Whitby Chronicle, 31 Mar 1881, p. 2

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e .- - - - *------ . , ~, _______________________ I *'~' -- non" 10 VtlàuIOme 04tii 4 Li llêous,'r Obsater Z e;àbe.i-mr.m ac IaLusro i. Younsg ess- Tho ~ labrad *ti o etor.- WoussiprfruiB*rg4oms-5.'Frout. Ndew elwasg asSe- BryoW'. Cas Wossema Craohsp-D . .Dovue>'. DIr, Uaîb va Leturs--Onanlo Lédîs' Du-ol:BodBitter- Zojgii WallI Pspera-4. . iobît' son à eBru. Bauar Glabis.ltlug PaUeern->'. 8. Riobartson & Brus. ACONSALES. t4i le cf Oas'nageu, Buggies, Waggons, &I .& Et . O'Donovan's Carniage Fae- lwar>'. B3reak sîrset Wbiîiay, ou Sisatur' ilay April 2ud 1881 - L. Fairbanks, ONLY Si Se PER AtINUM., Wîllby. Thursdy, Mar, 31, 1881. To Corrssposdîrus. "Oause-Âas.-Tiaisefor tise -Ou- Ugatduet" but vo ruapectfsally déclne ptibltiblsg. No nie lhroving vatet' ouita deoueil rat. Mr. Paf i. dolug eusougla equlroelug ju nov. inaBree.in, ofetNo. 1. No 2lofs bars about Ivalvt yesre taie. "OLDBurss."Jflra unes vas Mayosof aitby La 187; b.diail on tihe 25LI of &%pet ot hast yssr. Nom usCtafto. !t%*0.GoDsoer'vstive Oonveties isuis #à% duitdenat on Fu.ldoy lut, Mn. Fisma î giliî, ai Buaverton, recelrsil all is- ueetd là#.snomiation austeé audldst for Ntii Ounto.""oId Use usat homde vacant b>' lie &*#optant# oof ea b> Mr. Poion. WMere Dr. Gilheapia youd itbre bien à utrcug eau I-lai., 1Mr. Mail bhase n et thé.1 ellitst scacileNorthu On- tariaî-"ep.ail ginita tstroou; mns i in. r o.ga Titempqan, of Lougiorîl Mdillet. And tl glie 'ra viii of meut * of Usas. viths visesava hae spukon irdiatise Nonths, i. tisIMr. Thompeon 4 .rsald ha thsmass. domoe proainsat <I' e-u ares v - amonget lisama lie tiive ofi ttms a4sudc-varieso! lieth e itiuty -rasovi s ta tiealdl (selit et je'lio dte>wtavote fur 1Mr. Themp. &Un. Tise Coeuty Pair. 'raseanuil tai ibidoice ~tishe Coud>' £;griultumets«iety 01 of othCOtarie iss-u issen srrsugeti ta hae balS ou Mou. d"d a sti'Pay>, thse 8nîand 149bcof Oesesiih". r. This vii ho afier lite 1pIsoaiarve h ce f00u«et L*nias itm fIat te Bilta ptatlshar. Tue. IabO&t orftise oit>'fir ai » Ocaillr p'sd$ai teé saàtss Smbom te balcf dM mpl &for sectia lma p u< t . e,> e d r e ac t e i s" .a r o B year have note& ,sapdaluII Is pnblie visissu, sud tusfao*t ,v 9mot. osv Thli. lIait? prises la utaseboluq set. %Lodl. A large édition «Ul b4 pinteS la pamspiâlselfo»--speas bob6 protIde 1c r irlluers vb ioul sens ln tiseirauuaen e » Oon VAs pç. shle tto dma eof itisampa' Libsral Viebery iln Uai t tothumebr- land beau olacled for Bast Northumberland b>' th indsulome majority cf 176. Tht. Ogood anidCo.., Boton. Mirs.'Ber. otn,& .d b xjm>rs-fl u - ta eq~lad eiase rei. Banquet te LIV. moite Ïlu Montreti. 'Tise ibaquet le tien. ÊElwarl lilako, tot place un 1er lChe coîpices 4f1 tLh. Young Meta'* [jîbejal AieiCia- _ toubur,al n 'M1i.;Isy 0trou.1 oustraluteth leIa,. er tor thse b. Oral Paruy. Tite large listing tiait, csp- ahie of sataing bu'), vas filueil 10 ovor. fowiug. Mir. Blakse ad-e a brillisut speech aud bi@ reception vas of the motlsutsusiastia eharaeî..r. Prevîda;- ly lu thse alteresoon, tMr. Iiiueke adtress. .5 a large meeting ln theIeoha-iîos' EHal, t vhieb oolaplsmnenîary reaoloG. tions vase pasoedý1Mr. Blakete rgeil the. duty of organistioni, sud sked 1i peopept Qeesotgivehlim a major. 1$. a% the noit eleetinandsud mol ihh mont encouraglug rospouse. This grand réception of Mrv. Blakse sud aIl thé newa lately <rom tb. aaât are goal omenvof future Liberal sue. cesses. ONOwrstoIN$sfs'ruva os tirs3LCIF.- Mfr. Mathlcon, the efficient enpersn. tepident, bas sont nthe. ten.bentnal re. port of lb.working ci tizsdeserving« ittatlttition. 'ie number of pîupils luý attendanco during the year wits-mlea 162 ;fenuaies, 119-tôal î281' 'i'iroa were supported--lîy parente or friendu,' 27 ; by lie Oov.ruorîl of Outario lu orphanu, 18 ; admailteil ree, 242. The. numbar iu attendano. laet year wvu the, largeal aince th.opaning. Thora hLa. en a graduai inoroase annnaity cae. lise opoulug iu 1871 -frotu 100. aitisaIt date te ths present auiner. T'ietotal usumbor admitted l aies the opeuing wus 498-808 males aud 1915 females. Tan male.sud tbrea fanials w versoseulfroua tha Couoly Ontaruo during tialSp'l. Kfiddheusan sd York smultie ,argst #%unes,9eh; Rlcron, 5NPèr0u 27, Wellington 2t, sumen t 21 Ustlg 22 Gray' 25 Wontvortis, 10. Brant, 17, Walel, zP if,~giu, 10 .NrthueMber. land là, Durham là, Ks ut., 1L. 