te uppiC eh.demaud, becaume cf Aheir lett meri-urlng vhere ail olhers fai- kt a arasouable price. (fty centes)- Lous of appotite wicther from bile, colde or an y tiber nana. the appetite heens to fait, 0 esysteaticomme ncea aM once ho give way. If ve vouldavoid a bcd of slokuea, v. muet cleans. du& restoro the digestive organs vîti Herroka Sugor Coatedý andi Voetable Pilla À suraecure for ever dime .arl.lng fient impure blooti . lnku1h.faotsvilwar- ran i n luacylgîa iote bave neyer bean cther blooti puriler equalto1 Brlstot's Bar- esailaadPilla aciy etmo gsntiy anti No prearatilsof a9 -ypposphices I hove ueed eau compare wth Felows' Compound Syrup cf iypophoupbites for reotoring stronigilh o the nervous esieom. I thlii hte best medicine aver used. W. J. HOZNB, Buffalo, N. Y. Ponvien Syrup. For neerly a qnarter of a contury the cheutilta prepectiçu kuovu as "Peruvlan Syrup"bahotî t eadui«y . gilupublitc favor aaamn oflui vigor ho the aueI m byvl ant.i senrlcblng tse ýio A h* lesn ime Il la ou. cf the iposl poptlar axiS valuable of lie estab- tibeil ropretary =edicine. llb.enrd, &a nua*, vof th. hast dzugglals oud-i deutially advise ileir. familles ana fiaonds te ui e fr thé large elissetfcomplainte wliich It rellovea. -'Ph. valus cf iron u a mneficai agent hai long boau kuowvu b physicens, but It bas neyer-befora been prc.cutcd lu a form no agreabie as, iis preparatlon. Tbii syrup propane. the aja- ttnt for dehilitating afocIs cf the ici mentis. and lia. Joveti an antidote ho Matty chreule maladies-Boston P..f. Augusi i"tower. Tho immonse sale anti great popularitz cf Gren'& AnunaiFioer in aIl tonauOd villoges in the civilizeti wortd ha., canseti tony initatora ho adopé slmiar namnes, - xpecting toreap a harieal for liomielves aitihe xpense.cfthie afflceti. Thia Mcd. c. vas introcducet Inlu 18, anti forthi. cure of DysePla anti Lier Complsints, witi thir ae t, snb as Sour Stocuaci, <Jntlvensss, Slck ibomaâb Blok Headocie, Indignation, Palpitation of'the HoarI, ver- tigoetoc, etc. ff cler? ici aiicd leour kiioiledge. 1irae doses vilriteveSany case of Dyspepsia. Two million botteà oiti last year. Pries 75 cents. Sâmpica 10 cents. * ctI Gni.Purgotives. Iun te liat of experlonce, gentle purga- 1.v.. are ilimost effective means cf Puri. fying the ey.tem. anti eratilcatlng diame 10n*y tortu. Herrnlk'aSugar-Coati Vec- stable 'PUisaverlly tbila'f or bhey awesp ava1 a9l interntal ieicouortsaitonce. 'rhey arefor sale everyviere. Given Up by the Doctora. Wbere doctora have talle& ta cure, anti bave given ileir patiente up t6eit lectrlo Bittors have oflen beu stiai a cure efeehetd, greatly lti e atniah nlof aIL. Dises...ofthie Stoùtltai, Liv« ritnev and UrinaryOrgas ae petitirely cureSG Ellectiel Bittera. 