Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1881, p. 2

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ONLY axseoPzit ANNUN. Wbitbr, ThrsyJns,18. dzawingioIo -cOiisud vill ii b deteriln.d by lb. po@illbou n&s nelt. o« opi4on, se ta l(a* remit bcnin la fa t..Mtii. Gorernt dan.- dîdate8, ,rem"me ctwely nnobkged. lir. Ksdlilhbasxot iapp@ared to, %"t Sci lwisbl inue," Bc oes »of1 theOsvae.Tib*modeet bearlfoif wbl. veweredlsapsIotagite hic, reiwcnot.,i4rcved la àheroto quslàe'b.ore , lutM of hie opý mea~ lus oliuyl lb culot. î Thé ~ l .1 Bbc Mlalat us * 0o~tcsipcinagn-mà i l qie macw thèed1t, lu e elybu *dei 9whm vla anth ai~un lal~earal.m theldie.au0f lWmeount se orameéIbis lb.. mini o s"M'ÇI,00-.bas-becs dlstrbulcd age Bb peplesEOnlulo lh blu luin thcaedacm.Tbeopealagup and publie yaks, sWal dmth$1 dumbt end blini, ebieltie. a mo blïiîikcUor MI aer amef eu"s ébe"s ooPrerlmhll ewumuý , 4 éou e ti c a Il v i e e a * yïa . te uselo '1lus7oca cidental I.14.WUeMcMdca Ut aie ' e éba__in utiabe hcaI tacavre but but 1 h wîdlW U huysa -feculnysd om4M bcsucof Bbc',1.madmof staül», lb tcvmu bimm of bcerme b e amont& Gocnmms. h$iMM u$1 de0 m Mn Mcdlii vceà tyhé de blsae ee . M-symabGuruào mt1 bu«" of he e Usnsarai. a ý,* pUWIB 0f tie Gra djuitm Ë t« the Grud Trune, 4Ij*%êt". *ri i.g.< of ur laiwaymi," t Vines himacif and hie ré Mier. e LSIl cme hope for tbefr town. taira peî incamoyery unie argument1 deal. powet a tmg Iargely Ii *,Wu" and oeeouatione .o&Moseq e~ah#in thes- Junotioa NIpRWI*g and 'VlWtcR wayeM , sdIEI irb is 4 tîr __ G ua~~d Queb e0 ;11 uuswu4*May~bgen an eau,- te aS9 the i dollar. lSoi séliafed, n ft wiuhoniewg cvii ue, e a.Grand and of t4 'trunta d- lOM*trIo. and .'Qeabse1hoe ' tte rnmoamoilu cheil6, throuda' iek df, b ýblding most ýAc be-rnMate,wolid. ot , he oh, soaec rsefo Peterbbm *1ânal greatly hswi eborter " the bpreei oute frorn for. A& Lindny via Whitby taeoonioe-Ho dations 0 eqmos uhie ignorance ber., &ashoiv ill authoritil fidupou eiamination of ti. mbp, that the. zeitng rotUla iause ort as eau h. giftcd p obtained b y;a direct lime from i WI. thedýnc Ho aie. referato. hé a moue ige "01 of âne thèb.Nlpieeing- sdaIl a geer Ig4al.bi prlelaly aos1conntffla vtb-a à~ O A"fli gégevw ce Aoué O tig, wanytl1 tiaeway-bteeiMpp raodîIens m uet b. e¶B own*1,theuic arp 'rve'. e -etral*h"tcBnm ethtok « àe oElba Wlaltby Islwà ý sln. in1taôI ii u1 alomg" by Bbc lMid1 mi 011*1 hat valUe vould b. leasend byir-" eêvir. ti d frmbatjtll êhey uaean#,ot labb whstbwthe formerbac ermsi XQd1kil durlng lb. Poi(4' é T4%Id OtObl land Ry. late du a extensive threh > storeB *e j...a. *ïmýqâstore. emlaos ne#j.hPO ledge ira] ite rook bot"ctÉ 1e1111011 , 1"itb e . boiG aurL n *Iêitfl a c t toi ar bor efqe,-dût amontSoflb0 Tii. On diih vhteb il eau 'bé dekpened. mltAt COs VlouP" mayalo reet seetrefi uat if 8U. it n ~ ~ ~ h cetpi ôs i Oentty eau be by Collegil 1%@ aboie fodrm ttige of auczoeed- ",ae, LP. glyitrmugii'cnty Iaeuod Is the PrOg m thé pdxlMhg b ô , 1le roi Hpnter 'ompol bôa aughns-u, vas forsn-r 5 *ta1M.si!a a" - ftlm., ff liii usO- ahri lu is 1 u tii t e cý ueCo gaag. , 5mi ros ilis een e by i se grapiiialy iauribea mucia if bc .sa m amouir.et Is@native ountry. 