Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1881, p. 3

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TWE EDS!l 1881. TWEEDS!1- w- cou '. S~' 3W A Announce thé Arrivai of.-our Early Spring ü'jrèhâseos. PÈIINTs i ?RINTSI PRINTS!l We have received the moet extensive assortiment ever showvri n Whitby, anad ut very close prices. A good print for 8c, 10o, 1le, 1%;, splendid value. COTTONS t COTTONS! The b esti in the Dominion, at MiM Prices, ana in sqme cases lower.. Good Cotton for 60c; very good, 8c ; Extra heavy, 10c. Don't buy a single yard until youhave examined or large stock. it wiii puy uny buyer of lothing to caUi and examine. Special line ut 50c, wor(h more. C. F. STE WART, Whitby, March 2nd, 1881. New Panglcd Notions. may not vcxk inju7yto people Whou tbey relate ta reatte r cf11(.1.consoque!ics, but whan ensertalued as to what va shall tae vhen alliotad with serous diseuses tbgy may lçsd la dear experience. Don't tem. fora trille wth Sdsnasetof he lood muni- lested by eruptiouos, biotches, and scrofulous and other mellin & and grave smxptores, butlat taka(bt voiR tssteedand effiracieus . redy, lDn. Pisrcesà Golden Medicai Dis. covry-tbe greatet blood purifier af the age. Il the boees are verycestive use aise Dr. Piemeca PeFllets iittle, sugar.ooatad pilla). 9:rNoticoi of Rirthw, Marriaeg, and Deatls. charged 50 ceMa each. DEATES. PAYNE.-At bs residance, lot 21, tb con. Whitby, on the hth inat., Mr. Chiarls Payne, agsd 70 yesis. OummunonaOIylô, March Elrd,18. FaO Whaat ........ $1 00 a i lu Spring Whest ........ IX)0 1 18 Ilariey .... ....... 9 1Ou0 Flur, p ar rc ........276 8 00 tYO ..................... 070 @0 83 l'eas ................. 0 M 90 70 Peu, biack.eyed ..........O0 90 (à O 0 Blue Pesas...............I1 OU 4 1 10 Oau ..................... 0 85 ( 0 86 ilay .................... 900 (01000 Apple&, par bu........... C SU<(9 O 00 Potatôes ................ 0 0 q0 36 Egs .................. 013 *01là Butter..................O0 20 0 22 Cheese..................0 12 09 16 Wood .......... .... ....4&60 *D[uo Sheep»kln&L..............00 M 100 Rides................... 700 @ 97 b0 Park, pcrewt ............. 700 @ 7 60 Tumatoas, par bus .... 0 0@O OU Turi a,................008 90 10 (arro.wht......0 12 90 00 Colory, prd,..... 0 0 O 40 Chichens, perpsir . O..060 0 O70 Ducks perpr............. 000 @ 0 00 Sen a b........0 00 >@ 000 Tirkeys, psr lb ..........O018 C-4O014 Wooî, unwaahed .... OU.. 0000 O0CO ..wawh............. 000 > 020 Bacon, Fumzer'.s..... o (9 >0 O10 Hams, ......010 90 12 A C AIlS>D o a611ilbwarasusniu* Irrtherrr weakuesi. ssrly deoay, Rosco! xnaubood, &c. I wil stend a recipathat vol ur e u, FRUR 0O OO. This grest remedy vas dtscovuedby a mlsouary in South Igreriea, Sma adaslddxessed 1enveloa to th Rzv. ýJo..,1 T. lxA, Station Bibte Houa,, New. York Cil>,. NEW ADVEaTIBEIMENTB. NOTICE TO CREDITOR8. P URSUANT te section hty4our o Cbaptuo na budre4 de'an o! b, Revsed SDtatiuai !. 