Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1881, p. 2

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t t' - t ~W~BllUng t la L,-Falthsmeh., Ausir. Stcek Doalsi,- ieg P~iMIs-James. 'I <raè*-&th O. Wllaoe. I Chroapes- 7amos ~ b Ladies' Collage. <y Davls&Soe& La, Uoribuer for &pril. a "Nbla é Arl Itlln'Wàéhne-. p atte s . taro; àB s Ou Prld&y, Maroli 18tb, st Glendhî, Haudehold orit eati dgrainé potsé t.oes, hors., oov, implementa. &oé, pic- perty cf Mr-. Weumaen.-L. Fairbanks, Ânoîioneer. Ai th.reSMieao. Iie Jameà vtcheil, %Yhbb on Wedaesday, Maroli 28rd, Fairbanks, Auoîloneer. - Elteniue redit sale cf horsog tiaorongibMd saUl, farinm ipiémenté, &o.,tbé Proputet iMr-. TP. White. bihlmae, op' 'Pbuleâay. Marci t4h,1iv 'lok .o.-Thomaa ONLY th'So PBR ANNLJM. Whity Tk1ilday, Kar, 17, 1881. WIsaaaa t~ moëtly .-Mrob the iifh 1ýqIàh.at;-,lair o londy ; mmli ~e~iIer;foiioved by raetc- Tiîld lae osew@edy. bfois Houi. M.Jmlo-Gi.The oalen- dur 'a v.?> igb TALlé. Tr s nu.- DMomday, tie 4dîoff~p'1ii~.lb dsàapolnied for Vac taking c(&hoffla crus. I& la greatly in b4 teare4 ",thei r-emU it ii b.anY. tliîug bdt assurai.. WiLi the maniai- pèl meehlnewy ai Iheir liants,iai couti h matie available0 for lakleg vital Quail.Dot fai o* e b.anusocale and 'oliitble oengu,4, it i. uacocentiie vhy lb,. GoversnowntiioUI1i resoîl 10 a plan su epinorsouje and .enroengled villi w <my o1ileottbis. Tb.enmunicipal ae- sesmx-e iu< ii> <b"h faliiarity via the iucltifw,. soti bav..doe s <bork je a *aY l<bit <oid bS uispeadèti spon, and ti ia titi,, cf 4<fl $0c ho le Gor- si-un'ua. ButelIS* viaai vid lte fiende anti langers.on ci the Gore- auitio, fur a job? OIL Puavaxvs' l ItO. GUO. BaoWm. Mr. Beaumoct, aeent for thie sale of it~ie cfhî l t.eHon Gýorge lJiove ta nov.. ova nt and aeai"ng tii.local- l'.The it.c i oiltu 'are exee»eai lilssneaeaantd Rn remarkabi>' vel ex. sétlstai2The a *u iy M'a favorable Titreuto Tdibuf A'taýle.olefhas Siutnîsduest lmpif' !dnbse Dr. NeUaai, Preedeel cf VieoM onaki taiale -Iluoalou'! -aI the Ladies' UoleV, os Friday .mls aLThs subjeo vas fulcf information and fpraeila auggeehioem. anti a deideut liera" renta. De FrIiay, 5h. wfMool il deliver bis leeureau- Ti>h éNorti-Wei" -a&l l ebei îdon. cf deepeel interael at thé préeesi ime. The pro. feffeor viilb. preparet in, moaevsqueul. luoesviii> <ha objeol of glvlng informat- ion.' egoli maJuoJÂ.r. Tho.. Lumnsu <alie <s o hie (a-m near St. Francia, Xotvisr, lwentr cilce froa Winipg- ft i~oroad ofloola, mnladiag four out, jTvo of th. marna ver. Cuii o-thaMom6sers Joffrey 1 and, bLlllrn' tad I4~ r i8i. .aroth'e Day off 181,DesY.t ra , tu, se 0 ay, dm1 i rsiaud 9eijoylegý1 lita4 '&tais of proc îerlty vr lappineas ýtthat bl ieons am <hi.. i tetb. Alantc 6134 ail over te klob-wotilti wish. Bt-ifs anti dotuestio digiscrd, the conlli*, tullas sespended, and lime.naireat- a. otI tiimprivoaed lnuler a Oocrcion Aut. mark tépresoaI claIe off hhing rprevatling ie enbappy Irelanti. Badi goverameel ati an infamone "làIw' ait' ne* dccii, priwarlly rsspooslblefo?î r- tbis stals of thinga.The aniontiment $.ba n-I thei Ipr.oxemt -of thbe ý vezncnee*of 1h.bouer vu* old;,béîlie huarfeit viai> cf'eiryl I-lehtean woulhy offthename, etiiaute, >o4 ahi-cati. To bilegaibonthtiis î1es*' aill change the jovrful ahidof ti se bicrarchy aud ciergy off the Cathloii n Ohuiol inleIreland bus nlways eau' 1i1 11. fBnt, whule tbey support evsryi I.iellwae anitipracticuai ciovenseitý having thast endti u visw, the ciergy cf IrelandtIe peuples' truie .frid-- cannot coiintenanos or nphoid a dan- gerons agitation o the .oerhrow offi ail leghîlmate autoily, and ceeue- quently va lied bis gractheo Arcli- bishop off Dublin wai-nieg the clergy. bandt teur ock. agaleet the revolution- ai-y eharaclers vue seerateto ifîleatithe peope. Tht followieg le the text -of 1h. Arohbielîop'epastoral: " Let noliody accuce ne off vant off s0maly villa the «est quertion of jusmýI-ti e îla nov appeaie te Parlianient forseellleuienl. Tht cause is uest and boly, sed cariles villa ilthe bleselogs, *off religion. Amount the terrible mis- lakes madie foruaerly by th. er~o &bis unhappy landt lire jes non. par- liaps whicb viii exceeti je foily <liat i vlob i> vii h.nov cemititetiif the vital qustilon cf <ths tsaure offlatd holdings te Dot settieti now antifor > ver, on jeel prlntplua toeai&W.r-8o sn-; MOUSen e webat a fuit boneet smille- ment off Ibis agry eoeltro*pnmi-nylealesa liai lbthe poral happ>ieesa.'omd moral- ad' rligloos Inteeseta cfne couetrymenthat if te aacnlfisa cen bloodicouitileati lte eon8aemnation off lsegrand aet off jastjo.. ve ouiti egliadi>'uo b at sacrifice.