'Pey inïvualy cure Con- stipation, Ileadacie anti al Blilous Attacka. Try lient, anti ho convinced tiâti iey are lte beout ilcine over useti. Sotti by al tirngglsls,.aI Aty cents a botte. A& SpifaxoMzrnxcnie. - Everybody aboula.me a bloo& purifier in the. spring. Yen cannot nu a »efer or better medi- aine tiait Dr. Carson'a tomaoh Bittera. Go to W. B. Ronge, drugglst, and gel a botte. Pria. 50 cents. ly.21 Cougia andi Colds. Dr. Wstar.es tm cf WiIti Cherry in eue cf tie meut excellent anti reliable pre- paatonsven put hefore lie publie for congiaà, cldasantialeotions of ilhe tiroat anti ng. ai.remarkable rentedy ilasm bihly aprellt& "a la muob sought adlter n ovaeson île inst introdtincumany ysnm a ou ie hb le uonleing curea vici l e0ortei uci a fin-r. vas ex- citeS i. nacomni hTe saut a.luallntalntalsUme apn anaat conineudtt ltf hle vênt as -lie Lesbt remed theag nili ost rapI Is opine. tien, hiemat sale, certi, ei y anti porasunl u 1 reult, a loigvllIt ho primaeth le remedy i tnmeraM. Thie Basy Stvinathle nonS or OCu, Brulses, Sores, lîce BaIl $int, Paver Sorm, Tetter, bâhappk anda, Caislinu, Corne, asudail liaIs 0f km EBrcptieus. Tiis aslvs la guaranheoti lu give perfect satafatln l ovrycas1orutney ra.n- id. PfrsU e cnte4perBo., For sale li' T. G. Wbidepld , Wiil y.. The Orsatear Reutedy iCuovt. bi. t!ve's Nzw Duscvunwfor gCn sumptims eoertalnly lie grsteatut cal retedy over placezi vithin lis reeci of suf.nlq tuuanly.Tiouants of once Itopekwesç pes, nDov loutiy*-p»oclaint tbeir pnaise for Ibis vontierfulDluWovy *l viieli liey ovethber Ilyoe. ot culydosa lt oetdee4e ybure. (onsutrton, but Coughe, CoMae, Ailima, Brenciltic, Roy Fi-ver, Hoaraisaandi ail e4ecgon o0litbc eap Chtel t i Lunge yieîd et once ho île von- dorful nreive povera ar it by magio. We Iheefoe .r,,sbie rqaef'en, le -couIon you tiugiulan gea ria botte fer teu cents viicb vOl ïonviuet tue iel akephi- cal Af Ils vonlul nerts, maS m aie , vielat àegulat eue dollar aisebot. vil do. Portsleby . IG. Wlmll*.d, Wlttby A Oooid Tlifag. Phyalclenmsatla a oledgesta b. eue fd lis moet lotissaIs Sl a o uwKuiin It qulcly eOum Oougb, céldm A0 SU.11Lung trouttes ci gdog_ utâ;of aes Il de i l 1 - .9e ùein) mill&,ilon. r lsuoe o*>u GUM Ied aleI sl DST PJB tS! GENTS' CLOTHING:'. SCOTCH. TWEED CANA"- : clotiing mode teo rar in lte beat sles. GENTS' SCÂRM', TIES, COLLARS, CUFFS, BRACES, SOX, GLOVES, &o. WRITJ ad IEGÂA SHIrT, PLAIN ana CHEOR DUCKS, COTTONADES, SHIRTINGS, &o L e., &o. We are1 offeri.ng the beet goods in the- trade. New Gooda and Low prfces. Kinidly take a look through our stock. e We cannot be undersold. TO THIE FAIMEJ?8' 0F THIE If you If yenu If you If you If yen If yen If you If you If you DO0MI1NIO N1 :000: want the Best BEAPER- want the Best MOWER- want the Boit SELF-DUMPING HORSE IRARE1 want the Best GRAIN CHOPPER- want the Boit GANG PLO0W- want the Best STRAW CUTTER, want the Best FANNINQ MILL- want the Best PLOWS for al kinde of land- want the Best PULVERIZING HARROW- -GO TO THE- OLD RELIABLE WHITBY FOUW-NDRY, Where you can always get good value foryornce, and every article bound to give you the best 0f eatsfactiony.