And foumth MOM pesé, 0.4 sMt 1, vgostt- Mayseh*agon tbls Mia vai osilva à .itasDo. kisat ould kuibIta hot and gay, Thon an r I llie My only De. Abh1 if-but knder thon woutdljd4 Anla sometimrnsswsstly mmii. an J/m.. Thmou n ylit c my aidiagstar, M3. passi I ca ala otcontrai, Tho art tLb. kol aifny Soi. eThe malden sai; "Ob, lie 1i aP. The "major" rose trai boed-eaie, And l ent ber istiier for td Si. Teth tbougiî ns mabtoh va. anar Tà aIl 'major" onc'eha&baeu "sà muor,' ~h* Mrnreds$oeuf snd mter IbaL, M lataonus&ai l oue. Uat." Bobhappy snds Lb. littis ae Fur oey llvd on Lb. graudest Ilscale." Paddy Prom Cork. L w iýe .p*agnoieate tanz Ilig teiblt .bOtt;, DOlsalS5d snauuo' he L.sotb .<lr.iad- wlaeuP~td~a~pbos.lonat, (rom bis a .nIlittl. coq ageuamr Lb. Qv. n, t lb."i,. Iiapt"o el As hoas troi eiisi.sreiy losg ag b. s tboagh bià mif of lb, paitiag il-à , t40- Lueset ~lVewliolawre ' by apprw1 ii# goï~,ui d "for4i lit, l< iaI otta aget z- uig lb.lettes' fruw$tel ami soon.yr aut olir of l4(5 vif6,'. 1u- toit Lwliblgrsâ itb -oea -,toas,, $1su ai .postage ornaJaek'é atti s asceitain. lii ly a oe4lbet wu theexatai su le a- ,u;nkie taar lasa ité hnge uWh"l biv'.. MQrp11ý hli'adb lOlrpf tl Ivas rnitu i4apuitie tu LadeéWLaSt l fonu sipeuet', whlch siit thare, and xix- fi ilit sitt gie 0046,0o! I'auhdy's voia. - begor, 1 daa't kaow vUat La do," bol iioqidu- l 4 ddy;,l's fitrly .a*"W. likts.tige MWbeiiîwo'entwa bondiesof baty. -If' Lcame home vithott b. Llitags, ilir»eif viu ho lan"&bil- or a h s' id~nd lofe t it1ae.hL teLe si ell I e i oîiasr vfii hom&4 e n- Itrly, W Rn> Sy'rottilog of myssîf; si iuaïeeelVt'ike tutaknow boy ainy ponr bloy la gelslaag ouna=O##g trat)gers. - - >ihdy ftit that *bis aopâLatlosifor "oteai" oas aI cLaie, sud bli seraLehid Sit ssealefiât bïasbead sud tho e isolter, asho. qffld bis è 0,, ue"oaaiter meui.o! lb.' Avkw a idlesuma in wbloh la vsu pissai. 1Ihitqe oprL oa.viesporleri. *et by a Il1sa*l sevwybo4y~ ~meWmaet4qm sUeqtul si Pddyý Sbpd&a1ho. va no eaM«ptiqe thila. $Mot.tai roi*, 17 l sdtbbi i s lng-er the.gnanal itiz lis blaotlao=ru, uati exclamiation o- "BqgSsr, I1 bare t,"prnouaoed Lia as ezulLiag a toue sLb "tthe fLsi~roheýWmamigbadqf holie "binilfl it 5 and'55 soti li jbe' leC i #'êt vhl AosewseIIIfaésiai laseas4 s'ai titn>' ouio bà ! Je -se>' of "LI voiim .yan,"te bfluai -. oe 0 W 11811, qleo --rd i(8tle "Lfr .em e.