Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1881, p. 2

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e pectiÃŽiýt ltt hee P*s or !ho Ontario Bounsi.. Esq., suosi by 8rv ianota Hineka sud a ccxx trouie Bmre bad feelings' and genîlei f sir John M'adonald'a b is smploy vWile tbere vas notbing Sao'y. Of i lecipre traom beginng Mr. Garial i Ute12Oltutv li by li Unîwlicna i plut-W. B. Hiovae. 4-Jo1n stvlcklaud,. biliglr el-n~M BpeoweU o. Imtantiqimte J3, ý P owe at a ý 1publonable salit- The HarrisGalove C Book@ a 1 d tatiou Large stin -u 1 PfanotlGéode-Uri Speolal notices.,. ONLy six50 Whltby, Thitriday Noith C elector a htas.i - thmaie e ie io# fro~ux uk»Pec te ou *0vlivea> prosehea hlm he i media, *lii 1h ai In l b.dpme, s4a*et 01 the gr or rallier hiie beliglà acMen1 uI , gu vh kttu'to rit It , ypowbIlyb »Moaltlon lI n ytl 1m804918 ooivention Noth'Ontario. &Ai th ix" àro ad sea# p ales naitha sparaoly, 14d ar* noI Ou~ut ain fr wha 'o tbofr iidulouspe ad*"ma duorta tloînDow in" taUrbM. i l - ten varon4ly 2W 60o400. ,-Wé RIT figures as (ie resutc moi$ roulable interc trhstedA"nhh. Mi.Ur. a M*onc aldate, a« ep"ttab e i.bollic *oi b&4la«e, han ý m ýwould be ce- i* tbeLi4baral standard.1 betwee tw -ma ibi lnmWer. Tua year, ti bave ne.elz.dTiIm ili 5 baler id« of tàeaoî ber irade Liai I f Me oIu0a Mr~. COu Ooiaetimau re baeon alve, and ve &Mle peaa limeber têniraata.... tote for telegiapli Uie forthe otier a,4 U»asestutiof- uscremone, 'on wssibee- coal bots -6 Go. ' - da lait. Heieafer i.tb.olagp ant ienaou& Res, nov"' atié.ll' -oui coaaly, Masy' i 5lymra-( rcucekeepevu- - J. B.upneieaallbaoaN xlIà lie * Ilii eXit freont tic premiies lu -qUee Mau ete-4. 3I.Powell o a iexims, aa Qllery$ govn "hprýoit-jü 3. B.Powell&Co mumie lai' begging f Prila>' 484 al' Deaer-4. B. Powell ot albogesiar lad loklug apislüot orteil a BCocteimuatait dah a certain 8>et mined eiY .-,Mvm. Allia. iu ClausIlionI aolloîiug oeiyrg~~ "Pro' liasa-Mia. Alia, îg lieaMeunaigoleéb.,dii>' entereda là a (i va. lIl.~- pan-bock ansi pail, cf ceurae, on *11e agroil s. Allia. spot. Poraibly hé i.ay bava bea a thli M. Allia. beok.keper lu hum better da, no1blgi van i ci Concert. dauntet inureolviua ànegetivé repS>'b tis hi vantail le >new n silver vould 'l, &bouti erchangesi- for'ceppner, ansi Iheai f soli parier moite>' boalsi bpnbattle fd or tid'li sciai euvox.the "dear" took place,Z o -diecover'tie asquel cf 'tbe scanqoity o'f' ez lie PER ANNUM. mmli iler * - nSt Ars.naîxuft.