'Th»e r.ply aù la a vMY oredIleleproduction ion, Proe nd féesuliJeol siontreocves aeoeiia UMdalsal li m 0EhiUB lac the r, ic np vtiicli vrae shulîy and JC. Cnor, luno01a90g the ira. ilb. cntr alcMUseeu bsirirec'Mie tollovtagfor he 4 b uvatom ete li ta amas: . nw ii t me cETotethe- or bb lai paian. "s~ 10ecet "MI4 1depi viibt I2i- teBbplanaudis ls. 1 suim!lt d"osfrh iu iu a baseaeiyoeig uutSrcaI~ sâd sud âî ne for geaüi â aliter, -ai th. fih l u1 MRÃ"vraleai1115t e ,datinili mu ot teul-ho e.court cof Bevisiu ie "i aI lie téBRéte b, eairmian d tii. la -aou.ri a ItsKi Sc chsgsbremad , ne«luu ail. 14mc mepm-0, ssdk'ù ýýî9c-restumed, lie reere oti M' tl~tpf f OfM stah stee on aboouqn*s àaid ah 11 vioarooncul e lic P.E,'adclr#89,kôt, soi st o, o.T 'g alloe,86;J, & D. Macual, support' Oefe Wldov Youmg, #22, GSa. Angus, la. support of WldouvMNe 82 l ut WripgbLsupport cf M. Losta,$22; W. Do Woo-druff, auppait of BtkIamil #,1o. 1; 50 ;Ge. Burtonsmppoi: M n, 11640 B-Bluttig, eupporl t of rs. Obmous, 810.50; This.momkhouea a.support etfAX.Milleti, l2;-,J. Cidie, y zors t f Btnc,#16.50; Thoa h a ïsupport c d w 1tigbswh, 62g; #982, &Ud fd l= lmus,#4; J. Taylor, supportof0f ro. La P, 111; M. (Besson, à sup t- Ofù". rley, 822, ani P. ào T.ef, 1650; .Leiimsn, support hof O. VWiieman, toi JohnuM'itobeIl, sap- JA. EtIJs arman, 80.75;- Tbornu r Toronto (ueaiH als, realmeut cf le D. Kelay, #».4» j Dr.PIeld, for-tmedicci c Srsimbut IM M L #i18.50; J. Rbi es banrt w'epslridg Pats bridge, 84.15 ; il- W.Muugrovsreptrugrosi a pers, $ 7.0; B. IR.,McKelrk, for icraper, I. 6.5. .noi-Thnat .1b,ft ràbeL te tu ,t 15Daebr atcij'Temple à n aI D (eab l à hafai,5ceie Gala âper la vcek, P. B.LHoover, com.; Wiiov Ycung, Il , r veek, J. &;D. Kacosi,1 oin.; Wiav 0IcHe , 1, .Augue; 3. fanally, 786ll Y. Broun, 15 ensteo, Burto; 1Mr. si Beaumont, 75 ceuts, B. Buutl1;;,A.1 1. Im iet, 75 cerals, Th o&, . M oue s ; A t Luet, 75 osente, 'John 0i1; W ï -Enull' 8,Tiio&. Fadlct; MnJehn. M eon, 75 wcad, thei.Allen family,#8 ipet yak, Oeo.-Rsrkor;MUn. Lapp,W id i euls, Jas. T&ylor- Oseo. Farley, #1 sud', -P. Teefy, 75 ceots, M. Giceson; O.' - Wldemasa, -81, i. Le'boomaii - Jams sBarman, 75ceuSa, John MlioiiîoU; P.c Y C ' 15 ente, Tihs. Tripp Bi » adoi btvelotûa 8 1,ndin sra r ou., Jas. NerelngiSco0M.. ; #0 on lide iraadbelumlous 2 aî27 in 2cîcon.,.I W. WWimo né, #;10on aideroaiîb-o.c rtwftn bolmit su d 88 in dli 0c0., 0.d i Be..., #m. 100 on Oh con. froua lota i80 bolet 84, John Barkey, corn.; $20 on f Xide romi beîue Iota 20 ani 21 iu 7mb cou., J. Hoci sud M. Boehhy, oin.; MOo $ide roadbetwoen lot» 8 and 7 in Oli con., D. William# sud B. B. Pagh, tomn. On motion. Lhe report vas receivei Mr. H otver movei iat lia by-lsv a for tbe opemulng opof s rosi bcrouslot f iNo, 28 lu hliet oun., suid for clemlng P np the original allovanuein front of lie ti maa t bo&haresd!the "tilime sud c > oltmr, Ibi I fmass . ..inlouse ami J. -Shier b. lismned là raminq bridge ou0MieéOliàco., opposite lot 17, el boi Me'btligeou aide rosa blveen b1 -i80adlnbcbaMoo., andMiat i Meure. porrtai, ami Biiir examine ri tbe bridge aerasé th& Duffu creck on lu B"ockrosi, 0 brid Sio t o on. rosi op- -lucenple i-aid-idlthlb,-SMti ob; bridgeos tii. ri o. ie lposi t u 15,, sud repot to ii, di ras tet s Omoti.