-i Sale 'tat rnerdLiaso Andatsa he Lors psslot arangi r, li aoe ia fa~la t I 5%nistwe w l a Lîa" dnlyFr.. et, wat W M th e a ia ii'nt asi a61V o a th e , l" - ?4êp"bliig tir ,lt tisîs clark 1 t br11Wiik 1) (Iac, te . loy eni la: tt~Itcirk,' ~Url 'a' fs~vesrol.anýýicssi ls4alIsag., if Wt4r *a$asasr'aa Pis the paper caoîo of aMy ttm'i.tusis- masaqr." ',Wmll.ilsr," sai paddy, slghlzag béavily,,i!4 saapaa 4 j muta; for l'ai AdPaddy put* lais baud luoola pooheL, sadalLer a ôoonsIulei'&ble ime *Dout in saamoing lor t l, Leo <1mvfarth the spaot hLroanal ipenoesIl land i vilie apparentiy -conntlug it, h th ton log tons : 1 1410 thon, meybe yonî hasne vould a@ bso eonuloeodiag s Laroai IL and saea au a a yl 0theaaobîmol- seanLilateihdd 1ht, , - ' 'h Aua 'tlAly sa6lie be tua ganes et Ihm rain whilanwas itou' aesceaaaiug i aor~ s ~s ilaho tîouglat ta o !taeD lb stav sen a postmaster. î eP1VÉlie I oluld, Padady$" *ia seeiMr. Forttocue, tebo unnaersfoad loue veuwe lspé ed ay la. sagîola Lia ratan.'.- ?'1PmrbaumaiI veatl, -Pà Ide1' if yc u ualaiîl me, as Von ara BO cisier 5b aervatiosas, why tbav eau 11,f. otof>rs (lotI; for a e iavier o0' tturpîsce 1 nover vas la" "i4j oaar Iionar navet h as t he oqd "'imià k ivas,'Diab I l'1., spl 'k vloiiib.. - 7 *1 - - . , The greateet oit>' of Lb. Ibrat.'- Aud:ioitli knoingo11 people be gettimug bad ; sud onthela.> called aL Cortt, Lliuklug th t poor Irelanat would - "OspiLal, Paddy,' exelaimoat Mr. Forîssous, "yaa doser"vo Lahave the lettrtosal lon-you nov. - L_ &n& taq mroisedod,4o, 4a0 the ratr aalyov-; snd-wbani wlu ncanclnded b. zalai wltk a sepîmig4 - finuan sudplan ; il!1tasar' iL <0u10e morA' 1 till If til eal il ayaeli for Mol. hisg&Wu -dia Mi. Farfescate rosai Lias lettes'; sud &aiaddi P4a.Ispa wltb openut ;an;sd whbp- ibvid5 h laputbtht.. suaii 1 llqpcbeL anal huttauma i bs Ooat as>'. *Iblay the Lord revas'd jour bouar." '#whaL ai oyenputtiaR theM anuy Ist ju oakls. Paddy ? "naukeai Ms' Iartse, awvose mind a falaI suaplelp "avlng beau n ti4viMdb. ian 40, davu. î "Wamu1 eur lio o geisuagb La roai iL iur me," isalt Pal, cocu>'. 1 461:you mes au ebuutug maisnof a tha u8,006Y ?t" dernuded the post or aa &&y' hast il!1bhad ah. lottlior,' sa&i *Pamdady, drawing liaasolf uap lnliguautly. "-Alnd 4a i you 'naab>' @*V-ug tbat vona coulai rfad ilh for yoiatýtIf if U on d.,snot Mean ta -bte.i,"akeal r. Fairfpesi. "&oru@ yaor iiouot-iuoavs tl4M woquai - beo i i s,di4g-, tia lls et," repiei rsddy ;"a n'eria~sm iutuafed ta yonr bonor, for tracaiog nias ta renad IL for Mal>' vitbout iaaviag I."' 'l'eopoiîualitet nov sav Liast lia vas fslrly autze ;ansd, Llinkiag iL visut ta bear hbis ueleat vitla ood graco. las Llroww ullttai to Puai>', saylnq ; , "ITbere is the lattas,, Padaiy'; I malta yoeu aprefnto tafl." "*Loug tif. 1W jon, ;htr. Forteson,, ezlosimasl Pandy, sibe ta- k bais de. (alèstjeq4a s'ejudl kj Mi. Ealgar'e .,ps' ts 1aies Must tt' a>oroD IL *si the akIs'aLvts #ýt1à a,M1r Oaa»- ttarled't4 w ipoeéd llur. E ý aca. tuft îaâeasdliaai eiaIdbyOn'a 4oi usai Gtaanhu i*âèUt imbnai. ianué r'poposition tla os 65,miles of th Lb. tauadiaa Pasillo Voulti plu@sOu- lia-le t'etaI b. aMercy of ias Syndi - 'Q'Tta /qattaajgMr. 