Whitby Chronicle, 12 May 1881, p. 1

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* iaoe WIIiàÉÎ;Y. ai0N1ÇL r it in NIi pàvu.V " IIRDAY MUFIG BRO TROEIUW13 ow Noueuloasd el, sud baige trotts, p$ou* o , re yl nerouaty êon Àtt Ueh abe BILs.G S1Lal BTjiRte.1?LATIrge innola AT5 eiSLA, U.UWLCompa Nes &poutrstp~ne* vlhStret, nerth ozoterth e rwlea.. mue1b.Layzluen. Solice itrluhacreNôa4Torynt P.HITBT BIPRÂNOE,8 janKET13 AORDO, FAEDWELLR & SLTONY-TLAO, ontoinhATTeyOdnBya SOL got oq e Iri o r uuth ofb. oyA iIteesit. M3XIÉ A. eflCIE AIIt %Y BDARRISTERS & ATOR<YS-L C. n H. blo R&To.E. Wol. iito o he Tomirj on t à>OiSeN Whdort ma ose, ubid.TTOnt.S SL- B ITOESO~~~iOTBE,&. T MWAT.'WSOLICITOIl IN L. T. DARCÇLAY, TTOEBEY-.&T-LAW, SOLICITORI 'A inu homavarysu amolvoy, Conver- scer, &û.,ho rAR~TERATLAW, SOLICfrO1lIN DAVID OJMISTON,fB. à.. Omet.;-Ia théaufice ofvi tse Pot Offie, lu -MOUMM lac, Bl, rok Street, Whitby. 1.1 JORN DALL DOW1, B ERISTE-AT-LAW SOLI01TOR Bitobanacri', Couveyaa4er, dc. ope.-DprerÈW& Block. Brook Street, Wbitby. 19Ol,«Y 1O0 IND-Prlvaia Pase- iunuai lm00, sia kloyraie cf lu- <Lia Donat gRouisx. Conveyancers, &o. OFPOII'-Ti Votoa hambea, No. 9, Vioat Dret. J.Gitpaino» . . a HaarnTÂ.EMMT. ÀMJO.1G, KLL,* B luncbauoaiy alsueveiivy Oonvel- suce ho ffla-l~taStSBock, Broou. YOVUNGOniKTig, L L. a". àBa=u,, m..&o,-UneyteLoa 0 biùk ta~al.Whaiby. J a9. GS70. T13 & . OUE GJI 0AT,ilk * Oivia- Sront, &iThiti, kO., (&Cr. dobeacou ti oal tma* . . y. 1.80 on Be.ibltbY. 0 Bro C I 01ILLODNEG, With cala PdbaI4 word,pl bubs u VOL. xxv. C OMMROlA HOT l S TAE3LBe, 54an.5 3n~'mretToroto. J0& JcBB,. -PBOPB1BTOB.' (sOOcussoz TO *OEi saL,) Théeboat #LW a Dvm ou he Cit ouly two blocks fromtbe Depot,ae4oio.. to th. Maret. The Bouebu beau novly FitteS out. sud evey-tiws Frlasa0741 TEMPERANCE HOUSE - DtJNDAS.STEUET, WRITY GooS vomodllnairmsualis5. Bouadaa "80per veek. R08811 OUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hotal of canada BaIllaS, Befurniabed, and Uarivlled. Nov F6u401> ger Blevator, rn %usnl and da. Wbe onlv fl'ai.olasu.HÃ"M aul a rg- -a res.Pb -", an S dPa'-t" zooma, viihout bord S d Fab. 27Qi, 87e.Prplo. ROYAL HOTEL, wHITY. Thee ove koMeLbui but)flaqughly teoyia sd~eurt7basua la ,o n- v .1er the management of iGEO. MACHI, (formerly of St. Lawrence HIII, Pot Hopa mod"lis~lrampleoms for0com. B MTIsHRAMIIEICAN IlOTEL, (LATZ à01105 Bou".) WHITB Y. ONTARIIO. Houge newly reuovated and furnised Ihrougoi na udput inu îrei.claas caSai for the reception of teu.nomnibus lv smd from U trins.§niz s azuple, zooms. S H ARESPEABE HOTEL, .Cor. King & York-ets., Toronto, Ont. . A.UO'OADY, - PROPRJBTOR. Tzaxu, f.50 ir'a DA. (ly.47) POST OFFICE SALOON, TosoNro. M. McCONNELL,--.PBOPRIBTOB. sar TUE BEST ACCOMMODATION ai for Gucetti. (ly-47) ONTAIIIO lita rEL, JI1OCI-STREZT, WIIITLIY. J.4MES-T. JEWRLL, Eroprialor. (Late of the. Nipiaaing Hotel, Toronto.) Good Liquorsansd Cigur. Commboiona Pirei.-clase Llvery Stable aud Billiard Parlour attachaS. 