Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1881, p. 4

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14 er. dodbed vI-bo-toude' &Ira ouInS as the mS'uaeuel Ms -beoit mont eavardly t*am oulS areeman uf aidm Ir eM ql bd ru v sbn«. Anê 1mao.s bloom b.d4hy-d Tooheer Utit. AprileaIusr Tii. potea d glava, thé. vWUSb. ua A" vln4-fiov.rs v,.in graceful ga nom . Thay pre lv. alatar, id, ad Bb.rtg tihe abaq.aofJe velhber, ?Iléet aipr.tty y sk-aad.blde- 80 Lar apait, 58 cdose together I r4àtae in b ,ahdbird r How IMay maApnil lava aach othar. îEK POLtos SIREilUOs As< USA» omovi07or M, voxeot Atm OEUDI Tus f~Rovg muthle da ëcf9 61 Pentuy of the 11111. lova Ã"6f Olog couatly i 0on StUrday. Âpril 2 Th pyo.7 b> telrgto'àà lp,&w h of tàmmàfKàlhda 7.I The pro@ewtore * Oti!h e 144oaue(p uSit,aliged 04,4 u -ie d ïqiia ed luSul Ivo persans- v mars., anS e *lt&bl. a fi Mopva, tama bot dé",. 1 M. Il a voaderfay preaerred. Tii7 ioandt. éhtblld ofhu.t-ad portraIts. SNeair lb. bout* vas lounaSa fountail lv And a at mêler ilgi. ers aeevasu ered viii mosalq vurk. i., sai ba avae(beu hagged Io dsaâlh berd la- over hem cuiad aif~ among th. yoang 1 ld ë,é-ïf. ï via v.centRy held a meeting ta doviue vays mildmmaue tapreout. aother caseof deti from> bugging. Tbuy un- a ou.èadaoIWa; inl,pe an ~ e4 l Um Whareaa, ladgiag from expenience vs Sboliv incha vent tt le îIn. wlthbtandiag aa1sfr.tiont w e are stIffl favar of buggig. W profrl n l m"-riska of deali ratier than bave tie beautitul, lavely, daligblfül, perfeclly tar, Otrio, vien the tle gelsrotied it be sud oping d lor oâthé istanda cran ta Vis t# - t,1 d6 l1fi' à'15asv$ii $oeLord 0'. Sla th i Iai ime that habumosi fout in Ireland. Barnes, the' '0aeao Delane, wva u Irlshmanibut Daim TS ever set fout in IrelsuS ; neither Lord B«oeauslld or Mr. Gladstone takeaevea that trouble: mml ia ypar ~ alne~th~v4it a f b oua ri . The ate, Blsho apW'berforo, -tent- o oaane af bislaebtera taiMm lai.1Noitet, meeting hlm ai Sir Stirling- tMaiveil'. attervard ber hobead, ah. spe teply 6Thre Ever crry hoeb. obliged lu refuse, but by ave mau. i a raele have îotblng a dedicateid to me, sud bave hept il ln e é very in&tqa 4gm hameIlo of mm lie Vavs1 Mxk~iS5ter LM.' stu ansmi exposed tli auliors' bo." The. Bey. Mr. Vandeburg oti8pring. fi eld, lIt., buaabad.tompm.ed vife. P~Becoming enrageS atI hlm, cacal ht i. S Bnday coat. yot, and ahurtIntaIe hroe Pore sud thon triaStta furtiier usethe kuife bo-ounIse bdy. H.ecmandai thai for- PII7 bearance voold nu onger bta#a virens, me udnbaS h er amresed. b.