34. ;I0O mlles. As eqwpsvai la Mr Bd gara liaS Mi. Gembealaad'i'*Oits in. gatote bibiata'eal's positin a>'100 mles c irh ompettou for N'intll.We4t i' itls.uIcljorm te position of Toron- "e5 aiLif W t uait'.Wore p.rnuitted Konrel saasilrsedaoas eaanps'eitas .sesiistToronto, vaulti b. ,1865 tuiks 'h4ter off b>'poaoig-M.Qaar Ia.,' apaaas-af ie aM ,rua uau.a unjts aI - ein1 Li a t'0lI. ri aat I. le following firat- a 81egu'uurui -- aâ vs>' anywhoe.Y - r tue I~10i-on bshoua*Omo ver ta aur !94r,asispaolLioiouu exuaiig, tg au appaont,"W al,"replied thb. oLlair, r p rt4sIy>]ss-pLliittlonger ein a bad «&Y. l lat~ag a 41 il the lb SasRrtfag. "4Baova's a OusumamaPANVaex bas no eqpal foirerlefyipgý$aI, bath intqpl sai ailu»oles, 5t heIBaaatlnm, Tpai ha, Lumbago saimiIe a 0 ai orà rAdie .Iî viii oatUC4 y alN h~e . Hk) u eal, M as tacti gpaer tgs OP>aa i4ý!e4 thes.gat Pain lie.ý ;Iwqranaof bà 'lb. htsfreugtb ai suy other Rhum ror Liniment lu lb. variai, 5110014 Le lu evet>' if4a-bonsde, or use *béau wvu*sdi t LVU n jts lasest rainlutha vorl& for CnWi-n tie alénuach, Pkins sudi Aches et 0< cnas," sud tajier aie by aIl drugibts at 25 conts a Cousuaiptlan' Cumeai. An ad pltysiaivu mtired frontpractîce, ludi mlslasrylia iaoehÀ h -simple jamsent cnrsfor Oonsaarin oa'Bront its, Cafarnh, Aima, sud Plil roat a iLug aSeéNeev 1i yW e*u, qi ut*, avin t. t, Wdtru lomaivepowes In lu onanda ai cases,héa. I is dut>' tu mal. IL hnowu to bis s ilgfallowg. Acfuataai b>' bismotive sud a *ulesta raloevohaun uffarlag, 1 viii suai, irae ai charge, ta aH hivo dogueé la, thisseipa uGersusu, Fs'eaab.or Eng- u su Sont b>' mellby w crntielsed, bot tha su5 5ofu*lan salves aVauld tilla of Galdan Modical iD salahtis Lssiuomever b* ilu tue iblne a alr ce«. ta .peramas tareiel or', piuîaza v> m a acondition a et rll. nets, taDonouca*ekuavm vhsLa5l' l tà balai. holmevrt i' ctçd lu Liahs a y Daaont Butte ' aeaiibo Bardocl Blood lBitter's I.Ibmheaet lSo Puast,,Livar sud Ridua>' Iegulatar, saia ltcstorauÃŽlm taule la the variai, ILts a. on Lbhe ier, the Kina, msisi tiaSavais,, curin aIl nasa te 1 olia 46ouSalitse Blfëou Rmai. ampli; Lies08-OsMM urieathe ngtoG. do Col, m'lM .. Di.u'c"; & tà ayertive lallvey.hi tha-ioe l emtysg.ty uta ui L yua d à " iii a st bathtas'for s do.-vm - %u caxÀ- vbaqus s'e.uo ie-i 'Zoz44t y Tý- -ý tAelý y h Itseems Impossble BLstte.ouua ur~a -tir illaur il t4e ¶svliXK, U I'y tbena, jous nnut Iia sud ,> Lim o yan. soItzii ndoabt ïà 1 cager. cIe *tbis'col t" aa I *, te r ra -*e Meuilsua' Ze te sa Il alasis III41ý Vu ar j aa ba 4viuava ic5ýbê u isosc ttstia?"4 tivetat Woii 5naIat'abdUe"a MILS WLi&6%,latW'-400te. m"118, 4 I BZUW.IS WHITBY H 1W-EM4, (Improved.) CATUG JÉ, MowE,, ýved.), The. borfe min"es f r d eG t di-o:uà at, t&i ong &snob a harvest s tii. ld darrying oÈ the <old Modal for Canada, to ay ASE'ulDLIVRY, to ce t our o ce m anr As nearly i is practicable, and tiieroby make our pric list at lowest liv-. ing prices. -Give usa CaUv .j BROWN 1fft'ERONMNF'PICo.0 Whitby, Jlan. 2Is1~o 4 3llTEÂL.JE' &/PEÂNS County Liqur, Store, Wholesale and KING STREET, OSHAWA. Rotait, stock of WINES and LIQUOÊ S, direct'importation, comprising Port and Sherry Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys, Bitas' Ae. and Guinness and Blood'a Porter. e!t&Y alie Coersu llkuAiýes Tesd Lagon lFbslltghL adbbétin the oauni>' I a¶4~~s'r'2i~o a rnppor qaa&Oaô4.00, 14.00, 18.00 said 12.50 Ms I, lo lu itd~uuVm2 Bde, Jameosou. Bun'., Duouvill.asd ta 1'. 12c fttrs WIskles lWi'our cerebrated Toddy Whiskey. the. finoît Whiskey in pth dqzefi Ba.- el1botlded. by'ý-ZWbtwt m5 eu4Wra-e>'ns. iu Qusal. puaiPlats. Cgrsf. * & BD mâto)o»ý'"oti> a-,Bs(,OaisilJ§4I a rf, u 1<> sti 4 GsIaa~egm pma lia 4~am~oaOu !os dosen quasal. suai yadomon plats, at $1.26 pa cou. ,È aIF& ~ ~ s a el Oui 'a touttg r i -ets CegaeêSou' -,le' oti Stt,I! 50 per dozen quarti, suai 75ceanta par taW fsw oit-b auplea e! Ci*gaconstauti>où' ad aFisr 4'(tapi rinâa.TtLalipde Aima, AlIasauC HUs'.i 015>', !Windsor, GelaiCr Rag, Truspotessa Grand Duceas, ,Qia" eeis~ .P. . itra, 'BéaI b itge , -Flor.d.1-F a, Lasn itlGo ousale E. Hljo. La Fias' EtinenLo, AmeticanOoTi- Double SdaWatues .uon à Soda, Sarsasilla, Chler lu quart$ saidpiute. Large or amail -quantîiispplieti, smd deliveriti fue o! ob»argeta utô im Botie. teturiable wbau vot -argo- ~ :rI ~ a 1575 lÀ &,. sA o tDes. 15h, 188m.- OSHAWA, ONTAIIIO. 1 r 1-i, ~a - a- a; r - g r ~ Vihpllbe re au ees amim nts eu*"o vs tie, M 'FED'i [ich Caws,. (JQWSf fed on tis FEY» wMl givo one-quarter nzýqro and riohà er mlki thon whenu f.d on the old system. This kas been:proved> byl. actual eon ~k O~t~I>IG PU~SE8.the MMUTTA1< FEzz, if usçdasul &diroedl,wwlU !1ttex in a suxprasingly short t"e, and a considerable saving Wbéedm rprng animis for tii. maket, Tiie fleeli of suoli 1 2 ïi an&~ d fîéthaUiin sd thle ordinary way1. 1 HOGS.-On no animal i n, the farmir's barn-yard does Ibis Fs»D âhrws I 9ýh1i o r or more satisfaoorily than on îh., Hog. IfI gni1-Ià -iliwa.@êt~ pevetatve ndcure for the. Hog ciiolera. Il, will mû Page fatten lihl i.usa ie ~TNS~REGOMEN DATIONS. 1 have "M ed IM fAattan FeeS for My borns s ad uows, sud i fonnd i1686 b. erYMben- ~1IaV1711U056*lie ow.# oaiyt e at1yof imulkbaving inoreased'con- duiez mÃ1VLth dame qnLiyoo6 a4 they hae attened aima 60 a oonsaerable ertent aI tiie marne Urne. Z. GRA'VEL. ~. ~d Logan'. arm, Mofitreal, Marc g0, 18b0. 