- Wbile wv. bbliesg îbl e v alo smat- i, Ir e muet' i again prbeiaiin tl>el soinsoffthebmins employe 1i in tbe sir1ggle cannot "e, the sanon of religion, Tbs modtiset> other dangliters wu lataient gior>' off Irsland. butaiah iis leDov tci abandonset, andi ônr danghlere are oum- moneti enter thea. ftuuy pretext ioff aharity te take ltôir stand linashenoiuy ares off public hife. The pratexi or charity je îueîsly asnueti, fur ttreaîly vu bave hly asc.ociîios. cieanti vemen trht de o oe soff mency (Qi tise por antd afflhfctd; anti vou the bai-si aveZ now oomung je foi-ce bave menci- (nly pl ovitietifor <lie Iaoeuliee c4>1IbO*O failieg cellier tiair power. Irieh vauoî are amked te forges tias uodesty ouSttpir* @ez hy leaders wito seens ntt-rly reoik- logis cf tihe coeequcncell, and wlia 1w tkeir rfuakioanese have hrotuht i ne-ry on maey fainulies. ieves-ed fatlIicz4 est yeur faces agaînatt itis. dshormuuf atonipt. Do ni <olsi-ate ini yonre<- allties a vomatn vho go far diaavoewc lier modesty àastu parade licratif pub - lial je a claracter seauwrthy of n chilietc Mary. 'Tbis aîlanppt ai dagnaîl- fuit hIihomen cenmes Vary stpprop- riétely frcm mon wlio bave drawu thb. - country mils itpresseS- rbl>4tipior- abls condiltion. Depi-iveci of àte* sfe- glartaot i te conatilntioe lths people1 '.mybesoins theepro>' of pijued sun-, formme-men Who bave &UI:iri agents W Uwlavaonnoterions ibftaisanti revoiu$ionlis, ant- Who, tuemcpe<th. 'Odinn of tbir &et, abuse tb<ie Crutian Politeneous offOba=mVe eei-bl Pi-nlats anti an ililuloeu sollier of France (Cardinal Guibert, 4rebi"zP of.Eaalço taud' ldMalMsmaho.)e ises ou ,ant1 titeir .agente, $0orvund hsir, 'Vie. v ers fot aslianmstulto ealziniate aS dos... Whoae prelates wve. ormel> tlie glory offtheia. riliChercai, andi lsc vais oSC04 gto$0 ara <lisir peopra, ffld bnsl4jy fais. filenâdesud e"a' f~lii ta1In. Thiss. susthe courses vheà*fOâSè gna it a4ngers ho car failla. 16etris pi-a>' tu tiseAlmag#hly- tb*t ho na'me PMltênlIbe. nemies of îie holy cause. fbIPM,. owiadose ciay dtirecti te cenneila cf altrlexe, andt t1abêh oe> ied fctout cr ev-er ltse prisis, anri th.-people.' worde lia. the alsovw ubmiDg ru thie venerabi, Arci>bishop DUloPeu eh. peopie le ,violence bava ben tise basse off tb.Green hIe. Tht>' be-vs ai. va>'.la.41h. people asti-a>',eatd bIbi-- leg tuàeur evil counsîs has kcpt baok' <liesremadili aeure itiilii-cui han. thisuepport antid onunouancaoce liberal Eagiieaien. Lelt te peophe sUit truttb.li- elargy-and stick to <ein adi-es nMi . f pctunlà" fith eb ib' irrepouîble agltàiosv and ti <ae i-l ~4cwe&i4ope anti prA>tuai. asyba wl, in cPaio~n Pq,1 imé in tbe T tiatfias lova Tis tsSd se pulnaled etang L@ag fflieork' iiceau eq erti.la>' ltxfba - Tii. . <be pi-s caf publIcO. ineth au. tla :, iser. leSe clet-theit« of l hebuus p9rý ~klGzeus 'bta -bod** b is-i bacad" a1~ ai irpego b'th la eue . 'Pc-p-ut- ft- liha f reeae hsein ti >lul.u ~soei<s sa 00eoloa e fe» itcthape- ~eos. ctlispreencviaalr.i t t 'p a -e a -s il h Tii. authaitlae' off st. Miclisl'g col- týà e ôbo de tiaedtpal 'dps tat have be e-haékn, aud& vbis)l - Iav6oacocsaéflly brovIg)at about th~e, Univoeity. l tseprocoedlens cftlib. meeting offtho douaIs, on lise 9<1>hast., vo Andt lte foloing: 'Tlie Vice-Chancellor pi-esenleti lhe report offthie commite. ou <le ulaia ciSih.'~ ollei;as-follewe- Ttt cemrmutat sp poinsti 1,>' te Seuate to enel iui tle roprss.alattvo off dt. M;ghaal'Ï Collge tue ooeqitio vbeoy"tb&*&eOllsgm eau b. amtileti to the University'sif'Toronto, bWK le.ls trepentt laI after severdlt n*ea'vw ett ,casteul coiisliéiowef tsanklca tee, a plan lias lissa prôoeat, baseul cb -theosysteri nouseila--thé Unleersity' of, Londonaian$sd aamoiandnm d Wv b>' thrpeenahe f 8'1. Ã"lal Col legs for conitieral*n. - , oni semmittîbe hbe cere subinit- le the Sonate tise mémorusandumin*s qestion. andlireith apponei«i;anti te neeoctoameti il 'foradoptIon i>Y the Unis-etat>'- as a scîlefator>' solution o! tbe-di-fficulties anggested at an esîller tage, ant a lieaisou hicb théeeffIla- <ion of 1 . Miclasel'. Collego oeay ble ba-icil'oui. (Signuet.) W. MULOC; Scn/sne of 49lUaiie.