-oarrli.eamw] oDý CU sijourne »W until onay, tic 2Oth-' Latese 1<IfItia Cadetsm th -Tbc e W r&ie regariing lic an. h làualirr théb.volunicer nui in Canada-bve bêe i l eLTbie v-*ii ci 4 e Nb*#les.-...M smelï. - thé i ilulaMenout ftrllgs6 bl soif. beoka even publised.- [bu in tua m bok _ vt Il ai s nt loirce me i OvWnthI vhilig "etodo%. ibribee Ih r onees",,suareibat..th auslhmg ,rsomld expériences- 1.em se i iuelfmRs,'tc ;r"uy tbing,Not s e ýk su even i pàlleid. bu .uong lis nu"ue couamen of " a rk bytlb. igias jeani fromomcetlteé mou ans, va olîp Mie ' folldlt MtàWo 1 a 0.1. ïnov book, .'Bue 5lfTa ye foth oi 400 ahor, a i théieran belg able t10 lslk veilaboui .g&e Ae s6,eller e1 InuD 4bse»ao eq"uai- autishe »Il 1 Iasboat wuk qouaeeton s ce wgana1 iou41y, visa Ils pubiestonfin m vherc eover 28,0W00 bite ai. boen sAli,- iceudi-kuovi 4, lécesucihia.precoilon, r9*4iq- vl lum ise iiiP>o 4- Uôec m inSaelr cales in !1 lasà U«7r . rylouu.icd ivre. J&vilt be.iASioly,,-to ecd soute, »l.t, nw vllî eplaic i*.epln aavyliok ,ceh gubecribeso gete .amea vie Tcsebes Ooiafuiloa. atari. Taube ~eConvention bnineü1om ou y Titi sud .wue atteiddhy abot sven. riaostLIy frOin thc iortharp ne 0ouuly port Pary &ami Higi Behoobu, ami tic Wbi. asle Inutitute ucre pretty eall 4i, Tih. PrWeaidulJas.le. .-B. proadai. Thé fooiug ulîlaon lu Public Sataooîs'D. 'U > 1%.- ç~I B4ale"13LMrab «sof v9elotevae Ite Public Sèloo ouoiioba suit [<y iea.preai ami e, Ire f elb5tgwetb * 'ai lmg deioai d. NO ,oa c b ndù ï,tretateof lbsl egforces ai ths ditSbed dlstloarie «a d"inlg., Eve7 y -man a &pinga lathi, no;eartuan, oUIdive l)ieUa ip, pu btiasî viiiw pplyhem t'*ith ECo àe Mie people tnB e t »ycry'? pp metuuity, lia -voSmitacot, yell agiuj -brai; lie ahildreu 'Miko* lund allie o Atra. Iogaud faiguimg meri Mth i hîdin lu » monutry vll'iai Il a- *OiUums deftled vi aeataud ubbiu a- s bhiisuOýn a quoeu té bisMai it No patroli 1tleiàieftoib cutepi I1 il ýgret fore,. At aigu Bbc ,«ahntr batry on tiisir Iivi.spî eloewit the ulb, Ituslupuuiiy. U"nierobdi butma by ecaiilug dcvii aftny shrv c-ý vsggoua au pvioslmozw:Se eupply lb st esetd» oamfrts àcf**6 -icfbreo eprovte i psrte etinfa ii sh Im uutt7 andi polie. replasd ri Thoy r aftom tnly ibinabc-draft P- ete, fommsa e thle sxpeillsu .8 Theyainseeuacd of -mau of ileelsieu I ofstaaim ard ýibyrlsub ule lb. là lndlgnltlmesud othes ptovehd by dis. oceeiaedetmnic. Tii* 0cn iuanuiigffcof tbMe lime regioma in Sb= "b sdl veeldo net eci0" I4h lm th"el Ibsltiie lmnuebeCepfaible >for Ibir mon Whcupl#4Wh ltb bai = o i e s s lb stborwttlemle lra l-thi suMd stesir Irofpiai et eOmuàlad l bsacutifroicgltt cf$rd ov In su d at.lyo thesecuprb 'trou#OpalleimgtoIome . ity itric olcbrcBcignoble duyo1proletlug aa usvorybili lu lts orlaofet iroulint it rosi the inserble furuilure Of a mui cabin. A balllffvweuito Serte vziamontle rperty of Mr Irchlmnoacr- Mal. &W C ou tC o k , o ni t lu d &y. Borne vomen gathea aouni sud-§Oes bina, diâtroyed