Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1881, p. 1

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TUE XqlfBY ýR ,,JIlNIULEfI Le. 14 rIO I Tsermioe - é - $1 60, a pal' A.61 num5 8ta.ementi çcué u op4lù lueurtiand oïn sé.. a,.eoh1 su«sa iénrît in 149t4oa:: terptocalteitfMétn, incl ipeclacootraotsa aé vth ativértln, ty l. yéar, or utherwise. .Ordéisto tilsoaninni advtrtiemnts .unat héinu*Weting. dusine8e sDirec tory. ONTAIO BANK, WHIITBY BRÂNOH, TIIOXAS DOW, PAIIBWELL & RUTLEDGE, 3 &RISTEUS, ATT~ORNEYS, SOLI- icitacs, Notaýr1isPubli, »adCovy Q6cefing t- ~door out.b of Ghe Royal - jAME8 RUTLBDGE, BA. J. IL. PARBWELT4L. L, B., Oounty Crowu Attorney. .48 MESERS ITORD) & BILLINOS BARRISTERS &ATTORNEYS AT, LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCE RY t&C GH. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, Toronto. Witby. O'SIJLLIVAN EtPERDUE, ARISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLIO. TOe NOTAII.S, &c., &c. OFFICES 72 Tange Street, naxt thé Doinion Blank. atid Corner King andi Tonga, Streetés, Toronto. 0. A. O'8UJ.tIYAN. W. E. PERDUE. Octobir 23e,, 18Ã". ly.45 CAMEIGON, ÂIPPELDIE &Ne- M'ILLI PS, DARRISTEIIS, Attornayeatý-Law, andi B> Solicitora ta Ohancery, No. 4 Toronto streaI, Toronto. HECTOR OAURON, Q.., B. S. APPELE, JAMES KETH GORDON, ARRISTEIt & ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, I3Solicitar ln Chancery, Convoyancer, Notary Publie, &o. Offie-Dundan -St., lret door west of Armotrong's Hotél. Money to Loan-Private fund-at loy înterest. jOHN A. MoGILLIVRÀY, (sucoéssor ta H. M. Hèvteil.) BARRIBR & ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, BNotaryj Public, dc. Solicitor for the Dominion Blank. Otle-Nxit door ta Mansion Houée, Urbrîtdgé, Ont. -28 CLA.RLES C. KELLERt, \TTORNRX.ÂT.LÂW, SOLICITOR IN on, Brok.C"t* *. anl L. T. BARCLAY, A TTORNBY-AT -LAW, SOLICITOR iu Cbsnaery anti Intolvency, Convep. sucer, &o., &o. - LYMAN INOLLII, L L. B.,, I ARRISTERt AT LAW, SOLICITOR lE o Striat, Oshawa.. DAVID ORNISTON, Il. A, A TTORtNET-AT-1-AW, SOLICITOR IN Chaicea7, Convayancer, &o. 0,-ia-nuthé Office outît af thé Post Office, lunMMIlan'a iook, Brook Streét, whitby. iy.lO JOhIN DALL DOWV, BARIlISTERI-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR Blun Chacoéry, Couvayancer, &-o. Offc-Deveriiié Block. Brook Street, Whllby. MONBT TO LEND-Prlvata Fonda- lu suma up ta 0800, ah a loy rata af L lérait. (ly-as1 ROBINSON & KENT, (Lera Dnooaau dzRosmn.) BARRI8TEIL8.AT-LÂW, A TTO RN. Beya, Solotors. Convayanoors, ho. OFPICE.