î o f Mio7csel'a CoUege wit/s f/se Univsersity cf J.; St. 36iicsel'e- <Collags e %l eb. a ceilIýge ho effilictiocih lthe niveroil>' - off 'Percal. 2.I l tesnb-tiepai-tuenl of bster>' (medinvai anud modereine)noiaor.are toi. specifiet in the. Univerit>' curric. ulumx. 'Phe patiods of-laltoenàbiacet le the Curriculum are te e b. tise cta off nmination villinSnom" sr iclou -one taii~irlsnaraulhicr, antioz. aminare arc to b. letrucletib>' lb. Sanaéwtoeseooamc< oxaMinatisasor tod eh-pon«ttheb. pirt -f flidein emos. InXc<b theparimeat cf acentaI sud a"a te li-e ssficl Ia th.é nvni> cnr-lulm..'Piaqustions i bahve. ne~ ~ ~ ~~o neee-y'faes-0eny author or uoolofantiors. Ale mtse-opiso ti!er eccurc>'cetthonglit aed expre.- Siget-4J. 3.CasaIt>', MD.I . .. Teef>'. D. A. O'8nuic'n, bLA. Oc motion off the Vic*-Chanoelhoi,, sevaadt la>'Prinoipal Ci-aven, tihiessa- pont.wa. utpeti. 'lTeéVioo-Che-nclkr-gave notice off a dltisuie te give effeol tu thse aepoui toff lie moigle. ou- -lb. nafllon off 81. Dominion Pai-limeel, Tise w-tak ie lieing I iniotl, p n pr*p- pars<io fothefl prorogehation esudal v- oral siembers hâve aIres'1> lefi-. Thli 1'uciflo liailway JncclilltWatt pas.- Tiesenapieuluiian>' est ituates i-st laa'agliltiti-can aTnostay tiitt. Tise> e-aataittwtou$104 442f Poi- I oe lia- bei-at-e tnu athtiolauî 8,000. otig for ÇWbilby. Otlier harlicre, faversd b>' alis6iverument, cupporter«, gel «racla. Tbopi eàthsekind ti ffair pis>' iat Wbitby, 4t19M <kua<v.ae." - Thia' importe&l Btia ob>cy caYong edilicaDotisi bla probPert>'off lUir <Iuaan, off lIe.aaood, iqt a-vrgusd te' ste-eti f e liailtid taumben et metIistasson. Fertser el thesacsive gtnei'alaget, fbor a ~'Wlitgto'u-a.uswe W"vasie-, <oye lest week andi reporte business oua lia 13oti. t ok several tiéu flous oAtt -msigihourà andia tlnte. A alhort speonecomeut liefeficsd fi-oaMes.- =lea e-antiWellingaaa lst aidera 4iethld-leaSeby rMa- W aM *d oul soD a 0po ve ýt es~me- ta-ýfirti'. gctd'a aaning anti teope"flâiy b>' ,p&rGM ord.riug Ilirongs hlm, Tliere are sevaral neceots vis>'t-ut btie prfofr thse RaaGleva-Pltiig alleui <oa tII clbers in tise mrbel, festaM! slbecs eys ar e litast t tôoragil>' Pradu iudlel5ai 'tu ise omoeoonomlcc. 7urther Ébey :mrnlas-aoen usuai ivylet> an to jti.0,WIatby aprcls tlas letenu, s sbeoglbera keep mll satna aus0ere thèise piarsinsok. Il li an lapetierabtlsascete aIet >cs o tra WIi or wsni for 1,et hn oi<a oa rdheaslaOntazie CoutI' srtg of iiei tele atarne -!froa30 ta ou vaulliIot *0 ie WsrGiove.WII<lg pst eus I>Uetwisankspt lu stock. -Patten O=& %msftPbeof postae, 1.S. Robert- àba -Bas. "rApae aWbuly. Ibloffls soad, of M"s. Olipistnte- <crias offubagaS -timseira 8t. Mid- bla, It illb.begin irAprl a&us broegb tvosictbnwe*ti- Wiin riva in ser.u i st loe le IMy J&M OMP3t sclI agm=îgiy laidm t* .Mte seag.- angsaes »eta14b- ae ï w*U m a aaycspMaelellfisaIgts, Masruzu Enitieut qMq 's V se ionB t as i.tUcteS t Do t. calI <haith. atav ajlnd.al-f -X& Itirojiteet 8Bm John -in -Blakc.an- Macirseate, an Tupper, an Tom White, :=a tis ett. es, th.y'reait le h. Ladisere la th. Britlis HRoua. of Coai- Ioatito nneay aioh as> 53horit Ba am in lcquipe, L l istser Davàa 'eux lier. aen ehe nis. 1-s muets- à igo. Teslb qbcpI4Mia4o n Dr lit for IloqeInS Eeifghhint Lool et slEngl*ishmn-te <b.Wbtby Town, Coi-eilV Inà tliser Foinua -Blouvin leaeyln<by 'th ISo-I'- ôtuantisfor ens. LokaiM <hé rprwCite--, tives an Ii-lsblqnleos VClaemoDe-. ciosihes, DanO'Casanmlla se acrosi aIe ye.Yen veti bey to'go a Làog va>' bo4nd <hein aiîq nl. M fi-r the Native Canadien aeant, ompr B-g i- tiiBlake.,-An lttee te lb. oie-thon>' off W-el.>', n-na-santi H.--ca ati jiet se>' if Canadien orations, (or, poes ailier) lenlise Bouse av Conmnas tic dacint liing av Mistier Davtn <o stop ile ual whla I i-aSUcil amati> t e forth the mai-ils av. th. greal spech- malien av Ilse'to wn Covasil.- Wba& aheet-tie Seotehi inaylisyen yl sa>'. Wiy, titre len't &a cotch. mati in lb.Toi-e Coi-sii av - Wiallby. Ax Covisillor K-Il.