0tauo: Notice in berebl.,?iven that &Il creditous and otheii hig claires againt the Estate of THOMA8 DEVITT, lats of thé Townshi!p o! Pickering, ln tLe County ci Ontario, Yeoman, deoeazed, -ho died on the WTweuty.aighth day o!f Pbruarg, 1881, ara raqquirad te &end b pot prefia and ragitered, to Meus 7 1.'uaeh p0 lut- led5., o!ha Town ot Whitby, Barriatera, onor belon.thé Twenty4ifth ay of April, Il1 a tateznent oet bei. names and Ad- dreIs. fiathe fuli furticulara o! (bir claire. and secii6e iem ay] held by hem. And that aller thie eald Twenty4 tth day o A ril, 1881, tha underigned administrator of tha stia eit hoeaid Rta ThomaDevîtt wiii proceed'to dstribute the assiate of the cad intestat. TWhonxu Deyt iapsng thie parties entileS <hauto havmi1g regard (o (hose clairas W oulf vdh16 h sabave refeived notice asu sioreaad- Daed at Whtby, thtils 8;dey of March, 1881. JOHN DEV1TT, lin.14 Adminlatrator. UNIESEF V-E-D 8A LE DOG OÂ1Ta, se.,.. BY AUCTION 1 -AT- M.,DÛIN .UY A N S Cardage Factory, Witby, on 8ATUFIDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1881, Whatthaoeing.uawwand fashionably mage Cacuages vil 0a solS vithout Op>rg8800veIe!Photons, 4 Piano-boâ: Buggies, do ' acht Wagonatiss, Hunting WVagons. Dog Carte, Lght Demureat Waes1 Expressa$ krat agons. Àm'a a vpoil gacnd.bod Buggies. SALE AT Il O'OLOOK, -A. M. Tuxs- 6 meonthe' credit on approvedl L. FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer. Whltby, Msrcb 28rd, 1881. 88.14 F('1l SALE. 4 THOÈOUGHr-BEED SHORT BORN From 3 1 te 16 menthe old, a&U direct hre ImrteS f»Steak. AnupRy ta MiL NEW ADVERTIBEMENTS. A BSTRACT STATEMENT 0ýF BE- C EIPTS AND EXPENDITURES 0F THE T(JWN 0F WHITIY, FOR THE TEAR RNDING 3ST vDEOHM. BER, 18. RECEIPTS. Cash balance from 187(j..$8181 12 Taxes- Coi"d (rom rol ot 1878-8 IM108 3 187,9.. 1165 188.. 1.66260O Non Reaidents .......... 296926291 69 Advertisiog TaxSla2 90 Ngtoa discoontadisl nd. lng renewmals .6.700... M Redemption o!1lit. slà fortas....... . no Billiards................. 75 OU Hoteis and shopsE..... 97W96 Petty liconses ............ à OU Fees train weigh scles... Rent- Town Hlli].............8348 75 Butchers Stalle......... 96 9j Eduratin.- Gev. and County grants, High Sohool .......... 1664 82 Gev. grant Pub & Modal. C00 O Landiae "M for taxes.. MiseaUanaoui .... EXPENDIT URE. Fashionablo Mlinery ana Clothing Store. Balance of Mm is.TO'. maortgage ...................000O Debenturs.- Bonus te Railroad...20000 OU FireeEnginua............ 2100 00 Ochoole ......... ....... 4200 00 Mudge & Ysrvood.....8250 OU Bonus 10 Railroad Extu 20000 00 Railroad Stock ....10000 OU New Town Hall ... \...ý00 O 6900 tom8600 ASSR PS. Çsh.on bandS........ bfl80 Taes nncolietad.- ]Prom Ba of IM .... 2M92 .4 ..1880.... 84M 2610821 54 Xent of Butcheres 86.11.. 18600O Nosu.Residetit Taxes.... 471 £0 , Vélue of Property.- <id T'a Hall & ground..0MW OU Pair (Grouud............ 12O00 pire angine & apparatua 4m00O Schoola sud Fuitura 97SM000 hfalroad Stock . 10....IO00O New-Town Hall,&e ..10000 00 Muarket Lot South Ward. 200 OU 87400 OU 874M22Si 870196 196 97 445 67' 228482 45681 26 ai $96176 7 Wl To To Debentures.