Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1881, p. 4

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The 8mite S opg. Ding du, , 4ldllln1,ithebmibg uhdge Ji DL" dÃœ74iilin 1, h. Ule».hammer'. usii 5boy mg a4 rboy, 1 bo- a pair Rush,o ~'and mb, boys, they'lt go f re. Ding di.. huam1,1 beer a à» âk F'lor bl.Lt, 1 w à ~ Bc, ciir, "TOUýr honior, ber, 'slg r.ady." <'Vhoa, mare sud a*, mare, and teady, 1girl, aina11 f gwtaar Diug it <ong, -ctiîliumrnl geo4l IikWb. Anxâtitl,"b eourt rserd l p:ppar, 1wafft.e çtadiolsdou 0 e edear, Unrto lier waitiag loyer tterly mid:- "P4Orego thi e oodbeTovawJO tu *e'1, 'For amote titre dame; lIl- ho tuat darne'& bri-glt tonner, ~I!n have your Anua, give ép y* eIur a, i. The wretoh, Whoun thuq alfa brouqhfhlm 1 the scratch, Lit bit iller and thm-w mway the. match. liî ia thi i ld of iu l. 11.1 Who basRasid110o? A TKIUTY YLLRS RECORD 0F aTTXPTe ONiTHE L IVaEBOF RULE5.S. 1848-Novewber 26-Tii. lite of thie Dote of ?loden& vas attérmpted. 181-June 21-The Crowu Prince of Prueiwas attaoked st Minden. 180-Joue 28-Robert le, an ex- littenaut in the cruiy, attempted go 1851--May 22-Befoloqtlo, 1« work- min, uhot as Frqesriok -William 'M., Rinil of Prluesia, andI broke bis forearm. l&LU.5.ptenSbn24- .infernal Mn 401d«0. vas fOUcd a& W aeul'. ith vhIchit i b.dbasa ioded ted.aetroy N4p'T1o IIL 185-Pabruary 18- Thie Emperor Franciaseïpi or fliioia W48 gtiey. oauy oudef i Iithe.ad wvile. vii- fuit ou thosremparta st Vieuna by a IIiantsrlsteil or ýnamëd Lîbsens. 188ýAr18-Au ttenyl Obhe1h li., àuf Victor Banunel wsW f4Morted te the Italien Chganbeir. 1858.-Jao1 4 , à tt6idt.l. *as tmade ȃpbeon È1.se ho vu enter- 111 ., Dike of Parat,, viss kiUlby au ut>kuoWl Ç»,w1wsMtbbtxnhlmin the. Abdoen. I5.&plI28-Napnieon III.vas, fireilt iii. Chfiwp lyèsess by Oio. 14h50-ApriI 28-ItsyMOond Puents wa rruatodilulathe..st of dring on IalIQuoeu.of Spain. 18611 -Dedeuiber 8-Ag.silas ilano, a eol-i«er etipbbaxl Ferdnand III. of 18WT - h<pj<at 7 - Napoleou III. 62tpn. Barco «tt, Gibaidi, sud Grill. *crlt eutoucel to de-th for Ooomîng (WCa Luudou &0a aesaeiuate hum. 1838-jancoary 14- Nepoleon IIL. fur the. Ifth trac. OrsiiandI Iià ess- * ci4tie.tlmw flonating bomuba at tin sa Il 0 vas on hi. vaY tsi the opa.. 1 86l-July 14 - Ktu VllItn cf Prrami vas for the.Brsu tianeehtsut by Onoar Bedker, atndent. ah Bedon. Daden. Beoear fiue- Lvi. at 1fim, bui snimcedbis». 1861-Dcecsb.e 8-kcAleuuam. est DOsao., flrad a1est01ai t Qu.en 'Aralla cf OQemece (Prin6m d ai Oden. berg>4etAthlons. 178i-D.oimber 94-Four roeen a frators I*fro»LOnonaginat the 1las o! Npolon III., ver.e rr.ist.d, gî vas tfflby J. Wdilko Booth. léS,4u il6--A Rý ouassi **(aod RKtvaracff atecp1e4 Oser Alexsand.t' liftoit St. p.Qormurg. as e&4vatfiled by ï peasant, v ho v as ennobled for Casq'a lita vas nain at. a revtowin tihehBois de Boulogna. 