>'? Be'u au -auliscrit>' on the Le-y, Andtihe Gospel an Tovn Coi-ncil me-tubera. Hart Scotch ciaunisinees for yen P Tias>' are goe lanieb lte-t nol van a m i-ci accpt a acte ir. the Toi-a Covasil .1 Yan ougstto-salie an cular>' agIo <bis îlele e-v tiiga , 1 peniave Ibat Misihar -f e-v thse B8evee.be-NîitSe voniblivehimesif -e - vata anctisar liWe tôucb1lcup. la ai eispayiârleIdo'ial Ivé cci ASct sou mi Pescaeh Bsrm's aman ise ocoin 10Whffl Y, e- ieka aupaper. B>' ant b', lié kgi le-d e-v e-bil an a prees, moi-Id aiBailli' aie, for a foi- dollars, on vblia he p rteeSeven be-Nie., su atrialîa le polulanu hinsîf <ha -gratas iPrltiter ln the ceenliaiy, 'an tliegraat nevepaper me-s, ae pi-cbuehss te taidéi olliere, iho are wtesame-trbon, tas il ver, ithe butinens la vbicb they re- save& tlite-hliffe-laug lte-e-hala. - idi like prestmpahan b.o preteia bout Town maîthers as taika av hie beltbera le le Sveebe-tne(given e-va>'fiee) ulili u a.cnc onnasias if<t.he ven- be-Nine, va snevepaper 61offoosik- vinne an a. if b. epoke vidis aIl lt celliorit>' ev long e-e maclicre sapa>'- s-noe. Nov 1 toe't biame a me-n for doleha ieut io prômelin lis ovua bic- nous. Thet'm cocincet. 'The.-con- aIt e-n preccînapahen lit-I utidis- patere n cetownolhet-s le i-latIi cttjeek le. Au I tlîink il a pubuioe jet>' to keep taI in ébtck auan nock a li111e av lie censaît out av ltae preetunpehans tunhitewolt Imef Itimself up AI the expinsesofflit aisuylens. Sieda amac ties--ýv«e, <e eshaa' unp, e-n ho gel a Dacme tIset wllll lcük teoiM, an se 1 glv Yez e- neav soegit vs e c!on- mB,. PUFF Do yen néwv ta ai ie a mn Ilas>'cail le Wlaî,YOclT ant Mr. Pcfa;- - Dy' the e-st fbie jila, Andti <hd»b. tee b,- ToslI know beayen ree<.4(r. Pl I Whea haoicAnastih. talkm4 Andtibs b.Ilb . l o asike- For ever,'ls-pa piajue I I.haud-ti-af--"Tbe Bàvs-by.-lqe"- Aue impudent pu* cvliy lias-', WIha lms fu tl rése-. Foi- a Taper hsdjt,ps- Wlq', w. seat-cal>' &nevapapea' elga1 Wbal#iaile Ilp Wby aaotlalag, be-t pcf; LokellAStb- I dont like lt.evortfor te pék Bat "Par"lM a ber Ibi WouipeOplOeceve-- nms--wha rs inI>anti veak- - 'le-simpIs aud use-k, Are tunbooied eit la>' aeng at Loti aa feitise <ts tl b' su B>' <la. Ssva-bl-figollllsqpeaS. hiov, tPair#, ska a teted> a-l Jeaut S iatrova, Be bos e eulcaalie lteé' as been baudet yr Grath4TruaRail-a>' off Canadae - - - - rel 1Mnager'. office, ir 1 si-a!, Maici 9, 1881. Frc-ioeumbork&sa4, Eeg., Generai manager, Nos-/e m atind orti.- -sDit Eta-I r.ssoived,,your lutter off %lise lb liast., lité yieirtiy afleinead. ,TOU iw " asif th. Grand. Tmenk,.Baili-le va>' Company' bat ho hatereut in the (C trs*ftq0te aud lrom:le Canadien Pacifie Ji àelii-&Ye or <ha <raffie *wileb -i-cuit Sgoi- gtei*y lice ocastrae oth e n S a8i., r. -dée à am:_1ti(o, coulee liI en onts<ideheGrarid ý Tra dRiivay-Compai>' ha. no daiMà o:0 to tes adiittied t n>'voies in arrange- ameait& li fféec;t5h. err>'ing <i-ada off Ontatlo. 'U i4 eevlelee.sa fact -<liI t>ettan ~rek ail-a>' com¾ ý pauy' s illeage within tht Province as t aboutfUür"lims ialoff lite Northea-ag 1ailva>', andti lioagl tbe Cocapauy us lascstt i Wisa-he West andti sIbesi.- nea. lb le ne e tlauinterealet inletiseP local Iratie, visicit, I hoe I ma e>'e pardoneti for caying, it lis tees more ta tevelop tis-a v <eNontisere Bau-wa>' Cempan>. Yoîarfer te-"paûrai>' local Cotopaxi is." >'B Whiaî'- teis ethe Grand Tcu<nh leua alocal odmapan>' lientht oitiera ? Toui povers coma froca <ha anie source at tbons offlte Grand Truck, and pour.ji. not a local ceux- a ite seinse of opoi-ating entier a <I Yievindia cantei. Ti the G TiJ>Tritik sitien let e-t la tiseestanti iest business a seffiasenl d reusons for excldting thtacMMfrein an'R voice ila aier. ceanectet viti thei Ontario Pacifie luticifon lins. TiilaPi swmowhat cdd la fac e li.faut lie-t a refereuc O te aofficiaI, reports of lte Nortitera Rly-'-ssufoet 0dom. la anelrate ta16119e, an- eâ I àu wle.Il ler.esein. le quit au$ wésl tbusiness, » 1110atyeia.e4ee en yocrnni- 40 Most for thé ttcsor Ibm.. yeane 10 develope a t*ad oÃŽ<laIkinti. of -Il vs cosiden th. local interesis off Torcelo-ationt vhich fer the momentel o yen appétit 10 bepartlsularly solichlous Ti -1 v6oture to Ihink tie Grand Treak b' Comnpat i,'ua.moch conosni-th e b c volfar. ýoff tiaCil>' au le tb. Nouthiera*B Raliva>'Cocapaiti, a ff W.do cari>' tU «Mc anti veut usines&. &bat ia ne stronger reasoàvi>' -e irasoulti neglect in the business ci Toi-co tian is lie fat fô tieI rcmTu>', cillje at- préent siui, - iy'ç~~langer satereut -i4 = gi tainÏafi'cte pntlfrein Ibo-Canacl- ian PacIil