17.16 0 sa WA BOUSE,4 linA STEXT,OEWA H. CKESTER, '- - Proprictor. This threa-uory, large sud ovmodjous Rouse te refittod and fuuihed lv suit th. wasofvi l.travellingf pubic.Teable up suppîed iththe boil branda, ilquors and cLigreM. Bus 10 sMd frm uts. tion. Ample stablerom, coareful hoeau TIE QUEBN'8 UOTELs UMXSoci BaT, WIUTD PgILIP McCi*N. . - Pevprieior. BamI Lîquors aSCigare. AàveWOUyIp plied iable. Airy bed.rooma. Comforisbl utabling sud large Yard room. Charges modtrate..8 WHITIIY HOUSE DUNDIS-ST, WHITI3Y. *Tih. underuigneil vould lntuate 1tIi.h public thai the abova promies havp beff newly buil sud' iuted vp ihrou g . lori th. accommodation cetgpeste. Bai Iàquors sud Ci gara. -THE CREAII OF CANADA -WALZ m.CEIL' Also pure Uhiae Wî:me Lgr Wc * s anSȈetaiL Boardere takouibyztha yod o0n liodor- .July, 28th lm8. - BLÂ&CE OS1 JOJ (Lai. oi Wallinu nHotel, Karham.) lag for ovaf80bret Pru.ls ipodativitfor, fariae anS &,hbýflâb. f Iuo lu pp *0& anS Tenchis~.oageether piyste or lp at)ý 6î, àd=Sorat thérseid- . , Box PT, Wliby. jw R.auldena- cornez Street opui ruolne nciof(x. G. y. Scail, = ida r 1 LVlT DUI BS llaftr Royal hotel, suinaipecéi foUr olicit tue. patronage of-the publlo. GShusanud cooufortable vehiolea. o pt. lôtb 1679. t - t *~' . t.L. i * f :î i c . w. advocsto Pb WHUITIBY, -PROVINCe: 0F ONTARIO,. wu, Ra.'HOWSE7 Chertiist -and Dr'uggist, -.DALBR IN- DRUOSl, MEDICINES AND OHEMICALS, TOILET SOAPS2 PERFUMERYp SHOULDER BRCESe TRUSSES, SPONGES, Alil» ALL KINDS 0F DRITGGIOTO' UNI)RIES USUALLY KEI'T IN A FIRST CLAMS DEUG ST019E. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS (Jaraaly ompounded, anS ordorsaumwred 'with oaue mil d.sptch. Farmore and Physicimssfroni the country viE fnd oui stock of modioineo-,'mplote, theLo oune n rfli bast qnaiy CORNER BROOK -AND DUNDAB O^HIN3A HALL,* kair 1 T mm là JIJO (KEGISEEEI) 71 KINO-ST. EAST TORONTO. tiuoc Breakfat sud TuasSets. PEanvy Dinner sud Dousait Seis.. Psuoy B"d.ooams. Psvy Jugusd Tes&ts Sjti 1% PitKavw6,'fFoîrks «As oons Ulâvea mt.s Butter Cue. SilvotPlaled Ca. Dackbi.. es y' ula ve n Ps. Ployer ghaesfor Lily'o, &a., do., Giseavez, ati dasorlptlons. Wblt Bloavar, evrp inS. Importer- Dominion Wood WorkB-O, WHITBY. Geo. Cormnack, Lr UMBBR MERCHANT &r BUILDBR. I -A large lmpplyo01 Duildere' 0urnish- Inge, sud .&U kida oiTwioed Moldinge, Doors. Saab aud Bilinte. LUMBER vbaleale and retail, or by, by the car losa. Planwng, Mouldinge of evMr deacrp- tion, Flooring0 ShetlngSbe.Ivlng Re-, savtng. Sbaplut, T= - 8ug=ScoI-vork, etc . etc. Whitby, COLct. 15h, 876 . MONST TO LUND. uuUMUalY Loy U.m t.a vi cet Sereral lmprovod FamVenadWi MrLadal IueauumnYs- Uade luXuatiWDéa-<i tarea, Bank, sad other mark"ts Sto vor tharrpwuoularepply le un LIHODN SOTREETSý, WHITBY, ONTAIO. INSURANQE. OZ;TAILIO FARMECRS' Mutuatliazraine Co'y. HEAD OFFICE, EOO L-Sr., WiaIB. T a SCOMPAtiimtueure sm BuaS. tnpg, Couuhry CburbOheeschool 11uea sud tbeir Coulents st ratas as nov .sI Io0a ay 'Zl.ats led Comnpmny ln Cm"&d. JUST LOSSES PIOWPTLY PAID. 3. B.BICRBELL, -JoHN wILLIs, Presidaut. VIce.Preudat. O. NOURIS, scu-rai~r. Whiiby, Aprul Gil, 18&8.