'a 1887-joue 1O-gazinlian aý hot. * 1i6l-Jm1cp lQw-iriuce Michael f 8lj*ar$s,41kaby th. brotllieRalad. 1871-Tho lit of Ausadous, then *t.vl itin ut Saùt, anlemptol. f.actu~<4 rlda B Sita of %Litm VA anneýrt-maieasi bd 'eanu nbop8-TsE 18o-îrasrCsar nu Raa.-l(i - rptsuranter et liroohliu latel7 lied 10 bs udi A eporter hsppeaÃŽi&td u<iai" ainah- s tauraut meversi eveoiinga jago, andI has d B Chanug for a ueighlaor. A litis natUrsI9M corioaity led iim bo note the bill of farn -Edvard 1ý of tb. giant. Firat, Chang ordored oys. M s.ty>c %oe , rsv, on th.ebil;Doeit, ibosmed FefuxP u ~tr n toast ; lion gr'een turtl hlq lkt4 mîhtaiiere soupe, anad, aftétea iat. fi ,i J' înoludioig broiîcd chaI, filet (le sol-, Sot saro. tartare, 5ndhoilod SaMwp witrh?.. , Tite eprter tituuglit Chugrrtwioaid Wwa. AM $top %bere, but lits iant puliî<'ly eligai. ta b. a le[ f.i iatqatoaiiaut that lh vsaVe.~jir ca 0 dfue.anez& article ou the, wttif t, bill. 6So1la ii fortaiie.utreerst-.rkey l u ba la ~aaejoriaîu , putci-qkn or- q tet- bfmjerv't- tes 'Prkibko-llo. bnIl. ac -i A e tach<rd vt illienrileir- roast i bs of heet eu-Id lb.h - baîf àa.shnfft- îA etilkp,' adtoampauled;by etyr u-1 friî-d poruenupe. augar corn, arnd huiltul "The f,111 î oUtonq..lie a1poear<'d 80 veary ut hA Lus qarel or pint. 'and tly aked for aanimAl 4î îmtu plate of Piura puddinir. a piece ontropple affleers 0f y~.and, a litte e rean, $ Il wc4 ihêaOune$ta ou .ebcqtutsth~addd scp-et -euoi El unnory Tii propietor va. nottoud ruminot- *aori~ îng (i a quiet corner, sud 'apparentiïy liIa ti caaoulating as Io lb. advisabitity Of SU duties COD esrlyalsigtiment for theb. efir o! ýhiç'Mffllwbht editaf-- To a question t ilthare ,eIs.iere port-r as taobCaug's vonierfol oppe. cificers cf lite lie replied witt1 au earnest igra: 4 h0 e 'Dnteekof t in gaics i amanuo nover hed suct a u experience. WVien Sohnolq co Capt. Bates. Bîrnom'a giasat. as bers batteriesm I vua atouisised t80 se baslitt lood apinr be'cqnlred Jo- eus bis hi MIsnu a e fris e; bflt'has <tiiest gânt batk'- stomcho am oml andsoltI . pp.lltt i of agot. MVia-Iyott. these dboa # not oft Ihé" 'tdf feeirled by' otd'is-nated et ta onrt, =»aY cf vtaom bave Roue tbrough bah sa vith&acamnh longer liaI, but t yansre icr aImaI v. .tsobcscsilu'I-por. - . _. tiopa' thaI- is sny une (iftheisdishest.aI-- At thei enbybwu-" la emaag wWa.l.. .. .tua thiitig+ u4g'of -ade inèry mE at.1ý t lon't"vil fy t br " autitIf-lbey1tmV ll tri blessod vilh heb. ppetîte of daog. Why' for ineuttii 1 contracted tdenererrian biaîm e Ub. T 01 rate of $4 a day 1 Jusl osât jour oye Board 011 otqr e ilo Ief fare sud sec whah 1 $da mo Obuld reoive for te maine méat for oey enuolgii 1udttom 8k Ilis ho vould ho 0 et. t( ay. *a.