lie villeasd Iln uip. ped im uke& sud tirev hhm tala h. river. Tb"y caught bIsa as i. Omc out ad mi litasim m ii furie. The ýuutrtusiplc insu, mor eddtba alite, vam lienü larrcisud Estiier4i sud Iuied titVtohMe omtry. -A large of pelles vcuB ont Ifrouanalc erome luit aller s~oiring the ecunrytbc7tetulpble te6b ainat. a e a t u f u d 'o u p o w p l e Itic poli*a, ucedcotd wu - iogre Ibsgsysectacl sar y on Satur. dsymoet.w frs Ilvsinurrced heai, n onuInisu eLe ~Thée bea ion 01by pliamd brougil th tii :bnti rpss.sor en mlodete teaallm oma"areot mae XIlev ie tmpîtekr,, out On. e Phatau e is obaBia yack,-bt otau bitd57th$t"#uoruat'be aniOTO. moujtrie ce4Bc deso lat oe A Muet ag eiupt ueMie$ ho aceacDempmee, uhê teok lhe ùtnin ýrMuhlk MuatÏ EaMe vin lut mit. M4 chai1or ua Tih. Paris ox1hibIllan Ê itèetril *111 be openéa Wlte pali, e de I adu cf 4ugueî ea4 *libe oi dontiiell OS l¶avqnabu; -If la open10 Mite viii variaisud vii Ras£at net ýCnjy sa une oô 9b.prouse nt pns.es' #niî a à Vdp ill afrt hon9 abUcl.largmcs àtiblt*ho cai l bi elthdic ne.tpaoted 1tdô d. it e ie mte 'le , ', Tirougi ÃŽ, < Bttlýisio, , "luj boom, in Pa4osfr ÏIbêît fur -iomhi MEr. Ediso'n ga'ge lu ornu luin t àeilmloih eéach one lurlyfire, el *iio È fëeTteIlomq. Ra Win sei MEr. Batohetor viti eîgil assistants supervise lhe dleplay and explin. -, f teaturau 10 visitons. Tie i.at of article 10 o exblbitei.by binmoilbr-po ainet groupe aud ineludes hunireds cf in struments anidadviea. Mamy of lion are enllrely mev. Amo:7 Uiceuaomt promluenî fo« tures , hie isplay v iii - le b aleotrie llgit lu a11i Is torms, tels phonspcqagaph, notbrs sud dy narno-insoblues. Âjnioug taic k»novndevices vere MiaI cf -separatini lie parliios of pure iron froua-. til blacka sund tonnd on tia' souÃŽltéréhor Long Island in enormous quanifie sud i n autralle. ,Tisa sai containi Ivsnly-slz pù eit eatt, of Abe fusé irou kuovu ; ilummrabie, altempÀ liste brou uueilbeloteWbut vian ue cae on &oeult& eft he.preeniof ati le lahovnU stitanlo itou vMe las.mai. melle than lie pure iron particees and cooctrmcted hle cepanator viti iiiha fact in viev. Theesaud talle a ietamoe of four,,t.,L in a; tliin reaq, frop;t a alu [n sV shapci box holding about' a-ton Under tuis box loas recelven, dlviid into ocornpartnme, the dividins Pa auIenpla ca mir Y., cui ehlu ai ani": remrrirsud :,Srallel $0 il, If ngouaagtnlebroughlâirto, play M e s" a d a l j li e t l u e . m i e e tf lbh box lint viietia ~r magnet i brougi narooui 1'botupu-liith iýâblïïr, yi, lbpur. moi pal are deflctedin theit taîl ami fiy on 1h -otber ade ofthi partition. Tii, partio lacoft itiltecfirion are DoltraLcte aqaaliy.vitla -lie a i ara icI'de- fists e s ion lylo f lllv imc Mihe cota ýpartinswtuth thle pureibon. A 4cmn ofibon frornLbéng ls taudnisd l imov"st vrkwvila Le.Ia-6W maine sîa iuo oe, aarMoriciies on tie Oreat Bont Ba~-Tusmachine, vicii oult 4700 - t msao,¶'e mans#ei by one boy, who keepe six mon snd tua carte buse mrlngngaor t is bopbmer. Il treahu mue iunmcd tons- of tmni per day, pro- dueiug about lvanty toua cf pure iron, casting #1 s ton tb produce, sodi elling for six dollars. Tii. Odoroecope (an