'h. oliset'conutes sent seusulerS va.rying trom 12 te 8 ; Parry BoUnil District, 1, Muioles Distriet, 1, sud Nov Bruns. wicks, 2. Prom tisa raturas, tlgsipaars blt Do lslmia2158a o! iaspupisa vire dellfmulas (rom blrhtisaIt i 78 casas tbear deainusva.canseil b> tasers of varions kinîlsb lu È3 h> Ootils, in t2 b>' accidensti4s, l 2by messies. ln 20 b>' spinal dieo..., iu 7à b> visuiouai otitecauses epecified lu the Superin tendents& report, snd tlaat lu 08 cases tise c4uses of de-af.mntisuu were nu- kuowru. l u ntier appears t'bat Ili t.îea 'abere ie d.,.fnesîwae ront eougenital, 121 of th ise ladre s tis leir heaumeR betwemu til, ago% ai ôou. auJthuree, 67 botwe'e tise agtes of tt-e auJ ai., 12 boel 4se suinit ln, 9 btilteen leu sud siili, sud tist Inluf4t cethse tisa. Was utnowu. 'he gtaligtioe in regard thotho cou. saunsiuity ofthue parents of diqaf-musee do Dot soous le hear on&thtie cosnsnouiy. accepted lbeory tisaI interunarriage le ue of tisechiei causpeof detilea utlam, for il appeau tisI of lIe 4918 papîlls aileita itue lustition. nu blood relatlnnsluip viat.ver eziatbcibeleen site parents of 420. sud shat ourin l39 ces.. vre lte parants liraI ca>«naslu 10 cages second cousIns. anud lu 2ose third cousinea. vhlllu i1k 49&atheapar- enîta vers dlstati> relasuLandsin u19 casatise rMlattnsiip vas reuruaa bolngt aninovu. - W. alearuiaitishe papa&s havi bencarefall>' leiflfei, sui t t for e"u0140las au oxcellesit gsl.ded course of stad u W o eparad. 1Ithee, il ba 'IwrbWeobain contandailcould soi bi amassSont. Bohhci le, *tevar, oee mca3liad leBelleville, snd thosewbo eoisaffb incompatible, arc oapalled tu u sbsvislga th. suarkesilimprovemeul, boh u luhes quanill>' Sil tlu i.qialit>' of ssIMIl informuationsaeqluired btii. pds ledur. eu ts ia yaav t ta tisai ; white tir.o'fur yueof co'hione* fille. <ai efot ae neesa.ry te faliy r.&slze the bouafit cf scbl a courab. TPhe total coit per' pupil, i. givon ai 8157. Mr. Langmuir lu bis inspection t'a. port adsi * fUndeontie dir.ctlop sud contrai of tbe new Supierintùndent, the. management sud diciplie of th stitulion bil been vsly improvai ,aul oear>' braneis cf vattappoare tw bc Tiedaudt.sb f Monseigneur Prosulit liaer, Dr. Pgolex, &a Terrelsossai, <u bee, cm Pk>' ta-tie tast of Usa Aaseu.taon. le~R Be. alh iseI.- Utee muile'tih elad nncOuseiet ifter Mass, lu Whitby, lait Buay, isa>' eof thoe<(Aipan.ahtoner. aetaUsisb Ptonîz were uvat go tears. Paulth Merànàeoe aS atsibute b l tes -i smory a! lhe deuSesue, demanibisthels maaay iarIhipa e b aS endureS, *sId tise good vans &iaI 6e boaS Sou.in tise courue ai bis bang sud laboriona if.. ->Pariant prayera er.'»ofetéd fer -tbé iiFatiWe.î'Prouis--the dame b>' vltlb la vas go long a and1vigi>'kuova -e o t ise mision, 4skiag uip bis rasioienOluawaa, la 1848, continu- log un tua sul it nUel1 80. No man la tise osuat>' vs* bates kuson ud doL oeeMers * isIgil>' e.apeutaitdo st culy>' bc hose cf Isaos le ýk but 6>' i, pi'oteatettuelgbars.Tbaii.niion thon emvs'esd tise viscie cao f -Ontisto, aud incas West Darbasu 10 Scearborcsugh. For yeare tise -Missionu. i sy vork vas ana ai berculsan labor, but Father Prou% seser uirauk <ros il and vas uudlatigaule lunlise penior- maure ci tise dnbieu af hie sacred office H. vaeis is e73vd, having basin haro in Ma>' 18'8-et-uiied tiseblogy aI Que- bec, sud vai enulainedinla olotreal lu 1881 Utls mmission %va stIPoe- tauîeaibeo, vbtc'u embrael ani area, inuinlg Claiahiaus Island, of sas man>' a 27 townshilps, A townasip Sing Dnual>' tvlve mailes qi*fsa luasies o! tise magnuitsude Ã"01he young miaaiooau-y' halions ua>' 6e gainit. Hèeo i.labor- ead zonbonsi>' accoug a*suul-ginliiled V.àpsiati* oficusprsed cf m-hans anS a fov visite people, ôenS' lis ova ü4îUirYmn-bla freadir atuls at banS>' eutisutllticli iittlbliting la &»eal uaisasutetise musti ofeviug- seuo li t is ldelb; courage sud e«ruait dat!., tc vin oîl' ef-tiseto*sela ian faille apagan Inisabitants o! Manitoutin Islandi tusued bisa 10pro. casul to a lidoant shorOÀlitSproeeeute the noble -*Ott Seg4 isi Lt luo &boeue. Ilt ie 0s iuong lie M" le T- dStn lf bnsitotuln for i*alvr e>'ase, Surcing *blcb hi aucesinto"re Uegr-mt. test diIieiisuitnprvations, bis ivan- dienl scpes roun esti, maS final souvelsion o! over 1200 pagaues vould 511 O a lage adit*nt.rlg tolnue, ,nîvaiIg lui vlillesa las eailientnres o! sncb great mîssionan>' Phals auMat'. quete, Desmet aud clisre via.. oarg'ialitres la tise %Wasle rilda of the Unit-ei States an. famîlliarte abus. dznte cf Atiiesican bondes' listory, Bis coliug a .