ilino, I6r le sud froua ib la Seul Stef. Ma:ie liesno.ati trous eti abmillçtn, han il vOUscîthavé in ca&rry- J- ingitio*"i&froorýoilto - lit The mercantile occeemeell'off Toron- th te viii, I canquite osatain, not l aOte < set lte ativentaes offsecanring full fac-'- ilitis iircgaacale sas eWVilby aud Pus-t Ptrry ba>tllToroiu andti p- fs- sing fer trafflo luo anti fioslths Canati- JI uan Pacifie aunoantilte Sanit 8L .Mais h andthe lia>' aiosely #saline ltse fauIte-ht -Gt boîb thefe s-adi casa, 1' tise anctruet ion et a fev Addilionai miles cf liou e, t l mide equsi te tlishNôterasla sier>' th esepect .as a nta oaf reaaiting liv neil- Pr vay-llie One-rie Picitiojauàaîiee ue-cl. Thon yoe foigel,-on it voniti penhape li3 b. more pi-opon te se-y yoe shah te ig- av note-îlxe faci <bat lb. peopleriseideul ut along Laks Ontgie, (rom Toronlo tu pa thie boundar>' off <h - Province off Que- bec, forci caii-ge-pioition off lie papa- IM!on off &b. Province, san bti taIby are - ocrt, e-udtusat contine tcelie et served. te a va"> large exhent, b>' lte Grand Ts-nnk BcilWay.d Thtfauti sies; 1 vecnue t., tlsink,, vonît b. conaitiereti b>' tilinterestiC portenta atsfIclet reseni-b>'the<làe Grand Treii ebetilt have nosem cni- eae-ion etued te iem lineauection vuhIlboh.airagarnentu ÃŽftflb.Onmirs pacifie iatïoloaaCtnay -atita thit intoiesta ailoalti notlie culiortin. eled ta lte polie>' of th. Noutheru-Coisn-.n psYeuitelme le your lettet litaI tiseS OnarieoaileJotu canpan>'wuvau a 4rfflied t Ãœ hprieiple et' alsolute il in aepentisce. equal a-nnnicg powere Teo bsing stcnred te ail oller comupanies, 00 'Ph. Grn mnjoerandt it the ad original s6ope off th. propeset rail-a>'Oli va. a lOnt froca Gi-ei-ueraIte oNipisu-au in.extentiet aclieqeenl>'ta a branc i l lie te <lia Sanl St..Marie. Auntlub aaaotb:a- part o!fcf yocr letter yen ceaa 4- ôý ee xpeal use hob. gicle fui foi tUas aasrtace <bat yen do. no< i-l pro pn ose hdttiieab. uetecuilies visibi. a tlc ieiee-topc b. cornIs'>' butgilen- a ns? Ant 'vhI en ardn ue for "Y-t>e< ing<laiyoi eiariei suranceoffa eli desir. to efibartiesoer> tralle 'ciWitlb in <ha Inter. stntogtliece oui conviaI- ý Vot Company' 50 do.dO0. 1Yen Bay>' litI M. Eidgar lias etaleti: kaî tht- Grand Trunk- Company' ha.! iertaken te guai-aniée <heo- bocnds of tae Company'. I h~ave -net ceena se> ;Udh staýtemoni maïaseiehîim by Mn.- Edigar or an>' ont site, anidIshould Wb or>' muai sniprised <to fluatitMn. Edigar heti matie nsecîan>' accilang- mage, becanuse tis Grand Trnnk Coca- any lia matienoagreemenlt off an> le vhatever i ill bisOntario Pacifié Whsn 'epeeik, as yen 'dole yocr Jompan>'ieng -'in lie hecontrol anti îfiussss"of Octario. ILam, l.ele u- >ose <h<-yon laaltieédté 0have sait àuder<heýoocnoIanti influecnce cf, the rortiénBaha'. That il lenoS tte e-W la inlac fuItuýeeinm te b. 'ypur ai>' gi-oued ef complaiet, anti I have ao -doit bat tha public -ilappreecis te lits proper value>'eer preseu teiét>'f ber lb. velfant off the commercial in- »ese off tisa Provýins.oof Octaleo.- Nelvitbstanding yonî assurances off oti viil ovantis nu, yen ean hard>' bpeal mea 10consiei tiaiyour quarrai Ni'titheb Ontario Pacifie JcnciionC (hm- lan>' juetifioti yen in making a publie lîsca upon tht Gi-anti Trüek. I amn, Sir, Your's ffeithfully, J. BIClX8ONI General Manager. Whitby Township Coucoul. Thse regela- meeting of tise Township enuel off Wiiby teck place at th. rove hall, Brookliu on Monda>', 141h ici. Piraét Meuse. J. B. liokehl, rfove, [lenltse chair.] J. L. Ssi-h. leplil> reée, John Davitison, flean>' lockeil, anti J. B. Matheveon. Minutes off lat umeehing readaaiap- ýroveti. toiifUlfWATIONB. Frocilthe coi-pore-lion off ButIWhitby t réforence tg aciscol tiebenînres, Un- on Sehool section No. 6. Froca AL.Turner lei referaee te in- arauce. Frein uefactareornoati souepers ?fening te sauppi>'tovnship. Fi-cm D. Oriniston lu reforeace te ùalm off Board ef Sepa-ate ticlicel rreeteos, Wlitlay for certain taxes paida 1 Roman Caîbolice la towaship i-lie siltiren attendethit Whitby Separate o 'eswa"aitta thi le-Uer. - Fa-oua Ciekt off BeiZnnvîlie consei i refernce te pellîon> <o Lisgilutre r acaandintn eusesmnt lai-. Aidiavit of 8. Mgekie anti daim for *a-be kiiled;bydoget. 