-.'Ti, Qana&i FGa-Ami. , Maiy 12, 1881. asie c'outs lkolewip - thé",lon - oba Alxaxd 0By,o lao«0 Ontario. Torento, one of >e, R4 a do4u.t B beeu rialting ~ eue elle~,to.9~ioo a>' ta s- roios!cfOaiutf @rlentoviâllpa. Bis Honour laos I.LSinaher2'~ je beeuso et b.mcml cftlb, Ceui> out fli aai> rPromia.. f aup. Wentwomlx andi. diU amenrmM. Bige.. HI.Honcun John* .KingsiihU Wsu ted qîar*evm- ufe ag.efthe Couni>' Court otte ceit>' iaa ilel uri -lW cfzBine., teb. o s= tivaly Surrogalitâ resvo .olgfewuad te uigeaOfethtseMaIUme court cf on. 4hum loe. ansiamatane.. lario, pmun tle bUMritime Juris.l- -1 s poksaif perion. dieion Act, 1877.Oa vii ne Dt gel thes PaOVIVU Aplnrmxra. -He. oj SUe embaldatune Honloar lhe Lleuienantl.Gosvji basIt tbrù, ne part>' Miotake, beau plemesi te maire tie folovlng ap.vcuI L ai fiel Mei aaiil au polumenle x.- - 1.P lai lb. part>' ta William Brise Billion, oetfithe 11ofetoneri î l deaisa tisat a New Yer nhélieState of 1Nev York, b glmW staning souisi by on. cf th. United States .1 Amerlos, lmpris isi obtaliesi the barrlale-a-lav, lob. a .tomsxilqalcpayknewt hl"g 1k. a repre. fer lsklig affidavits for un", lu ,$théIrlildo et élb. eelovi aI Geinout.of Ontario. d»-c lb. foew vie puhlesi Pets er M itia niAnderon, et thse' 'e0 il", thle dale. Cty cf Belleville, barlslýan.aI ansd Xogsl ade uader. George St. lobia Halen, cf the, vIllage buio vw deunoe.d i. ofgauavtlle, iluhellao aIhInélof Muko. 4%d le ne et lt aaiied ka. altovnsy-al-law, 4,tele 'arquyha iieg. Ail admit Publie su ansi for &lis Povi*no c tt.- leu,"w tàonsi lie ques. DavisI M. Perry,,oft'; the leva of thiepolJ .Blielov'à major-.'Woodteck, la be baffiff cf tbe Fisst couplit, alinxsted'- t fiom Division Court of tbe, cotl>'of Oxfcrad, *A,&s=, e Ieo ut@tsansi pro t.sspor. Neoneu 01th tis ateal aud Thomaas snfiald Tobin. cf lhe loai ý:p naktion from - ou cf Stralferd, le be * baîliff lite Fis-st "Wh, 31ev la tepiovlng Division Courtoet liaenI>' et Perli. esaim l id midi more ao-**Ili$ et tic lactera, aI Tie Irsh Laui Ul. - se-is il people lixougil- W bon nomiatmdas Tii. dmbiJe on thie LadinS ill i.ea s iserer. Houes of4Ceuxnnqe vra. aajoaod ûun- î,ghym- tii Tiaub a. onBihuilidefensc4 aaI Imis iTau.-. b.eliete -&ci c h ih cen M. eoge t l 5c5 if leSM il a sembltdet 'liu-, te,0 -bestient etfs"ete ie vhatepopxm#pu of irelapt. mb e imillion ltfit lwsaprobalse t"atau, ~el.ll cf, 'ê~ th u nI> lu WWoumhJarhi>'l4e pareis.4the,1 nlei e ir. îlt illedevesseaWie celdrn-loi puy i Ù d aicine bazinma lily 8 iiie, uig - ' lualitamit sag Vr v sene. inua it, ed, te noie, pro,. A Large Eciclr et Candidattesfor tie 111 di le. hù mi" Vaosxsî.cîlu asoiiimI. , l'em large ti. - ' lai lthé Potes, andi iodr Thé. death icfmv.Boee, M.P.P., be faîhe of the. ua*, ai4 for BaZ u obam"glvm iWsesaiau wiare il bi m eunls. Hae enqury a lwo Wllbsspsle vi.whs iii, or forut aide lite l..-ioh" ke>'bac ineaV b riaaior.. belveen Mesars. Lewi ome. P iaîl enie stock et G. B. Baller, ýDr. Clmasb^e, 8. 