-e'bolan plt 10 La Vere test, suris as, làr instance, visen aflèr repeal. et! osIususs apersuade tise parootialt s% lynt; u,'Iitia CI lîlitg silIols:ttu tot buhlitiiie k i, bUs 'tuut suieceus, ho in hiic tasi ir lise cviUl'ès tsuf-a chance olIrnig-ptur~waster ou anlbaptized tueslii alîut u au instanet. Tise alhldici uiuot4t imun irâtély ;-,at1I hieo mobir, vIMhad biP&rtially witnseeeil thie <iut- t4liigable ps-lunsnuaCi of the Pruoti, incastue r-ii iis- au-IuyIe aeo i p tueatl Uu'e as'<usldlier vian silo t-nid théis4lui c daseiil lis lesLie. Tise Indiasuç *ore aboutt Lu sprlsg lpon ilua ani pu&t lista datlu ut ihe trostai in i/od auil bis cauruastéàin.u sesi of st-testu inlg >,toy uilb stoWd 4e tuita6t deatis, latiser Pronîz 4e-ev ltlsaolf itp te îl teo t o! bis hall ûg- Ïr* sud sterol>' icokde=lliusla t* face. Tise>' ves msedlitely aval, sud Se liad the' gratfication a! bsptliu ins e vitale ,ofîbotuIerlong. - ,Fratu i M.ioulin iiiameale Gebava, anS la 188O vont ta 'Prcuta, vIse.i connecoion vi t8. Mar>"apârlis b. vas appointeSo t.be cisaplai»y>'of tUe, tesopqo-isera u ÀerlisonJoidt el619. Aftr iar Uop *bWel t.iu4ue Paéla -.rcnls Isouiitnu . fiest. MaWs' beosa1887 1o 1810. Prui t tüheuebUv appotuute ethaeCObeîurai. 5&àtisu. l0 îth, àie secpal a isc tibish Dusrog liseAo uibpelait viilta Raida, id, 1871. bis paol. ynde lb. neocessr> r.proeeutallau.ta 1 te, Moil 860 anSasecued fero e r ontheis appolcioîmentfe! tioestié Foolala ha lb. ,Pape, andtit ie tIseti. i ouaeig. Rumesred Cabinet ChangeM4 'Ple D oll aconrusupoot ofathebs Gles stel i-Il la balleeed baerale veil infaotedelal tisa tiseu John O'Conor lmbaubouon, or la lmme-. diatl lieb, appoinut le a dgsulp,t tise iatautiaujt.lg th" tMr". John ~'* jlanoboc if sisaÃŽ ýhl amoe4bIn t. menuIses' farn Rauail repra"tt- tv. o! tlielinsu Oaholle s i LIs.Goi4- orsanent. Tiseroaseaoas 1*59dsf- calils la id t ve wa,, iowveai. Mr. Coaigania pr.stu$s laieaims ma A rena.aatieilisuip.and KmXa ii tbrac ihî,,*ailtkt ci Llabffity Cf ýCountias fer Roada--An Cousu naiosrn Aie. - important Dacl"iu > aal pigAsss - Ii&ud. --Ainin pôcslt ul sgSmù tas givese lu t'he Caur of Appeal au Satu>, rse- vereing a deelsion cf &h. Court of Qusna ea'.Eeisud communpen Pisaa lath Ulablhty.f eonatiaafor lapropes dhbb"nu. 1- -eéti -sé laSO Waloisuhiae *fe#ti 15à elling vill a abuoe, àùdbsIUo t tha Elaui-ffdo > l it abori 81, voné, suiS rth a lu*tlis.itahia u1peitiug ,tbl.hu tg, iliaovarturueil upnWalson anS blis l1g. 'PTe otlna ver.isupon bronlt bIWil- tont sn uH efa$dauit tisa* ocual>'of Tank foruelguei lqu s ui va tee de.pt Sit l ent oyaotise .15. eat Usa cad toc, Po -osIdjélr;, bat Usa Il vas ne. prop?,?yIcote la Mftel, 1810.and tedietfor $M0 rendteaSfor tiseplaintisla Taras raies vere gtanteè!thélie dauitiy the dourita of Qlisedsa ilaneis alsla au. mou Ptoea aet alaide tUsa verdicts, andi sister uon-suita for li. defeudants on Use grannls UsaI rosAs canntbIn main- tainad il vuouîs itcliea;-, ad thèrefor. UsaI tinsr existence ou a hlghbay la no erileuca of nelilgenee..oblatjutuaiee Wilson ,lefiired -tise Judameu o!flise CounIs, deelding ltiser.hévasuucoevi- deuce of negligeuce b>' tise mcano f Yort, tisaI thc verdict vas contras'y ta lav, aud ireetoil lie verdicts to b. re- verstaewl nmon-aita enteraS fur lie ilefandante. AgaltselIsei ecuon Use plaintifs appesisil, and jîudgsaeut vau ou Salurda>'pronoqisueeilb>' tbeCourt cf Appeai, roverslug tise, jiesgmeat o! tise Canntscf Qnevuss Beauch sud cm - mon Pies,,sud ret.rlngtise sendiote lu fasoir ai the pilIn t, ba filru- tug tisaI il la the province of tha jury ta determîne Whtisîbr diteises are a neeer- sur> silsinol t d s & lgb*y, oiseUses lb-a> ai. prnirty constmoele, aud viie-her tise>'anr igil>'localti-re- gansi haingtisailta tise publc sfety. "'The juegmout ila Uss asais, cf coutr»eapplicable b aIlier munlelpoll- -The àmportasi.es ua i a àSealoseau «amely Se oftas'-emniaie. lta is e iat lUme t lubbaenjuSadi>' lydotar- ullInia ii,i iei w " tplllsare able for lujtau aeeurnlug la çocouquanoe cf lie eziateaceof ditebs. olthe bîgleva>' Il listing bSean tisrt guoisly asemnd --6b l inte prof«ouand eut of i- Tité Cisargi ai lnfauttçlle. On SaluIrdl>.*bias isas lais leS the Pnisso* Albsert scandtiin *bighi tirs;. 