instrument wbicii vill deteet lie faintoul odoro) id aothor novai davica vici Edison w111 semn. 10 parie.li consiste cfaà stip, cf pouliay propared ruiben lu omuclon vitian electrie crrent nd "mirror tbrouing a point of ligit upon " graiuatod umâlo. Tii. strip cf rabbot m teeidldffcrenlly acordlng ta pre- stration. If a eirip utaich, is senstive r> lie odor'of alcoolilaplaoeâinluthb 'dorcecope mand s banikorciiet dippai 4i ilooliol nishakenlu le saie ro cithit if, habeainof 11gb. ,wil1 4eflot5 the other cni of the sosie. Amcng the. intemes euiitqs leclrieity fcr 4doxuesite purposet O 1 be cooktng by-oeleotricity. XM ,k lugeï id ltheresSutnt of lie aiibitioxi nud iaWF2cpds- .turnieh*--voxioty of aelokelbybcs1t gcnermte froind l. cleotie oui7cnut.,-At 1,ailet Parla oibîtiqa Mauchet rased, muttam e oimd.necm aune sud literally iràbai asspit onuthoeleartaocf lii. aÉintX.;1 bu .8alnewyul broil steaks à4Fb.nn , vsrm 'coÊ,es,b lias One of, hhe'imporLeut iniuŽnial lu- Putions uhtaArerioans vilmatnd la te eleatri. muddllog purifer, ie malétý mirt-t iMia - kuova-, M eapsaling- he brsafrom inte undilu.This le în4wlî ilx.byerltabc h, The Li ba !hs<aàas i;u fns dusi, and p ~ u u m i n E U J T E R P R I BE s A T , C R z & Bai AZP TRUNDEsa BA-SEVUiTY iauueor SULvzR--ooaD MIN- Ily ntG ON A LAUIOE i lit ft. AÀ. C. psw, wbo' là .iÈe tifi lu Gttàwsjle î kel intereatb 'id >1. lie«IJP àcikblo&-eld tichg compaij co_,_0ér Mïiniug OCompsny of' canada. %&_- ffl ae oe eporter oallod oun1Mr.'. o ibîs moruiug suýd ohtalned tromhbit lblhhWi àüiiiclàrâ ràï#eolln th h oo orgiltation: Th6it oany vas orgauized in Nei b. Y'oklnder Lthe leaeof utal Be .it] a &-a pllaloflwo -million dollar.. Tho. dit baie. the. rigit 10 sondât oporaio tïfor .ig% îples ou the hatks on mac ai ide of t1metgermate rIver, vhichi "1a tribulmry of theIc Elier dua Loui lie Tiioy have secured th. servio of l t msna.er, wvobu ba d tvouty-ac iida rs' experienugold placer Mil] 10 img in Calitornia and <Colorado. Th ta yuteo f waabing whicli the. compani ls iuilend ta adopt lu the hydranlie sya ty temieuc naiu e àedinu4uetra i ni Ln- Californie. They viintue vhat i sekuowu to minoraea se Ii.litle glas nainle," whioh tho$ eent tb Bau Frau ~-oWeo for, au snob an implement cannal lab. Ã"btaimcd ou Lhis aide cf ÃŽhe Bocki O.Mountains. By tbe hydranlic ystor: Y* cf .nmining they wiii accomplish -ai mumuch iu one day as anc thousand mei îgoouldunder Lth.e yetem laha bhber a0 t0 licou parsnod li he bandiere die if triaL. Tii. compsny bave already cern 8 mncedl oporations on thelr property 18 sud are nov gotting out material t( àl iiuil a dam acros the, river and ereci ,te flumes and sinicea bo carry off refusi mý naterisi froua-ii mine. They expeai ilte have Il couipletealby th. firesto 9- June, l>y ubich lime the. Cwater vil be id lowoenougb in the river toeonable tiem Rt' 10 commAnce vasbing for gold. The. De placer miner viiose services thoy have tk Maeed otatee Ibat h. neyer smv amyi I. hing iu Catifornia or Colorado s ne t daitti district appears 10 b. from the gwldjçatîonseho Iisdiscovered Ro far u b bu bocu-able to examine it. Soit Qcly:doeée bcd of Mie wrlver