1AoeSinls wtre reotvul froca relure- gl o"faru,* freni Mn. Darllngton for tationer>', (nom W. H. Higgiaeq, from, r1. Hm Penny, fer registration off de-- >entnre by-law, e-lau(fi- cedar, anti for at auppail cf indigeis anti refferret coeitton acceunts. Tendesa are receiveti for prning -os tht CuRoncwLE offiat anti (rom ra. Ceille-jo - latter offeriog te de i.e work for ttfive dollars lese iesuy> >her mac." lt ap -expIlst ici- wMr.' Cuil.hati riaked tht coneail lutî vear anti madet ,ptonship p..>'881 pet 100 extra for diagithe aanclitors' report. On mnotion of Mr- Sith, secontist )y Mr-. Davidsen, the contrat i-u erardet t he CsaeuCL Ooffice b>' se incuimens vole, et lb. scistule off )risse in lthe'tender. TEK TRAziUEZa8 aNDs. Mi-,qmalit .breugit up tha aubject of îegTreaeulrer' beond, Mr. Cols, ce> bthte anra- leeti edatgene kay anti a nov bondsman va. requit- Mfr. Danliegloën% lb. treuserea iw-a >mnsnnicattd vili, antid ubseqnant>'l te Dpame off-lMt. James croxU alisc evan, t i ue>'j i place of Mn. The.. sudlite' ielloi-l as broug1it, p, anti on motion t theb. anie ie aI>' auteianti ailovet.- The Rfeevo objeléoet, icautaelis e-i adior% qel forth leiu report <hat tsi-e vois oatrtai 1ta m hihn muaiberh aît ,bren pi tued. -R. ampl-meclist atI lb. ;etotite lvanta«s hati bsec taken ô! ' emiler: ae in th Ue. uditors' report luet Yser. id tise-t hie ýoppoentu batil-ciargeti la vitb givlag ci-ore not conaisoti Yb theuahl, vil, I tisheUie -lie> ii- the -re mallng'wi-Wl- as noet me case, B taei M.r= ,w gainsl bina, anti aleo Mn. -1fati-wson, The GeiaMorocorysaasit vwu bê rnatifyi'n.to oui -namerou reïadato o learlahitSa voilais soon te e circulai. eti lu Cànada Ci tmetprovo esvalua- hie andà-icduspcnuable le thé fermer asý biu n.aper, or any other Iabor-sav«ng sitlon te gsaly imorasse bis profits. Il fie aialkonfacl-thai large profils have isithent, belon matis on steak-rais-_ icg b> aalho undesi-tandti hair busi- nas,.ad.tisIe-deparflmnîoff stock- breodiag le nov iecoming morteiii>- portank <han lever end yitldieg lisîlen 'reterce <han any o then brandit'offise- bandry.* Hithenl e e ant off a fine ialâÎ'éil, pracutical voila on Live9 <titoala baslieefoit b y ever>' fermers a reoforenïos boek for bîeeding, breshIngt .training, aheltering, bcyleg, seling, uea anti care,-as WilUa.sviserein to oblain <las môl redent, imiproveti' itueane mohishode for the preservation anti care off stock, the prevanlion of an>' disque anti rntoration cf bealili of borses, caI- le, sh.ap, avine anti pelr. Thal gi-est vanS tebcisauppiieti b>' tbe Worid Peblishin'gGO., off this o117. In elte preseet age of sxporting off live stock, i-len il conte no more for oess froigitt on a liesvy animal titan a liglit one, the inprovsmsnt off aur stock becomes doubiy imiportant. (O mesS off oui farcis ai- tolelefourni horst., cattîs, pige. poultry audccas- ioeally* a fev sbesp. WiIli p-opar' cane anti attention an>' of these animale yull acon double ln value. Te lit able le, detetl any disesse, bmnise or -injur>', at appîy ths proper remnedyi>', je - iaitel>' botter Iban an>' inenrance polie>. Thé Cianadian farmersa ai-e tee i-tiiin- formedti luneeti an> ilut-ationu as le boy mclimare profitable gooti hores caIlle, shetp avine, anti peuh->' are te ordinar>' one. The anIser off "Thce Illcairated Stock Doctor andi Lie 8foc c>Encopedia" for sncclislatht tille off tht work entier consideraie- J. anueol Manning, M.D-, y. B., le on. off tise apet ancaesful practidt afrmera anti breseetthofela.day, ae veli sa shilful Veterinary Surgeon, posseesing a lif. joug experience. Witi hlm, -le 1h. preparaîlon off tise vork, hassblcon asueciateti somne offlte mesS renovae& man in their particular departments, anti affier lengthetid laboeurs off yeare, Ihe>' have protiecet a book i-hidhile proncaceti b>' oui- hat juatigs te b. s near perfect-as possible. Neyer te oui knovledge libas au>' booka been gw thorougl>'illustraleti anti tht pointa off animalsee se noca-efal>'. Tht hie- toi-y cf esci breeti, illustrations off sylepteme istaIanti lest otages of dsîsee, ant irtiscions for Itaisent off the sansai-re minutel>' given in plain langisage, se simple L'bat anyoes eau undecutaud wvitlrecitties aliauld ble kepl ou banti anti how te mit anti ap- ply <hemn. Tht work i. divided injte 10 part., villa 57 chapters le ail. We douil if <bore is a fermer or steak ri-m er in the ceunir>' iho cannet learn sosnetincg in au>' off thoschaptre, vîtît mure mcuey ein i le