-In Victoria Chambeia, No. 9. Victoia Street. J.G. Ba*îmaon, x.s. aHiSBU'r A. B. Rase. JN'O. U. KELLEY, B AURISTER- AT - LAW SOLICITOR B. iu Chaiueny sud I»aoveuay couvey suake, o Oc-Deverili's Block; Brook: Go YOIING SMITH, L L. B., >ÃŽser ot Mariagé Licénses. Ornas-Cvr Dominion Batk, Whitby. Tan. 991878. -(tf-8 B. . GALBRAITH, 8.1., -fRADU ATE oi -gneean's ani Victoria 'G.7 Ulversities, bomber of thé Coilegé of Physiolana and- Surgeons, Ontario. Opniez-rock-Sl., Wbitby, Ont., (threa dacesaouthh cf Royal Hote»). ly-46 CIDEGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, tByron Street, Wbiîby. Wm. moRiEN, B.D., M.R.C.B., GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., cxthé eya R. . H. L, Oshawa, Ontario. c ARD. ÙIt. IBOG ART,' pbyai&la, Surgeon, Accoooher, &o., ho. Whllbye Sept. 801, 1874. 40 W. ADAMS, RD: OOYaU Y M 1c-SH JAMN' Pt Oo"agl toraDuntik-it.,Whty offict boar nn9csm. tai12ni., et ,fro 1.80 tSp.M. Réldc--cor, of Byton anti = beO tr#feté.' C, NYARUé'LD-.S. ans nov bb King 81w JLL0 - UW - t Wfh al rinte d words, gmec) tbbUgW1h,"le4d un=king 4Ia180TY, ýPeA r imn VOL. XXV. COMEROilAL HOTZL sua STABLBE, JOHNMcJ4B,... PBOPIBTOt.- The best f*1o abaiO Iielu the citYd only Ivo boks frora r ap ls t M téMrkeï. Thé,. Boume bas beeéneuwif MURS. WALKEY'8 TEMPERANCE HO USE, DUNDAS-ST1IEET, wHITBY. Gooti acoommodiam-tlo Iroasonable terme. Boardero 82.50 par we.k. 45 R OBSN HOUSE.-TOBONTO, ONT. The Palace Hlotal ot Canada ROlIttted, Raiurnhed, andiUnrvailet. New P&8san. gar Elevator, ruaninjiIht and day. Thé onâvr canHtln(Cniawt radu- &te r sivis.OS,82.60, and 08 por day. Memo',' f Clband others, desring rooms, vithout board, Si te 8U per day. MARK N]. IRISH1, Feb. 27th, 878. Proprietor. ROYAL BOTBL, WH1T13T., Thé aboyae hotal bas'bien Ïboroufly rénovateti and reiuruislied, aud ia no nun- decr the mmaagment cf tINO. MACEfli (lormery of St, Lawrenaa Hal4Port IHope. Lvery attention paditegueits. Esprcallr goed arm.pe oosfor Com.. B3 IITIBE AMERICAN HOTEL, (LAYE 3,0180X sanas.)- WUI T BY , 0N T A B 1 Rouse newly renuyated and f urnihet througbout, andI put in first-class ordar for the recaption of gueslé. An omnibus ta andi fromn ail trains. Firut-elasu sample rooms. Q IÂKE SPE ARE HO0T EL, k>Cor. Kg & York.ste., Toronto, Ont. J. A. O'GRADY. - PROPRIE TOB. WIIIBYPjROINC F NAý) CýHILN-A HA i..L,I NJRNl aloi? orTEMMBIGJUG (xa0i$TEEm) r71 KING-BT. EAST TORiONTO. <TUOPRES Mu tuai InsuranceCo'y, I anoy Diýnner MudfDessert Sets. Faînay Bet-room Sols. Tanoy Juga anti Teapots. Silvar Plateai nivea, Parka anS Spoans. Culver Plated Cruels anti Butter Corers. ClIver PIsteS lakBakelé. Blodgero' Enlias anti Parka. Tas Trays ant Serrera. Ployer Shades for Lily's, ho., &o., Gîavare, aIl descriptions. WhteStonue van., very kinti. ESte! anti Bar Goadas. GLOVER HARRISON, Importer.' Dominion Wood Works, WHITIBV. - Geo. Cýormnack, Y UMBItR MERCUANT h&IIUIDER. I- ..-A large auply of Bufldewa'urniah- îngs, sud aIl kintis oH Twîstati Molctlngs, Dcra, Saab anti EllnUa Ldm 1 BEtiO hoeale andti t-l, or by by thecaeu a0". Élgnlng, Mfouldings cf noir descapa- tlon; PFbeeing, Sbeoîlug, Sbolvlng, Rea- snvi!mg, Sbaping. 