promise Y to, b., very. productive, but tie batiks 10 irecýqualty riob, and il la ou tboee Iat le ib a,'ituende'O play viii tb. giant le nozzle. Tii. ouly place in lte district 10 wberc gotd hae licen eought for np 10 e preont lime is the bcd et tbe etream. Thominores remark after ex- d amininghhe country vas :-,"It je ne pWéforà porma*n tomie.,*, Ha esye tm i c.auo b uccesmfully w orlaed on the, hydraulie syelem wbicb thle company have ado p ed. Tii. aver-' *age production oftheb dietriclicretofere It bautaon froua four to eigbt dollar. per lt mank per day; but , by lhe intro duction of lbe hydrautia 8711cm lbe company-de o 0 ash frem four ta> eigbt hhousanid dollars vortb of gold par day at a mucii loue expense than if * liey employai tthe number of mon that ivouid bh nebeseary te ebtain liaIt e- suitunuder tb. olal system. The samo company iseevufeùr miles of lte banke of lb.ll Biter Oliver, anothor àtribntary o-tbo Iiviere du Loup, vbich taievery ricb lu geid; but they in- tend te confine -their eperatiens titis summor to the bfu4ýgcnmiûette. 1r. Pev is aise anceof tIbdirectoru îf s company vbici bas 'ricently beau formediluNew Yerk. Ticy ovu thb, vwheleocf Pie Island whicb, coutaine eiboutreiGOM uaçresr Tbey biremnade con1sid4ràlto exploratons, upon il anal bat. opeuod np a nnanlicr et teinsâol silver ore, vbiîb if projettedl in a straight linoe, vould. eli about set- enty miles. Tiiey hsve slready sunki ono shafi sixty dv. feet in dopth, ouIùt of vhich tbey have laken cre uhich, yle shigi aàse2,555 per ton. -Tii. organlettlon >doo"tlg mvrclaiîn clhhia capital of dive million dollr a'~iehelrl~omusc M. ,Jout, Prodentof the Brie, Bailvaoy, (ru a -lins of, steacru;Governor Bic., of MamiachustHon. J., 8. Parons, iCvelaud; Heu. W. T. 'Hamilton, Syracue.;W. Biiepiierd, Abel D. Brad, W. V.,- White, Novw Yorka Baulkers -Hpit. B. W. Scott, B.J. Davecn, Jasé. MoLareti, Predont of the Ottawa -Bank; 'B. 8.'Caucelles, Toronto; anB. . Pev. The; 10npn eptuc uaont areat quantity of ire i4aueaeonand osi i I to Newv'Yor, vhi- t>wilb eectea at i tho M MhOf aé BaSver Iletlotcm. psny. Muugeipcrtevbo have visit. cd ie elni al.vioame also.. el >1.A OY ON 5ZflEE MARES - A ceirse. ( lir-A SPARTAX tATMIEi'5STBi » aCV O T Jo - A L O O SE STA T E O it T v l t re tl gp ro Z"fl iiIEBITOi. long pei'pleucd lie sa poev y-the - acl mecn ot st aherines May g2S.-One cf ithemivd 'y b. mb Ë5patnpate ilu 1h. tin outrage on the whab.Tie rns., quem 1j girl Potéirai Merriton lbas nmade àa ho v ii e a r n t cl a- statement re 4garu thUc e a1âîr I l '» M ie h i; vk -"..oh ley c c 1r Jo n mi, -eeeondty, -Whou ni ley m o cfhn i.leck tnde -r. aIJohnaetoues frouatimc ta tI me Neyi one of the laùOtendez&part.ksurface of thus «lob.l Iy slang te reimerse ou Icarning -of cath eet corattnt Wdeatb cf tlb. girl Poier, pelatoc-e ' iePi05G IMey tb toryof Le crimet4, île fater sufoi. a parI of'te erii iltso b T 'lo ve- A 5 ieýtim . f the- o tragoh : luaslvey dem o utra te l qqnm ,h m by te li ofte 'recntly complâetad a r ulw ay w _t he ia b us . >Of s ga llons u pOn sno e cf 15 nearrelative nmnail MCartly, vire tones tht feU foua i P. lie hid beauseeking