-i4 15.95 for &s imillâr nepdt. - - The restaurateur continod:a t ttNow, yen figure h o p. Timere s ,<liti J5.95 fur oeeMusaI. We mlie a bas euseoff cra tre other table exorcises durin,i 8he rmn day, sud une or iv' bites sas ho catie vessols. tasmu. Tbon blie to the bar-roomu, - !sud to the enrloirert of ah.ermanager Tlis Art aud othatrs as Co bis heath replies 61" World's F dcnl feltory voîl ; lait apetite. ' flieitop, a pactara] A PLZA FOR SIMPLE lVaoorwos.-In epecîing tl ail comemuniastero tre e agriLs deal ta building c "acion ; sol il eccurs la us Ibat if a 86,000ha, lev people cf coueequecr owuld tSet 180. W lsIb feslinu of seiplîcity in Murriage niepcao. ocremuaiesi, thiy vould ho doiug e groat service to*.lite cornnunity. Ilu Auchii many momorablo instance& tseligiter Eulznd t, clagéea li'ave afterdsd a noble- oXtisml0 CntWLe by tssving iot'uetlone liaitir olu. ua r erase siasîl talme place vithunt Pomp or It is tiw parade, ani] aîready ivse »0the Ronueul v i<uc reculte vlîibhave followori,tueraIs t.epsàyu among the middlis daxupa bcîug a&1%epeanaure fi raie muab mors simple ta forrnrly ; abolitioni c aud oo»qncntîy, ho cuir minde, anela mor pl 1ag . o» Metean mur iaare lfre vttgslu hainan PmtaaeI lits imuaily oissuetegethir5 and wviich aqaetli. the. téaîiaa recordir, andtiheb.peuh iof hA I'01 clan note. iýbta nrris g .ut n~ Bernliardt one of i- l:eIra l ,laê *ic iot re u sctcarsuo,,e oluilcry - and cosnu .enla. S 'ely Il la thei. mo umoemu bs mm achof Mue ci ad ntproperly Tise reoir osdrdla -litdi l id tb - peaip and ha relarea fe5t.iJ...haiuWhsL&~Q ~ extont, au, ai*Ç TtwvehI r luI a tnt-eo measua-., thlir ieeponbiity aho d ef anottaer'ebpips>njureve41. - Seng 1 d ltiCi' r invbh l ô-àmac1 teaguige vo May beRaid ta do. -Sure- aditor's ro, ly s solemnu, imurstive cererny wth 1thie chaton simplicity 91 attire la more in banuioi. rô Qo vith th 6501ta4âi~apgsIu c~Ot sud (sÏi~ - t teodltp Hov'TJstslGev Hts F4votzrs picsed wv Dtas.-Notouty iret eia Peb popl is: . i fond tIf didlngsaitîl etse'tre i in i .ioln0 dirting, buta hey tway b" >appoaiid t,- au tileil buli tisir g&trtrnornioFid'. For Instane, derst4ad ts Tiêt* liehlm' >tno*n parttetity ,fe I!litiwrtk, yau itie . Tof iras etcM . 1 trit u ea 0 ppy one thoqgtbtho . nerred te somua onîpa ê4I.Ij4 R aevmrelyetheau fevania ver4ared 'enter tho botl i ttia ftw 4ia,. viIkinoî of Ohm iýn ie.,4 'ef cfitela 0o C our <i the cru>', ut Egnemorat Bay, P. E. 1e puevontive officer in hon 4Cçaoms- i Campbell, et Indue Rive.r, 10 -Pn' e!nttvec> ificor in dihler, î,f ll>-t Lynne, M4as.. èmlmnc waiter sud aé&fthr lu GuSr8iEmaieroon, bMen. m'imag' iwaalcr aud seuretier lu Sé é4u if >- itigton, N. ta tub cellecho in lier Mej lnWliag apperirs in lte uiilis ir18, t -: >1endênrood in future that 1miitia attacheil fur Instruet- ither of lb.eitoyal Behools cf «ME rrtne Idàng .tbemulevcà te' lteir tmihtia raut, and lthe bei-. cmlàaiousir'but»du a&l auected vit t he ebeels lb.