'Purnlng. Serol-,ork, i etC , e. Wbitby, Oct. 16tb, 1878. -a8 M ONZY TO LEND. - Théunud«ees a dhem eny amonnt al Mon' &y7t le Lnt upan Tarin or Tovn Pcoperty. at uuuasy Loy Bat," ai Inlenest. Los»seau bé repald in ums tasuithbor- Several Imptavd Farmea dWUldLands fo le obmeat. mata in Municipal Dabin- tu-elBank, andi ohher mrketstable Stocks. Vfon urlhen particularsa ppiy ta JAMES HOLDEN, APri h, 18M9. w Tr.nacs, 81.80 s'il DAy. - (y-47) ________________ P OST OFFICE SALOON, Toaaréro. ent. THE BEST ACCOMMlODiATION.o for Ouests ily-471 O NTARW B 7'rEL JAMES T. JEWELL, Proprietor.' (Late ai the pipiaig Hatl, Toronto) Goot Liquors ant i Cgars. Cimmodione Stabling. Flrstolaas Livény Stable anti Bîlliarti Parlour attachat. ly-la OSHIAWA BOUSE, KtING IcraEST, aSEA. H. CHESTER, - - Proprietor. Thtitnree-étory, large sud commodiont Hanse is.rafittd anti funiselitetasuit tbe ,vants of thé travelling publi. Table sup. pilS vththechocnt of thé season. The bar uppieS vtlb thébitbranda, liqor ati igxs Bs t scEfrIm ata- Anpe.stbierom, aretni ostiers. T liE QUBEN's UTL Bnocx 8mmai, Wîusr. PHILL:P MCCflN. - -Prrtar Bait Liquora 'ant i Cgare. AwvaU su- plilet tabla. Airy heti-rooms. Comfortable stabliing sud large yard mre. Chargea moderate -8U WHIT BY HOUS]E DUNDAS-87, WHI1TBY. Théunucicriguati voulti intmae t theGb pul>iio chat tea sita.pramisea bava boee newiy bit au at fitted np throungliont for thé accommnodaion ai guéstad. ient iVines. Liquore anti Cigari. *TH-E ORCAM 0F CANADA-WALZ t.AlEit. Ma pure lihina Winé. Luge, Whole. sale ant i ittail. )Boardera tabou by the yack on moder. e terus. JOSEPII A. BANDELL. Juiy, 231h 1880.82 «B LACS. ISuRSE 110111L, CM. Faoxn* GanezSauC., TORONTO., ALFRED OXFORD, - FJHOPBTOa. (Late of Weingtcu HoteI0 Markham.) TERKE, 11.00 TEE DAY. Gond stabi lug for aven 0BW rsés. First-eiasa acom-; modation foi famers andt he ravqliUn public in genersi. (7 L 1-V -E By 1! T RH LIVEIIT BUSINESS vilin futures hi cariaton, by vme'ait tb. iSplaue Royal hotel, anti I reuioftl solait thé paktronage et thé publie-(c-Josaat comiortable vaRiîoe. -i épI. 151h 187. - J. CI. TRINGLE. .80 RJU. MATES, Newipaper' M ê,dvertislug Agent# 41 P&rký ltov (,Flancs Building), Neer York, te autlortsad-tutralact-for ,diveriése. méats -tu lteCHILOJICLE ut onc beut rates. Outluinlto Ire,,vit flin l- ,1 , GatUOUloS foi condnotluag thé inosl profitable bosineu: that ayn caii engage jr..Tébui .s aB ay tai laru, sud aur instructions areseoim"ple1 anti plain, tbat any one Can mls gréai, prulta Izom the alant. ,.140one cao faiX vii te villlug tb yack. Womcu aam'" ,mucceff- fal asmann. Boysandtgirl a eu uage semas. Meny baye tuïa aIGe'balénas aven one huninati dollars lu aa onlugis wak- Nothlug like At eve n kovu »eore, -AU Who fingagmean e uutrp lit t he saueanti rapidity vlth b t4ley ana ahble omake xn=eay> o coéng l h16busineas dutrogygufs t lie cI <rel profitïon -Qnt ae fuyait cspG*inluIL.- W' -nie-k.l te wzh--nS&ti 4. formisbil . -frac.AdressTaus 'o. MONEY TO LOA-N -ppyto- --.