8wuvaot Troues, Port Smiti KyorBaudall, oPorl c ;mms 2,6j ,0 ILet. B Rdford, Joseph llsrie, . .gjg rmolhbeWhbyof R patW M Resli:c* mu easemre frlbmeok, sd-Mi. IMeDWIa s, -.d'Mau-, av doulas orge .,rm # irer.. ,A Ooueerv"slive cetioxi ulenir e> Me e b. éisld e tholuir oandutoatiom, imant '01,ism 00 nao cm-.Meus- W. Oral#, D. ,Chibolsu, c£ ~owhon Ilihim Porl HOpe; B. Royale, of Milbrqk, sài - 9 E. A s . Pevera, of ilope; osGp«. Ca b4wnbell, of Cavan, and D.Re,1Bt lai et Wiiitiy. .itiI. mlaWahàst 'wezH. Bowy ~ ~. a Iude andhe Oeseerandvc, Mi *aer mare Jerriu kniao"t. le ib o I oi, Tie d y Ewad tad ffly'h va kawtluOb, fi'eib dull W m a n > ' f l x t e T i l x l e in a nm o lt«a éý e y .- " . l I b fA cOave bs~~~Us9mr~sa wlb*fr11noS b ~' eÀ~ - * -Iuu wàqu.. -, UU*M geavvwes tis evè lAn h~o"), au wbia tbiv,1 vesi ~ T lubrx) nyl au a. b ay wm ui tWhgveIliewur e.'ic4 nitff . W.- n' ilovptionit hme, autssvl Lebu va, i a i .>.vi ýp ikabVIaàeb.d lhen "m. batse yer l. tllpuaistst, alîlcl . stge ex . x_ ol 1 s e vion l ia x ese.s, à,Ua aIl ulati. eil to. m huiabo o tahle Marine. ýi.4s edtebsàu'acucine 10- lSic t,.-- - - à skati J;L&CZ. r n$ là9to"ivt islpoin miii ~ vashlasefor hla lietaa0asueti 1a l te approc onnIsth e ti ia.rgeIL thoul ma>' Ps ýisilghtost a'usihhete ia net Il souppose tiaI howv n stSl>' prejudlceal lu laver éc a i 'Ot à PrVoof e f bob be lé ilot aven Srealdoul. To cnè efbhs *bilty ai thheorkc mesterlu* the &aéh insunot b>' e an mdans'a formIdable ena, lthoughli î.ansi practice wve.undeubledly requIro th lie ollation of m0 ma' detalla the r )â utilsation ol u aaesenieL ai ~ almile tUa ls asheo oaï greahi' Sfaaltated l lah& xk' l. be -l tel wlbhe wfose théme letr le ean proparsd for lih Onla"oansi Cau asilan Goreormenis ou lbâ.-ubjeelt, n *b>' lis argumte cs f tie couusel vii ae,,-before liae arbiliahors ¶abnghiî vaiksi anade presnpîl ai l.cloue of lise argument Iîvas aI bunviedi>'madoi1, fcr as8fr riýîs ex. plains, lb ailifaloa'bai-'ho' Papen Rai ibougS ilflb.>'pear1 d lieut sapaiý cojarlbef4isw hilt tl'bcdar. clusion. cm zuvaeAu lutlomr& V aU'UYfl0 Mr lh'ro=hlunter u On fi s#0~'.~- 0' ,-,-ý ffifl o th 0 P 2,rast"' wum&a.ItldvellgrsboVan c~leitslîcfment offtsteM i lfarencea.1 lse.ê* tà4 ýMoâ .urge.tx~.e ien lob&Wgbeiteka h lue , fer Lie ouo h ýV6.t* ftâgusý vae .lays: èle. wamalij erahain h» b.' cmg f thbjeelcboti staff laver>' Preetlue anblrahflàî . Iii. gu. ltip" tti n air Lenthé Bria lm bnaanim a Rr Tua recepie s. e toinsesm frcanada as thé fiuuing oet 'auj t~~e monhl~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ tribunal,ennle-JdoaCci ~o U,6OQi57~i..masonl o.cor- eoft hé Prlvy Conuchl, voull