> beverfm4r Py rnay icitI, he id as iu¶oirW-f.tho pormamint lb.h batteries contpoaîug tic tuols. ul OGuner , The per- ffieviof t tahalerns oyal f Gunntny, viiirani lun the mccrrdinag ta the aolet, eftheir ienta l tteir reapec;arotaks .4e---- -Z iimt st Genevâa alm'liI-t b eh 'mas 80 have hein nasasi- the same lime aus uetler. lii part et th. programme instance oet he oBiià 'ti DeozugýJý s,è Metao! the rado awniaii*ôàaitid .* niutioýa thst Congrese ebould I-Iton forth. distribuio., of c0 payment to lte anstdenwj-at- Lu insouane. eesuêauthe Gev- failel to proteot Anfaern ib million dollara ltovardo 1h. Pax iasu epn snba.rubed. 0Waloeh, of Lonidon, bas issumd itu thei ch-rgy oad lily re- the tondâ ta b.e raised for lta. of their c rthedral. Airîedy s beeril'peut on the foonda- oérk avili sliortly be r cm- apparitin rismsnifeèt-edlul to %if ie fthetlia l'ne. at the lfuerai oft uitlaie 1trtolth*athe i*rrw Çîar oet'yfrc)aV4ftU 70 p@r.cent. ceut.' (!I" frona I-lie Ipa for 11144-A &llold tirph of erfdom. ý* gouma- Theo averag e nva- tottér 0 btltà"sfsbhjl aimnt tvry eawrgecy. Un It thc allier day, ahes abs th=aàs- bnt(s ail Dcati tha ah. Wighlt isa il I-or inslantly &uggeelt>d that entcd lIhe nation lw a certain .d lie lad 'but, ueou. cntii idu't les il,. e:îvery ntad. "enprisated mut liaII va <irr o-nkyeaxbr. Up rougit,omale a heat of wMY- liit." "W t, v bavo te ds~,ai. ~~tyou t'un- lt. S as'tItane ixs myti, awith trut s eaufnat?:, Mr.tr"ausr- rita't op1&il stew; ia.tes orî<y. Time uejp rîite4i&l W!rttr#4O a'à..t %teluibat0$1 ~~HE~:77'E*B' oins Farnling Im'plemont: ~ tefloigfrt BIROWN'S WgHTTY e"V:PTER,, (Improved.). YOUNG OkAt.ýA. MB4, (Tmproved.)- CAYUGA JRsM ~ (m~ye. The above machines roqwre no comment front us, aller psigIrul sucli 'a bhrve et Bastse lutand~uûgbfh nd~a o aaa We aise notify ail purtihaere wlio want durable machinery and propose to pay CASHM %,=UVRY ~ ci akt out o4lic i Wsty, çfre placing yonr 6rie eivËorê, ae ilî o6rintetion' ta d opt 'the f CASH SYSTEMI As neavly as is practivable,,and tàuenby ntate, our pfc liet st lowest liv- ug- prices. Clie us a cal > BR.QWN & PATTERSON MNFG Co. MT:M.AE & ~&~s County Liquor 6tore, WhoIo8aIe and lletaii,- KING STREET,' OSHAWA. - *i 'r -O~----- Just received for Christmas and the New Year, a large Fstock of WINES and LIQUORS, direct importation, eoniprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, in.Rum. Scotch and Irish Whisk 18 Buss' '-Godehlm.