for w ort. On Me ga&V d rig th c u a id a of' the tracta ho ob erve d tre . Thin laminsi of lioes.I 2e men -and a omqI nd oion approachinfu ecte toexaminai i nearet vas callad ver lu a treatnnlg erfl tmiruosope,, ha' e m a n e r b Y e e o f th s wm e u n a m e d M o u -n . c o t a u so a i nle a i L7 sgban, via vorked lu lia Lincoln mations, and là rot,ý 1-PaPer Mitae. Ho thon ssd laI lthe tracs f lhe loer forn dmou voer in lhe set f aishing le Ali the organisme, au [5girl, sd compelied imm 10 ie a partiel table, diocovred b7 i al Pater, hhraaèmng hlm vltb doatii dloate atone shavini 1- bsoul i h .=i n . On e ring tii de st ith h ldica e Le c )t horrible statementthe griefstricken Parent ord e b, ýY a d*age i father at on e de idei up n te enicaly termed " 1a inform ing lia m a gitrat, w i oi tac ion."! B ut Me pro mo] le id. lu conversation ith lthe magie. laI vorl i la rotvd 1 ,n traite il vas e rned a t a s tate o e t h e l a iny p trified reatm faire nov exit as u ie xitd for ev-the -magie Oethle lens, or si year u lu la I village vhioh i s a 0 t e h o.0calle d cmuba ui simple igrasa te eocity and au out. anmas. Tiiy coul, raga on oilvizaion. Ho statoi laI 1 haepsui.zad 'o voer.tic public te judge by the ac ual i. Liy s um tien h.c ,e arre t, lbhe plaie veu appear try are in s olt f activa le deceni sud orderty, but tho Wel au. lt hhcticaseil rumors of actuel crimes an~ Mit. BADLàuOI Alla f normous. Attempte at rape sund vin. cf Commons prsonteal 5lnce are common, and several cases sce vin-Ie perpetus are knwn lahave currai during the as agalu undr discuas é* pa l six menthe. T ii. place le infested cials paakers era I Wl viiYoung rOvles and abusive bys, Lie stting-member for ,respctable * ladies Mre eam lully in. - *Ad Sir W ilfrdL&ave o ute dt. C i p aî t 'a rim in si a b o r. b a r o e t, uh o h d a m o t 2a1sd 9csa b ave b oom m ade je of IM1r. B rd au i@ i bo l Parties ilu tic township and lb. paper. T e u stlo aftrvards u h d p. O ly. a few te- 1ex oini, 1M r. Bradiug Bnnaty eveningsagaiio oberved £romn of is tilgsn 'athiciel i s o vu door s um hr c f la ds- appar. b alter tem per lien I ha enLlI' under lthe influencé f lqur for,, sudhappily, aflei ging oarde -a trip ci Woods close by M r. Gla4tsone, thi Ho sd ha afterward s iarn od al l aI tiy conond Ïei t10 e elve t had un unfortnste drunken woman in orne tmn'o.- 'e. Bruý liOerounvicua they practiced their noS ta corneup agaln h a8 11 0 1 l i o g e s . H & . a t t r i b u t e c a « c d I r i s h L a n d B i h - l a - i deal of Iis awlsuueu it le at f mestime 1Mr. Hubbârd an ative cuet1abl. Tiiy have no cristian, iu gettig up- polic, p np rly pe king , andi lthe of- an i go ing st it e I ficial Who part cf tii. ime acte a suci resolution tbat no deola le ml pai by at tes he eau make lic competst. vto t4eks ot -ô atrlinguonviction. "T iié village M r. Labouc iere bai ïc. isa ite f lduty, eeryotorybig in bu, tçerlier. 