d o c gim-th--w- ïws 4d. ý-eecmas Ibi. - ~7iolas meh. lsk a.5was do~ 51oI lié tiut portatpart - l arm.eauiî lo. saDe 1 lecture la Ibai vbich dispoese ItyMiiateoftielbterlor, i l otagruilcua rainaimadle b>'gît M (I'omtüùi««for h 00 cleWnahsi, wvie nver staduaî ton O.PR. Go.question n si sîaut pnuteusi le fgaw lfli, Opi UIler, cything about t i tai lbhe boui dlt~tlty yth' iefireS qpen by the. arbltiatora vas4 land league bas avsy ý t vblinl.-"cnvo'eue."c 'agroaipon -as a l ei of se gbeire, premise vison il vas founi ta be cuit If net impossible le ix on titi P.b «MMéaru a gen fte lent ~ ons Sir Franci.s lova es hotel bu anl Bell Brou. elal stand, u bas ic ambcatod vith b hlmP. C'. ev lIha arS vas arriveil sa Armstrong. - -expres!>' npadiatea tue Premica, f ýI11 palaliixi, viaici le nevertlleaa-e 'e9a -Isc 1rdly flie in . ubis orgalu aftor lie *Sioclaimer 'Ociee, bas, arriveS la hba c4lyfront Q'. Point cf faol Il vus quite imnposai' &ppele eu fir m tola rfeli li hrmenii tudying isUc-ban qussli( ~e repots averytbtug quiet aid enter. sie»sndsntlyiy le arrIve ai t lemc u'iitbatqlPitjwb«ie satrop-unsn-veutional" ln- -t rindepi beringtops,0e n ae aseipn'sd un- 11nsuiity la #ho 1béaI gaintai' 4@er the v'n4 4 ý.*IpppaetorStele, .the ilocumctary cvidsnc"piutes lreaegbrue etM*~r Walh.,In. - itabiloe econclusion, asd Il 'e*«o r s is *Jm le i*'ebre. Ber- aI ail sursiing ttirI lie vsxg '44*Majqr»gSlj liÏtesi -aToronto gumnt aboutlaver.been founi sc euou&o b e mriy liii.,7yearin lesatthé.-lbr Tlbgls1tuïse fin "sge. Augut- *bév PoCt&lAgiÂeii~i"ut botweeu tise bIli tiphred wcdar- . asda nies b tales. .ÀAis-tunbarge the mawlannm - &aa the ilhtiýduàg"*e. tlablisiment Ti o nila fpia gé Ofmanatoiriees i "sProince.~ betvean Canada Aïd hbaUtiti St An Act t %h o shic emaniciilou-saebyPàdsi roi 1 ,cil te aid teapltiîer sud a - AIîec.. dm , beli, .provd. lin effeetý auueaiia, Tstimne xtly precdadiettèe 1 AL'Aetfc5 li' usutéin etfnubile ai t a acaafr thé ita Sitates: ieauL.u4 tonil. pn r M.~ il h e tmklu ý.the. chair ,b.bIil y ida st the wl Uj o f lie meeting, gave , ht eurtily volcoma'd li' friaeste hlm in- ýhus~ .--hno Unpou-PnOf.- rie Wrenh te xciii à potionýof the sicip- n- Tisr~tr4e1lûg serxy. r. urford, lémnaesamuugst railvay mon, iov ih il riginatosi, andite prenat -poeilipî. 'e- ILs desaileti seve]al ý inâcldeùb of sUep, -io cesiful labour, aid lgdhttecm lu millee. fersei sorne lime mgo, sicuhsi a ltnvnahxcglb mloyesocf tlii. id Wbilby ansi Pot Perryailvay. M. cf Gartabre enumerate iistancesf XY empeanco reform, ansi pinteti cul ne boy- th. Gênerai YiMO.a.. -aid the sa Bailvmy Y.M.C.