&rortaclubâteÃ"ldR>BéeuI anil Wlmlskevy, Ibm beal lat'im ~~?yIi &B*essn CeIpyé à Sous' Cmaaian Aloc and Porie.asd Lager The largeot sud boit ametted lofetCIGAS in I-he county 1 Port sud Sb4M> Wines, of superir qualily, ah 05.00, 04.00, $8.00 sud 02.50 - Mgr~lis2gl jobAp&gB1ra4(ajvoaoI. Zk~y our oelebrated Totldy Whiskov. the finest Whiskoy in th mrket. *2 per gail. or $5 per ce se of one dozen Fluest quatit>' cf Oid JamnSc uta. Basa Aie, botilétIbyl !ubboO h*ntd Poster BoSns, in Quarté aud Pirata. Co.lguavc & Soa (Tarcntu), Taylor & Bat. (St. Calisariria) ai. on drafilu5. 10 aud 15 Gialera Eegts su iuBottinioes«ofeeo osen quansd bye dotera plots, at 01.25 pt date- LAGIIIIB£n T OR WINTER USE. !tvi, dois.bottes ît 1.25 per oam.. ýGulat»...and Blood't BitaIin quitte»a nto I. Coerave &h Son'* celebrated Stout, il 01.50 pet- dorun quarta, sud 75 cents pet- dozoiraPinta.__ __ ____ -' A teewothe eqSaples et Cigers1 Atleas~apRean' Clay, Andro .rlous, i Miph. Leat4 UlIt ~ldga r Flor-d.1-Fmmar, Amenie, - La Ounejýlna Enloga Uouaalp B R.UjoLa inlot Enfeàte conatantt> ou bauda. Flot de Ama, Wîindsor, Grand Ducheas, Ciketters, 14s el" sUltra, -Lacera, luAci aol Wilson' otelGigrA. LmndPotassiWaler Bllas WaIr, Double "od Wator, Lamnon Soda, Sarcpaffia, Cider in quarts and pinta. Un1e or uum m&ou supplia-), sud delivered free of charge W custoan 'Wholesalea aod RoutId Conaity làqtaor Store. < Il. ltin~ cmmo(i5. kWbeh i.,le aiteal f ,T- UrssCate. MilleliCows Sheep, ig adPoultry. COWS fed on thie Pas» wffllgive onequarWe more and richer inik' than he n do tho ýad system. This lia been pro'ved by actual ex- FOR F]pIIMG ]pURPO&SS1the ?fm"R.tA s E, if used as etdwiha*m in a sumpsgly short tinte, sud a cousiderablesaviug il U effected iuyrepariing snn-nals for the market. The fleeli of BUCli animais is much botter aud firmer than when fed in the ordinary way. ROGS.Onç ne animais in the farmer's barn.yard .does thigs Fw> ehoiÃŽieà6odeffectes eoner or more satisfactorily than o n the llog. If given ini tinte it is a certain preventative and cure for the Hog ChoIera. lt isil utale Pie latton in hall the nonal tinte. READ THESE 'RECOM MEN DATIONS. S A>.Cor. Lacroftand Bouceau Bts. (er Dalhonsie Square>, Montreal, Jan. 12,1'80. h1 eu b ha ts e4frryhr. nIcvan I od it b b very bon- efloisi,~~~~~~~~~~~~ an eyntoal ncv seiiy i.qatt fmlbaving inoreaaed. con uideralbly wt i.mresuniy-o od n hyhv attndlsato a considerable exsent 't ti an is Z.. GRAVE. Logsn's Farn, MontregalMsrci22, 1880. Thia ie to csrtifyli b ave used thie Manhattan Feed for Cowm for smre tirneland find il benefdli o k1 a nsd fattsning, if given tu0 hem regularly. THOS. IRVING. 