1Mr. B c r o v a i s s ud h u y , an d o t an in i t h e b e el c o n u .q u c nc e s , o . l b e lai!r of ciroumetances neede- atching. . Mfr. tai, arnuntig > te il ile,' the boy'. ftablie, livea lun one f Poýnus-,-tithe rate f, the GovernuacuSt osienees alongaido nigil lat hlebs mt ui lb. look on uhieth h as-been crp oy. aving dl. -taken- lb. .dfi f ho ist Lvayfive years. He lance, OutEld Pila làas man eil i nl years and beara an bis morning tbrs ,aru excellent chrcter. The 'boy appears nares ot,àfare ansdi to be bout fi teen years cf ag ar vwit i s vieions loom ualthe , fora « o i open conn ten n ce, ru g od sa n i pse f e n te ri* a roa v ol i nm b r u i . T i i . - b o y v a a i n s i 1M r . l r a l e u g h ' i in th a s eit .*of. om m eiacing 'e Parliam ent, sd m e b tÇll lha tory çf ýhc outrage iveu iôs d nomb»tions _w (Jiif Cumins, e Bt Catiernes t- ith. lie objoo't are mv r vde -n I iÃŽi e an ai r rstààd h lm . public m oai mg 1 ho lio did not appar, 1-be ,mumiput ul Hall et au eariy date.,i t Iis . H c posi tl ya ss i e h i l no. vil l e aken by B arr! P c ncein t ie alai. W en Mie . cie t vas laking bina te «sol lta. poot nothar 'Dervisoli Pasha' baas apparc aaly rif.uitike*,aud le sd apturai th. leaders fater.wvi a dbu,,Io fl in he i ookiinga an in sug etl..,This « rouseI, appearci saily Jafflceda, mbut tae.imiurrectlou. Tii,.' iti more ha n pirtn- ibaeuy adu'a lb osent te Oontaninopl m a ni u e .e, - 1 is - l e t, ý v er d i to - , tb e h ie ry ii u o n e r o s voet , "M y son , viite v e v c m es, e - T h ea.B am uon s c s , l reimer à 111 ia voleIruh." - -tea sdeclirue and -inordere - Yac~tln. rsse n, lner,i hIe, m - hingif-Mis-Opiion t'lb, Tu, Aavw'Àa u -e, ,u .A& -ton vif. fo h.. ,, Tm abel oid£ Be sai mcz Toi Tac thel o&f l ma The Merdton, id #o4ve I bive4 Iteusdo o t Mesege The u imse lf cv,lber asilalsi: iii ni& i tif aî.9ii. Life Id Othe ientido: vonri', it -lu.t deâi4ililÇy ,t geologiet D. mecStp ie irfoavolcs*M lt ne *ItmfrÃŽi..e- self l'buheenfon .Dr. H- al bc th es in liest. amfner of 18M0. rnyuterlouis bodce ion Unier à pow. aing been fon id upengeous for. (al nmistacable mu of ve ation muimai ami t oge. Dr. ElHin theb nge ho bau thug condition af Ibeir one cf v il primary format. mncc et water in by the. tact tiat ,tires ravoeal by tsud ail, beloug qUous clauses of Id not, thereforo, in cornets, aS tout correct that thesé combustion. &=.-Tbe Hans. aa litai7 appear. MI MEr. Bradiangi muin. The prin- Mfr. Laboujobèe, or Nortamnpton, ion, lbe teetotal Otion oun ihe uh. ta iucapacity on fou of ecntuuimg igoxathe ground y Was diucnumed-iu ave heardià b. S s speechtrom use caàno Ltie the malter for ailà,gb'i came lu mxiii. after, the mced cf.' lu the i,vho ta agood - -an oppositian, Ecuser to'pas a ared a"teisîeall a seatBli1a1.1 Brafflangliof- the many housia £600for uçvcry av oted *luont ioatb.-oE -slig. * pubieii.d.tii. uentdIpro- odfrlpur. l admissinin oers ofacil ig. Who sympathie ld W0 attendea bcied 4h. Exister vicia thechair sa of the.Album. MI probably eud captivsez-are t da in vilains.-ý îtayer, LaDly, of ta "a, ramenl.n NiEW 'EW B. -Théeb ALL2Wi -PLAINY -BU T We Eare-1 New Goc A Tha er Electria mt numberof a 10 suppIyli sud at ate osn app vay. Ifve orgd anit - Agu.cuae tue, wNa pitrelie' useal n forOe'y moha, and vbbch5relisu Il m 1

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