-- W. il. BILLINGB,, - SOffice avecOntario Bank,,,- ARCHIE'I CTURE! DRAWING AND SPECIFICATION BUILDUI OS Promptly pre Med vltielw-to Eaonomy CHURCH ANDHI! C110ARCHITECTURE A Correspondence Rcspectfuily Solicted Hl. B. BàaBER, Architeet, &i., Osblawa, Ont. A. A. PO ST, (laW with Lauglay, Langlcy & Bock., Toronto.) ARCHITECT. Dosigna for Churcbq" Villas end Cottages m aclng aiting structure«. Osnca, for the pIreut, at his resdeanca on KîngstonRodPokSeing. 44tf P. 0. Box 2M2 Wurrr. 'vurtaig Bureau <10 spinon St.), vbre aS- .rtisng contracte -mal ba matie for îtw M0N~ TOLOAN!1 *llO"*O FOR INVEBT MENT. At loav ilvig rus of lntsssst. Apply ta. Wlitby, Tebruary I8tb, 188. 0- WHrrBY, ONT-ARIO,- LEA THER_ AND ' .FINDI Cu ashpefor iSsBart %na Les rylHs COMPANY tinurm Tarin BuiS-. 1 n u Country , Churche 8Shool Houé,B sudtheir Contents at raies as Law a% hs o n welI.estaLzsed Cip tunCanada. JUST LOSSES PROMPTLY P&ID. J. B. BICKELL, JOUX WILL18, Preuidnt. YLoa-preaident4 C. NOO7R8E, Suemrzr. Wbitby, Apri l 87. -16 Lombard St. and Cbaring Cross, Loclon. POTA13LIBRID IN1782. Agents for Cuanaa. Manager,.Motrée A GENOY ERSTABLISHE! IN ýCANA-ý DA bI- i. Uniluttiffl ehIlty of ail tb. 8tookbolders, and large Réserv ponds. Moderat ratés of prwdwtn. C. NOUESE, Agent Wlaitby. WhlGby, AgiR G90,41878.16 Asgup'anoe Company. INCORPORATZD 1833. ASi E T 8, $1,101,878 94. F. A. BALT,, tusuraneoi efeéffl t thi lvat aut rates on Buileings, Marcbaudise, ahaoter proparty, again*tloa or daniagé b3' ers. Agent, Wbitby. Whitby, Apnil Gth. 1878.le P EPHRU5QUIDR àuuim ON TONKI cteu an unvsryungaxuonut cf quinine snti trou. It rosms uesnI lte paveraoaithé»s veinable tonles lu banisbing tisa sudat svnnptaus trSeeéble te weahn.s. la low étaie et thenrvons suatem. enfeabled condition of the body, andi éarangement of thé gênerai JDEPPrrItl$ Q17XMEIlli wn MION ffl00 Istreugtbmn- thé narvons &W maticuler eyntent, improa iesin nias heil rmte affect oahbot ciimsdtes this tante 1l nàvable ily-8 TEPPER~S QUIME "mu MONS 7051 p rousa. andi deseiopstbe nérmoesenérgles, nicathlnd. toot plte TeaàI orglanm&. i. s. écie rémedy -Jor neusi' anS.& ilaaiofavenor0f eVexy hini. ht aections, antiluwat us meé aous tendencles. d. 0Ph wo l4ani ra inigwtad by Pétres Taule, th menta faontiésebngb*to-nadthe constitutogrtl Srtb ne. andi a rêert a orbetét lie on thé labl. Thaistuané *f» o o etai Iu affect sn Péaes inin 1a4.0o. tgi and W. colonis, ïnd beiu1athi condition. lyn. Thi ouibyo.Peper L 0da. oi roeik.snv w "nti c I, 1 n&o mal for hé urof déepl ;.biIsns. ni -9» syp bs0 ongéto théb lier, hie zeade.c8. ro 04ln-s.me appéttes uret touetie, dlssgreeabie tasto lutaé uoenlnm fdI00 Iiés, éurbancé 01 thé StOnzaeb, a aeling ofm setsidepreselot êsts thé sdeg- aisb lir lu motion, TvoIrllgty 4.a h bavaeis. gIving, a sse of baita"d comfcft vtin 94 boums hI. ithé saast i =*Mcn. oly by J. PZ"PP aludlbEaey 2.8d.