ý Yours respectfully, BROWN & PATTERSON MN F'G Co. Whitby, aune Lit 1881., MECHA N/CAL OH GUINETTE. AN AUTOMATIC REED- ORGAN. "THE OBOUINETTE May now be called a ceohral.ed instrument. ria tout il la akin tb the Cabinet Organ, but lth.e rgan muet Le monipulated ly on ortist in order te produce muge ithe Orguinette ue on the oher hané entirely mochan. ical in itesactiosi, and at trafling exponse il enu ho mode ho furnisi au unlimit.d aupply od ail kibtis of muea."-Towonfo Globe. IlTHE ORGUINETTE lé Inlieti a musical wontier. It je a miniature reeti ergau, witli as strong andS melqoiasà toue as lie Cabinet size. It surpasethé Cabinet organ forthé, reeoà.that th. ignoramne in nwsie eu pi l a s v eUua tis most ameoplihaod professor. Tho Orguinette is slrang«'nd eacreto l iilet moehanlaw, and oons.quently Det liable tg get ont of order."-Mont"s Gazette. «'TU OIUNWTTE l is emesS parfect aulernatie nMusical instrumeént y.t invented ; its rèpertoire i.ntnhiâed, the ton. la remnakably go.-t PRICES, $10Tu M $10. atlog tï Wi Fi-ABD T& COi 1 t. 21 VOeTIGEUnS STREET, SOLE MANUFACTURERS ANDI PATENTEES. MONTREAL. (18in.1O 1833- Established 1833- FURNITURE, FUJRNITURE,.4 Cheaper than ever,-, ai ',-A Ùneu store rBR;ocx :sic.$ WlIfl~ The undersigne& in returning thanks thu th-&pdblot e liberal patronage eztendea te hlm, e bop hatýaIpg 1. hevde is coeimodioua new prentises, lié xa now lu a bettert hai= e te eupply al thefr wmnita. - flis stock of Furnituro embrcs'eyhnomst, and everylWg hat uiaI ari o ealafer in ils lino, san atu ion wi cýOuina. thât tic piCes are lew enough to theiltits. U ND E'RýT-AKlNG.* Funerah - fully supplied. Astoutablng the World. For a perfect reno*ationa cfierbugiet ax enfeebleti ooitutious Imuage vues. sa genrê eine, ut3ln 5isrl'Y-at çOaOeUI ptoducés a permaaeteurs e M4Akf Bletrf Bi tm e1r vondtl um ue are *auonag li" orlti. For tn antui UrleryComaint tbs à adc oei5.- noîgjiveuip in'êqý 1i tiaI viere everying el. e, S OIS by ail drugglst4, s1dfy cents-a hoste. .~4 éatl. 4Rged 60 Se#fséom. DB!YDEN-Ât, Maple, *&des on Sanday the 29th mthewIfe cf Jobtn Dryden, Esq., M. P. P. ofa son. BBITTON.-ÂI Wbitby, on bish 271h of May,- George Britton, .ga 70 yqe anS 10 nonlis. - ee Oe. 0veum, i tlmn .8 'elba............. S *as jWho . ..........e i Bwntour rv......... ..1- 1 00 1bS . 1 ..............0C'M'i é0 iw~. .......... Î' WM. TILt.. Prints, SlSilk Mat, -OKFaai.y es FsTes lain .;anàd Strie i11 1 -r ', 'été-ei *t'l ~ - ~ lis ~ JLY A d A ~ ~ ~1 *, t -' >~ ..-- -*-~-- - -- i --i- -- -t-- -,.t, -- '-i- 'ENS 'FURNIS,-.HINGS.' A; fresh arrivaio r&c '~dcSéotch -and ana;dian.-Tweed.*$ci u u e »M- HFATS, B'4K oES,* C;LLARS AND TIES. New Millinery, lateat'and !n&west styles,, Drese and Matemk~ oodr JJsàatp~uI1y Groceries. .- *- Whitby, May 25th, 1881.*J ~PVEk ~O~ __________OR NE~ R OOK ýANWeD D )A8 1i GERMAN, ENLS MlIGNADCANÀDJ'N MAN'UFACTTJIRE, AT, to Me iolie *1 Itv à" à i oeme dinsry plnapies. rotin.., ot ronghnest, venlsh as if by mge hs i endurlng ski dlsortiers.thael bve phagued tihe suferere for veoa, hovever deepiy rooteti abey may o, '"Buipholilne udt sncoo:: sily 5bOiloe»Lotxion l siéby most Chemists. Mode& s"by J. Priunm & On.,l Lontion.'n, Iin 'T y4 strenglbel b.h e nrvmm -as maniuer Byffien, improves 4dlgos*n. aialthé