-To Paid Mudgs & Tarvooad pou No. 7$ 25080 " Bonum te R. Road vou No. 56to 60. 25W00pa Srhl. deb. No. 8 W100U vu Fire engine No. a.. -8W5000 atm0WO Intaruat on Debetures.- lie, Faid lut, an Stock .... 00W00 liai Muodgo&Yarwood. 210 ÇOU ah, Blonus teR. R. Co. 185000 a Town H - . 800v I. R. Extension.. 12000OU vo Schois .......... 2780OU and Fine Ene . 17 OU 480 OU dul Notes retired.. .......... - 61850 0 U l Dimeout sud sts.ups onv Notes................. ...1204 41 BOc Radarpiion o! loti sold ord for taxes................. 100 67 nom Insoane.- pea Phoenix lm.. Ca. ,Drill Shed.......... 8000 Phoenix h». Ce. w New Ral........... 91 60 British Aneica lu&. Co-New Hall...... CS00 18760o SE, Romnan Cmiholic . Sehool.- PuiS taxes for 1879... 261 72 .0 nucct. IWO .. 20000 461 72 Printlug and tatianary. Pal& W.H. Hlggins 1879. 69 88 1880. 905 62 Chus. Sarney, 1M79 89 10 .4 1880 94'90 AI B. lYnla....... 8a17 ,Ha*rt&-avlnon 00O "Bobertedu Brot... 823 428 87 L>ghting Lamp.- PAIdseacte. 1879 ..........1Il* 80 Ratcb Brno.......... 94 S7 J. Fiskiud&- Co., aill. 69836 J. Newberry;.... 114 76 "J. Prond!ooi......... 68 98 Chus. So3......9 87 J. Lott............... 100 Sandries.... .. il OU 614 (041 Relie- Paid acris.1679. ......... 116 05 The Mayor Grant..-..160 (OU M--. Lou.gworth .... 86 OU Thos. Lawler ..... 62 93 It. H..aunson..- 16 256 L. 1Hou-k ........... .20 60 Sundcrs.... ........ . 123 45 514 20 Town Hat Expenea- raidsacote. 1879.......... 106 66 "J- Blowo, bei........ 44 64 Aî S. ltoem, gasoliue.. 121 22 ,Suuidnie......... 51 289203 "ltetuzungs affersa at. Municlpuîlltima.. 0 Punehaa0 of sud ltting up XaUn.- Ti Paid iohis. Bames....... M9619 "J. W.Bamues-......64 78 Wre. 3oso, . 16 64 Mis. Till, luteet... M400O SLumnher. --.-. 10751< "Guruey&Ware,osaa358668 et APainting . ........ 7780 lti "E. . Joliaton.. - ..27 76 'vi "(fi-as & Granger. - . 40 82 'ï "Sunduies.... . 285 88 154878 1 Wuteriag Stret.- l4 IPAS R. Pogar(y, sinhlng 6 won ............ .... 68800 Robt. Ba-nes ... 1868 D. Morolein, at'n'g 67 66 IdM.Rarpar,pnmpint. 86 S 296 86 Well, conar of Brook anS DanSasSls- 14. ?&id J. Austin, mnkng.. 4079>8- Wilson teamin.... 15 76 "B. Mediohan, teamng. If 600 "T. ata, taamng.. 26.50 "D. Campbelli sou.. es 26 BR. Barnes, eurbin8... 19 02 874056 -]J For fuel sud reauor old tc wnhal............68 48- Pire anS Wtr- Paid "ueul gatteCo.. 1700 Chia!Engi do W00 lusuranea...... .....80 OU Cumin Laia . & Ce. Iloiler .............. 80 75 "The Mayor axpaula te Qnebec, unS Stlng '0 Bolier..........06 8S. Campbell, 5al&5i7 v ,as engineear ... . - 00 th W. apploit, W ser. 689 bu "J. Blow, tugai... 2& 76 s RingBron., fua.... u11et GEHall,clng.lhoa 20'76 "Sudrios ............1.0 80 M92 PalS igh Srbool par - orden S.D».......-...O4M-76 ]Publie Sohol par créer . B.......... dm ta 7970e StreteaanS ImprovnionlaI. PalS Break and DanSas ÃŽ Sti. 1879 ............ 1W02 Brock sud Dundsuà S5(...............1108 s A'Basa Lina.......... 141 76A "Bailay SUd 'othar 68 sida linos ...........1loi a "Nort.h War ... 