603 missa144'are et hargea it vî kilhlo lheIlilogitîsslate Ilnaoftise lat- ter, camne up for fdertin ietig Se. fors Jsetieu Rat-t and (dredait. Bir. J. X. tarevelI, lant-t Orcwn Attor- ney. a4gnun appearesi for thse ceosa, ânsi N. P. i'ettersou for tise scuïetl. Aiter ieariug I*svrai vituosses tha Magie- traIes uhismioued tise cael, isoldîing lias tiseras uaDottiseiraI Word 'cf o danceata warrant thisenlucomtulluei tise pisonere. 'l'i court gare Crovu Attorney Farewell sud MNr. J. %V. Mur- raty, (Iovranssst deiectire, great credItl for tii. saancr lu visitic>' oyhait verSeS s>p andi ollndoi t tise case i 4100ua te4li. X ..Pattertou for bis et te ludogliepihoera. ý4d 4,h;tln type «s lauarntInst ruct-ion» have Seen re- OsiteS b>' thé.Count'Attorney' &0 *à- diel mie sansd mi"a Eddy for econesi- muent ci Use bod>' of Use dead hlua. Ar'crs'wsurOaiPoLios Masrss. -Mr Harper ha seceiva tofliciai uebl- ficatiota of hlt apponmsit a. 'Pcllc MItae forn Wbllby W.baïe oui>' t.o sapant. wbo&tbas aebdySeen staled lalisoenolsaus, Ih il epoinlmssat *ioedu g.easI.ato. i e e-Ky.ý or bauslii .,sslês'blaexpe nsce, anS la la«eer>va> Veil fitaitaeire Stock OCsup. Ont., bas maie lie bolovlug "sala. iota..sndriog Febritas>'anS MareS o! the piesnt yens. Ta C. & J. HuostoO. Illinofa, 1 speu' cf vorklug usanreut $4W5;0;10oe ya- lt plJ> et $140. TO Meast. lueten anS Wilson, 111., 'Ira C . Iani ue tln, eye ns'- lII>, ait4la5. 11"tahrbs'aod 'Mc slS in tmoutba'-2OU Tise fooivlg eouclndeu tb. report of Wedi55da> ferosoi, Afur. 28. Bp/cea su. Major-Action tW recoven theii. o jileac msber. Referreil ta ansI. tràtuon. 0. H. Campbell, arilrater. X. F. ?alem at fîPitlu; J.& meGIII- Moans.,.os. Oosin ai s.-Actbon on a roiuoy note. Undsfenld, Ver.1 ds.for tii. plaintiff for #2419.71.IL * b shfor Pi. lf; Mes.àAJoues ii Droetus. TuespoE tWAUy.ý -Action for #5,0w0 damages ferlanjuriés n.oliedbythe Paintif th ie fMo f~ Use bammor cf a Pie-drIver iaolugng te tb. township, vhlle il vas boingusmi aI tise tpaisof a bridge st Maman>'.. Tii. plaintiff wuts orilng imien tho btauge st théis.11tii. hatathies'*aï be- lIngiraseit. The. hammer alipped ind, aei injus'lng Usa plaintif ounis, ba sud left sionter. T'Pis. uge chargait atrotng>' lufayoothe .defendants, aï. firmlng liaItuter. vasuno olaisu fer danageas# hcause tise min>' recette vas the M t llci adlent. Tise Jury faund for the plaintid for *800 damages. Tisejutige demurreail athé finillug of lb. jury, andl saiS lite uvoulti b. issard lu tairm. J. K. Kerr. Q.C., sud C. A. Joues for pitif. ; 0. H. Bitelsie andl W. H. Billings for' doft. 'Pies'. being no bibIe for the conaider- atlon a! lie grand jury, lie>' maie the follovlng presontmnent sud ver. ds- ohargod, PSEMIT. l'O lise Lordihip theslions. Mr'. rtuii« Gall ! Wei the Grand ,lnrorn for the Cnt> of Outarloî pr'essât îl Ibis Assiter beg t. mais. our pras.atmeut, as iollc*a f W. beartil>'jola vii yaur Lordaluip in yonr Congratulations as go th. amal anioulo! crime requsining atention st our bauds at Userprasoul Assise, no cases bsvlug beunlaid belot e ub>'tisa Ceususel forConua sfoot vbilh vo aI- tsdbnie largel>' to tho protisions cf the Ast reapeting lbthe, Mmo rial d ofpria osera beote tise dousut>' udgeu Onlua- mnal Ceurt, as ve learu au en ui.'froua ont afficient-Crovu A"ceuyu. rF ate- veit, that for lb. year enullng Lept.0 188, cf the 71 Crimimal Camae triaS lu liais cOont', geuil e a t iedi aitise Assise, suaitetthseagotel ilnsud 49 at lh. Ceni>' Jndge.' tiriminal Court, sud-fer lb. yeas gaions, va Sund cf tise 65 CulminaI riais, tI e e tnied t thelb. enet'al Sessions, Iure at lise Asiàsud nS ifI>' sI Sb*Couuty litIges' Crimîinal Court, statisie vile fôu ssals lhe Lest etidenep! lhe Uselul riac f siiAet. la ebeile e oycsz Lior-'sbips deshanit, wvo iasiLtj auti fonsotleienvtbihiu ucnueh Iluerevîis smetupiioelIÃŽ elt-ani atil lu tise bit of ondes', sud va hive iaiso pleasure in beanlng leiliman> la tise, ap panent effuciena>' of tise jaîler, Mr. Maetin. W. are inforsusîl b>'tise jait. or tisItishe inspector o! prisouslbast snggested tise retmoval of tIhe boar-d bal. fiteaJs nov inu use lu tihejait, and tisat iron leiestais be oubslltuttdtiserefore, tu vieS suggestion vs cancan, us- uucl ais tise<aoumer aire muci ont of repair auj sifori harbour fun vermin. Wea nri f-lis te <lfovsAttorney, sd jailes'. duel lus t eafl il unes cf comiuet b>' the magistracy, uer the Act reapeeting Buasmar>', Convict- loa, tise ommltmbhts are not smsde frcshdiug for impnlscument wuth bard labos, and sncb iosprisousumeuta are cosu- parÃŽativel>' ualema su reforming Iii. par- moe nome enmilsed. asud va vonl' nrge *upou sucb magisacle>'lepropnbel>' ai proiiding li esir osmi9Wltatasncb re o bonîsi b. cuaaif lad ville hard ar. W. Sund tisatoe eperacu cou- 4cueSIn tie seJu is eâmmted.s.a t5*sul sud o4spralstl>'destciol, but] isa reshl>' apprtean ab. r* barmies sud haîplessman, vis. ve cusidar l s fi anbject for a Pour Houa, ratiier Usan ajaul. 