167 Yonge Street, Toronto, Jsnnary 22, 1881 W. bave tried te Manhattan FeetI for onr homoe for aeveral weeka, sudfind iltii. boL *ehav ever uaed.. (Szgned,). E. GOFF & CO. YMilton, Ontario, Jannsry 27,1881. heving ns e b Manhuttan Fend for Hornes and Catile, w. find ilt thobeut that w. hav ine t the way ot FeetI. (Sd.) Janmes A. Frazer, Jamtes Lindsay, Johnson Agnew, J. B. Mitchel4l, oh Eaeid. R. W.. SMI11H & Co., Proprietors, Montreal. For sale ini Whitby by T. ~.u~VCIoeXj:L.,Brock-St., %Whitby- ANNOUNCIEMENT. -FURNI-TIRE I FURNI TURE! ,Te undersigned begs respectfülly to announce to the in- habitants of Whît b od surroundiug ooumtry, that h. lias nov, opened ont theo el ansd iwcâ klnevu estalbliaint se long kept by his faUter, Ml?. TÂS11. SÂMO, On Brook Street, two doors South of the New Market, 'whors li intends ta, keep a large sud wellassovted stock et FURNITURE, sud liojes bystrict attention te business to merit a centinuance of tle patronage se-long bestovwea -on the oadestablishment. Parties desirônis of fnrnishing -will now find a choice and -weil selected stýot chos. front1 aà eer>' article lin been got up ox- pr.ssly for thip opeuing, and I shail add uew goode fron thte factory in Toronto an fast un nceded. Purchasers may rely on getting good Furniture, at the very loirest priées ! An early inspection' pf the stock is now solicited, and -wlether you boy tor net, yon ail will bu welcorne to, inspeot the Furu. iuie. Whitby, oct. 2811, 1880. Jus » PARLOR BOOT and8SHOE S TORlE! Deverell's Block, Brock-St. Whitby, MATTHEW GOLLINS Jnfrmsnstomers thatat the above establishment wifl be fonnd THE ýLARQfE8T, BUBT, and FINEST assortmont of stock of Ceh u Sbebt. oiToroa ud Montreal. D11on't be.8tb-ied with loolizg ât the display in the show .window,? but ga in, and examtine an4 seelor yourself the ;tore filiea' with e -r8hn th=nos ca ll& eu the Boot and Shoe lino, for Ladies, M"'sdeGet.s ad QhuIden's vear. Ors $Q( Worh, 0f OrmhaOC* AT LOW PRlCES'! Ru&bm -of- 81Swror qiuul>y. No blow!1 but what je- straiglit, in sayug 'that in the, Case yet- unacked the underg asha nov ou hand as larg, a, stock as niost establishmonte in his in=o bsiness. se'q thýe noirBerlijuFeit ..Bots.-I/adies' Fine Kid Boots W-Trung and 'Va$ies: in great variety, at lowest Whitliy8 Oct. 26, '80, MATTHEW COLLINIS, - Th'MaiÈ!uioth Parler Buelr sud SI. sI*re, DRVFjRELLIBBLOCK. Thê,FineeteBtok in Town T lmWKNBR imw1N0 NCTUN noimse ndduVM ovfer New Yonk thie~r edRyno~t Whitby Pair, and oVer aul com;ettra et lhe Great Dominion Exhibition, >Montr, 1» 18W. ,Every poison abod ulA e. ti before puvcbsming any other, se they cash no more, sud ,giV&e botter aatisfaotiou. 