Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1881, p. 4

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1~ of 1881, thle foilowing frst- W~itiu are Isomet uuing tbrough Io ib werth whliteai vo-vabatlla bu01e Borne poor felow dova mb lbthenui do& ly n U 1 i*t ouau il!lumble HumbaIed, iod.ed; davu ua lthe dut. TbP PiasCalet ay. The ptfsiO l1h. 2bî vYork ÇAt th performlun flino,j drawlng$25 inda gold mli. .Vhé prise for cat ossay ($10) Wu, awar4od le eI O. iWîvodo, Biroktlé ig fort býllnkt the bout of M~. It Vai' attached ta à ckmmon woodeu "Ti "cat, saab au lit- tle boy.pIaàywlth. 1u1 a t oIow: "Tut ais i .» Tho enolosed -al hueckodes aur ai. do, *i#4pede jfW 'yoat .ga asudltaon came'l in*thout balug lntroduaed. Biao thon it bas noyer oten anyîhin cor ebomu au iuo2cnMian te beanê Wb kereed i en baok. -Buh Dgt àiit bie (u11à'id lb Tie*0io:wocès hf)more saýýd L? mb".ua Oip4l.o4 ~tb~deai~Iuu ni ebeUndu in dbeek. J e.Un puusp . Se cona zlam btmsolf»utold. eof aoury in fui llelomi atthon obune -atait by yffl saatugo p de tYO fblut tad ê.$s dae tioa4 et go a " ovr -a mq . nbeèâaIle b. i o e fl '. mami eta ca, .lout 01eàugis tse. au lbiuaaoio ft ol u ê O.lsu Ado iisbos Ila.bé lia Ibe al4 aau'a &ql la almypera o-mé. " inttath Ioda niltzb Mp ifd lupse hat &ailé,b#tha Zsu u*usi vaed L itedeellie an lg bégat h lIti l.aitl4f* 1àt atigel1h apoux éaN m, içu>7oa O*L-AdYm oaor hé7lb, Cemèà,ýntra oi hwousba bo3ls pte a teierd oaalu âd tlncAà thmaite, kns.iuym. Isndehiule br ar dau nerpwpw by bis habitst, biu compmi~b4t~ stineuco frein dissipation. s i r as IM Urnru Bvvus.Tb New York Herald publiluosm an lter. un >4lI~ri alho te M lng Mo t ane le eysre clative aise afltiisoeanry ta thé. canutriese t te Brunswick, Seotanti s Nova Scella, Nevlaundland sau Irolanti. Prane etretehes &fre lbcoriberu bOundàry oain oine l lb.western beandary 01 lIet b.4pao Ilng beiveen tlb. souIls e boum ofndq Peunnylv" .lsumd Rlvotb î' Ob.* at outambiéa .Lake Mb>n toud State Mieluipiwévren bigttl 0 eosIlbineli, and Floie. Bo itilb.à aea af the Unitedi Biaeisaouta tfle-MiuWupPl, or &bout garesaigtai bf the lolsil!e,1 o lebstatu The idée. lbal Irlalime, and eapéee ~1yIr" bCatbollee.bave unostanding 0u oibe eurid i rd ila aommon bu nreeeu one. Tbe lacI i hms on J. 0. Pair, 100000 pren) l50,00,000Peter Danohoe,$25 . *1,00,00; Geralti Mlons., 11,000. O00; W.J. c'BaillIy. 18000,00;ý ttal, 1418,000,000. AUl lb...mon, rillu lb. uingle elception ci . E. Oroker, are Roman Cathlu, and libes v aneton mnof &Dy uttionaltY- *he eh ob uh namoniaiofwoaltb thos tasu lelbmonu. PTon May bave eun s Young ma" on baieodoàgateMa ain ton lte -ber. WbY tllue .k selong ita W. *tu.a great des]. con b. siton belt, ~AaAierlanlorle vau vtitug lain lube maev ve ér bqau. Pett MIMM..iS.. 5.iw. inaaaae- LTbrftpe>& tua bale; l>furoalYJtod Thrt .thiapgu t depis. enuully Noyer make ym.urulf the Iteroai your ara story. al* ov neruoin .ra.o abUi Noyrv vu b e q Neveu ausoola otatbie.n Novas ann o entia. aOcïï c' &Y. &Bd tba thIe arnebe vein mlua omvyedioUr. Robent Secler t lou-Of ihall iotouaj, commi C il eut ageJte suaL o s. i r» roi? t m nts e eueaix li*t O tb sia àmâl in~nuo0aliye.eu pr BIBU? GIf ltalIt thé *b .lna aa epitB la' IaI R ECTO* UTON j I- - Clrk of Iteulilly62sn* LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY SflORTEST SEA PASSAG I ItCONOJIY, ans COWFOr t EVELRY BATURDAN.ROM QUEBEO, on arrivai aifte train lkavlng Wbithy .l 8.80, s. M., Yrli. TELRQUOR RATES FUXtSWR=31. Cabtu fru, lei1matiPl9, aoarding le "ostion ai sisteroou. Lover tatefor n M lm Im The a" t',fÉ0 1' tatM Am 1 "âe- 5E cp opeula beeaeh augrs Ok» üýt£Âr PAEtGAINS. Uiêrdbyxnàke list ai lowest liv. BROWN £ PATTERSON MNF'G Go. & D~EA~ S County LiqiuWi'S8t&e, Wholesale and-Retail, * IÇINQ, 8T~#E'r1 O8HAWA. Just received for Ohristmasansd the New Year, a large istock of WINB