-le p HffNa mFzE N;sURANCE 00. Lombard St. sud Charlng cross, Loaon. ESTAELIBHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFÂTT & .c0., Agents for Canada. R. W. TYRE, lMaur, Motrosi. A GEIIOT EST&BLIUgHED IN ÇANA- ML A i la 80.UsImileS IIabity Of SUe h biokboldae, sud hle UMM Agent, Wbuiy. INCORPORATED Isn. IMM T;p ,764 -4».tÂ, dty si-hotrte, Como, Boolliali men lm' SBot" leb iMa ran' utidupfrihta Wu Let icreigu biiss. a tr InBOui valai o tarira. Il i t b.grb oui tathll""rvoé Wl' pa tripridejuay. o'yora, Ad won on moayî a urlp aoie Bright bounthe iatartan. k a the fielS ' wcAt 1ev ebuUM& tbo1lew Our eplaIaS mp'ipaeni buly Tesoheial'oleaàutartan. ' vhu en h ovneo Fac lu 1o004 ' valor 85 ilvd'mu, lu vain their #ery steeads prenom Aroud Ot ou m"4ereô'#=tu The lootlalseluewry A hiasnê oth s1A~pfd 'TImFeedm' pf4asa Oo~ rey len ..tve*. p ,"Blood upsu 987 bande Y' 7epoaa*d Ovu w.e "hs1 a4o would hav* me padon hlm. Touaek bis lifo-výal, tekm,1k.,.. m-Thorman ta fr.eé; -&d »W Xhfivê not a, Ciad, Dot one, Dot oua-but youj)ok nbturphy bai rau b hianmuter ma. vuas ow belpiug him tb demaed lrom, ida Chair Moftate villa afiaviiouata solivitude. '1 ",BlooS on mny bande, Dioki1 DIS you hear hlm P I vil nAver forgive hlm that. Band thein asy.samaS them say V' Ai Maguir. aisudRobait vaut doTE, the amaire io.th.r (roM the bhalof audienoe, the former griaped the. lat- taees arm.' "lYou tarna the tables on me vali,", ho whispered. lî& harth, ratlng tonas. "Where ponundreS sn not puehing your adysutaga;" and ho pointaS bo thonuosa liomai 11 vusg mnacingly aboya thair heada. The Doit momant ho wuafouaintahei throng thâaI -orowded &bout Oho.e nuiaily oosraiu"tlg lm'u ii seuimi, and overvheluxig i. vý ill = es oua bu'i hie ord rag Wiou in- It b.d beau tulieS impr nt lu hiru 10 offend Xà:anagh, ma- .aaS meni- featlydouipby pl.dtsg;or ~l uusai' tifs. who, FlIbocI provooui , oulu! bava takon s ~~ u oas tilpaVtlto rtiudesaltg Mery, I vau Pla" h. vo -noyer test hiE ha Wth Mupqby, guire had sUt! giestiEfu.noa. 80 long ast vsa not mse spitti bs master;, a S heft *"u aoint. B@>bérl < but XaVao àer- arguments,, * suS kiaaaa, dU. r loverb o br a t havae'thy vlaDa iai 1'iud' 'arting-hfbailht'lu vi ol,mpr.ty - u or us vàs liAt li er a'ietsw 'fh'ha at Ur,-fo," bdRtise hAI ulAl 'is - h rs wuIli. Youe et rasasiro- i: Avai wu1V a nor? us ansi., iSPWSOvOi~9 "1 souRd n.4~ot~ pou poseS Robait, pa~,slvo "J dons up. II~Is .toug, w pise. le su pou 1MaI of 9 mach, muol wore4~~~~în "Hash, bushl" I6Iei waistiiglyasê'poinhliig,. tbao&taorrcorn~t maS' bIlas Beuinisia familv voie t 1311A.WINGD -EPÇWO ]ELB. BÀMB, Aohutdo,4 A., A. POIKT, A 1CHIbCT M9. J H. BATRO, ,NoweÉa> lt.w (-rimes 0 diqg),, Nw Y.I autorixed l ataeK uitd»tA bol rate#.. MONEY TO LOA ON EAST 'TEtUD. g. eca ovor Ontario Bk, Fouid eam . ma vas selsASf 1. pp=9917 -- J. C. pamain.

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