0. TUPPRU, Port ]Perr. or A.. J. ELLIOTT. Brookllu. -4 A UARE MON FPEVT Ume ACES cpratuihh Souàwaa Ferry Darick '&elnSon Lie reencea stabls, tnnip in, oc, milef 'mmcii ar n telecndton. Tu rertato6 Ar, boli perand si. Oiy ow %-or0 pogeD adbail Ou Blockare auvu AC flRuES, Therniidng he t-est 5a0nvqg at, Gto. hbid c xucbe. atoey Brh ickd dvU. en'hereisesorta p aid luaern ycava bysedyoarl ' tlmet Fon furtllernt cuava applyToee-sàa JASvng. yugO DOF, on ti. parontise S-tr bohlà id Ãœ 'ny ;P.0. meTi.a É a ow luComit zSemn orer, lb. Mbn ry -aiofew, ie JmOtash sud muop Tet provdtbin.Tii.lën loe ob a down. outly, lu fier nt i ives yetrs- eulyâtiàftint& orppîîrt vIthFORcfteD q7&SUGtt'y tat Lt tl reza e FMAJOR SAL.. llig, he MtgiPrice-aidfor 'Vtheat anmot aLpodlaInd. Th latin p usnessruda te inato t A n coninua ntr atsition.eeef Wnpiteaed 128hFLOu 5..R opieetor COiJNliytY oPesONTARI. SIflIN'GSOF THE DIVISIo# COURTS fi WVitbv-Jaa. 8, Foi. 1, Mat. 1. Apr. 2, Jaýne 1, jly 2> Sept. 1, -<c.1 PortPer--a.81 l. 4; p.8 -Jue 17, July gg; Sept. 6, Oct. _7,.1 fa .28.,- - lune 2, Sept. É, Oc. 1, Na. l,) Canngo-Feb. 8. Muir. 9, Apr 19, lune 22, se.: ., c. 2De Beavertn-34- 10, lunev 28 a' ileryM , YJas24,ôc14 -PublisiietI hycderoi the. Genet-alSe 1lI _,- INO. E. 'RE Al1lan- LUne WInTIM' SB Rvr&BTOIt AM» SHORTI.'ST SEA PASSAGE!- 'rh. St«M>rist m5of lie AMat i îne a tchai frota BOson ovcry Thnrsdsy, Rirfax ry atn- ay oes.Vary ~ o saro Cawin tes isa *' ou,1 O2lacc ing lu itoation of atatorooma la" fou ne tut-n-tickets. .Intncdl, ut lcwest ratas. S DITZS aOr gsmrzu. Parisiean.front Boston, Match r.at frontBali- fa.April 0 fax, April 9rb. morastifroinBoso.April 2stûes Es..t Aprit i3rd. Cisaeiofrointoto.April istbýfro= s>IL' fax. Apiit. Steersge passougers are forwaudodto Lonr- [donderry, Belfast, Glasgow, Qoontasten, Bristol, <Cirdiff, sud London ai aime rata as tu Liver1aoL Partieswisiig te menA. fox their friendai eau obtain tickets ut low rates. For ticketsansd fnvlier information applyl t- Witiy, iq Express sud Telegraph Office, wbutby.- Koy. 22nd, 1880. - tf-48t "THEÈ9E 18 MONFY IN IT!"' YOUNG MON who wish t acquirs a- BUSINESS EDUCATIOIiý ShoulS write -te Mesava. TEEMX 1PAErO'N, proprietors of the London Commercial College,* foi circular containing fl psrticulara. (0' SAVhKCS ANJ I flANCIIP Authorized ýCapital ;,90,000 0M,'No. 72 Churci-Et., Tr"oto HON. FRANK WM .Senstor, Pveid.nt. ýEU8E!IEO'KEEFE, Esq., 9qicc.Pvcsident. PATRIOK HU5iES,-Esq., W. T. KIELY,Es-q.. JOHN' FOY, Esq- JAMES MASON, - - Mnae x Mneyloanpa.on Movtgage et loveat ratas cf intexest, andI Wu oxaeient -tarins of roesyment. 11ÃŽ0commission. -Mortgfge adOveroment, ana Municipal Debeutur- es porrlisacd, àaaadvances mde on îsaie. For furtiier ipartiur apply te . - A.-A. pEbST- -50-1yWib. The Great Blood .PurfierPa8.! t tec.2i. - :~- Caoh I PHOTOGRÂPHY. J.. W. RUPERT, Ce',q i3i FA 1- C. H. i 0'1 BAR oPPIc Do Xc D. 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