0 se he-Manhbattan Felor Cows for gmrne tirab;%and And, itilclà tbhfà W ik sud fattauf, il girn ta tr gxlsrly. THOS.I1WING. 18% Yonge Street Toronto, Januury 22,1881« te eMmaatsza F..d for ouf hories forecverai eek aa 1Sud 16 the bout vo haiet*Mr usmd. (Signed,) B. GOFF & (CO. oUï1ià &sSth&Mahtan Fe.d for Hones and Cattle, we fiud 66 tho basf Ibat we bave nsZlIn-t h. vay ol Z.,d. (Bd.) James A. FrazerfJ&rne Lindsay, Johnson Agnew, J. IL Mitchell, John ReadimaS. -R. W SM ITH & C . Proprietors, gontreal. 'M .u V ~ TW n. Blook-St., Wbitby- ANNOÃ"IINCE MENT. FURNI T UBE! -FU RNI TUBE1 The undereigned&beg~ Epetflly ta nnounce_ to theeiii- habitants of Wb.itby tend surrou .ndiig country, tiaI ho has now 0,eo out uu~1 n dkonet nt pshni f ol an, wll now esablshner su long kept by his: fatiier, On BokSreto~o ot o ther Ne*. Mà rket,' wiiere bho inuto'k bIrep %!largo sud weUi aaortéd. stock of FUÃINITURE, hope hystrct al~etio tobnieseâ nit a continuanco cof the -4roaê olong bstowea on t lit. id isiment. parie é dsmi-ouà ~fruiibinlg,will ,n-Ow find a chokoe and Welgeseleetèd sto I coose -from, as every article has been got np ex- asIYf orti pni, anad-I shaffl add new goods from the factory ini T-ronto, a fain sa , ue 1ed. Purchasers ray rely on gettinig good Furniture, at the very, bsaret, pnrie - An early inspection of the Stock is nowy solicited, and whether yon buy, o? not, yen ail wil hbc welcome to iÃŽnspooethle Fusai ýbiatby, Oct. 28ti, -1880.J ' a PAILOB BOOT; and SHOESTOE Deverell's Blq, B,, rôck-St. Whitby, MATTHEW OLLIN'S" Inforuis custonuets;thiait thé bèabo-veiti silishteût wf be found ~H1~ ~ÂUGES,33E , FINBT aseortjuent-of stock Of J3otisÙ anShoee belveon ToronIo in&' lntreid.a - Don't b. satitifiedwmith looig at lie di pâyinthe show vindpw, but go in sn4 eniniai and ses for yoqsws filil with' evetythigliîta as» à -e èuéaýOr ina ilié Bot aa h.lnfor LÈtdies, Miasses, Genta sud Cbildren en OjP'rOOwgr.\piOoehav ~AaT LOW PuCES! No blowf but 'what 18 striaght, in -saying that i nt el cases yet unpaced the -adersigned bus nov on -hand as large' a stock &ar Mo14, qeaillIiùmmIs in bis lh;e of busimess. - See tIîê ziêw BerIi FeIt fooSïà à WLLlieà u Fine Xid Boots ~" rua ftd '-VaIises un" grett,. Vaariety, atIalwest ILpà uces T. , %l r" Whitby, Oc~ £6, BO. MATTliIW I.JU4JIINb, Tho lasiaapParlor Blied sud Shoe Store J. W." RUtJýPERT, From la 'ale llnovn f&ran aiBRUCE 00 o.,roroto, Phctourapbars, ai Wb4thy sud flouth Oîntanlo, It blebas ptz . t ed thé outira rlgbt sud luitersat ai ias velluowu PhotograLphie sud Framing astbabshrnent, lataly carriad on byth - WIKINBN'SBLOO, BBOCK4QT., ,Tho extensivea1rsiusd.mpa- metehlaIe amrai re .belgu11 ded s te 0by Lb. addition oï 4COBSSORIES.. ÂL WbOB!K G1ARANTEED FIR8T.CLÂSS ,ÂT THE LOWEST. RATEBIII -CHILDREN A SPECIALTY.