19 0 '8 - clîtré . M,1121- Pald Clark and Tratoum M 60 O Il Oblst - M9 9 L. td-adFAIn r neS, ROSS JORESTUF Adto. uitby, 18(11 Paary, 1881. the Ma or and Council of thseCorpora- tîen cf thse Towon of WIVkiby. txNM.xxxu.:-Wa, the Auditons o! tAie wn o! Whttby, appalnted ta audit (ha oka o! tha Town Treasurer, beg 6 r. )it thut havigig caret nly ezamsned tha ne, sud compared, each item vith its )e r, wva fnS tha mame correct in svary atioa1ar ;(bat no amotint bas beau pai ihout a prope: vocbar. anS tAis umanis celved ara e vau ridby (tha Coiletor'a eMpts and Baxnk Books. 'The amatisuad atilities ara found cerreck assbewn in the Ftract, va, hovever, ex4rms no opinion îtté(taevalus of Corporationproparty. We. have prepared ibtrut, ataents us ll as a detaffle statamant of the Receipte id Expenditures for the year 1880, both in aplîcate, t(elslater <hong !fuhlyevery WCIO e g ta tate, (bat tha vouchers' oukm sud Papa us vere kept in perfect ici, and the bocks of accoant keptinlua cat, simple ami e82oieia n anr. lcepectully ubmittad. L. FAIRBAN<KS, tdton BOSS OHN8TON. us.nd hlitby, 150h Fs'bruar, 111. The -undeusgned' viimail FOR CASHJ 4 grovu lu tha Townships of Sootts ad Gvitmbory, FRER PROM BUGS 1 Also, &moevery dean Biùlay. T. MOODY, Livarpool Marbt. MUIN SCULLY, 1Land aod linnlgiab-on Agents S0 i'irms e Outeass ad Lsaisiplmu Malstubu ton.,ale. RMILWAY . AND STEAUN8HIP 'AGENT. Lgt for North. W.,TrÏ&nsportaldo% C' aund Grand Trnak R'y, 'aleo Agent/for Steamers *'Chicaroa" and -C4i> of Toronto."' ICIMEETSF01 SALE- TO ALL POINTS. CANADA- PACIFIC &RAILWAY. ITo.persouâ vishing ta ai irfi8ut kiat Britauu and IrulànS. lowitrabsnd, ml luorunabin ivas. b..ltW or other. Coiespoudanca aolicit.S inU tpermiom, 4yinR fina t!or al e tvshngbpur. ifie, Noi Fio*8t. We4ti et (poit ncStroI )UY GOODSI &4. FOR VASEH., 3I.LING FOR 'O.CSH1l Theastocinla tasSaof W. ýB.KN OWL ES, BB ouGQHAK, ý se zoutt'f b: vieveri la gtnsplies a las ',ees. D . L. BI TWEEDS! ÂFu-11 okat Dom 'y . * HAS! ATSI Gents Soft and H'ard Hats. Se6-0Ur ]Rat. ýMILLINERY!MLNER ------ . Our.MihEierlisjustreturneëd from the 'Market, hresh as made lage pnrchsesof te ooiceest goodsc ulerlme CARPETS-I Alarge stock Of Carets, all ,qualïiis anilpriceto S be Seen inUr ouCrpet IRooms. We invite ip.ion. OIT CLTOT9S 1 F1ooi 0ü1 loths, from one to four yardsq,ý ,ad cut tofit îany Moomq.; MANTLES! MANTLI,ý t, Th& ladies. are specially reqmeiâted .to'see' our 81.1ük DILSSGOODS IN GREAT_ VARIETYS' Our stock of- Scotch 'Tweeds and Worsted Coatings excela anything previously shown. inAtiis dlpartment.. *TA-ILORING DEPARTMENTO Our ,Taioring department is under the manatgem e nt of a. first-elass artisan. Orders promptly flled. ful -siltock of Te"s, Sugars. and -General -Gr,'ceries ngCo J~B. IPO Whitby, Marob 4t,181 NEW ADVEITISEMENTS. Admlnlstratol"8 Notice to Cred- DURSUAlIT <o Chapter 107 of (ha Ravis a.ed statut«. Mofn Itanloai ÉenSileS Ahe = 9patigTrusteas nS a cutom (acaiofo the Ritaté o! DAIL MoCAU1THT lut. of (hoTewnmlp ciana, la tha Couty ofOntanie, Doctor 0o> 25.1 Cins, daceased, ir» heroby r»quiréa 10senS