ovirits, racruitbhe aith. For 4ubflitat.d be&u 0 rntie efect of hot ciixestes ibis Pepper's Quinine and Iron Tonte Bons"..anti devcinps lb. cr"F" energ«., enriches oilbo&tprmotea app*tt),ti 11e lagior eM dd@pregalon. forlmq i4, eiv orgon&.le a apeciic rM'etiy fornergt ague. ln&lgouion, foyer, of every tint!, c0u affeetIons, andti n wastlng disemse, scronoum tondencles. Th o Inwhni. troaie in gr.ot inl~oeiby PeOp.sTonl, lb. me.2a ta es br ±eub.cntttn¶ot g l:d.ý m l. t9.Lt = .thBotles 82doms. e,. @.&; next slze,tis IbM bby themiM eevrybero. Tbe name of J. Per, Zedipré Laborotory, lodon, must bone labeL 'Jher ineIule laeral in eDet UP s ereQuinine amd Iron. la sonrcmendtô 0residonis 'tbth andi shoutti alwoysho kepl ready for , ns lvery cmS of fmvr or ferbille con- ditLin l- TaRraxaoum and podophyin. ?,ýrz.tnybIPJ. er Lontin.Tbil Fi omosbraoctea= froint m.icnar r5ole nov mem i nalgod ticf b pin lanti calo- mete lb.ur of tiypso. biouans, anti SUl 87*plomg 01 congetofnithe iver, wbicb aire eéerat ai enab b Onyby J. PE ot L _raoy. L onoh ee ncm nevery tabet. Zotume eàr. -ý Bd ni .d. ScdI e by ail Obemimia.A maost Yva«lbe antm eenti etileime fox th. Colonies gsneraliy. Win dà» fry sét ant &a levier eompllei% 4ng o~Ulee4St1 olrgThe stonous dye, anti do.. ni In he ûkin. i- Lockyeer's uihr fur Beto hIns test «for retoginhgrpey hal eu teIt formmr= tIt , 1l prL oeea>eresg0iturai graotihof nev hait. i eli b TO CON'TRAOCTORS.,: ,InU UZIERFGND wv elienlu aI Po» tedne n IltaBotti et fCiar. esdt osy tis fa iUsmmv. nIs ueahlitr l iet -'NOTICE! -- B~RYCE'S: CASH Amost -c'omplete stock, of -Silktisie Thread and LADIES' FINYt SILK HOBZ ii BIaê i04d. 01010, LADIES' FINE LISLB TEBBAD ROSE in- Plain ana Fenoy Colora and Blgk from 850 to $1.40. LADIES' WHITE LISLE TEBEÂD ROSE,, 60o-LADIES' MEBINO ROBE. LADIES' BALBI(QUA. OSE. ait 20e,-25, SOî,850, 400,>500, 65ç. LADIES' SOLID COLORS (JOTTON ROSEj, withouaoà Ii. L~ADIES' SOLID COLORS COTTON ROSE, with alom. LADIES' LACE COTTON HM,8.8~anUi- inch-. LADIES' WRITE COTTON, ROSE,.frein 8 te 50 cents, LADIES' PLAIN AND FÂNCY STWIPRi) COTTON HOSE,_ in pil new inakes, from' 10e to $1.00. CRILDEENS' SOIID 'COLORS COTTOXN EËOSE, wîtliout aloi, frome n5t>8jinch- CRILDENS' SOLID COLORS QOTTOËVXQEwih loxf - e *i. CHILDRESJ~&O thOSE fiôna. te68 ialies OR1LDRENS' PANOXSRPDROE rta5 te 8lue, C£fy ifeet atrg CEILDEENB*,P LI~AND ~AO AWA QNDA OE fen8enu~~ MENS, MEBD« AI Rt& Oseik .et8e MENE ?AOY~ST~PED'COTON, h n.gres4 variet>, pf pattlpis ani 'MENS' (!ANADIÀÏ- ND -ÀMBIGN C OTTON UIALRST e EVERY ONIE s hôud s«,h irg oo.ü oaieiY ,'at BK N~W ÂDvERrIs~ME~N<rs. WFLT TIEPEOPLEWMT FINE JAPYAI< I- 7 a o, 5o,ana worth from- 40o to 76o per lb.,-, Fins Bla8kTea8 <w Z BABGAINSANl~i 4 YE ti sud ( ses fret ar l, &UVEI~ f FURIf OF, -NEWloUS] îSA~L'FURNIf WANTED-4z SUBSOBMR8 efar ns 100 ACREN. aiel= parm te. C. -U,'XSVEJWA ý,RJT 'i.--'- ~ *70 ekr~zaor S'TOI, * I Cotton Uose. --i.---- "I! ý 1 Awý vv &&46P v Ajam jk JL&WA"ux",w A ige r um.0 a à ', -

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