'As suuggested iiy yossr Loniiuhip, y, 'Isve discumad u mi' cnsidered the ttieonf ualaeuu onotieiiseoe GadJury cystesu »dS vile va Dre ot altaoth ap geed upon tise wesesio. oarea &l cf tb». opimbu Uati li. sauns.of tie Grand Jury-s>'. 4om is ual as great 10-day a prior-le Use passage of ti. Act respeeting the' Clsuoty Julga' Cniminai Court,"viaicb Act ha. ver>' aanllembossueS l diatesoi Grand Jurais, as shava b>' thse afereasai tatiatios. All of wvics ie raapel¶yîubsuitt. Tl. qd>' Mtois " t)' ent bluoî L ne fonts ti bploIi- tiff hait notice of tlb. lifa-lease vies h. bougist, anSd âciied in favos' of thade- feulante. D. MeMcW sl Q.C., anS Il. Ormisferf p U ;D.D icie(i MvihCe.) e Sle cg i. s, ilusg.-Phepbalu- tiea, a visolesai inlMontrenl,aoued on a peomisuor>' nMocf 4Omade b>' J. B Prnagle Sud *endorsedl by Soit. 'Ple Sefendani endosseS fer Pringfle ou oondition liaI Ivo otisr on oltiauSore wsafoc4Ussl alycu th-eU. ailer twoSita or» o euso".àIl as tpa jlsÉ ltaiifSieotietes IaI nt en- dorme, Use noie vas naite ob. usegogt gumaloftisaasefort. <iiicourt. ee aeQC. for pitifs, ; .0. LBlteh- ié, for 5.11. Y - Goon..vge Su ÉrouZ.-Pisuaction Fu brongit toremeardanssgesfor malfious proseuttion and miss imprisoument. A couple of Oaltle vere' stolon frouestb. defunilesit lYtober. -From inform- ation -b. reeved, lad vas led t10 suspect Ibal Coîton balstoien 16cm anS causeS hlm -to e b. nOad. Coltan remaineil lu gaal a cous'19pf'leaiays, wli deienitanl icunil he baS uamadeàmietke sud as" restel lbe vroug man. sud the plaintiS. thoeupon va. liberated. Tise jury, siter being cml about tva houes, nturu- ei thlius erditior $10. (0. H. Ritchie sud W. E. Blliogu ior pIaff. ; N. F. Paterson for doit. Walker vs. Bhuuk.-Tis action vas brongit b>' T. B. Walkes' ag$inul Mes. James BlseS la racaver moneys vihi he aliegea ah. aveu hlm lu respect ai transactionaselvteen tizeu s elding even tb. paul i" sta. Il vas pout- paneS La te t i s usiaae. LEnglisis fos' pitif. j Pareveli k Bstladge for ieft. Hlttiliae providesi à Lesa BSoiety ea. leiusIett-Au a"tton o! ejecîmaeolta recover possession cf baud ilu tzbnldge, coveot S>' asilgae lapltff. falot. The hoaalng la adjourned te Taront. bobs'. lie <nl court. J.EB. Farewell for plfa.; J. A. McGiilivray for doit. Buniofcitis Italian opera Housse ai Nice 1 ruVa-saL M sOma0VLu£i. Tisa buralng cf tb. Italien Operà,l Hotu..ait NWae bh a asel a fearful' lasu et l1<.. Itleisbliered UsaI oves' 100 mon vomen sud ebldren, peiaet lu the daumes, AMcOR lie.Who are saii 10 haie met tiser dasîhi la tise burang building are a ton sud tIvo dangitstofa Kennedy, tise Seattiais vocaiat. bfI..liorteau, lf.p., inlueg been ap- poe o te o anireluhIp of St. 'Vincent de Pl'a-nbpeolleutinr>. a isacane>' coeura le- tisereptrentistlau ai L'AàootnPtiou. Mn.- Janit-e. s Moutreal alderman, bas ,nutorstiste fieldl lu the Coosprralise inleresi. 3M 0o s'alafn iugluai v4ll papes-. CPiuo th" veos. Patterns cutIs-eh>' nezsd iband- nome. i3. . obertsou L- Bras., Whtuby.- Tài'ssSÂv MuiLL tr GatvaNlUaas BlUasira.-Tiilslarge env sulîl aud store, ai Gravoenisrat, vere bnnned downonou Tucada>' moining. Tise dwei ansd iuber wveeauseil. Lasu Wtrur à Eas? Wusuusv HasesPAra ut love af WhiIb>', on l!iuisday, April 13a»ao.sns priug goosis at Brycos -Cililfllova' Bal. ' Tma Baviu.Ls urth ara prapariag for lie sesawi Opérations. Ta EzoffsiminasQuebe. .oinne OpiaS iti v i p'rMb»ffOthéimm. fwbIe sol tince t vrAoeicamanu su oit aqumur, vileof ta i iims,Cocra- shahs, vent ta liasecissirnisu -a! lieh liluhhat bier hnabanîl Wa.:- dea.l. and abatah.vantS ame mou' li;ta efra>' adt fer e&offlu. Tise cofflu -vaprepar. oai, butlte ITud4iif desi, IiIultkow enOughs b -"lieemlii, far »Omo csf bis rieudse viienusey vn l osytnt u, fouinS binasitdeglup smokinug laàepipe.t Tht fanerai bu beau poalpoi tiltU tome future Sa>'. Bomo ',oike eýAY tie reasen W the lise erai W4alv s utpaned va., htase'coicusie-eoffin Ivofuel btoa aiont., Ha knew thi Coistocis aba ai edbis- test mputtee oupe timis.ago.