particuiers of (bair claimitua u'y vefad, Tlniothy McCoar(iuy. Ireobin ;P.7O, oro bafoue (ha ini day o! May, A.D., 1881. And they ars requirad (o ta notice (but after that date the unLdsrmieiuad umiitra- tor of (ha saiS astate vwMdistribute (he aatA bereof&Mong tha Parties entitled theiet., havies rgardonly tbibhe aims ef vbîcb thaesad admlnistratur (hen bas notice. AIR partiesindebted to the saiS Saceased ara equirad 10 pal tha amonut of thsir lu. d eue foithith (o the said Titnothy XéCarthy. DateS at Brachin this 17th day o! March, A.D., 1.881..- Tu'Maffl'UnVMI7ABRT. lé-t1n Aduninletrator. APPLIE TIREES! ABOUT 73,000, HOME NURSERY, Froza t»vo ouran: arg!Me, ambraelng aSl (Ais bast arlies.& Wholsala ordans, by' latte r o othanvise, punnul tuendado. SEyH C. WILSON, D. C. DOWNEY, WUineon'a Block. Brock.street. CASH FOR WHEATe BARLEY, PEAS., AND ALL KINDS OF GRAINAND FARMHRSI PRODUCE. A suppir af Weatcmui Cern noavou hanS for Wae. ca'HIGHEST CASH PRLICE& FOR EGOS. Whitby, mamrh 9tb, 188W 1 (hALL AN4D BRE TE WHITE ",and 'IlRA YMOND" W ~AI Sm K'8WN ARIE %OFIE Th",, Machinas pu" seasa.vantages M* UM 1515@0, .tmg bièh ara a seelor . 1ndiIg bobl, .st.satllng ;~kAiaj siutt1a ,Soalias pt ter ô"siOPsOtc$8 notait. Yttrubl*<oa1uot ne Ibat la j MvUt. lm y warrne. . .by E. iH. r-UPPEL,, 'su 1s prsp" tIo ïie nrlï?.go u im'eata md nch ilie r pivata e j P.c P Box 899i WbItby.. at=iet. tu t f-ilu GREAT' BARGMINS b~ 1~j y H1e offers Canadiaiù Fatory ýCott4ons- -at, and lu some casesbelow, manuf*aem. GO ÂOTORY N FCTON Y TO EAVE ENTS* VCB- EÂVYYÂI.WI- CTOY COTONE .T OCENTS. T0 U I8-T-ý FAÇTIýY OTTO Yo'Eym",W- V-RY.,IMA..y AËTL_,WMS ÂT 10. CONS'T E FMPNEfiT CANÂDIFÂ-eOTOBY C &TS. - GREÀTEST BARGAÃŽNS l~CNDA LAHD'COTT ONS EVROFRj. 000» CANADIAN STEAM LOOMf3 -AT TdNS HEAVY CA.NADIAN STEAM TLOOMS ATÉ8CNS G00» YARD-WIDE CAŽTÂDL14N STEAM LOOMS AT 9rWT, RIS 10 CENT CANAIX& STEAM- LOOMS AIRE EQUI.LTO GILR 2O. 0DB. FOR 12 OCENITS ItE OFFEIRSA14CENT- 000» WIrjg TA LtoM HrS 121-c' EAVY STEAMLOOM -FOE SHnýBTlNGS 18WITIe)tT AN EQUL A 1TE PRICE The finest Canadian, Englshad nrea Stam-1o()M,, Lonsdale. Cam? bries, &o., very cheap. W- A veiy lrestock oft Bleached -abà d 1blo3e, htgs '-p-' gff- Pillow Cottons lu ail widths frôm -40 to 54 inch. -Sitns ui eo rg1&o#tos EMBROIDEE.-Toa arrivs in a.few days the- lrgest -rà otwýt (ova.r , 0Ã" arsù e Insetionsho ha sever- shown. tee Bea these Special Oforlaga. Whitby, Fabruary l5th, 1881. ODD ,. i,., y E A VE RTls EME N IS. I -S"" 14:( GENTSI FU RNL-SHI1N G H Ol Thte undersigue bu 3ust, rSdcea- a a pleided'î" of Siw cf EglaS. in4 a nzuiTwoeu, --for Mi garmenis mein edIBa, zies a jI price. G w v .i>g~a1s~ Co11a9~ ai~ ~Ukwdsloi~ ~JO1N ,ER~ 22, 181. SP]RING V COTTONS I LACE-"OURTAINS 1I LA,ýCE ,CURTAINMS!i fulil-ndweIl.l &ssortedso of LçeCrt in Lines iii - Got~tons4, \~ t ;:'~ new H~àih~ii CA1~PETS !.- - OIL O-LOTIHS fi EVERY ITNTENDING ?rURCHSE ~JIj& SHOULO AKE Il OINT TOSEE I8:RY ra:r WODRuLY OEAP oo-rroT 0 - TAILORINCr lI' LTA 1 1 '. f-2in lvi"lý 5

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