&sud l. . &Sa t fycEClipést. niet taluable and essentialmic ielx11- dia. Antaila. thé Capé. anti Colonies ganar. cm vldrégébafr, an-Jluhlnaf am 'apeeybiSMbaethé naturéi lou afetl tpno ltIas prodieéti b m a- u étnmeudP, %anti do-notns na s Xu. orebaharetrua. y abatde, aud tg 8ltayhinnltm . Eeomn- 17. 1881. MÈHRE 18 MONEY 1Nf " -.È ~ r4nBaic acanagh MME lan ~o4pre~ lajocapitale YOVG ~ pionlae oan~ t 2-':hî- > ~ 5 d eorl e cold mile outithe e est ant 4ovnjuet$o tale ofur' Atnghlha ~ , ÇfclW :pintéd Ii allçr type, BUSINESS EJCTIN ~- iùd-use rî4-h tet - Phan 8o~~~' sfr-le les- tXuibeied u hd roaa he Irit ahould "nte t a is RE h corsdhjilpt-xpa.tuutcfonii.val 1 PANTON, propniatori c iobé --"uSgid C'seciai îsam, 1 5ie egTug it te fr5mn.Soor, jlta,0uand yS ehawment W&£ the action that Bo, foiocirculer aontalulng ftuUpamins. (do Irteilaba' gl'en me; tome, Tam, ow Xifld1ti éas g sdinry iio TUE U~~E Til~t~, .fniy pnérsdSet n.yooi d as llediii soi.a Mph w offqui=yy up ahanii. wund 0054' votihiha.v bien e s hve dropp- 1 Wtue' e. oabo ixéd ie obn-of th.eIlioi, but oeai SAVINGS AiNII0u 'IA C~A~ u'an yéort fa eàton rbad hm omesdol éýscdidlhegoch i 4 hé sm. phbo00came ilteMurpby*as feo, Authorlzed Caplftgs)'I2;OOO0oqoA-" à 91, nq o snp4lyï as ihough bou »o Offce, No.-79 Cbnrcb-8 eoou.. tý, - nlii ot tviooaddh 'mtl - >M QhelSW "CoulisTom, mitij e 5oâthf ai boy tâoinpthe only ý D I R.E O TQ.R .B- aýinie ani vepolithshws h bath pker,' -të cap .ibq d --saç i, oonbv;noed that vti inz iue .HDN. FRANK SITH. seeiàtot', Prewldeut, pit, hovur-oveGidefn:bfifo 'Tu EUGENE O'KEEf E,BRsq, -vice president. IThore'i â sud a acone,l mie lt ouint c at, oevr dd- -ot ari., PATRICK HUOHES, Rsq-I . WTIELY,Resq, 0 7Oiil ~u<I *M rermaluci elow, doubtlaspag. JOH iYÏ Ofltàù 4ào-90 4>,--Mr , Mnlvanèe, ILI - Q"'uo' b" le'sgu-aO4a4uhwba oios elput.e rpogtol. - . n $be vivloa e~dleé ml vasele -Weaiho. hoitpoiuted 'ont Pl Mcméy lané~ o Monigge atioçat, sd c teri - thée otice7t1h Dlok's atuiz, r n. éO!*1io8,'1.dO» toxnaQp '4m, 1 Ival, Tam véwe <ni dsa'ad 'noa ol~i-~~- , cu~ne sho va vitâitha art of re~& 76i katie-W4-I aei- ia:nllsft gçgne0 1iiWaati oa, orouldd Fors fethr axleiaufi cou,- -.'tbi (ilsJhzea I. t ü - o:cl A2oil-aoemd aedc A . . pO U 4 o gi b tut yeu, n m ; by- %n ight s ngo u hlm thé futility, if nual 'P re- slaeùs~nodaono amaki, a busnes ineanmgI!l'.e *&*-w i ohluptotii.ras raboocs4 bv iample mthod of olpéning bis JStocks. FnteIl stin~yurigio»aredas théesar. s ne à bIdra.a doY'ud senig iacn >oude,661hBà edq Xi O. Shn cpoÏIirha d iftd aIu illiâio,vwhtob>,àunder te circua. - As b~ V» fi onWamb.êi t~ s a éaosÇ bdmigiiéwe e ecused for The Greit Blàod Pifiera raupti i Novupfnabi chirTamjuupu v s~eï "Hkbowit too umaCh," nrged Mur- -- fHlifTflsft M'héiidhuhigbu&astheeoooobar ivih.