-WsLDur/santis A osiei Ptsu.-TIse Whig -eealt.t- bâtt bsfonint W È tae-litattit if, Mr. Man'. Correspondance. To du Esditor of amseW)lsly G/mois. Duux BIsRt TPh. Ounoloamuai b. a prstty weil cireulate hot, aa Ilue MY* u2k varuiihed descriptionof aithi ea- s performance ai tbe Ohinese theatre 'Ma Hionoîssia bas hean utilized b>' soma vite imitaters, aI eat the EHamilton correspondent of lise Toronto Maie 28rti Mmreh esys : 10i«fa thfL raI aet of i0srmen' at the avsidOperâ bouts. lut niglit Mis. Spaak. ka~s atutl.manager vili haghWe, intention cf the parente te cau)thse ittie Cu Nofthi. sort eofu in t. e On, 1 abali b. ver>'ury 1 meutionei tise un- Froua Eounîn 10Ankîsuil, N. Z., la fourteen tisys stesmiug, sud tb. chances are yen vont se. land or uail betveen parte, lisangb to bais aI a map of Oce- anies tbe impression ln couveyed tli Use ielanda are as thicis as in the St. Lawrence . sud salllng rassoIs takes,& ifférent route 1bat plenly oh interest- iug thinge are seen. As you near lie equatar, thieI"Fier>' Southoru Cross" appoes loy dovu lu Sonîheru akies. This sme f. s c, i. a iranSof thse first magitud:itislu ualperfect uhapeo,has one atan taa man>', aud tioy are not brilliaut like thotte lu the Dipper. 'Ph. croasse emed insiguificant, compareil vush our Nortieru couatellatiane, sud the Anstraliaus were dniy talil ail about ut. Nigist afler aigbt, tise Dipper shone maguificenlly aud vas a far more pro. minent object, tisougi ve ver. rapidl>' appnoaching the1p làcan'brâthe cross vas isuug np. TbB 7a a 4~siape: 'Phare i. a uperis penfecl crosu u inaipe -composaI cf fine naIl;or Sisu stas- close b>' vial lie matiresa. pesut ais Use trOu o ress, bul h le flot acisuavi- Ater cro.slag t linos, s* Metasviev of. aame of Sise vonderful Magellan cîcudu, one of tise nuraveibel mystenies of tise hearenu. Ta the nais.d e>'. lie> Mosina wviteilo eecy Clouid, mmelig like s fragment of vite sais. fros aa locomotive on sàircal>' moruing, sud thsaclouda vers Ibm ouly ocas vo auv 16r xinu> a ulgil. Tise>' are nansei atos Magellan, a Spaniard, visa fis-ut saaleil round Caps Menu, givlug is usmne ta tbhe traltaShoe. »d ani nnging boni.lie firut neya oflit4 magstlficsnt elgtit-In lise Ihen unkonov regious. ltothin edfluilte ir kuovu as ta themr casupositdort, b.lng bevanS tise reais o! lelesopes, sud ail egalmossmenu - gay of ieu is, tisaithey are elebtlaa or wbîiisappearaulue, liSe cod enis ouil thie Sautiseru iseavena, but vitth ie ap- parent suotion of-etasa.Thon for a few nightse vo baS gliaspieof a srsy acou.t. WiioSe anisi bail fol heen pre- ilicted, andi s ha didu't ste>' long enosîgis ho be lutenvieve thbonogily. lise Sioaleva astrancumeru looisd erlnsy mucla lile ikis bhdgoî loft. Oue day aI i12 o'elocs, tis easui*as dinecîl>' ouenieait, sud a pêruueaut ne sisalow, about ever>' oarboanif stand np ta se. if It vas me, anS the lad vwas ai- mitied. For A ewe minîuteI icil tise safieactian of kisnlg liaI a fat muan conidn't ouieaitdov me. Andl now a litie isucidefl i eoea, vWorths tebling, and viii h in vas praoi>' entered slpIlieg. Mss - fOkegon, on. of briglest. ,oheefti uaes, sud lb. bila cf tUs. cabÃŽ1 as a oSberota tsa trip. ,îeroyllesg vas nav, sud &%agse, MdaSoiupect .1e hba afirin . onvactuon Sisal acmetbiuglorrible vas sure ta bappen ; Iit's me dangerons ut - ms, yan m ." Cue 'pheammtafiroouon, ve vend' gossîpingon salies Il pinnhng >'aras" vbi es h.offices on valais atrohetl b>', lboisai up ulrongi a tsar lunlis, canna, ani anng o ouaarl,"Wsthîedeuil are lias. vôw4ïb, slIrd-oing Usere 1" MMa W. blahijuopt tl on sr eat, bat as n'Ã"euoe elsee, uoveil, se uýa1, lova again. -_ Ispiration colzaS me, euS I, resnarwb a sfelS, aiAdeliaide, m7-ý reasumate, tiss ilvas a, gresl ehame -p4ssanger resa; liaI lise lav *s Vér>' etringent on tb. subjeat ; but aliip- ovuona ididn'I cane much wviaI rieS tiso> subjeched passengees la. Mayfiehl aleimed in Ibul tv'au 1o bad; bhoisuev inenneuce co.'s vonldn't touch a vessil that tanir uaiiardu, asu besiies lue ah- iiersitood liese ver. smuggled ou aI luîgit. I Ilion expresued visaI vas a veilt fonieo belief liaI -the lomeof a great nuan>' nesels wbieisbaSl salleà avsy sud never boan - iearil af-vaws oeu,'ed b>' carrying hliaia, vion jus&I -et Ibis moment lie efficer uung eut lu ara tome 1", Ms'.W.