-There leas urematory ia South lDas- saton, ln lb. foi-m of m, lime bila.I"ramps Omea ît c-ri t lbeeause l la vwum, go op omfarlably sltaep, are averoame by <as and BaiIy *»e hurneS las cihp rtwhan thé Ore la freshaned li the * Ipa aing. Bixteen UVe have t1buab.,âJae< efivthil .h*last kv yeara g oiNijl. d v p on an - ~~ niama luer Smand Is t tru ~bet*.rrru The nie tblu a latlagimimai dmfry fars, sud h. placed ti lt ta bla vindow, vith a e4pa t= j Uava:"orfth- vas advlsed iual the present owner eonld dthE ihe~t l hmbe!id4l th iaiS mauy absentsee nmi ta spart, I be&,' wau the'îl I4$ "»Dtejý s It elL hUa, 1.1ý MaU y. the ooathry'a jeat fuit -WAbý ~'~Wofr u irhe{arvest of 1881, the foilowkSng SYOUN G OÂIÉADA mowB, (Improired.) OÂYÂ i~O~-ER,(improved.) fléirs la Stock viH inti is t. hearlt, and O most eionarouta ta 0swe s 0- ton, Albaây,Nhv Yok, *c0. *0. For tickets and ocher information apply to 8= STPESN, ezllslegrsph lofiiher Rfrulie~T~ B. CRAWFORD, Port Hope, 19.au) grO. GILDBBSLIB, KLuptpu., ONTARIO BANK. DIVIDEIeÃŽ NO. 48. the. Capital Stock of Ibis IsInln 9hft dýany beendeclaed for the ouvrent half eur tnd h a m re vill bcpayabl, at k ank d s Branches, on sud sitar DIE )L, lie lai day af lune liext. Ti.elho "r Books vil ta cloedfrom the. 17th th le 11U1 Maboth dayinclus- Oti h holà ra, tiE MTEBDA Y, the 2lst Dey,,~ dune, -Next. D. FISHER, Ontario Bank TgTIiu* ora 251h April. 1à.1. 2 r IERPOQ4,LONDONDERAY Etummer Service -iia dueboo. S1IORTIES-T Sn4 1 1RSAE EVRRY SATURPAY PROM QUEBEC, on arrIval of the. train leavlng Whitby at 8.30, a. M., Fnlday. aoou &E ROeMwu yl. Cabin fares, 181 and #91, ccordlng ta position 4« slem LO'W nrat&efor ru rt~trail.. Shesr'p,;êm twdt rata". Prvn.......... 188L1. amd ls" Gaow,Queustvn. ,4~Londq M 4%ue raa singtoe: n&for Ibeir fried «sa obva icket tloy rates.- op &u dbtaffl, iee ai wbh *are fP~i ORla uh smoehtiael» of th lit. LaW. Fer tickets anS fui-lier lnormsticn »Il Étejrka aS Telegraph OfCe, Mmy% uS,8.Wbby - £ ~iREAr B HALLN Àsnearly a"e is practicablo, and thoieob>y mae. Our pria.et at loweat liv- inpie. Gve1. ia BR9.WN & PATTÇRB9NI14N Ç o; Witbv, Jan. 21st 1871). County Liquor Store, W ho/ceaie and Rf 'etail, KINO 811~EET, b~FIAWA. Juet reeeived for Christmas and the New Year, a large stock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, compmiing Port ana E myWies, ]Brandies, - Ale, and Guinness amI. Blood,1,'c'rter. - UumdeW or'eratel an sd Malt Whiskey, the beatinlathéi L3!ay$or àBM ansd Cadguve& Sonos' uada Ales and Porter, sud Loger oer n draft anS ta bottia. NaiîF ort muS Hberry, $1.75 per Gallon. 