u >ear than thtei-bois anal off tleb.ook. We trust che. publishers yl meent wit Ilical rewtt-d in prcuning large saies of Ihis indle.pensable farinons texl book that their etiepaise teserves. The fulewving tetimoniale, - freux semc off unr? best juetgs. peala for thomftelves. Tha>' bave carefall>' ex. aminet complote copies of lise i-tak, ant i nereti ont for tlir ove ust. Onstauio Agniculiaral College ant X- perimental Paru>, Guelpha, Pcb.,7, 1081. Téoh dia.WrlâPc'«bUc7ing COampau>j. Gue5lh: -GZacTaxXZXa,t-- have matiea cattul. et. aminatton ot your' neow work, oelt "Ilînstrad totSckciecorand Lîei oStock uenyclopadia.» On. >thousanti pagea le ont veliums bavicg 400 illustrations -devot- eti eztirel>'te informaionu onhorsts, caIlle, thaep, svlus andi ponhtry, la certain»' a citv fealure lu agriculturiliteralure- Tisas-obas long late a i-anbote lei uroB anti lAmeuco f visai 1shenitilike tocel TaeS Bi7ki on <bis'speciaibranch o! rtal' eno>,anti the i-ci- ncW befont uit', cs.th ne e tothis ides-at .cngettht -1 tarernettrencteanti the-t sutiec5guiai,4 I bave n iseetttîon whaiev.tinlureccu-i u>qaatding il thocurir uers a-4veJIl y te tht hi!aes, thcncugbly practlcAl at, i-balle ,me gives ,il greatet -valne, every çlsaP'cU -animýalais la audîstlulatoail, pointis anti 1>dging fullyexplained ani Illuinrateti, anti alieiàbeallèàh xanS diseas alyt*td In sbcrt,Ia Ibis sge t tsfStytstock mablas' y7oer vos-k la boendtitehave a vsry large air- cOlatton, and shoniti las lu the banda cf es-ifrt. Tous, iaithinly, W. 'BROWN.1 Professer et Agriculture cati Faim Super. - Mop gocu, GoUR.n 1t Towounie, Fan.. l4,88Lj1 To Mc Wo,-id PusithingCo, _gudsh:-_ thit UO suc a if be" fBî tePl qnesfic anythi Il iii lit seu cf l 'purin., esting andtinstictive. Il e is *thou ta.ex cag lonthea, moatýprocllcal venb, and con- <to tise taest asenni ef informaion off any-JbokthIe kind 1have' sean. I cain -heartl>' rcininend ti e o U epocisil>te lis >'c0n anti ictxperience -fearmera, vise v ii ie bswork cf greet ati vaniage anti meelagtaube lu almoat everytiig Isirtanlca -the thonuiogh working anti managemont TYonna, ver>' tral>' J. L. GI . linrri.thoroughbre* , ~A iecaila ortsorne, lmproeadberkslrpige,vwhite <Ihinese gesse, Pékin deLta andi Bronze lurlaty». Parlisment Baildin, Tee World PubU8isng-o.;,Gualplî. GENScr.-Frein tht hUnrist eiâtau>lalleuI have late able, in thteliteti -<U>e, ta giva leo >our bock. setut, "Tht hIlluetratoti Stock Door anti Live Steck Enayalepa- dia,"' I- have ce tionlt il vOl prove a meut valeabis acquisition. teonn aiultss 1it stature, *%aiIf oxteuslvtly clirclatedilU cat euly atisulale oui people te give moe attention te <eperiori sok buS yiU aise -matenially "etsi at egiingtli tcheir cars and maaaettbots et i iai amuais nee ýtist tlIai jcturs, vise lhestsock interesi abentidmccc lasceme cee of tise meut important iu tht country'. Vor>' trnlyours, - .wDBïEi, M.PP.. Baucuer anti breeien cf liseronghbr5das mitberocftht Ontario ÂAgricultursl Boardi ef Commnissinutns4- GuELro Ta..,Pas. 15 1881 To fte Wtmld Pubuieh<ng Cempang Gueliph. Ont. GzNta :-I have carufuil>' rena'Th e.I- luBtstaet Steak Docter andti ve Steak En- ayclcpSdia,'t Ublishetcla>'b ouanti editeti la> 3. Rusuil Maeing,- e . D,, V. 8.,mat cansaini ta vcrk -i-saa coutas a vaut ameunaioff very vsluasle information, anti iborongsl>' sractîcal funggestlonu on tht. breetiing anti treaiment etftdra>ttic an- mals. The book ilaoee Wbich -Ïâouldi bo Icent inlethd hanaof eor>' fermer,stock- an POeltry eveer tlanenghoet lheflaéminios. Notbing thai alarmer tantio pays him se veli au thoeluaprovement et bas stock, anti ie eveyy>' as. -bshn 1h bas latts is 11> tien t lmba paid ene huntireti folti. By'fat- ioving lb. instructions le Ibis bock no mis- 'bae "Dan e nisie. - Evîr' day a asi r - ipende ina île peral i-hIl ibemure te show itusîf la the lsproemint "et bis stokt-anti a bellon ku -eï o'stige o<hit taré. -Ils useà te tallai-the paa lon; siprections con- tainatigl n .bo;k - - - - - Beupecttsiy nre, - t > B-ITEýLAW. Memubeof ethe Ontario AgrlautualCom- mission, imperirtë-îàtibretir cf etaétt ahetp anti Durham dale. _- - GOELPEf, 15TUIMFa..,,188L 'Waold Publîlaing Com~any, Gualjsh 1 GmsssTr.rauN,-I tbnk J. B. Manilas book calleti*'ThteIllstrafltiSweak, Dactor anti Saetock IEna>'lopoe&i,"' from wibat I have seen cf it, a ver>'useful vonla fer brooeors anti farmers te iayo$o réfer t. I s, u>gotismuen, ~ Importer anti lreeder- cf Shoztbere anti Herefordi catlle, (lotaVoldi anti Sontbiowa sbeep aniBmnlchire ant i ilwhite breeti et pige, ccd SnfclkbOnsea7ý -Gazerai, lSrg Fs 81 Wat.