ÂA. ooldvcirk lar moni- S-$ eualy legthber. The ciairmanveat il ~O pen1h aesaitycfyo '1ag linliving le gober, *ell.behavod, àudaIdus rlo .:1 y ansi lie adragigeaofani ced oliaraclar.j ý Aflor brief asidremas by the, Beys. [l Mq@es -re: nilch, Sha* iner, ansi n- Abraham, il vas augg.ated Ibal a pic- Id visional eommtittea: aboulsi b. formeS, 0andi liat Mr. Robinson, lu concert vlth .'the chairman, Meus.a.urferai ansi Iy Gartsore aboulai attendi te tis. Mr. - >t B o ss and ,avîral - of- t e,- ~ Io a e- x p r e s s e t i b s t l - ' i lgda t l5 ain lu is mission vork. T iene-airtben vmrmlylxrvited 1 sby 1eroit-atkeo',rmuel 10Tis botpilawvu.enianoSi by -tbe r*geais!andi klis atteioins cf gMis. ]Eol.' dosin, M isa Hod n, ansdiot ers. , ftê meeting vas alikelasantSaxin, la in : fritual gooesi te b. mpleyeea cf th li Baillay cf vbich Mr. ldmn' la 0 So-tie Gazette bas--rat. tedl." I pi'eaime neomin uBIeeforut a Sraukea sii I ,lrre t l- nsinene- *lcelâce w vêt '-w g el & - c i gentlemea reporle 191a6: agieing l st ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I and b l ,l.d w U b v o ai - s omething vrtiyf hsi sport. If ao tifey bave d!Wserei vi ove bsi~ abesa,-«son b>' lie,-membors tcf lb. , trn - Party. 1 ' I boldi ot, bo vever, bave trooutesiyou vih h is comninni- TI cation oe il nul for the impdent as- 0o sertieu (eoutlng tram hlm) on NorthUec Ontario lilItsveek's jane-Tis as- IJ sertion la. 4"That Us. Esl&Cos cf i1, T -Chronick ile o rgular'paid orlibbor 9( ? swing wbaî ho Ut tatiirrc*jcctivre of> I * b-ssy" llurely tbsire la impudence b.. ci f 's-ans conception. A paids sribbler ia- un decilP Thoaoarc somo clii Re- pu formera in' his rding Wbo kuw pu th c ose of botis 0cr Whitby pa- nu pers. and 1ample tastimony - onnisith e btained, not merely' as la Who hc tise crîusUr but visa la lb, pad Il! 8crîblr. Doa hbfo t know tas- il le 54 eaily«eas-son - hçis adrooalilgtlii.'ci cause f ll. cdln Norlis.Quriqi.? T' fosmel ie!Ï pot- the. irt time tas- 'ù dslulmtaa n si cé xîs'> bave decidedîi ls ta ; i irb t p ri ssip les h o l b d u l d'ý- " e w dv' - M T w ha l M a ssbc o ulaohs su pport. 13>'mil nu gnea xs rit b u s u or'p t ( r- M dii. N 6ý A i doubl howilf be able te influence a laràe' ais uu nab eg u Iesot6ar, in tli« N orth , idiulp 3 , wh eyé bis pa-pWirle lsicen eeéu.-' Ilvo hiû ba grand lblagr for 1boMail prosanti>' la, le copy -O Oa'tof Z ÃŽ ààrtl '%~s Z5 au 6 hi le cf the coatroUîig paercfIi. r Here 'viii bea exmple-,cf one v ôpposesilobob inlgcductioÊi cf lie N. P. To bqt fru wosvrkiaga bas aeon lbe or- r=rofiaas ê i&t1mna te 4,11butiavonvbpelsr.A the. "a ua.hi ilç*oin A.. be que. ilà«sc nmen, i -by cit. ry qete iefe l1 onsob legath be fâ Tens cf o. Inm ibe Irs i. ansi "s im- 0 dent ~8eb;ai41-iloertç ea district of Columbia. Thée bcdy cf Mr. Mier, of'Cho se-blaboca ssiag, vawtu huicrxe or T" -Ozar4m . di àscussrô*' Cosamx*na YEarznl ân.