àgrovl ike .that cf 'a vilS 14- 10I 1 s) Thé wovrose A F ieïîhr ie-Lesî "Ad o,,lîasamevihd1 - '~Yé'il ay hie îv~ lps>d redin yoerc, na togit obi,"so a ~2îfn2dI2 - f ts I - - - ,àtlatign 'Gandbut ualtamited-by cJWayiiiu- usi f hioh lue haci heard,. l ti 'AN]), -- Muby L oa te)*'Ho knows anougb AND ?ILL. MAS'lER teb bng-ns." -- Onaranteetito bag n-e-<aillbloÏ cure forne Rerotula in Ita vaxat -forma, stubboun, eoUce. de ontbn b itnrcudul deep-aeated VIcierag ty#bltle, pir, - - calaith, ut whioh séeai o'esrryo Secpdaxy ud f erlenry 1Tumoa UPEni.wlltvî L Mipvi! iecn Erupisons, Oit SÉorisRbeualossom,- nud, lu tance stii hbuabeti, buk-.not anti &Il tisass arnot0es produceti by badl. A LOVE t '1DàL in6dibie,, "yen are net in 701owuüc blond or humors. . Mv nalae111 jamultad Robarini land, rameaubr; sud, by addiuîg c BRISTOL'8 8UGAR-COATED 'PluS jorror, Ris thonghla iuetuanilyfiylug to nev cnimo 1etentosr, yen vili anly CURE ALL LIVRE <IOMPLAINTS. the collage in the foret, and pîoîuning morèasse Ghe danger to tho young mast- For sale by ail Druaansd Dealer oinLizzie*a face wahénasite ahouid came tago r. 'Yen are ont ohfypar minci, Dick- M.dI~inas. i biensualit dingé cf bon lover. I"Bsuad itAignet far yen hava Iu, go fiAa Fery aIS So & awr nône; that insimpossible ; yen are lyiug -rIwOuud, suY. Iesdas, that noueA Pemeais Sn Lwenebut iltai dthltk f-murclering - totrasi, Soue Agentt. ; Don't, yau u»s uohbanc! worm, my, a 1poor i lid, 1k. thet- hoccosus. cf a meucingiy. If hay b&ven'got yaur Jo(g"rtr.dMrh, u>ole 1 p - Cash For Grain Produce "aa"" é 'gl a de1ion1 ppin ooihma IwU.uy ibi las 1f..If lb.gcllows reaui7,IU pll,.inooont'YOnng felIo Thé undersgnad - - i will b-b e: . ý-wgoadly oi 0 brikc tmi1o. 9'Pn Th.adr ipel sprapanatbcGopay theIlhapetbls nItht Yanng, h1"d1i -tpontS. lna a onsidieable st- HIGHST IIIE FO ibsibr tviob Il~forbIl and Iraction, -te. poily oone -Waho u HIGREST B= FOR aglRtbîCibb;ra«bs 8jtr- wanuý-êtl>uunrnad net uP ouaàk»ep-.1 ]BARLET, - elf.! -SB, vbat!i,- in, jêré' %fio, lie j1. I---------- - FaU and fiAT angas 1c Mouge., ndopeik-your lpa Xan ougbîthe waw-,eiaento sa. tbody aboutpi!ha l mppeg.sdbLeelui# tus eodl. io,-vd U lert B2lakey.Ill , -!,[, e t'riavilà >iiL;s f anyone vbois - valteti for a mxomtent,, as if 'h5~~tuialiiIoohs-o byhav- CWipIyl , n NeWving uuiip, tres4baifl $bonI if l-a h-only ;poet.j N. B.-Farmmers ala b gave srpO f.ha&. ao ii!E ém-Ti eisy, 'And ingth Ibrely cltias uvel augood.uiigbt,éî e cel <,»lno very' eeit 4nb'"-- - i bniglit. -- teaiiily ont ,ofthe rcoî».ý Robantrt vas oear-.sudanger tIq.hlinwI, - j.B.LOG lisèeoSméebhaially to-bhis# f,0àt B ,for the presant naI1saat, vAs ove a" ~ "h, l, mb,1. 