- gavea" siii '1 e",L isa î ýucu ' 1 INE AfMO XENLAEDWBBL.E IL is believei t tis the Gavreruieut ba cs cm 10an nnderetanding vitb the Prilapar.ly, wvho on &boit part have, 1 'nuderstad, given up furliser ien- -ieue of aaitiag the.Cousarvativee la the contesteS elaeon&. Tise ovonlures of pe a eemaie, 1 bellev, froua lie. Treasury banches. At the meeting vhich wva bellyestcniay Mathe i. es- minuter hotel 1fr. - Frn»esaiS ýtisai tise purpos. cf . hev eorganiz tien vbich bo proposé&d 1 mante la to educate tue opinion- lof -the Engilai verising classes anal1Irish -questions. 1fr. Parnell andS cher of lise ,Ir"s members have' zunde- arrangements th surea a number of umeehings lu Use greal Enguisis ior-durinig lb. Buter recae, ou Mr. Gladsoue'sa Land bill sud-anlise nieesit>' ofmodifying 1the exi.tsnK parliamenla -relationsulb.- Iveen Bnglanil sud ieiaud.- Dnrlng le sane raes a aerien of publie Met- mnu>memberu'af'Parliamoul aseau b. epareil rom Englanti vill attend, More importance, howveor, in attacheS ly the Parnelites, to tie Boglieli meet- ings, as tbe pressure deniveil romn thesu yull sîrengtien t11e bande of tlb Gov- erumeut in forcing a botter Landi Bibl tirougi the EHouee of Lords than the MoKt nanimous expression of Irish opinion col exact. IL lumunoreil on goS autborily blial lthe Goveramnent Lad bil viii no& of- fer Lb. Irishtenante fuI>' -f tenure, Lhougb il vil affard juereased stabilll>' 1cf tenure, snd thal il coutains clauses drawn on tise Umes, cf lutI year'e Dis- turbauce bill, incregasag the fine pay- able b>' tanionds visa are adjuilgail guilty b>'tie toanne of arbilrary mo-c tions. Courts of arbitratian yl ie es- alaliesi, vils paor ho décide vhsi le a fair 'eut vison dispalcu aride b.twoe laudlo'd suni tenant Landîcnis, boy- ever, viii heaobligeit 10-provo e blie satisfaction of lie coutthai thein oh- jactions Sa, thh.-inoommin« - testant are remonbie anS valil. 7aioitieo ,vil) b.lie u 10 lb. tenants, teisecaue par- chasers of <t holdings uunider lthe e- teusion of h f l rglil aaswMb L Act cf 1870. Provision viiibc made for thse compulsasi' sale of large tracla cf vaste lande, vhieh ,iilb. diviSeS înt &raa, i<rme andl aeld on favcssbleý Lerme ate tunte. 'Pough thie proè1- gramme yulj1 noS, ppbsp.s, satiaf>' the Mars ailvanceil aivocatei 'f *ts lan& for tb. pdopie," ilviii, If-canieS eut lu lIa entiret>', produce a great revolution in tb. Condtionu a - the Irish - farmiug clas. Leuiords viii ie depniveitof arbîtrar>' poveriansdtenants viii ob-' tain legal Se1curil>' for thair intèreal iu vbal#Ver improvement tise>' may make on thoiu <serins. Under tb.epéra- lions of' bits proposed lav il la probable that lie ConDiet,-betwaen lbe laniaril and tenan> classes vil! rapidiy subside,,- sud Ireland illI enter ou a nev era of prosperiby sud peace. Thie Miasoitri Legislalure bas killeil a Bill la reestriel bise practice of unedicine ta the posesears af.- médical diplomS& 'Pie argument visicis defeathé lb. unes sure vaa tisat a gond - doctos us kuova by ise dUres,' aud tià_saI bi ncisne improveil b>',enuilicale. "Il le s *grave uiefase," oseîd oua opponunt cf the. po- poseS lav, "4410 counider medicfline a scence. .IL - setalyepib1and' ils praceoluàsimpl>' a coufoftfily wllli certain ruleu foundeit on,,oxperience. 'Pie experience o! the. individdialin of vaSlly more furportace a- aguide tlisn the recordeS aeieune-. f aibrgsudan Use oui>' effective va>' Yte leara Lie. prao- ic. ef medaine 1tu taprstise t I scalpreparaion is net sapenuus, objactionable, but Us.y soUS slsud fin *.whl hey are vôstbî - )suspaople aa"e 1able-St tde case cf thomnaueveni- ansta agnaltbiligi Managé e, e'taTve t t 1A profoaioual, resnrredulaist bat fuuiiel tise autholnie*. ai Baltlusorî- ivti Si. infrmation ýthai mauy graVas bie*beau robbeul in-lvéocf -tlhe.langer eeletnles- thon., the subjocis beiag sent la 1ciltltern aud Western cible.. S A Yunug womDa, nov lunlMontana" -vwas' adoreil ai aizteen by a yonng man vha vas disliltd by ler jparputs. 8he reciproested th". tender feeling,'btit vuss au eectinatedassghter end wvoi nal mars'hlm. EnI-eho stenul>' r. çed-'euto lot hem kcov 01e 'as a> blugliteulb.iug. 8h. contiue ta tus. s] Aii -- Wc' pnint for 8c;Et Ti, il vii pà -r Bittm, ootarotthe pentetisvApisset >e for IffiAàr thti o'u te1n6 bah eha " a mde v vii be resnieeel as lt.e ilodong &r Jhnvosralteo outrage5 aIvoibt thîe. ueatisofi Mus, -way'for O'Dptoe0 Beamatu I5inte tisit causactote Iimamif onioalthe9 llates-SàuplsScacuatd aahv,-hbut ppt SIeshtaPorticul cr the I.stimonit ment wiob tbrow.0 pieuagaoattuuad ma-UtÊitlâmesf a ania blIsaon ofotesaobines be d'upuitnblie mtnyl forvard o»t. si hasreieaa-h ,trac t soSbuea .u eanusel, Mr. G. -Y. B"i, betng InSeut ocilanouin luhe faligeble u isatin u-anslvhsi '- ,-,r Ms. Ju"lleoumucu, 'ha me ahi>'-de.