â5i. -C a.f¶-....aZh'- L O 2tLIP TÃ" BusezuxPUNT. --The Russian Imporiai ukase vili Y ],lsve 8,000,000 pests of part cf tlb. burden of heui ente wbiidrssitariff paid itb ig fraude duty-wii îxq-,pay 6 francs ih Houn rC"um<x,.rsm.-The rem nMant.rlcel. IFlattera' expedition te th ddee6rt alre said to have bison driven Ic -sortoi tocAnuibaiux under the iage auiger' Fifteen ware eatexi, inclus ,-Tho Freinch camnpaign ,,sgminst til IKrcmirI bcwvrliablyau endi, ai 1h. moat ful4portant pDéîtibn before os thepied y the naives la new hels bj beFrench. A correspondent saýysh qi ampaigu agamal Tu1anis viiinu' commence. * ,-BzÂCcî5rxZLD MoNuruE.- Mir. Gladstone presentesi bis molieji for a m#onumxuîlu teord Beaccnrelc, whiâh vas carriesi on a vote cf 880 ti 46 54. M., Labonohereocpposed tlb Motion. :E'ari Granviile's motion in 1h. Lords vas carriesi vitheut discuase ion. EMuANT 8111PB ENQUUIRY. - Mr. Chamberlain, Preaideat cf lb. Brilli Board « Trade, bas despatohei an effi- cri- te Liverpool sand Queenatv twn10là. qàlro as, te lhe allegesi abusas on ami- grant Obipi. As a malter cf course, lthe managers cf the uteammhip linas deny !biogaioe The projeol cf ereetion a Masonis Temàple-in Torca- to bhauon ndefinie ly peelponasi. Daniel Bernard O'Loas wau reo.ived jato - b.epriemîhoosi by Arcubisiop ,Xquci on tinnday morniag'a early sur. Te! aI 81t..MichaeTs a hledraL The Marquis cf Salisbury was elecl. id Conservaîlve leader in the. Houasecf The. Obie Dcnlýocrata kg tailaig Of runuiuËg 3nato trhurutai à& hoeu.n ldate fox' geveruor duiritig -the nexl Fvash anti.Jeviah nota have broean ontinuthe BUssia provincees cf Padolia, and troops ai eberne oredte iihe sasn cf lbé dualurbanees. .A, Meeting cf tI ,.tie Enropea Emperora lorA êIks place àt isoai dur- ig tb.eaixmmor,.sud the quisineaca are acklng their brail e fmd au explana. Lion of the re-unionù. SrsrarxoST or'0 ratDÂILY PRUs 17RUGRpueucr rTUE rcx.-Tbe- Ceats Alies have iasuesi a proliminiry exhibit Df isatisiiu cf lie daily preasscf the Vniiesi SiÃŽtes dùrngf thé cenus year. 'ho. tatal number cf, daily journal. la 2,nldng80 4ailias suspeudes, and' 14eost'bliibed. .'TriDo agigregat e daily' circulation la placosi at 8,581,117 ; an. unal- circuslation, 1,127,837,855. Il ap- mras the peopli, ftho ,Unitoed States îy ont anoualiy, $26,250,000 for dally )eeapers. Nov 'York State lakes 'e ieaifin pnbligsling theiargest nom. 7inoi, 73 ; Ohito and Cauifornia, ench 'Al; M isconri, 42 ; Indiana, 40r; M ax>sp- suscIts, 85 ; Michigan, nB8; Iowa and, Naite; 82 c2cb'; Ngv Jersey, 27; Vir- niii and Wisconsin, 21 cati; oord 0 ; lifases,19 1ý-Oonnoceicnî, 17 ;ip lcargin, 10; Idarylasil, Iîevada, aDsi ibrastia, 14 ciaeh; Northi Ciso.inae, 18;' .enneasse, 12 ; Renluckey, Louisiaus, i Maine, l ac; Mineutc 1Q, ii krtsuaasaxd Oregon, 7 oac ; Alabuma Mu" b or. nt air Anothr phase cf atupidity on the.c 1part of Govëromient officiais,. gays the. AxGlobe'. Montreal correspondent, cornes1 t tll surface onneocted Nîýth the catllet *Iisd> , -30 It cippsrs I tt hé ateiadfsipf ho Luke Mîinitoba, Of the floaver LUne, took over a cargo cf catile from Port. > and, landlng thâm .at -Birkedhoad on 1-Maroh 101h. Some cf them having ho hail foot and month disoasio, sile vas1 by unable again ho Ca;'ry catlle frcm HAU. - e, fax shôrt'of Otïd'myo' s c'ording ite da.b as nadian laws. 8 h. , oadod Caniadjan ScattIci at Portland?, 'owever, aandii tbem at Birkenhoad'on April 201h. The tg Liverpool oenxngnewspapex.s anonno- 40 ed thot l. tépattie had foot , al Mopth ,~disease, and the news wâal bled. Thei ~.Comipany, bowever, pi-ccured J )y tboroàgh inaïiauaj exàmiàa&n cf st lhé cargo by the bort veteirmfary sur f ýW. gnons, who ?eportéd' -thécaIlle, lna t j healthy condaition. Tiié Liverpool Y nevapapbrs then donied th. statement, 'I -and the. demal vas cabledl aloc. Sir i lerandoe G:lltHjah Com-isionor, Ioablod, il à ,on the. unsuppoe . bO ed newspapor report Of the disseas, taD go tb. Minimler cf Agriculture liaI 1th. s uLake Maitoba hsdladel-ve cargpes, mn c- f dlseased caIlle. As ho never, cablod ar a donial M thb.,atatemient , thé ývesl th vas sbeduled, snd the. Go'in etcx SSur Alexander Gait'o blunderixsg dvie, . -compels theaseamor-$O dc soixty. ýday's -quarantine frouxth. ROthA pril, inàtosd o f the ldth Marah, the dtedf tie o landing cf the cargo which realyva'bl ,ditee ed. Thls. thé Canada Shipn oxpeno. xiiWvsin gsnhroàhd the eider rone d. ea déle ùaer * h wli antedhe e1o bave bee én led th a& look for'i>tbor vosmalsthbau ,'tb h k e 1 1Vc»iob, blieiugJthe-06mmrentýs Pe Moation bmaed - ý hh:lâo g in a AlIbis becauso my Lord High Cern. bu story'f opl iIjî itis Gvéa *mentfoe>4teèrtade.on lips. cf telb.ccoours oôn iie. igobi cf, h June 111h. It Winl be»n t 1.1 am. iaha total obseùtion M 1.17, ai- talning lb.Middle cf hè soUlpa. mi 1.<58. and eontinuing .until 2.80, Whu ien l. i wiiiro-appear, sAl li i b.e tirely ma over aI8.41 ai.n.Iftlb.nightisoleoar1 il 1 'al be'ene cf ,lisemcnt beautifulvi e oie f, the. meen vitnomsed for àà Go-Â-yvoxs.Prlà a 80xMi.Enr24 nous. -Brstxa arey;ag&18 l amatch > agaicabtlime for 050 dia bis 80 Mile in of 28 boeraandiOm4jinutes. Ha began iiPo the da& ih~ W Axt I 8o'olook on coll friay evân~ig sud'finihed a e .t Bt turday evnig. The boy sboved signa of suffoxing about the Mdleoif he tsk, but ronsed vondedfUiyafsr iÏ i; asd concludesi the 1a tapsa- ai thé quiokesl valking sud ýrfnnsipme . mLcks <G waikeil with Harvey thé. lest 40 milesai wiîhonî baing iel ighst -distressod, anid effara leJnmatch imseli todo9 miles vithin thb' time. -Amsadmission G cf ton cents vas chargeai andi iere asa c considerable cf an attendance. A pares.P vas mIso made up for H.arvey andi It q Locke. lxMe . FOOT RÂC.