'sbe aasgeitlOaii, ,and-tI oe RWIttycts&bÇd a aL - violent cIoaîi îýig o ' aor. a h oi ha!4$a : Tb.'Lusb e,1t h"rdlad' de: l0V4.pauigée a tan. uveerpp., IMPORTANT, NOTICE I > priveS blni-not only of a eâ ~, but cf Itwas ines& vith om Jte ear. -the power of raitianat rýoun. j'. raimet ÏAt o.i ani.abûda TO 4ULL WHO IT M4Y ;CQiy likly-woibl, ltIndot-as ilt ics itolthe itting.roontto aetthe 01iil - illd. n4Abovea» O uqon, gE-Witb jà but balfif &wui boge-entéie, tîehéej T HEEET ivonotiethi fv nobe couipsuous of a fev bon",4le-:l»,ýiS note t i Alioah; ni., r. nauanible fori suy ordm 5orDuè Blia doubh iti l b.léit;- anS 'tlio %boock vlthoult ja»s h isp1 a . ilven bje my Patiders or Agnst or for Sy w ovérvbeitnla, tIéaeué an f snpnaiy<igh-ltsis.- I doles onWaotdbitem-shy nit on lis Dt11~4fr4EgUh _______ te àiiultibish éIllitI bla Ilal NQ.1 4Coua Pc, for' vben, aller sme Ia t ;- be venlauredt :very, gqutly .tox» .the, bebI, il vas Aosworëýe, net slnons, iyibe vido Y" ii t y 0bmait of-al vaîJaý who-4h1éetIy prcceaded la remave 'ca dMi,yo -sbontid plAneGio viaut auY.ý bhing, itlu in is-is te-getl i for e. 'AÀt thie hMr., Munphy -lobkeS îathor tohutlfor ré. minute, or Avo, sud béÈa wi(b,t4 it a? Lfa: man vhb as mx&ada-p imndn-n npa Bnb u- adI;, obuobed ieér nuder-the4,hm. n bÏe.e -ban, faili ho Gb. -wisy-ale. id we h vlipathos, -"lter. e s-.outhicg foubol ate était. ta -vhat l otr .-'Ha0c itao11111bout noont, anS l6en mioad "e-110, mp.tircu,4ppa time, elitb IRé-yûuog;ýmster. - Raottbr- - bat lieu -Murphy 1bSkok -bis trm gan4i tcuIld biae»pated-lhit rougl i!§s wm tie, l'ad cl<w- bacok< s -ri at aill. ,- - - M rrpýý- gâl iaiomacf lteuiy0 u -ut pdrhaps, raflotiog LitI thare vap. mit bapoip nSii2psi8,~P & aahs y1u fat'as-haneanl eh 'sît wabe uli ' vhcq and c, red thenItiiéipHga etreetè tbel- tha river, sud likse- ulof ila feIlhwFa-, has à disusdad sd- - malancho)ly -àiri thores littis aor. o unifia luin -itRaks - s eébp Do it litecomp osaS 'albolly,,-d( nghbila. At the river euS oft--bé :r figtires in thé- parlor windov ; but n- ali aide ef the dtbbniy bioh ,usdll'- latpanar sltdlanalea of- li dffreut tnne h bot" - béi let iafeo A n fIhe.sa -doora the> cait stapped, suc! Mr. Molphy- and', is onceae ntratdho-th sepa, mon8g. whicli ho natorailly oÃ"es fôèrt Ibat cf Waang S;b.vs eot'plseid té -Sud il abseM~. > Theý llp to 'RSir. n"ec-cary d&Ï7, as carnion astoirelses. are apt tobe-and only alôppeti - vheuu liea" taia IP d-*AbsthetbirS½fià9tei su-oaci or mue caran, se 1 do wt,, - Il wll asdbalgl5~1~b atI'bid Mr. Denton. semîL1n,:î!u 'il! ;ot camplimuhary,t Me, hat t-b0. 1 f y e ¶ »YY9 u shntiavzcled thàt, 4bh gh- e PrFaubiivcnld ziOt o n é dtbêhw 1 - at.rig'l ý au ji l eoe gaîleti sr, h' - ji i,Éfý anSýeied .,obail, simpy'iT 'and fi ha a01 m et your sar»ii."- - "Vèry goot;tinit--htid I ey uste-ewvords toak ablaMon- A$~axlameton.,i Inih re -brake.- pal t e uscf alarm sud barrOr.-' -- .iituni. afraid t. ni y v eaadine. an. tbis lB LUMBEReI_ LUMBER-, . C J0aifHNSO0.N, L'UMBE R t UndAXIM ,;,1 it Bc oe' :BELTING "iL&DE TU OaDE-O. THOS. SLEIGHY HIOTSE & 'SIGN, TU PAINTER, T - -Osunov befounêlm& ah iop- r. e. i eU 3q-ii fijîýý il à li - 1 1-111, 1 lý4 llil 1 ý

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