--ý See Our TABLETTE PHOTOS. PRAMINO li-al]its brancbes. PHOTOS. COPIED sud aulargad, sud finisheaplain inlucil, valet calouin, Ior crayon, 5stI3OTOM BIOE S. AGENT for Maison & Riscb, manua- fîcturers of Pianos sudd Organe. Orders for Tuning prarnptly attended ta.- _.J. W. R. bopes by strict attention ta busi- ness te menit a share af the patronage so libemaily bastoureaiounbMs predecessor. J. W. RIJFEIT9 WliousBloci, iBrock-st. Whitby, May 11,188. svp4iriarg-dainrnages -antI wse -eseareldnig out tmoril-G - soe-" tions, andI leaving noldn for dimsectafoof aispon. ----i <5 tl&ëe8007f tof -tItewoi" clerfu! isucceals kbf(<A*5 remeciy < cw'!ng 7 spesta LieiCoin. plaint, DropsyjK Chronia ýDiax., phéea3dls~e nvu g-, ctons, chm - - i ,ia Pverms, .11alrs -14Lâ , of Consfttanloial Vigor, oIese f the e fl au5 IBla4der,' Peulale ConuplriuitEu antI aU <Useesorfibaung4b Allan Lne WINTER SZIIVIOR iraBO'STON A"D The Slasmebips ai the isai ina are distche ron osonevenyTlardy Cabin, 1#68sud l, 1,t1acondiug, ta Position ai stataroorn. Laver rata foir ta lum -ickets.- Inté1meIalo #M .Stearaga. aI loveal rates. Ribamleà eniu rzftcfn, Fob. 17tb, fiomuaal.- fax, ýpe. lm ,,h'. Polynosian froua Boston, Pe. SAab, fio. Rail- Css1a foaZ Ulo, slrajrd, frem ai Hl Satistsu rorfloionMarclb iOhrorn Eau- faxMsrch 121. Ccmasian frOUa Bostnfturarb itl.froRErHLU- SteeragepaSengars ara forvarded t Lon - danderry, 9elfas.l, Glasgow, Querustowu, Blistol, Cardiff, sud London ai aima rate asI toLiverpaool. Parties vasbing ta canal for thair friands ean obtain tickets af low rates. SFor tickets sud furtiier iulormat.icnapply GEO. B. YULE. Bxpress anal Telegmapb OEâce, - Whiiby. Whiîby, Nov. 2ud, 18M0. - a. CO1JNTY 0F ONTARIO. SITTINOS OFTHE DIVISION COURTS FOR 1881 Wbitby-Jan- 8, Fab. 1, Mar. 1,ý Apr. 1, May 2, Juna 1, Jnly 2, Sept 1,cet. 1, Nov. 1, Dec. 1- Brougbam-j May 8, Jnly 4. Sept. 2., m lsCae IJan. 4, Mar. 2,U~ov. 2. ro4 erry-1a. 81, Mar. 41 Apr. 8, May 18, - au17, Jnly 22, Sept. , Oct. 7, Nov. 17, 'Uzibridga--Feb. 6, Mar.' 8, Apr. 14, May 20, ue 2, Sept. 8, Oct.'11, Nov. 18, De. 29. Caùnnngtou-Fab. 8, Mur. 9i Ap r. 18, May 19, Jane 22, Sert.?7 Oct'12. Daa 22. - r* ClefI ai the Peaco oney vheu - - . dean Triose vo alvajes tale adiantage o! tb«-e gond chan4aco fuir manug mouay Ibal-*ove offead, g*nerainy bcoavebb iAi -main in po.vety. --WevanI uaany-een, -vaman, boîys sud girs ta vork for nus r5glatý libshir owu -locallles. lb. uinss-li -i u.rIautnlmen :rdinr vg you need, Iree. To oe vhs ? beengages latin ta mtakte-mIouey ey idly. You)can de- vote youm wolim atise womrk- or cui. jour7 epame moments. Pull nanton sud> alîthl juinaaedad, saut 1b. Adaireas- Srnaoa & a.,PaRead, MLue, - 45. NdTý l , FOLidaSONit P For sale b>' T. G. WHITPI The' at- i la gR Lths je1 -ha' - nier - lus - Si hast Loin dent tain ~aOfl5 di eue. 0f :aotm .LE 9A1 #OFF «D'Ota CA RM ý-4" ýrý ti -r