- -- fendeS tia priaustiors aI triIIaIl, aeg - -- Te, haut lit. nlusb aSl r4eDetng the 3 by t Adctof! Isil <cvb vo 'ai-e lacilual ta blie, vili v ,o 1wn gstlaé fouit SIo.aY-4tbat lthe sudsef - justice bme ent brfen lad' ni.u î oa 9 iu me wsill Andtome cisoge& eab " - vIh mil» au heoc*ared faler, wvie. -im.,Te W -deatis ve cissaicleS tise ohes'd&y- ý ota ùç irani lb. cof.tee, ut li Isue viiiunm 77 the court of aie at Belleville. clsap Muan s ons, 1ofTOronto, 1bronglit an action ageinsitii. Hartis Grange, of Sydney tonsipfor non-fnl5lnsnt Of a contraci for the. anpply of a large qnantity of barley last season. The contraot was lmade on tbe part of tiie plaitiff .*yan agoni, Win. ]H.Ro.«, wFith James 'EnoI, Who. Bosu statedt said lié rapraset heGrange. Thé, amount whioh ibis witness said Knox' undertook oùl their bebaiff b slpply w5a' 12»001to 15,000 buseols at65 cent@ 4 buahel. - A vesso was cbartered, ad the,.loading> îmmediatelY Cominencei. siznaltaneously a rapid ria.e omxnencee in the prie. cf barley, andi vhen it, ba. gon» uj about frenty cents abote lthe ontract'price, withProspecta, aube. qîsetly realized. of a s1111 fuither ad-. vance, andl about 7,500 buahela bail been put iu the. veasel, tixose who bail been drawing the. grain coassal to bring it, andl after waiting a day or two with- ont receiviug any more th. captain sailed wlth wiiat b. hait. At th1e lin. the bargain waa comPleted t he plain. tIf. had depositieu molsey ln the Do. monlon Bank here b cover the coul of the barley, which vas to be payable on Boss' order as soon as the barley was ail joa.ded. liter the loading bac oeased Litchen Grahamu, accordingto, Boss' evidence, came ta hlm (Ross) andl told im lflat if hoe wonld authorize the bauk tb pay for the barley which bail been dolivereil hi (Grahamn) would give #Wo, but tjsst ho bail refuseil Ibis offer. Shartly afterwards one of 1the interesteil pailes. Mr. Masnie, calleil hlm, h. raid j&to-g saloon, aud pnlling out a large WL ô# ffbile, aikei hlm wbal ho wuuld take, andt ho (Boss) again deolineui to hoe *>uenoed iu uhat way. These of- fers were not denied ou 1he part of the deienoe, UhîimatelY, althongh Knox w.. prceed to hve been aà-member of 1the Eze0aive Committe, of th. Grange at tiie tium of the, alleged canlrsc* Grabam,,tha ehaplain and Maaie, alun an officer, tha plainif w.. nonusuited. Hi. Lordslp holJszg that KfioMs 6 agency vas Dot esaliabed. Hou. EowÂnn B"..e arrivedin i Mbatral 90 monay ,'eui neHois tbe guemi f ô Hn.Mi Hningl5on. -A BREOa<wINe BEIax..'SSL-A rimaunt of ithe balsi.u iii. Bellechasse election hbeen grantati. & CANiADLM4 QuI, Sgoi. - Jesse Adams, a Cinadian girl, rn aa Y vith OU& marrieS Charles YTog m <ihicago about Ibres, veeksaa.go. Lk came joalon.s-msd shot- his youug -il., aud she nov lies iu a precarione mandiâ in-fl GiJIEoN, 1N. B.- Thar candidut ore -Dr. Clunneil, Coneïervatîve, brotUm ofth lte, .member, sud lMr. Yasl Irvine, Liberal. TaLOF r 'ra ltuai>xafls V ' a% CztA.-Bolusakoff and hie.aOutmnplieffi yull h. chargeal viti compluiy in the' :Darder oflbe Czar and Iréason ~nst; the. 81.,aetrial comsenciug off the, 801h. Sophie. Pleaffaky, arrosteit snc Thurs4ay, yl -e -triail separately. 81*. ia nov thongit- ta bave carried the fatal bomb. *MuBOV5a 0F TEz Pora TEnEÂTzN&D . -A unysterlous_ lady is saiS la-. have ,'arneil tb. Pope that a ay and hour lied been figeil for the murder of blun. self aàS bis brother, Cardinal Pecci. SPRiÂJ> 07 SOCAUIN IXUxi.- As evidence of ithe activity cf-'tb, Bo- cialist agents in Germany, it la astateil tb..1 c sof an ades. delivered' lu 140,work by Dr- Hassemai, the., ex.- 7I1:d ielilember et th, Beich- aaJsve besn distributod by tIhons. ansluLlo, cbeiug fouinti ven iu the seldieis' knapaeku JIIm ImuLT!Oýi..LÂeau. des- Patch aitw "aitheO~ainMuae mionument tue Scalpt tpriia r'-' tei The Os recenti>' emeto =c Syndicat.- Ilandau - a year for Million a 'Pis #1,( taa oGoe Heur and' tucuinta t S predece where-thet informal 1 evenin t1à sent mid toe& ..'

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