-UiPcctfiàntng Co., 0=61 h ca: GareNSi-Mftsr Fap transi o! our Lave Stock EncyclapSdia I beg te siate <bat I Sund le il a greai quanuil>' efpractical infer- mation vbicb I -coneiter oet veaybig#,valna anti Ines-est te <ho stock lareters, cuti shoula'btin etht Sanda et ever> fermer. - Deer Sir, Tou"stri' Lecturer ou Veterinar>' Scicuco, t)ntarje College cf Agriculture. Hanse off lustny and Refuge 'Ques- lien. Te fthe Editea cf t/se Whilby Ckiou- I see b>' Ibe "Observer" cf lite 101h Felrina>lait, tibat soinspen- son b ia tîscpteti te apeala fer -tise Ioweshlps off Beach, Brocka ant ir- bridge, on lts Poo;, Hôuesquéition. No -donit tht rýepFeatatativea off lie townships I baàvos-efciretito are -bull>' comýpetffetto ,rspi-esen< - hhsir- onehie- mhou gei msatiussatômr> mainer of fornthe poor? POnr poor acW aîsasing, ae-t lalikel>' le, do Reais coieundidsenvea great tie careffal ant i -aonemicaI li>' trans-cait.he hanees toweiip:. b*l ou Ibhis aibji triJe> i -The crsutàhae itrse t*ar, loe sdeatia. Hilisero- <h. attempta upon hi. lifet.hatiheet lnneffecmeral.a~ tbongis hi.secapsappered 111<1.short ofmmaccls.on -Snay afberoon a. tise Emprr va :etrnngfi=n paae n<a-MXichael Maagwea homb va. <lrovu viicis expioadt ntier tisé Czar'. cardage, vbich vas Coiiderahly damoat. Th.,Czar aiighted u=huat, lbut asonêd b o ab explodetialaislet, sattreti hoth lesbelow thse anuenti infliciing ctber terrible injuris. The Czar vas im éie>convoyeti neon. diçdsti~4.80., TvWo Persons are con-, henènet lie rime,esoff viss a a ieti immeédiateiy. Tii.explosion*ai. *o ~ ~ ~ u kilt a flrad<o Cossaks, sudl <eau> poliemn and ti osonpoisons Tii. imperial carniage vas altach.ti on tbhe katsrinofsky canal, opposite <ho impenial stables, while thée Empsroi vas rèturnngwitia the Grand Daee 'Michael frtîm tht Miohasl palace leua clemeti U<iagwb.sscoiisd b>' igisi Cois- ada.Tht ii-st hôciibail ceai tht car- niage, detioying tht hack part off it. Tht Czar-ant iesbrollasi aiigited n.- injureti. Tht, Mansin ce i>iug scizeti by a colonel o'f %os trev a revolver, but vas prsvtced-'fom Bing.  sec- oncl bombl vasthet tl'r*i y anosher -psrsen, anti fslelU lh'z sfe*S. Ils explosion shattelflýW*loth-' hiâelegs the Czarîfeil crying fnt'½elp- doxeÏ Dorjibsky, thoug> himaà Uf' huah-hrt, naiseti tht Esapsior, vbo vaa cenrayeti te tht vicIer palace iic Dosjii>eky's aisig>. Large aiowda asuzbetibefere th. palace, but vere kept back, by a i-cep of Ocasacla- Tht inpriail> ver, al assembied ti ittsshb Tht Cneunli of Stale vas immmedaiel>' convenoti. AUlp lacie off peaiJi mort are glosed. »The Officiel M6tseecg m»alae b. lolloviung announ«es e. . -"1Gods iiha. beu donc. Ai .25 -<hie iafgarnioon thteÂlmighlv cilm il.h Bmpener <o lamsesIf. à Afev mnuLus bet6me hie deall ibie Empanct redbiveti thse sacraen"- The (eW C zar off AU The R4aslas. Alexander III ha. sebe preclaimeti Pàipenr ,anti autocritl ol heb Busolaé., -The -Irpenial anifesto vas prmngated Wcii onda>' and isasfl -W., b>' tlisgrass of QGod, Aleiander IIEm sror udanti Airal off aulthe 8zroff Pehiit, Grand Dcii. of, Finlande 515i.i hetby mniieo'huovs tte lfaifistil &jeefithat- it pleaet the AlmlghtylaMlI&fs aercahle vWi to vieil ~ ~ ~ -bo Rn.a i> evy110 !fate,%" andi oel.lier belieffater, Alexander I., te him . L1t H.Ré1111' lthe bande off un- pions mui-dermrs, vhç - rpèàtèà1i souglit hWiip.rsioi» 1f., ati ade lifeir attempisba isl.'saw la 'hum lb.h prolsotor of BRuse is- flontidaon off ber grestaeeaa- end - ptbiHOfthitie velfare -cf iss ia'Ë n pc'Id lE'Lt us bew4o te 'lise nfalfaon>abiGlil th<le Divin Provdenceantioffer I te Aligisty oui- pftydtafr lise fn»M o« tht pure seul of eo«. bslord. eà ai vs a.csndti tehthro..f ' i.hdi lienthfren ont forefaileg <b. ailrou off tise Banian Empfi e andy< ais diom aai il-,DukçdpM -bjàil cosigoWe,,lh,<ýt. , el ui&d tia heavy bei-ten vhè ci Gotiimjposeef>cua- us vih lrm »relince - upon i A- miglt>'hslp. Ma>'blisaont - vorl eh v elfare off ont beoveti faiherianti, anti4, ide our esegth for' the -happi- aras of au'ner Idihifudl>hiatn, lu te-

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