-A i100 yard raceb.l"&, tween Willie Noura. -end Jerry Palmer - ?xl vW8 on ousil, tqo Lord.Cahrns las,,& pensin of,,£5,OW Z= as ex Chanceleor, as aise liasLord Hq;. mill diplomilo services ; se bas Lord Na-' IIiý pr andi Ettrick, and i isount Evera.' rod Mo;tr. Shaw Lefèvre cf £t4,000 Éà n ex-Speaker.--Inthe oRoufniCommona u Mir. V1ierï à jcys Iiýo pension, o. tpie" i;'af noone -* ae usin 'on ýra"L Neow Goos Noiqetl ea &teeu a esffelue. hé- 'Lr 6 MralPrin vearofa st I eue aidigh b' t étomiofb0asecougnc soubil -âe, mehs t cld e se g orha roifn l t cets.m n i le o hldSs thesloe fyn ira - nca amea.ye1-a Y aeor LOt rail ever n *lagi ithoxit. ,v A AHint. Whnuasic fe" lr a boitde of Pe=ny >tr kepai-Kmler, andthle *gsalemly 'qr kepr ithont acmrcelylocking, r.- sanS. "voe ue Out, batl ve &sachr ariIbl" '4poa i rbaer ,ioha . afor Ui6 imo puce Iviz. 1"25 cents," Tu=U Fou eel a gay, GSi-bys, 8ir 1 TIiimcam Irai ao moesfer lhe tva coIbis.cents mrr Profit vhielihb. gets t.àlhao .dosa fer For iee4lior bappinese. soute 0et ti auslhorrible cas cf Ulfr. xsÏ nucrfualatiat èoriexisie.1e bae si> atum cf polsononsmraadrsos se orano a sontisite Tu lie *Wesk, lie Woru', thsryle liter cf lie Bestas. Recoer S~ays Gwi an. mos,- muxibaiatnl,>raoomnim i àiSt. l prosesea ilui;o thsulte miste <orl zùspOpia-,. p- Mara= --y Lnnx&'sMO"id Water in a tifthe sursit asam pliésifa0ofcorsafor e:VfOrm ,et - nerouanesi1.-Il ,, ,y .l ltmetl ca. VbT beaéunekatve nsiieéffled>ania 5*l y ICI nit i am emlnp 7 of narra 00î itieul lies. thaisJO n farou p owrn soxlption ofstock lavisor er -i.Try lieutI 5e, imna.t1iet Id Evryviee.------ brôna b, ,areid tiectdoaWh btisaIs have inceaseti mn biumIre, feu>' pons iile usingy.fov, 'pâl- ndyno he tja, do double - ieeraiSs od use a bIom ipxifier ae prmg. su-omunol use aastr r ote m. i. tian Dr,. Carson's Stoinci Bittera. ýto W.B.XssWae, dîmnggist, ma gel 09 -21AGos iig Gsrmau Syiup la lis apec lmaecriptum Dr. A. Baois, a -oeea&Geine t icin d us ecknowledgeal o be âneof ie meontIortsinate discorrlîs la Mediclao. SquickIy curas Cossgii, Coas e ud cil Luia -ubles.icf 'tie savereal nhxx, r9 itt th lé cmiingetof;lb. ring tb. parts inaa'aronajuê béaI - idihtfu., Ilinaoauen x àenluntai Matf. st bhiaslIbd testtév, living a the ý.à '-- lia 90"

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