4 4ad Hennmsy BrandIes, ta voS sudboitle. »MIMUmu& aiet 2.75 par Galin. Boa and Green ne ml 1Tom a]o ds Gin. 4Tro rcelebratq$ddy tii fneini ~Lmarket. o 'r ~l r .per s.o0 à1 0 piewI qnality of OlS bouuaai% um. s&.lebehtled è où, draft la 6, 10 and 15 Galln Eeg, ud ain:Bathta ca oses 0aenIoas uquarta and Ivo dama pinta, Kt #.25 per ua. -l . COnararek &Do'a ..Ibralted' utjsat, i l5pr1eaiaraa47 aip dozen pna A 1ev Pion Puis, Aliasame, G~1av~ro ~juge~ AIêiag7ladusp 'Beet So*~i~at T~usko1Iie nrf, ousaleuN Ilot de AI=a, Windsor, M. P. 0.,Vcoia Flor.Sel-PurÀar, Lcs le arolina, 41M Cato"c, 0io, Laion Emmeule, Amerloan Comm un Double Soda Water, Lemon Soda, sapartlla Cider ta quart. sud pinta. Lar. a aalinatia up lSanSSalvereS fres of! hÉj. ta cluma DBo abldissvdfor POUX NEW 1-...= ,f~tgraphg, ini sipiay 1 m e- e, ~e~1-4 NE ~1~sifyÏoftheArt. FrWmes of aiU sizes always'onheImd. A.,BARRE-TT, Photographer. Â~ , e-8 ~Ijotogaphy, wif-finda &-good cnce -b aflng on Mr. Barrett, anaigttà terme.- rk ly une lOth, 1879. ai. BMARKET B. THr, PLACE 1ICR 4OOTS AN] SHÃ"ES! M-Ts. hZýaa=daoustomers tint he lisein tasý o.Lt Blocki, where th. Boct :and Blase businme, in aillutabranohes, wüim n tSlebu cannud on by him 99 ha. AN- ENTIRý,LY NW1T<' alknioes. I1~WI~1)WORK àA.;,pKg}lALry. Ah ëe k.u taaned. Bopairi neatly andapaamptlyrà6n'e JOHN. BAUNDETtB, Merv. 22, '8I. No Ikcilpak,,Wutby. oufera an amr of end, on Byrn aret HOM-E WURSFER;Yy Prom tvaw our ss - .,'enbacn au to L~ae 0àin tr rotevie SETH O . WILSON, Lot No. ,nd Coan. ?içkang «on Etiga !' 1WER£ I&,MONEY-ýINITI"J YOUNG MEN"Iio ii. lata acquire a' BUSINESS EDUCATION Shlul4ts ta 'Meaa. YEBEX ;?tt ( , ro1pretors ai the Lýondn Commercialfflege, TH.OS. ýtEIGHJ SSIGN -Çncnovbe tond na sno,2p.- T-WO DOOBS WEST 0F ABMBTBONG'8. "prÂllyâtteýnddto,~ ~~ men, asud er sqm9thing tao. toue 1t6bis systoromda 1h. blood. USE ;VITALE ai aell~ n ýel' k. a.Broc tby Thform* Guotaoiersth1ftrat the aIi,êbvs est iînât .iil b foud TEI5MBGST, BRIST, aùa INEST amsrtment cf stock of -n th.-Boot anad8hoe'line, for Ladies, -bi4 ùt Mwb #m -t-hà _.TheA AG eéqa yet u ~vBe(ý3-gel ot.-Lais'if3j cà Trausns az-dVaIies im gr"st: watst, lowest, -- 2.. -.. J - j 4 44 4» <4.4.4 I- fl 'by 0Tet ,, Age~ gN1AP cz~RAILWAY. fou i nomtiauâ >Itap vise; b. ure anSsndo t e Oorr~~en. sl~ci.d ith persana hae rvaing ta pur- OfeNo. 15ff Front-Bt; We8t, (Opposite union Station). D. C. DOWNEY, -CASH, FOR, WH:EAT, RBALEY, PEA-B, eVMIHST OAHRIORi noos. VW.4:MOAW,- ?OP BÉeîor f au s - Il! i 5 iof tue Kldeeya. - A UUU~GM F AN Y- ~UIITED~ 4' Capital ~' ~qq,çço ,.72 Ohurcb.Btu~ 'Zorantli e& anoc sutian il-j -I Narc 'aI, '¶yuu~ve tl~ - V71

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