adLIQUORS, direct iportation, gomprxuingort sud Sherry Wixies, Brandies, Gm 3m cotch aud Iiàfi Whk '-Baus' ~.1oupo O~8~,md Malt Wblskey. tleb.oatsnlutlb -Taylor &Bal' andi Coegnaveà&Borna, uu lAes andi Perler, and Lag.n anrgtid bit s aemte&uleldeCIGARu lbthécaunlyl1 Sherry 1 $.0 1.0 8.00 anti #50 Natl,3 BO Mantielqu yBrandies, lunveotiandi botle. L 1~ebouc gpup"dse, at 2.76 per OsiIen. sauuo.en', 3ui', Dunville su" StuanI'sScotch antidIt hWbiskeys. Bql4bc.idby ItberltidPoster & SouensluQuarta and Pinte. C&à&)u<eqtaaOtbrus Aie on draft, in 5, ><~~TÀ aloiste4 ndhlà beincasoof one doxen quarti, ad Io ozen Pinto, et.t #L2ut6 papres@. Qun..anti Blaed#uBbqtplfa quatsai pinta. Ctoua,àe &Bon' eoaIpSted li, IL60.0 pur douen quarts, and 75 ceints per daou nplit. ù t pnetcgnca -a ie o tiua la»tly nn baid. iai de Aima, Windsor, Grand Dachauu, Onlceutters, S06. Plnu ltlra, Lacom, Le Calolica, Amoican Cousin Ah4.*eud4 oili atr, SellasWbtr ~I~Ib ~if ter u uye ni ll. Poe Op~Ob~ ad, dliva" bured Chobrtulecuatommr Wbel.sale a*BetaU Oeaufy Uqav Bien,' -0 ~TA8IO., I WEMARM MAKINU A NEW STYL 0f hotgr~hs, in, sipial, lfesie, antiel TTE PROES SPECIMENS ONi EXHMBII0N latest, style of the Art. Frames of ail sizes always on hand. A. BARRETT, ] Photographer. #~Opposite Ontario Baik, :jm Ayng man cs ir a4uyPdtography, wl ada odoaa 0111llngonM. Barrat,'and getting terms.- ~WibJuna bih, 1879. 1No. 1. MARREÈT BOK o THE PLACE FOR BOOTS"AN-D SHOE S! Bewe ta axunionueo to hiB- frienas na & ustornors that ho has talcen the handuonie new stare, No.,-1 Market Blook, wheze the Boat aia Shoe bus tin &U lasI1l branches, wiIM ifutara be carricti on by him. He liu just reeeived AN ENTIRELY "NEW "STOCK!I Ltessylsfer Ladies, Gents, )Misscs,,and hilrn; f ae a itadt An casy fit guaranteed. Repaira;n 1Mar. 22,1'81. rueatly aid prornptly donc. JOHN SAUNDERS, No. 1 Market Blook, whitby. House .fçrl.Sale or té 104 qarer 0f a âce of land on Byron street, laely oupied by Mr. George Austin. 'Apply to AB1OUT7,0ê HOME kNURSERV, Prom-tvo ta folux ýyers of âge, embrain &ILtheb but vaïietiêS.'- l"- n ÈÉTH 0. WL SON, Lot N.S 2nd Colt. Plckerlg on.inpsion 11THERE IS-MONEY IN IT!"' -yoU1â-G MBlqE vb*o wis h taacqire BUSINESS -EDUCATION, Shoula vlelàMsr.YE1IBX - PAN4"9 Ittoprwofrscf ite London Commercial Coilege, lot ~eti g AfuUparlle 4 TH-OS. SLEIGH,1 llO Si à&SI GN -Cau nov b. found ai bis Shop,- TWODOO6BB WEST-OP ARMSTBONG'8 HOTEL, DuNDS TIEE, l sar Aü ordersirm4y$pe&ag Whitby, -pri 14188. 4 Workingmon, prolfesulnal mon, ani evsxy mon> ,resstai 1h15 i*son of tbe yoar souuptblg 10ve7 "stemIusyuad Wil do tii i ctnslng a&lU ipurliiea fom' lterblood U SE VITALINE~ 500 Parme tu Outarie aiLas1 RA1L-WAY îND BWAiLiwgp AGENT, Agent fo~r Ài- Wàt r cO'a'ndGrdT*kB lq AgU ~ .iea.uCv CANADACI1ç RAILWÀY.' u ahn oand frlnimte fatifraIngiyon by latter or olher. vise; ho sure and saud.far rale, etc., befera arrsning elqMee. a<- Bro- & Office, No, 156 Front-St. West, (Opposite Union station). D. C. DTOWNEY, CASH- FOR2 WH E4TY BARLEY, EAS, MMDAle, IMiS 0F -GRAMIN Ai A suppl I Weste0 -rn nari nawonad lor suie. Liquos anti-igau.. . acti tina FOR -SAl.E Bald by. H " t Ieie M 4in-41TORONTO.1 PABRLO! BOO T an7d SHOE STORE! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. whitbl-ýyy MÂATTIHW O]LI, Informis customers th-st at tbe aboyie establishent wiU b- faunti THE- LKRGEST, BESZ s-uad- fflES aoadrtmert cô stoè Boots ana-Shoes betwpeut Taroftô ~i and MntsI.- »ontj ho satisfled athi gathhé 0!display lu êhie 'sbWQ viit&ow; but'go ila d,-xamin'a e s uefor yoursclf th. store illed viitb aue gnia abcIbrr u lIe Boot- andi 8hoe line, for Ladies, Ovr 90 vnt aÀ } T LOW PRTCEB! Ruâbblof- 8ai#mier ýqutii'- a111 ad 4m*et."ueul go h1~ov CDI iùtnto t r, Oblàn. WH -ArE -C'A. RI F<fýý ý j , ;jLqwý, ý7-- -1 ,ý 1 M 1 [,, q ".-ý7 -1 1 ý 1 li

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